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During forest succession, litterfall nutrient fluxes increase significantly. The higher inputs of organic matter and nutrients through litterfall affects positively soil fertility and the species composition, which are essential components in forest restoration and management programs. In the present study, the input of nutrients to the forest soil via litterfall components was estimated for two sites of different development stages, in an early successional alluvial rain forest in Brazil. Litterfall returned to the soil, in kg/ha, ca. 93 N, 79 Ca, 24 K, 15 Mg, 6 P, 1.7 Mn, 0.94 Fe, 0.18 Zn, 0.09 Cu and 11.2 Al, in the site where trees were more abundant and had higher values of basal area. In the other area, where trees where less abundant and values of basal area were comparatively low, litterfall returned < 50% of those amounts to the forest soil, except for Al. The amount of Al that returned to the soil was similar in both areas due to the high contribution of Tibouchina pulchra (82% of Al returned). Comparatively, high proportion of three dominant native tree species (Myrsine coriacea, T. pulchra and Cecropia pachystachya) explained better litter nutrient use efficiency (mainly N and P) in the site with the least advanced successional stage. Although litterfall of these species show lower nutrient concentrations than the other tree species, their nutrient fluxes were high in both sites, indicating a certain independence from soil essential nutrients. Such feature of the native species is very advantageous and should be considered in forest restoration programs.  相似文献   

In the humid forest zone of Southern Cameroon, farmers generally associate cocoa with native and exotic trees in complex agroforestry systems. Despite the socio-economic and ecological importance of these systems, few studies have investigated their plant composition. We investigated tree composition of cocoa agroforests along a gradient of market access, population density and resource use intensity in the humid forest zone of southern Cameroon, comprising (i) the sub-region of Yaoundé, (ii) the sub-region of Mbalmayo, and (iii) the sub-region of Ebolowa. Market access, population density and resource use intensity all decreased from the first to the third sub-region. We quantified the diversity of tree species associated with cocoa within individual agroforests, among agroforests in the same region, and among the three sub-regions, and classified the tree species according to their main uses. A total of 9.1 ha belonging to 60 cocoa agroforests were inventoried in 12 villages. We encountered a total of 206 tree species with an average of 21 tree species per agroforest. In the more urbanized area around Yaoundé, agroforests were less diverse than in the other sub-regions. In all of the agroforests, food producing tree species tended to be more frequent than other species. Two thirds of the food trees were native forest species and one third was introduced. From Ebolowa to Yaoundé, the density of food producing trees doubled and the density of exotic food-producing species increased relative to native species. Some local species producing high-value non-timber forest products were found in the agroforests, but their density was far lower than that of exotic tree species. The agroforests also provide medicine, charcoal and other products for household consumption and sale. We conclude that unless there are specific efforts to promote local forest tree species in cocoa agroforests, these will progressively lose importance with increasing market access, population pressure and land use intensity.  相似文献   

  • 1 Shade management is commonly considered to be an effective pest management strategy for cocoa mirids, yet shade management recommendations are not based on extensive knowledge of the mirid ecology in traditional cocoa agroforests.
  • 2 The main objectives of the present study were an assessment of the impact of shade on the spatial distribution of mirid populations and thus the evaluation of shade management strategies.
  • 3 Mirid densities were measured and shade was characterized for three plots located in three different agroecological zones in the Centre region of Cameroon. Mirid densities generally followed a negative binomial law. Geostatistical procedures were used to characterize spatial distribution of mirid density. Light conditions were assessed using hemispherical photography.
  • 4 Populations of Sahlbergella singularis were highly aggregated in the plots. Semivariance analysis and kriging visualized the spatial dependence of mirid densities. Clearly distinguishable mirid pockets of 20–30 adjacent infested cocoa trees were identified in two of the three plots.
  • 5 The high diversity of shade tree species and the large variability in density and size of shade trees resulted in a considerable heterogeneity of plot light conditions. Percentage transmitted light varied in the range 9.4–80.1% in the most heterogeneous plot.
  • 6 For two of the three plots, mirid pockets were aggregated in those areas where light transmission was highest. In the third plot, relatively high mirid densities and the presence of an alternative host resulted in a more homogeneous distribution. The importance of these findings for improved mirid control is discussed.

