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We have investigated the effects of three current velocities and three substrate sizes (gravel to cobble) on the spawning behavior of Japanese dace, Tribolodon hakonensis, in spawning-induction and habitat-selection experiments. In the spawning-induction experiment under laboratory conditions the number of females induced to spawn was significantly fewer at low current velocity (ca. 5 cm s–1) than at medium (ca. 30 cm s–1) or high (ca. 50 cm s–1) current velocity. Females spawned independently of substrate size in the experimental tank, and did not bury their eggs in the substrate bed. In the habitat-selection experiment under field conditions, females selected the substrate microhabitat and spawned more frequently at a site with medium substrate size (very coarse gravel; major axis ca. 40 mm) than at sites with small (fine gravel; ca. 8 mm) or large (cobble; ca. 70 mm) substrate size. We conclude that Japanese dace select spawning sites at least partly on the basis of current velocity and substrate size, which affects the survival rate of eggs.  相似文献   

 To test the size range of prey fish that largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides, can successfully consume, live Japanese dace, Tribolodon hakonensis, were given as prey fish to individual largemouth bass in aquaria. The ratio of maximum standard length (SL) of the Japanese dace consumed by largemouth bass was 46–69% of bass SL. The maximum length of Japanese dace consumed did not differ significantly between largemouth bass and smallmouth bass (M. dolomieu) previously studied, although largemouth bass have relatively larger mouth sizes than smallmouth bass. Largemouth bass occasionally injured and killed Japanese dace larger than the limit that could be consumed.  相似文献   

The appearance pattern of pharyngeal tooth germs was investigated in the larval Japanese dace, Tribolodon hakonensis, which has a bilaterally asymmetrical dentition. Teeth develop in a series of replacement waves beginning with the initial central tooth (Ce) and continuing with teeth of anterior (An) and posterior (Po) positions relative to the initial one. Identified by wave number (n) and tooth position (r), according to the formula n-1[r], tooth germs appeared in the order of tooth 0[Ce0], 1[Po1], 1[Anl], 2[Ce0], 2[An2], 3[Po1], 3[An1], 4[Ce0], 4[An2], 5[Po1], 5[An1], 5[An3], 6[Ce0], 6[An2] during the larval period. Dentition on the right side, however, lacks the first tooth at position An2 (tooth 2[An2]) and teeth at position An3. Tooth germs on the first, second, and third replacement waves appeared simultaneously on the arches of both sides. During following waves, tooth germs on the left side appeared later than those on the right. Delay of tooth germ appearance On the left side is interpreted as an inhibitory influence of existing tooth germs in accordance with Osborn's (Proc. R. Soc. Lond. Ser. B 179:261--289, '71) theory. The delay of tooth germ appearance on the left arch is most pronounced on the seventh replacement wave. Teeth of the right major row in adults of this species are replaced more frequently than those of the left major row, apparently in correlation with the absence of the first larval tooth at position An2 and teeth at position An3. It is hypothesized that cyprinids evolved the minor rows and specialized teeth of their adult dentition as apomorphic characteristics by the process of neoteny.  相似文献   

In order to clarify the seasonal variations of plasma sex steroid hormones and vitellogenin (VTG) concentrations in the wild male Japanese dace, Tribolodon hakonensis, we measured plasma levels of testosterone (T), 11-ketotestosterone (11-KT), estradiol-17 beta (E2) and VTG, as well as spermatogenetic stages and gonadosomatic index (GSI). Wild Japanese dace were collected from different sites of the Jinzu River basin (including the Takahara River and the Itachi River). The fish from Toyama Bay were also measured the spermatogenetic stages, GSI and VTG levels. The seasonal variations of the hormone levels were discussed in the relationship with various environmental factors. In landlocked fish of the Takahara River, the plasma concentrations of T and E2 reached the highest levels in May and June. In the fish collected from the Itachi River, plasma concentrations of T, 11-KT and E2 reached the highest levels during breeding season of April and May. Sexual maturation, evaluating from GSI and the spermatogenetic stages, proceeded earlier in the fish population at Toyama Bay, and afterward it was followed in the fish population at the Takahara River, in associated with a rise of environmental water temperature at fish captured sites. In the male dace, low but detectable levels of plasma E2 were measured and there were significantly positive correlations between E2 level and the levels of GSI, VTG or T. These results suggest that E2 might be a necessary sex steroid hormone related to gonad maturation, and that circulating E2 may induce VTG production in the wild male Japanese dace.  相似文献   

