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The extraocular muscles (EOM) are spared from pathology in aging and many forms of muscular dystrophy. Despite many studies, this sparing remains an enigma. The EOM have a distinct embryonic lineage compared to somite-derived muscles, and we have shown that they continuously remodel throughout life, maintaining a population of activated satellite cells even in aging. These data suggested the hypothesis that there is a population of myogenic precursor cells (mpcs) in EOM that is different from those in limb, with either elevated numbers of stem cells and/or mpcs with superior proliferative capacity compared to mpcs in limb. Using flow cytometry, EOM and limb muscle mononuclear cells were compared, and a number of differences were seen. Using two different cell isolation methods, EOM have significantly more mpcs per mg muscle than limb skeletal muscle. One specific subpopulation significantly increased in EOM compared to limb was positive for CD34 and negative for Sca-1, M-cadherin, CD31, and CD45. We named these the EOMCD34 cells. Similar percentages of EOMCD34 cells were present in both newborn EOM and limb muscle. They were retained in aged EOM, whereas the population decreased significantly in adult limb muscle and were extremely scarce in aged limb muscle. Most importantly, the percentage of EOMCD34 cells was elevated in the EOM from both the mdx and the mdx/utrophin−/− (DKO) mouse models of DMD and extremely scarce in the limb muscles of these mice. In vitro, the EOMCD34 cells had myogenic potential, forming myotubes in differentiation media. After determining a media better able to induce proliferation in these cells, a fusion index was calculated. The cells isolated from EOM had a 40% higher fusion index compared to the same cells isolated from limb muscle. The EOMCD34 cells were resistant to both oxidative stress and mechanical injury. These data support our hypothesis that the EOM may be spared in aging and in muscular dystrophies due to a subpopulation of mpcs, the EOMCD34 cells, that are retained in significantly higher percentages in normal, mdx and DKO mice EOM, appear to be resistant to elevated levels of oxidative stress and toxins, and actively proliferate throughout life. Current studies are focused on further defining the EOMCD34 cell subtype molecularly, with the hopes that this may shed light on a cell type with potential therapeutic use in patients with sarcopenia, cachexia, or muscular dystrophy.  相似文献   

Introduction: Proteomic techniques offer insights into the molecular perturbations occurring in muscular-dystrophies (MD). Revisiting published datasets can highlight conserved downstream molecular alterations, which may be worth re-assessing to determine whether their experimental manipulation is capable of modulating disease severity.

Areas covered: Here, we review the MD literature, highlighting conserved molecular insights warranting mechanistic investigation for therapeutic potential. We also describe a workflow currently proving effective for efficient identification of biomarkers & therapeutic targets in other neurodegenerative conditions, upon which future MD proteomic investigations could be modelled.

Expert commentary: Studying disease models can be useful for identifying biomarkers and model specific degenerative cascades, but rarely offer translatable mechanistic insights into disease pathology. Conversely, direct analysis of human samples undergoing degeneration presents challenges derived from complex chronic degenerative molecular processes. This requires a carefully planed & reproducible experimental paradigm accounting for patient selection through to grouping by disease severity and ending with proteomic data filtering and processing.  相似文献   

Summary Interpretation of the experimental literature on epididymal glycerophosphorylcholine metabolism according to a recently proposed de novo pathway for the synthesis of acyl-specific phosphatidylcholine suggests that epididymal glycerophosphorylcholine is an intermediate of this proposed pathway. This glycerophosphodiester is postulated to be utilized by spermatozoa to synthesize docosahexaenoic phosphatidylcholine, proposed to be required for the development of sperm motility. A defect in glycerophosphorylcholine synthesis might be responsible for some forms of asthenozoospermia.  相似文献   

We used expression profiling to define the pathophysiological cascades involved in the progression of two muscular dystrophies with known primary biochemical defects, dystrophin deficiency (Duchenne muscular dystrophy) and alpha-sarcoglycan deficiency (a dystrophin-associated protein). We employed a novel protocol for expression profiling in human tissues using mixed samples of multiple patients and iterative comparisons of duplicate datasets. We found evidence for both incomplete differentiation of patient muscle, and for dedifferentiation of myofibers to alternative lineages with advancing age. One developmentally regulated gene characterized in detail, alpha-cardiac actin, showed abnormal persistent expression after birth in 60% of Duchenne dystrophy myofibers. The majority of myofibers ( approximately 80%) remained strongly positive for this protein throughout the course of the disease. Other developmentally regulated genes that showed widespread overexpression in these muscular dystrophies included embryonic myosin heavy chain, versican, acetylcholine receptor alpha-1, secreted protein, acidic and rich in cysteine/osteonectin, and thrombospondin 4. We hypothesize that the abnormal Ca(2)+ influx in dystrophin- and alpha-sarcoglycan-deficient myofibers leads to altered developmental programming of developing and regenerating myofibers. The finding of upregulation of HLA-DR and factor XIIIa led to the novel identification of activated dendritic cell infiltration in dystrophic muscle; these cells mediate immune responses and likely induce microenvironmental changes in muscle. We also document a general metabolic crisis in dystrophic muscle, with large scale downregulation of nuclear-encoded mitochondrial gene expression. Finally, our expression profiling results show that primary genetic defects can be identified by a reduction in the corresponding RNA.  相似文献   