杨树人工林凋落物养分归还功能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
董彬  曹永富  尉海东 《生态科学》2011,30(3):257-261
对杨树中龄林、成熟林凋落物量、组成特征、季节动态及凋落物中N、P、K、Fe、Ca、Mg含量进行了定位观测和实验测定。结果表明:杨树成熟林的年凋落物量为4.45t·hm-2·a-1,是中龄林的1.42倍,两者存在显著差异(p<0.05);叶是凋落物的主要形式,分别占中龄林、成熟林总凋落物量的70.1%和81.5%;凋落物量具有明显的季节动态,表现为"双峰"型;成熟林养分归还量是68.4kg·hm-2·a-1,是中龄林48.96kg·hm-2·a-1的1.4倍;两林分各养分年归还量的大小顺序为N>Ca>K>Mg>Fe>P;杨树成熟林的N、P、Fe、Mg4种元素的利用率大于中龄林的,而K和Ca元素的利用率却相反。  相似文献   

The extent to which plant communities are determined by resource availability is a central theme in ecosystem science, but patterns of small-scale variation in resource availability are poorly known. Studies of carbon (C) and nutrient cycling provide insights into factors limiting tree growth and forest productivity. To investigate rates of tropical forest litter production and decomposition in relation to nutrient availability and topography in the absence of confounding large-scale variation in climate and altitude we quantified nutrient fluxes via litterfall and leaf litter decomposition within three distinct floristic associations of tropical rain forest growing along a soil fertility gradient at the Sepilok Forest Reserve (SFR), Sabah, Malaysia. The quantity and nutrient content of small litter decreased along a gradient of soil nutrient availability from alluvial forest (most fertile) through sandstone forest to heath forest (least fertile). Temporal variation in litterfall was greatest in the sandstone forest, where the amount of litter was correlated negatively with rainfall in the previous month. Mass loss and N and P release were fastest from alluvial forest litter, and slowest from heath forest litter. All litter types decomposed most rapidly in the alluvial forest. Stand-level N and P use efficiencies (ratios of litter dry mass to nutrient content) were greatest for the heath forest followed by the sandstone ridge, sandstone valley and alluvial forests, respectively. We conclude that nutrient supply limits productivity most in the heath forest and least in the alluvial forest. Nutrient supply limited productivity in sandstone forest, especially on ridge and hill top sites where nutrient limitation may be exacerbated by reduced rates of litter decomposition during dry periods. The fluxes of N and P varied significantly between the different floristic communities at SFR and these differences may contribute to small-scale variation in species composition.  相似文献   

华南人工林凋落物养分及其转移   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
对华南 5种人工林凋落物量、凋落物养分及绿叶养分含量的测定结果表明 ,各种人工林凋落物量大小依次为 :马占相思 (11.1t·hm-2 ) >湿地松 (7.3t·hm-2 ) >荷木 (6 .5t·hm-2 ) >大叶相思 (4.8t·hm-2 ) >柠檬桉(2 .6t·hm-2 ) .马占相思通过落叶回归土壤的养分量高于其它类型 .5种人工林均通过养分转移机制 ,大量从枯老叶中转移N、P、K养分 ,其中马占相思转移的养分量最大 ,营养转移的季节性差别较大 .各种人工林对其它元素的转移现象不确定 .  相似文献   

