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A novel artificial chaperone system using a combination of detergents and alginate was developed to refold three enzymes with totally different structures. Upon dilution of denatured protein in the presence of the capturing agent, complexes of the detergent and non-native protein molecules are formed and thereby the formation of protein aggregates is prevented. The so-called captured protein is unable to refold from the detergent-protein complex states unless a stripping agent is used to gradually remove the detergent molecules. In that respect, we used alginate, a linear copolymer of d-mannuronic acid and l-guluronic acid, to initiate and complete the refolding process. The results indicated that the extent of refolding assistance for the proteins was different due to detergent structure and also the length of hydrophobic portion of each detergent. These observed differences were attributed to the strong electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions among the capturing and stripping agents used in this investigation. Based on this newly developed method, it is expected that the protein refolding operation can be achieved easily, cheaply and efficiently.  相似文献   

Protein refolding constitutes a crucial process for recombinant proteins. We report here on the development of a multifunctional refolding additive, glutathione ethyl ester (GSHEE), prepared from a redox reagent glutathione and an amino acid ethyl ester, an aggregation suppressor. Compared to glutathione, GSHEE showed 3.2-fold higher efficiency for the refolding yield of hen egg lysozyme. More importantly, a low concentration of GSHEE is more effective for refolding than conventional additives, such as amino acid ethyl esters by two orders of magnitude. The high potency of GSHEE makes it a candidate for use as a refolding additive for use in conjunction with reduced and denatured proteins.  相似文献   

Deinococcus radiodurans R1 exposed to a lethal dose of cadmium shows differential expression of a large number of genes, including frnE (drfrnE) and some of those involved in DNA repair and oxidative stress tolerance. The drfrnE::nptII mutant of D. radiodurans showed growth similar to that of the wild type, but its tolerance to 10 mM cadmium and 10 mM diamide decreased by ∼15- and ∼3-fold, respectively. These cells also showed nearly 6 times less resistance to gamma radiation at 12 kGy and ∼2-fold-higher sensitivity to 40 mM hydrogen peroxide than the wild type. In trans expression of drFrnE increased cytotoxicity of dithiothreitol (DTT) in the dsbA mutant of Escherichia coli. Recombinant drFrnE showed disulfide isomerase activity and could maintain insulin in its reduced form in the presence of DTT. While an equimolar ratio of wild-type protein could protect malate dehydrogenase completely from thermal denaturation at 42°C, the C22S mutant of drFrnE provided reduced protection to malate dehydrogenase from thermal inactivation. These results suggested that drFrnE is a protein disulfide isomerase in vitro and has a role in oxidative stress tolerance of D. radiodurans possibly by protecting the damaged cellular proteins from inactivation.  相似文献   

自牛肝中纯化了蛋白二硫键异构酶(PDI),并对重组蛋白的酶促折叠过程进行了探讨.结果表明。在等摩尔PDl的催化作用下,可使1mg/ml的IIJ-2的正确折叠率提高到58%以上,比活性由4×106u/mg增加到8.2×106u/mg,PDl还能部分纠正二硫键错配的IL-2异构体成为正确折叠的lL-2和防止IL-2通过cys的链问交联形成聚合体。GM-CSF在PDl催化下也有类似的结果。PDl作用的关键是它所催化的琉基一二硫键的交换反应。  相似文献   

滞留菌是一类处于低代谢休眠状态的抗生素耐受细菌亚群,能够在致死性压力应激后存活下来,是抗生素治疗失败和复发性感染的主要原因之一。毒素-抗毒素系统(toxin-antitoxin system, TA)作为压力应激模块普遍存在于各种细菌中,由稳定的毒素和不稳定但可以中和毒素的同源抗毒素组成。压力情况下,第二信使(p)ppGpp激活Lon,随后大多数II型TA系统被激活,诱导滞留菌形成。同样在(p)ppGpp存在的情况下,Obg刺激hokB转录,使毒素积累,抑制细菌DNA复制、转录、翻译等重要的生理过程,驱动细菌形成滞留菌。SOS反应是激活TA系统的另一个主要途径,解除了对tisB转录的抑制,使其在细胞内积累并插入细胞膜,破坏质子动力势,降低胞内ATP水平,诱使休眠和滞留菌形成。讨论TA系统介导滞留菌形成的机制有助于提出新型抗菌策略。  相似文献   