Our experimental purpose is to probe the structure(s) of the chorionic proteinase inhibitor and its cDNA sequence(s) and to develop the application of safe medicines for protection of human and other animal bodies from pathogenic microbe attacks. In this study, chorionic proteinase inhibitor protein was isolated, sequenced and used to base the design of PCR primers, which were then used to amplify DNA using RT-PCR. A cDNA clone of the protein which inhibited the activities of serine proteinases and thermolysin was obtained on the basis of mRNA extracted from ovarian tissue of dace, Tribolodon hakonensis, and the deduced amino acid sequence was determined. Chorionic proteinase inhibitor (TribSPI) peptides of about 9.0 kDa (TribSPI) and 14 kDa (TribSPI-S) were purified from vitelline envelope extracts by thermolysin-immobilized affinity-chromatography. The cloned TribSPI cDNA was 1806 bp in length, and the open reading flame (ORF) was 915 bp encoding a protein of 305 amino acid residues. The inhibitor protein had a molecular mass of 33,550 daltons and was composed of five similar domains. Each domain contained eight cysteine residues, and it's deduced amino acid sequence was only 33 approximately 34% identical to those of human and porcine antileukoproteinases (hALP and pALP, respectively). A possible binding-site for serine proteinases, Arg-Ile, was contained in three domains.  相似文献   

Ichthyological Research - Migration patterns of Japanese dace Pseudaspius hakonensis in and around Lake Biwa, Japan are unknown, although fluvial–lacustrine life history has been known in...  相似文献   

Novel acidic oligosaccharides were isolated in abnormally large amounts (about 200 ng/egg) from the unfertilized eggs of Tribolodon hakonensis (a dace, "ugui" in Japanese). The free oligosaccharides were found to consist of a mixture of disialylated species most of which end with beta-mannosyl N-acetylglucosamine structure at their reducing termini, i.e. greater than Man beta 1-4GlcNAc. A minute portion of the sialooligosaccharides was found to have the reducing terminal structure, di-N-acetylchitobiose, i.e. greater than Man beta 1-4GlcNAc beta 1-4GlcNAc. From the structural analysis of these free sialooligosaccharides, the following structures are proposed: (sequence; see text) Occurrence of such a symmetrically or dissymmetrically branched form of the biantennary nonreducing periphery as revealed here is novel. Although it is unknown why and how such high amounts of free oligosaccharides are accumulated in unfertilized eggs, these were presumably protein-linked components and must be released at certain stages of oogenesis.  相似文献   

Larval sea lampreys, Petromyzon marinus , of the 1976 year class were studied between May 1977 and October 1981 in five Michigan streams to determine the relationship of density to growth and metamorphosis. Two cages were placed in each stream; one cage contained 25 larvae (low density group) and the other 75 larvae (high density group). Changes in body length, as an indicator of growth, were monitored in all streams from age I to V. Mean lengths ranged from 25 to 55 mm at the beginning of the study and from 102 to 158 mm at the end. Some ammocoetes attained lengths greater than 160 mm. Growth was related mainly to density; crowding affected growth from age I to metamorphosis. Mean increases of total length ranged from 90 to 128 mm among low-density groups and from 54 to 97 mm among high-density groups. Growth was typically greater in the cage with fewer lampreys in each stream. Most growth occurred from May to October when stream temperatures were highest. In two streams in which cages were not vandalized, 96% and 92% of the lampreys in the low-density groups and 68% and 52% in the high-density groups survived to age V. Metamorphosis occurred at age V in low-density groups. Five lampreys (2.4%; range, 133–145 mm long) metamorphosed among the 207 that survived until completion of the study.  相似文献   

Environmental Biology of Fishes - Japanese dace (Pseudaspius hakonensis) foraging and predator avoidance behaviors were studied in dace schools with and without vicinity predators in Lake Nojiri,...  相似文献   