Managed fallows which recover nutrients more rapidly than natural secondary vegetation may improve the performance of shifting agriculture systems operating under inadequately long fallow cycles. Our objective was to construct nutrient balances for the soil, vegetation, and litter compartments of six planted leguminous fallows and natural secondary vegetation during 53 months. The fallows were planted on a previously cultivated Ultisol (Acrisol) in the Peruvian Amazon and included:Centrosema macrocarpum (Centrosema),Pueraria phaseoloides (Pueraria),Stylosanthes guianensis (Stylosanthes),Desmodium ovalifolium (Desmodium),Cajanus cajan (Cajanus), andInga edulis (Inga). In addition, in the natural fallow treatment secondary vegetation was allowed to establish and grow naturally. Quantities of extractable P, K, Ca, and Mg, total N, and organic C in soil to a 45 cm depth, and macrouttrients in aboveground biomass, roots, and litter were estimated at fallow planting, at 8, 17, and 29 months afterward, and at fallow clearing (53 months). Total N stocks increased by 10% in the Stylosanthes, Desmodium, Pueraria, and Inga treatments, but changed little in the Cajanus, Centrosema and natural fallows. This difference was largely due to greater net increases in both soil and vegetation compartments in the former group of treatments. In the Inga, Desmodium, and natural fallows, total stocks of P and K at 53 months were about 40% to 80% greater and 12% greater, respectively, than initial values, but Ca and Mg stocks were reduced by 25% to 40%. In the other treatments, there was generally little change in P stocks, but large (30% to 60%) reductions in K, Ca, and Mg during the course of the fallow. Although there were net decreases of stocks of P, K, Ca, and Mg in soil in all treatments during the fallow, storage of P and K in vegetation and litter in the Inga, Desmodium, and natural fallows offset losses of these nutrients from soil. These treatments also tended to accumulate more Ca and Mg in biomass and litter than the other treatments. These results suggest that leguminous fallow vegetation that accumulates large amounts of biomass may increase N, P, and K stocks, but that incomplete recuperation of Ca and Mg may limit the sustainability of short-rotation fallow-based systems on acidic, infertile soils. ei]Section editor: G R Stewart  相似文献   

There have been few studies quantifying litterfall, standing litterstock and gross litter decomposition following forest conversion to plantation crops such as cocoa. Additionally, an assessment of changing processes occurring in forest floor litter systems with plantation age is lacking. We investigated litterfall production, standing litter changes and litter decomposition along a chronosequence of shaded cocoa farm fields (secondary forest, 3, 15 and 30-year-old) in the moist semi-deciduous forest belt in the Ashanti Region of Ghana in West Africa over 24 months. Mean annual litterfall production differed significantly among study sites and ranged from 5.0 to 10.4 Mg DM ha?1. Similarly, standing litter differed significantly between land-use /plot ages. The results showed significant differences in quality between litter from forest and litter from cocoa plantations. Litterfall from forests had higher concentrations of nitrogen and lower concentration of soluble polyphenols and lignin compared to litter from cocoa systems. Monthly decomposition coefficients (k) estimated as $ k = {{\left( {{\text{A}} - \left( {{\text{L}}_1 - {\text{L}}_0 } \right)} \right)} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{\left( {{\text{A}} - \left( {{\text{L}}_1 - {\text{L}}_0 } \right)} \right)} {\left( {{{\left( {{\text{L}}_1 + {\text{L}}_0 } \right)} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{\left( {{\text{L}}_1 + {\text{L}}_0 } \right)} 2}} \right. } 2}} \right)}}} \right. } {\left( {{{\left( {{\text{L}}_1 + {\text{L}}_0 } \right)} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{\left( {{\text{L}}_1 + {\text{L}}_0 } \right)} 2}} \right. } 2}} \right)}} $ , where A is litterfall production during the month, L0 is the standing litterstock at the beginning of the month and L1 is the standing litterstock at the end of the month. Annual decomposition coefficients (k L ) were similar in cocoa systems (0.221–0.227) but higher under secondary forests (0.354). Correlations between litter quality parameters and the decomposition coefficient showed nitrogen and lignin concentrations as well as ratios that include nitrogen are the best predictors of decomposition for the litters studied. Our results confirm the hypothesis that decomposition decreases following forest conversion to shaded cocoa systems because of litter quality changes and that decomposition rates correlate to litter quality differences between forest and cocoa ecosystems. The study also showed that standing litter pools and litterfall production in recently converted cocoa plantations are low compared to secondary forests or mature cocoa systems. Management strategies involving the introduction of upper canopy species during plantation development with corresponding replacement of tree mortality with diverse fast growing species will provide high quality and quantity litter resources.  相似文献   