Bacteria hijack eukaryotic cells by injecting virulence effectors into host cytosol with a type III secretion system (T3SS). Effectors are targeted with their cognate chaperones to hexameric T3SS ATPase at the bacterial membrane''s cytosolic face. In this issue of the Journal of Bacteriology, Roblin et al. (P. Roblin, F. Dewitte, V. Villeret, E. G. Biondi, and C. Bompard, J Bacteriol 197:688–698, 2015, http://dx.doi.org/10.1128/JB.02294-14) show that the T3SS chaperone SigE of Salmonella can form hexameric rings rather than dimers when bound to its cognate effector, SopB, implying a novel multimeric association for chaperone/effector complexes with their ATPase.  相似文献   

GdmCl (6 M) unfolded lysozyme was previously shown to refold via kinetically partitioned pathways (Kiefhaber in Proc Natl Acad Sci 92:9029–9033, 1995). About 80% of the unfolded lysozyme molecules refold on a slow pathway with well-populated intermediates. The remaining 20% of denatured lysozyme refold on a fast track without detectable intermediate. This kinetic heterogeneity has been proposed to originate from the collapsed state of lysozyme folding. Using the method of disulfide scrambling, we demonstrate in this report that these two populations of unfolded lysozyme can be isolated and analyzed separately. GdmCl (6 M) denatured lysozyme actually comprises two major populations of unfolded isomers, namely X-LYZ-a and X-LYZ-b with molar ratio of about 80:20. X-LYZ-a and X-LYZ-b exist in equilibrium in the unfolded state. Their disulfide structures and CD properties indicate that X-LYZ-a is more extensively unfolded than X-LYZ-b. Refolding experiments using the method of disulfide scrambling also show that folding kinetics of X-LYZ-a is about 8–10 times slower than that of X-LYZ-b and folding intermediates of X-LYZ-a is far more heterogeneous than that of X-LYZ-b. The results highlight the implication of the conformational heterogeneity of 6 M GdmCl denatured proteins for the interpretation of the initial stage of protein folding mechanism.  相似文献   

Molecular Biology - The thermal stability of protein enzymes is determined in vitro by measuring the enzymatic activity during incubation at constant temperature. Refolding of thermal inactivated...  相似文献   

A reverse zymogram method for the detection of bacterial lysozyme inhibitors was developed. This method was validated by using a periplasmic protein extract of Escherichia coli containing a known inhibitor and subsequently led to the detection of a new proteinaceous hen egg white lysozyme inhibitor in Proteus mirabilis.  相似文献   

Membrane protein production for structural studies is often hindered by the formation of non-specific aggregates from which the protein has to be denatured and then refolded to a functional state. We developed a new approach, which uses microfluidics channels, to refold protein correctly in quantities sufficient for structural studies. Green fluorescent protein (GFP), a soluble protein, and bacteriorhodopsin (BR), a transmembrane protein, were used to demonstrate the efficiency of the process. Urea-denatured GFP refolded as the urea diffused away from the protein, forming in the channel a uniform fluorescent band when observed by confocal microscopy. Sodium dodecyl sulphate-denatured BR refolded within the channel on mixing with detergent–lipid mixed micelles. The refolding, monitored by absorbance spectroscopy, was found to be flow rate dependent. This potential of microfluidic reactors for screening protein-folding conditions and producing protein would be particularly amenable for high-throughput applications required in structural genomics. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal neurodegenerative disorder characterized by the selective loss of motor neurons in the spinal cord, brain stem, and motor cortex. Mutations in superoxide dismutase (SOD1) are associated with familial ALS and lead to SOD1 protein misfolding and aggregation. Here we show that the molecular chaperone, HSJ1 (DNAJB2), mutations in which cause distal hereditary motor neuropathy, can reduce mutant SOD1 aggregation and improve motor neuron survival in mutant SOD1 models of ALS. Overexpression of human HSJ1a (hHSJ1a) in vivo in motor neurons of SOD1G93A transgenic mice ameliorated disease. In particular, there was a significant improvement in muscle force, increased motor unit number and enhanced motor neuron survival. hHSJ1a was present in a complex with SOD1G93A and led to reduced SOD1 aggregation at late stages of disease progression. We also observed altered ubiquitin immunoreactivity in the double transgenic animals, suggesting that ubiquitin modification might be important for the observed improvements. In a cell model of SOD1G93A aggregation, HSJ1a preferentially bound to mutant SOD1, enhanced SOD1 ubiquitylation and reduced SOD1 aggregation in a J-domain and ubiquitin interaction motif (UIM) dependent manner. Collectively, the data suggest that HSJ1a acts on mutant SOD1 through a combination of chaperone, co-chaperone and pro-ubiquitylation activity. These results show that targeting SOD1 protein misfolding and aggregation in vivo can be neuroprotective and suggest that manipulation of DnaJ molecular chaperones might be useful in the treatment of ALS.  相似文献   

