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A series of N-carboxy, N-alkyl, and N-carboxamido azabicyclo[2.2.2]octane carboxamides were prepared and assayed for inhibition of alpha4beta1-VCAM-1 and alpha4beta7-MAdCAM-1 interactions. Potency and alpha4beta1/alpha4beta7 selectivity were sensitive to the substituent R1-R3 in the structures 6, 7, and 8. Several compounds demonstrated low nanomolar balanced alpha4beta1/alpha4beta7 in vitro activity. Two compounds were selected for in vivo leukocytosis studies and demonstrated increases in circulating lymphocytes up to 250% over control.  相似文献   

Two structural classes of dual alpha4beta1/alpha4beta7 integrin antagonists were investigated via solid-phase parallel synthesis. Using an acylated amino acid backbone, lead compounds containing biphenylalanine or tyrosine carbamate scaffolds were optimized for inhibition of alpha4beta1/VCAM and alpha4beta7/MAdCAM. A comparison of the structure-activity relationships in the inhibition of the alpha4beta7/MAdCAM interaction for substituted amines employed in both scaffolds suggests a similar binding mode for the compounds.  相似文献   

The design, synthesis, and biological activity of novel alpha(4)beta(1) and alpha(4)beta(7) integrin antagonists, containing a bridged azabicyclic nucleus, are reported. Conformational analysis of targets containing an azabicyclo[2.2.2]octane carboxylic acid and known integrin antagonists indicated that this azabicycle would be a suitable molecular scaffold. Variation of substituents on the pendant arylsulfonamide and phenylalanine groups resulted in potent alpha(4)beta(1)-selective and dual alpha(4)beta(1)/alpha(4)beta(7) antagonists. Potent compounds 11i, 11h, and 14 were effective in the antigen-sensitized sheep model of asthma.  相似文献   

A characteristic feature of integrin-ligand interactions is the requirement for divalent cations. Putative cation binding sites have been identified in the alpha and beta subunit of the alpha4 integrins, alpha4beta1 and alpha4beta7, and within their ligands which display the tripeptide LDV in fibronectin and homologous motifs in VCAM-1 and MAdCAM-1. The extracellular domain of the murine and human alpha4-subunit contains three conserved LDV motifs, designated LDV-1 to -3. Using site directed mutagenesis and transfection studies, we now examined the functional relevance of the LDV motifs for alpha4beta7 integrins. We present evidence that LDV-1 mutants (D489N) behave like alpha4 wt cells, but LDV-3 mutants (D811N) are impaired in alpha4beta7 integrin-triggered homotypic cell aggregation and in adhesion and spreading on alpha4 specific ligands. Further characterization of LDV-3 mutants revealed a defect in mAb-induced alpha4beta7-cell surface cluster formation. Mutation of the LDV-2 motif (D698N) caused loss of alpha4beta7 integrin cell surface expression. Our results indicate: (i) that LDV-3, located proximal to the cell membrane, is important for alpha4beta7 integrin-triggered functions and for lateral clustering and (ii) that LDV-2 affects alpha4beta7 heterodimer stability.  相似文献   

Using disulphide cysteine-based inhibitors as lead structures, this communication describes our strategy for identifying more stable, potent antagonists of the alpha4beta1 integrin. These studies ultimately discovered potent, low molecular weight inhibitors based on D-thioproline-L-tyrosine.  相似文献   

Acyclic, disulphide derivatives of cysteine have been identified as moderately potent antagonists of alpha4beta1-mediated leukocyte cell adhesion to VCAM. This communication describes how they were discovered from a simple L-cystine derivative and using the structure-activity data of C*DThioPC* related cyclic peptides.  相似文献   

