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Questions: Have predictable relationships between environmental variables and vegetation developed in primary succession following a volcanic eruption? Has the rate of succession changed? Have vegetation trajectories converged or diverged? Location: The Abraham Plain of Mount St. Helens, Washington, USA (46°12′42″N, 122°08′27″W, elevation 1360 m), was sterilized in 1980 by a blast, scoured by lahars and buried by pumice. Method: We monitored 400 100 m2 contiguous permanent plots annually (1988–2008), and classified each plot from every year into ten community types (CTs). We characterized the terrain by topography and surface features. Redundancy analysis assessed relationships between vegetation and possible explanatory variables, which included sample location. We used detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) to assess successional rates and trends. Results: Relationships between species composition and explanatory variables were only significant after 1996, when position and presence of rills became significant. By 2006, explained variation remained low (13%) but significant. Species accumulated slowly, restricted by stress and isolation. Changes in mean DCA position slowed. Composition shifted from pioneer to persistent species and vegetation became more stable with time. Species accumulated for two decades and then stabilized, while cover has continued to increase. Diversity increased and then declined slightly as dominance developed and pioneer species became less common. Conclusions: We demonstrate weak but increasingly predictable trends in species composition using environmental variables. The rate of succession slowed and trajectories formed a reticulate network of transitions dominated by divergence. Convergence was not evident because vegetation responded distinctively to minor topographic features that allowed alternative stable communities to develop.  相似文献   

Reinhard Bornkamm   《Flora》2007,202(8):695-704
The general aim of the study was to follow the development of spontaneous woody vegetation on man-made urban habitats in Berlin, Germany. In spring 1968, the vegetation was removed completely in five groups of plots, which had been filled with five different transferred soil material in 1928. The spontaneous vegetation was monitored annually from 1968 to 2006. Especially, the development of shrubs and trees was followed. In addition the growth of the most important herbaceous species, Solidago canadensis, was investigated.

The soils varied from moderately rich sandy soils to rich sandy or loamy soils. On the two sandy soils S. canadensis developed poorly. Tree species dominated (>50% of total cover) on these plots after 14–18 years. On the soils rich in nutrients, S. canadensis developed strongly. Tree species did not dominate there before 21–25 years. The diversity of woody species increased over time and reached 33 species altogether. Indigenous Acer, Quercus and Betula species prevailed. Alien species, typical for urban ruderal sites, were rare.

The results support the idea of establishing urban woodlands by spontaneous succession as a cheap way to develop near-natural plant communities rich in species.  相似文献   

A study on long-term salt-marsh succession using permanent plots   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Succession of plant communities on a salt marsh at the Boschplaat, Terschelling (The Netherlands) is described on the basis of relevés from permanent plots in three transects, covering a period of almost 30 years. All relevés were clustered, using a hierarchical fusion technique. Succession has been quantified in terms of transitions between clusters over time in all plots. Analysis of the results showed four clearly distinct successional trends, each restricted to a particular altitudinal zone of the salt marsh. Between zones there were only few interconnections. This implies that zonation does not represent succession, at least not on the time scale of this study. It is suggested that initial differences between zones in the processes that change the abiotic environment, form the basis of vegetation zonation at the Boschplaat.The study was financially supported by the Netherlands Organization for the Advancement of Pure Research (Z.W.O.).  相似文献   

Vegetation development on pumice at Mount St. Helens, USA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study explores early vegetation development on pumice at Mount St.Helens. We monitored species annually in a grid of 200 contiguous100-m2 plots between 1989 and 1999. Of interestwere how vegetation changed and if it became more homogeneous over time.Speciesrichness and cover increased annually. Diversity(H) stabilized by 1996 and began to decline aslong-livedstress-tolerant species such as Agrostis pallens, Carexmertensii and Penstemon cardwellii began todominate. Protected sites had more species and higher cover than did exposedones. Plots next to relict vegetation had more species and cover than diddistant plots. The vegetation initially was dominated by species with gooddispersal, but subsequently those with poor dispersal became dominant. Wecompared species expansion patterns to a model based on random colonization.Theresults implied that populations with poor dispersal derived from a fewcolonists that then produced seeds for local expansion. Detrendedcorrespondenceanalysis showed a pronounced shift in species composition. This analysis alsoshowed that species composition was becoming more homogeneous over time.However, significant heterogeneity remained and some plots are diverging fromothers. As yet, this vegetation is not developing towards a regional vegetationtype. Rather, an unusual community with Agrostis spp.,Carex spp., Penstemon cardwellii, Lupinuslepidus, Anaphalis margaritacea and Salixcommutata has developed. The accumulation phase of primarysuccessionis nearly complete. The next phase, in which vertical structure develops asSalix and conifers mature, has scarcely begun. It shouldbemarked by the invasion of forest understory species and loss of subalpinemeadowspecies. Assembly rules based on biotic interactions may then become evident.  相似文献   