Receptor dimerization is a crucial intermediate step in activation of signaling by receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs). However, dimerization of the RTK Neu (also designated ErbB-2, HER-2, and p185neu), while necessary, is not sufficient for signaling. Earlier work in our laboratory had shown that introduction of an ectopic cysteine into the Neu juxtamembrane domain induces Neu dimerization but not signaling. Since Neu signaling does require dimerization, we hypothesized that there are additional constraints that govern signaling ability. With the importance of the interreceptor cross-phosphorylation reaction, a likely constraint was the relative geometry of receptors within the dimer. We have tested this possibility by constructing a consecutive series of cysteine substitutions in the Neu juxtamembrane domain in order to force dimerization along a series of interreceptor faces. Within the group that dimerized constitutively, a subset had transforming activity. The substitutions in this subset all mapped to the same face of a predicted alpha helix, the most likely conformation for the intramembrane domain. Furthermore, this face of interaction aligns with the projected Neu* V664E substitution and with a predicted amphipathic interface in the Neu juxtamembrane domain. We propose that these results identify an RTK dimer interface and that dimerization of this RTK induces an extended contact between juxtamembrane and intramembrane alpha helices.  相似文献   

Natural polyphenol compounds are often good antioxidants, but they also cause damage to cells through more or less specific interactions with proteins. To distinguish antioxidant activity from cytotoxic effects we have tested four structurally related hydroxyflavones (baicalein, mosloflavone, negletein, and 5,6-dihydroxyflavone) at very low and physiologically relevant levels, using two different cell lines, L-6 myoblasts and THP-1 monocytes. Measurements using intracellular fluorescent probes and electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy in combination with cytotoxicity assays showed strong antioxidant activities for baicalein and 5,6-dihydroxyflavone at picomolar concentrations, while 10 nM partially protected monocytes against the strong oxidative stress induced by 200 µM cumene hydroperoxide. Wide range dose-dependence curves were introduced to characterize and distinguish the mechanism and targets of different flavone antioxidants, and identify cytotoxic effects which only became detectable at micromolar concentrations. Analysis of these dose-dependence curves made it possible to exclude a protein-mediated antioxidant response, as well as a mechanism based on the simple stoichiometric scavenging of radicals. The results demonstrate that these flavones do not act on the same radicals as the flavonol quercetin. Considering the normal concentrations of all the endogenous antioxidants in cells, the addition of picomolar or nanomolar levels of these flavones should not be expected to produce any detectable increase in the total cellular antioxidant capacity. The significant intracellular antioxidant activity observed with 1 pM baicalein means that it must be scavenging radicals that for some reason are not eliminated by the endogenous antioxidants. The strong antioxidant effects found suggest these flavones, as well as quercetin and similar polyphenolic antioxidants, at physiologically relevant concentrations act as redox mediators to enable endogenous antioxidants to reach and scavenge different pools of otherwise inaccessible radicals.  相似文献   

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