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We developed a system for the assessment of ecological condition for rivers in the lower mountains and lowlands of the Hindu Kush-Himalayan region (Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan, and Bangladesh). We used benthic invertebrates collected from 198 rivers, located in five different ecoregions and covering degradation gradients; samples were taken twice (pre-monsoon and post-monsoon) applying a multi-habitat sampling procedure. Out of 38 environmental parameters, we constructed complex principal component analysis (PCA) gradients, separately for the stressors organic pollution, eutrophication, floodplain land use, and hydromorphological degradation. Correlation analysis between invertebrate metrics and environmental parameters revealed those biological metrics that are most responsive to river deterioration. Redundant metrics were deleted, and the most robust metrics were selected. The range of the index values under reference conditions was defined, and a five-class river quality system was generated.  相似文献   



Despite the availability of several studies to clarify taxonomic problems on the highly threatened yews of the Hindu Kush-Himalaya (HKH) and adjacent regions, the total number of species and their exact distribution ranges remains controversial. We explored the use of comprehensive sets of morphological, molecular and climatic data to clarify taxonomy and distributions of yews in this region.

Methodology/Principal Findings

A total of 743 samples from 46 populations of wild yew and 47 representative herbarium specimens were analyzed. Principle component analyses on 27 morphological characters and 15 bioclimatic variables plus altitude and maximum parsimony analysis on molecular ITS and trnL-F sequences indicated the existence of three distinct species occurring in different ecological (climatic) and altitudinal gradients along the HKH and adjacent regions Taxus contorta from eastern Afghanistan to the eastern end of Central Nepal, T. wallichiana from the western end of Central Nepal to Northwest China, and the first report of the South China low to mid-elevation species T. mairei in Nepal, Bhutan, Northeast India, Myanmar and South Vietnam.


The detailed sampling and combination of different data sets allowed us to identify three clearly delineated species and their precise distribution ranges in the HKH and adjacent regions, which showed no overlap or no distinct hybrid zone. This might be due to differences in the ecological (climatic) requirements of the species. The analyses further provided the selection of diagnostic morphological characters for the identification of yews occurring in the HKH and adjacent regions. Our work demonstrates that extensive sampling combined with the analysis of diverse data sets can reliably address the taxonomy of morphologically challenging plant taxa.  相似文献   

Grazer-periphyton interactions were investigated in 11 laboratory streams holding a range of densities of three herbivore taxa during a 32-d experiment. Effects of grazers on algae were strongest with Dicosmoecus gilvipes caddisflies, intermediate with Juga silicula snails, and weakest with Baetis spp. mayflies. Algal standing crop, export, and gross primary production declined logarithmically with increasing grazer density. Algal turnover rate, however, increased with grazer abundance. At high densities of all grazers, responses in most algal parameters converged, suggesting that high grazing pressure, regardless of taxon, will similarly affect periphyton. Growth of both Dicosmoecus caddisflies and Juga snails was density-dependent, with the highest growth rates occurring at the lowest densities. Caddisflies displayed high growth rates but low efficiency in resource use. Snails had lower growth rates but were more efficient in resource use. The coexistence of Dicosmoecus and Juga, or other competing herbivores, in natural streams may be related to these fundamental differences in life history strategies.Department of Fisheries and Wildlife  相似文献   

典型平原河网地区底栖动物生物指数筛选及评价基准研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2011年夏、秋季在上海市全境主要河流的83个断面进行大型底栖动物的采样, 共获取底栖动物20个分类单位(种), 其中软体动物、环节动物和节肢动物分别占50%、30% 和20%。选取常见的28个生物指数分别进行计算, 并采用非参数统计检验方法筛选出8个敏感生物指数。通过记分法对8种敏感生物指数统一量纲后, 获得数值范围为8-40的综合生物指数, 运用四分法划分了判别河道水环境质量的生物基准: 32-40, 较好(Good); 24-31, 一般(Fair); 16-23, 污染(Poor); 8-15, 严重污染(Very poor)。9个断面未发现活体生物, 定为超严重污染(Super poor)。依照生物基准比较上海市41个代表性断面近5年主要水质理化指标, 基本反映出水质理化指标的空间差异性, 该综合生物指数及判别基准也可适用于评价平原河网地区的河道水质状况。    相似文献   

