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During the Bentart-2003 Cruise, carried out during austral summer 2003 in the Bellingshausen Sea, three species of Lithodidae, Paralomis birsteini, Lithodes murrayi and Neolithodes capensis, were caught from 218 m to 1947 m. With these captures the presence of L. murrayi in Peter I Island is confirmed, the distribution area of N. capensis is greatly increased and the captures of N. capensis and P. birsteini represent the first lithodid record known from the Antarctic continental slope. Also, these records show large and discontinuous distributions, which illustrate that many distribution patterns of Antarctic species are more an artefact of limited studies than representing actual distribution.  相似文献   

Species’ distributions are dynamic and are linked to the changing physical environment. Temperature is considered to be a major factor influencing biogeography, especially in ectotherms such as the family Lithodidae. Lithodids are rare amongst decapods in their ability to inhabit the higher latitudes of the Southern Ocean; however, they are usually found in locations where water temperature is above 0.5°C. This study, for the first time, provides a baseline indication of the limits of the lithodid distribution around Antarctica, which will be instrumental in any future work on range extensions in this group. The distribution of lithodids is likely to change as temperatures along the West Antarctic Peninsula continue to rise, and range extensions by durophagous predators, such as the lithodids, are regarded as a potential threat to the unique structure of Antarctic continental-shelf ecosystems.  相似文献   

A new species of the genus Paralomis, Paralomis elongata, has been collected from the Spiess seamount near Bouvet Island in the Southern Ocean. The species shows close affinity with P. anamerae Macpherson, 1988, from the Patagonian Shelf, P. africana Macpherson, 1987, from the south-western African shelf, and P. aculeata Henderson, 1888, from Crozet Islands. Morphological differences among the species and ecological characteristics are discussed.  相似文献   

Komai T  Osawa M 《Zoological science》2001,18(9):1291-1301
A new species of pagurid hermit crab, Pagurus decimbranchiae, is described and illustrated based on 20 specimens collected from shallow waters of the Pacific coast of Japan ranging from Boso Peninsula to Tanegashima Island. It is quite distinctive in having the rudimentary arthrobranch on the third maxilliped represented by a single bud, however close morphological similarity is found between the new species and P. moluccensis Haig and Ball. Comparisons are also made among other species, including P. boriaustraliensis Morgan, P. sp. cf. boriaustraliensis sensu Rahayu and Komai (2000) and the members of the P. anachoretus group. The present generic assignment of the new species should be considered provisional, as more extensive study is needed to investigate phylogenetic relationships of the new species and the other species of Pagurus.  相似文献   

Four species of lithodid crabs from waters (240–2,005 m) in the Crozet and Kerguelen Islands area were studied. One new species, Neolithodes duhameli, is described. Three other species, N. capensis Stebbing, Paralomis anamerae Macpherson and P. birsteini Macpherson are reported for the first time from these localities. The new species, N. duhameli (620–1,500 m), is the fourth representative of the genus in Subantarctic waters and belongs to the group of species possessing a carapace, chelipeds and walking legs covered with numerous spinules or spiniform granules in addition to spines. However, the new species is distinguishable from others in the genus by the long, strong spines on the carapace and pereiopods. The finding of two species of Paralomis clearly extends their geographic ranges in the Southern Ocean: P. anamerae was previously known only in waters of the Falkland Islands and the circumpolar distribution of P. birsteini is supported. The observation of N. capensis also extends its previously described range from South Africa, in the Cape region, to Subantarctic waters. As a result of this study, 14 species of the family Lithodidae are now known from Antarctic and Subantarctic waters; and most can be considered endemic to these waters.  相似文献   

The early ontogenetic stages of Paralomis spinosissima Birstein and Vinogradow, 1972, are described in detail and illustrated, with notes on morphological variability observed. Larval and early juvenile development was described to the crab I instar reared under controlled conditions of temperature and food supply. The abbreviated larval development invariably passed through two zoeal stages and the benthic megalopa stage. The larval development was completed without food supply, and food Artemia nauplii were first given after moult to the crab-I stage. Simplification and retarded development of the mouthparts are discussed as a function of lecithotrophy of these larvae and based on morphology no facultative feeding mode is suggested. Lecithotrophy in the Southern Ocean Lithodidae is discussed to be an adaptation allowing independence from seasonal food availability at high latitudes.  相似文献   

