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The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of chondroitin sulfate (CS)-C on the frictional response of bovine articular cartilage. The main hypothesis is that CS decreases the friction coefficient of articular cartilage. Corollary hypotheses are that viscosity and osmotic pressure are not the mechanisms that mediate the reduction in the friction coefficient by CS. In Experiment 1, bovine articular cartilage samples (n=29) were tested in either phosphate buffered saline (PBS) or in PBS containing 100mg/ml of CS following 48h incubation in PBS or in PBS+100mg/ml CS (control specimens were not subjected to any incubation). In Experiment 2, samples (n=23) were tested in four different solutions: PBS, PBS+100mg/ml CS, and PBS+polyethylene glycol (PEG) (133 or 170mg/ml). In Experiment 3, samples (n=18) were tested in three solutions of CS (0, 10 and 100mg/ml). Frictional tests (cartilage-on-glass) were performed under constant stress (0.5MPa) for 3600s and the time-dependent friction coefficient was measured. Samples incubated or tested in a 100mg/ml CS solution exhibited a significantly lower equilibrium friction coefficient than the respective PBS control. PEG solutions delayed the rise in the friction coefficient relative to the PBS control, but did not reduce the equilibrium value. Testing in PBS+10mg/ml of CS did not cause any significant decrease in the friction coefficient. In conclusion, CS at a concentration of 100mg/ml significantly reduces the friction coefficient of bovine articular cartilage and this mechanism is neither mediated by viscosity nor osmolarity. These results suggest that direct injection of CS into the joint may provide beneficial tribological effects.  相似文献   

Osmotic pressure loading of articular cartilage has been customarily invoked to be equivalent to mechanical loading. In the literature, this equivalence is defined by the amount of water squeezed from the tissue, i.e. if the amount of water content lost by these two modes of loading are the same, it has been generally regarded that the two loadings are equivalent. This assumption has never been proven. Using the water content lost concept, in this paper, we derived the exact conditions under which an osmotic pressure loading of cartilage can be considered to be equivalent to a mechanical loading. However, the mechanical loading condition satisfying this equivalancy criterion, i.e. an isotropic loading delivered via a porous–permeable rigid platen uniformily applied all around the specimen, is not practically achievable. Moreover, even if this were achieved experimentally, the interstitial fluid pressure caused by the two loading conditions are not the same. This result has important ramifications for interpretation of experimental data from mechanical stimulations of cartilage explant studies.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of sample preparation on the biomechanical behaviour of chondrocytes. We compared the volumetric and dimensional changes of chondrocytes in the superficial zone (SZ) of intact articular cartilage and cartilage explant before and after a hypotonic challenge. Calcein-AM labelled SZ chondrocytes were imaged with confocal laser scanning microscopy through intact cartilage surfaces and through cut surfaces of cartilage explants. In order to clarify the effect of tissue composition on cell volume changes, Fourier Transform Infrared microspectroscopy was used for estimating the proteoglycan and collagen contents of the samples. In the isotonic medium (300 mOsm), there was a significant difference (p < 0.05) in the SZ cell volumes and aspect ratios between intact cartilage samples and cartilage explants. Changes in cell volumes at both short-term (2 min) and long-term (2 h) time points after the hypotonic challenge (180 mOsm) were significantly different (p < 0.05) between the groups. Further, proteoglycan content was found to correlate significantly (r 2 = 0.63, p < 0.05) with the cell volume changes in cartilage samples with intact surfaces. Collagen content did not correlate with cell volume changes. The results suggest that the biomechanical behaviour of chondrocytes following osmotic challenge is different in intact cartilage and in cartilage explant. This indicates that the mechanobiological responses of cartilage and cell signalling may be significantly dependent on the integrity of the mechanical environment of chondrocytes.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that the superficial tangential zone (STZ) of articular cartilage is essential to the tissue’s load-distributing function. However, the exact mechanism by which the STZ fulfills this function has not yet been revealed. Using a channel-indentation experiment, it was recently shown that compared to intact tissue, cartilage without STZ behaves slightly stiffer and deforms significantly different in regions adjacent to mechanically compressed areas (Bevill et al. in Osteoarthr Cartil 18:1310–1318, 2010). We aim to further explore the role of STZ in the load-transfer mechanism of AC by thorough biomechanical analysis of these experiments. Using our previously validated fibril-reinforced swelling model of articular cartilage, which accounts for the depth-dependent collagen structure and biochemical composition of articular cartilage, we simulated the above-mentioned channel-indenter compression experiments for both intact and STZ-removed cartilage. First, we show that the composition of the deep zone in cartilage is most effective in carrying cartilage compression, which explains the apparent tissue stiffening after STZ removal. Second, we show that tangential fibrils in the STZ are responsible for transferring compressive loads from directly loaded regions to adjacent tissue. Cartilage with an intact STZ has superior load-bearing properties compared to cartilage in which the STZ is compromised, because the STZ is able to recruit a larger area of deep zone cartilage to carry compressive loads.  相似文献   

