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V. Labeyrie 《BioControl》1961,6(2):125-131
Summary It is impossible to study modern taxonomy without taking into consideration the population genetic and ecology. Thé Linnean concept of monotypic species should be replaced by the biometric study of the frequency of the variability of the biological characters (particularly morphological) used in taxonomy. The study of populations offers a larger scientific interest than the one of isolated types. It gives the possibility of caracterizing the evolution stability of the species. So, Taxonomy can help considerably in biological control. By revealing large variability species, it gives a criterion of their adjusting plasticity. But, by definition, the biological control is based on the adjusting capacity of the entomophagous insects either to a new host or to a new environment. Information given by the taxonomist on the species stability has consequently a great value in the choice and use of the Entomophagous insects. — Ecologists using biological control, expect from the taxonomist to lie more than a label, which implies the use of biometric analysis methods in Entomophagous taxonomy.   相似文献   

At least two members of the herpesviridae family, the human cytomegaloviruses (HCMV) and the herpes simplex viruses (HSV) can be found in human semen; but the role of the germ cells in the sexual transmission of these viruses is not clear. In teenagers and the adult population, sexual contact is considered to be a common mode of HCMV acquisition. HCMV was isolated from semen specimens of 33 % of HIV infected homosexual men, 20 % of HIV uninfected homosexual men and only of 2,4 % of healthy heterosexual men. Virus particles could be demonstrated by electron microscopy examination inside the sperm head as well as in the seminal liquid but at present, there is no direct evidence either for HCMV transmission via fertilization or for induction of fetal anomalies by vertical transmission. Transmission via donor semen is undoubtedly possible although not yet described and it may be safer to employ HCMV seronegative donor for all recipients, regardless of the recipient’s serologic status. The development of serologic assays that differentiate the two serotypes of HSV demonstrated the worldwide distribution of genital HSV-2 which has been increasing in many developed countries throughout the last two decades. In several studies, HSV-2 has been recovered from the male reproductive tract, specifically the prostate, seminal vesicles, vasa and testes, in the absence of active lesions. In contrast, tissue cultures of semen sampled during lesion-free periods had been uniformly negative for HSV. However recently, one report documents transmission of HSV-2 via therapeutic donor insemination and illustres the fact that semen might be a vehicle of transmission of HSV. At present, it is adequate to recommend that men, with a history of a recurrent genital herpes or who have a sexual partner with such a history, are excluded as potential semen donors. Further, in the near future, with the increase of asymptomatic viral shedding from the genital tract, the presence of HSV-2 antibody could be added as an exclusion criterion.  相似文献   

H. Audemard 《BioControl》1987,32(1):59-71
Résumé La lutte biologique contre les organismes nuisibles aux vergers évolue par étape vers une Protection intégrée. Dans cette optique, les recherches se développent en France sur les points suivants: effets indésirables des pesticides sur l'entomofaune auxiliaire, r?le d'abri-refuge pour l'entomofaune autochtone joué par l'environnement végétal des vergers, diversification des procédés de lutte, mise au point de méthodes plus sélectives, sélection de variétés résistantes ou moins sensibles aux attaques de plusieurs organismes nuisibles, amélioration des méthodes de surveillance des vergers pour la prévision des risques de dégats, lutte raisonnée contre les maladies cryptogamiques. La mise au point de programmes de lutte intégrée dépend essentiellement des possibilités de lutte disponibles contre les ennemis-clés. Dans les vergers de pommiers et de poiriers fran?ais, les ennemis-clés appartiennent à groupes d'arthropodes: Carpocapse (Cydia pomonella L.), Tordeuses de la pelure, Aphides, Psylle du poirier (Psylla pyri L.) Acariens phytophages et aussi à trois maladies fongiques: Tavelure du pommier (Venturia inaequalis Cke.) Wint., O?dium du pommier (Podosphaera leucotricha Ell. et Ev.), Tavelure du poirier (Venturia pirina (Bref.) Aderh. Les méthodes de lutte sélective sont passées en revue: régulateurs de croissance des insectes, lutte biologique par lachers de parasites et de prédateurs insecticide microbiologique, lutte par confusion avec les phéromones sexuelles. L'application de certaines d'entre elles dépend des possibilités de production industrielles d'agents biologique ou biotechnique. Les principaux éléments ayant contribué à une application pratique des programmes de lutte raisonnée et de lutte intégrée ont été: l'amélioration des connaissances biologiques et de la nuisibilité des organismes phytophages, ainsi que des méthodes de surveillance et de prévision permettant l'utilisation des seuils de tolérance économique l'aménagement de la lutte chimique contre le Carpocapse en vergers de pommiers, la démonstration de la bonne efficacité des prédateurs du Psylle du poirier, spécialement desAnthocoris. La lutte raisonnée, appliquée sur plusieurs milliers d'hectares de vergers de pommiers et de poiriers en France, a permis de réduire de plus de 50% le nombre de traitements avec un bon niveau économique de protection. Dans les vergers d'abricotiers, les maladies parasitaires, principalement l'Enroulement chlorotique causé par un mycoplasme, représentent les problèmes les plus importants. Des essais sont en cours pour parvenir à une lutte raisonnée contre la Petite mineuse (Anarsia lineatella Zell.) et le puceronHyalopterus pruni Geoffr. qui est l'agent de dissémination de la Sharka (maladie due à un virus de type I.L.A.R.).   相似文献   

