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S-antigen (S-Ag) is a soluble, highly antigenic protein, the administration of which induces autoimmune uveitis. This protein is found in the retina and pineal. Retinal S-Ag from three species has been sequenced. In this study rat pineal S-Ag was sequenced. Clones were isolated from a rat pineal lambda gt11 cDNA library by probing with a 300 bp fragment of mouse retinal S-Ag cDNA containing the 5'-coding region. The largest clone isolated (RPS-118; 1364 bp) contained the entire coding sequence. Comparison of the rat pineal and mouse retinal S-Ag nucleotide sequences indicated a high homology (95%). The deduced amino acid sequence was found to contain 403 residues (congruent to 44 992 Da). Comparison of the rat pineal and mouse retinal S-Ag amino acid sequences also revealed high homology (97%). The similarity of both the nucleotide and amino acid sequences of rat pineal and mouse retinal S-Ag indicates that expression of the S-Ag gene in both tissues is similar. Further analysis of the rat pineal S-Ag sequence indicated that it contained essentially the same major uveitopathogenic region of S-Ag present in bovine retina; minor uveitopathogenic sites were somewhat different. As is true of retinal S-Ag, rat pineal S-Ag contains the same consensus phosphoryl-binding site present in many GTP/GDP-binding proteins and a homologous sequence found in the C-terminus of alpha-transducin. These sequences may play a role in the action of pineal S-Ag in transmembrane signal transduction.  相似文献   

S-Antigen is a major soluble protein of the retina and pineal. It is capable of inducing experimental autoimmune uveitis (EAU) in laboratory animals and also seems to play an important role in the visual cycle. The results of partial cDNA sequence analysis reveal interesting homologies with alpha-transducin, a GTP-binding protein of retina and other purine nucleotide-binding proteins. In particular S-antigen shows over 50% identity to the proposed pertussis toxin ADP-ribosylation site of alpha-transducin. It also contains the Gly-X-X-X-X-Gly-Lys pattern common to phosphoryl binding sites. A possible relationship between S-antigen and purine nucleotide-binding proteins is discussed. There is also evidence for a repetitious beta-structure in the C-terminal half of S-antigen, with a monoclonal antibody epitope in a helical region at the C-terminus.  相似文献   

Two monoclonal antibodies (RSA1/83 and RSA2/83) were developed against a homogeneous preparation of bovine retinal S-antigen. The two hybridomas produced by mouse X mouse hybrid myeloma cells secrete immunoglobulin G. Indirect autoradiography on glutaraldehyde-fixed preparations of bovine explants was used to locate the antigenic site. Antibody RSA1/83 recognizes the antigen primarily in the apical region of the rod outer segment, while antibody RSA2/83 located the antigen both in the outer and inner segments of the rod photoreceptor cells. A distinct band of silver grains also appeared along the inner limiting membrane with both antibodies. Control explants showed no specific labeling pattern over the various retinal compartments.  相似文献   

The significance of protein sequence similarities   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
A general method of assessing the significance of scored bestlocal alignments, particularly suited to protein sequence comparisons,is described. The method establishes the parameters describingthe distribution of the best results from any search program,provided that the set is sufficiently large and the majorityof the alignments arise from unrelated sequences. The expectedfrequency of occurrence of any score can then be calculated,together with the number of standard deviations above expectation.These provide sensible measures of significance without additionalsearch operations. However the biological significance of anyalignment or set of alignments does not solely depend on theimprobability of the alignment, but on all relevant factorsknown to the biologist. Received on August 9, 1987; accepted on November 17, 1987  相似文献   

H Ge  P Zuo  J L Manley 《Cell》1991,66(2):373-382
We described previously the purification of a human protein, called alternative splicing factor (ASF), that can switch utilization of alternative 5' splice sites in an SV40 early pre-mRNA. We now report the isolation of a cDNA, designated ASF-1, that encodes this protein. ASF-1 consists of 248 amino acid residues, including an 80 residue RNA-binding domain at its N-terminus and a 50 residue C-terminal region that is 80% serine plus arginine. ASF-1 produced in E. coli can activate splicing in vitro and switch 5' splice-site utilization, establishing that the recombinant protein is sufficient to supply these activities. Analysis of additional cDNAs revealed that ASF pre-mRNA can itself be alternatively spliced, surprisingly, by utilization of a shared 5' splice site and two closely spaced 3' splice sites. Use of the upstream site results in a second mRNA (ASF-2) in which translation of the downstream exon occurs extensively in an alternative reading frame distinct from ASF-1.  相似文献   

The 18-residue fragment of bovine S-antigen, corresponding to amino acid positions 303-320, is highly immunogenic and is known to induce experimental autoimmune uveitis. The solution conformation of this immunogenic peptide, known as peptide M, was studied by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy and by circular dichroism. In the pH range between approximately 4 and 9.5, peptide M has a strong tendency to form macromolecular assemblies in which it adopts an intermolecular beta-sheet structure. The intermolecular beta-sheets are stabilized by ionic interactions ("salt bridges") between the carboxylate groups and basic residues of the neighboring peptide molecules. These interactions can be disrupted by neutralization of either acidic (pH range below 4) or basic residues (pH range above 9.5) or by elevated hydrostatic pressure. The secondary structure of the peptide under conditions favoring the monomeric state appears to be a mixture of unordered structure and beta-sheets. The present data are consistent with a recently proposed model [Sette, A., Buns, S., Colon, S., Smith, J. A., Miles, C., & Grey, H. M. (1987) Nature 328, 395-399], which assumes that certain immunogenic peptides adopt an extended beta-type conformation in which they are "sandwiched" between the major histocompatibility complex and the T-cell receptor.  相似文献   

