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《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2016,15(7):791-812
The land mammal record of the Vallès-Penedès Basin (Catalonia, NE Spain) ranges from the early Miocene (Ramblian) to the late Miocene (Turolian), that is from about 20 to 7 Ma. Here we present an updated review of the mammal succession focusing on biochronology as well as on environmental and faunal changes. Based on faunal similarities with central Europe, we interpret this basin as a transitional zone between the forested environments of northern regions and the more arid landscapes of the inner Iberian Peninsula. The quality of the Vallès-Penedès record and its chronostratigraphic control is clearly better for the late Aragonian and the Vallesian (between 12.6–9.0 Ma), especially for small mammals. Therefore, we analyze small mammal diversity dynamics during this interval. Contrary to previous analyses, which found an abrupt extinction event coinciding with the early/late Vallesian boundary (the Vallesian Crisis), our results show that this pattern is due to uneven sampling. Instead, taxonomic richness slowly decreased since the late Vallesian as a result of a series of extinctions that mostly affected forest-dwelling taxa.  相似文献   


The Valles-Penedes Basin (Catalonia, Spain) is classical area for the study of Miocene land mammal faunas. Nevertheless, the early Miocene part of the record has deserved little attention as compared to younger intervals. Most notably, the small mammals of this age have not been described in detail, consequently hampering the correlation of the Valles-Penedes record with other chronological schemes. In this work we describe the rich and diverse small mammal fauna from Les Cases de la Valenciana site (Gelida, Alt Penedès) which includes marsupials, eulipotyphlans, lagomorphs and rodents. On the basis of the presence of the cricetids Megacricetodon and Democricetodon this site is correlated with European Neogene zone MN4, yielding an age of 17–16 Ma. However, the rodent assemblage is comparable to that of chronologically close localities of the Calatayud-Montalbán Basin (Aragon, Spain), indicating that the same biochronological scheme can be applied to both areas. In this way, the coexistence of the eomyids Ligerimys ellipticus and Ligerimys florancei coupled with the presence of Megacricetodon primitivus indicates a correlation with local biozone Ca of the Calatayud-Montalban Basin, ranging from 16.3 to 16 Ma. Finally, the correlation of other early Miocene sites of the Valles-Penedes Basin is discussed and refined.  相似文献   

The hominoid right partial humerus IPS4334, from the middle Miocene (MN 8) of Castell de Barberà (Vallès-Penedès Basin, Catalonia, Spain), is described. It preserves the mid-distal portion of the shaft until the proximal margins of the radial and coronoid fossae, as well as the proximal portion of the olecranon fossa; the capitulum, the trochlea and the two epicondyles are missing. Although morphological comparisons are restricted, available evidence indicates that IPS4334 is more derived towards the modern hominoid condition than the Klein Hadersdorf specimen attributed to Griphopithecus (ca. 13-14 Ma), thus being most similar (except for its larger size and greater robusticity) to the presumably juvenile specimen of Dryopithecus fontani from Saint Gaudens in France (ca. 11-12 Ma). On the basis of shaft measurements and allometric regressions derived for extant hominoids, a body mass estimate around 50 kg is derived for IPS4334. Morphological similarities with the Saint Gaudens specimen, together with the large body mass estimate, suggest a tentative attribution of IPS4334 to cf. D. fontani, which is the largest hominoid taxon so far recorded from the Vallès-Penedès Basin. The larger size and higher robusticity of IPS4334 as compared to the Saint Gaudens specimen might be explained by the juvenile status of the latter and/or sexual dimorphism. When both specimens are considered together with a partial femur from Abocador de Can Mata, D. fontani emerges as a less suspensory ape than the late Miocene Hispanopithecus, the locomotor repertoire of the former emphasizing climbing, but still displaying a significant quadrupedal component.  相似文献   

