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We investigated the localization of major gangliosides in adultrat brain by an immunofluorescence technique with mouse monoclonalantibodies (MAbs). Five MAbs (GMB16, GMR17, GGR12, GMR5 andGMR13) that specifically recognize gangliosides GM1, GD1a, GD1b,GT1b and GQ1b, respectively, were used. We have found that thereis a cell type-specific expression of the ganglioside in therat central nervous system. In cerebellar cortex, GM1 was expressedin myelin and some glial cells. GD1a was detected exclusivelyin the molecular layer. GD1b and GQ1b were present restrictedlyon the granular layer; GD1b was detected on the surface of thegranular cell bodies, whereas GQ1b was present in the cerebellarglomerulus. GT1b was distributed intensely in both the molecularlayer and the granular layer. In cerebral cortex, GM1 was detectedin some glial cells. Dense staining was limited to the whitematter. GD1a was distributed in layers I, II/III and Va, andthe upper part of layer VI, whereas GQ1b was localized in layersIV and Vb, and the lower part of layer VI. GD1b was detectedbeneath layer III. GT1b appeared to be distributed throughoutall layers. In other regions, such as hippocampal formationand spinal cord, the expression of the ganglioside was alsohighly localized to a specific cell type and layer. ganglioside monoclonal antibody rat brain  相似文献   

T51B rat liver cells in the exponential phase of growth were arrested in late G1 by medium calcium deprivation, exposed to mouse monoclonal anti-cytokeratin (Mr = 55,000) by addition of the antibody to the medium, induced to enter the S phase by readdition of 1.5 mM calcium, and incubated for a further 18 h. After fixing and staining with FITC-conjugated anti-mouse IgG, the cells exhibited an intact intracellular cytokeratin-staining pattern. No effect of antibody was observed on entry of cells into the S phase. These results show that rat liver-derived epithelial cells can actively take up macromolecules like cytokeratin antibodies without microinjection.  相似文献   

Chicken embryo fibroblast (CEF) cells were microinjected with several different monoclonal antibodies that recognize certain nonmuscle isoforms of tropomyosin. Immediately after injection, cells were recorded with a time-lapse video imaging system; later analysis of the tapes revealed that particles in cells injected with one of these antibodies (CG1, specific for CEF tropomyosin isoforms 1 and 3) showed a dramatic decrease in instantaneous speed while moving, distance moved per saltation, and proportion of time spent in motion. Injection of Fab fragments of CG1 resulted in similar changes in the pattern of granule movement. This inhibition of granule movement by CG1 antibody was reversible; at 2.5 h after injection, granules in injected cells had already reached three-fourths of normal speed. The speed of granule movement in cells injected either with antibody specific for tropomyosin isoforms not present in CEF cells, or with CG1 antibody preabsorbed with tropomyosin, was not significantly different from the speed of granules in uninjected cells. When cells were injected with CG1 or Fab fragments of CG1, fixed, and counter-stained with rabbit antibodies to reveal the microtubule, microfilament, and intermediate filament systems, no obvious differences from the patterns normally seen in uninjected cells were observed. Examination of the ultrastructure of injected cells by EM confirmed the presence of apparently intact and normal microtubule, actin, and intermediate filament networks. These experiments suggest that tropomyosin may play an important role in the movement of vesicles and organelles in the cell cytoplasm. Also, we have shown previously that the CG1 determinant can undergo a motility-dependent change in reactivity, that may be important for the regulatory function of nonmuscle tropomyosin (Hegmann, T. E., J. L.-C. Lin, and J. J.-C. Lin. 1988. J. Cell Biol. 106:385-393). Therefore, in addition to postulated microtubule-based motors, microfilaments may play a critical role in regulating granule movement in nonmuscle cells.  相似文献   

The immunoreactivities of LDL (low density lipoprotein) samples obtained from a variety of subjects were analyzed by comparing their capacities to compete with 125I-labeled LDL for binding to various monoclonal anti-LDL antibodies in competitive binding assays. A marked variation in epitope expression was observed. In comparison to an LDL standard, different preparations exhibited immunoreactivities (expressed as apparent apoB content) ranging from 30 to 400% of the LDL standard. Some epitopes were much more uniformly expressed than others. The number of epitopes expressed in different LDL preparations appeared to be related to the percentage composition of various lipid constituents in LDL. The results support the hypothesis that the epitope expression of apoB is modulated by the composition of the lipids associated with it.  相似文献   

Spectrin is a major protein accounting for about 5% of whole-cell proteins in Amoeba proteus, and the precipitation of spectrin by intracellular injection of purified anti-spectrin monoclonal antibodies has a profound effect on cell morphology, motility, and movement-related cell activities in amoebae. Thus, amoebae injected with anti-spectrin antibodies show drastic changes in their shape and movement, suggesting that amoeba spectrin plays an important structural role, unlike nonerythroid spectrins in other cells. However, precipitation of spectrin does not affect the distribution of F-actin in amoebae.  相似文献   

