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The lethal species of malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum, continues to exact a huge toll of mortality and morbidity, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. Completion of the genome sequence of this organism and advances in proteomics and mass spectrometry have opened up unprecedented opportunities for understanding the complex biology of this parasite and how it responds to drug challenge and other interventions. This review describes recent progress that has been made in applying proteomics technology to this important pathogen and provides a look forward to likely future developments.  相似文献   

Malaria is caused by intraerythrocytic protozoan parasites belonging to Plasmodium spp. (phylum Apicomplexa) that produce significant morbidity and mortality, mostly in developing countries. Plasmodium parasites have a complex life cycle that includes multiple stages in anopheline mosquito vectors and vertebrate hosts. During the life cycle, the parasites undergo several cycles of extreme population growth within a brief span, and this is critical for their continued transmission and a contributing factor for their pathogenesis in the host. As with other eukaryotes, successful mitosis is an essential requirement for Plasmodium reproduction; however, some aspects of Plasmodium mitosis are quite distinct and not fully understood. In this review, we will discuss the current understanding of the architecture and key events of mitosis in Plasmodium falciparum and related parasites and compare them with the traditional mitotic events described for other eukaryotes.  相似文献   

We have cloned and sequenced the gene encoding the circumsporozoite (CS) protein of Plasmodium reichenowi a Plasmodium falciparum-like malaria parasite of chimpanzees. Comparison of the two CS proteins reveals both similarities and differences in these two evolutionarily related parasites that have adapted to different hosts. The P. reichenowi CS protein has a new repeat sequence, NVNP, in addition to the P. falciparum-like NANP and NVDP repeats. In the immunodominant TH2R and TH3R regions of the CS protein, the amino acid sequences are similar in both parasite proteins. The differences in the two proteins exist in domains around the conserved regions, Region I and Region II, which are otherwise conserved in the CS proteins of P. falciparum analyzed to date. Studies of parasite protein genes of evolutionarily related malaria parasites, together with other immunologic and biologic characteristics, will help better understand the evolution and host parasite relationship of malaria parasites and may provide a tool for identifying protein determinants for malaria vaccine development.  相似文献   

In the past few years, methods have been developed which allow the introduction of exogenous DNA into the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. This important technical advance known as parasite transfection, provides powerful new tools to study the function of Plasmodium proteins and their roles in biology and disease. Already it has allowed the analysis of promoter function and has been successfully applied to establish the role of particular molecules and/or mutations in the biology of this parasite. This review summarises the current state of the technology and how it has been applied to dissect the function of the P. falciparum genome.  相似文献   

Genetic mapping in the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Plasmodium falciparum genome sequence has boosted hopes for a new era of malaria research and for the application of comprehensive molecular knowledge to disease control, but formidable obstacles remain: approximately 60% of the predicted P. falciparum proteins have no known functions or homologues, and most life cycle stages of this haploid eukaryotic parasite are relatively intractable to cultivation and biochemical manipulation. Genetic mapping based on high-resolution maps saturated with single-nucleotide polymorphisms or microsatellites is now providing effective strategies for discovering candidate genes determining important parasite phenotypes. Here we review classical linkage studies using laboratory crosses and population associations that are now amenable to genome-wide approaches and are revealing multiple candidate genes involved in complex drug responses. Moreover, mapping by linkage disequilibrium is practicable in cases where chromosomal segments flanking drug-selected genes have been preserved in populations during relatively recent P. falciparum evolution. We discuss the advantages and limitations of these various genetic mapping strategies, results from which offer complementary insights to those emerging from gene knockout experiments and/or high-throughput genomic technologies.  相似文献   

