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The cDNAs encoding carp ZP2 homologous to winter flounder and mammalian ZP2 were cloned. Carp ZP2 contains a tandemly repetitive domain and a nonrepetitive domain. A repeat is composed of 13 amino-acid residues whose consensus sequence is QQTSQQFQPQKPA/V. The length of the repetitive domain is highly variable, but that of the nonrepetitive domain is fairly constant among various cDNAs. The termination codons of various cDNAs appear at three different positions. Three groups of cDNAs were therefore categorized. Groups I–III encode a nonrepetitive domain of 356, 255, and 10 residues, respectively. A carp ZP2 gene corresponding to group II cDNA was cloned. It spans 2.4 kb and consists of eight exons and seven introns. Carp ZP2 mRNA was detected only in oocytes but not in other tissues. Carp ZP2 is heterogenous in size. The molecular weight ranges from 40–80 kDa. It is present in vitellogenic but not in previtellogenic oocytes, nor in other tissues. Carp ZP2 content in oocytes increases as vitellogenesis proceeds. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 46:258–267, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

There is considerable evidence that mouse fertilization requires the binding of sperm to two of the three glycoproteins that form the zona pellucida (ZP), ZP3 and ZP2. Despite the biologic importance of this binding, no one has demonstrated that sperm express separate, saturable, and specific binding sites for ZP3 and for ZP2. Such a demonstration is a prerequisite for defining the distribution, numbers, affinities, and regulation of function of ZP3 and ZP2 binding sites on sperm. The experiments reported herein used fluorochrome-labeled ZP3 and ZP2 and quantitative image analysis to characterize the saturable binding of ZP3 and ZP2 to distinct sites on living, capacitated, acrosome-intact mouse sperm. Approximately 20% of the ZP3 binding sites were found over the acrosomal cap, and the remaining sites were located over the postacrosomal region of the head. In contrast, ZP2 binding sites were detected only over the postacrosomal region. Saturation analysis estimated numbers and affinities of the binding sites for ZP3 (B(max) approximately 185 000 sites per sperm; K(d) approximately 67 nM) and ZP2 (B(max) approximately 500 000 sites per sperm; K(d) approximately 200 nM). Use of unlabeled ZP3, ZP2, and ZP1 as competitive inhibitors of the binding of fluorochrome-labeled ZP3 and ZP2 demonstrated that ZP3 and ZP2 bound specifically to their respective sites on sperm. Finally, we demonstrate that extracellular calcium as well as capacitation and maturation of sperm are required for these sites to bind their respective ligands.  相似文献   

Summary The zona pellucida (ZP) is a transparent envelope that surrounds the mammalian oocyte and mediates species-selective sperm-egg interactions. Porcine and bovine ZPs consist of glycoproteins ZP2, ZP3, and ZP4. In both pig and bovine a heterocomplex consisting of ZP3 and ZP4 binds to sperm, however it is not clarified whether ZP3 or ZP4 in the complex is responsible for the sperm binding. Previously, we have established a baculovirus-Sf9 cell expression system for porcine ZP glycoproteins. A mixture of recombinant ZP3 (rZP3) and rZP4 displayed sperm-binding activity toward bovine sperm but not porcine sperm, probably due to differences in carbohydrate structure between the native and recombinant ZP glycoproteins. In this study, a mixture of porcine rZP3 and native ZP4 (nZP4) inhibited the binding of porcine sperm to the ZP. In contrast, a mixture of porcine nZP3 and rZP4 did not inhibit the binding of porcine sperm, although the mixture inhibited the binding of bovine sperm. The porcine rZP3/nZP4 mixture bound to the acrosomal region of porcine sperm, in a manner similar to that of the nZP3/nZP4 mixture. nZP3 was precipitated with rZP4, and nZP4 was precipitated with rZP3 by utilising the N-terminal tags on the recombinant proteins. These results indicated that nZP4, but not rZP4, is necessary for binding activity of porcine ZP3/ZP4 complex towards porcine sperm and further suggested that the carbohydrate structures of ZP4 in the porcine ZP3/ZP4 complex are responsible for porcine sperm-binding activity of the complex.  相似文献   