The results of neuromuscular reconstructions of the paralyzed face are difficult to assess. Very sophisticated methods are necessary to measure the motor deficits of facial paralysis or the functional recovery in the face. The aim of this development was a relatively simple system for data acquisition, which is easy to handle and which makes it relatively cheap to delegate data acquisition to centers all over the world, which will not be able to derive a data analysis on their own, but will send their data to a center with specialized equipment. A complex mirror system was developed to get three different views of the face at the same time on the video screen. At each investigation, a digital video is taken from a calibration grid and from standardized facial movements of the patient. Secondary analysis of the digital videofilm is made possible at any time later on by the support of a computer program, which calculates distances and movements three-dimensionally from the frontal image and the right and left mirror images. Pathologies of the mimic movements can be identified as well as improvements after surgical procedures by this system. The significant advantage is the possibility to watch the same movement on the video which is under study and to apply any kind of study later on. Taking the video needs only a few minutes, and fatigue of the patient's mimic system is prevented. Measurements usually at the endpoints of the movements give excellent information on the quantity of the movement or the degree of the facial palsy, whereas the video itself is very informative regarding the quality of the smile. Specific computer software was developed for standardized three-dimensional analysis of the video-documented facial movements and for data presentation. There are options like two-dimensional graphs of single moving points in the face or three-dimensional graphs of the movements of all measured points at the same time during a standardized facial movement. By a comparison of the right- and left-sided alterations of specific distances between two points during the facial movements, the degree of normal symmetry or pathologic asymmetry is quantified. This system is more suitable for detailed scientific multicenter studies than any other system previously established. A very sensitive instrument for exact evaluation of mimic function is now available.  相似文献   

Increasing litter size has created the need for more sophisticated, accurate, and welfare-oriented systems for assessing the foster performance of lactating sows. The estimation of milk yield alone is not sufficient for meeting these requirements. Therefore, the aim of the current study was to develop a grading system for assessing the foster performance of lactating sows that can be easily applied in commercial farm practice. Data were collected in two German conventional farrow-to-feeder farms with a total sample size of 639 sows (4.05 ± 2.86 parities) and 1 728 litters. Besides general performance data, the piglets were weighed individually within the first 24 hours after birth and at the peak of lactation (day 18.22 ± 2.48). Based on these data, we proposed a new score referring to the milk score (MS). This score was compared with the commonly used formula for estimating milk yield (est. MY), which solely involves litter weight gain and litter size. The improvement of the developed MS allowed us to distinguish between the birth and foster performances of the lactating sows through considering cross-fostering, litter size, individual piglet weights, and piglet mortality during lactation. Both scores showed a similar progression across parities. It was found that litter size had a significant impact on the performance of lactating sows. A high est. MY was found to be associated with a significantly higher number of piglets per litter (15.79 ± 2.20), lower weight gain per piglet, and increased piglet mortality during lactation compared with sows with high MS, which showed a smaller litter size (13.51 ± 2.18) (P < 0.05). The focus on smaller litter size indicates a performance limitation, which seems to be related to the average teat number of 13–15 teats per sow. We recommend the consideration of the number of functional teats, because a litter size above it will not result in a sow having higher foster performance. In conclusion, as an extension of the common est. MY calculation, the MS considers cross-fostering as current farm-management practice when dealing with larger litters. Our recommendations emphasise the importance of an MS which indicates smaller litter size, higher piglet weight gain, and lower piglet mortality during lactation; these factors are related to an improvement in animal welfare for sows and piglets. Moreover, the presented MS could be used to develop a management tool for farmers to assess the foster performance of lactating sows, considering individual farm-management practices.  相似文献   

Recently there has been a growing interest and need for sound and robust ecological indices to evaluate ecosystem status and condition, mainly under the scope of the Water Framework Directive implementation. Although the conceptual basis for each index may rely on different assumptions and parameters, they share a common goal: to provide a useful tool that can be used in assessing the system's health and that could be applied in decision making. This paper focuses mainly on benthic community-based, biotic indices. We supply a general overview of several indices premises and assumptions as well as their main advantages and disadvantages. Furthermore, an illustrative example is provided of a straightforward application of benthic index of biotic integrity and benthic condition index. As a reference, their performance is compared to the Portuguese-benthic assessment tool. Limitations of the tested indices are discussed in context of the Mondego estuary (Portugal) case study.  相似文献   