We discuss the statistical significance of local similarities found between DNA sequences, and illustrate the procedure with reference to the Queen and Korn algorithm. If the longest similarity found for two sequences has length L, this length is said to be significant at the 5% level if there is a probability of no more than 0.05 of finding a length of L or greater between a pair of sequences consisting of randomly chosen bases with the same overall base frequencies. The distribution of longest lengths is related to that of lengths from any particular pair of starting positions on the two sequences. For our implementation of the Queen and Korn algorithm, this latter distribution is constructed by combining the five different blocks of bases that may be added to extend a similarity. A table is given to assess the significance of longest similarities in sequences of length up to 1000 bases. Quite long similarities are expected to occur by chance alone. The critical values we calculate for assessing significance are preferable to expected numbers of similarities used by some commercial computer packages.  相似文献   

A linear plasmid of Borrelia burgdorferi had 16,927 bp, a G+C content of 23.1%, a relative deficiency of CpG dinucleotides, and open reading frames A to O. The OrfC and OrfE proteins were similar to hypothetical proteins encoded by circular plasmids of B. burgdorferi. The OrfM and OrfN proteins were similar to replication proteins of circular plasmids of other bacteria.  相似文献   

The amino-terminal sequence of lobster "fibrinogen" was determined. A computer search of the sequence revealed that the lobster protein is homologous to vitellogenins (precursors of egg-yolk proteins).  相似文献   

Experimental autoimmune uveoretinitis (EAU) is a T cell-mediated autoimmune disease of the eye which can be induced in LEW rats by immunization with either human or bovine S-antigen (S-Ag). In previous reports, two nonimmunodominant pathogenic sites were found using synthetic peptides corresponding to conserved sequences at amino acid residues 303-314 and 286-297 of the bovine sequence. In this report, a 20-residue synthetic peptide encompassing amino acids 343-362 located near the C-terminus was found to be highly immunopathogenic in LEW rats. The onset of EAU was observed at as early as 8 days when high doses of a peptide-encompassing residues 343-362 were used. EAU was elicited with as little as 0.5 microgram of peptide per animal. Smaller peptides from this region were also tested for uveitogenicity, further refining the site to 13 amino acids. Uveitogenic T cell lines were made to this site in two ways; first, by the in vitro selection of a bulk T cell line raised to human S-Ag with peptide 343-362. Second, by the in vitro selection of a peptide-specific line from an animal immunized with peptide 352-364, which corresponds to the minimal uveitogenic site. Both of these lines adoptively transferred EAU to LEW rats, further establishing the pathogenicity of this site. A proliferative site distinct from, but overlapping, the uveitogenic site was also found. The potent uveitopathogenicity of peptides from this region indicates that it is a major pathogenic site responsible for EAU induced in LEW rats by immunization with human S-Ag.  相似文献   

By means of immunocytochemistry retinal S-antigen is selectively demonstrated in retinal photoreceptor cells of the rat and in pinealocytes of the hedgehog, rat, gerbil and cat. Brain areas surrounding the pineal organ are immunonegative. The immunoreactive material is evenly distributed in the perikarya of the cells. Occasionally, inner segments of retinal photoreceptors and processes of pinealocytes are also stained. The outer segments of retinal photoreceptors display a strong immunoreaction. In both pinealocytes and retinal photoreceptors the intensity of the immunoreaction varied considerably among individual cells. The immunocytochemical demonstration of retinal S-antigen in mammalian pinealocytes indicates that these cells still bear characteristics of photoreceptors. This finding is in accord with the concept that mammalian pinealocytes are derived from pineal photoreceptor cells of poikilothermic vertebrates.  相似文献   

We have determined the nucleotide (nt) and deduced amino acid (aa) sequence of a unique 115-kDa Mycoplasma hyorhinis protein (P115) with an N-terminal region containing a highly conserved consensus sequence characteristics of nt-binding domains of several ATPase and GTPase enzymes. However, P115 lacked additional conserved features characteristic of some classes of nt-binding proteins. Based on the hydropathy profile of the deduced aa sequence, the absence of a leader peptide, its exclusive partitioning into the hydrophilic phase during Triton X-114 phase fractionation of M. hyorhinis, and immunofluorescence analysis indicating no surface-exposed domains, it was concluded that P115 is a cytoplasmic protein lacking intrinsic membrane interaction. M. hyorhinis P115 appears to be a species-specific protein, since it was not detected in any other mycoplasmal or bacterial species examined with specific antibody or genomic probes. Since genetic systems for direct mutational analysis are currently unavailable in this organism, sequence analysis provides critical information in establishing the possible function of this protein. Moreover, the nt sequence encoding P115 reported here supports a previously proposed model, based on synthesis of P115-related proteins in Escherichia coli, suggesting that multiple polypeptide products can be generated from mycoplasma genes by promiscuous translation initiation in this heterologous expression system.  相似文献   

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