Barberapithecus huerzeleri gen. et sp. nov. (Primates, Pliopithecidae) is erected on the basis of material from Castell de Barberà (Middle to Late Miocene, ca. 11.2-10.5 Ma), in the Vallès-Penedès Basin (Catalonia, Spain), including: 15 teeth (representing most of the permanent dentition) from a single female individual (holotype); an isolated P/3 (paratype); and a male C1/ (referred to the hypodigm). Previously, this material had been only partially figured and described, being attributed to Pliopithecus or to a new taxon with possible crouzeliine affinities. The erection of a new genus is justified by several autapomorphic features, such as markedly buccolingually compressed and mesiodistally elongated C1/, extremely buccolingually compressed, and mesiodistally oriented C/1 main cusp, P/4 with a large trigonid subequal to the talonid, very large distal foveae on the M/1 and especially the M/2, and lower molars with a quadrangular central fovea and a mesially situated entoconid. These features are associated with a set of crouzeliine synapomorphies, such as buccolingually compressed and peripheralized cusps, well-developed crests, large and well-defined occlusal foveae, upper molars with long preprotocrista, short hypoparacrista, somewhat distally situated protocone and short distal fovea, distinct P/3 metaconid, well-developed P/4 premetacristid, and relatively narrow lower molars with a reduced entoconid. Although more primitive, Barberapithecus resembles Anapithecus in some derived features. Both taxa are included into a new tribe (Anapithecini), together with other crouzeliines except Plesiopliopithecus (tribe Crouzeliini). The retention of primitive, pliopithecine-like features in Barberapithecus suggests that anapithecins might have evolved from a Pliopithecus ancestor, so that as currently conceived the Crouzeliinae might be polyphyletic.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2014,13(7):569-585
Here, we revise all the published and unpublished scimitar-toothed cat remains from the Vallès-Penedès Basin (NE Iberian Peninsula), in order to confirm their taxonomic attribution to Machairodus aphanistus as well as to provide more precise information about its chronological distribution in this basin. The studied material (including dentognathic as well as postcranial remains) comes from the following localities: Can Mata indeterminate (late MN7+8 or MN9), Creu Conill 22 (MN9), Can Poncic 1 (MN9), Can Llobateres 1 (MN9), Santiga (MN9), La Tarumba 1 (MN10), Viladecavalls (MN10), Ronda Oest Sabadell ROS-D3 (MN10), and Torrent de Febulines (MN10). Most of the studied material fits well with the morphologic and metrical features characteristic of the Vallesian species M. aphanistus, with the exception of the remains from Creu Conill 22 (an undescribed partial P4 formerly attributed to this taxon), which belongs in fact to a medium-sized hyaenid. From a biostratigraphic viewpoint, the removal of the Creu Conill material from the hypodigm of M. aphanistus has important implications, because this locality (11.1 Ma) was considered to record the first appearance datum of this taxon in the Vallès-Penedès Basin. However, the report of a previously unpublished talus from Can Mata (late MN7+8 or MN9) indicates that this taxon was present in this basin at least by the earliest Vallesian. Therefore, our results indicate that the first appearance datum of Machairodus in the Vallès-Penedès Basin might be somewhat younger than previously assumed, although dating uncertainties for the Can Mata remains preclude a more precise assessment. In contrast, the new mandibular remains from ROS-D3 (MN10) are likely coeval with those from La Tarumba 1, with the last appearance datum of M. aphanistus in the Vallès-Penedès Basin corresponding to Torrent de Febulines (ca. 9.1 Ma). The postcranial material described from various Vallès-Penedès localities further indicates that M. aphanistus displayed less cursorial adaptations than its purported descendant Homotherium.  相似文献   

This meeting of the Committee on the History of Science and Epistemology takes place as we celebrate the 250th anniversary of the creation of the world's first veterinary schools, a major event among all those that, in the wake of the Physiocrat movement initiated by Quesnay and DuPont de Nemours, shaped the modernisation of agriculture in France during the 18th century. Henri-Léonard Bertin (1720-1792) was the impetus to the restructuring process. He was well aware that farming should not remain an activity that solely provides a livelihood for the population, but that it needed to be modernised, i.e. it should produce more, and better. His view was that agriculture could become a great source of riches for France and therefore, a true economic and even political force. He used the various official positions he occupied during that period (Intendant of Lyon (1754-1757), Controller General of Finances (1759-1763), Minister-Secretary of State for Agriculture (1763-1780) to initiate a number of reforms that brought about the modernisation of the kingdom's agricultural world.  相似文献   



Wild food plants (WFP) have always been consumed by humans, first as the main basis of their food and, since the origins of agriculture, as ingredients of normal diets or as an alternative during situations of scarcity. In contemporary industrialized societies their use is for the most part being abandoned, but they may still play an important role. With the purpose of advancing in the ethnobotanical knowledge of one region of the Catalan Pyrenees, the present study reports the findings of a research project conducted in the Ripollès district (Catalonia, Iberian Peninsula), concerning ethnobotanical knowledge and use of wild and semi-wild vascular plants as foods, along with minor crops.


