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Of 173 mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae resistant to the antimitotic drug benomyl (BenR), six also conferred cold-sensitivity for growth and three others conferred temperature-sensitivity for growth in the absence of benomyl. All of the benR mutations tested, including the nine conditional-lethal mutations, were shown to be in the same gene. This gene, TUB2, has previously been molecularly cloned and identified as the yeast structural gene encoding beta-tubulin. Four of the conditional-lethal alleles of TUB2 were mapped to particular restriction fragments within the gene. One of these mutations was cloned and sequenced, revealing a single amino acid change, from arginine to histidine at amino acid position 241, which is responsible for both the BenR and the cold-sensitive lethal phenotypes. The terminal arrest morphology of conditional-lethal alleles of TUB2 at their restrictive temperature showed a characteristic cell-division-cycle defect, suggesting a requirement for tubulin function primarily in mitosis during the vegetative growth cycle. The TUB2 gene was genetically mapped to the distal left arm of chromosome VI, very near the actin gene, ACT1; no CDC (cell-division-cycle) loci have been mapped previously to this location. TUB2 is thus the first cell-division-cycle gene known to encode a cytoskeletal protein that has been identified in S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

Two kinds of spherical mutants, mrdA and mrdB mutants, have been isolated from Escherichia coli strain K12. The mrdA mutants have thermosensitive penicillin-binding protein 2, while the mrdB mutants have normal penicillin-binding proteins. Both kinds of mutants form spherical cells at 42°C and are resistant to the amidinopenicillin, mecillinam, at the same temperature. The two mutations have been mapped very close to lip at 14.2 min (revised chromosome linkage map, 1980) on the E. coli chromosome. Both mutations cause supersensitivities of cell growth to various β-lactam antibiotics, such as ampicillin, cephalexin, cefoxitin and nocardicin A at 42°C.  相似文献   

We have determined the lesions in a number of mutant alleles of βTub85D, the gene that encodes the testis-specific β2-tubulin isoform in Drosophila melanogaster. Mutations responsible for different classes of functional phenotypes are distributed throughout the β2-tubulin molecule. There is a telling correlation between the degree of phylogenetic conservation of the altered residues and the number of different microtubule categories disrupted by the lesions. The majority of lesions occur at positions that are evolutionarily highly conserved in all β-tubulins; these lesions disrupt general functions common to multiple classes of microtubules. However, a single allele B2t(6) contains an amino acid substitution within an internal cluster of variable amino acids that has been identified as an isotype-defining domain in vertebrate β-tubulins. Correspondingly, B2t(6) disrupts only a subset of microtubule functions, resulting in misspecification of the morphology of the doublet microtubules of the sperm tail axoneme. We previously demonstrated that β3, a developmentally regulated Drosophila β-tubulin isoform, confers the same restricted morphological phenotype in a dominant way when it is coexpressed in the testis with wild-type β2-tubulin. We show here by complementation analysis that β3 and the B2t(6) product disrupt a common aspect of microtubule assembly. We therefore conclude that the amino acid sequence of the β2-tubulin internal variable region is required for generation of correct axoneme morphology but not for general microtubule functions. As we have previously reported, the β2-tubulin carboxy terminal isotype-defining domain is required for suprastructural organization of the axoneme. We demonstrate here that the β2 variant lacking the carboxy terminus and the B2t(6) variant complement each other for mild-to-moderate meiotic defects but do not complement for proper axonemal morphology. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis drawn from comparisons of vertebrate β-tubulins that the two isotype-defining domains interact in a three-dimensional structure in wild-type β-tubulins. We propose that the integrity of this structure in the Drosophila testis β2-tubulin isoform is required for proper axoneme assembly but not necessarily for general microtubule functions. On the basis of our observations we present a model for regulation of axoneme microtubule morphology as a function of tubulin assembly kinetics.  相似文献   

