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Rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax) accumulate high levels of glycerol in winter that serve as an antifreeze. Liver glycogen is a source of glycerol during the early stages of glycerol accumulation, whereas dietary glucose and amino acids are essential to maintain rates of glycerol synthesis. We presently report rates of glycerol and glucose production by isolated hepatocytes. Cells from fish held at 0.4 to -1.5 degrees C and incubated at 0.4 degrees C were metabolically quiescent with negligible rates of glycerol or glucose production. Hepatocytes isolated from fish maintained at 8 degrees C and incubated at 8 degrees C produced glucose but not glycerol. Glycerol production was activated in cells isolated from 8 degrees C fish and incubated at 0.4 degrees C without substrate or when glucose, aspartate, or pyruvate was available in the medium. Incubation at 0.4 degrees C without substrate resulted in similar molar rates of glucose and glycerol production in concert with glycogen mobilization. Glycogenolysis and glycerol production were associated with increases in total in vitro activities of glycogen phosphorylase and glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase. Maximal in vitro activities of hexokinase and glucokinase were not influenced by temperature, but high activities of a low-K(m) hexokinase may serve to redirect glycogen-derived glucose to glycolysis as opposed to releasing it from the cells. Rates of glycerol production were not enhanced in cells from fish held at 8 degrees C and incubated at 0.4 degrees C with adrenergic or glucocorticoid stimulation. As such, low temperature alone is sufficient to activate the glycerol production mechanism and results in a shift from glucose to a mix of glucose and glycerol production.  相似文献   

Rainbow smelt accumulate high amounts of glycerol in winter. In smelt, there is a predictable profile of plasma glycerol levels that starts to increase in November (<5 μmol/ml), peaks in mid-February (>200 μmol/ml), and thereafter decreases to reach the initial levels in the beginning of May. The aim of this study was to investigate the respective role of the two main mechanisms that might be involved in glycerol clearance from mid-February: 1) breakdown of glycerol to glycerol-3-phosphate through the action of the glycerol kinase (GK) and 2) direct loss toward the environment. Over the entire glycerol cycle, loss to water represents a daily loss of ~10% of the total glycerol content of fish. GK activities were very low in all tissues investigated and likely have a minor quantitative role in the glycerol cycle. These results suggest that glycerol levels are dictated by the rate of glycerol synthesis (accelerated and deactivated during the accumulation and decrease stages, respectively). Although not important in glycerol clearance, GK in liver might have an important metabolic function for other purposes, such as gluconeogenesis, as evidenced by the significant increase of activity at the end of the cycle.  相似文献   

The rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax) is a small anadromous fish that actively feeds under the ice at temperatures as low as the freeze point of seawater. Freezing is avoided through the production of both non-colligative antifreeze protein (AFP) and glycerol that acts in a colligative manner. Glycerol is constantly lost across the gills and skin, thus glycerol production must continue on a sustained basis at low winter temperatures. AFP begins to accumulate in early fall while water temperatures are still high. Glycerol production is triggered when water temperatures decrease to about 5 degrees C. Glycerol levels rapidly increase with carbon flow from dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DHAP) to glycerol 3-phosphate (G3P) to glycerol. Glucose/glycogen serves as the initial carbon source for glycerol accumulation with amino acids contributing thereafter. The period of glycerol accumulation is associated with increases in GPDH mRNA and PEPCK mRNA followed by elevations in protein synthesis and enzyme activities. Plasma glycerol levels may reach in excess of 500 mM in winter. The high freeze resistance allows rainbow smelt to invade water of low temperature and forage for food. The lower the temperature, the higher the glycerol must be, and the higher the glycerol the greater the loss to the environment through diffusion. During the winter, rainbow smelt feed upon protein rich invertebrates with glycerol production being fueled in part by dietary amino acids via the gluconeogenic pathway. At winter temperatures, glycerol is quantitatively more important than AFP in providing freeze resistance of blood; however, the importance of AFPs to other tissues is yet to be assessed. Glycerol levels rapidly plummet in the spring when water temperature is still close to 0 degrees C. During this period, freeze resistance must be provided by AFP alone. Overall, the phenomenon of glycerol production by rainbow smelt reveals an elegant connection of biochemistry to ecology that allows this species to exploit an otherwise unavailable food resource.  相似文献   

Twelve tetra‐ and di–tetra compound microsatellite loci are described for the rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax). These loci were screened among a minimum of 79 individuals and the average number of alleles per locus was 16 with an average heterozygosity of 0.86. These microsatellites are being used to examine population structure and life‐history evolution among natural populations of rainbow smelt.  相似文献   

Rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax) is a small fish that accumulates glycerol at low winter seawater temperatures. In laboratory-held fish, glycerol concentration typically reaches 225 mM in plasma and in all cells. Glycerol uptake by the heart and red blood cells (RBCs) was assessed by tracking [(14)C(U)]glycerol into the acid-soluble pool. In fish acclimated to 9-10°C a decrease in perfusion/incubation temperature from 8 to 1°C resulted in a decrease in glycerol uptake with a Q(10) of 3.2 in heart and 2.4 in RBCs. Acclimation to ~1.5°C did not result in an adaptive enhancement of glycerol uptake as rates were unchanged in heart and RBCs. Glycerol uptake at 1°C was by passive diffusion in heart as evidenced by a linear relationship between glycerol uptake and extracellular glycerol concentration and a lack of inhibition by phloretin. In contrast, in RBCs, glycerol uptake with respect to glycerol concentration showed two linear relationships with a transition point around 50 mM extracellular glycerol. The slope of the second phase was much steeper and eliminated with the inclusion of phloretin. In RBCs from Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), a related species that does not accumulate glycerol, glycerol uptake showed only a single linear curve and was not inhibited by phloretin. The data imply a strong facilitated component to glycerol uptake in rainbow smelt RBCs at high glycerol concentrations. We propose this is related to cyclic changes in RBC glycerol content involving a loss of glycerol at the gill and a reaccumulation during passage through the liver.  相似文献   

Rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax) inhabit inshore waters along the North American Atlantic coast. During the winter, these waters are frequently ice covered and can reach temperatures as low as -1.9 degrees C. To prevent freezing, smelt accumulate high levels of glycerol, which lower the freezing point via colligative means, and antifreeze proteins (AFP). The up-regulation of the antifreeze response (both glycerol and AFP) occurs in early fall, when water temperatures are 5 degrees -6 degrees C. The accumulation of glycerol appears to be the main mechanism of freeze resistance in smelt because it contributes more to the lowering of the body's freezing point than the activity of the AFP (0.5 degrees C vs. 0.25 degrees C for glycerol and AFP, respectively) at a water temperature of -1.5 degrees C. Moreover, AFP in smelt appears to be a safeguard mechanism to prevent freezing when glycerol levels are low. Significant increases in activities of the liver enzymes glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GPDH), alanine aminotransferase (AlaAT), and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) during the initiation of glycerol production and significant correlations between enzyme activities and plasma glycerol levels suggest that these enzymes are closely associated with the synthesis and maintenance of elevated glycerol levels for use as an antifreeze. These findings add further support to the concept that carbon for glycerol is derived from amino acids.  相似文献   

The rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax) is freeze-resistant and maintains swimming and feeding activity during winter. In order to identify genes differentially expressed in smelt liver response to winter water temperatures, a large-scale analysis of gene expression using suppression subtractive hybridization was carried out using samples obtained in fall and winter. Forward and reverse subtractions were performed, subtraction-enriched products were cloned, and clones were sequenced from both of the resulting libraries. When 27 of these genes were screened by semi-quantitative RT-PCR to identify candidates for differential expression based generally on 2-fold changes in expression, one encoding FK506-binding protein 5 was classified as up-regulated in response to seasonal change, another encoding the mitochondrial solute carrier 25 member 25 (ATP-Mg/Pi carrier) was similarly classified with seasonal change and low temperature shift, and the one encoding the 78 kDa glucose-regulated protein was provisionally classified as down-regulated with low temperature shift. Analysis of fall (warm) and winter (cold) seasonal samples by quantitative PCR (qPCR) revealed significant up-regulation of genes encoding FK506-binding protein 51 and the mitochondrial solute carrier, whereas the gene encoding the glucose-regulated protein showed no significant change in expression. The mitochondrial solute carrier and FK506-binding protein results may relate to changes in cortisol action, as both are regulated by cortisol in other species.  相似文献   

In winter, rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax) accumulate glycerol and produce an antifreeze protein (AFP), which both contribute to freeze resistance. The role of differential gene expression in the seasonal pattern of these adaptations was investigated. First, cDNAs encoding smelt and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) and smelt glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) were cloned so that all sequences required for expression analysis would be available. Using quantitative PCR, expression of beta actin in rainbow smelt liver was compared with that of GAPDH in order to determine its validity as a reference gene. Then, levels of glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GPDH), PEPCK, and AFP relative to beta actin were measured in smelt liver over a fall-winter-spring interval. Levels of GPDH mRNA increased in the fall just before plasma glycerol accumulation, implying a driving role in glycerol synthesis. GPDH mRNA levels then declined during winter, well in advance of serum glycerol, suggesting the possibility of GPDH enzyme or glycerol conservation in smelt during the winter months. PEPCK mRNA levels rose in parallel with serum glycerol in the fall, consistent with an increasing requirement for amino acids as metabolic precursors, remained elevated for much of the winter, and then declined in advance of the decline in plasma glycerol. AFP mRNA was elevated at the onset of fall sampling in October and remained elevated until April, implying separate regulation from GPDH and PEPCK. Thus, winter freezing point depression in smelt appears to result from a seasonal cycle of GPDH gene expression, with an ensuing increase in the expression of PEPCK, and a similar but independent cycle of AFP gene expression.  相似文献   

A series of artificial fertilizations using rainbow smelt Osmerus mordax were conducted, each designed to assess the fertilization success of a female's eggs with milt from one to five males. Mean egg fertilization success increased and variance in fertilization success decreased when more males contributed to a constant volume of milt. This may indicate the presence of an Allee effect. The results suggest that potential changes in egg fertilization success due to a decrease in the number of males, in addition to changes in egg production due to a decrease in the number of females, can affect estimates of maximum sustainable harvest rates, and recovery of depleted populations.  相似文献   