Effects of hypochlorous acid and of the myeloperoxidase-hydrogen peroxide-chloride system on mono- and polyunsaturated phosphatidylcholines were analyzed by means of matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). Chlorohydrins and glycols were detected as main products according to the characteristic shift of molecular masses. Mainly mono-chlorohydrins result upon the incubation of HOCl/(-)OCl with 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine, whereas only traces of mono-glycols were detected. 1-Palmitoyl-2-linoleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine yielded a complex mixture of products. Mono-chlorohydrins and glycols dominated only at short incubation, while bis-chlorohydrins as well as products containing one chlorohydrin and one glycol moiety appeared after longer incubation. Similarly, a complex product mixture resulted upon incubation of 1-stearoyl-2-arachidonoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine with hypochlorous acid. Additionally, tris-chlorohydrins, products with two chlorohydrin and one glycol moiety, as well as lysophosphatidylcholines and fragmentation products of the arachidonoyl side chain were detectable. Mono-chlorohydrins of 1-stearoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine were detected after the incubation of the latter phospholipid with the myeloperoxidase-hydrogen peroxide-chloride system at pH 6.0. These chlorohydrins were not observed in the absence of chloride, hydrogen peroxide, or myeloperoxidase as well as in the presence of methionine, taurine, or sodium azide. Thus, mono-chlorohydrins in 1-stearoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine produced by hypochlorous acid from the myeloperoxidase-hydrogen peroxide-chloride system can also be detected by means of MALDI-TOF MS.  相似文献   

Serum myoglobin (Mb) levels and creatine kinase (CK) activity were investigated in patients with different types of progressive muscular dystrophy and controls. The Mb levels were determined by radioimmunoassay and found to be significantly elevated in all patients under resting conditions. There was no correlation between Mb levels and CK activity. Physical exercise was followed by an increase in Mb levels and CK activity in patients and a minor variation in controls. Isoelectric focusing, electroblotting and application of a specific Mb antibody (rabbit anti-human Mb) make it possible to recognize marked differences between the Mb bands of patients and controls. All patients with progressive muscular dystrophy had an additional fourth Mb band (isoelectric point pH 6.3) in contrast to controls with three Mb bands.  相似文献   

The specific volumes of six 1,2-diacylphosphatidylcholines with monounsaturated acyl chains (diCn:1PC, n=14-24 is the even number of acyl chain carbons) in fluid bilayers in multilamellar vesicles dispersed in H(2)O were determined by the vibrating tube densitometry as a function of temperature. From the data obtained with diCn:1PC (n=14-22) vesicles in combination with the densitometric data from Tristram-Nagle et al. [Tristram-Nagle, S., Petrache, H.I., Nagle, J.F., 1998. Structure and interactions of fully hydrated dioleoylphosphatidylcholine bilayers. Biophys. J. 75, 917-925.] and Koenig and Gawrisch [Koenig, B.W., Gawrisch, K., 2005. Specific volumes of unsaturated phosphatidylcholines in the liquid crystalline lamellar phase. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1715, 65-70.], the component volumes of phosphatidylcholines in fully hydrated fluid bilayers at 30 degrees C were obtained. The volume of the acyl chain CH and CH(2) group is V(CH)=22.30 A(3) and V(CH2) =A(3), respectively. The volume of the headgroup including the glyceryl and acyl carbonyls, V(H), and the ratio of acyl chain methyl and methylene group volumes, r=V(CH3):V(CH2) are linearly interdependent: V(H)=a-br, where a=434.41 A(3) and b=-55.36 A(3) at 30 degrees C. From the temperature dependencies of component volumes, their isobaric thermal expansivities (alpha(X)=V(X)(-1)(partial differential V(X)/ partial differential T) where X=CH(2), CH, or H were calculated: alpha(CH2)=118.4x10(-5)K(-1), alpha(CH)=71.0x10(-5)K(-1), alpha(H)=7.9x10(-5)K(-1) (for r=2) and alpha(H)=9.6x10(-5)K(-1) (for r=1.9). The specific volume of diC24:1PC changes at the main gel-fluid phase transition temperature, t(m)=26.7 degrees C, by 0.0621 ml/g, its specific volume is 0.9561 and 1.02634 ml/g at 20 and 30 degrees C, respectively, and its isobaric thermal expansivity alpha=68.7x10(-5) and 109.2x10(-5)K(-1) below and above t(m), respectively. The component volumes and thermal expansivities obtained can be used for the interpretation of X-ray and neutron scattering and diffraction experiments and for the guiding and testing molecular dynamics simulations of phosphatidylcholine bilayers in the fluid state.  相似文献   