Articular cartilage contains four distinct zones, extending from the surface to the subchondral bone. Freshly isolated chondrocytes from the superficial zone of articular cartilage retain a collagenase-P-resistant cell-associated matrix. In the studies described here, the protein Del1 was identified as a component of the cell-associated matrix of superficial zone chondrocytes from adult bovine articular cartilage. Very little Del1 was associated with freshly isolated deep zone chondrocytes. Western blot analysis of articular cartilage cell and tissue extracts using polyclonal antibodies specific for Del1 showed Del1 was present in an insoluble cell-associated fraction. Extracts of the superficial zone of articular cartilage were found to be enriched in Del1 compared to the deeper layers of the tissue. Immunohistochemical staining of full-thickness articular cartilage with anti-Del1 antibodies also showed an enrichment of Del1 in the superficial zone. These observations are the first to describe the protein Del1 in a nonendothelial, nonfetal tissue.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to test the hypotheses that (1) the steady-state friction coefficient of articular cartilage is significantly smaller under cyclical compressive loading than the equilibrium friction coefficient under static loading, and decreases as a function of loading frequency; (2) the steady-state cartilage interstitial fluid load support remains significantly greater than zero under cyclical compressive loading and increases as a function of loading frequency. Unconfined compression tests with sliding of bovine shoulder cartilage against glass in saline were carried out on fresh cylindrical plugs (n=12), under three sinusoidal loading frequencies (0.05, 0.5 and 1 Hz) and under static loading; the time-dependent friction coefficient mu(eff) was measured. The interstitial fluid load support was also predicted theoretically. Under static loading mu(eff) increased from a minimum value (mu(min)=0.005+/-0.003) to an equilibrium value (mu(eq)=0.153+/-0.032). In cyclical compressive loading tests mu(eff) similarly rose from a minimum value (mu(min)=0.004+/-0.002, 0.003+/-0.001 and 0.003+/-0.001 at 0.05, 0.5 and 1 Hz) and reached a steady-state response oscillating between a lower-bound (mu(lb)=0.092+/-0.016, 0.083+/-0.019 and 0.084+/-0.020) and upper bound (mu(ub)=0.382+/-0.057, 0.358+/-0.059, and 0.298+/-0.061). For all frequencies it was found that mu(ub)>mu(eq) and mu(lb)相似文献   

Understanding the proliferation mechanisms of chondroprogenitor cells and their influence on cell differentiation is crucial in order to develop large-scale expansion processes for tissue engineering applications. Proliferation control mechanisms were mainly attributed to substrate limitation and cell-cell contact inhibition. The limiting substrates were found to be components of the FCS, with an optimal proliferation rate achieved in the presence of 40% FCS. In addition, the medium supply rate was found to be essential in reducing substrate limitation. In terms of FCS, 10 microL FCS cm(-2) h(-1) was the threshold feed rate required to prevent substrate limitation. Above this rate, maximum cell densities of 5.3 x 10(5) cells/cm2 were achieved, representing a 53-fold expansion. To reduce the need for high supply rates, the effect of specific growth factors was also investigated. Cell densities of 3.3 x 10(5) cells/cm2 were achieved in batch cultures using 40% FCS and 1 ng/mL TGF-beta1. Chondroprogenitor cells were expanded in this medium up to three passages without compromising their ability to differentiate and produce cartilage-like matrix in pellet cultures. In addition to substrate limitation, cell-cell contact, even at very sparse subconfluent densities, appeared capable of exerting some degree of growth inhibition. The cells exhibited deceleratory growth kinetics, characterized by a decrease of specific growth rates over time.  相似文献   