An understanding of metabolic adaptation during the colonization of plants by phytopathogenic fungi is critical for developing strategies to protect crops. Lipids are abundant in plant tissues, and fungal phytopathogens in the phylum basidiomycota possess both peroxisomal and mitochondrial β-oxidation pathways to utilize this potential carbon source. Previously, we demonstrated a role for the peroxisomal β-oxidation enzyme Mfe2 in the filamentous growth, virulence, and sporulation of the maize pathogen Ustilago maydis. However, mfe2 mutants still caused disease symptoms, thus prompting a more detailed investigation of β-oxidation. We now demonstrate that a defect in the had1 gene encoding hydroxyacyl coenzyme A dehydrogenase for mitochondrial β-oxidation also influences virulence, although its paralog, had2, makes only a minor contribution. Additionally, we identified a gene encoding a polypeptide with similarity to the C terminus of Mfe2 and designated it Mfe2b; this gene makes a contribution to virulence only in the background of an mfe2Δ mutant. We also show that short-chain fatty acids induce cell death in U. maydis and that a block in β-oxidation leads to toxicity, likely because of the accumulation of toxic intermediates. Overall, this study reveals that β-oxidation has a complex influence on the formation of disease symptoms by U. maydis that includes potential metabolic contributions to proliferation in planta and an effect on virulence-related morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Leptin is a pleiotropic hormone primarily secreted by adipocytes. A high density of functional Leptin receptors has been reported to be expressed in the hippocampus and other cortical regions of the brain, the physiological significance of which has not been explored extensively. Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is marked by impaired brain metabolism with decreased glucose utilization in those regions which often precede pathological changes. Recent epidemiological studies suggest that plasma Leptin is protective against AD. Specifically, elderly with plasma Leptin levels in the lowest quartile were found to be four times more likely to develop AD than those in the highest quartile. We have previously reported that Leptin modulates AD pathological pathways in vitro through a mechanism involving the energy sensor, AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK). To this end, we investigated the extent to which activation of AMPK as well as another class of sensors linking energy availability to cellular metabolism, the sirtuins (SIRT), mediate Leptin’s biological activity. Leptin directly activated neuronal AMPK and SIRT in cell lines. Additionally, the ability of Leptin to reduce tau phosphorylation and β-amyloid production was sensitive to the AMPK and sirtuin inhibitors, compound C and nicotinamide, respectively. These findings implicate that Leptin normally acts as a signal for energy homeostasis in neurons. Perhaps Leptin deficiency in AD contributes to a neuronal imbalance in handling energy requirements, leading to higher Aβ and phospho-tau, which can be restored by replenishing low Leptin levels. This may also be a legitimate strategy for therapy.  相似文献   


In insects infections trigger hemocyte-mediated immune reactions including degranulation by exocytosis; however, involvement of mediator enzymes in degranulation process is unknown in insects. We report here that in silkworm Bombyx mori, infection by endoparasitoid Exorista bombycis and microsporidian Nosema bombycis activated granulation in granulocytes and promoted degranulation of accumulated structured granules. During degranulation the mediator lysosomal enzyme β-hexosaminidase showed increased activity and expression of β-hexosaminidase gene was enhanced. The events were confirmed in vitro after incubation of uninfected hemocytes with E. bombycis larval tissue protein. On infection, cytotoxicity marker enzyme lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) was released from the hemocytes illustrating cell toxicity. Strong positive correlation (R2?=?0.71) between LDH activity and β-hexosaminidase released after the infection showed parasitic–protein-induced hemocyte damage and accompanied release of the enzymes. Expression of β-hexosaminidase gene was enhanced in early stages after infection followed by down regulation. The expression showed positive correlation (R2?=?0.705) with hexosaminidase activity pattern. B. mori hexosaminidase showed 98% amino acid similarity with that of B. mandarina showing origin from same ancestral gene; however, 45–60% varied from other lepidopterans showing diversity. The observation signifies the less known association of hexosaminidase in degranulation of hemocytes induced by parasitic infection in B. mori and its divergence in different species.