Zona pellucida (ZP), the extracellular glycocalyx that surrounds the mammalian egg plasma membrane, is a relatively simple structure consisting of three to four glycoproteins. In the mouse, the ZP is composed of three glycoproteins, namely ZP1 (200 kDa), ZP2 (120 kDa), and ZP3 (83 kDa). Extensive studies in this species have resulted in the identification of primary (mZP3) and secondary (mZP2) binding sites for spermatozoa. The two zona components are highly glycosylated containing N-linked and O-linked glycan units. In an attempt to characterize N-linked glycan units, mZP2 and mZP3 were purified and the N-linked carbohydrate chains were released by exhaustive digestion with N-glycanase. The released oligosaccharides (OSs) were radiolabeled by reduction with NaB3H4 and resolved by gel filtration on a column of Bio-Gel P-4. The OSs separated into several peaks indicating the presence of a variety of N-linked glycans. Interestingly, the radioactive peaks resolved from mZP2 and mZP3 were quite different, a result suggesting qualitative and quantitative differences in the glycans. The [SH]-labeled glycans present in mZP2 and mZP3 were pooled separately and fractionated by serial lectin chromatography. Experimental evidence included in this report strongly suggests that mZP3 (but not mZP2) contains polylactosaminyl glycan with terminal, nonreducing alpha-galactosyl residues. The mZP3 glycans eluted from the immobilized lectin columns were further characterized by lectin and sizing column chromatography before or after digestion with endo-/ exo-glycohydrolases. Data revealed the presence of a variety of OSs, including poly-N-acetyllactosaminyl, bi-, tri-, and tetraantennary complex-type, and high-mannose-type glycans. Taken together, these results provide additional evidence on the complex nature of the glycan chains present on mZP glycoconjugates.  相似文献   

Zona pellucida, a transparent envelope surrounding the mammalian oocyte, plays major roles in fertilization and consists of three or four glycoproteins. Primary structures, and especially the positions of cysteine (Cys) residues in the zona glycoproteins, are well conserved among mammals. In this study, we analyzed the disulfide linkages of pig ZP3 and ZP4 purified from ovaries. While disulfide linkage patterns of four Cys residues in the N-terminal halves of the ZP domains of ZP3 and ZP4 were identical to those previously reported for mice, rats, humans, and fish, the disulfide linkage patterns of six Cys residues in the C-terminal half of the ZP domain in ZP4, as well as eight Cys residues in the C-terminal region of the ZP domain and a following region unique to ZP3, were different from those previously reported. Thus, higher-order structures of zona glycoproteins might not be conserved in the C-terminal regions.  相似文献   