Based on a biochemical-genetic approach, heterozygosity and divergence of structural genes of 30 enzyme loci were analyzed in six dace species. In addition, intra- and interspecific divergence of gene expression was analyzed based on a sample of 12 to 15 loci. Mean heterozygosities per individual varied as follows: Tribolodon species, Hobs = 0.007 +/- 0.007 and Hexp = 0.007 +/- 0.007; T. ezoe, Hobs = 0.045 +/- 0.016 and Hexp = 0.067 +/- 0.029. Several variants of genetic distances were estimated. Standard Nei's distances (DN) varied from 0.145 to 0.284 in four dace species studied. As related to Tribolodon dace species, the following genetic distances were obtained for two members of other genera: Pseudaspius leptocephalus, DN = 0.269; Leuciscus waleckii, DN = 0.769. Based on the distance matrices, different clustering algorithms were realized. The main feature shared by different dendrograms was a separate position of the cluster joining Far-Eastern dace species, to which P. leptocephalus and L. waleckii are successively added. Among the species studied, the proportion of loci similar by expression (E) varied from 87 to 100%. The greatest difference was found between anadromous and nonanadromous ecotypes of T. hakonensis, E = 67%. The following conclusions can be made: (1) Four studied species of the genus Tribolodon are rather well genetically differentiated. Diagnostic loci are available. (2) A nominal dace species, T. species, should be considered the fourth isolated species of this genus, which is confirmed by its recent zoological acceptance of this species. (3) The origin and divergence of dace species belonging to the genus Tribolodon are relatively late (1 to 3 Myr ago) historical events. (4) Taxonomically, the genus Tribolodon belong to the tribe Pseudaspinini together with P. leptocephalus, which is confirmed by genetic data. (5) Data on heterozygosity and the divergence of structural and regulatory elements of genome, along with the proposed scheme of speciation types, suggest the following speciation modes for the species studied: for four species, adaptive divergence and for two species, genetic transformation.  相似文献   

The relationship between seasonal variation and the effect of several different environmental factors on chromophore composition was investigated in the eye of the Japanese dace, Tribolodon hakonensis which lives either in rivers or in the sea. Eyes obtained from river and sea populations had both retinal (A1) and 3,4-didehydroretinal (A2) all through the year but the ratio of these chromophores showed seasonal variation the relative amount of A2 was higher in winter and lower in summer. Besides seasonal variation, A2 showed marked differences depending on habitat: the highest proportion of A2 was 67% in January and the lowest 13% in July, in the river population, whereas in the sea population the highest and the lowest values were only 30 and 6%, respectively, during the same months. The seasonal variation in gonadosomatic index showed no correlation to variations in A2 proportion, and the maximum difference in water temperature between summer and winter was ca. 15°C for both habitats. Because spectral conditions at the locations of capture of both river and sea populations were similar, we conclude that Japanese dace eyes are affected by exogenous factors related to differences between freshwater and seawater environments.  相似文献   

Three morphological types of the genus Metagonimus were found encysted in the dace, Tribolodon taczanowskii, caught from the Sumjin River, Korea. They include Metagonimus Yokogawa type (M. yokogawai), Miyata type, and Koga type according to Saito's classification. The metacercariae were experimentally fed to rats and hamsters and a total of 1,624 Metagonimus worms were recovered from their small intestine. The number of each type was 820 for Yokogawa type, 688 for Miyata type, 46 for Koga type, and 70 undetermined. The major differential keys between Yokogawa and Miyata types were in the position of two testes, distribution of uterine tubules, and size of the eggs, and the keys between Miyata and Koga types were in the position of two testes, distribution of vitelline follicles, and size of the eggs. The validity of Miyata type as a specific level should be retained until more convincing evidences are obtained. Koga type is regarded as a synonym of M. takahashii. The present results reveal that there are 3 morphological types of Metagonimus whose larvae are encysted in the dace, T. taczanowskii, from the Sumjin River.  相似文献   

Katano O 《Oecologia》2007,154(1):195-205
To analyze density-mediated indirect effects through trophic cascades caused by Japanese dace Tribolodon hakonensis on the algal biomass and growth of ayu Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis, (freshwater fish belonging to Salmoniformes), I introduced zero, five, ten, and 20 dace with and without ayu into experimental pools. Ayu fed predominantly on benthic algae, whereas dace fed on both invertebrates and algae. The percentage of algae in the food content of dace was correlated with the number of dace in a pool. In the experiment lasting 8 days, trophic cascades on algae were not clear. In contrast, when the experimental duration was extended to 20 days, the number of gastropods and ephemeropteran nymphs was negatively correlated with the number of dace, consequently increasing the algal biomass and ayu growth through trophic cascades. Compared with pools with five dace, the presence of ten and 20 dace had similar gross effects on the number of algivorous invertebrates and algal biomass and greater gross effects on the ayu growth. The significant increase in ayu growth in pools with ten and 20 dace strongly suggests that small positive effects on algal growth by dace accumulated and extended to ayu during a 20-day experimental period. These results indicate the importance of analyzing interactions between the density and behavior of the top predator and the experimental duration on the intensity of trophic cascades.  相似文献   