β-Hairpins in enzyme, a kind of special protein with catalytic functions, contain many binding sites which are essential for the functions of enzyme. With the increasing number of observed enzyme protein sequences, it is of especial importance to use bioinformatics techniques to quickly and accurately identify the β-hairpin in enzyme protein for further advanced annotation of structure and function of enzyme. In this work, the proposed method was trained and tested on a non-redundant enzyme β-hairpin database containing 2818 β-hairpins and 1098 non-β-hairpins. With 5-fold cross-validation on the training dataset, the overall accuracy of 90.08% and Matthew’s correlation coefficient (Mcc) of 0.74 were obtained, while on the independent test dataset, the overall accuracy of 88.93% and Mcc of 0.76 were achieved. Furthermore, the method was validated on 845 β-hairpins with ligand binding sites. With 5-fold cross-validation on the training dataset and independent test on the test dataset, the overall accuracies were 85.82% (Mcc of 0.71) and 84.78% (Mcc of 0.70), respectively. With an integration of mRMR feature selection and SVM algorithm, a reasonable high accuracy was achieved, indicating the method to be an effective tool for the further studies of β-hairpins in enzymes structure. Additionally, as a novelty for function prediction of enzymes, β-hairpins with ligand binding sites were predicted. Based on this work, a web server was constructed to predict β-hairpin motifs in enzymes (  相似文献   

