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植物病毒与动物病毒有多方面的不同,主要包 括:大多数植物病毒的感染需要微伤口(少数靠内 吞作用;包膜病毒靠融合方式),而动物病毒的感染 则需要受体。在植物病毒进入细胞或从一个细胞扩 散到周围未被感染的细胞时都会遇到一些障碍,如 细胞壁和细胞质膜。到目前为止,尚未在植物细胞 中发现有病毒受体参与侵染的证据。植物病毒需要 藉由运动蛋白(MP)进行胞间移动,动物病毒则 无。植物病毒常包被数个颗粒,动物病毒一般只包 被一个颗粒,而昆虫病毒NPV则有多个包埋型。 植物病毒出现卫星RNA的频率高,动物病毒则频 率低。  相似文献   

植物病毒的卫星病毒和卫星RNA   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
植物病毒的卫星病毒和卫星RNA陈金标(南京农业大学微生物系210095)病毒是一种无细胞结构的生物体,个体极小,约为20—400urn。Matthews将它定义为:病毒是丁组或多组核酸分子、它通常祛外完蛋白包裹,且只在适合的寄主细胞里复制。在这种细胞...  相似文献   

竹花叶病毒(Bamboo mosaic virus,BaMV)是目前为止被发现感染竹类惟一的病毒,除了巴西、夏威夷及琉球有过零星报道外,台湾对此病毒有较深入的研究[1~13].BaMV在台湾地区的竹类栽培区普遍发生,可危害4个属、14个种、3个变种和3个栽培种[14,15],其中麻竹(Dendrocalamus latiflorus Munro)和绿竹(Bambusa oldhamii Munro)遭受危害最为严重,主要竹产地染病率可高达90%以上,给台湾的竹产业造成了严重危害[16].  相似文献   

竹花叶病毒(Bamboo mosaic virus,BaMV)是目前为止被发现感染竹类惟一的病毒,除了巴西、夏威夷及琉球有过零星报道外,台湾对此病毒有较深入的研究[1~13]。BaMV在台湾地区的竹类栽培区普遍发生,可危害4个属、14个种、3个变种和3个栽培种[14,15],其中麻竹(Dendrocalamuslatifloru  相似文献   

病毒在植物体内的运转   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
病毒能否引致植物发病,取决于病毒侵入植物后能否运转到植物的其它部分.一般认为病毒是通过由生物介体或机械磨擦造成的机械损伤而侵入植物细胞的.从初始侵染的细胞开始,大多数病毒在植物体内有两种运转方式:在薄壁细胞间进行的缓慢的短距离运转;在输导组织间进行的快速的长距离运转.80年代中期认识到病毒的体内运转需要其基因产物(运动蛋白,movement protem,MP)的参与,证实了烟草花叶病毒(TMV)的30kD蛋白即为TMV的MP[1,2].之后有关病毒MP及对病毒如何在植物体内进行运转的研究取得很大的进展.有关这方面的综述文章有Hull R、Atabekov等、Lucas等和Carrington等[3-6]的.本文主要综述近五年来的研究进展,但为了其完整性,也包含了一些上述综述的主要有关内容.  相似文献   

系统侵染寄主中黄瓜花叶病毒及其卫星RNA的动态变化   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
32P标记的黄瓜花叶病毒(CMV)RNA3 cDNA片段和卫星RNA全长cDNA作为探针,定量测定CMV基因组RNA和卫星RNA的含量变化,结果显示:二者均具有明显的寄主效应和时间效应.在16~20℃条件下,接种不携带卫星RNA的分离物CMV-R3,15天、30天和75天时,CMV基因组RNA负荷量呈显著下降的趋势.在第15天,RNA3的负荷量以烟草>心叶烟>克里夫兰烟>番茄的顺序表现为不同寄主的显著性差异.相同条件下接种携带高拷贝卫星RNA的分离物CMV-RS,在5天和15天之间基因组RNA和卫星RNA负荷量均呈现上升的趋势,同时测得其基因组RNA和卫星的负荷量具有相似的寄主效应和时间效应,但程度不同.第15天时,二者负荷量以烟草>心叶烟>番茄的顺序表现寄主效应的显著性差异.在18~21℃条件下,接种携带坏死卫星RNA的CMV强毒株HC4,第5天、第10天和第15天时,基因组RNA和卫星RNA的负荷量均以番茄>心叶烟>烟草的顺序表现出显著性差异,并表现出明显的时间效应.不同来源CMV分离物还存在寄主选择性差异.  相似文献   