From August 2004 to July 2014, we performed 104 interviews (93 of which yielded data on food plants) with 163 informants, using the method of semi-structured ethnobotanical interview. We identified the plants quoted and kept herbarium vouchers.


We detected 967 use reports for 80 wild or naturalized taxa, which are or have been consumed in the Ripollès district, the most cited being Taraxacum dissectum, Cynara cardunculus and Origanum vulgare. Certain frequently reported species such as Molopospermum peloponnesiacum and Taraxacum dissectum have only been rarely cited previously or indicated as food plant in very restricted geographical areas. Most cited families included Asteraceae and Lamiaceae, followed by Rosaceae and Apiaceae. Preferred consumed plant parts included leaves, followed by aerial parts, along with fruits and infructescences, while most wild food plants are eaten raw or used as condiments. Demographic factors such as age and locality of informants seem to be more relevant to wild food plant knowledge than gender. Middle-aged people and inhabitants from the Higher Freser River Valley seem to have a greater knowledge of WFP, both in relation to the number of species elicited, as well as the diversity of uses and preparations. To a lesser degree, women seem to have a slightly higher WFP knowledge than men. The consumption of these resources is still fairly alive amongst the populace, yet changes affecting younger generations–in most cases abandonment–have been reported by various participants.


The information provided by this kind of research permits the detection of those traditional species that could constitute the basis for the future development and management of wild edible plant resources along with minor crops. It also helps to determine the factors affecting their use, as well as the distinct target groups that such programmes could be addressed to.

A preliminary study to compare Poaceae pollen data and to determine possible differences in pollen productivity and/or seasonality was performed at six locations in Catalonia (Spain): Barcelona, Bellaterra, Girona, Lleida, Manresa and Tarragona over a 6-year period (1996–2001). In the study area, Poaceae pollen grains are an important cause of respiratory allergies. Being present in the atmosphere all year round, the grass pollen concentrations are especially significant between May and August. The absolute peak occurs in June, except in Lleida where the peak comes earlier, possibly due to the early flowering of particular steppe species. Even if there are differences between different years, Girona and Lleida (inland locations) usually present the highest annual grass pollen index with, on average, 2177 pollen grains per year. Barcelona and Tarragona (the coastal sites) show the lowest levels, with around 1140 grass pollen grains per year. The respective local climates are very different, and pollen grains may originate in different grass species. A decreasing trend in the Poaceae annual pollen index was found over the period of the present study.  相似文献   



Variability in reporting and classification methods in previous published data of the final dispositions in the rehabilitation of wild raptors makes use of this data limited in trying to audit the quality of the rehabilitation process. Crude as well as stratified disposition rates are needed if quality auditing of the rehabilitation process is to be adequately performed.


Final dispositions of 6221 hospitalized wild raptors admitted at a wildlife rehabilitation centre (WRC) of Catalonia during 1995–2007 were analyzed. These dispositions were calculated as the euthanasia (Er), unassisted mortality (Mr), release (Rr) and captivity rates (Cr)., time to death (Td) for dead and euthanized raptors, and length of stay for released (Tr) raptors was estimated. Stratified analyses by main causes of admission and clinical signs were performed.