Over the last fivty years, the risk factors for infertility have increased substantially, particularly those due to the environment. Spermatogenesis and spermatozoa can be affected by physical (ionizing radiation microwaves, heat, cryopreservation) or chemical agents (antimitotics drugs, antibiotics, tranquillizers, insecticides, pesticides, industrial solvants, some heavy metals, alcohol, cannabis etc.). Some natural factors, as stress or paternal age (ageing or very youthful age relatively to about thirty) also seems to affect spermatogenesis and, particularly, the age can be joined with the previous ones. On the whole, these factors are able to decrease the male fertility through some changes about the concentration, the motility or the morphology of spermatozoa and so it is possible to describe populations subject to the risk. Moreover, these spermatogenetic changes can lead abnormalities in progeny. For instance, some antimitotic drugs as cyclophosphamide, when administrated to the male rat, lead malformations or functional anomalies as behavioral troubles. The industrial solvents lead a decrease of the birth weight and the cannabis leads an increase of the ante-or post-natal death. Moreover, the change of the paternal spermatogenesis caused by cannabis can be found again in the male progeny. The problem is similar with the lead, the benzodiazepines and the alcohol. Concerning the physical factors, some authors have shown that the children born from radiation exposed fathers presented an increase of the probability of leukemia. In animal, the postimplantation loss is increased when the father is irradiated or subjected to heat before mating. Finally, the paternal ageing is responsible for new dominant autosomic mutations. Moreover, in animal and man, paternal ageing and, in man, very youthful age, also seems responsible for a gradual lowering in the level of progency cerebral functions. On the whole, these data should lead to an preventive attitude which would be more effective before about thirty years of age than after this period.  相似文献   

Summary Amo 1618 inhibits germination and root growth of Lentil seedlings in the dark and in the light, with some symptoms of toxicity; CCC has no effect.Both CCC and Amo 1618 inhibit the catalase activity of a lentil root extract.Increasing concentrations of Amo 1618 progressively increase the activity of peroxidase and IAA-oxidase in vivo; the catalase activity remains unchanged.The effect of Amo 1618 on root growth can thus be explained by a diminished auxin level mediated by an increased auxin catabolism.The effect of Amo 1618 and that of kinetin on root growth and enzymes are parallet. Gibberellic acid has an opposite effect on auxin catabolism.

Une partie de ce travail a fait l'objet du mémoire de Licence de J. L. et a été réalisée au Laboratoire de Biochimie végétale de l'Institut de Botanique de Liège.  相似文献   

D. Arsigny 《PSN》2008,6(4):205-214
This article aims to show that philosophy, particularly Epicureanism and Stoicism, had an essentially therapeutic role in antiquity — the various schools of philosophy dispensing specific teachings aimed at treating mental suffering, in a precise place (the scholé), with a master and a specified methodology. Of course, it may seem anachronistic to try and compare a modern, progressive and proven therapeutic method such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT, TCC in French) with a frequently dogmatic, 2000-year-old school of philosophy. And yet, the difference is not as clear-cut as we might think, since the two have much in common, such as similar kinds of suffering, a referent (or therapist), common methods (language, reasoning) and a common goal (peace of mind). We therefore intend to try and synthesise the meeting points and also the differences between two main schools of antique philosophy and CBT.  相似文献   

《L' Année biologique》1998,37(4):221-232
Macrophages have a central role in the immune system by eliminating a lot of pathogens. Nevertheless, they are often infected by pathogenic microorganisms in particular parasitic protozoa. They thus play the role of host cell by harbouring the intracellular survival and multiplication of these pathogens. Various mechanisms (receptors/ligands interactions, enzymes…) are involved in recognition and adhesion steps. When suitably activated, they become effector cells and they can control infection at least partially through the production of reactive oxygen derivatives. But parasitic protozoa can escape these defence mechanisms. In addition, macrophages are also antigen presenting cells and they are inductor cells of the immune response. Once again, parasitic protozoa interfere with these functions and induce chronic infections. Biology of Trypanosoma cruzi, Leishmania spp. and Toxoplasma gondii will be briefly reviewed to illustrate these various aspects of cellular parasitism.  相似文献   

Simon Tillier 《Geobios》1975,8(1):75-78
This miocene organism was described as an Alga (Lithophyllym vinassaiPATRINI, 1932 = Neosolenopora patriniiMASTRORILLI, 1955) and as a Bryozoan (Reptomulticava parviporosaCANU et LECOINTRE, 1934). This paper shows several salient features of Cyclostomatous Bryozoans (morphology, microstructure, zoarial brood chamber). The arguments for the classing of this organism among Algae are simultaneously refuted (pseudo-differentiation of the thallus, conceptacles).  相似文献   