Drought is a major limiting factor for crop production. To identify critical genes for drought resistance in rice (Oryza sativa), we screened T-DNA mutants and identified a drought-hypersensitive mutant, dsm2. The mutant phenotype was caused by a T-DNA insertion in a gene encoding a putative β-carotene hydroxylase (BCH). BCH is predicted for the biosynthesis of zeaxanthin, a carotenoid precursor of abscisic acid (ABA). The amounts of zeaxanthin and ABA were significantly reduced in two allelic dsm2 mutants after drought stress compared with the wild type. Under drought stress conditions, the mutant leaves lost water faster than the wild type and the photosynthesis rate, biomass, and grain yield were significantly reduced, whereas malondialdehyde level and stomata aperture were increased in the mutant. The mutant is also hypersensitive to oxidative stresses. The mutant had significantly lower maximal efficiency of photosystem II photochemistry and nonphotochemical quenching capacity than the wild type, indicating photoinhibition in photosystem II and decreased capacity for eliminating excess energy by thermal dissipation. Overexpression of DSM2 in rice resulted in significantly increased resistance to drought and oxidative stresses and increases of the xanthophylls and nonphotochemical quenching. Some stress-related ABA-responsive genes were up-regulated in the overexpression line. DSM2 is a chloroplast protein, and the response of DSM2 to environmental stimuli is distinctive from the other two BCH members in rice. We conclude that the DSM2 gene significantly contributes to control of the xanthophyll cycle and ABA synthesis, both of which play critical roles in the establishment of drought resistance in rice.Abiotic stresses such as drought, salinity, and adverse temperatures are major limiting factors for plant growth and reproduction. To respond to environmental cues, plants have evolved a variety of biochemical and physiological mechanisms to adapt to adverse conditions during their growth and development (Boyer, 1982). Abscisic acid (ABA) has been recognized as a stress hormone that coordinates the complex networks of stress responses. Under drought or salt stress conditions, plant endogenous ABA level can rise to about 40-fold, triggering the closure of stomata and accumulating reactive oxygen species (ROS), dehydrins, and late embryogenesis abundant proteins for osmotic adjustment (Verslues et al., 2006). The endogenous ABA level is determined by ABA biosynthesis, catabolism, and release of ABA from ABA-Glc conjugates (Nambara and Marion-Poll, 2005; Lee et al., 2006). Therefore, identification of all the components affecting active ABA content is essential for a complete understanding of the action of the hormone.Numerous ABA biosynthetic genes have been identified through mutant analysis, such as maize (Zea mays) viviparous mutants vp2, vp5, vp7, vp9, vp14, w3, y3, and y9 (Schwartz et al., 1997; Hable et al., 1998; Singh et al., 2003); rice (Oryza sativa) preharvest-sprouting mutants psh1, psh2, psh3, and psh4 (Fang et al., 2008); sunflower (Helianthus annuus) nondormant mutant nd-1 (Conti et al., 2004); Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) ABA- and nonphotochemical quenching (NPQ)-deficient mutants aba1, aba2, aba3, aba4, npq1, npq2, b1, b2, and nced3 (Havaux et al., 2000; Xiong et al., 2001; Tian et al., 2003; Barrero et al., 2005; Kim and DellaPenna, 2006; North et al., 2007); and tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) white-flower mutant wf (Galpaz et al., 2006; Supplemental Fig. S1). The mutants unable to biosynthesize carotenoid precursors for endogenous ABA synthesis often produced preharvest-sprouting seeds and wilted or white leaves (Gubler et al., 2005; Nambara and Marion-Poll, 2005; Finch-Savage and Leubner-Metzger, 2006).ABA biosynthesis initiates with the synthesis of a C5 building block, isopentenyl pyrophosphate, and its isomer dimethylallyl pyrophosphate through a plastid methylerythritol phosphate pathway (Eisenreich et al., 2001; Hunter, 2007). The three isopentenyl pyrophosphate molecules are then added to dimethylallyl pyrophosphate by geranylgeranyl diphosphate synthase to produce C20 geranylgeranyl diphosphate. Two geranylgeranyl diphosphates are condensed by a committing enzyme, phytoene synthase, to produce colorless C40 carotenoid phytoene, which is then desaturated and isomerized into red-colored lycopene by phytoene desaturase (PDS), ζ-carotene desaturase (ZDS), and Z-ISO and CRTISO isomerases in plants (Isaacson et al., 2002; Park et al., 2002). Subsequently, several cyclization and hydroxylation reactions take place to yield α-carotene and β-carotene (Li et al., 1996; Hable et al., 1998; Park et al., 2002; Miki and Shimamoto, 2004; Fang et al., 2008). Heme-type cytochrome P450-type CYP97 and non-heme-type β-carotene hydroxylase (BCH) are primarily responsible for the hydroxylation of α-carotene and β-carotene to produce lutein and zeaxanthin, respectively. Zeaxanthin, an important component of the xanthophyll cycle, is epoxidated by zeaxanthin epoxidase to produce violaxanthin, and this reaction can be reversed by violaxanthin deepoxidase to increase the xanthophyll cycle for plants to adapt to high-light stress (Johnson et al., 2008). Neoxanthin synthase converts violaxanthin into neoxanthin (North et al., 2007). In chloroplast, 9-cis-epoxycarotenoid dioxygenase (NCED) cleaves violaxanthin and neoxanthin to produce xanthoxin, the direct substrate for ABA synthesis via ABA aldehyde (Schwartz et al., 1997, 2003; Xiong and Zhu, 2003). Increasing evidence suggest that the endogenous ABA level is fine-tuned by differential regulation of the multiple steps of ABA biosynthesis (Seo and Koshiba, 2002; Nambara and Marion-Poll, 2005; Destefano-Beltrán et al., 2006; Thompson et al., 2007; Rodríguez-Gacio et al., 2009; Supplemental Fig. S1).The xanthophyll cycle (light-dependent reversible conversion between violaxanthin and zeaxanthin) is involved in photoprotection in PSII by regulating the nonradiative dissipation of excess absorbed light energy as heat (Gilmore et al., 1994). Mutants with defects in the xanthophyll cycle exhibit a weak photoprotective ability and produce ROS such as hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) when the absorption of light energy exceeds that consumed for photosynthesis (Niyogi, 1999). Under dehydration stress, electrons at a high energy state can easily form ROS, which are toxic to proteins, DNA, and lipids (Mittler, 2002; Apel and Hirt, 2004). However, plants have evolved a variety of biochemical and physiological mechanisms to scavenge ROS, thus maintaining a balance between ROS production and scavenging (Mittler et al., 2004).An association between the xanthophyll cycle and stress tolerance has been reported in plants. In Arabidopsis, overexpression of a bacterial BCH gene caused a specific 2-fold increase in the size of the xanthophyll cycle and enhanced photooxidative tolerance (Davison et al., 2002). Constitutive overexpression of a bacterial BCH gene, crtZ, in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) led to increased zeaxanthin synthesis and enhanced UV light tolerance (Götz et al., 2002). In Arabidopsis, zeaxanthin synthesis can be catalyzed by both heme-type CYP97 hydroxylases LUT1 and LUT5 and non-heme-type hydroxylases BCH1 and BCH2, and these two types exhibit some overlapping activities (Tian et al., 2003, 2004; Kim and DellaPenna, 2006). In contrast to the intensive molecular and genetic studies of BCH in Arabidopsis, the counterpart in economically important crops such as rice has not been identified.In this study, we characterized the rice drought-sensitive mutant dsm2, impaired in the gene DSM2 encoding a BCH. Our results demonstrate that DSM2 acts as a putative enzyme catalyzing the biosynthesis of zeaxanthin, one of the precursors of ABA that participates in the process of NPQ. Decreases of NPQ, maximal efficiency of PSII photochemistry (Fv/Fm), xanthophylls, and ABA in the dsm2 mutant suggest that the drought hypersensitivity of dsm2 is due to the combination of impairments in the xanthophyll cycle and ABA synthesis under drought stress conditions. DSM2 overexpression lines, possessing high Fv/Fm and NPQ, showed significantly improved drought resistance at both seedling and reproductive stages. Furthermore, our results imply that DSM2 may be the major member of the BCH family in rice for controlling zeaxanthin synthesis in response to dehydration stresses.  相似文献   



