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Escherichia coli strains were grown in batch cultures in different media, and cell size and DNA content were analyzed by flow cytometry. Steady-state growth required large dilutions and incubation for many generations at low cell concentrations. In rich media, both cell size and DNA content started to decrease at low cell concentrations, long before the cultures left the exponential growth phase. Stationary-phase cultures contained cells with several chromosomes, even after many days, and stationary-phase populations exclusively composed of cells with a single chromosome were never observed, regardless of growth medium. The cells usually contained only one nucleoid, as visualized by phase and fluorescence microscopy. The results have implications for the use of batch cultures to study steady-state and balanced growth and to determine mutation and recombination frequencies in stationary phase.  相似文献   

By repeating the cycle of mutagenesis and selection, the Escherichia coli dnaQ49 mutator acquired high level resistance to ampicillin (30,000 micrograms ml-1), streptomycin (26,000 micrograms ml-1) and ofloxacin (3000 micrograms ml-1). Under the strong pressure of ofloxacin, dnaQ49 also followed the history of mutations in the gyrase and topoisomerase i.v. genes previously observed in clinical isolates of quinolone-resistant E. coli. The results of these in vitro experiments suggest that naturally existing mutators may participate in the rapid acquisition of resistance to various antibiotics in patients. A possible mechanism for the occurrence of this adaptability is discussed with special reference to the property of mutagenesis accompanying DNA replication.  相似文献   

Summary The dnaQ (mutD) gene product which encodes the -subunit of the DNA polymerase III holoenzyme has a central role in controlling the fidelity of DNA replication because both mutD5 and dnaQ49 mutations severely decrease the 3–5 exonucleolytic editing capacity.It is shown in this paper that more than 95% of all anaQ49-induced base pair substitutions are transversions of the types G:C-T:A and A:T-T:A. Not only is this unusual mutational specificity precisely that observed recently for a number of potent carcinogens such as benzo(a) pyrene diolepoxide (BPDE) and aflatoxin B1 (AFB1), which are dependent on the SOS system to mutagenize bacteria, but it is also seen for the constitutively expressed SOS mutator activity in E. coli tif-1 strains as well as for the SOS mutator activity mediated gap filling of apurinic sites. Because the G:C-T:A and A:T-T:A transversions can either result from the insertion of an adenine across from apurinic sites or arise due to the incorporation of syn-adenine opposite a purine base, we postulate that the DNA polymerase III holoenzyme also has a reduced discrimination ability in a dnaQ49 background.The introduction of a lexA (Ind-) allele, which prevents the expression of SOS functions, led to a significant reduction in the dnaQ49-caused mutator effect.Both, the mutational specificity observed and the partial lexA + dependence of the mutator effect provoke a reanalysis of the hypothesis that the DNA polymerase III holoenzyme can be converted into the postulated but until now unidentified SOS polymerase.  相似文献   

The high fidelity of DNA replication in Escherichia coli is ensured by the alpha (DnaE) and epsilon (DnaQ) subunits of DNA polymerase providing insertion fidelity, 3'-->5' exonuclease proofreading activity, and by the dam-directed mismatch repair system. dnaQ49 is a recessive allele that confers a temperature-sensitive proofreading phenotype resulting in a high rate of spontaneous mutations and chronic induction of the SOS response. The aim of this study was to analyse the mutational specificity of dnaQ49 in umuDC and DeltaumuDC backgrounds at 28 and 37 degrees C in a system developed by J.H. Miller. We confirmed that the mutator activity of dnaQ49 was negligible at 28 degrees C and fully expressed at 37 degrees C. Of the six possible base pair substitutions, only GC-->AT transitions and GC-->TA and AT-->TA transversions were appreciably increased. However, the most numerous mutations were frameshifts, -1G deletions and +1A insertions. All mutations which increased in response to dnaQ49 damage were to a various extent umuDC-dependent, especially -1G deletions. This type of mutations decreased in CC108dnaQ49DeltaumuDC to 10% of the value found in CC108dnaQ49umuDC+ and increased in the presence of plasmids producing UmuD'C or UmuDC proteins. In the recovery of dnaQ49 mutator activity the plasmid harbouring umuD'C genes was more effective than the one harbouring umuDC. Analysis of mutational specificity of pol III with defective epsilon subunit indicates that continuation of DNA replication is allowed past G:T, C:T, T:T (or C:A, G:A, A:A) mismatches but does not allow for acceptance of T:C, C:C, A:C (or A:G, G:G, T:G) (the underlined base is in the template strand).  相似文献   

