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The nematode associations in six Ethiopian rift lakes, one man-made lake, and three crater lakes were studied and related to water conductivity, lake depth and sediment particle size. The lakes investigated lie at moderate altitudes (1200–2000 m), are alkaline and vary in their conductivities. The rift lakes Abijata and Shala and the crater lakes Aranguadi, Kilotes and Chitu are soda lakes (K25 > 6000 μS cm−1), while the remaining five lakes and the man-made Lake Koka are within the freshwater range of conductivity (K25 < 6000 μS cm−1). A total of 16 species were identified including six new species. The nematode associations varied between lakes and were restricted to very few species in each lake. Most nematodes were restricted to non-saline lakes. The most dilute L. Zwai had a higher number of nematode species (12) and abundance than other lakes. The saline lakes Shala and Kilotes had nematode assemblages made up of only a single species (Mesodorylaimus macrospiculum). No nematodes were found in the hypersaline crater L. Chitu. Tobrilus africanus appeared more euryhaline than other nematodes occurring at conductivities as high as 15 000 μ S cm−1 (L. Abijata). Five of the most common species (Dorylaimus sp., Monhystera stagnalis, Aphanolaimus tudoranceai, Tobrilus africanus and Actinolaimus perplexus) were associated with medium grained sand. A monthly variation in density of nematodes in L. Zwai is also shown.  相似文献   

Studying the dietary flexibility of primates that live in human‐modified environments is crucial for understanding their ecological adaptations as well as developing management and conservation plans. Southern gelada (Theropithecus gelada obscurus) is an endemic little‐known subspecies of gelada that inhabits human‐modified landscapes in the northern central highlands of Ethiopia. During an 18‐month period, we conducted this intensive study in an unprotected area of a human‐modified landscape at Kosheme in Wollo to investigate the feeding ecology of southern geladas and their dietary responses to seasonal variations. We quantified the monthly and seasonal diet data from a band of southern geladas using instantaneous scan sampling method at 15‐min intervals, and green grass phenology and availability using visual inspection from the randomly selected permanent plots. The overall average diet of southern geladas at Kosheme constituted grass blades 55.4%, grass undergrounds 13.2%, grass bulbs 5.6%, grass seeds 5.4%, herb leaves 4.0, fruits 7.3%, and cereal crops 5.6%. Grass blade consumption increased with increasing green grass availability, while underground food consumption increased with decreasing green grass availability, and vice versa. Southern geladas spent significantly more time feeding on the grass blades and herb leaves and significantly less time on bulbs during the wet season than the dry season. Underground grass items (rhizomes and corms) were not consumed during the wet season, but made up 22.3% of the dry season diet. Thus, although grass blades are staple diet items for geladas, underground diet items are important “fallback foods” at Kosheme. Our result shows insights into the dietary flexibility southern geladas adopt to cope with human‐modified landscapes of the north‐central Ethiopian Highlands. Thus, the study contributes to a better understanding of how changing environments shape primate ecology and evolution.  相似文献   

Seven small groups of vervet monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops aethiops), totaling 124 individuals, from Awash National Park, Ethiopia, were trapped and blood samples were obtained. Twenty-three loci were examined by starch gel electrophoresis and four loci, Tf, E, ADA, and PMG2 were found to be polymorphic. The average heterozygosity (H?) of the population was calculated to be 5.6%. No significant deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium proportions occurred and a chi-square test for group homogeneity was also not significant. Average FST for all polymorphic loci was calculated to be 0.062. This suggests that the entire group functions as a single Mendelian population.  相似文献   

