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Lepidodendralean lycopsids, a dominant component in Late Palaeozoic wetland plant communities, possess a diversity of reproductive structures that are primarily known from the Late Palaeozoic floras of Europe and North America. Here we document an anatomically preserved lepidodendralean lycopsid sporophyll with attached megasporangium from the Lower Permian Taiyuan Formation in Shanxi Province, northern China. The sporophyll has a pedicel onto which the sporangium is attached, and the sporangium is dorsiventrally flattened, proximally dehiscent and longitudinal ridged. The megasporangial wall comprises three zones: an outer uniseriate layer of columnar cells, a middle layer 1–3 cells thick comprising isodiametric parenchymatous cells, and an inner zone 1–3 cells thick of thick-walled cells. The vascular system comprises a single xylem strand surrounded by zone of parenchyma that continues through the pedicel into the lamina. Within the megasporangium a single functional megaspore and three abortive megaspores occur. Features of this specimen conform to Achlamydocarpon Schumacher-Lambry, and comparisons with other species show it shares similarities with A. takhtajanii (Sni.) Schumacher-Lambry and A. varius Taylor and Brack-Hanes. Although the morphology and anatomy of the specimen we describe overlaps with these two species, it is distinct from both leading to the erection of the new species A. intermedium sp. nov. The evolutionary significance of A. intermedium sp. nov. and the identity of its parent plant are considered, and the status and systematic position of “Oriental lepidophytes” from the Cathaysian floras are discussed.  相似文献   

报道了产于中国二叠纪煤核中的 3种具解剖构造的鳞木类叶 ,它们都具双木质部束 ,与似封印叶属 (Sigil lariopsisScott)特征一致。与该属已有种进行了对比 ,确认它们为 3个新种 :产于山西太原西山煤田太原组上部 7号煤层 (早二叠世早期 )煤核中的山西似封印叶 (Sigillariopsisshanxiensissp .nov .)和太原似封印叶 (S .taiyuanensissp .nov .)以及产于贵州水城矿区汪家寨组 1号煤层 (晚二叠世晚期 )煤核中的贵州似封印叶 (Sigillariopsisguizhouensissp .nov .)。根据煤核中共生的鳞木类植物其他器官以及欧美植物区鳞木类植物的研究资料推断 ,它们可能属于封印木属 (SigillariaBrongniart)的叶。在国外 (主要是欧美植物区 ) ,封印木属植物主要分布于石炭纪 ,见于二叠纪的封印木很少。华夏植物区的封印木属过去很少发现 ,其叶和生殖器官均未报道过。本文是首次报道华夏植物区具解剖构造的封印木属的叶 ,它们的发现不仅丰富了华夏植物区封印木属植物的内容 ,而且对于研究封印木属的演化以及华夏植物区与欧美植物区鳞木类植物之间的关系也具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

报道了产于中国二叠纪煤核中的3种具解剖构造的鳞木类叶,它们都具双木质部束,与似封印叶属(Sigillariopsis Scott)特征一致.与该属已有种进行了对比,确认它们为3个新种:产于山西太原西山煤田太原组上部7号煤层(早二叠世早期)煤核中的山西似封印叶(Sigillariopsis shanxiensis sp. nov.)和太原似封印叶(S. taiyuanensis sp.nov.)以及产于贵州水城矿区汪家寨组1号煤层(晚二叠世晚期)煤核中的贵州似封印叶(Sigillariopsis guizhouensis sp.nov.).根据煤核中共生的鳞木类植物其他器官以及欧美植物区鳞木类植物的研究资料推断,它们可能属于封印木属(Sigillaria Brongniart)的叶.在国外(主要是欧美植物区),封印木属植物主要分布于石炭纪,见于二叠纪的封印木很少.华夏植物区的封印木属过去很少发现,其叶和生殖器官均未报道过.本文是首次报道华夏植物区具解剖构造的封印木属的叶,它们的发现不仅丰富了华夏植物区封印木属植物的内容,而且对于研究封印木属的演化以及华夏植物区与欧美植物区鳞木类植物之间的关系也具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the Fossil Plants from Upper Permian in Northern Xinjiang. These plants include 25 species of 15 Genus. Five new species is all described in this paper. These are: ?Supaia serrata sp. nov. Tychtopteris densinervis sp. nov., Ty. obesa sp. nov., Comia Cangfanggouensis sp. nov. and Lepeophyllum ovatum sp. nov. These are all new to science, found in the Lower Cangfanggou Group in Northern Xinjian, of Late Permian in age. Some fossils Lobatannularia multifolia Ken'no, Sphenopteris rotunda Sze and Alethopteris huiana Lee found in this group are known in the Cathaysian Flora. Others are common in the Angara Flora, such as Stellotheca sehtchurowskii (Schmal.) Surange et Prakash, Sphenopteris, adzvensis Zal., Tychtopteris cuneata (Schmal.) Zal. Noeggerathiopsis sp., ect. That indicates in the Lower Cangfanggou Group is a transitional zone between the Angara and the Cathaysian floras.  相似文献   

