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Tbx20-related T-box genes have been implicated in the regulation of heart development in several vertebrate species. In the present report, we demonstrate that a pair of genes representing Drosophila orthologs of Tbx20, midline (mid) and H15, have important functions during the development of the Drosophila equivalent of the heart, i.e. the dorsal vessel. We show that mid is among the earliest known genes that are specifically expressed in all cardioblasts during early embryogenesis, and H15 expression is subsequently activated in the same cells. Mutant embryos lacking the activity of mid, or both mid and H15, are able to form dorsal vessels with largely normal numbers of cardioblasts and pericardial cells. Furthermore, the mutant cardioblasts express several general cardioblast markers such as Mef2 and Toll at normal levels. However, the expression of tinman (tin), which normally occurs in four out of six cardioblasts in each hemisegment of the dorsal vessel, is almost abolished. Conversely, the expression of the Dorsocross (Doc) T-box genes, which is normally restricted to the two Tin-negative cardioblasts in each hemisegment, is strongly expanded into the majority of cardioblasts in mid mutant and mid+H15-deficient embryos. Altogether, the data from the loss-of-function phenotypes demonstrate that mid, and to a lesser degree H15, have important roles in establishing the metameric patterning of cardioblast identities, but not in specifying cardioblasts as such. Ectopic expression of mid causes ectopic tin expression and, less efficiently, produces extra cardioblasts. We propose that one of the major functions of mid and H15 during cardioblast development is the re-activation of tin expression at a stage when the induction of tin by Dpp in the dorsal mesoderm has ceased. Through this activity, mid and H15 are required for the normal functional diversification of cardioblasts and the expression of tin-dependent terminal differentiation genes within the dorsal vessel.  相似文献   

The atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) gene is initially expressed throughout the myocardial layer of the heart, but during subsequent development, expression becomes limited to the atrial chambers. Mouse knockout and mammalian cell culture studies have shown that the ANF gene is regulated by combinatorial interactions between Nkx2-5, GATA-4, Tbx5, and SRF; however, the molecular mechanisms leading to chamber-specific expression are currently unknown. We have isolated the Xenopus ANF promoter in order to examine the temporal and spatial regulation of the ANF gene in vivo using transgenic embryos. The mammalian and Xenopus ANF promoters show remarkable sequence similarity, including an Nkx2-5 binding site (NKE), two GATA sites, a T-box binding site (TBE), and two SRF binding sites (SREs). Our transgenic studies show that mutation of either SRE, the TBE or the distal GATA element, strongly reduces expression from the ANF promoter. However, mutations of the NKE, the proximal GATA, or both elements together, result in relatively minor reductions in transgene expression within the myocardium. Surprisingly, mutation of these elements results in ectopic ANF promoter activity in the kidneys, facial muscles, and aortic arch artery-associated muscles, and causes persistent expression in the ventricle and outflow tract of the heart. We propose that the NKE and proximal GATA elements serve as crucial binding sites for assembly of a repressor complex that is required for atrial-specific expression of the ANF gene.  相似文献   

Tetrapod limbs, forelimbs and hindlimbs, emerge as limb buds during development from appropriate positions along the rostro-caudal axis of the main body. In this study, tissue interactions by which rostro-caudal level-specific limb initiation is established were analyzed. The limb bud originates from the lateral plate located laterally to the paraxial mesoderm, and we obtained evidence that level-specific tissue interactions between the paraxial mesoderm and the lateral plate mesoderm are important for the determination of the limb-type-specific gene expression and limb outgrowth. When the wing-level paraxial mesoderm was transplanted into the presumptive leg region, the wing-level paraxial mesoderm upregulated the expression of Tbx5, a wing marker gene, and down regulated the expression of Tbx4 and Pitx1, leg marker genes, in the leg-level lateral plate. The wing-level paraxial mesoderm relocated into the leg level also inhibited outgrowth of the hindlimb bud and down regulated Fgf10 and Fgf8 expression, demonstrating that the wing-level paraxial mesoderm cannot substitute for the function of the leg-level paraxial mesoderm in initiation and outgrowth of the hindlimb. The paraxial mesoderm taken from the neck- and flank-level regions also had effects on Tbx5/Tbx4 expression with different efficiencies. These findings suggest that the paraxial mesoderm has level-specific abilities along the rostro-caudal axis in the limb-type-specific mechanism for limb initiation.  相似文献   