The alpha(4)beta(1) and alpha(4)beta(7) integrins are implicated in several inflammatory disease states. Systematic SAR studies of an alpha(4)beta(1)-specific arylsulfonyl-Pro-Tyr lead led to the identification of a new alpha(4)beta(7) binding site, best captured by O-carbamates of Tyr for this structural class. Several compounds showed a 200- to 400-fold improvement in alpha(4)beta(7) binding affinity while maintaining subnanomolar alpha(4)beta(1) activity, for example 2l, VCAM-Ig alpha(4)beta(1) IC(50)=0.13 nM, VCAM-Ig alpha(4)beta(7) IC(50)=1.92 nM.  相似文献   

Terephthalic acid based derivatives containing beta- and gamma-amino acid residues were prepared as antagonists of the leukocyte cell adhesion process that is mediated through the interaction of the very late antigen 4 (VLA-4) and the vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM-1). The compounds 2, 10-12, 14, and 16-17 inhibited the adhesion in a cell based assay in the low and sub micromolar range.  相似文献   

N-(3,5-Dichlorophenylsulfonyl)-(R)-thioprolyl biarylalanine 10a has been identified as a potent and specific antagonist of the alpha(4)beta(1) integrin. Altering the configuration of thioproline from R to S led to a series of dual antagonists of alpha(4)beta(1) and alpha(4)beta(7), and the N-acetyl analogue 8b was found to be the most potent dual antagonist. A binding site model for alpha(4)beta(1) and alpha(4)beta(7) is proposed to explain the structure-activity relationship.  相似文献   

Integrins are cell adhesion receptors that mediate cell-to-cell, or cell-to-extracellular matrix adhesion. They represent an attractive target for treatment of multiple diseases. Two classes of small molecule integrin inhibitors have been developed. Competitive antagonists bind directly to the integrin ligand binding pocket and thus disrupt the ligand-receptor interaction. Allosteric antagonists have been developed primarily for α(L)β(2)- integrin (LFA-1, lymphocyte function-associated antigen-1). Here we present the results of screening the Prestwick Chemical Library using a recently developed assay for the detection of α(4)β(1)-integrin allosteric antagonists. Secondary assays confirmed that the compounds identified: 1) do not behave like competitive (direct) antagonists; 2) decrease ligand binding affinity for VLA-4 ~2 orders of magnitude; 3) exhibit antagonistic properties at low temperature. In a cell based adhesion assay in vitro, the compounds rapidly disrupted cellular aggregates. In accord with reports that VLA-4 antagonists in vivo induce mobilization of hematopoietic progenitors into the peripheral blood, we found that administration of one of the compounds significantly increased the number of colony-forming units in mice. This effect was comparable to AMD3100, a well known progenitor mobilizing agent. Because all the identified compounds are structurally related, previously used, or currently marketed drugs, this result opens a range of therapeutic possibilities for VLA-4-related pathologies.  相似文献   

The alpha 6 beta 4 integrin and epithelial cell migration.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although the involvement of alpha 6 beta 4, an integrin laminin receptor, in hemidesmosome organization has dominated the study of this integrin, recent studies are revealing novel functions for alpha 6 beta 4 in the migration of epithelial and carcinoma cells. The engagement of laminin by alpha 6 beta 4 can stabilize actin-rich protrusions and mediate traction forces necessary for cell movement. This integrin also has a significant impact on signaling molecules that stimulate migration and invasion, especially PI3-K and Rho GTPases. Activation of PI3-K by alpha 6 beta 4 enhances the formation of actin protrusions, and it may stimulate the function of other integrins, such as alpha 3 beta 1, that are also important for epithelial migration. Signaling through alpha 6 beta 4 may not always depend on the adhesive functions of this integrin, a possibility that has profound implications for migration and invasion because it implies that the ability of alpha 6 beta 4 to stimulate these processes is not limited to specific matrix environments.  相似文献   