There have been no reports of infanticide in wild gelada baboons and it has been argued that infanticide is not necessary in geladas, since the birth interval of female gelada can be shortened after takeover of a unit by a new leader male without infanticide. However, we observed an instance of infanticide in a newly-found wild gelada population in the Arsi Region of Ethiopia. After a leader male of the unit was severely wounded by a leopard attack, he was quite weakened. The second male of the unit, a young adult male, became the leader of the unit three weeks later, but the former leader continued to stay in the unit as a second male. After a week, two other adult males joined the unit which, therefore, came to include four adult males. The infanticide took place nine days later. The perpetrator was one of the immigrant males and he showed great interest in the mother of the unweaned victim infant. Although the perpetrator copulated with her after the infanticide, the usurper was found to own all three adult females after two weeks following the infanticide; i.e. the perpetrator could not own any female. The wounded former leader showed conspicuous protective behavior towards the victim's mother and the dead infant. One possible explanation for the occurrence of infanticide in this population of geladas is as follows. Gelada males in this area may be able to join units more easily to form multi-male units but then have shorter tenure in the units. Facing the unstable condition of units, they may sometimes engage in infanticide to increase their breeding opportunities, even before becoming a leader.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of peri-Saharian buthid scorpion is described on the basis of single specimen collected in the Great Rift Valley, North of Kenya. This new scorpion taxon represents yet another endemic relict element for the faunas of the peri-Saharian regions. Comments are also included on the evolution of the Sahara and peri-Saharian regions and its possible consequences on the distribution of the extant scorpion fauna.  相似文献   

We conducted an extensive survey in search of hybrid baboons betweenPapio hamadryas andP. anubis along the Wabi-Shebeli river at the border of the Arusi and Bale Regions, Ethiopia. We made inquiries of villagers on the roadsides concerning the existence of baboon species. We also conducted direct observations at several sites. There are three routes which lead to the north bank of the Wabi-Shebeli river (Arusi Region), and we found hybrid baboons on the bank of the Wabi-Shebeli river in two routes among the three. We found hamadryas baboons in all of the three routes at the cliff areas. There are two routes which lead to the south bank of the Wabi-Shebeli river (Bale Region). We conducted a survey on one of the two. We found hamadryas baboons at the cliff areas of the route. We observed a population of gelada baboons along the cliff extending over 20 km along the north bank of the Wabi-Shebeli river (Arusi Region). This area is far to the south of the known distribution range of gelada baboons (Yalden et al., 1977). The gelada baboons of this area appeared to represent a different form (subspecies?) from those at Debre Sina (Showa Region) based on our observations in both areas. We reached the conclusion that the distributions of baboon species along the Wabi-Shebeli river may have been strongly affected by the intensive cultivation on the plateau of the highland. The distribution patterns of the three baboon species,P. anubis, P. hamadryas, andTheropithecus gelada, appeared to be influenced by their individual adaptabilities to the cliff environment. Hamadryas baboons were distributed continuously along the cliff and the narrow lowland of the Wabi-Shebeli river. Anubis baboons were distributed discontinuously on the cliffs, and their populations tended to be small and isolated. These anubis baboons were strongly hybridized with hamadryas baboons.  相似文献   

The zooplankton of a Rift Valley lake in Ethiopia, Awasa, was sampled at 3 stations for 2 years (1986 and 1987) concurrently with various meteorological and limnological measurements. The spatial and temporal variation in abundance of some numerically dominant crustaceans, Mesocyclops aequatorialis similis (Copepoda), Thermocyclops consimilis (Copepoda) and Diaphanosoma excisum (Cladocera) is discussed. Temporal (months, sampling dates) rather than spatial (station) variability accounts for more than 50% of the total variance in zooplankton abundance but horizontal patchiness exists during periods of high zooplankton density. Sampling errors were generally low, except for counts of cyclopoid nauplii (subsampling) and Diaphanosoma (inter-replicate variance). Zooplankton showed distinct seasonality associated with the mixing cycle of the lake. Total numbers increased to more than 200 000 m−3 during the unstratified period (July to September). Low numbers were evident during stratification (February to May) when zooplankton numbers did not exceed 15 000 m−3. Individual zooplankton species and age classes showed variable seasonal amplitudes, ranging from 6.4 (nauplius 3) to 44.8 (copepodite 3 of Mesocyclops). We discuss some possible causes for zooplankton seasonality in Lake Awasa, and also review zooplankton seasonal cycles in other tropical lakes, especially African ones.  相似文献   