GATA factors play an essential role in endodermal specification in both protostomes and deuterostomes. In Drosophila, the GATA factor gene serpent (srp) is critical for differentiation of the endoderm. However, the expression of srp disappears around stage 11, which is much earlier than overt differentiation occurs in the midgut, an entirely endodermal organ. We have identified another endoderm-specific Drosophila GATA factor gene, dGATAe. Expression of dGATAe is first detected at stage 8 in the endoderm, and its expression continues in the endodermal midgut throughout the life cycle. srp is required for expression of dGATAe, and misexpression of srp resulted in ectopic dGATAe expression. Embryos that either lacked dGATAe or were injected with double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) corresponding to dGATAe failed to express marker genes that are characteristic of differentiated midgut. Conversely, overexpression of dGATAe induced ectopic expression of endodermal markers even in the absence of srp activity. Transfection of the dGATAe cDNA also induced endodermal markers in Drosophila S2 cells. These studies provide an outline of the genetic pathway that establishes the endoderm in Drosophila. This pathway is triggered by sequential signaling through the maternal torso gene, a terminal gap gene, huckebein (hkb), and finally, two GATA factor genes, srp and dGATAe.  相似文献   

The sinoatrial node (SAN), functionally known as the pacemaker, regulates the cardiac rhythm or heartbeat. Several genes are expressed in the developing SAN and form a genetic network regulating the fate of the SAN cells. The short stature homeobox gene Shox2 is an important player in the SAN genetic network by regulating the expression of different cardiac conduction molecular markers including the early cardiac differentiation marker Nkx2.5. Here we report that the expression patterns of Shox2 and Nkx2.5 are mutually exclusive from the earliest stages of the venous pole and the SAN formation. We show that tissue specific ectopic expression of Shox2 in the developing mouse heart downregulates the expression of Nkx2.5 and causes cardiac malformations; however, it is not sufficient to induce a SAN cell fate switch in the working myocardium. On the other hand, tissue specific overexpression of Nkx2.5 in the heart leads to severe hypoplasia of the SAN and the venous valves, dis-regulation of the SAN genetic network, and change of the SAN cell fate into working myocardium, and causes embryonic lethality, recapitulating the phenotypes including bradycardia observed in Shox2−/− mutants. These results indicate that Nkx2.5 activity is detrimental to the normal formation of the SAN. Taken together, our results demonstrate that Shox2 downregulation of Nkx2.5 is essential for the proper development of the SAN and that Shox2 functions to shield the SAN from becoming working myocardium by acting upstream of Nkx2.5.  相似文献   

Normal vertebrate heart development depends upon the expression of homeodomain containing proteins related to the Drosophila gene, tinman. In Xenopus laevis, three such genes have been identified in regions that will eventually give rise to the heart, XNkx2-3, XNkx2-5 and XNkx2-10. Although the expression domains of all three overlap in early development, distinctive differences have been noted. By the time the heart tube forms, there is little XNkx2-10 mRNA detected by in situ analysis in the embryonic heart while both XNkx2-3 and XNkx2-5 are clearly present. In addition, unlike XNkx2-3 and XNkx2-5, injection of XNkx2-10 mRNA does not increase the size of the embryonic heart. We have reexamined the expression and potential role of XNkx2-10 in development via oligonucleotide-mediated reduction of XNkx2-10 protein expression. We find that a decrease in XNkx2-10 leads to a broad spectrum of developmental abnormalities including a reduction in heart size. We conclude that XNkx2-10, like XNkx2-3 and XNkx2-5, is necessary for normal Xenopus heart development.  相似文献   

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