中国华夏植物区科达植物的研究历史虽然最早可上溯至1883年,但直到1991年才首次报道其角质层构造.到目前为止,中国华夏植物区总共描述了4种科达植物原位角质层和3种分散角质层.但与欧美植物区相比,有关中国华夏植物区科达植物角质层的研究工作还较薄弱.本文较详细地描述了3种产自中国华夏植物区二叠纪煤系地层中的科达植物分散角质层.其中2种采自华北亚区南缘的安徽淮南新庄孜矿山西组A1煤顶板,地质时代为早二叠世;另一种采自华南亚区的贵州水城矿区大河边矿龙潭组顶部的11号煤层,地质时代为晚二叠世早期.将这3种科达植物分散角质层与已知的欧美植物区和中国华夏植物区的种类进行了对比,认为它们都是新的类型.讨论了这3种新的科达植物分散角质层所具有的古植物学意义.  相似文献   

中国华夏植物区二叠纪几种科达植物分散角质层及其意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国华夏植物区科达植物的研究历史虽然最早可上溯至1883年,但直到1991年才首次报道其角质层构造。到目前为止,中国华夏植物区总共描述了4种科达植物原位角质层和3种分散角质层。但与欧美植物区相比,有关中国华夏植物区科达植物角质层的研究工作还较薄弱。本文较详细地描述了3种产自中国华夏植物区二叠纪煤系地层中的科达植物分散角质层。其中2种采自华北亚区南缘的安徽淮南新庄孜矿山西组A1煤顶板,地质时代为早二叠世;另一种采自华南亚区的贵州水城矿区大河边矿龙潭组顶部的11号煤层,地质时代为晚二叠世早期。将这3种科达植物分散角质层与已知的欧美植物区和中国华夏植物区的种类进行了对比,认为它们都是新的类型。讨论了这3种新的科达植物分散角质层所具有的古植物学意义。  相似文献   

木立芦荟叶的发育解剖学研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
应用植物解剖学方法研究了木立芦荟(Aloe arborescens Mill.)叶的发育过程。研究结果表明,叶原基在发育早期其形态是不对称的,内部为同形细胞组成,但很快分化成原表皮,原形成层束和基本分生组织。以后,原表皮发育成表皮,位于原表皮下的2-5层基本分生组织细胞发民同化薄壁组织,而位于中央的基本分生组织细胞则发育成储水薄壁组织,原形成层束发育成维管束。维管束由维管束鞘、木质部、韧皮部和大型薄壁细胞组成。大型薄壁细胞起源于原形成层束,位于韧皮部内,其发育迟于筛管、伴胞,为芦荟属植物叶的结构特征。  相似文献   