Hepatic gene transfer, in particular using adeno-associated viral (AAV) vectors, has been shown to induce immune tolerance to several protein antigens. This approach has been exploited in animal models of inherited protein deficiency for systemic delivery of therapeutic proteins. Adequate levels of transgene expression in hepatocytes induce a suppressive T cell response, thereby promoting immune tolerance. This study addresses the question of whether AAV gene transfer can induce tolerance to a cytoplasmic protein.

Major Findings

AAV-2 vector-mediated hepatic gene transfer for expression of cytoplasmic β-galactosidase (β-gal) was performed in immune competent mice, followed by a secondary β-gal gene transfer with E1/E3-deleted adenoviral Ad-LacZ vector to provoke a severe immunotoxic response. Transgene expression from the AAV-2 vector in ∼2% of hepatocytes almost completely protected from inflammatory T cell responses against β-gal, eliminated antibody formation, and significantly reduced adenovirus-induced hepatotoxicity. Consequently, ∼10% of hepatocytes continued to express β-gal 45 days after secondary Ad-LacZ gene transfer, a time point when control mice had lost all Ad-LacZ derived expression. Suppression of inflammatory T cell infiltration in the liver and liver damage was linked to specific transgene expression and was not seen for secondary gene transfer with Ad-GFP. A combination of adoptive transfer studies and flow cytometric analyses demonstrated induction of Treg that actively suppressed CD8+ T cell responses to β-gal and that was amplified in liver and spleen upon secondary Ad-LacZ gene transfer.


These data demonstrate that tolerance induction by hepatic AAV gene transfer does not require systemic delivery of the transgene product and that expression of a cytoplasmic neo-antigen in few hepatocytes can induce Treg and provide long-term suppression of inflammatory responses and immunotoxicity.  相似文献   