Malaria parasites produce male and female life cycle stages (gametocytes) that must fertilize to achieve successful colonization of the mosquito. Gametocyte sex ratios have been shown to be under strong selection pressure both as an adaptive response to a worsening blood environment for transmission and according to the number of co-infecting clones in the vertebrate. Evidence for an impact of sex ratio on the transmission success of Plasmodium falciparum has, however, been more controversial. Theoretical models of fertilization predict that increasingly male sex ratios will be favoured at low gametocyte densities to ensure fertilization. Here, we analyse in vitro transmission studies of P. falciparum to Anopheles gambiae mosquitoes and test this prediction. We find that there is a discernible effect of sex ratio on transmission but which is dependent upon the gametocyte density. While increasingly male sex ratios do give higher transmission success at low gametocyte densities, they reduce success at higher densities. This therefore provides empirical confirmation that sex ratio has an immediate impact on transmission success and that it is density-dependent. Identifying the signals used by the parasite to alter its sex ratio is essential to determine the success of transmission-blocking vaccines that aim to impede the fertilization process.  相似文献   

Five polymorphic proteins, detected by two-dimensional electrophoresis, were analysed in the parents and progeny of a cross between two clones of the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. The information obtained showed that different forms of each protein were determined by allelic variants of each respective gene. One protein was identified as the parasite enzyme adenosine deaminase. Recombinant parasites were produced at a higher than expected frequency.  相似文献   

Because of their inability to synthesize purines de novo, malaria parasites rely on purine phosphoribosyltransferases (PRTases) to convert purine bases salvaged from the host cell (the erythrocyte) into the corresponding purine nucleoside monophosphates. Our studies with late trophozoites of the human malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum, showed that virtually all of the purine PRTase activity is accounted for by two distinct enzymes. One enzyme utilizes hypoxanthine, guanine and xanthine (Queen, S.A., Vander Jagt, D. and Reyes, P. (1988) Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 30, 123-134). The second enzyme utilizes only adenine and is the subject of this paper. This latter enzyme exhibits a biphasic pH-activity profile and is moderately to weakly inhibited by several divalent metal ions. Several of the properties of the P. falciparum enzyme were found to differ significantly from those of human erythrocyte adenine PRTase. (1) The molecular weight (18,000) of the parasite enzyme is smaller than that of the host cell enzyme. (2) The parasite enzyme, unlike the erythrocyte enzyme, is not significantly inhibited by sulfhydryl reagents. (3) 6-Mercaptopurine and 2,6-diaminopurine proved to be competitive inhibitors of the parasite enzyme (Ki 0.70 and 1.0 mM, respectively); on the other hand, the human enzyme is not inhibited by these agents. (4) The Km for adenine (0.80 microM) and 5-phosphoribosyl-1-pyrophosphate (0.70 microM) displayed by the parasite enzyme are significantly smaller than the corresponding Km values shown by the erythrocyte enzyme. These distinctions between the parasite and host enzymes point to the possibility that adenine PRTase of P. falciparum may represent a potential target for chemotherapeutic attack.  相似文献   

The C-terminal, cysteine-rich 19kDa domain of merozoite surface protein-1 (MSP-1) of Plasmodium falciparum is a target of the host's humoral immunity and thus a malaria vaccine candidate. Although variation in the 19kDa domain is limited among parasite isolates, tertiary structure-dependent intramolecular associations between the 19kDa domain and other parts of MSP-1 are suggested to be involved in immune evasion by allowing competitive binding of protective and non-protective antibodies directed to their epitopes, which are conformationally in close proximity but separated at the primary structure. Since allelic recombination can account for the major variability of the Msp-1 gene, we examined whether linkage disequilibrium occurs between polymorphic loci in the 5'- and the 3'-region, the latter encoding the 19kDa domain. From 184 Thai field isolates, we selected 69 isolates with a single allelic type in six variable blocks of Msp-1 as determined by PCR-based allelic typing. All the isolates showed no evidence of recombination in blocks 6 to 16, whereas recombination was apparent in blocks 2 to 6. Sequencing of the 3'-region revealed two potential recombination sites in block 17. Strong linkage disequilibrium was seen between polymorphic loci in the 5'- and 3'-regions. The strength of this disequilibrium did not correlate with distance between loci. We discuss the possible role of epistatic selection on particular association types (haplotypes) of Msp-1.  相似文献   

