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The composition of the diet of a savanna-living population of wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) at Mt. Assirik in Senegal is presented. The study site had a prolonged dry season, high temperatures, and vegetation dominated by grasses. Data came from direct observation, fecal specimens, and feeding traces; thus, strict criteria for acceptance of the indirect data were specified. Composition of diet was given in terms of species and family of prey, parts eaten, life-form, type of habitat, and criteria for inclusion. Forty-three species of plants with 60 parts were eaten; mostly fruits, from trees, in woodland. Nine species of animal prey were eaten, mostly social insects. An additional 41 species of plants with 53 parts were classed as likely to be eaten by chimpanzees, mostly on the grounds of their being eaten by sympatric anthropoids. Overall, the diet of the apes at Mt. Assirik resembles that of this species elsewhere in Africa, but the size of the dietary repertoire seems small and the proportion of low-quality foodstuffs high. The latter are mostly time-consuming to collect or tedious to obtain or process, and include underground storage organs.  相似文献   

A community of chimpanzees at Mt. Assirik in south-eastern Senegal subsists in a hot, dry and open environment. This wide-ranging, savanna-living group provides an opportunity for comparisons of social organization with other population elsewhere in Africa living in forest and woodland. The group numbered about 28 over the four-year study, and its composition by age and sex was typical. The average size of parties (i.e., temporary sub-groups) did not differ from other populations. However, a high proportion of the group tended to remain together in such parties. The composition of parties resembled that found elsewhere, but some differences emerged between the wet and dry seasons. Larger, mixed parties containing adult males were much more common in open, non-forested habitats than were solitary individuals or parties without adult males. Large parties tended to form for travelling, especially for rapid movement over long distances. Such aspects of social organization seem unlikely to be related to the availability of food in any simple way. Instead, they seem to be adaptations to threat from predators and patchily distributed food, water and nesting sites. This results in occasional bivouacs and mass-migrations from one part of the home-range to another, especially in the dry season.  相似文献   

Experimental and clinical parasitology need natural baselines or “controls”. We present normative data intestinal parasite loads in two genera of African primates. Wild Pan troglodytes and Papio spp. were studied at two sites: Gombe in Tanzania (P. anubis) and Mt. Assirik in Senegal (P. papio). Presence or absence of parasites, especially nematodes, was recorded from fecal specimens. Gombe's primates were more often infected than were Mt. Assirik's. At Gombe, but not at Mt. Assirik, chimpanzees seemed to have a higher incidence of infection than baboons. Comparison of three baboon troops yielded apparent differences in prevalence of infection. No differences in infection were found between the wet and dry seasons in Mt. Assirik's chimpanzees.  相似文献   

Little is known about the behavior of chimpanzees living in savanna-woodlands, although they are of particular interest to anthropologists for the insight they can provide regarding the ecological pressures affecting early hominins living in similar habitats. Fongoli, Senegal, is the first site where savanna chimpanzees have been habituated for observational data collection and is the hottest and driest site where such observation of chimpanzees occurs today. Previously, indirect evidence suggested these chimpanzees consumed termites throughout the year, an unusual occurrence for western and eastern chimpanzees. Although meat eating by chimpanzees continues to receive much attention, their use of invertebrate prey has received less emphasis in scenarios of hominin evolution. Here, we further examine the invertebrate diet of Fongoli chimpanzees using direct observational methods and accounting for potential environmental influences. Termite feeding positively correlated with high temperatures. Fongoli chimpanzees spend more time obtaining termites than any other chimpanzee population studied, and this extensive insectivory contributes to the list of distinctive behaviors they display relative to chimpanzees living in more forested habitats. We suggest that savanna chimpanzees at Fongoli differ significantly from chimpanzees elsewhere as a result of the selective pressures characterizing their harsh environment, and this contrast provides an example of a viable referential model for better understanding human evolution. Specifically, our results support the hypotheses that invertebrate prey may have figured more prominently into the diet of early hominins in similar habitats, especially given that invertebrates are an important source of protein and other essential nutrients in a highly seasonal environment.  相似文献   

Habituation has been the standard methodology used to study the natural history of great apes and other primates. Habituation has invaluable strengths, particularly in quantity and diversity of data collected, but along with these come substantial weaknesses, i.e., costs both in time and effort, health risks, and potential exposure of subjects to poaching. With new technologies, we are able to extend our studies beyond the limitations of habituation; camera traps are one technology that can be used to study unhabituated primate groups. In this study we used eight camera traps over the course of 2 yr (1542 camera trap days) to capture thousands of still images of West African savanna chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) in the Falémé region of southeastern Senegal. Images corroborated behavioral observations from habituated chimpanzees at the Fongoli site, where researchers have observed nocturnal activity and cave use. The cameras also captured interspecies interactions at water sources during the dry season and allowed us to determine demographic composition and minimum community size. The photographs provide data on local fauna, including predators (Panthera pardus pardus, Panthera leo senegalesis, and Crocuta crocuta), potential prey, and competitor species (Papio papio, Cercopithecus aethiops, and Erythrocebus patas). As primate habitat across Africa is further threatened and human–wildlife conflict increases, camera trapping could be used as an essential conservation tool, expanding studies of primates without exacerbating potential threats to the species.  相似文献   