Blain EJ  Mason DJ  Duance VC 《Biorheology》2003,40(1-3):111-117
Osteoarthritis (OA) develops as a consequence of articular cartilage degeneration possibly initiated by excessive or abnormal loading of the joint, and potentially mediated through a proteinase/proteinase inhibitor imbalance. We have shown previously that physiological loads (0.5 MPa, 1 Hz, 3 hour) elicit increased expression and activation of the matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) in articular cartilage explants in vitro. The objective of this study was to identify mechanically-regulated genes involved in the observed induction of MMP expression and enhanced activation. Differential RNA Display (DRD) was used to identify mechanically-regulated genes by comparing DRD products derived from loaded and unloaded cartilage. One gene up-regulated in cartilage after 10, 30 and 60 minute loading revealed 83% homology with Mus musculus thymosin beta_4 which is known to induce MMP gene expression. The identification of mechanically regulated genes will greatly enhance our understanding of matrix turnover providing an exciting future in elucidating the role of mechanically-regulated genes in the development of OA.  相似文献   

Boundary lubrication of articular cartilage by conformal, molecularly thin films reduces friction and adhesion between asperities at the cartilage-cartilage contact interface when the contact conditions are not conducive to fluid film lubrication. In this study, the nanoscale friction and adhesion properties of articular cartilage from typical load-bearing and non-load-bearing joint regions were studied in the boundary lubrication regime under a range of physiological contact pressures using an atomic force microscope (AFM). Adhesion of load-bearing cartilage was found to be much lower than that of non-load-bearing cartilage. In addition, load-bearing cartilage demonstrated steady and low friction coefficient through the entire load range examined, whereas non-load-bearing cartilage showed higher friction coefficient that decreased nonlinearly with increasing normal load. AFM imaging and roughness calculations indicated that the above trends in the nanotribological properties of cartilage are not due to topographical (roughness) differences. However, immunohistochemistry revealed consistently higher surface concentration of boundary lubricant at load-bearing joint regions. The results of this study suggest that under contact conditions leading to joint starvation from fluid lubrication, the higher content of boundary lubricant at load-bearing cartilage sites preserves synovial joint function by minimizing adhesion and wear at asperity microcontacts, which are precursors for tissue degeneration.  相似文献   

Experimental reports suggest that cartilage damage depends on strain magnitude. Additionally, because of its poro-viscoelastic nature, strain magnitude in cartilage can depend on strain rate. The present study explores whether cartilage damage may develop dependent on strain rate, even when the presented damage numerical model is strain-dependent but not strain-rate-dependent. So far no experiments have been distinguished whether rate-dependent cartilage damage occurs in the collagen or in the non-fibrillar network. Thus, this research presents a finite element analysis model where, among others, collagen and non-fibrillar matrix are incorporated as well as a strain-dependent damage mechanism for these components. Collagen and non-fibrillar matrix stiffness decrease when a given strain is reached until complete failure upon reaching a maximum strain. With such model, indentation experiments at increasing strain rates were simulated on cartilage plugs and damage development was monitored over time. Collagen damage increased with increasing strain rate from 21 to 42 %. In contrast, damage in the non-fibrillar matrix decreased with increasing strain rates from 72 to 34 %. Damage started to develop at a depth of approximately 20 % of the sample height, and this was more pronounced for the slow and modest loading rates. However, the most severe damage at the end of the compression step occurred at the surface for the plugs subjected to 120 mm/min strain rate. In conclusion, the present study confirms that the location and magnitude of damage in cartilage may be strongly dependent on strain rate, even when damage occurs solely through a strain-dependent damage mechanism.  相似文献   