The Clp chaperones and proteases play an important role in protein homeostasis in the cell. They are highly conserved across prokaryotes and found also in the mitochondria of eukaryotes and the chloroplasts of plants. They function mainly in the disaggregation, unfolding and degradation of native as well as misfolded proteins. Here, we provide a comprehensive analysis of the Clp chaperones and proteases in the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. The parasite contains four Clp ATPases, which we term PfClpB1, PfClpB2, PfClpC and PfClpM. One PfClpP, the proteolytic subunit, and one PfClpR, which is an inactive version of the protease, were also identified. Expression of all Clp chaperones and proteases was confirmed in blood-stage parasites. The proteins were localized to the apicoplast, a non-photosynthetic organelle that accommodates several important metabolic pathways in P. falciparum, with the exception of PfClpB2 (also known as Hsp101), which was found in the parasitophorous vacuole. Both PfClpP and PfClpR form mostly homoheptameric rings as observed by size-exclusion chromatography, analytical ultracentrifugation and electron microscopy. The X-ray structure of PfClpP showed the protein as a compacted tetradecamer similar to that observed for Streptococcus pneumoniae and Mycobacterium tuberculosis ClpPs. Our data suggest the presence of a ClpCRP complex in the apicoplast of P. falciparum.  相似文献   

Formation of gametes in the malaria parasite occurs in the midgut of the mosquito and is critical to onward parasite transmission. Transformation of the male gametocyte into microgametes, called microgametogenesis, is an explosive cellular event and one of the fastest eukaryotic DNA replication events known. The transformation of one microgametocyte into eight flagellated microgametes requires reorganisation of the parasite cytoskeleton, replication of the 22.9 Mb genome, axoneme formation and host erythrocyte egress, all of which occur simultaneously in <20 minutes. Whilst high-resolution imaging has been a powerful tool for defining stages of microgametogenesis, it has largely been limited to fixed parasite samples, given the speed of the process and parasite photosensitivity. Here, we have developed a live-cell fluorescence imaging workflow that captures the entirety of microgametogenesis. Using the most virulent human malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum, our live-cell approach captured early microgametogenesis with three-dimensional imaging through time (4D imaging) and microgamete release with two-dimensional (2D) fluorescence microscopy. To minimise the phototoxic impact to parasites, acquisition was alternated between 4D fluorescence, brightfield and 2D fluorescence microscopy. Combining live-cell dyes specific for DNA, tubulin and the host erythrocyte membrane, 4D and 2D imaging together enables definition of the positioning of newly replicated and segregated DNA. This combined approach also shows the microtubular cytoskeleton, location of newly formed basal bodies, elongation of axonemes and morphological changes to the erythrocyte membrane, the latter including potential echinocytosis of the erythrocyte membrane prior to microgamete egress. Extending the utility of this approach, the phenotypic effects of known transmission-blocking inhibitors on microgametogenesis were confirmed. Additionally, the effects of bortezomib, an untested proteasomal inhibitor, revealed a clear block of DNA replication, full axoneme nucleation and elongation. Thus, as well as defining a framework for broadly investigating microgametogenesis, these data demonstrate the utility of using live imaging to validate potential targets for transmission-blocking antimalarial drug development.  相似文献   

The human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum is responsible for the death of more than a million people each year. The emergence of strains of malarial parasite resistant to conventional drug therapy has stimulated searches for antimalarials with novel modes of action. S-Adenosyl-L-homocysteine hydrolase (SAHH) is a regulator of biological methylations. Inhibitors of SAHH affect the methylation status of nucleic acids, proteins, and small molecules. P.falciparum SAHH (PfSAHH) inhibitors are expected to provide a new type of chemotherapeutic agent against malaria. Despite the pressing need to develop selective PfSAHH inhibitors as therapeutic drugs, only the mammalian SAHH structures are currently available. Here, we report the crystal structure of PfSAHH complexed with the reaction product adenosine (Ado). Knowledge of the structure of the Ado complex in combination with a structural comparison with Homo sapiens SAHH (HsSAHH) revealed that a single substitution between the PfSAHH (Cys59) and HsSAHH (Thr60) accounts for the differential interactions with nucleoside inhibitors. To examine roles of the Cys59 in the interactions with nucleoside inhibitors, a mutant PfSAHH was prepared. A replacement of Cys59 by Thr results in mutant PfSAHH, which shows HsSAHH-like nucleoside inhibitor sensitivity. The present structure should provide opportunities to design potent and selective PfSAHH inhibitors.  相似文献   