A 4-year study of the ecology and ethology of wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus)was carried out in far western Africa. Contacts with chimpanzees and the locations of their nests were noted to determine which types of habitat were most used and to estimate the density of the population and the size of its home range. The results show that this community has one of the lowest densities and largest home ranges of all populations of chimpanzees studied so far. As such, it may provide a useful model for the reconstruction of hominid evolution in the Plio-Pleistocene.  相似文献   

Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) at Fongoli, Senegal, consume termites year-round. Understanding the ecological context behind this behavior is especially important in light of the environmental conditions at Fongoli. This mosaic savanna habitat is one of the hottest and driest sites where chimpanzees have been studied. Two genera and four species of termites were found in association with tools used by chimpanzees in a sample of 124 termite mounds that were monitored. The chimpanzees of Fongoli termite fish predominantly in woodland and forest habitat types, and, although woodland accounts for the majority of the chimpanzees' home range, forest habitat types comprise only about 4% of their range. Thus, habitat type has an influence on the Fongoli chimpanzees' termite fishing. Termite consumption to the degree seen at Fongoli may have particular significance for hominid evolution, given the expansion of Pliocene hominids into increasingly open, hot, and dry habitats.  相似文献   

Chimpanzees have been studied for nearly 300 combined years across Africa, but aside from their roles as predators or prey, remarkably little is known about the diverse species with whom they share habitats. We calculated likely chimpanzee encounter rates with sympatric mammals in the Issa Valley, Tanzania, through modelling actual researcher encounter rates with all medium and large mammals. Compared to other long‐term chimpanzee study sites, Issa had a relatively high diversity in medium and large mammal species present, with 36 species documented. We encountered common duiker (Sylvicapra grimmia) most frequently, followed by yellow baboons (Papio cynocephalus) and bushbuck. Chimpanzees ranked fifth overall. Chimpanzees, on the other hand, were predicted to most frequently encounter bushbuck, klipspringer and hartebeest—all woodland species. We compare these results to published literature and contextualise them in light of reconstructing diverse mammalian communities in which hominins lived during the Plio‐Pleistocene and the use of chimpanzees as flagship species for conservation policy.  相似文献   

The construction of nests (or beds) for sleeping is a chimpanzee universal, yet little is known about the adaptive function of nest-building. We present an in-depth study of nest-building by unhabituated chimpanzees at the Seringbara study site in the Nimba Mountains, Guinea, West Africa. We recorded 1520 chimpanzee nests over 28 mo during three study periods between 2003 and 2008. We investigated where chimpanzees built their nests, both across the home range and in nest trees, and assessed how altitude and habitat type affected nest site selectivity. We examined whether or not chimpanzees were selective in nest tree choice regarding physical tree characteristics and tree species and assessed plant species preference for both tree- and ground-nesting. We tested three, nonmutually exclusive, hypotheses for the function of arboreal nest-building. We assessed whether selectivity for nest tree characteristics reflected an antipredator strategy, examined whether nesting patterns (both arboreal and terrestrial) and nesting height were influenced by variation in climatic conditions (temperature, humidity, wind), and measured mosquito densities at ground level and in trees at 10 m and related mosquito densities to nesting patterns. Chimpanzees preferred to nest above 1000 m and nested mainly in primary forest. They preferred relatively large trees with a low first branch, dense canopy, and small leaves and showed preference for particular tree species, which was stable across years, whereas plant choice for ground-nesting was largely based on plant availability. We found no support for the antipredation hypothesis, nor did mosquito densities explain arboreal nest-building. The thermoregulation hypothesis was supported, as both nesting patterns and nest-height variation across seasons reflected a humidity-avoidance strategy. Chimpanzees nested higher in trees and at higher altitudes in the wet season. In sum, chimpanzees were selective in their choice of nest sites, locations, and materials, and tree-nesting patterns at Seringbara were best explained by a thermoregulation strategy of humidity avoidance.  相似文献   