Two new species of shrimp belonging to the campylonotid genus Bathypalaemonella Balss from the Australian Northwest Shelf. R. brevirostris sp.n. and B. pilosipes sp.n., are described and illustrated. constituting the first records of this genus from Australian waters. Present knowledge of the genus is reviewed and the distribution of the known species listed. The two new species can be readily distinguished from the previously described species of Banthypalaemonella by the very characteristic morphologies of the dactyls of their ambulatory pereiopods.  相似文献   

In Tierra del Fuego (Southern South America), the stone or false king crab, Paralomis granulosa represents one of the most important crab fisheries. After capture, animals are kept in baskets and exposed to dryness for several hours, when the water flow through the gills is interrupted. As a consequence a concomitant increase of reactive oxygen species begins, triggering oxidative stress. The aim of this study was to determine oxidative stress and antioxidant enzyme activities due to air exposure in different tissues of P. granulosa. Fifty crabs (carapace length >82 mm) were captured in Beagle Channel (54 degrees 50'S, 68 degrees 20'W) during winter 2004. Five groups of 10 crabs each were exposed to dryness at 6 degrees C for 0, 3, 6, 12 or 24 h, respectively. Activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione S transferase (GST) protein and lipid oxidation were measured in gills, muscle, hepatopancreas and haemolymph samples. Almost all analyzed tissues showed antioxidant enzymes activity, which varied with time of air exposure. The maximum enzyme activity was measured after 6 h of air exposure. Protein oxidation levels varied significantly in gills. Lipid peroxidation levels increased significantly in muscle and hepatopancreas. The critical time of air exposure probably occurs at 6 h. Thereafter animals were unable to induce the synthesis of antioxidant enzymes or proteins. This should be taken into account to minimize the stress generated by the commercial capture process.  相似文献   

A new hermit crab species of the family Paguridae, Tomopaguropsis ahkinpechensis sp. n., is described from deep waters (780–827 m) of the Gulf of Mexico. This is the second species of Tomopaguropsis known from the western Atlantic, and the fifth worldwide. The new species is morphologically most similar to a species from Indonesia, Tomopaguropsis crinita McLaughlin, 1997, the two having ocular peduncles that diminish in width distally, reduced corneas, dense cheliped setation, and males lacking paired pleopods 1. The calcified figs on the branchiostegite and anterodorsally on the posterior carapace, and the calcified first pleonal somite that is not fused to the last thoracic somite, are unusual paguroid characters. A discussion of the affinities and characters that define this new species is included, along with a key to all five species of Tomopaguropsis.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of a brachyuran crab, Allograea tomentosa n. gen. and n. sp., of the family Bythograeidae, collected at a hydrothermal vent locality south of the Easter Microplate (31 degrees 09'S) on the southern East Pacific Rise, is described. The genus Allograea is distinguished by lacking modifications of the fronto-orbital region, and by the absence of coloured fields and setal patches on the carapace and chelipeds. The body and legs are smooth but densely covered by a brown tomentum, the eyestalks are not reduced, but the cornea is unfaceted and unpigmented. Comparison of mitochondrial DNA sequences among all known bythograeid genera confirms the novelty of this taxon.  相似文献   

A new caprellid species, Caprellinoides singularis, is described and illustrated based on the material collected on the Polarstern Cruise ANT XVII/3 from the Branfield Strait. The most striking characteristic of this species is the presence of bilobed gills on pereonites 3 and 4. The genus Caprellinoides is revised. Caprellinoides antarctica Schellengerg, 1926 and Caprellinoides spinosus Barnard, 1930 are considered junior synonyms of Caprellinoides tristanensis Stebbing, 1888 and Caprellinoides mayeri (Pfeffer, 1888), respectively. The new species, C. singularis, is compared with the remaining species in the genus Caprellinoides: C. tristanensis and C. mayeri, which are illustrated in detail. Received in revised form: 4 June 2001 Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Six specimens ofLeucon parasiphonatus n. sp. were collected at depths ranging from 15 to 424 m in the vicinity of King George Island (South Shetland Islands, Antarctica) and the south eastern Weddell Sea.Leucon parasiphonatus belongs to the subgenusLeucon and differs from the other already known antarctic and Subantarctic species of the genus, in the absence of a serrated dorsomedian line and in the presence of a long pseudorostrum with several fine setae at its tip, surrounding the very long branchial siphon. The surface of the carapace is granulated; the carapace displays no teeth except for a few at its antero-lateral margin and at its ventral margin. The species most similar toLeucon parasiphonatus isLeucon siphonatus, reported from Mediterranean and North Atlantic waters.  相似文献   