BackgroundSelenium (Se) plays an important role in human health, yet Se overexposure or deficiency can lead to deleterious health effects. This study aims to determine the concentration of Se in drinking water and staple cereal grain (maize, wheat, and teff) samples from the Main Ethiopian Rift (MER) Valley, and correspondingly, assesses Se biomarkers and their status as measured in the urine and fingernails of 230 individuals living in 25 MER communities.MethodThe concentration of Se in drinking water and cereal grain (maize, wheat, and teff) samples, and urine and fingernail samples were measured using Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS). Demographic, anthropometric, and elemental concentrations were described by their quartiles and mean ± standard deviations. The 5th and 95th percentiles were used to describe the concentrations Se biomarkers ranges. The Se biomarker distributions in different study communities were further characterized according to Se levels found in drinking water, sex, and age using ANOVA, and multivariate regression. We conducted a correlation analysis (with Pearson correlation coefficient) and fitted a regression to evaluate the associations between these variables.ResultsThe mean concentration of Se in the drinking water samples was 0.66 (range: 0.015–2.64 µg/L; n = 25), and all samples were below the threshold value of 10 μg/L for Se in drinking water set by the World Health Organiation (WHO). In Ethiopia, most rural communities rely on locally produced cereal grains. We found mean Se concentrations (µg/kg) of 357 ± 190 (n = 14), 289 ± 123 (n = 14), and 145 ± 100 (n = 14) in wheat, teff, and maize, respectively. Furthermore, Se concentrations in drinking water showed no significant correlation with biomarker measures, indicating that the primary source of dietary Se is likely from local foods including staple grains. The mean±SD (5th–95th percentiles) of Se concentrations in fingernails and urine among study subjects were 1022 ± 320 (624–1551 µg/kg), and 38 ± 30 (1.9–100 µg/L), respectively.ConclusionA sizeable share of study participants (31%) fell below the lower limits of what is considered the currently accepted Se range of 20–90 µg/L in urine, though relatively few (only 4%) had similarly low fingernail levels. On the other hand, none of the samples reached Se toxicity levels, and the biomarker levels in this study are comparable to results from other studies that find adequate Se. Our results show that Se toxicity or deficiency is unlikely in the study population.  相似文献   

The temporal distribution and spatial pattern of abundance of mosquito vectors of Rift Valley fever (RVf) and West Nile fever (WNf) were studied during the 2005 and 2006 rainy seasons at Barkedji, Senegal. Mosquitoes were collected every two weeks with CDC light traps with dry ice at 79 sites including temporary ponds, barren, shrubby savannah, wooded savannah, steppes, and villages at different distances (between 0 and 600 m) from the nearest pond. The temporal distributions of these vectors varied between 2005 and 2006 and were positively correlated with rainfall for Aedes (Aedimorphus) vexans Patton, with rainfall after a lag time of one month for Culex (Culex) poicilipes (Theobald) and Culex (Culex) neavei Theobald. All the vectors had their highest abundances and parity rates between September and November. The highest vector abundances were observed in the barren and temporary ponds. The distance of trap location to the nearest ponds was negatively correlated to the abundance of the vectors. Taking into account the linear regression equations, it was predicted that mosquitoes would not disperse and be collected by the light trap, up to 1,500 m to the nearest ponds. The implications of these findings in the epidemiology and control of RVF and WNF at Barkedji are discussed.  相似文献   

三个品种豚鼠血液蛋白多态性的比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的比较分析白毛黑眼(WHBE)豚鼠和DHP豚鼠、花色豚鼠三个品种豚鼠在13个血液蛋白位点上的多态性。方法采用垂直板浓度和pH均不连续的聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳法对WHBE豚鼠、DHP豚鼠和花色豚鼠的66只个体的后白蛋白(Po)、前转铁蛋白1(Prt1)、前转铁蛋白2(Prt2)、转铁蛋白1(Tf1)、转铁蛋白2(Tf2)、后转铁蛋白(Ptf)、慢α球蛋白(Sag)、红细胞酯酶(Es)、血清酯酶1(Est1)、血清酯酶3(Est3)、血红蛋白α(Hbα)、血红蛋白β(Hbβ)和白蛋白(Alb)共13个蛋白位点进行了电泳及染色,再利用电泳图谱对各蛋白位点基因频率、平均杂合度和遗传距离进行计算,然后结合聚类分析。结果 Tf1、Tf2、Ptf、Est1和Es在三个豚鼠品种中表现为多态,其中Tf1可作为识别WHBE豚鼠的遗传标记。Po、Prt1、Prt2、Sag、Est3、Hbα、Hbβ和Alb等位点在三个豚鼠品种中的表型一致。Hardy-Weinberg平衡状态分析表明,Es为DHP豚鼠的高度不平衡位点。Ptf为花色豚鼠的高度不平衡位点。在WHBE豚鼠中,Tf1为高度不平衡位点,Est1为不平衡位点。在三个豚鼠品种中,所检测的13个蛋白位点的平均杂合度的排列顺序为:花色豚鼠(0.350 1)〉WHBE豚鼠(0.339 0)〉DHP豚鼠(0.313 5)。聚类分析结果表明,花色豚鼠和WHBE豚鼠的遗传遗传距离最近(0.064 3),DHP豚鼠与花色豚鼠的遗传距离最远(0.179 2)。结论利用这些蛋白位点可以有效鉴别WHBE豚鼠、DHP豚鼠和花色豚鼠血液蛋白的遗传多态性。  相似文献   