The leukocyte integrin alpha 4 beta 1 (VLA-4, CD49d/CD29) is a receptor for the extracellular matrix protein fibronectin and the endothelial adhesion protein VCAM-1. We have analyzed the biosynthesis and post-translational modifications of the two subunits of this receptor complex. The alpha 4 subunit was initially synthesized as a single-chain polypeptide that underwent the formation of complex endoglycosidase H-resistant oligosaccharide side chains and which could be proteolytically cleaved into two noncovalently associated fragments. The level and rate of alpha 4 subunit cleavage was dependent on the cell studied. The T cell tumor line HPB-ALL expressed both intact and fragmented alpha 4 on the cell surface. The interleukin-2-dependent natural killer line NK 3.3 and long term interleukin-2-dependent activated T lymphocytes cleaved the alpha 4 polypeptide earlier and more efficiently than did HPB-ALL cells and did not have detectable levels of intact alpha 4 on the cell surface. The proteolysis of alpha 4 was blocked by treating cells with either the lysosomotrophic amine NH4Cl or the carboxylic ionophore monensin. The presence of complex N-linked oligosaccharides did not seem to be necessary for alpha 4 cleavage or for binding of the alpha 4 beta 1 complex to a synthetic peptide corresponding to the binding site for this receptor on fibronectin.  相似文献   

In normal epithelial cells, integrin α(6)β(4) is abundantly expressed and forms hemidesmosomes, which is a cellular structure that mediates cell-extracellular matrix binding. In many types of cancer cells, integrin α(6)β(4) is up-regulated, laminin is cleaved, and hemidesmosomes are disrupted, eventually causing an enhancement of cancer cell movement and facilitation of their invasion. We previously showed that the immunoglobulin-like cell adhesion molecule Necl-2 (Nectin-like molecule 2), known as a tumor suppressor, inhibits cancer cell movement by suppressing the ErbB3/ErbB2 signaling. We show here that Necl-2 interacts in cis with integrin α(6)β(4). The binding of Necl-2 with integrin β(4) was mediated by its extracellular region. In human colorectal adenocarcinoma Caco-2 cells, integrin α(6)β(4) was localized at hemidesmosomes. Small interfering RNA-mediated suppression of Necl-2 expression enhanced the phorbol ester-induced disruption of the integrin α(6)β(4) complex at hemidesmosomes, whereas expression of Necl-2 suppressed the disruption of this structure. These results indicate that tumor-suppressive functions of Necl-2 are mediated by the stabilization of the hemidesmosome structure in addition to the inhibition of the ErbB3/ErbB2 signaling.  相似文献   

A function for the integrin alpha 6 beta 4 in the hemidesmosome.   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
Many epithelial cells appear to use cell-substratum adhesion complexes known as hemidesmosomes as the main means of anchorage to the connective tissue. Initially recognized as distinctive electron-dense images, hemidesmosomes are still poorly understood at the biochemical level. The regulation and mode of their assembly, which is disrupted in certain blistering diseases and is critical to proper wound repair, also remains to be elucidated. The integrin alpha 6 beta 4 is expressed along the basal surface of various epithelial cells. We show here that this integrin localizes to hemidesmosomes as determined by immunoelectron microscopy using antibodies directed against both the extra- and intracytoplasmic domains of alpha 6 beta 4. This result, which agrees with a recent study, suggests a functional role for the alpha 6 beta 4 integrin in the hemidesmosomes. We therefore investigated such a potential role for this integrin using the cultured rat bladder carcinoma cell line 804G, which has the uncommon ability to form hemidesmosomes in vitro when maintained on uncoated glass substrates. By immunoprecipitation and immunofluorescence, we show that 804G cells express alpha 6 beta 4 along their basal surface in a punctate pattern that overlaps with the distribution of hemidesmosomal plaque antigens. However, this pattern is altered when cells are plated in the presence of an antiserum directed against alpha 6 beta 4. Furthermore, no hemidesmosomes are detectable at the ultrastructural level in the alpha 6 beta 4 antibody-treated cells compared with control cells. These results indicate that integrins may play a critical role in assembly and adhesive functions of the hemidesmosome.  相似文献   