Parts of the nitrogen cycle involving two dominants (Lithraea caustica andQuillaja saponaria) in the Chilean piedmont matorral have been studied over a 15-month period. Analyses showed that 8.2 kg N ha?1 yr?1 entered the system in rainfall and dry deposition, though impaction of N-containing compounds on vegetation (not measured) may elevate this value.L. caustica, by virtue of its greater percent cover, contributed more leaf litter than didQ. saponaria to the system (1089,vs 737 kg dry matter ha?1 yr?1, respectively), although on an individual basisQ. saponaria produced more litter (640,vs 350 g dry leaf litter m?2 yr?1 rL. caustica). This plus the greater nitrogen release ofL. caustica leaf litter during decomposition (2.61,vs 0.60 g N kg dry litter?1 yr?1 forQ. saponaria) andQ. saponaria's higher N-content of dropped leaves (0.54,vs 0.37% N forL. caustica) may indicate a more external cycling of nitrogen inQ. saponaria relative to that inL. caustica. These two species may therefore represent two different strategies of individual nitrogen cycling, external and internal.  相似文献   

Measurements of annual litterfall rate and mean annual litter mass for various indigenous open-forests are listed, along with the consequent decomposition constant (k) and mean annual rainfall. Using data only from sites considered valid for comparison (i.e. all those with a sclerophyllous plant understorey, not recently burnt, grazed or invaded by an exotic decomposer, and where for accuracy of assessment the litter layer has been sampled on several occasions) a quadratic relationship between litterfall rate and litter mass was significant, with decomposition rates at sites increasing with increasing litterfall rate. The existence of such a relationship may be useful for future studies: if litter data obtained lie appreciably outside the values on the line of quadratic regression, it would be worthwhile checking the accuracy of litterfall and mass estimates, site past history and the validity of the decomposition constant estimate. There was a significant positive linear relationship between the decomposition constant and mean annual rainfall at sites where rainfall was within the range 600–1800 mm y-1, the general limits for open-forest site development. However, more data are required to increase the predictive value of relationship.  相似文献   

The Forest and Landscape Restoration movement has emerged as an approach to reconcile biodiversity conservation, ecosystem services provisioning and human well‐being in degraded landscapes, but little is known so far about the potential of different reforestation methods to achieve these objectives. Based on this gap, we assessed the ecological outcomes and local livelihood benefits of community‐managed agroforests and second growth forests to assist natural regeneration in the coastal Atlantic Forest of Brazil. We investigated and compared agroforests and secondary forests according to their structure and floristic composition in 51 circular plots of 314 m², their role in supporting local livelihoods (45 semi‐structured interviews) and the use and cultural importance of plant species (61 interviews). Agroforests and, more remarkably, managed secondary forests (1) re‐established a well‐developed forest structure, with a higher density of tree‐sized individuals and similar basal area compared to nearby old growth forests; (2) were composed by a rich array of native species, including five threatened species, but had lower species richness than old growth remnants; and (3) improved local livelihoods by supplying market valuable and culturally important plants, including 231 native ethnospecies. Overall, local production systems showed remarkable potential to engage smallholders of developing tropical countries in Forest and Landscape Restoration and contribute to achieve its overall goals. We advocate the promotion of these systems as effective Forest and Landscape Restoration approaches in multi‐scale programs and policies.  相似文献   

Foliar litterfall nutrient concentrations were analysed for selected members of Taxodiaceae and Cupressaceae families andPseudotsuga menziesii for two arboreta in western Oregon and Washington. Nutrient results between arboreta show similar concentrations with the exception of magnesium, which may be the result of historical land use. Nutrient concentrations between species vary considerably.Pseudotsuga menziesii is particularly distinctive from the Cupressaceae and Taxodiaceae by retaining large amounts of phosphorus and potassium. Taxodiaceae is distinctive by high concentration of Mg while Cupressaceae retains calcium, especiallyChamaecyparis nootkatensis. Results suggest that all members of Taxodiaceae and Cupressaceae retain considerably more Ca than Pinaceae in foliar litter.  相似文献   