Cancer of the cervix is the second most common life-threatening cancer among women worldwide, with incidence rates ranging from 4.8 per 100,000 women per year in the Middle East to 44.3 per 100,000 in East Africa. Epidemiologic and clinical data demonstrate that human papillomaviruses (HPV), especially HPV-16 and HPV-18, play at least a major if not a necessary role in the etiology of cervical cancer. However, many investigators acknowledge that HPV is not sufficient to induce cervical cancer and that a multifactorial etiology is likely. HPV can be found in a growing proportion of patients with cervical cancer, approaching 100%, but is not yet found in every patient with disease. Other factors, such as herpes simplex virus type 2 infections, cigarette smoking, vaginal douching, nutrition, and use of oral contraceptives, have been proposed as contributing factors. In the first half of the 20th century, Peyton Rous and colleagues demonstrated the joint action of tars and Shope papillomavirus to consistently induce squamous cell carcinomas in rabbits. Using the Rous model as a prototype, one might hypothesize that some cases of cervical cancer arise from an interaction between oncogenic viruses and cervical tar exposures. Cervical tar exposures include cigarette smoking, use of tar-based vaginal douches, and long years of inhaling smoke from wood- and coal-burning stoves in poorly ventilated kitchens.  相似文献   

Enzymes, by means of their properties of specific recognition and allosteric modulation, are able to integrate many separate processes into systemic units with coherent functions; in a sense, they have to be considered as the true organizers of the cytoplasmic processes. In this respect, the present article describes a simple model, based on binary variables and automata theory, which simulates the basic regulatory performance of the modulated enzyme. The model admits a variety of modifications and improvements; it also suggests some original lines of thought on which to reflect about the organization and collective phenomena of the networks of enzymes. In discussing the connection of this 'molecular automata' hypothesis with other areas of present-day theoretical biology, a fertile panorama of initiatives appear. A special partnership between Information Science (computation) and Biology is developing.  相似文献   

Molecular mechanisms of muscular dystrophies: old and new players   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The study of the muscle cell in the muscular dystrophies (MDs) has shown that mutant proteins result in perturbations of many cellular components. MDs have been associated with mutations in structural proteins, signalling molecules and enzymes as well as mutations that result in aberrant processing of mRNA or alterations in post-translational modifications of proteins. These findings have not only revealed important insights for cell biologists, but have also provided unexpected and exciting new approaches for therapy.  相似文献   

In the course of a systematic survey of DMD and BMD patients with intronic probes and with cDNA probes covering three-fourths of the coding sequence, 45 molecular deletions within the DMD gene were investigated. Forty-two percent of the breakpoints were located in the intronic sequence containing probe P20, whereas the other deletions were widespread around the more proximal part of the gene. Most of the BMD deletions were in the P20 region. Pulsed field gel electrophoresis was used to determine the size of some deletions and allowed us to estimate the physical distance between the intronic probes JBir and P20. The reading frame was checked in 11 cases with proximal deletions and found to be disrupted in 6 of 7 DMD patients, in 1 intermediate case, and, unexpectedly, in 3 BMD patients.  相似文献   

The specific volumes of seven 1,2-diacyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholines with symmetric, unbranched acyl chains containing one, four, or six cis double bonds per chain, or with a saturated sn-1 chain and one, four, or six cis double bonds in the sn-2 chain were determined by the neutral buoyancy method. Experiments were conducted in the liquid crystalline lamellar phase over the temperature range from 5 to 35 °C. It is demonstrated that the molecular volume of phosphatidylcholines can be well approximated as the sum of a constant volume of the polar lipid head region and the temperature-dependent volumes of hydrocarbon chain CH2, CH, and terminal CH3 groups. A linear dependence of chain segment volumes on temperature was observed. A self-consistent set of partially temperature-dependent volumes is obtained that allows prediction of phosphatidylcholine molecular volumes within very tight error margins.  相似文献   