Before the antibiotic’s era, the clinicians have shown the relation between epididymitis and Infertility. At the moment, venerial diseases are the principal cause of Epididymitis by the young man. The early diagnosis of the urethral infection (acute or not) associated with a suitable antibiotherapy will allow to protect the fertility.  相似文献   

α-d-Glucopyranosyl α-d-xylopyranoside has been synthesized in 49% yield by treatment of 2,3,4-tri-O-benzyl-α-d-xylopyranosyl bromide with 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyl-d-glucopyranose in nitromethane-benzene with mercuric cyanide and bromide, followed by catalytic hydrogenolysis and O-deacetylation. Condensation with 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyl-α-d-mannopyranosyl bromide in acetonitrile-dichloromethane with mercuric cyanide, followed by catalytic hydrogenolysis and O-deacetylation, gave α-d-glucopyranosyl α-d-mannopyranoside and β-d-glucopyranosyl β-d-mannopyranoside in 44 and 25% yield, respectively. The mixture was resolved by column chromatography of the fully acetylated derivatives. Selective acetylation of the di-O-benzylidene derivative of trehalose with N-acetylimidazole, followed by oxidation with dimethyl sulfoxide-acetic anhydride at C-3 and stereoselective reduction gave, after removal of the protecting groups, α-d-allopyranosyl α-d-glucopyranoside in 20% overall yield. The structure of the compounds was confirmed by 1H- and 13C-n.m.r., and mass spectrometry. α-d-Glucopyranosyl α-d-xylopyranoside and α-d-allopyranosyl α-d-glucopyranoside are less efficient substrates than trehalose for cockchafer trehalase, but α-d-glucopyranosyl α-d-mannopyranoside is a competitive inhibitor of the enzyme.  相似文献   

基于新采集的桑植角蟾标本(1只雌性成体、6只雄性成体),本文对桑植角蟾的形态特征进行了补充。新采集到的雄性标本符合桑植角蟾的鉴别特征,在外形上与正模标本总体上一致。雌性个体与雄性差异明显:雌性个体(SVL73.0mm,n=1)明显比雄性个体大(SVL53.0~60.8mm,n=7);背面皮肤明显较雄性红;胸腹部花斑较雄性大而稀少,红色或暗红色;前肢较雄性弱,没有声囔及声囔孔,指无婚刺。卵团发现于溪流石块下,呈不完整的圆圈状,卵团卵粒数为483~542枚(n=2);卵粒乳白色,动植物极颜色差异不明显;卵径3.56mm±0.13mm(n=10)。  相似文献   

Michel Roux 《Geobios》1978,11(2):213-241
Stalked Crinoids are generaly rheophilic. The shape of the skeleton parts depends on morphofunctional connections. The various fossil and recent species of Millericrinida permit a discussion of the morphology of the calyx and the stem, their variability and their ontogeny. Several examples are investigate with details: Apiocrinus. Millericrinus, Conocrinus, Democrinus and Bourgueticrinus. The stem characteristics are the most constant and significant for systematics. The architecture of the calyx and its morphology are strongly variable in a taxon. Their evolution rate is often hight, but to disclose it an analysis and a comparison between some populations with numerous specimens is necessary.  相似文献   

Computer-aided sperm analysis (CASA) was developed in the last decade to overcome the problems related to the inherent subjectivity of manual semen analysis. A typical CASA system includes a video camera, a microscope equiped with phase optics and a warming stage, a microcomputer with hardware and software dedicated to motion analysis, a monitor and a printer. The image of the sperm cells under the microscope is transformed into discrete pixels producing a voltage proportional to the intensity of the light as light strikes the camera’s CCD array. In standard video technology, the first field (set of rows; odd lines) is scanned in one sixtieth of a second and remains illuminated, then the alternate set of rows (even lines) is scanned in the next one sixtieth of a second to display the complete video frame which requires one thirthieth of a second. The first step called digitization is the encoding of video pixels as numbers following a gray level scale between white and black. From this process the detection of the sperm heads in the field is performed and repeated on a field by field basis. The centroïd coordinates of the sperm heads in the field are calculated and sequentially transmitted to the hard disk. A path finder algorithm connects the centroïds through time allowing the reconstruction of trajectories and the calculation of various parameters. Many factors modulating CASA measurements can invalidate the results of analysis. Consequently, a standardization of CASA is necessary. Various guidelines for accurate analysis are proposed. In summary, basic knowledge on sperm physiology, CASA technology and rigorous standardized conditions of analysis are required for providing reliable and accurate results because CASA systems are not ready-to-use “robots”. CASA is useful for routine semen analysis and essential for the measurement of sperm kinematics for clinical as well as for research purposes.  相似文献   

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