Quantification of reach-based microhabitat availability for rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), considering their microhabitat requirements in two low-gradient streams, northern Japan, was attempted to test for habitat space limitation of local trout density. Underwater observations revealed that fish selected microhabitats of moderate current velocity, relatively greater depth and shorter distance to overhead cover in both streams, although habitat features used and available differed slightly between the streams. Habitat space for fish potentially available in the channel environment was evaluated using principal component analysis (PCA) of both available and used microhabitat. A close relationship was evident in both streams between reach-based microhabitat availability and fish density, which was assessed by a three-pass removal method. Direct estimates of fish microhabitat availability using PCA can contribute to accurate predictions of local fish density and provide insight into the mechanisms responsible for fish–habitat relationships in streams.  相似文献   

山东济宁灰飞虱春季种群动态及迁飞特性   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
通过灯诱和田间系统调查以及长翅型雌虫卵巢解剖,研究了山东济宁灰飞虱Laodelphaxs triatellus(Fallén)在灯下、麦田和秧田的种群消长动态及虫源性质。运用GrADS和ArcGIS分析了2009年6月7日迁入峰和2010年6月15日迁出峰的天气学背景,并运用HYSPLIT轨迹分析平台模拟了这2个时期灰飞虱的迁飞路径。结果表明:(1)2009年6月7日、8日,2010年6月3日至7日为济宁灰飞虱的迁入高峰期;2009年6月2日至4日、9日,2010年6月8日,6月15日至18日为济宁灰飞虱的迁出高峰期。(2)回推轨迹分析显示2009年6月7日迁入济宁的灰飞虱的虫源地主要为江苏省宿迁市沭阳县和泗洪县及丹阳市,而顺推轨迹分析显示2010年6月15日济宁灰飞虱迁出可能降落于辽宁省朝阳市喀喇沁左翼蒙古族自治县、大连市与丹东市交界及朝鲜江原道。(3)降雨是导致灰飞虱迁入或迁出降落的最主要因子,灰飞虱降落于降水区的边缘。  相似文献   

The flow of groundwater through the sediment layer (underflow or hyporheic zone) of streams and at the origin of streams can influence organic matter uptake dynamics of floodplain. The River Rhône floodplain has limestone foothills. Here we studied 2 karstic and 2 interstitial springs differing by aquifer geology. Organic matter, physico-chemical conditions were compared between these springs during two seasons (from March to September 1989) and at different depths (0, –20 cm, –40 cm).Temperatures indicated large differences in underflow between springs, in their relation to the surrounding environment, and between seasons. Springs are well oxygenated, with differences between layers. Cultivated fields supply interstitial springs with nitrates, and pools are nutrient traps. DOC was heterogeneous in space and time and correlates with VFPOC. Particulate nutrients were correlated with available surface area of sediment grains. Physical conditions of each spring were prominent in determining storage and turnover of organic matter. Each spring, by its own characteristics and dynamics regulating stability and turnover, had an effect or control on storage, transport and retention of organic matter (quality, quantity). These springs offer an example of the heterogeneity, and give a view of the diversity of patches within a floodplain. The data suggest that groundwater flow of springs may be a major factor in the functioning of floodplain tributaries.  相似文献   

To study growth rates, movements and estimate population size of shortfin eels Anguilla australis in a small lake (2·5 ha) near Christchurch, New Zealand, 617 A. australis were tagged with PIT tags. Tag retention was high (95%) and over the seven recapture events spread over 2 years, 55% of tagged A. australis were recaptured. Growth of recaptured A. australis averaged 13·1 mm year?1 and declined slightly with increasing total length. Distance moved from original capture site increased with increasing time at large. Population estimates of A. australis > 400 mm (susceptible to capture by fyke net) from recaptures of individuals averaged 1451 A. australis, with a biomass of 170 kg ha?1. An average of 6·6% of the estimated total population matured as male silver A. australis each year. Results from radio‐tracking of four A. australis gave an average nightly foraging area of 2780 m2, and there was no apparent preference for inshore movement (within 5–6 m of the shoreline) or offshore movement. Fyke‐net efficiency (total catch relative to the estimated total population available to each net) measured over four consecutive nights fishing was 88%. The lack of precision of the shoreline triangulation system used, ±10 m, meant that the positional data were considered too coarse to be used in a proposed novel population estimation technique based on determining population size within foraging areas.  相似文献   

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