Two monoclonal antibodies against the p53 protein, PAb 122 and 200-47, were microinjected into mammalian cells as a probe to determine the role of the p53 protein in cell proliferation. PAb 122 recognizes the p53 proteins of mouse and human cells but not of hamster cells, whereas 200-47 recognizes the p53 proteins of mouse and hamster cells but not of human cells. The ability of these antibodies to inhibit serum-stimulated DNA synthesis of cells in culture correlates with their ability to recognize the species-specific antigenic determinants. More important, however, is the observation that microinjected PAb 122 inhibits the transition of Swiss 3T3 cells from G0 to S phase, but has no effect on the progression of these cells from mitosis to the S phase.  相似文献   

The preparation fo five monoclonal antibodies specific of important human renal histologic structures both functionally and organogenetically has permitted to identify the repartition of the corresponding antigens in the vertebrate phylum. For three of them, appeared a clear cut histologic identity in intensity and localization between the mammals studied and man. For the two others a phylogenic and histologic dispersion was observed. It may be supposed, in the latter case, that the evolution and the biotope have acted in different manners on renal function and organogenesis according to the vertebrate classes or species investigated.  相似文献   

Diablo/Smac is a mammalian pro-apoptotic protein that can antagonize the inhibitor of apoptosis proteins (IAPs). We have produced monoclonal antibodies specific for Diablo and have used these to examine its tissue distribution and subcellular localization in healthy and apoptotic cells. Diablo could be detected in a wide range of mouse tissues including liver, kidney, lung, intestine, pancreas and testes by Western blot analysis. Immunohistochemical analysis found Diablo to be most abundant in the germinal cells of the testes, the parenchymal cells of the liver and the tubule cells of the kidney. In support of previous subcellular localization analysis, Diablo was present within the mitochondria of healthy cells, but released into the cytosol following the induction of apoptosis by UV.  相似文献   

The formation of daughter nuclei and the reformation of nucleolar structures was studied after microinjection of antibodies to RNA polymerase I into dividing cultured cells (PtK2). The fate of several nucleolar proteins representing the three main structural subcomponents of the nucleolus was examined by immunofluorescence and electron microscopy. The results show that the RNA polymerase I antibodies do not interfere with normal mitotic progression or the early steps of nucleologenesis, i.e., the aggregation of nucleolar material into prenucleolar bodies. However, they inhibit the telophasic coalescence of the prenucleolar bodies into the chromosomal nucleolar organizer regions, thus preventing the formation of new nucleoli. These prenucleolar bodies show a fibrillar organization that also compositionally resembles the dense fibrillar component of interphase nucleoli. We conclude that during normal nucleologenesis the dense fibrillar component forms from preformed entities around nucleolar organizer regions, and that this association seems to be dependent on the presence of an active form of RNA polymerase I.  相似文献   

Nine monoclonal antibodies (MAb) directed against cell surface antigens of canine keratinocytes define distinct keratinocyte subpopulations owing to the differential expression of these antigens during the process of differentiation and depending on the tissue location of the cells. There was distinct antigenic heterogeneity between the different layers of stratified squamous epithelium and between stratified squamous epithelial of different tissue origin. Two MAb reacted only with antigens expressed by esophageal mucosa. Three MAb bound to antigens on keratinocytes of the suprabasilar and granular layers of stratified squamous epithelia, and they crossreacted with the transitional epithelial cells of the urinary tract. Two MAb reacted with antigens only expressed on differentiated cells, superficially located in the stratified squamous epithelium. The use of these MAb as markers for keratinocytes in studies on the characterization and differentiation of keratinocytes, as well as in tumor diagnosis and allograft transplantation, is discussed.  相似文献   

Three monoclonal antibodies against different epitopes of interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) were used to assess its role as a normal immunomodulatory molecule. Two of these antibodies were able to reduce significantly the primary antibody response to sheep erythrocytes in an in vitro culture system. One of these two antibodies has been reported to suppress both the antiviral and macrophage activation factor activities of IFN-gamma by binding to its carboxyl terminus. These findings indicate that IFN-gamma is an important lymphokine for the maximum expression of the immune response and that it acts via the carboxyl terminus of the molecule. This antibody suppressed the immune response only when added at the initiation of culture, suggesting that the action of IFN-gamma is on an early component of the response. The third monoclonal antibody, which binds to the amino end of IFN-gamma, did not suppress the in vitro response. However, it was able to block the effects exerted by an immunosuppressive dosage of exogenous IFN-gamma on in vitro antibody production. These results indicate that the immunosuppression vitro antibody production. These results indicate that the immunosuppression induced by the addition of IFN-gamma to a primary antibody response and the role that it plays in that response are mediated through different sites on the molecule and, therefore, probably by different mechanisms.  相似文献   