Brownfield sites are thought to support a minimum of 12–15% of Britain's nationally scarce and rare invertebrates. The amount of derelict land in Britain is set to decrease dramatically under current home-building and regeneration policies. There is therefore a pressing need for research into the potential importance of brownfield sites for invertebrates. In this study we sampled the carabid fauna of 26 sites, with ages varying between 2–20 years since their formation, to assess whether vegetation succession was an important determinant of invertebrate diversity the West Midlands of England. The work was carried out over the course of one growing season (in 1999), with concurrent surveys of the soil characteristics, vegetation type and land-use history. 63 carabid species were found including 2 nationally scarce species. The most species rich assemblages are found on early successional sites, which persist for 6 years on graded sites and up to 20 years on compacted substrates.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes succession studies on the outer islands of the Bothnian Bay (Finland). The study area is characterized by consistent and relatively rapid uplift (vertical rise on average 75 cm per century). The spatial and temporal succession has been deduced from the sequence of the littoral and epilittoral vegetation as well as from the historical records of the island development.Four types of successional series are distinguished. The relationships between substrate type (boulder, gravel, sand and clay-silt shores) and 25 typical plant communities are outlined and treated as successional sequences.  相似文献   

Technology for establishment of vegetated roofs (green roofs) has developed rapidly over recent years but knowledge about how these systems will develop over time is still limited. This study investigates vegetation development on unfertilised thin extensive vegetated roofs during a 3-year period. The vegetation systems investigated were designed to be low maintenance and had a saturated weight of 50 kg/m2, a thickness of 4 cm and drought-resistant succulent and bryophyte vegetation.Vegetation development was investigated in relation to: establishment method, species mixture and substrate composition in a factorial experiment. Vegetation cover was investigated using point intercept.Moss was found to develop on most substrates and reached more than 80% cover on some plots. Sedum album and Sedum acre were the dominant species on the roofs. S. acre was found to decrease drastically after 2 years. The lack of difference found in this study between the establishment techniques shows that there are other possible marketable ways to construct vegetated roofs in Sweden, as an alternative to vegetation mats. Uniform extensive vegetated roofs with a high dominance of succulent species have limited value for plant biodiversity, as few species establish spontaneously.  相似文献   

Summary Vegetation succession on the tidal flats of the Middelplaten, isolated from tidal action after the construction of a barrage in 1961, has been studied with cluster analysis. Data of yearly cover-abundance estimates of species over 1963–73 produced from the Big Island have been partitioned at two levels yielding 7 and 17 clusters respectively. Mapping the 17 clusters for the successive years showed pathways in cluster distribution related with the desalinization rate and water relations in the soil. From the cluster transitions three successional lines could be recognized. They represent developments under different environmental conditions in which differences in desalinization rate, water relations and availability of nutrients are deciding.In the whole area of investigation two invasions could be recognized in the period of colonization, one of halophytes, and the other of glycophytes. In the early years the vegetational pattern is mainly temporal, probably related with unidirectional environmental processes and strategies of species. In later years the pattern is mainly spatial, partly due to fossilization of earlier stages of succession for which reduction in availability of mineral nutrients may be responsible.Vegetational diversity expressed in numbers of clusters reaches a maximum about 10 years after the barrage had been constructed. It is suggested that a second period of succession will be initiated by long-term ecological processes, such as humification, decalcification and acidification, in which the vegetation will participate.Nomenclature of vascular plants follows Heukels-van Ooststroom, Flora van Nederland, 19th Ed. Wolters-Noordhoff, Groningen, 1977.Contribution to the Symposium of the Working Group for Succession Research on Permanent Plots, held at Yerseke, The Netherlands, October 1975.The authors would like to thank Dr. K. F. Vaas and Dr. A.H.L. Huiskes (Yerseke) for reviewing the English text, and Mr. M.C. Daane and Mr. W. de Munck (Yerseke) for their help in producing the data.Communication Nr. 172.  相似文献   