The lakes of central Mexico have great cultural, economic, and biological value, but they are being degraded at an accelerating rate. We employed historical data on fish communities from 19 of these lakes and case studies of community responses to environmental degradation from four of the best-studied, Xochimilco, Cuitzeo, Chapala, and Pátzcuaro, to construct a preliminary index of biotic integrity (IBI). This IBI was designed to be an easily applied method for assessing lake ecosystem health and evaluating restoration efforts. The IBI had 10 metrics: number of total native species, number of common native species, number of native Goodeidae species, number of native Chirostoma species, number of native sensitive species, percent of biomass as tolerant species, percent of biomass as exotic species, percent of biomass as native carnivorous species, maximum standard length of native species, and percent of exotic invertebrate parasite species on or in native fishes. Initial applications of the index showed promise, accurately ranking the relative degradation of the four case-study lakes. Further tests of the index are warranted, and more data are needed to standardize sampling procedures, improve species classifications, and refine metric scoring criteria.  相似文献   

Significant variations in four biological measures of water quality with stream order and river basin were demonstrated for streams of the Black and Osage river basins of Missouri. Water quality criteria specific for each order and basin were then developed.Benthic macroinvertebrates from springs and stream orders 3–8 in the two river basins were sampled quarterly for one year with riffle nets and artificial substrate samplers. A total of 548 samples were taken at 137 stations. The average annual macroinvertebrate density, index of diversity, number of taxa, and number of mayfly and stonefly taxa were determined for each station. These measures showed significant differences (p < 0.05) across stream order within and between the two river basins. Total taxa, total mayfly and stonefly taxa, and diversity were highest in orders 4 and 5 with decreased values in lower and higher stream orders. Maximum organism densities occurred in intermediate order streams. These differences were attributed to the succession of physical changes from headwaters to mouth within each river and to the unique geomorphology of each catchment basin.Water quality criteria based on three of the four measures described above (with 95% confidence limits) were established for each stream order in each river basin. Criteria for the Osage River basin were then used to identify three streams in the basin affected by environmental disturbances (stream impoundment, channelization and sewage discharge). The use of order- and basin-specific criteria assures that the biological differences between streams caused by environmental disturbance can be distinguished from the natural biological differences between streams of different orders and drainages.  相似文献   

The determination of an accurate centre of rotation (CoR) from skin markers is essential for the assessment of abnormal gait patterns in clinical gait analysis. Despite the many functional approaches to estimate CoRs, no non-invasive analytical determination of the error in the reconstructed joint location is currently available. The purpose of this study was therefore to verify the residual of the symmetrical centre of rotation estimation (SCoRE) as a reliable indirect measure of the error of the computed joint centre. To evaluate the SCoRE residual, numerical simulations were performed to evaluate CoR estimations at different ranges of joint motion. A statistical model was developed and used to determine the theoretical relationships among the SCoRE residual, the magnitude of the skin marker artefact, the corrections to the marker positions, and the error of the CoR estimations to the known centre of rotation. We found that the equation err=0.5r(s) provides a reliable relationship among the CoR error, err, and the scaled SCoRE residual, r(s), providing that any skin marker artefact is first minimised using the optimal common shape technique (OCST). Measurements on six healthy volunteers showed a reduction of SCoRE residual from 11 to below 6mm and therefore demonstrated consistency of the theoretical considerations and numerical simulations with the in vivo data. This study also demonstrates the significant benefit of the OCST for reducing skin marker artefact and thus for predicting the accuracy of determining joint centre positions in functional gait analysis. For the first time, this understanding of the SCoRE residual allows a measure of error in the non-invasive assessment of joint centres. This measure now enables a rapid assessment of the accuracy of the CoR as well as an estimation of the reproducibility and repeatability of skeletal motion patterns.  相似文献   

A new aggregative index called modified risk assessment code (mRAC) was developed based on heavy metal toxicity and fractionation in aquatic sediment. Results of the application of mRAC to assess metal pollution in surface sediment samples of Anzali international wetland revealed that the new index led to more precise results than those of other prevalent aggregative indexes, such as modified degree of contamination (mCd) and ecological risk index (RI). Based on assessment by mRAC, sediments of the study area were at high or very high potential adverse effect levels, compared to using mCd and RI where sediments were at a moderate or low potential adverse effect level. This is due to mRAC taking both metal toxicity and fractionation into account.  相似文献   