The specific volumes of seven 1,2-diacyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholines with symmetric, unbranched acyl chains containing one, four, or six cis double bonds per chain, or with a saturated sn-1 chain and one, four, or six cis double bonds in the sn-2 chain were determined by the neutral buoyancy method. Experiments were conducted in the liquid crystalline lamellar phase over the temperature range from 5 to 35 degrees C. It is demonstrated that the molecular volume of phosphatidylcholines can be well approximated as the sum of a constant volume of the polar lipid head region and the temperature-dependent volumes of hydrocarbon chain CH2, CH, and terminal CH3 groups. A linear dependence of chain segment volumes on temperature was observed. A self-consistent set of partially temperature-dependent volumes is obtained that allows prediction of phosphatidylcholine molecular volumes within very tight error margins.  相似文献   

Myeloperoxidase released from stimulated neutrophils is able to produce hypochlorous and hypobromous acids. The composition of the reaction products of the interaction of hypohalous acid with double bonds of phosphatidylcholines was analysed by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation time-of-flight mass spectrometry using reagents enriched in 16O, 18O, 35Cl, 37Cl, 79Br, or 81Br. Two different types of products were assigned according to the mass spectra. First, chlorohydrins as well as bromohydrins were formed whereby the oxygen introduced was derived from water as shown by using H2 16O or H2 18O. In the second product a hydrogen atom was replaced by a halogen. This was clearly evidenced by different mass shifts using chlorine or bromine isotopes and the lack of any effects by oxygen isotopes. These results are consistent with the view that two principal possibilities of stabilisation of pi-complexes formed after binding of Cl(+) or Br(+) to the pi-system of the double bond exist.  相似文献   

The formation of lysophosphatidylcholines from unsaturated phosphatidylcholines upon treatment with hypochlorous acid was evaluated by means of MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry and 31P NMR spectroscopy. With an increasing number of double bonds in a fatty acid residue, the yield of lysophosphatidylcholines with a saturated fatty acid residue increased considerably in comparison to the total amount of higher molecular weight products like chlorohydrins and glycols. High amounts of lysophosphatidylcholines were formed from phospholipids containing arachidonic or docosahexaenoic acid residues. In phospholipids with monounsaturated fatty acid residues, the position of the double bond did not influence the yield of lyso-products. Besides the exclusive formation of chlorohydrin and glycol, hypochlorous acid caused the cleavage of the unsaturated fatty acid residue independent of its location at the first or second position of the glycerol backbone. In contrast, strong alkaline conditions, i.e. saponification led also to a hydrolysis of the saturated fatty acid residue from phosphatidylcholines. It is concluded that both MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry and 31P NMR spectroscopy are able to detect the formation of lysophosphatidylcholines. We conclude also that the formation of lysophospholipids from unsaturated phosphatidylcholines by hypochlorous acid can be relevant in vivo under acute inflammatory conditions.  相似文献   

A dystrophin-containing glycoprotein complex (DGC) links the basal lamina surrounding each muscle fibre to the fibre's cytoskeleton, providing both structural support and a scaffold for signalling molecules. Mutations in genes encoding several DGC components disrupt the complex and lead to muscular dystrophy. Here we show that mice deficient in alpha-dystrobrevin, a cytoplasmic protein of the DGC, exhibit skeletal and cardiac myopathies. Analysis of double and triple mutants indicates that alpha-dystrobrevin acts largely through the DGC. Structural components of the DGC are retained in the absence of alpha-dystrobrevin, but a DGC-associated signalling protein, nitric oxide synthase, is displaced from the membrane and nitric-oxide-mediated signalling is impaired. These results indicate that both signalling and structural functions of the DGC are required for muscle stability, and implicate alpha-dystrobrevin in the former.  相似文献   

Myotonic dystrophy: molecular windows on a complex etiology.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Myotonic dystrophy (DM) is the most common form of adult onset muscular dystrophy, with an incidence of approximately 1 in 8500 adults. DM is caused by an expanded number of trinucleotide repeats in the 3'-untranslated region (UTR) of a cAMP-dependent protein kinase (DM protein kinase, DMPK). Although a large number of transgenic animals have been generated with different gene constructions and knock-outs, none of them faithfully recapitulates the multisystemic and often severe phenotype seen in human patients. The transgenic data suggest that myotonic dystrophy is not caused simply by a biochemical deficiency or abnormality in the DM kinase gene product. Emerging studies suggest that two novel pathogenetic mechanisms may play a role in the disease: the expanded repeats appear to cause haploinsufficiency of a neighboring homeobox gene and also abnormal DMPK RNA appears to have a detrimental effect on RNA homeostasis. The complex, multisystemic phenotype may reflect an underlying multifaceted molecular pathophysiology: the facial dysmorphology may be due to pattern defects caused by haploinsufficiency of the homeobox gene, while the muscle disease and endocrine abnormalities may be due to both altered RNA metabolism and deficiency of the cAMP DMPK protein.  相似文献   

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