Two decapod crustacean larval morphotypes belonging to the Anomura and Brachyura were found for the first time in Antarctic waters. Nine specimens were obtained from qualitative plankton hauls in Maxwell Bay (Bransfield Strait) (62°14'33S; 58°43'81W) off King George Island, Antarctic Peninsula. The anomuran morphotype belonged to the Hippidae, and apparently to the genus Emerita, whereas the brachyuran representative was assigned to the genus Pinnotheres (Pinnotheridae). At present, species determination is not possible due to lack of knowledge of larval morphology in both families. Adult forms of these reptant decapods are not known from Antarctic waters; the occurrence of the present larval forms is considered as a possible intrusion of Subantarctic water masses into the Antarctic environment. This hypothesis is supported by the additional presence of the copepod genus Acartia in the same sample material, which is exclusively known from Subantarctic waters.  相似文献   

Larval release, hatching rhythms and moult patterns were examined in a captive population of the subantarctic lithodid, Paralomis spinosissima from the South Georgia and Shag Rocks region. Larvae hatched throughout the year with the majority of females starting to release larvae at the end of the austral summer and beginning of autumn. Larval release continued over a period of up to 9 weeks with high variability in the numbers that hatched each day. A similar seasonal pattern to hatching was evident in the moulting of females. Intermoult period for two adult females (CL = 63 and 85 mm) ranged from 894 to 1,120 days while an intermoult period for males was estimated to be in excess of 832 days. The results are consistent with other species of Paralomis and are discussed in relation to physiological and environmental adaptations to the cold-water conditions south of the Antarctic Convergence.  相似文献   

Livingand recently preserved postlarvae of Penaeus vannameiBoone, P. stylirostris Stimpson, P. californiensis (Holmes) and P. brevirostris Kingsley may be separated into species on chromatophore patterns and rostral lengths. These and other characters are illustrated and tabulated, and their usefulness and reliability are discussed.  相似文献   

Hydra lirosoma sp. nov. is a small, hermaphroditic species possessing broad holotrichous isorhiza nematocysts. The spherical embryo and cobbled embryotheca set it apart from similar species. Hydras with broad holotrichous isorhizas form a distinct cluster of species, but one which was not explicitly represented in the three genera ( Pelmatohydra, Hydra and Chlorohydra ) recognized by Schulze (1917, Archiv für Biontologie, 4(2 ): 29). Schulze failed to recognize this group because of the small number of species known at that time. The hydras that are known now fit naturally into four clusters of species termed, in this paper, the oligactis, vulgaris, viridissima, and braueri groups.  相似文献   

Two new species of Bythograea Williams, B. vrijenhoeki n. sp. and B. galapagensis n. sp., are described based on morphology and mitochondrial DNA comparisons. B. vrijenhoeki was collected on the southern East Pacific Rise, south of the Easter Microplate and B. galapagensis from the Galapagos Rift, from where B. intermedia de Saint Laurent was also described. Our analyses indicate that B. vrijenhoeki is the sister species of B. laubieri Guinot and Segonzac, and B. galapagensis is the sister species of B. thermydron Williams. Bythograea is now composed of six described species, all endemic to hydrothermal vents along the East Pacific Rise and from the Galapagos Rift.  相似文献   

Hou ZE  Li S  Morino H 《Zoological science》2002,19(8):939-960
Three new species of the genus Gammarus are described from Lijiang, Yunnan Province, South China. Gammarus elevatus sp. nov. is characterized by mid-dorsal keel on pleonites 1-3 and compressed elevation on urosomites 1-2; G. denticulatus sp. nov. by many small spinules and setae on pleonites 1-3; G. stagnarius sp. nov. by lack of calceoli on antenna 2 and shorter inner ramus of uropod 3. These amphipods are compared with other known Gammarus species from China.  相似文献   

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