Activities of enzymes associated with glycerol synthesis were compared in the liver of two osmerid fishes, the smelt (Osmerus mordax), which can accumulate high (400 mM) levels of glycerol and capelin (Mallotus villosus) that does not accumulate glycerol. Animals were sampled at approximately the same time of year and temperature thus negating potential seasonal effects. These species are closely related, reducing interpretative issues involving comparison between unrelated species. We found that key enzyme activities were elevated in the smelt relative to the non-glycerol accumulating capelin, namely enzymes involved with glycolysis (phosphofructose kinase-1 and aldolase), amino acid metabolism (aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase), gluconeogenesis (phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase) and glycerol synthesis (glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase). The enzyme profiles strongly support the hypothesis that smelt can synthesize glycerol by utilizing glycogen and amino acids as the carbon source and that they have increased capacity for metabolic flux through loci required for synthesis of the three carbon intermediate dihydroxyacetone phosphate and subsequently glycerol synthesis.  相似文献   

Synopsis Results of experimental transfer of rainbow smelt into lakes reclaimed by rotenone around 1960 in Maine were originally interpreted to cast doubt on the previously widely accepted hypothesis that there were two hereditarily different forms of rainbow smelt, one large and one small. Study of more recent data from some of the transplanted populations and reanalysis of the original data suggests different conclusions. The initial effect of introductions into a reclaimed lake may be accelerated and/or more prolonged growth which exceeds even interlake differences. This initial phase, however, is followed by a second phase, when the population reaches equilibrium and these effects subside. Data from phase two of the Little Concord-Shagg and Cold Stream-Coleback Lake transfers showed that the growth characteristics of the transplanted populations returned to those of the parental populations. Large differences in growth patterns were thus found only in the initial phase of the introduction. Meristic characters were little affected by transplanting.Analysis of large specimens derived from a postulated second unofficial introduction into Coleback Lake showed that they also differed significantly, having both higher gill raker and vertebral counts than the smaller smelt. This was of interest as smelt vertebral and gill raker counts usually are inversely related; hence we do not equate these for the moment with the large form of smelt known elsewhere.It is concluded that the initial interpretation of transfer experiments be delayed until conditions approaching equilibrium can be expected to exist. Further, our analysis of more recent lake transfer data has shown nothing to refute the hypothesis that there are at least two hereditarily different forms of smelt.  相似文献   

13C- and 2H-NMR experiments were used to examine the phase behavior and dynamic structures of N-palmitoylgalactosylsphingosine (NPGS) (cerebroside) and cholesterol (CHOL) in binary mixtures. 13C spectra of 13C=O-labeled and 2H spectra of [7,7-2H2] chain-labeled NPGS as well as 3 alpha-2H1 CHOL indicate that cerebroside and CHOL are immiscible in binary mixtures at temperatures less than 40 degrees C. In contrast, at 40 degrees C < t < or = T(C) (NPGS), up to 50 mol% CHOL can be incorporated into melted cerebroside bilayers. In addition, 13C and 2H spectra of melted NPGS/CHOL bilayers show a temperature and cholesterol concentration dependence. An analysis of spectra obtained from the melted 13C=O NPGS bilayer phase suggests that the planar NH-C=O group assumes an orientation tilted 40 degrees-55 degrees down from the bilayer interface. The similarity between the orientation of the amide group relative to the bilayer interface in melted bilayers and in the crystal structure of cerebroside suggests that the overall crystallographic conformation of cerebroside is preserved to a large degree in hydrated bilayers. Variation of temperature from 73 degrees to 86 degrees C and CHOL concentration from 0 to 51 mol% results in small changes in this general orientation of the amide group. 2H spectra of chain-labeled NPGS and labeled CHOL in NPGS/CHOL bilayer demonstrate that molecular exchange between the gel and liquid-gel (LG) phases is slow on the 2H time scale, and this facilitates the simulation of the two component 2H spectra of [7,7-2H2]NPGS/CHOL mixtures. Simulation parameters are used to quantitate the fractions of gel and LG cerebroside. The quadrupole splitting of [7,7-2H2]NPGS/CHOL mixtures and 2H simulations allows the LG phase bilayer fraction to be characterized as an equimolar mixture of cerebroside and CHOL.  相似文献   

Zeins, the maize storage proteins, are the most abundant proteins in the corn endosperm, and are synthesized on the rough endoplasmatic reticulum and deposited in discrete organelles called protein bodies. Several authors, using circular dichroism and optical rotatory dispersion, have concluded that these proteins have a high alpha-helical content in alcoholic solution. In this work we have studied these proteins, within the protein bodies themselves and after extraction from the corn grains with 70% ethanol, using NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) spectroscopy. We conclusively demonstrate the presence of free fatty acids within both the protein bodies and also in the alcohol extracted alpha zeins. We present evidence for a direct interaction between the free fatty acids and the alpha zein proteins within the protein body and suggest possible mechanisms by which such an association has arisen during the evolution of the maize endosperm.  相似文献   

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