Structural modification and cellular adhesion inhibition activities of pyridazinone-substituted phenylalanine amide alpha(4) integrin antagonists are described. Functionality requirements for the arylamide moiety and the carboxylic acid group were demonstrated. The study also revealed novel structure-activity relationships (SAR) for arylated pyridazinones. A correlation between bioavailability and permeability was also explored. A selected compound showed effectiveness in a mouse leukocytosis study.  相似文献   

Piperidinyl carboxylic acid-based derivatives were prepared as antagonists of the leukocyte cell adhesion process that is mediated through the interaction of the alpha(4)beta(1) integrin (VLA-4, very late antigen 4) and the vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM-1). Compounds 2a-h inhibited the adhesion in a cell-based assay in the low and sub micromolar range, a pharmacokinetic study of 2d is reported.  相似文献   

Dynamics of the alpha6beta4 integrin in keratinocytes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The integrin alpha6beta4 has been implicated in two apparently contrasting processes, i.e., the formation of stable adhesions, and cell migration and invasion. To study the dynamic properties of alpha6beta4 in live cells two different beta4-chimeras were stably expressed in beta4-deficient PA-JEB keratinocytes. One chimera consisted of full-length beta4 fused to EGFP at its carboxy terminus (beta4-EGFP). In a second chimera the extracellular part of beta4 was replaced by EGFP (EGFP-beta4), thereby rendering it incapable of associating with alpha6 and thus of binding to laminin-5. Both chimeras induce the formation of hemidesmosome-like structures, which contain plectin and often also BP180 and BP230. During cell migration and division, the beta4-EGFP and EGFP-beta4 hemidesmosomes disappear, and a proportion of the beta4-EGFP, but not of the EGFP-beta4 molecules, become part of retraction fibers, which are occasionally ripped from the cell membrane, thereby leaving "footprints" of the migrating cell. PA-JEB cells expressing beta4-EGFP migrate considerably more slowly than those that express EGFP-beta4. Studies with a beta4-EGFP mutant that is unable to interact with plectin and thus with the cytoskeleton (beta4(R1281W)-EGFP) suggest that the stabilization of the interaction between alpha6beta4 and LN-5, rather than the increased adhesion to LN-5, is responsible for the inhibition of migration. Consistent with this, photobleaching and recovery experiments revealed that the interaction of beta4 with plectin renders the bond between alpha6beta4 and laminin-5 more stable, i.e., beta4-EGFP is less dynamic than beta4(R1281W)-EGFP. On the other hand, when alpha6beta4 is bound to laminin-5, the binding dynamics of beta4 to plectin are increased, i.e., beta4-EGFP is more dynamic than EGFP-beta4. We suggest that the stability of the interaction between alpha6beta4 and laminin-5 is influenced by the clustering of alpha6beta4 through the deposition of laminin-5 underneath the cells. This clustering ultimately determines whether alpha6beta4 will inhibit cell migration or not.  相似文献   

Integrin alpha4beta1 is a major leukocyte adhesion receptor that is a key target for the development of anti-inflammatory therapeutics. With the dual long-term goals of developing a reagent for use in high-throughput inhibitor screening assays and for crystallisation trials and subsequent structure determination, we have generated a recombinant soluble alpha4beta1 receptor. Both subunits were truncated prior to the transmembrane domains by site-directed mutagenesis and expressed using baculovirus infection of insect cells. The molecular weights of the recombinant subunits were as expected for post-translationally unmodified protein. In addition, as observed for the native subunit, a proportion of the alpha4 subunit was proteolytically processed into two fragments. ELISA and solid phase ligand-binding assays were performed to investigate the folding and functionality of the soluble integrin. The data suggest that the receptor was correctly folded and that it bound recombinant ligands with similar kinetics to the native molecule.  相似文献   

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