Group size is expected to be an important factor to predicthome-range (HR) size in social animals. In chimpanzees adultmales play an important role in defending the HR against neighbors,and therefore it has been suggested that HR size depends onthe number of adult males. In this long-term study on wild WestAfrican chimpanzees, we analyzed the relative importance ofcommunity size and composition on ranging patterns over a 10-yearperiod, using multivariate statistics. Because community sizedecreased from 51 individuals with 6 adult males in 1992 to22 individuals with only 1 adult male in 2001, we expected adecrease in HR size, which should be better predicted by thenumber of males than by community size. We further investigatedthe effect of fruit availability on monthly HRs over a 4-yearperiod. As predicted, HR size decreased during the first 7 yearsof our study but increased during the last 3 years. Overall,the number of adult males was the best predictor of HR size,whereas fruit availability did not correlate with HR size. HRuse remained stable over the entire study period, with a constantproportion of about 35% of the HR used as core area. High HRand core-area overlap values between different years indicatedstrong site-fidelity. Although the number of males within thecommunity explained the decrease in HR size, the recent increasein size remains unexplained. This finding suggests that otherfactors such as relative fighting power of males affect HR size.  相似文献   

International Journal of Primatology - Caves play an important ecological role for nonhuman primates in Africa and Asia. Savanna chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) living in the Mandingue plateau...  相似文献   

The study reported here examined the effect of dominance status on serum immunoglobulin (IgG and IgM) levels in chimpanzees living in five captive colonies. Blood samples were collected from each individual twice, and agonistic and grooming interactions were observed. After initial group observations, members of four of the five groups were caged singly. Thereafter blood samples were again taken. Both IgG and IgM levels of the animals living in groups were significantly negatively correlated with their dominance status in all five groups. The higher-ranked chimpanzees were likely to show lower levels of IgG and IgM. No such consistent correlation was found between individual Ig levels and frequency of aggressive behaviour or grooming. On transfer to isolated conditions, Ig levels of the chimpanzees did not correlate with their previous dominance status in the groups. Being of high rank is a biological cost for colony-living chimpanzees with regard to immunity levels.  相似文献   

Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) make nests for resting and sleeping, which is unusual for anthropoid primates but common to all great apes. Arboreal nesting has been linked to predation pressure, but few studies have tested the adaptive nature of this behavior. We collected data at two chimpanzee study sites in southeastern Senegal that differed in predator presence to test the hypothesis that elevated sleeping platforms are adaptations for predator defense. At Assirik in the Parc National du Niokolo-Koba, chimpanzees face four species of large carnivore, whereas at Fongoli, outside national park boundaries, humans have exterminated almost all natural predators. We quantified the availability of vegetation at the two sites to test the alternative hypothesis that differences in nesting reflect differences in habitat structure. We also examined possible sex differences in nesting behavior, community demographic differences, seasonality and nest age differences as variables also potentially affecting nest characteristics and nesting behavior between the two sites. Chimpanzees at Fongoli nested at lower heights and farther apart than did chimpanzees at Assirik and sometimes made nests on the ground. The absence of predators outside of the national park may account for the differences in nest characteristics at the two sites, given the similarities in habitat structure between Fongoli and Assirik. However, Fongoli chimpanzees regularly build arboreal nests for sleeping, even under minimal predation pressure, and this requires explanation.  相似文献   

The western chimpanzee, Pan troglodytes verus, has been classified as Endangered on the IUCN Red List since 1988. Intensive agriculture, commercial plantations, logging, and mining have eliminated or degraded the habitats suitable for P. t. verus over a large part of its range. In this study we assessed the effect of land-use change on the population size and density of chimpanzees at Lagoas de Cufada Natural Park (LCNP), Guinea-Bissau. We further explored chimpanzee distribution in relation to landscape-level proxies of human disturbance. Nest count and distance-sampling methods were employed along 11 systematically placed linear transects in 2010 and 2011. Estimated nest decay rate was 293.9 days (%CV = 58.8). Based on this estimate of decay time and using the Standing-Crop Nest Count Method, we obtained a habitat-weighted average chimpanzee density estimate for 2011 of 0.22 nest building chimpanzees/km2 (95% CI 0.08–0.62), corresponding to 137 (95% CI 51.0–390.0) chimpanzees for LCNP. Human disturbance had a negative influence on chimpanzee distribution as nests were built farther away from human settlements, roads, and rivers than if they were randomly distributed, coinciding with the distribution of the remaining patches of dense canopy forest. We conclude that the continuous disappearance of suitable habitat (e.g. the replacement of LCNP''s dense forests by monocultures of cashew plantations) may be compromising the future of one of the most threatened Guinean coastal chimpanzee populations. We discuss strategies to ensure long-term conservation in this important refuge for this chimpanzee subspecies at its westernmost margin of geographic distribution.  相似文献   

Primates - Ranging behavior has been studied extensively in eastern (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) and western (P. t. verus) chimpanzees, but relatively little is known regarding home ranges of...  相似文献   

International Journal of Primatology - In-group cohesion is an essential component of successful intergroup competition in both human and nonhuman animals, likely facilitating group members access...  相似文献   

Primates - Intercommunity competition in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) has been widely studied in eastern (P. t. schweinfurthii) and western (P. t. verus) communities. Both subspecies show...  相似文献   

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