自60年代发现卫星病毒、70年代发现卫星RNA以来,已发现10个病毒组中的31种植物病毒含有卫星病毒或卫星RNA(统称卫星)。植物病毒卫星是指依赖于植物病毒进行复制的核酸分子,如核酸分子含有编码外壳蛋白的遗传信息,并能包裹成形态学和血清学与辅助病毒不同的颗粒,称卫星病毒;如本身没有编码外壳蛋白的遗传信息,而是装配于辅助病毒的外壳蛋白中,则称卫星RNA。  相似文献   

RNA 分子主要以单链的形式存在于生物体内,既担负着贮存及转移遗传信息的作用,又能作为核酶直接在细胞内发挥代谢功能 . 在植物中 RNA 也可作为活跃的信号分子调控基因表达和发育 . 介绍了包括病毒 RNA 、 RNA 沉默信号、特异内源 RNA 等 RNA 分子,在植物体内的系统运输及其在植物基因表达调控中所起作用的研究进展 .  相似文献   

Propagation of viral infection in host plants comprises two distinct and sequential stages: viral transport from the initially infected cell into adjacent neighboring cells, a process termed local or cell-to-cell movement, and a chain of events collectively referred to as systemic movement that consists of entry into the vascular tissue, systemic distribution with the phloem stream, and unloading of the virus into noninfected tissues. To achieve intercellular transport, viruses exploit plasmodesmata, complex cytoplasmic bridges interconnecting plant cells. Viral transport through plasmodesmata is aided by virus-encoded proteins, the movement proteins (MPs), which function by two distinct mechanisms: MPs either bind viral nucleic acids and mediate passage of the resulting movement complexes (M-complexes) between cells, or MPs become a part of pathogenic tubules that penetrate through host cell walls and serve as conduits for transport of viral particles. In the first mechanism, M-complexes pass into neighboring cells without destroying or irreversibly altering plasmodesmata, whereas in the second mechanism plasmodesmata are replaced or significantly modified by the tubules. Here we summarize the current knowledge on both local and systemic movement of viruses that progress from cell to cell as M-complexes in a nondestructive fashion. For local movement, we focus mainly on movement functions of the 30 K superfamily viruses, which encode MPs with structural homology to the 30 kDa MP of Tobacco mosaic virus, one of the most extensively studied plant viruses, whereas systemic movement is primarily described for two well-characterized model systems, Tobacco mosaic virus and Tobacco etch potyvirus. Because local and systemic movement are intimately linked to the molecular infrastructure of the host cell, special emphasis is placed on host factors and cellular structures involved in viral transport.  相似文献   

综述了病毒在植物寄主内扩散中的运动蛋白的作用。由病毒基因组编码的运动蛋白与病毒核酸形成运动蛋白核酸复合物,介导病毒扩散。在病毒复制与扩散过程中,运动蛋白与宿主细胞内质网、高尔基体、细胞骨架、胞间连丝发生作用,并受细胞果胶甲基脂酶、包含体、β-1,3-葡聚糖酶、磷酸化等因素的影响,形成了植物体内遗传物质系统性运输的一个模式。  相似文献   



New viruses pathogenic to plants continue to emerge due to mutation, recombination, or reassortment among genomic segments among individual viruses. Tospoviruses cause significant economic damage to a wide range of crops in many parts of the world. The genetic or molecular basis of the continued emergence of new tospoviruses and new hosts is not well understood though it is generally accepted that reassortment and/or genetic complementation among the three genomic segments of individual viruses could be contributing to this variability since plants infected with more than one tospovirus are not uncommon in nature.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Two distinct and economically important tospoviruses, Iris yellow spot virus (IYSV) and Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV), were investigated for inter-virus interactions at the molecular level in dually-infected plants. Datura (Datura stramonium) is a permissive host for TSWV, while it restricts the movement of IYSV to inoculated leaves. In plants infected with both viruses, however, TSWV facilitated the selective movement of the viral gene silencing suppressor (NSs) gene of IYSV to the younger, uninoculated leaves. The small RNA expression profiles of IYSV and TSWV in single- and dually-infected datura plants showed that systemic leaves of dually-infected plants had reduced levels of TSWV N gene-specific small interfering RNAs (siRNAs). No TSWV NSs-specific siRNAs were detected either in the inoculated or systemic leaves of dually-infected datura plants indicating a more efficient suppression of host silencing machinery in the presence of NSs from both viruses as compared to the presence of only TSWV NSs.