Zona pellucida (ZP) glycoproteins have been proposed as candidate antigens for an immunocontraceptive vaccine. The efficacy of such a vaccine has to be evaluated in nonhuman primates, thus necessitating the characterization of their ZP glycoproteins. A bonnet monkey (Macaca radiata) ovarian cDNA λgt11 library was screened for ZP2 (bZP2) using full-length human ZP2 cDNA as a probe. Two identical full-length clones with an open reading frame of 2235 nt encoding a polypeptide of 745 aa residues were isolated. The deduced aa sequence of bZP2 revealed high sequence identity (94.2%) with human ZP2. The bZP2 cDNA (115–1914 nt, 1.8 kb), excluding sequences coding for N-terminal signal sequence and C-terminal transmembranelike domain, was PCR amplified and Sac1-Sal1 restricted fragment cloned in frame downstream of the T5 promoter under the lac operator control in a pQE-30 vector. Recombinant bZP2 (r-bZP2) was expressed as a polyhistidine fusion protein in Escherichia coli strain M15 [pREP4]. Immunoblot with rabbit polyclonal antibodies against bZP2 synthetic peptide (corresponding to aa residues 429–444; K434 replaced by R and I436 by V) revealed a major band of 68 kDa. Immunization of male rabbits with the r-bZP2 protein purified on Ni-NTA resin under denaturing conditions generated antibodies reactive with r-bZP2 in ELISA as well as with native protein as revealed by positive fluorescence of ZP of bonnet monkey ovary. The availability of r-bZP2 and its aa sequence will help in the development and evaluation of a contraceptive vaccine based on ZP2. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 50:229–239, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In this study, we have mapped and characterized a B cell epitope of sulfated glycoprotein ZP2 (ZP2) as a step toward the development of a multi-epitope zona pellucida (ZP) vaccine. Recombinant polypeptides expressed by random deoxyribonuclease-digested fragments of ZP2 cDNA were screened for binding to IE-3, a monoclonal antibody to murine ZP2. Positive clones contained cDNA inserts encoding polypeptide corresponding to ZP2(103-134). When normal or ovariectomized female mice were immunized with three overlapping peptides that span this region of ZP2 (101-120, 111-130, 121-140), only ZP2(121-140) elicited IgG antibodies that reacted with mouse ovarian ZP, indicative of the presence of native B epitope and helper T cell epitope in ZP2(121-140). To more finely map the ZP2 B cell epitope, a random peptide display library was screened with the IE-3 antibody, and a consensus tetramer sequence VxYK that matched the ZP2(123-126) sequence VRYK was located. Competitive immunofluorescence analysis with single alanine-substituted VxYK peptides ranked the relative contribution of the three critical B cell epitope residues as Y > V > K. A chimeric peptide was constructed that contained the YRYK motif of ZP2 and a bovine RNase T cell epitope. Although (C57BL/6xA/J) F1 (B6AF1) female mice immunized with the chimeric peptide developed ZP antibody response, this peptide elicited antibody only in mice of the histocompatibility complex (MHC) H-2(k or b) haplotype. In contrast, ZP2(121-140) peptide elicited antibody in inbred mice with three additional mouse MHC haplotypes. Moreover, although ZP2(121-140) contained a T cell epitope, no oophoritis was observed after immunization of B6AF1 mice with ZP2(121-140) in complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA). In a preliminary trial, female B6AF1 mice immunized with ZP2(121-140) in CFA had reduced litter sizes as compared with mice injected with CFA alone.  相似文献   

The extracellular zona pellucida surrounds mammalian eggs and mediates taxon-specific sperm-egg recognition at fertilization. In mice, the zona pellucida is composed of three glycoproteins, but the presence of ZP2 and ZP3 is sufficient to form a biologically functional structure. Each zona pellucida glycoprotein is synthesized in growing oocytes and traffics through the endomembrane system to the cell surface, where it is released from a transmembrane domain and assembled into the insoluble zona pellucida matrix. ZP2 and ZP3 colocalize in the endoplasmic reticulum and in 1- to 5-microm post-Golgi structures comprising multivesicular aggregates (MVA), but a coimmunoprecipitation assay does not detect physical interactions. In addition, ZP2 traffics normally in growing oocytes in the absence of ZP3 or if ZP3 has been mutated to prevent incorporation into the zona pellucida matrix, complementing earlier studies indicating the independence of ZP3 secretion in Zp2 null mice. N glycosylation has been implicated in correct protein folding and intracellular trafficking of secreted proteins. Although ZP3 contain five N-glycans, enhanced green fluorescent protein-tagged ZP3 lacking N glycosylation sites is present in MVA and is incorporated into the zona pellucida matrix of transgenic mice. Thus, ZP2 secretion is seemingly unaffected by ZP3 lacking N-glycans. Taken together, these observations indicate that ZP2 and ZP3 traffic independently through the oocyte prior to assembly into the zona pellucida.  相似文献   

Here, we describe an in vitro assay that has permitted further characterization of a proteinase (called "ZP2-proteinase") that is released upon activation of ovulated mouse eggs and cleaves ZP2, one of three glycoproteins present in mouse zonae pellucidae. Results presented suggest that ZP2-proteinase readily diffuses through the zona pellucida within 5 min of activation of eggs by ionophore A23187 and carries out limited proteolysis of ZP2. Appearance of ZP2-proteinase is completely dependent upon activation of eggs, consistent with it being present in cortical granule exudate. The proteinase is insensitive to a wide variety of proteinase inhibitors, but is inhibited when either an anti-ZP2 monoclonal antibody or an Fab fragment of the antibody is bound to ZP2. Proteolysis occurs near the amino- or carboxy-terminus of ZP2, producing a 23,000 Mr glycopeptide(s) that remains attached to ZP2 by intramolecular disulfide bonds. HPLC fractionation of activated egg exudate suggests that ZP2-proteinase has an apparent Mr between 21,000 and 34,000. Proteolysis of ZP2 correlates with "hardening" of the zona pellucida following egg activation and, thus, may be responsible for one aspect of the zona reaction.  相似文献   