Scolecopteris Zenker, a kind of anatomically-preserved fertile foliage of Late Paleozoic Marattiales, has been well studied in Euramerican Flora. It is composed of 28 species which can be divided into four forms (groups) mainly based on modified or umodified pinnules, the variation of the outer facing sporangial walls, and with or without a prominent central parenchyma area. In contrast, Scolecopteris Zenker in Cathaysian Flora has been poorly studied so far, and only one species S. sinensis Zhao, was reported in 1991 which was considered as a member of Minor Group. The paper reports a second species of Scolecopteris, i.e.S, shanxiensis sp. nov., which differs from the above four groups in that its outer facing wall of the sporangia is thick at the base and top (2 ~ 3 layers of cells), and a little thinner ( 1~2 layers of cells) at the midlevel of the synangia. So a new group, Shanxiensis group, is set for the new species. The other characteristics of Shanxiensis group is comparable with Minor group. The new species comes from the coal balls in Coal Seam No. 7 in the upper part of Taiyuan Formation (early Early Permian) from Taiyuan, Shanxi, China. The identification of Scolecopteris shanxiensis sp. nov. :The fertile pinnule probably peeopterids, 5.5 ~ 6.0 mm in length and 2.0 ~ 2.2 mm in width. The lateral extensions of the lamina of the pinnule bend abaxially and above the synangia. The synangia arrange along the sides of the midrib of the pinnnle and there are about 10 synangia in each row. The synangium is elliptical in longitudinal section and radial in cross section, 0.7 ~ 0.8 mm in height and 0.6 ~ 0.7 mm in diameter. Each synangium has 5-7 (mostly 6) fusiform sporangia fused at the base and attached to the top of the synangial pedicel. The outer facing wall of the sporangia consists of 2~3 layers of cells at the base and becomes thinner at the midlevel (1~2 layers of cells), and at the top of the synangia the wall become thicker again. The cells of the outer facing wall of the sporangia are elongate in the longitudinal sections. The lateral and inner facing walls of the sporangia are one cell thick. The synangial pedicel is small. Spores in situ are small, generally 11~14 µm in diameter, spherical or rounded-triangular, trilete and smooth-walled.  相似文献   

We compared the anatomical characteristics of vegetative organs, peduncle and mycorrhizal morphology of the two known species of Sirhookera (Epidendroideae, Orchidaceae) to identify anatomical markers for identification and the ecological adaptations of these species. The leaves are hypostomatic bearing tetracytic stomata and the walls of subsidiary cells are smooth in Sirhookera lanceolata and undulate in Sirhookera latifolia. On the adaxial and abaxial surfaces the leaves are covered by a thick cuticle. The hypodermis is dimorphic and present on both sides of the leaf; chlorenchyma is homogenous and the vascular bundles are collateral. The rhizome of Sirhookera possesses a single-layered epidermis, thick cuticle, thin-walled parenchymatous ground tissue containing starch grains and scattered collateral vascular bundles. A thick-walled sclerenchymatous band separates the cortex from the parenchymatous ground tissue comprising of banded cells in the peduncle. Starch grains are present in the ground tissue of the S. latifolia peduncle. The roots consist of the velamen, ∩-thickened exodermis, thin-walled cortex consisting of water-storage cells, O-thickened endodermis and a vascular cylinder with parenchymatous pith. Starch grains are present in the root cortical cells of S. lanceolata but absent in S. latifolia. Fungal pelotons that aids in nutrient acquisition were observed in the root cortical region of both species. The study revealed significant differences between the anatomical characteristics of the two species and that most of the anatomical features of Sirhookera relate to their ecological adaptations.  相似文献   