Abstract Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate a new endodontic leakage measurement method. Materials and methods: Permeability was assessed measuring the gas flow passing through the root. Positive and negative tests were carried out to assess the validity of the method. We used glass capillaries for calibration (diameters of 15, 30, 40, 50 and 75 mum). The applicability of the method was assessed with human teeth using three sealing methods: GuttaFlow (GF) and a single cone; Pulp Canal Sealer (PCS) and a single cone; PCS and system B. Results: This method demonstrated to be highly reproducible as the standard deviation was approximately 1% on average with glass capillaries. Significantly higher leakage (p<0.05) was recorded for endodontic treatment with GF and single cone compared to PCS and single cone and PCS with system B. Conclusion: Gas permeability is quantitative, sensitive, non-destructive and reproducible and seems appropriate for endodontic tests. It would participate in the indirect comprehension of leakage phenomena.  相似文献   

The paper reviews river quality models on the basis of their conceptualization, processes, strengths and limitations. It analyzes advances in basic research and compares river quality models, namely AQUATOX, Branched Lagrangian Transport Model (BLTM), One Dimensional Riverine Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Model (EPD-RIV1), QUAL2Kw, Water Quality Analysis Simulation Program (WASP) and Water Quality for River-Reservoir Systems (WQRRS). All these models are widely used and ‘mechanistic’ in nature except for BLTM which was selected due its vast ‘useage’. In addition, the paper highlights the types of errors which occur during the modelling exercise. The paper also emphasizes on the pivotal role played by water quality models for development and formulation of various river restoration projects worldwide. The present review also suggests broad recommendation for choosing a river quality model.  相似文献   

We measured the binding of [3H]-5-(N-methyl-N-isobutyl) amiloride (MIA) to purified rabbit renal brush border membranes. MIA binding was protein, temperature and time dependent with optimal binding at pH 8.0 or above. At low pH MIA binding was inhibited, suggesting competition between H+ ions and MIA for the MIA binding site. There was 70-80% specific binding which reached a plateau at 30 min and remained stable thereafter for 150 min. Scatchard analysis revealed one family of binding sites with Bmax of 3.4 +/- 0.4 pmoles/mg protein and Kd of 30.5 +/- 2.3 nM. MIA inhibited the Vmax of the Na-H antiporter (assessed by acridine orange quenching) in a dose dependent fashion with 100% inhibition at MIA concentration of 10(-3) M and this inhibition was greater than that of amiloride. We conclude that MIA, a potent inhibitor of the Na-H antiporter, displays a high percentage of specific binding to renal brush border membranes and can be used to assess the number of the Na-H antiporters.  相似文献   

旅游生态足迹:测度旅游可持续发展的新方法   总被引:68,自引:7,他引:68  
杨桂华  李鹏 《生态学报》2005,25(6):1475-1480
生态足迹分析方法是近年发展起来的一种主要用面积来定量测度人类对自然资源利用程度和可持续发展的新方法。旅游生态足迹是生态足迹理念在旅游研究中的应用,有助于对旅游活动的生态需求与环境影响关系的理解,可以用面积来对旅游可持续发展进行定量测度。论述旅游生态足迹基本概念,并以线路旅游产品为例,在阐述生态足迹的计算步骤和方法的基础之上,主要探讨旅游生态足迹在旅游可持续发展中6个方面的测度功能旅游产业、旅游产品、旅游目的地、企业生态、旅游者及大众旅游,对旅游生态足迹的进一步研究具有重要理论指导意义。  相似文献   

The aetiology of seborrheic keratoses (SK), the most common benign epithelial tumours, and any relationship with malignancy are not yet known. As a protective anti-cancer mechanism, apoptosis reflects cellular loss as a reaction to proliferative activity. The objective of this study was to quantify apoptosis in different SK types (acanthotic, hyperkeratotic, reticulated, irritated and clonal) and correlate the dermoscopic picture with apoptosis rate. After a qualitative and quantitative analysis of dermoscopic images, we defined a new quantitative dermoscopic score (C3V2F, crypts, millia cysts, colours, hairpin vessels, irregular vessels, fissures) from 0 to 22, which enabled us to establish cut-offs correlating with apoptosis rates. All five SK forms were associated with lower apoptosis rates compared with normal skin. A C3V2F score >10 and greater number of crypts and colours reflected a higher apoptosis rate, which implies a benign character of evolution. In contrast, the presence of irregular vessels on more than 50% of the lesion surface implied a lower rate of apoptosis and probably associated with a risk of malignant transformation. On the basis of dermoscopic information, we used multiple regression to establish a model for estimating the rate of apoptosis with a 0.7 prediction interval (approximately 1S.D.). The new C3V2F score could be valuable for the clinical evaluation of possible SK prognosis and decisions regarding excision.  相似文献   

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