Nicotine dependence is linked to single nucleotide polymorphisms in the CHRNB4-CHRNA3-CHRNA5 gene cluster encoding the α3β4α5 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR). Here we show that the β4 subunit is rate limiting for receptor activity, and that current increase by β4 is maximally competed by one of the most frequent variants associated with tobacco usage (D398N in α5). We identify a β4-specific residue (S435), mapping to the intracellular vestibule of the α3β4α5 receptor in close proximity to α5 D398N, that is essential for its ability to increase currents. Transgenic mice with targeted overexpression of Chrnb4 to endogenous sites display a strong aversion to nicotine that can be reversed by viral-mediated expression of the α5 D398N variant in the?medial habenula (MHb). Thus, this study both provides insights into α3β4α5 receptor-mediated mechanisms contributing to nicotine consumption, and identifies the MHb as a critical element in the circuitry controlling nicotine-dependent phenotypes.  相似文献   

Withaferin A (WA), a C5,C6-epoxy steroidal lactone derived from a medicinal plant (Withania somnifera), inhibits growth of human breast cancer cells in vitro and in vivo and prevents mammary cancer development in a transgenic mouse model. However, the mechanisms underlying the anticancer effect of WA are not fully understood. Herein, we report that tubulin is a novel target of WA-mediated growth arrest in human breast cancer cells. The G2 and mitotic arrest resulting from WA exposure in MCF-7, SUM159, and SK-BR-3 cells was associated with a marked decrease in protein levels of β-tubulin. These effects were not observed with the naturally occurring C6,C7-epoxy analogs of WA (withanone and withanolide A). A non-tumorigenic normal mammary epithelial cell line (MCF-10A) was markedly more resistant to mitotic arrest by WA compared with breast cancer cells. Vehicle-treated control cells exhibited a normal bipolar spindle with chromosomes aligned along the metaphase plate. In contrast, WA treatment led to a severe disruption of normal spindle morphology. NMR analyses revealed that the A-ring enone in WA, but not in withanone or withanolide A, was highly reactive with cysteamine and rapidly succumbed to irreversible nucleophilic addition. Mass spectrometry demonstrated direct covalent binding of WA to Cys303 of β-tubulin in MCF-7 cells. Molecular docking indicated that the WA-binding pocket is located on the surface of β-tubulin and characterized by a hydrophobic floor, a hydrophobic wall, and a charge-balanced hydrophilic entrance. These results provide novel insights into the mechanism of growth arrest by WA in breast cancer cells.  相似文献   

β-Mannanases (EC can catalyze the cleavage of internal β-1,4-d-mannosidic linkages of mannan backbones, and they have found applications in food, feed, pulp and paper, oil, pharmaceutical and textile industries. Suitable amino acid substitution can promote access to the substrate-binding groove and maintain the substrate therein, which probably improves the substrate affinity and, thus, increases catalytic efficiency of the enzyme. In this study, to improve the substrate affinity of AuMan5A, a glycoside hydrolase (GH) family 5 β-mannanase from Aspergillus usamii, had its directed modification conducted by in silico design, and followed by site-directed mutagenesis. The mutant genes, Auman5A Y111F and Auman5A Y115F, were constructed by megaprimer PCR, respectively. Then, Auman5A and its mutant genes were expressed in Pichia pastoris GS115 successfully. The specific activities of purified recombinant β-mannanases (reAuMan5A, reAuMan5AY111F and reAuMan5AY115F) towards locust bean gum were 152.5, 199.6 and 218.9 U mg?1, respectively. The two mutants were found to be similar to reAuMan5A regarding temperature and pH characteristics. Nevertheless, the K m values of reAuMan5AY111F and reAuMan5AY115F, towards guar gum, decreased to 2.95 ± 0.22 and 2.39 ± 0.33 mg ml?1 from 4.49 ± 0.07 mg ml?1 of reAuMan5A, which would make reAuMan5AY111F and reAuMan5AY115F promising candidates for industrial processes. Structural analysis showed that the two mutants increased their affinity by decreasing the steric conflicts with those more complicated substrates. The results suggested that subtle conformational modification in the substrate-binding groove could substantially alter the substrate affinity of AuMan5A. This study laid a solid foundation for the directed modification of substrate affinities of β-mannanases and other enzymes.  相似文献   

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