A new genus of pleridosperms is described from the uppermost Devonian beds from Ballyheigue, Ireland. I.aceya hibernica May & Mat ten is represented by stems bearing spirally arranged fronds. The base of the frond is swollen and is about the same size as the stem. Pinnae are borne alternately and apparently in one plane on the rachis. The anatomy of the stem reveals a three-fluted protostele. Secondary xylem consists of rays and trachcids and secondary phloem is present. The inner cortex contains probable secretory and/or sclerotic cells. The outer cortex is of the spargaimm-type. Rachial trace formation is described. The U-shaped xylem strand of the rachis lacks secondary tissue. Pinnae traces are V- to C-shaped. A presumed adventitious root has a triarch protostele, a parenchymatous cortex and lacks a 'sparganum' outer zone. I.aceya is believed to be a member of the Lyginopleridaceae. The divisions of the sympodial protoxylem strand forming the rachial trace is compared among the Aneurophytales, Buteoxylonaceae, Calamopityaceae and Lyginopteridaceae and is shown to be similar.  相似文献   

粤北车八岭小红栲群落的植物区系成分分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
对粤北车八岭国家级自然保护区小红栲群落植物区系进行了分析,样地调查结果表明,该群落种类丰富,维管束植物共计有54科,87属132种。该区系的主要表征科为壳斗科Faaceae、樟科Lauraceae、茶科Theaceae冬青科Aquifoliaceae、木兰科Magnoliaceae杜英科Elaeocarpaceae等。区系成分观热带亚热带成分为主。车八岭小红栲群落位于中亚热带向南亚热带过滤地。该区  相似文献   

Ovules (or seeds) are distributed widely in the beds of Paleozoic of China, but what have been found are all impressions or molds of them. Recently, while studying the fossil plants in coal balls of Coal Seam No.7 (P1) at the upper part of Taiyuan Formation in Xishan Coal- Field, Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, We found a kind of petrified ovules with internal structures, which not only are abundant but also quite well presserved. Having been studied, they are put into Cardiocarpus Brongniart and considered as a new species C. samaratus. In the coal bails they are often found associated with the leaves, stems and fructifications of Cordaites, so it is very possible that these ovules belong to Cordaites. It is very interesting that these ovules are very similar to those of the earliest conifers Lebachia described by G. M. Rothwell in 1982. This indicates' that there is a close relation between Cordaites and conifers. Cardioearpus samaratus ap.nov. The ovules are small, flat and obviously-winged. The average length is 6–7mm. The largest width (nearly equal to the length) is at the lower middle part of the ovule. Wings and the top and base of the ovule bend to the same side in a varying extent. The ovule is not cordate at the base. The integument can be divided into three layers: the sarcrotesta consisting of parenchymatous cells, the sclerotesta and the endotesta consisting of longitudinally-elongated sclerenchymatous and parenchymatous cells. The lower midrile part of the nucellus is vascularized. The micropyle is elliptical in transverse section. One main vascular bundle extends upwards from the base. Before it arrives at the sclerotesta, it biforcates into two vascular bundles and extend upwards in the sarcrotesta at the wings. In the meantime, the main vascular bundle continues' to extend upwards and passes across the sclerotesta and reaches the base of the nucellus from where it extends into the nucellus.  相似文献   

The anatomical characters of the rachis of Compsopteris elliptica ex Yang et Chen are described from the calc-petrified specimens of the Late Permian of Panxing, Guizhou, China. The main characters of its rachis are as follows (Plate I, 1–4; 6–9): The vascular bundles of 2– 2.5 cycles and ectophloic type. Phloem, consisting of 1–2 layers of cells. Protoxylem, composed of several small tracheids which are less than 20μm in diameter. Metaxylem, consisting of 2–3 layers of tracheids, about 30μm in diameter, scalariform thickenning. The sclerenchyma zone lies between the vascular bundles, its cell, small, 20–25 μm in diameter, some containing brown substances. The cortex could be divided into two zones: outer zone, consisting of thin-walled cells, and inner zone, thicken-walled cells, with secretory cavities. Epidermis, one layer, rectangular, some with contents. Compsopteris sp. (Plate I,5) 3–4 cycles vascular bundles, the same as C. elliptica in many respects; only larger than C. ellipptica in diameter. It may represent the base part of the rachis or larger rachis. Based on the shape of vascular bundles and the structure of xylem and phloem, Compsopteris is very similar to Angiopteris, Danaea etc., which all belong to the Marattiales. In addition, Huang et al. (1989) found that the sporangia of Compsopteris is similar to that of Danaeites, which belongs to the Maratriales. Therefore, Compsopteris doer not belong to the seed fern, bur the Marattiales.  相似文献   