一个人工朱曦种群的遗传多态性   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用蛋白质电泳、RAPD和微卫星DNA技术,对我国濒危保护动物———人工饲养朱进行遗传多态性研究。结果表明,40只朱在前白蛋白(Pre)、白蛋白(Alb)、后白蛋白(Pa)、运铁蛋白(Tf)共4个蛋白质位点上没有发现多态性。用40个随机引物对40只朱进行RAPD分析,其中35个引物扩增出完全相同的RAPD带纹,仅筛选到5个多态性引物,朱群体的平均带纹相似率为0.86。利用其它物种的22对微卫星引物对30只朱的DNA进行检测,共筛选出4对多态性微卫星引物,扩增出13个等位基因。朱在这4对微卫星位点的平均杂合度为0.3760,平均多态信息含量为0.3382,平均等位基因数为2.075。表明朱人工饲养群体的遗传多态性比发现之初得到了一定程度的恢复,但仍然比较贫乏  相似文献   

Following an outbreak of Rift Valley fever (RVF) in south-eastern Mauritania during 1998, entomological investigations were conducted for 2 years in the affected parts of Senegal and Mauritania, spanning the Sénégal River basin. A total of 92 787 mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae), belonging to 10 genera and 41 species, were captured in light traps. In Senegal, Culex poicilipes (41%) and Mansonia uniformis (39%) were the most abundant species caught, whereas Aedes vexans (77%) and Cx. poicilipes (15%) predominated in Mauritania. RVF virus was isolated from 63 pools of Cx. poicilipes: 36 from Senegal in 1998 and 27 from Mauritania in 1999. These results are the first field evidence of Cx. poicilipes naturally infected with RVFV, and the first isolations of this virus from mosquitoes in Mauritania - the main West African epidemic and epizootic area. Additional arbovirus isolates comprised 25 strains of Bagaza (BAG) from Aedes fowleri, Culex neavei and Cx. poicilipes; 67 Sanar (ArD 66707) from Cx. poicilipes; 51 Wesselsbron (WSL) from Ae. vexans and 30 strains of West Nile (WN) from Ma. uniformis, showing differential specific virus-vector associations in the circulation activity of these five arboviruses.  相似文献   

A new oxytrichid ciliate Notohymena saprai sp. nov was isolated from the Valley of Flowers, an isolated bioreserve in the upper Himalayas. The ciliate was found in the soil samples collected from the peripheral areas of the flowering region of the valley which is covered with permafrost for nearly eight months in a year. Cells were excysted from the soil samples by the non-flooded petridish method. Species identification was performed by observations on live and silver-impregnated cells. Notohymena saprai sp. nov is highly flexible, measures 152 × 49 μm and shows abundant presence of dark green sub-pellicular granules. The species is distinct by virtue of its new combination of morphometric and developmental characters. Prominent distinguishing features of the new species are its relative large size and presence of four macronuclei (other species of this genus have two macronuclei). The study also reports morphogenetic peculiarities which separate it from the other known species of the genus.  相似文献   