Our study identifies a new role for the viral gene silencing suppressor in potentially modulating the biology and host range of viruses and underscores the importance of virally-coded suppressors of gene silencing in virus infection of plants. This is the first experimental evidence of functional complementation between two distinct tospoviruses in the Bunyaviridae family.  相似文献   

Salicylate watered onto soil in which White Burley tobacco plants were grown represents a reversible stress characterized by stomatal closure, slight slackening of plant growth and low chlorophyll loss. Salicylate affected viral pathogenesis in opposite ways. It had no effect against local and systemic infections by potato virus X (PVX), potato virus Y0 (PVY0) or tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), whereas it completely prevented systemic infection by alfalfa mosaic virus (AIMV) or tobacco, rattle virus (TRV) in a high proportion of treated plants. When infection moved from leaves inoculated with AIMV or TRV, the tendency to limit systemic spread was shown by the restriction of systemic infection to very limited areas erratically distributed in some uninoculated leaves. The salicylate-induced restriction of AIMV or TRV infectivity to inoculated leaves did not appear due to inhibition of virus multiplication because the inoculation of potentially resistant leaves of salicylate-reated plants resulted in virus antigen accumulation comparable to that of untreated controls. Salicylate may therefore inhibit some long distance virus transport function. Salicylate appears able to evoke true hypersensitivity only against systemic viruses able to induce local necrotic lesions, probably by activating some genetic information for resistance that is normally not expressed.  相似文献   

Micro RNAs and Short-interfering RNAs in Plants   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Electrophoretic analyses of extracts of cucumber leaves infectedwith Colleiotrichum lagenarium, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cucumerinum,Pseudomonas lachrymans, Erwinia tracheiphila, tobacco necrosisvirus or cucumber mosaic virus revealed the presence of a proteinband with an RF value of 0.55–0.60 (based on mobilityof bromophenol blue) on 10% polyacrylamide gel. This band wasnot evident in extracts of healthy or mechanically wounded leaves.The protein was not detected in uninfected leaves of infectedplants, but it was detected in similar amounts in infected leavesand in secondarily challenged leaves of infected plants eventhough symptoms were not apparent on the latter. The proteinhad a molecular weight of approximately 16 000 d, was adsorbedon DEAE-cellulose, did not react with Schiff's reagent, anddid not have ribonuclease activity. When injected into cucumberleaves, it did not inhibit germination of conidia of C. lagenariumor induce resistance against disease caused by the fungus.  相似文献   



Satellite RNAs (satRNAs), virus parasites, are exclusively associated with plant virus infection and have attracted much interest over the last 3 decades. Upon virus infection, virus-specific small interfering RNAs (vsiRNAs) are produced by dicer-like (DCL) endoribonucleases for anti-viral defense. The composition of vsiRNAs has been studied extensively; however, studies of satRNA-derived siRNAs (satsiRNAs) or siRNA profiles after satRNA co-infection are limited. Here, we report on the small RNA profiles associated with infection with Bamboo mosaic virus (BaMV) and its two satellite RNAs (satBaMVs) in Nicotiana benthamiana and Arabidopsis thaliana.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Leaves of N. benthamiana or A. thaliana inoculated with water, BaMV alone or co-inoculated with interfering or noninterfering satBaMV were collected for RNA extraction, then large-scale Solexa sequencing. Up to about 20% of total siRNAs as BaMV-specific siRNAs were accumulated in highly susceptible N. benthamiana leaves inoculated with BaMV alone or co-inoculated with noninterfering satBaMV; however, only about 0.1% of vsiRNAs were produced in plants co-infected with interfering satBaMV. The abundant region of siRNA distribution along BaMV and satBaMV genomes differed by host but not by co-infection with satBaMV. Most of the BaMV and satBaMV siRNAs were 21 or 22 nt, of both (+) and (−) polarities; however, a higher proportion of 22-nt BaMV and satBaMV siRNAs were generated in N. benthamiana than in A. thaliana. Furthermore, the proportion of non-viral 24-nt siRNAs was greatly increased in N. benthamiana after virus infection.


The overall composition of vsiRNAs and satsiRNAs in the infected plants reflect the combined action of virus, satRNA and different DCLs in host plants. Our findings suggest that the structure and/or sequence demands of various DCLs in different hosts may result in differential susceptibility to the same virus. DCL2 producing 24-nt siRNAs under biotic stresses may play a vital role in the antiviral mechanism in N. benthamiana.  相似文献   

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