Delimitation of genera and species in Bromeliaceae is often problematic, for example in the Neoregelia bahiana complex which is distributed throughout the rocky fields of the Espinhaço Range, Brazil. Considering that the anatomical characterisation of different organs is potentially important for taxonomic and ecological interpretation of this complex, we analysed roots, stems (stolon), leaves, inflorescence axes (peduncle) and pedicels in individuals from different populations. In all the studied individuals, the roots are composed of velamen, a heterogeneous cortex, and a polyarch vascular cylinder with sclerenchymatous pith. The stolon features a parenchymatous cortex and collateral vascular bundles randomly distributed in the vascular cylinder. This organ may increase in diameter by the formation of new vascular bundles and a multi‐layered cork. The leaf blade has epidermal cells with U‐shaped thickened walls and peltate scales occur on the adaxial surface. The mesophyll consists of mechanical and water‐storage hypodermis and a heterogeneous chlorenchyma. The inflorescence axis and the pedicel have a parenchymatous cortex and vascular bundles randomly distributed in an aerenchyma. Some variable leaf characters, such as presence of air lacunae in the mesophyll, are related to the size of the individuals and were interpreted as phenotypic variations related mainly to sunlight incidence. In contrast, leaf characters such as lamina shape, distribution of the peltate scales, and number of cell layers forming the water‐storage hypodermis distinguish the populations of the Serra do Cabral and one population of the Diamantina (Minas Gerais) from the remaining studied populations, suggesting the existence of more than one taxon.  相似文献   

9种芦荟属植物叶的结构和芦荟素含量的比较研究   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:21  
沈宗根  Yitzchak  GUTTERMAN 《西北植物学报》2001,21(2):278-286,T001
9种芦荟属植物叶的比较解剖研究结果表明,它们都具有明显的旱生叶的结构特征,其维管束的韧皮部内都有大型薄壁细胞,但其表皮角质膜的厚度,表面纹饰,气孔上,下腔的形状和大小,同化组织 导 ,细胞分化情况,维管束的大小,分布密度和其大型薄壁细胞占维管束的比例,中央贮水组织占叶横切面的比例等特征,在各种间存在差异,且性状稳定,可以作为该属内种间分类的解剖学指标,植物化学分析结果表明,9种植物叶内蒽醌类物质的主要种类和含量不同,其含量高,低与叶内维管束密度,大型薄壁细胞占维管束的比例以及同化组织的厚度密度切相关,从而为芦荟属植物选育商业用良种提供了植物解剖学依据。  相似文献   

报道了产于山东枣庄矿区太原组16号煤层煤核(早二叠世早期或晚石炭世晚期)中一种具解剖构造的鳞木目茎.茎呈压扁状,长轴约6 cm,短轴约2.5 cm.中柱、外部皮层、周皮和叶座均保存.茎具原生中柱,无次生木质部发育,外部皮层由较发育的径向的厚壁的细胞条带和已经毁坏的薄壁的细胞区域交替排列构成.周皮较发育,厚约4~5 mm,由木栓层和栓内层构成.其中栓内层较厚,细胞构造均一,或在有些地方分化为弦向的薄壁的细胞条带和l厚壁的细胞条带,二者交替排列.其中薄壁的细胞条带常保存不好而形成弦向的裂隙.叶座的高和宽近相等,呈近正菱形.叶痕盔形或双凸镜形,位于叶座上部,微微突出于叶座表面之上.叶座表面平坦,未见明显的中脊和横皱纹.叶迹在叶座内近水平状延伸,但在近叶座表面处略向上然后向外弯曲成不太明显的"S"形进入叶痕内.径切面上叶舌穴略向上斜伸,具一宽大的基部,其开口直接位于叶痕顶角处.叶舌大,宽卵球形,长轴达1.2 mm,短轴达1 mm.与目前已知的鳞木目几个属的茎比较,当前标本与Diaphorodendron属的茎最为接近,仅在叶座上有些不同,本文将其归入该属内.Diaphorodendron属目前共有3个种,全分布于欧美植物区晚石炭世中期(威斯法期),它们与当前标本区别明显,因此,将当前标本归入新种D.rhombicum内.本文是国内首次报道Diaphorodendron属在华夏植物区的存在.其高和宽近相等的叶座形态可能表明了一种进化的特征,这从其所在地层的地质时代(早二叠世早期或晚石炭世晚期)较欧美植物区的3个种(晚石炭世中期)较新这一事实得到支持.  相似文献   