Articular cartilage is a tissue of fundamental importance for the mechanics of joints, since it provides a smooth and lubricated surface for the proper transfer of loads. From a mechanical point of view, this tissue is an anisotropic poroviscoelastic material: its characteristics at the macroscopic level depend on the complex microscopic architecture. With the ability to probe the local microscopic features, dynamic nanoindentation test is a powerful tool to investigate cartilage mechanics. In this work we focus on a length scale where the time dependent behaviour is regulated by poroelasticity more than viscoelasticity and we aim to understand the effect of the anisotropic permeability on the mechanics of the superficial layer of the articular cartilage. In a previous work, a finite element model for the dynamic nanoindentation test has been presented. In this work, we improve the model by considering the presence of an anisotropic permeability tensor that depends on the collagen fibers distribution. Our sensitivity analysis highlights that the permeability decreases with increasing indentation, thus making the tissue stiffer than the case of isotropic permeability, when solicited at the same frequency. With this improved model, a revised identification of the mechanical and physical parameters for articular cartilage is provided. To this purpose the model was used to simulate experimental data from tests performed on bovine tissue, giving a better estimation of the anisotropy in the elastic properties. A relation between the identified macroscopic anisotropic permeability properties and the microscopic rearrangement of the fiber/matrix structure during indentation is also provided.  相似文献   

The hypothesis of this study is that the time constant for the transient increase in friction coefficient of articular cartilage under a constant load is proportional to the size of the contact area, as predicated by the dependence of the frictional response on interstitial fluid pressurization. This hypothesis is verified experimentally from measurements of the frictional response of bovine articular cartilage disks of three different diameters (4, 6 and 8mm) against glass. At two different applied stresses (0.127 and 0.254 MPa), the coefficient of determination of a linear regression of the time constant versus the contact area yielded R(2) = 0.892 and R(2) = 0.979 (p < 0.001). The results of this study provide a cogent explanation for the expectation that the friction coefficient in situ will not achieve the elevated equilibrium values observed under common testing conditions.  相似文献   

A squeeze-film lubrication model of the human ankle joint in standing that takes into account the fluid transport across the articular surface is presented. Articular cartilage is a biphasic mixture of the ideal interstitial fluid and an elastic permeable isotropic homogeneous intrinsically incompressible matrix. The simple homogeneous model for articular cartilage models the case of early osteoarthritis, when the intact superficial zone of the normal articular cartilage, much stiffer in tension than the bulk material, has been already disrupted or worn out. The calculations indicate for this case that in normal approach motion the lubricating fluid film is quickly depleted and turned into a synovial gel film that is supposed to serve as a boundary lubricant if sliding motion follows  相似文献   

The infrared spectra of normal knee joint cartilage, normal and rheumatoid arthritis-affected human synovial membrane and the same normal bovine tissues were obtained over the region of 400--4000 cm-1. A comparative analysis of the spectra of these tissues and those containing hyaluronate, protein-chondroitin-keratan sulfate aggregates of cartilage proteoglycans and heparin made it possible to identify greater absorption bands of these biopolymers in the tissue spectra. The interpretation of the results obtained is presented.  相似文献   

AIM: To study the effect of a single impact on the structure and mechanical properties of cartilage. MATERIALS AND METHOD: Osteochondral plugs harvested from bovine femora were subjected each to a single impact using an in-house designed drop-tower. Impact masses of different values were released from different drop heights in selected combinations to apply stresses at strain rates and impact energies within specific ranges. Changes in the storage and loss moduli were estimated from cyclic compressive loading test undertaken before and after impact. The conditions of these tests were set to those occurring during walking and running. The extent of the damage on cartilage surface and depth was assessed using optical and confocal microscopy. RESULTS: The storage modulus varied slightly at level walking and running after performing impact tests up to the impact energy of 0.736 J. However, the decrease in the storage modulus was considerable at the impact energy of 1.962 J for test conditions representing both walking and running. This impact energy resulted in strain rate of 1500 s(-1), stress of 25 MPa and energy absorbed per unit volume of 12.79 mJ/mm(3). After impact the loss modulus increased over the loading cycles at all energies. Severe fissures were observed across the cartilage surface and through its thickness at levels of impact energy equal or greater than 1.472 J. CONCLUSIONS: This study identified thresholds for the strain rate, impact stress and impact energy, which caused permanent changes in the mechanical properties and damage to structure of cartilage.  相似文献   

