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The biosynthesis of lysosomal acid phosphatase was studied in a normal human embryonic lung cell line, WI-38. Cells were labeled with radioactive leucine under a variety of conditions, the enzyme was immunoprecipitated using a monospecific antiserum raised against human liver lysosomal acid phosphatase, and the products were separated by electrophoresis and were visualized by fluorography. Lysosomal acid phosphatase constitutes 60% of the total tartrate-inhibitable acid phosphatase in WI-38. It is initially synthesized as a high-molecular-weight precursor polypeptide of 69 kDa. The precursor polypeptide is rapidly glycosylated and processed to a mature enzyme of 53-45 kDa via intermediates of 65 and 60 kDa in WI-38 cells. The 69-kDa precursor polypeptide is also converted to larger precursor polypeptides of 74 and 80 kDa. The multiplicity of precursor polypeptides is due at least in part to differences in the glycosylation and phosphorylation of the polypeptides. Sensitivity of phosphorylated oligosaccharide chains from precursor, mature and small polypeptides to endo-beta-hexosaminidase H-catalyzed cleavage suggests the presence of high-mannose phosphorylated oligosaccharide chains similar to those present on many other lysosomal enzymes. The effects of tunicamycin and ammonium chloride were also studied. In contrast to the effect of ammonium chloride on arylsulfatase A secretion, the lysosomal acid phosphatase in WI-38 cells was not secreted in the presence of NH4Cl. This is consistent with the existence of an alternate route for the transfer of lysosomal acid phosphatase into lysosomes. This alternate route may be the reason that I-cell fibroblasts contain a normal level of lysosomal acid phosphatase.  相似文献   

Acid phosphatase in rat liver lysosomal contents, C-APase I, was purified about 5,700-fold over the homogenate with 8.0% recovery, to apparent homogeneity as determined from the pattern on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence and in the absence of SDS. The purification procedures included; preparation of crude lysosomal contents, DEAE-Sephacel ion exchange chromatography, hydroxylapatite chromatography, and gel filtration with Sephacryl S-300. The enzyme is composed of three identical subunits with an apparent molecular weight of 48K. The enzyme contains about 11% carbohydrate and the carbohydrate moiety was composed of mannose, fucose, N-acetylglucosamine, and N-acetylgalactosamine in a molar ratio of 20:3:11:1. Sialic acid was not detected in the enzyme. Antisera against the purified C-APase I were raised in goat and the C-APase I was rapidly purified with high yield (10%) by using the specific antibodies coupled to Sepharose 6B.  相似文献   

Synopsis A modified lysosomal fragility test is described which is suitable for use with cultured cells. The permeability (fragility) of the lysosomal membranes of the cells to the substrate -glycerophosphate is measured by assessing the degree of particulate lysosomal staining seen after exposing the cells to the Gomori acid phosphatase staining reaction under carefully controlled conditions. Monolayer cultures of endothelioid cells from the hearts of neonatal rats have been used in all experiments. The time-course of lysosomal staining for cells exposed to various treatments (normal saline, isotonic sucrose, 0.25 M sucrose, distilled water, acetate buffer pH 5.0, cold acetone, neutral formalin, acetic-ethanol, Triton X-100, hydrocortisone, chloroquine and vitamin A) was compared with that of control cells stained under identical conditions. Statistical differences in staining between the test and control cells were determined by the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test and also by regression analysis following a transformation designed to allow for the saturation character of the reaction. The success of the modified technique depends upon meticulous methodology. It is capable of demonstrating both lysosomal membrane labilization and stabilization, second- and third-stage lysosomal activation, and apparent lysosomal enzyme loss or destructionin situ. The technique also allows the degree of reversible or first-stage lysosomal activation to be subdivided on an almost continuous basis and is suitable for investigating the effects of drugs and other agents on the integrity of the lysosomein situ.  相似文献   

Summary Acid phosphatase activity is prominent in osteoclasts (bone resorbing cells) and has been implicated in the process of bone resorption, although its precise role is not understood. To study the distribution and activity of this enzyme, a quantitative cytochemical method has been developed using undecalcified fresh frozen sections of foetal rat calvariae. Sections were allowed to react with 3mm naphthol ASBI phosphate at pH 5.0, and the reaction was stopped by rinsing in ice-cold tap water containing 50mm sodium fluoride. The reaction product was post-coupled to Fast Garnet at 4°C. The absorbance of areas of reaction product in the cytoplasm was measured using scanning and integrating microdensitometry. The initial velocity rate was maintained for up to 2 min at pH 5.0 with a substrate concentration of 3mm and a section thickness of 5 µm. Under these conditions reaction product was localized to osteoclasts and the surface of bone matrix beneath these cells. Activities in osteoblasts and chondrocytes were negligible. Osteoclastic acid phosphatase was almost totally inhibited by 10mm fluoride and reduced by 70% by 100mm tartrate.  相似文献   