The earliest evidence of Australopithecus goes back to ca 4.2 Ma with the first recorded appearance of Australopithecus ‘anamensis’ at Kanapoi, Kenya. Australopithecus afarensis is well documented between 3.6 and 3.0 Ma mainly from deposits at Laetoli (Tanzania) and Hadar (Ethiopia). The phylogenetic relationship of these two ‘species’ is hypothesized as ancestor–descendant. However, the lack of fossil evidence from the time between 3.6 and 3.9 Ma has been one of its weakest points. Recent fieldwork in the Woranso-Mille study area in the Afar region of Ethiopia has yielded fossil hominids dated between 3.6 and 3.8 Ma. These new fossils play a significant role in testing the proposed relationship between Au. anamensis and Au. afarensis. The Woranso-Mille hominids (3.6–3.8 Ma) show a mosaic of primitive, predominantly Au. anamensis-like, and some derived (Au. afarensis-like) dentognathic features. Furthermore, they show that, as currently known, there are no discrete and functionally significant anatomical differences between Au. anamensis and Au. afarensis. Based on the currently available evidence, it appears that there is no compelling evidence to falsify the hypothesis of ‘chronospecies pair’ or ancestor–descendant relationship between Au. anamensis and Au. afarensis. Most importantly, however, the temporally and morphologically intermediate Woranso-Mille hominids indicate that the species names Au. afarensis and Au. anamensis do not refer to two real species, but rather to earlier and later representatives of a single phyletically evolving lineage. However, if retaining these two names is necessary for communication purposes, the Woranso-Mille hominids are best referred to as Au. anamensis based on new dentognathic evidence.  相似文献   

Two new species of Aphidura Hille Ris Lambers, 1956 (Hemiptera, Aphididae, Macrosiphini) are described; Aphidura libanensissp. n. from Prunus prostrata in Lebanon, and Aphidura corsicensissp. n. from Cerastium soleirolii in Corsica (France). Studies of Aphidura bozhkoae specimens from different localities have revealed that this species varies in its pattern of dorsal sclerotisation and other morphological characters, within and between populations. An updated key for identifying the world’s species of Aphidura is presented.  相似文献   

Yellow baboons (Papio hamadryas cynocephalus) from Mikumi National Park, Tanzania were studied for polymorphisms in nuclear DNA. The study population consists of four social groups that inhabit overlapping home ranges and exchange males. As a result, these groups are considered to be members of a single interbreeding population. Human DNA clones were used as probes to screen five loci (AT3, REN, HEXB, VIM, and APOB) for restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLP). A total of 14 polymorphisms, at least one at each locus, was detected in a panel of 27 baboons tested using six restriction enzymes for each locus. Eleven of these RFLP systems have average heterozygosity values greater than 0.40. This initial screening demonstrates that human DNA clones can be used to detect significant numbers of informative DNA polymorphisms in single-copy nuclear genes of this species and suggests that the average proportion of nucleotides polymorphic across nuclear loci in this population may be between 1.0% and 1.3%. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The Lophiodontidae is an emblematic and well-documented Eocene family of perissodactyls from Western Europe. However, after more than a century and a half of studies, lophiodontids still display a complex systematics associated with blurry intraspecific variation and a poorly known early radiation. The locality of La Borie, located near the city of Toulouse, France, has yielded numerous remains of Eolophiodon laboriense. This abundance of remains allows for the first time the study of the intraspecific variation of a basal lophiodontid. The variation has been investigated for dental and cranio-mandibular characters, notably dental polymorphism, size variation and sexual dimorphism. The intraspecific variation of E. laboriense is high with more than 20 polymorphic characters of the dentition, including many additional crests and conules. This dental polymorphism is similar to the one observed in the Bartonian lophiodontid Lophiodon lautricense. E. laboriense also displays an important degree of sexual dimorphism, with male specimens having broader and longer mandibles with larger canines than females. Despite this high intraspecific variation, the low size variation of teeth and the consistency of diagnostic characters strengthen the validity of the genus Eolophiodon and does not impact the previous lophiodontid phylogeny.  相似文献   

Species of the genus Colocasiomyia de Meijere feed/breed on inflorescences/infructescences of the plants from the families Araceae, Arecaceae and Magnoliaceae. Although most of them utilize plants from the subfamily Aroideae of Araceae, three species of the recently established C. gigantea species group make use of plants of the subfamily Monsteroideae. We describe four new species of the gigantea group found from Yunnan, China: Colocasiomyia longifilamentata Li & Gao, sp. n., C. longivalva Li & Gao, sp. n., C. hailini Li & Gao, sp. n., and C. yini Li & Gao, sp. n. The species delimitation is proved in virtue of not only morphology but also DNA barcodes, i.e., sequences of the partial mitochondrial COI (cytochrome c oxidase subunit I) gene. Some nucleotide sites with fixed status in the alignment of the COI sequences (658 sites in length) are used as “pure” molecular diagnostic characters to delineate species in the gigantea group.  相似文献   

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