The zona pellucida, a transparent envelope surrounding the mammalian oocyte, comprises three glycoproteins, ZPA, ZPB and ZPC, and plays important roles in fertilization. We have previously reported that apparent relative molecular masses of bovine zona glycoproteins on SDS/PAGE under nonreducing conditions after removal of poly N-acetyllactosamine at the nonreducing portion of sugar chains with endo-beta-galactosidase are 72 000, 58 000 and 45 000 [Noguchi, S., Yonezawa, N., Katsumata, T., Hashizume, K.,Kuwayama, M., Hamano, S., Watanabe, S. & Nakano, M. (1994) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1201, 7-14]. The N-terminal amino-acid sequences and crossreactivity to antibodies specific to each porcine zona component show that the bovine components correspond to porcine ZPA, ZPB and ZPC, respectively. In this study, we deduced amino-acid sequences of bovine ZPA and ZPB by cDNA cloning and sequencing. Identities in amino-acid sequences between bovine and porcine counterparts were 77% for ZPA and 75% for ZPB, whereas between bovine and murine counterparts identities were 57% for ZPA and 37% for ZPB. The positions of Cys were completely conserved in bovine ZPA and ZPB compared with counterparts of other mammalian species. Bovine ZPA was processed between Ala and Asp on fertilization, suggesting that the consensus motif for the processing is Ala-Asp-Asp/Glu. We purified bovine zona components and examined their sperm-binding activity with an in vitro competition assay and sperm-bead-binding assay. As a result, ZPB showed the strongest sperm-binding activity among the components. ZPC also showed sperm-binding activity and the activity per molecule was about one-sixth that of ZPB according to the result of the sperm-bead-binding assay. We could not determine if ZPA has significant sperm-binding activity, but the activity may be much lower than that of ZPB even if ZPA has significant activity. Thus, ZPB may play a major role in sperm binding in bovine zona.  相似文献   

The two Mr 55,000 glycoproteins, ZP3α and ZP3b?, of porcine zona pellucida copurify as a preparation designated ZP3. Gamete binding assays have implicated ZP3α, but not ZP3b?, as participating in sperm-zona recognition events. We now report that boar sperm contain membrane-associated binding sites with specificity for ZP3α. Biotin-labeled (b-) preparations of ZP3 bind to intact boar sperm in a saturable manner, with localization on the anterior head region. Membrane vesicles obtained from capacitated sperm by nitrogen cavitation retain b-ZP3 binding sites as determined by an enzyme-linked method employing alkaline phosphatase-conjugated strepavidin. In competitive binding assays using b-ZP3 (0.1μg/ml) as probe, heat-solubilized zonae and ZP3 were effective competitors, whereas the nonzona molecules fetuin and fucoidin were not. Digestion of ZP3 with endo-b?-galactosidase, an enzyme that trims polylactosamines, enhanced its affinity for membrane receptors. In contrast treatments such as chemical deglycosylation, pronase digestion, or disruption of disulfide bonds abolished the ligand activity of ZP3. Finally, purified ZP3α was an at least 100-fold better antagonist than purified ZP3b?. The results demonstrate that binding of b-ZP3 to isolated boar sperm membranes is mediated by sperm receptors with specificity for the ZP3α macromolecular component and reveal a complex contribution of both carbohydrate and protein moieties toward the ligand activity of this sperm adhesive zona molecule. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Sperm-egg interaction in mammals is initiated by binding of sperm to the zona pellucida, an acellular coat completely surrounding the plasma membrane of unfertilized eggs and preimplantation embryos. Fertilization results in transformation of the zona pellucida (“zona reaction”), such that additional sperm are unable to bind to the zona pellucida of fertilized eggs and embryos, and sperm that had partially penetrated the zona pellucida of eggs prior to fertilization are prevented from further penetration after fertilization. The failure of sperm to bind to fertilized mouse eggs and embryos is attributable to modification of the sperm receptor, ZP3, an 83,000-molecular weight glycoprotein present in zonae pellucidae isolated from both eggs and embryos [Bleil, J. D., and Wassarman, P. M. (1980). Cell, 20, 873–882]. In this investigation, ZP2, the major glycoprotein found in mouse zonae pellucidae [Bleil, J. D., and Wassarman, P. M. (1980). Develop. Biol., 76, 185–202] was analyzed by gel electrophoresis under a variety of conditions in order to determine whether or not it undergoes modification as a result of fertilization. Under nonreducing conditions, ZP2 present in solubilized zonae pellucidae that were isolated individually from mouse oocytes, eggs, and embryos migrates on SDS-polyacrylamide gels with an apparent molecular weight of 120,000. However, under reducing conditions, ZP2 from embryos, but not from oocytes or unfertilized eggs, migrates with an apparent molecular weight of 90,000 and has been designated ZP2f. The evidence presented suggests that modification of ZP2 following fertilization involves proteolysis of the glycoprotein, but that intramolecular disulfide bonds prevent the release of peptide fragments. It is shown that the same change in ZP2 can be generated in vitro by artificial activation of unfertilized mouse eggs with the calcium ionophore A23187, thus eliminating the possibility that a sperm component is responsible for the modification of ZP2 following fertilization. These results suggest that some of the changes in the biochemical and biological properties of zonae pellucidae, observed following fertilization or activation of mouse eggs, result from modification of the major zona pellucida glycoprotein, ZP2.  相似文献   