Analytical subcellular fractionation is playing an increasingly important role in proteomic studies to identify and validate components of cellular organelles. For lysosomes, definitive studies in this area have been restricted to rodent tissues due to technical constraints. Our goal was to design a quantitative assay that would allow clear demonstration of lysosomal localization in cultured human cells. We found that culturing HepG2 (human hepatocellular carcinoma) cells in progesterone-containing medium elicited an extensive shift in the buoyant density of lysosomes as measured by isopycnic centrifugation in sucrose density gradients. The density of other organelles remained essentially unchanged; thus, this shift represents a specific test for lysosomal localization. Progesterone treatment of a variety of other cultured cells also elicited a shift in lysosome density. This approach should represent a valuable tool for identification and validation of both luminal and membrane lysosomal proteins.  相似文献   

Methylated amino acids inhibit lysosomal function in cultured rat heart myocytes more effectively than the classically employed lysosomotropic weak bases. Moreover, L-leucine methyl ester (L-Leu-OMe) or L-methionine methyl ester (L-Meth-OMe) do not alter lysosomal pH or inactivate lysosomal cysteine proteinases, but do inhibit protein degradation more efficiently than either chloroquine or NH4Cl. These observations suggest that amino acid methyl esters are more effective probes to investigate lysosomal function in cultured myocytes than chloroquine or NH4Cl.  相似文献   

When rat hepatocytes were cultured in the presence of various specific protease inhibitors, lysosomal acid phospholipase A1 activity decreased progressively. Exposure of the cultured cells to 0.1 micrograms/ml of pepstatin, E 64, leupeptin or chymostatin also reduced the catalytic activities of several lysosomal marker enzymes. Irrespective of the protease inhibitor type employed, acid phospholipase A1 activity reacted most sensitively, followed by acid phosphatase, acid beta-N-acetyl-D-hexosaminidase and acid beta-glucuronidase. Of the protease inhibitors studied, pepstatin appeared to be most potent in reducing lysosomal enzyme activities in cultured hepatocytes. These findings suggest that proteolytic processes at as yet unknown, possibly extralysosomal sites play an important role in the turnover rates of lysosomal enzymes.  相似文献   

Monolayer cultures of fetal rat myocardial cells can be utilized to examine substrate preferences and interactions. The specific activity of glucose oxidation by myocardial cell cultures was high in sparse cultures but decreased with increased cell density. In contrast, palmitate oxidation was independent of initial cell density. Palmitate inhibited glucose oxidation by 50% in rat heart cultures. Glucose had only a slight sparing effect on palmitate oxidation. This suggests that fetal and newborn rat myocardial cells in culture preferentially oxidize palmitate similar to adult heart. The sparing effect of palmitate on glucose oxidation is accounted for by inhibition of the glycolytic-aerobic pathway and not by inhibition of the pentose phosphate pathway. Data on oxidation of 14C-pyruvate specifically labelled suggest that palmitate or a product of its oxidation such as acetyl-CoA may be acting directly to inhibit the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex. Palmitate oxidation per mg of cell protein was constant from 15 days gestational age to 2 days postnatal age. The observed differences between cultured cells and the intact heart may relate to decreased aerobic metabolism in monolayer cell culture and suggest that the increase in fatty acid oxidation observed in vivo is controlled by the oxygen environment of the cell. These studies show that heart cells in monolayer culture can be utilized to obtain metabolic information similar to an adult organ perfusion model.  相似文献   

Targeting of lysosomal acid phosphatase with altered carbohydrate   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Human lysosomal acid phosphatase is transported as a transmembrane protein to lysosomes, where it is converted into a soluble protein by a limited proteolysis (Waheed et al., 1988, EMBO J. 7, 2351-2358). Transport of human lysosomal acid phosphatase in heterologous BHK-21 cells was examined under conditions that impair mannose-6-phosphate receptor-dependent transport, N-glycosylation or processing of N-linked oligosaccharides. Targeting of lysosomal acid phosphatase to lysosomes was neither affected by antibodies blocking the mannose-6-phosphate/IGF II receptor, nor by NH4Cl, which inhibited the mannose-6-phosphate receptor-dependent targeting of soluble lysosomal enzymes. 1-Deoxynojirimycin, 1-deoxymannojirimycin and swainsonine inhibited processing of N-linked oligosaccharides in lysosomal acid phosphatase without significantly affecting its transport. Tunicamycin inhibited N-glycosylation of lysosomal acid phosphatase. The non-glycosylated lysosomal acid phosphatase polypeptides accumulated within light membranes and were not transported to dense lysosomes. These results indicate that transport of lysosomal acid phosphatase is independent of mannose-6-phosphate receptors, does not involve an acid pH-dependent step and does not require processing of N-linked oligosaccharides. N-glycosylation appears to be necessary to achieve a transport competent form of lysosomal acid phosphatase.  相似文献   