Cocoa (Theobroma cacao) is cultivated in the states of Bahia and Espírito Santo in eastern Brazil under the so-called cabruca system, where the understorey of native Atlantic forest is cleared and the canopy is thinned out to provide adequate shading for the cocoa trees. Apart from its economic and social role, the cabruca system is said to be important for the conservation of Atlantic forest biodiversity. In this paper we studied tree species richness and forest structure of cabrucas to examine the demographic health of these forests and discuss their long-term survival. Data were collected in 20 farms located alongside a 30km track of the northern margin of the Rio Doce, in northern Espírito Santo. All trees 5cm DBH were identified and their diameter was measured in 80 plots (600m2), totalling 4.8ha of sampled area. Recorded trees were also allocated to four different regeneration phases (pioneers, early secondary, late secondary and climax). The inventory resulted in 507 trees belonging to 105 species in 39 families. This species richness is much lower than in less disturbed forests located in the region. Pioneers and early secondary species dominate the cabruca forest in terms of number of species (56.2%), density (71.0%) and basal area (72.3%). The distribution of diameter frequency showed an imbalance in tree regeneration. Most trees in the range of 5–30cm DBH were pioneers (40.7%), or early secondary species (32.6%), while late secondary and climax trees were less frequent (10.2 and 16.5% of the sampled trees, respectively). The dominance of species of early regeneration phases was also observed for trees >30cm DBH (69.0% of pioneers or early secondary and 31.0% of late secondary or climax species). The results indicated that the cabruca forests are not only less diverse and less dense than secondary or primary forests of the region, but also, and more importantly, their natural succession and gap dynamics are being severely impaired. As a consequence, cabrucas present a structure where tree species of late successional phases are becoming increasingly rare while pioneers and early secondary species are becoming dominant. If current management practices of thinning and clearing of native trees are not improved, the long-term survival of these forests is questionable and their role in maintaining biodiversity in the long run is limited.  相似文献   

The litter mass loss, concentration and mass of some major nutrient elements, degradation of lignin and cellulose in decomposing Quercus serrata Murray leaf litter were monitored for 3 years using the litterbag method. The mobility of elements during the course of the study was in the order of: K > P > C > Mg > Ca > N. Three patterns of nutrient dynamics were observed: (i) concentration increased while mass decreased (N, Mg and Ca); (ii) concentration and nutrient mass decreased (K and C); and (iii) both concentration and mass had fluctuated (P). The C to element ratio tended to increase as the element was released, and decreased as the element was retained. Nitrogen mobility in relation to carbon was characterized by three phases: (i) initial release; (ii) accumulation and (iii) final release. The decay rate (k) calculated from 0–6 months period was overestimated for an average annual rate while those of 0–36 months fit the negative single exponential model (Adj. r2 = 0.99) better than shorter periods. For lignin, the concentration had increased then decreased but tended to stabilize after 1 year while the lignin mass had continuously decreased throughout the study period. During the first 9 months, both the concentrations and mass of cellulose had fluctuated but declined thereafter. The amounts of N had initially increased but declined after 1 year; P had fluctuated while K, Ca, Mg and C had decreased throughout the study. N and C/N ratio exerted strong influence on mass loss during the first24 months but the influence of lignin emerged after 24 months.  相似文献   

The concentrations and quantities of eleven essential plant nutrients in a 15 m tall Eucalyptus signata dominated forest have been determined. This forest of 180 habiomass is supported on one of the most phosphorus-deficient forest soils yet reported. The ecosystem is also particularly low in calcium, and relatively abundant in nitrogen. The nutrient stocks in the sclerophyllous heath understorey are only slightly more than half the quantity expected on the basis of their proportion of the total forest biomass occupied by this stratum. This lends some confirmatory evidence to the idea that the heath understorey of eucalypt forests is a separately evolved synusia adapted to soils of low fertility. Partitioning of nutrients among plant parts on this forest differs in a number of respects from other forests studied. This suggests the lack of strong selective pressure towards convergence of strategy between formations in the manner of partitioning of nutrients among forest components.  相似文献   