The disposition for the total population were: Er  = 30.6%, Mr = 19.1%, Rr  = 47.2%, and Cr  = 3%. By main causes of admission, Er was higher in the trauma category (34.2%), whereas Mr was found similar between trauma (37.4%) and non-trauma categories (34.8%). The highest Rr was observed for the orphaned group (77.9%). Furthermore, Cr was low in all the categories (<4%). By clinical signs, the highest Er was found in animals suffering musculoskeletal (37.9%) or skin (32.3%) lesions; Mr was high in infectious/parasitic diseases (66.7%) and in case of neurological symptoms (64.5%). The euthanized birds had a median Td  = 1 day (P10 = 0-P90 = 59) for both trauma and non-trauma categories, and Td  = 36 days for the orphaned young group (P10 = 0; P90 = 596). The median Td in the unassisted dead birds was 2 days for all the categories (P10 = 0-P90 = 31). Finally, the median Tr in the centre was variable among categories.


Reporting of final dispositions in wildlife rehabilitation should include the crude and stratified rates (Er, Mr, Rr, and Cr), by causes and clinical presentation, as well as Td and Tr, to allow meaningful auditing of the rehabilitation process quality.  相似文献   

Compared with most parts of Europe, northern Sweden is essentially a sparsely populated wilderness. There is, however, an ever increasing body of archaeological and palaeoecological information that shows that the region has a long cultural history. In this paper, results of pollen analytical investigations from four lakes with varved lake sediments, in the province of Ångermanland, are presented. These investigations have yielded evidence of continuous and sedentary agriculture from the 6th century in the region close to the Bothnian coast and near the mouth of the large river Ångermanälven. This early agriculture appears to have been based on animal husbandry and cereal, mainly barley, cultivation. During a second farming expansion phase at ca. A.D. 1200, rye cultivation became more important. The increased farming activity during this period was most pronounced at the coast and in the river valley, but more peripheral regions away from the river valley were also exploited. During the period A.D. 1600–1800, arable farming assumed greater importance. In the first decades of the 20th century, the area under cultivation declined, cereal cultivation mostly ceased and the fields were used for pasture.  相似文献   

Here, we report on an isolated pliopithecid M3/ (IPS35028) from locality ACM/C3-B2 (12.0 Ma, MN7) of the late Middle Miocene stratigraphic series of Abocador de Can Mata (ACM, Vallès-Penedès Basin, NE Iberian Peninsula). This tooth is about 0.2 million years older than the remains of Pliopithecus canmatensis (11.8-11.7 ma), recorded from several localities from the ACM series. The unusual occlusal features of IPS35028, together with the lack of homologous material for several pliopithecid species, preclude a precise taxonomic attribution of the C3-B2 specimen, which does not fit the morphology of any known pliopithecid M3/. In particular, although an attribution to P. canmatensis would seem reasonable on the basis of size, identical geographic provenance, and similar age, the morphology of IPS35028 appears too primitive compared to the M1/ and M2/ of the former taxon. Instead, the C3-B2 pliopithecid displays several primitive features shared with the dionysopithecine Dionysopithecus and the pliopithecine Pliopithecus piveteaui. It therefore seems more likely that IPS35028 represents a previously unknown pliopithecid taxon, although a formal taxonomic recognition of its probable distinct status is not advisable, given the scarcity of the currently available material. Alternatively, this taxon might be more closely related to small-bodied African catarrhines (such as dendropithecids). However, the morphology of the ACM specimen is not particularly similar to that of the M3/ of these African taxa. Hence, based on age and geographic provenance, an attribution of IPS35028 to the Pliopithecidae is favored here.  相似文献   

New tragulid dental remains from the late Early Miocene (16.5–16.3 Ma, MN4) locality of Els Casots (Vallès-Penedès Basin, Catalonia, Spain) are described. This sample fits well, both in size and occlusal morphology, with the material of Dorcatherium crassum from the type locality (Sansan, France; MN6). We therefore attribute the tragulid from Els Casots to this species, also in agreement with its known chronostratigraphic range throughout Europe (MN4–MN6) and the previous records of this species from other MN4 localities of the Vallès-Penedès Basin. The described remains – which include the postcanine lower deciduous and permanent dentition, as well as several upper cheek teeth – constitute the most complete sample of D. crassum from the Iberian Peninsula. The presence of this species at Els Casots is consistent with the lacustrine depositional environment inferred from sedimentological evidence and associated fauna, and further confirms the nearby presence of densely forested environments with a humid climate with low seasonality.  相似文献   