Studies on lysosomal acid phosphatase in virus infected HEp-2 cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
M W Reeves  G C Chang 《Microbios》1971,4(15):167-179

A fibroblast-like BHK-21 (C-13) line, grown as monolayer on glass cover-slips, was incubated for the demonstration of acid phosphatase by the lead capture method. The density of final reaction product was measured with a scanning microdensitometer. A peak absorption was found at 510 nm. The extinction of discrete areas of stain was within the range of linear response of the instrument. The frequency distribution of the density of reaction product in 100 cells was normal (Gaussian), and the density increased linearly with incubation time. It is concluded that this method is valid for the measurement of the density of lead sulphide reaction product in cultured cells.  相似文献   

We present a simple, noninvasive, nondestructive all-purpose method for the quantitative evaluation of functional effects of xenobiotics with cultured cells and the work station for its routine, easy implementation. At present 1 to 150 cells growing in one to six dishes can be studied in parallel or otherwise at time intervals ranging from 10 s to 6 h or more, over periods of time ranging from a few tens of minutes to 3–4 days. Any aspect of cell physiological behavior can be studied (differentiation-dedifferentiation, migration, division, degeneration, death) without preliminary staining and/or fixation provided it results in optically visible changes.  相似文献   

In this work, we developed a novel enzymatic method for measuring phosphatidic acid (PA) in cultured cells. The enzymatic reaction sequence of the method involves hydrolysis of PA to produce glycerol-3-phosphate (G3P), which is then oxidized by G3P oxidase to generate hydrogen peroxide. In the presence of peroxidase, hydrogen peroxide reacted with Amplex Red to produce highly fluorescent resorufin. We found that lipase from Pseudomonas sp. can completely hydrolyze PA to G3P and FAs. The calibration curve for PA measurement was linear between 20 and 250 µM, and the detection limit was 5 µM (50 pmol in the reaction mixture). We also modified the method for the enzymatic measurement of lysophosphatidic acid. By this new method, we determined the PA content in the lipid extract from HEK293 cells. The cellular content of PA was decreased with increasing cell density but not correlated with the proliferation rate. The diacylglycerol kinase inhibitor R59949 markedly reduced the cellular PA content, suggesting the diacylglycerol kinase activity was involved in a large part of the PA production in HEK293 cells. This novel method for PA quantification is simple, rapid, specific, sensitive, and high-throughput and will help to study the biological functions of PA and its related enzymes.  相似文献   

The interaction of T-killers with target cells was studied to reveal the biochemical changes in the latter. On specific binding of target cells with T-killers the activity in target cells of cAMP phosphodiesterase increased 2.1-fold, the level of cAMP decreased 1.5-fold, the adenylate cyclase activity decreased 2.0-fold, the phosphorylation of intracellular proteins decreased 1.8-fold, the cAMP-dependent protein kinase activity decreased 1.7-fold. No change in the activity of lysosomal enzymes was observed. At the "independent target cells lysis" stage the level of cAMP increased 1.8-fold, the phosphodiesterase activity decreased 1.7-fold, the cAMP-dependent protein kinase activity increased 1.8-fold, the released activity of acid phosphatase increased up to 40% compared with the control cells. In the presence of 1 mM dibutyryl cAMP the released activity of the acid phosphatase in target cells was inhibited by 29%, the target cells lysis was decreased by 23,5%. The data obtained allowed to suppose that the activation of the host lysosomal enzymes causes target cells autolysis and that cAMP takes part in the regulation of these processes.  相似文献   

Walter Halperin 《Planta》1969,88(2):91-102
Summary Acid phosphatase localization has been studied, using the lead salt method, in suspension-cultured cells of the wild carrot. Enzyme activity in most of the cells was restricted to the walls and vacuoles. However, in some senescent cells activity was also seen in the nucleus, at one face of the dictyosomes, and in nearby dictyosome-derived vesciles.The activity in the walls was closely associated with the central portion of the wall which ultimately disintegrates in auxin-containing media. However, the large vesicles which accumulate in this portion of the wall as it breaks down never showed acid phosphatase activity, nor did the multivesicular bodies which appear to transfer vesicular material into the wall space. Although multivesicular bodies in plant cells resemble the multivesicular lysosomes of animal cells, no evidence could be obtained in this study for the presence in such bodies of hydrolytic enzymes.  相似文献   

A cytochemical fluorescence method is described that makes possible simple, rapid, and specific demonstration and measurement of the activities of a wide variety of lysosomal enzymes in single cells using 4-methylumbelliferyl derivatives as substrates. The validity of the method and a number of applications using normal and mutant human cells are presented.  相似文献   

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