Human activities modify environmental conditions, altering ecological interactions that can contribute to the increasing number of vector-borne pathogens affecting both human and wildlife populations. There is a dearth of knowledge about mosquitoes feeding preferences and their role as potential vectors of haemosporidian parasites, particularly in modified habitats. During 2013–2014 we sampled mosquitoes in five different land use types within a cloud forest matrix. From a total of 4107 adult mosquitoes, 90 were engorged. We extracted DNA from mosquito blood-meals, abdomens, and thoraxes, which belonged to seven different species. Seventeen specimens were positive for avian Plasmodium parasites. We were able to identify the blood-meal source of 10 mosquitoes, the identified vertebrate species were: Homo sapiens (Human), Sturnira hondurensis (Bat), and Bos taurus (Cow). Our results show that Culex restuans is positive for avian malaria and it is feeding on both humans and domestic animals at urban and peri-urban habitat types, where it is also an abundant species throughout the year. Furthermore, Aedes quadrivittatus, also positive for avian malaria, is feeding on humans in the well-preserved cloud forest, where this mosquito species is highly abundant. This study is the first in Mexico to provide reference data showing generalist mosquito feeding preferences and presence of avian Plasmodium at locations with different land use types.  相似文献   

Question: How do soils and topography influence Amazonian tree diversity, a region with generally nutrient‐starved soils but some of the biologically richest tree communities on Earth? Location: Central Amazonia, near Manaus, Brazil. Methods: We evaluated the influence of 14 soil and topographic features on species diversity of rain forest trees (≥10 cm diameter at breast height), using data from 63 1‐ha plots scattered over an area of ~400 km2. Results: An ordination analysis identified three major edaphic gradients: (1) flatter areas had generally higher nutrient soils (higher clay content, carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, pH and exchangeable bases, and lower aluminium saturation) than did slopes and gullies; (2) sandier soils had lower water storage (plant available water capacity), phosphorus and nitrogen; and (3) soil pH varied among sites. Gradient 2 was the strongest predictor of tree diversity (species richness and Fisher's α values), with diversity increasing with higher soil fertility and water availability. Gradient 2 was also the best predictor of the number of rare (singleton) species, which accounted on average for over half (56%) of all species in each plot. Conclusions: Although our plots invariably supported diverse tree communities (≥225 species ha?1), the most species‐rich sites (up to 310 species ha?1) were least constrained by soil water and phosphorus availability. Intriguingly, the numbers of rare and common species were not significantly correlated in our plots, and they responded differently to major soil and topographic gradients. For unknown reasons rare species were significantly more frequent in plots with many large trees.  相似文献   

不同土地利用方式对城市土壤质量的影响   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
通过对兰州市西固区种土地利用类型(工业园区、道路两侧、农业、居民区和公园)320个土壤样品的测试,研究了不同土地利用方式对城市土壤理化性状和Pb、Zn、Cd、Cu、Hg元素积累的影响.在种类型土壤中,工业园区土壤的pH值最低而电导率最高,道路两侧土壤有机碳含量显著高于居民区、公园和农业土壤;Pb、Zn、Cu、Cd和Hg的含量在种类型土壤中存在显著差异,并明显高于兰州市土壤背景值;计算得到的工业园区、道路两侧、农业、居民区和公园土壤的内梅罗综合污染指数分别为4.9、3.7、4.0、2.4和2.2.结果表明,不同土地利用方式对城市土壤质量的影响不同,工业活动的影响最大,交通污染次之,再依次为农业活动及居民生活.  相似文献   

Seiji Tokumasu 《Mycoscience》1998,39(4):417-423
Field experiments were carried out to investigate influences of seasonal change on the fungal succession occurring on the surface of decaying pine needles at a moder site in Japan. At different seasons, the needles fallen for a short period were collected and marked, then placed on the surface of the O horizon. The needles were removed at intervals and their fungal communities were examined by using a washing technique. Unlike the successions of interior colonizers studied at the same time, those of surface colonizers observed on the fallen needles at four different times are roughly similar to each other.Thysanophora penicillioides was the major first colonizer on the sample needles from the O horizon, andTrichoderma species followed it. In an experiment started in late autumn, three dematiaceous fungi,Chloridium viride var.chlamydosporis, Sporidesmium omahutaense, andChalara sp., commonly occurred and contributed to the darkening of colonized needles. Seasonal variation in climate may have a stronger effect on internal colonizers than external colonizers of needles. Contributions from Sugadaira Montane Research Center, No. 165.  相似文献   