The gene encoding xylanase F3 (xynF3) was isolated from a genomic library of Aspergillus oryzae KBN616, used for making shoyu koji. The structural part of xynF3 was found to be 1468 bp. The nucleotide sequence of cDNA amplified by RT-PCR showed that the open reading frame of xynF3 was interrupted by ten short introns and encoded 323 amino acids. Direct N-terminal amino acid sequencing showed that the precursor of XynF3 had a signal peptide of 22 amino acids. The predicted amino acid sequence of XynF3 has strong similarity to other family 10 xylanases from fungi. The xynF3 gene was successfully overexpressed in A. oryzae and the XynF3 was purified. The molecular mass of XynF3 estimated on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was 32,000. This was almost the same as the molecular mass of 32,437 calculated from the deduced amino acid sequence. The purified XynF3 showed an optimum activity at pH 5.0 and 58 degrees C. It had a Km of 6.5 mg/ml and a Vmax of 435 micromol x min(-1) x mg(-1) when birch wood xylan was used as a substrate. Expression of the xynF3 gene was analyzed using an Escherichia coli beta-glucuronidase gene as a reporter. The result indicated that xynF3 is expressed in the medium containing wheat bran as a carbon source.  相似文献   

The zona pellucida (ZP) is a transparent envelope that surrounds the mammalian oocyte and mediates species-selective sperm-egg interactions. Porcine and bovine ZPs are composed of the glycoproteins ZP2, ZP3, and ZP4. We previously established an expression system for porcine ZP glycoproteins (ZPGs) using baculovirus in insect Sf9 cells. Here we established a similar method for expression of bovine ZPGs. The recombinant ZPGs were secreted into the medium and purified by metal-chelating column chromatography. A mixture of bovine recombinant ZP3 (rZP3) and rZP4 coexpressed in Sf9 cells exhibited inhibitory activity for bovine sperm-ZP binding similar to that of a native bovine ZPG mixture, whereas neither bovine rZP3 nor rZP4 inhibited binding. An immunoprecipitation assay revealed that the coexpressed rZP3/rZP4 formed a hetero-complex. We examined the functional domain structure of bovine rZP4 by constructing ZP4 mutants lacking the N-terminal domain or lacking both the N-terminal and trefoil domains. When either of these mutant proteins was coexpressed with bovine rZP3, the resulting mixtures exhibited inhibitory activity comparable to that of the bovine rZP3/rZP4 complex. Hetero-complexes of bovine rZP3 and porcine rZP4, or porcine rZP3 and bovine rZP4, also inhibited bovine sperm-ZP binding. Our results demonstrate that the N-terminal and trefoil domains of bovine rZP4 are dispensable for formation of the sperm-binding active bovine rZP3/rZP4 complex and, furthermore, that the molecular interactions between rZP3 and rZP4 are conserved in the bovine and porcine systems.  相似文献   

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