A member of the M18 family of aspartyl aminopeptidases is expressed by all intra-erythrocytic stages of the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum (PfM18AAP), with highest expression levels in rings. Functionally active recombinant enzyme, rPfM18AAP, and native enzyme in cytosolic extracts of malaria parasites are 560-kDa octomers that exhibit optimal activity at neutral pH and require the presence of metal ions to maintain enzymatic activity and stability. Like the human aspartyl aminopeptidase, the exopeptidase activity of PfM18AAP is exclusive to N-terminal acidic amino acids, glutamate and aspartate, making this enzyme of particular interest and suggesting that it may function alongside the malaria cytosolic neutral aminopeptidases in the release of amino acids from host hemoglobin-derived peptides. Whereas immunocytochemical studies using transgenic P. falciparum parasites show that PfM18AAP is expressed in the cytosol, immunoblotting experiments revealed that the enzyme is also trafficked out of the parasite into the surrounding parasitophorous vacuole. Antisense-mediated knockdown of PfM18AAP results in a lethal phenotype as a result of significant intracellular damage and validates this enzyme as a target at which novel antimalarial drugs could be directed. Novel phosphinic derivatives of aspartate and glutamate showed modest inhibition of rPfM18AAP but did not inhibit malaria growth in culture. However, we were able to draw valuable observations concerning the structure-activity relationship of these inhibitors that can be employed in future inhibitor optimization studies.  相似文献   

The malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum proliferates within human erythrocytes and is thereby exposed to a variety of reactive oxygen species (ROS) such as hydrogen peroxide, hydroxyl radical, superoxide anion, and highly reactive singlet oxygen ((1)O(2)). While most ROS are already well studied in the malaria parasite, singlet oxygen has been neglected to date. In this study we visualized the generation of (1)O(2) by live cell fluorescence microscopy using 3-(p-aminophenyl) fluorescein as an indicator dye. While (1) O(2) is found restrictively in the parasite, its amount varies during erythrocytic schizogony. Since the photosensitizer cercosporin generates defined amounts of (1)O(2) we have established a new cytometric method that allows the stage specific quantification of (1)O(2). Therefore, the parasites were first classified into three main stages according to their respective pixel-area of 200-600 pixels for rings, 700-1,200 pixels for trophozoites and 1,400-2,500 pixels for schizonts. Interestingly the highest mean concentration of endogenous (1)O(2) of 0.34 nM is found in the trophozoites stage, followed by 0.20 nM (ring stage) and 0.10 nM (schizont stage) suggesting that (1)O(2) derives predominantly from the digestion of hemoglobin.  相似文献   

The Plasmodium ookinete produces chitinolytic activity that allows the parasite to penetrate the chitin-containing peritrophic matrix surrounding the blood meal in the mosquito midgut. Since the peritrophic matrix is a physical barrier that the parasite must cross to invade the mosquito, and the presence of allosamidin, a chitinase inhibitor, in a blood meal prevents the parasite from invading the midgut epithelium, chitinases ( are potential targets of malaria parasite transmission-blocking interventions. We have purified a chitinase of the avian malaria parasite Plasmodium gallinaceum and cloned the gene, PgCHT1, encoding it. PgCHT1 encodes catalytic and substrate-binding sites characteristic of family 18 glycohydrolases. Expressed in Escherichia coli strain AD494 (DE3), recombinant PgCHT1 was found to hydrolyze polymeric chitin, native chitin oligosaccharides, and 4-methylumbelliferone derivatives of chitin oligosaccharides. Allosamidin inhibited recombinant PgCHT1 with an IC(50) of 7 microM and differentially inhibited two chromatographically separable P. gallinaceum ookinete-produced chitinase activities with IC(50) values of 7 and 12 microM, respectively. These two chitinase activities also had different pH activity profiles. These data suggest that the P. gallinaceum ookinete uses products of more than one chitinase gene to initiate mosquito midgut invasion.  相似文献   

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