Seiji Tokumasu 《Mycoscience》1998,39(4):409-416
Experimental studies were carried out to investigate seasonal effects on the fungal succession in the interior or decaying pine needles. At different seasons, the needles fallen for a short period were collected and marked, then placed on the surface of the O horizon in a pine forest. The needles were removed at intervals and their interior fungal communities were examined by using a surface sterilization technique. The successions of interior colonizers observed on the fallen needles at four different times are roughly divided into three groups based on the composition of species colonizing from litter. Seasonal shifts in the species combination were discussed with climatic and biotic factors. As a result, temperature at the surface of litter appeared to be a cardinal factor contributing to these seasonal changes in the succession of interior colonizers. Contributions to Sugadaira Montane Research Center, No. 164.  相似文献   

不同生长期转Bt基因水稻秸杆还土对淹水土壤酶活性的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
吴伟祥  叶庆富  闵航 《生态学报》2003,23(11):2353-2358
在实验室条件下通过秸杆还土试验比较了不同生长期转Bt基因克螟稻及其亲本稻秸杆对淹水土壤酶活性的影响。研究结果表明,与同一生长期的亲本稻秸杆相比,孕穗期和成熟期克螟稻秸杆对淹水土壤磷酸酶活性的影响较小;相反,对淹水土壤脱氢酶活性的影响非常显著,并且孕穗期秸杆与成熟期秸杆的添加对淹水土壤脱氢酶活性的影响趋势也存在较大差异。推测造成淹水土壤脱氢酶活性的显著性差异的主要原因可能是由于Bt插入基因表达的多效性所致。结果认为土壤脱氢酶活性可作为转Bt基因水稻生态安全风险性评价的潜在指标。  相似文献   

Breakwaters represent large-scale engineered artificial reefs that can develop diverse and abundant communities and are likely to play an increasing role in marine ecosystems as human populations grow in coastal urban areas. Information on how these communities develop and if and when these communities begin to resemble those on natural hard-bottom habitat is essential for marine management, but is not well understood. In this study, benthic communities on six breakwaters ranging from 1 to 31 years of age were compared to provide an understanding of patterns of community development on engineered coastal defenses, and these were compared to communities on natural reefs to gain an understanding of how communities develop on artificial structures relative to those in natural habitats. Multivariate analyses indicated that benthic communities on breakwaters became more similar to natural reefs with increasing age, but that communities on even the most mature (31 years) breakwater were distinct from those on natural reefs (ANOSIM p < 0.001). Generally, breakwaters ≤5.5 years had higher abundance of turf algae, sponges, bivalves, and bare pavement, while more mature (≥25 years) breakwaters were dominated by corals. Coral cover on 25 and 31 years old breakwaters (46% and 56%, respectively) was significantly higher than on natural reefs (37%; HSD test p < 0.05 and p < 0.001, respectively). These results indicate that breakwaters develop benthic communities that continue to change over periods exceeding 31 years, and that although they become more similar to communities on natural reefs with increasing age, these communities remain distinct.  相似文献   

In the present study ectomycorrhizal development of Laccaria bicolor, Rhizopogon luteolus and Suillus bovinus associated with Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) seedings was studied as affected by primary stand humus, secondary stand humus, podsolic sandy soil or peat in perspex growth chambers. After 9 weeks, ectomycorrhizal development with S. bovinus was significantly greater in peat and primary stand humus than in secondary stand humus or podsolic sandy soil. Ectomycorrhizal development with R. luteolus in secondary stand humus was higher than in primary stand humus. Degree of ectomycorrhizal development of L. bicolor, R. lutuelus and S. bovinus on Scots pine was related to potassium concentration, organic matter content and pH of the soils suggesting that chemical composition of the soils affects ectomycorrhizal development.  相似文献   

刘炳亮  苏金豹  马建章 《生态学报》2018,38(10):3653-3660
人类活动导致的景观改变能形成大量的生境缀块和边缘结构,对植物扩散产生重要影响。以植物个体运动生态学——种子扩散模式作为分类依据,对兴凯湖自然保护区游憩带与非游憩带、交通廊道与非交通廊道中动物扩散物种、风扩散物种、无助力扩散物种(包括重力扩散、弹射扩散等短距离扩散的物种)以及全部物种的边缘溢出效应分别进行对比分析。结果显示,游憩带动物扩散物种和全部物种的边缘溢出效应均明显弱于非游憩带;而风扩散物种在游憩带和非游憩带均有大量溢出;无助力扩散物种在这两个实验区的溢出效应均不明显。交通廊道中动物扩散物种的溢出效应显著弱于非交通廊道,但风扩散物种却明显强于非交通廊道;无助力扩散物种在两种廊道类型中同样只有少量溢出,且距离相对较短;总体溢出效应并未发现显著差异。这些结果表明,旅游开发对植物运动生态学产生了影响,最终导致了溢出效应的改变。  相似文献   

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