Nutrient content and seasonality of the leaf component in cork-oak litterfal were studied over a two year period in two cork-oak forest sites differing in biomass and edaphic condition in the north-eastern Iberian peninsula. Fallen senescent leaves compared to young leaves showed higher non-mobile nutrient concentrations and lower mobile nutrient concentrations, specially P, N, K, and Mg. At both sites, seasonal fluctuations affected both leaf production and leaf mineral content. The maximum leaf fall period correspond to the start of the vegetative growth and to the lowest N and P concentration in the falling leaves. The opposite was true for the winter, when litterfal was minimal and N and P content in falling leaves was at a maximum.The comparison between falling leaves and canopy leaves suggests that the analysis of fallen leaves can be a useful measure of N and P nutrition in cork-oak. We found site dependent differences in nutrient content and nutrient remobilization. In comparison with Q. ilex, although litter production was in the same range, nutrient retranslocation was greater for Q. suber.  相似文献   

Tagliaferro  Marina  Buria  Leonardo  Giorgi  Adonis  Albari&#;o  Ricardo 《Hydrobiologia》2022,849(7):1559-1574
Hydrobiologia - We evaluated the ecological integrity of Andean Patagonia urban streams by assessing changes in leaf litter decomposition rates and benthic invertebrate assemblage colonizing...  相似文献   

樟树人工林凋落物养分含量及归还量对氮沉降的响应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
赵晶  闫文德  郑威  李忠文 《生态学报》2016,36(2):350-359
氮沉降的持续增加对陆地生态系统的健康发展构成严重威胁,森林是陆地生态系统中重要的组成部分,大量的氮沉降对其结构和功能造成严重影响。凋落物是森林生态系统养分循环的重要组成部分,它对土壤肥力、森林生态系统养分循环等方面具有重要作用。为了探讨亚热带常绿阔叶森林凋落物对氮沉降增加的响应,在湖南省森林植物园以樟树人工林为研究对象进行模拟氮沉降的实验,实验设置4种氮添加水平CK(0g N m~(-2)a~(-1),对照)、LN(5g N m~(-2)a~(-1)),MN(15g N m~(-2)a~(-1)),HN(30g N m~(-2)a~(-1)),研究氮沉降对樟树林年凋落物量、凋落物养分含量以及归还量的影响。结果表明:不同施氮水平下(CK、LN、MN、HN),樟树林凋落物的年凋落量分别为(4.53±0.32)t hm~(-2)a~(-1)、(3.95±0.28)t hm~(-2)a~(-1)、(3.56±0.41)t hm~(-2)a~(-1)、(4.46±0.48)t hm~(-2)a~(-1),施氮抑制了樟树林的凋落量,且低、中氮处理下差异显著(P0.05);施氮处理后凋落物的养分含量大小顺序为:CNCaKMg,凋落物的碳含量没有显著变化,但氮含量都有所增加,因此,施氮降低了樟树凋落物各组分的C/N比;凋落物中元素的年归还量大小顺序表现为:CNCaKMg,施氮处理对凋落物C、K、Ca、Mg归还量有抑制作用,但对凋落物N归还量表现为促进作用。  相似文献   

The carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) status in forest ecosystems can change upon establishment of plantations because different tree species have different nutrient cycling mechanisms. This study was carried out to evaluate C and N status of litterfall, litter decomposition and soil in three adjacent plantations consisting of one deciduous (larch: Larix leptolepis) and two evergreen (red pine: Pinus densiflora; rigitaeda pine: P. rigida × P. taeda) species planted in the same year (1963). Both the pine plantations showed comparatively higher C input from needle litter but significantly lower N concentration and input than the larch plantation (P < 0.05). During the decomposition process, the deciduous larch needle litter showed low C concentration and C remaining in soil, but high N concentration and N remaining in soil compared to the two evergreen pine needle litters. However, the soil C and N concentration and their content at a soil depth of 0–10 cm were not affected significantly (P > 0.05) by the plantation type. These results demonstrate the existence of considerable variation in C and N status resulting from needle litter input and litter decomposition in these three plantations grown at sites with similar environmental conditions.  相似文献   

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