Effects of four organic solvents--methanol, trifluoroethanol, dimethylsulfoxide, and dimethylformamide (DMF)--on the ferritin-binding activity of three monoclonal mouse antibodies of IgG2a and IgG1 subclasses were studied. The ferritin-binding constants of monoclonal antibodies G10 and F11 (the IgG2a subclass) were increased 2-6-fold after incubation with DMF and removal of the organic solvent by gel filtration. The maximum effect on the F11 antibodies was found in the presence of 5-13% DMF and on the G10 antibodies at 11-40% DMF. The effect remained after the removal of DMF from the incubation medium, and this suggests that the incubation with DMF resulted in irreversible conformational changes of the antibodies and in production of active conformers of the G10 and F11 antibodies. These conformations occurred within 15-60 min. The long-term stability and the fluorescence of the antibodies exposed to DMF suggest that the conformational changes were not global, but involved small and relatively independent structural elements of the antibodies, either of hypervariable CDR loops in variable domains or of the hinge region of the antibodies. The affinity of the C5 antibodies of the mouse IgG1 subclass was decreased after incubation with DMF. The activation was a solvent-specific effect because incubation of the G10 antibodies with methanol and dimethylsulfoxide decreased the affinity for the antigen, and incubation with trifluoroethanol virtually did not affect it. Relatively small changes in the antigen-binding activity of the antibodies were found even after the incubation with 5% organic solvent.  相似文献   

Summary The technology for the production of murine monoclonal antibodies has been refined enormously since its introduction in 1975. However, the technology for generating human monoclonal antibodies has only recently come into its own. In this review, three currently available approaches to the production of human monoclonal antibodies are described. These include the hybridoma technique, based on the fusion of antibody-producing human B lymphocytes with either mouse or human myeloma or lymphoblastoid cells; the EBV immortalization technique, based on the use of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) to immortalize antigen-specific human B lymphocytes; and the EBV-hybridoma technique, based on a combination of the first two methods.The EBV-hybridoma system retains the advantageous features of the other two systems while overcoming their pitfalls and may be the current method of choice for producing human monoclonal antibodies with a defined specificity.Recipient of a W.H.O. training scholarship in Tropical Diseases.Fellow of the National Cancer Institute of Canada.  相似文献   

We have studied the formation of new intermediate-sized filaments (IFs) by human cytokeratins (CKs) 8 and/or 19 in cultured bovine lens cells stably transfected with the corresponding cDNAs under SV40 promoter control. In the transfected cells, polypeptides of both type I and type II CKs were synthesized to near-equimolar amounts, formed heterotypic complexes and assembled into IFs with a peculiar tendency to accumulate into variously sized, often roundish aggregates in the juxtanuclear region, usually one per cell. Electron microscopy of these large CK IF aggregates revealed typical 7 to 12-nm IFs, tightly packed together in an apparently haphazard mode. By immunoelectron microscopy, the CK IFs could be readily distinguished from the vimentin IFs which were abundant in these cells. Electron microscopy also showed that many of the CK IF aggregates were located in the vicinity of the nucleus but did not have direct contact with the nuclear envelope; moreover, their location did not regularly correspond to those of the centrosomes and the Golgi apparatus. During enucleation of transfected cells in the presence of cytochalasin B, the CK aggregates were often retained in the cytoplast. After microinjection of CK 8 and 19 mRNAs, synthesized in vitro from cDNA molecules, into enucleated cytoplasts prepared from untransfected cells, CK IFs similar to those observed in microinjected whole cells were formed but often showed a wider cytoplasmic distribution. Our observations indicate that typical CK IFs can form, in vivo, in the absence of any nuclear structures. We discuss possible reasons for the tendency of the CK IFs to accumulate, in this cell line, into a juxtanuclear aggregate, in relation to similar CK-IF aggregates formed in certain normal cell types and upon toxic damages.  相似文献   

Fragmentation is a degradation pathway ubiquitously observed in proteins despite the remarkable stability of peptide bond; proteins differ only by how much and where cleavage occurs. The goal of this review is to summarize reports regarding the non-enzymatic fragmentation of the peptide backbone of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). The sites in the polypeptide chain susceptible to fragmentation are determined by a multitude of factors. Insights are provided on the intimate chemical mechanisms that can make some bonds prone to cleavage due to the presence of specific side-chains. In addition to primary structure, the secondary, tertiary and quaternary structures have a significant impact in modulating the distribution of cleavage sites by altering local flexibility, accessibility to solvent or bringing in close proximity side chains that are remote in sequence. This review focuses on cleavage sites observed in the constant regions of mAbs, with special emphasis on hinge fragmentation. The mechanisms responsible for backbone cleavage are strongly dependent on pH and can be catalyzed by metals or radicals. The distribution of cleavage sites are different under acidic compared to basic conditions, with fragmentation rates exhibiting a minimum in the pH range 5 to 6; therefore, the overall fragmentation pattern observed for a mAb is a complex result of structural and solvent conditions. A critical review of the techniques used to monitor fragmentation is also presented; usually a compromise has to be made between a highly sensitive method with good fragment separation and the capability to identify the cleavage site. The effect of fragmentation on the function of a mAb must be evaluated on a case-by-case basis depending on whether cleavage sites are observed in the variable or constant regions, and on the mechanism of action of the molecule.  相似文献   

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