The discovery of seeds and textiles from Gossypium (cotton) in Achaemenian levels of the mid-6th–late 4th century b.c. at Qal’at al-Bahrain, Bahrain and in early 1st millennium a.d. at Mada’in Salih, Saudi Arabia, reveals the role played by the Arabian Peninsula as a textile production centre during the centuries before and after the beginning of the Christian era. Both these sites were situated on important trade routes, overseas (Qal’at al-Bahrain) and overland (Mada’in Salih), and it is likely that at least part of the cotton production was intended for trade, complementing and perhaps competing with other sources of cotton textiles in the contemporary Middle East. In the arid climate of the Arabian Peninsula, cotton was probably grown in association with irrigated date palm gardens where a wide array of other crops was grown, as is shown by the analysis of charred seeds and wood from occupation levels at both sites. The present article places these particular finds in the larger context of cotton cultivation in the Middle East and India.  相似文献   

The primary purpose of this article is to create a new branch of research to explore how climate and weather conditions affect the epidemic diffusion of the flu virus. The applied methodology is called di-break-ib. The study focused on three parameters: diversity of atmospheric circulation types, breaks occurring when circulation types changed, and the intensity of those breaks. All of these factors were found in the atmospheric circulation patterns that affected the region of Santander, Spain during the 1999–2000 flu epidemic. Results demonstrated that atmospheric circulation changes were significantly related to the weekly number of flu cases diagnosed. Meteorological variables such as temperature and air humidity can be treated as risk indicators for increases in flu cases. This information opens the possibility of using atmospheric data to create an alert system for health centres during high-risk periods.  相似文献   

In this study, the variations of glycogen concentrations in Ruditapes decussatus from Sfax coasts (Tunisia) were described in relation to the reproductive cycle. Separate analyses were made of gonad, adductor muscle and ‘remainder’. The timing of gametogenic development and spawning was evaluated using qualitative histology associated with image analysis including (1) the estimation of the gonadal occupation index (GOI), (2) surface area occupied by reserve tissues and (3) variation in oocyte diameter. The reproductive cycle of R. decussatus exhibited partial asynchronization between sexes, the major difference being observed in the duration of the spawning period. Contrary to previous studies, we observed continuous partial spawning (e.g. 50% of ripe oocytes still subsisted at the partial spawning stage). During the gametogenic cycle, GOI varied significantly in males and in females. Most oocytes were ripe and ready to spawn when their diameter reached or exceeded 45?µm. The expansion of gonad was inversely proportional to the development of the foot tissue. Glycogen concentration showed significant temporal variations between tissues, indicating the clear differentiation in energy storage between the clam organs.  相似文献   

To establish the trends in the period 1995–2013 of the annual fungal spore index of 20 taxa in 8 aerobiological sites of Catalonia, located in 4 phytoclimates, we use the nonparametric Spearman’s Rho and Mann–Kendall tests; when significant, we calculate the magnitude of the change applying the Theil–Sen estimator. We analyze whether the proportional annual change is significantly different from zero, according to phytoclimate, station, and spore taxon, with the Wilcoxon–Mann–Whitney test. Cladosporium, Coprinaceae and Agrocybe are the most prevalent taxa. The proportional annual change analysis shows that 12 taxa present significant increasing trends and 2 decreasing, that the Fresh-Continental Oriental-Humid phytoclimate and Agrocybe show the highest significant increase, while Roquetes-Tortosa (Fresh-Tethyc-Semiarid phytoclimate) and Torula the lowest. The greater significant decreasing proportional annual change corresponds to DrechsleraHelminthosporium and the lesser to Curvularia, and there are no results per phytoclimate and locality. The diversity of characteristics of the sites studied brings the opportunity to evaluate the variability of the fungal values and the magnitude of their change across the study period as depending on the intensity of the land use (urbanization versus agriculture) and the distance to the sea (inland versus littoral), but the effect of the change of the meteorological patterns in the recent years is not negligible. The increasing temperatures and precipitation instability established as effects of the climate change in Catalonia in the last 50 years could be stimulating the sporulation in mountain areas and affecting it in the southern Catalan littoral, thus affecting spore counts.  相似文献   

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