The specific aim of this study was to investigate the effect of chondroitinase ABC treatment on the frictional response of bovine articular cartilage against glass, under creep loading. The hypothesis is that chondroitinase ABC treatment increases the friction coefficient of bovine articular cartilage under creep. Articular cartilage samples (n = 12) harvested from two bovine knee joints (1-3 months old) were divided into a control group (intact specimens) and a treated group (chondroitinase ABC digestion), and tested in unconfined compression with simultaneous continuous sliding (+/- 4 mm at 1 mm/s) under a constant applied stress of 0.5 MPa, for 2500 s. The time-dependent response of the friction coefficient was measured. With increasing duration of loading, treated samples exhibited a significantly higher friction coefficient than control samples as assessed by the equilibrium value (treated: micro(eq) = 0.19 +/- 0.02; control: micro(eq) = 0.12 +/- 0.03; p = 0.002), though the coefficient achieved immediately upon loading did not increase significantly (treated: micro(min) = 0.0053 +/- 0.0025; control: micro(min) = 0.037 +/- 0.0013; p = 0.19). Our results demonstrate that removal of the cartilage glycosaminoglycans using chondroitinase ABC significantly increases the overall time-dependent friction coefficient of articular cartilage. These findings strengthen the motivation for developing chondroprotective strategies by increasing cartilage chondroitin sulfate content in osteoarthritic joints.  相似文献   

The superficial tangential zone (STZ) plays a significant role in normal articular cartilage’s ability to support loads and retain fluids. To date, tissue engineering efforts have not replicated normal STZ function in cartilage repairs. This finite element study examined the STZ’s role in normal and repaired articular surfaces under different contact conditions. Contact area and pressure distributions were allowed to change with time, tension-compression nonlinearity modeled collagen behavior in the STZ, and nonlinear geometry was incorporated to accommodate finite deformation. Responses to loading via impermeable and permeable rigid surfaces were compared to loading via normal cartilage, a more physiologic condition, anticipating the two rigid loading surfaces would bracket that of normal. For models loaded by normal cartilage, an STZ placed over the inferior repair region reduced the short-term axial compression of the articular surface by 15%, when compared to a repair without an STZ. Covering the repair with a normal STZ shifted the flow patterns and strain levels back toward that of normal cartilage. Additionally, reductions in von Mises stress (21%) and an increase in fluid pressure (13%) occurred in repair tissue under the STZ. This continues to show that STZ properties of sufficient quality are likely critical for the survival of transplanted constructs in vivo. However, response to loading via normal cartilage did not always fall within ranges predicted by the rigid surfaces. Use of more physiologic contact models is recommended for more accurate investigations into properties critical to the success of repair tissues.  相似文献   

Methods of producing relevant and quantifiable load alterations in vivo with which to study load-induced cartilage degeneration analogous to osteoarthritis are limited. An animal model was used to investigate the effects of increased chronic loads on articular cartilage. Mature rabbits were randomized into one of three experimentally loaded groups and a fourth unoperated control group. A mechanical-loading device was skeletally fixed to the hind limb of animals in the loaded groups. Engaging the device resulted in an additional load of 0%, +22% or +44% body weight to the medial compartment of the experimental knee, while allowing normal joint function. Following a 12-week loading protocol, a creep-indentation test and needle probe test were used to determine the biphasic material properties and thickness of the cartilage at four locations of each femoral and tibial condyle of the experimental and contralateral limbs. Analyses of covariance were performed to compare outcome measures across the treatment groups. The effect of increased load was site and load-level specific with alterations of material properties and thickness most prominent in the posterior region of the medial compartment of the tibia. At this site, permeability increased 128% and thickness increased 28% in the +44% body weight group relative to the 0% body weight group. This model of altered chronic loading initiated changes in the material properties to the articular cartilage at the sites of increased load over 12-weeks that were consistent with early degenerative changes suggesting that increased tibio-femoral loading may be responsible for the alterations. This work begins to elucidate the chronic-load threshold and the time course of cartilage degeneration at different levels of altered loading.  相似文献   

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