Cataphylls associated with the Middle Triassic stem genus Antarcticycas are described, and their impact on understanding cycad evolution is discussed. The cataphylls of Antarcticycas are triangular in outline and flattened adaxially with lateral flanges. The outer surfaces are covered with a ramentum of filamentous hairs, the epidermis is a single cell layer thick, and the ground tissue is parenchymatous with mucilage canals and sclereids. Vascular bundles form a distinct inverted omega-shaped pattern characteristic of the Cycadales observed in petioles of extant species. The structures in Antarcticycas are interpreted as cataphylls based on overall morphology, presence of straight vascular strands in the cortex of the associated stem, and lack of fascicular cambia in the vascular bundles. Because much of the overall diversity of Cycadales is represented by fossils, integrating fossil taxa into explicit phylogenetic hypotheses is important for understanding cycad evolution. Therefore, character and minimum age mapping were performed on a phylogeny of extant and fossil taxa including Antarcticycas. The results suggest that major extant lineages of Cycadales had diverged by the Permian to Triassic and that certain synapomorphies for Cycadales had evolved by the Permian. Evidence of insect feeding on Antarcticycas suggests that associations between cycads and insects are ancient.  相似文献   

A small but diverse fossil flora is described from the Early Permian Taiyuan Formation occurring at the Yangshuling mine in Pingquan district of Hebei Province, northern China. Fossils occur as compression/impressions within mudrocks and fine-grained sandstones and also as carbonate permineralizations within volcaniclastic tuffs. All are fragmentary and contain lycopsids, sphenopsids, ferns and seed plants, and include several new species. In the compression assemblage sphenopsid and pteridosperm foliage accounts for the majority of the fossils recognised with only a few other kinds of plant organs present. In contrast, the permineralized assemblage is dominated by cordaitaleans with a composition similar to that occurring in coal-ball assemblages elsewhere in the Taiyuan Formation. From the taxonomic synthesis presented it is apparent that the Yangshuling permineralized assemblage contains many of the plant taxa diagnostic of the northern realm of the Early Permian Cathaysian flora, and preserves a representative sample of the wetland coal-swamp vegetation of this time. The permineralized assemblage at Yangshuling represents the first example of anatomically preserved plants from volcaniclastic lithologies from the Palaeozoic of China, raising the possibility of similarly preserved plant-fossil assemblages elsewhere in the Cathaysian realm.  相似文献   

丹霞山风景地貌的植物区系研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
刘蔚秋  李植华  刘兰芳   《广西植物》1999,19(1):15-21
描述了丹霞山植物区系的特征,对其科、属、种进行系统分析,并与邻近地区植物区系作了对比研究,探讨了丹霞地貌对本区植物区系组成成分的影响。丹霞山植物区系体现了华夏植物区系的特征,其表征科有不少同时也是华夏区系的表征科。从属的地理分布区类型来看,以泛热带分布局的比例最高,其次为热带亚洲分布属、东亚分布局及北温带分布属。丹霞山植物区系相对其纬度来说热带性较强,这与其特定的地貌特征有关。另外,本区的苦藓植物较为丰富,据初步统计共有27科70属,其中石生性苔藓分布尤其广泛。  相似文献   

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