Induction of acid tolerance response (ATR) of exponential-phase Escherichia coli K-12 cells grown and adapted at different conditions was examined. The highest level of protection against pH 2.5 challenges was obtained after adaptation at pH 4.5-4.9 for 60 min. To study the genetic systems, which could be involved in the development of log-phase ATR, we investigated the acid response of E. coli acid resistance (AR) mutants. The activity of the glutamate-dependent system was observed in exponential cells grown at pH 7.0 and acid adapted at pH 4.5 in minimal medium. Importantly, log-phase cells exhibited significant AR when grown in minimal medium pH 7.0 and challenged at pH 2.5 for 2 h without adaptation. This AR required the glutamate-dependent AR system. Acid protection was largely dependent on RpoS in unadapted and adapted cells grown in minimal medium. RpoS-dependent oxidative, glutamate and arginine-dependent decarboxylase AR systems were not involved in triggering log-phase ATR in cells grown in rich medium. Cells adapted at pH 4.5 in rich medium showed a higher proton accumulation rate than unadapted cells as determined by proton flux assay. It is clear from our study that highly efficient mechanisms of protection are induced, operate and play the main role during log-phase ATR.  相似文献   

Summary A conditional lethal mutator, dnaQ49, was found in Escherichia coli K12. The dnaQ49 mutation caused stimulation of rifampicin-, nalidixic acid- and streptomycin-resistant mutation frequencies 100 to 2000 fold at 30°C and the frequencies were further increased 50 to 100 fold at 35°C or higher temperatures. Cells carrying dnaQ49 were unable to grown in salt-free L-broth at 44.5°C, and DNA synthesis but not protein synthesis of the cells was suppressed under the restrictive conditions. The dnaQ gene was located at about 5 min on the E. coli linkage map and the order of the genes residing in this region was determined to be on A-dnaE-metD-dnaQ-proA.  相似文献   

Tolerance to antimicrobial agents is a universal phenomenon in bacteria which are no longer multiplying or whose growth rate slows. Since slowly multiplying bacteria occur in clinical infections, extended periods of antimicrobial chemotherapy are needed to eradicate these organisms and to achieve cure. In this study, the molecular basis of antibiotic tolerance was investigated using transposon mutagenesis. We screened 5000 Escherichia coli Tn10Cam mutants for reduction of kanamycin tolerance in late stationary phase and found that 4935 mutants were able to grow to late stationary phase. Reduced tolerance was observed in nine mutants which became sensitive to killing by kanamycin. The mutant KS639 was the most sensitive one to kanamycin, and its genome was disrupted in an intergenic region which lies between aldB and yiaW open reading frames. This mutant showed increased sensitivity not only to kanamycin but also to gentamicin, ciprofloxacin and rifampicin. Reduced tolerance of KS639 to kanamycin was also observed in a murine thigh infection model. P1 transduction to the wild type strains confirmed that the intergenic region was responsible for the tolerance of the bacterium to antibiotics. Using PCR-directed one-step gene replacement, we inactivated the genes aldB, yiaW and yiaV. We also deleted the intergenic region. There was no difference in kanamycin tolerance between each mutant (DeltaaldB, DeltayiaW and DeltayiaV) and the parental strain. But the mutant lacking the intergenic region showed reduced tolerance to kanamycin. These data suggest that the intergenic region between aldB and yiaW genes may be involved in tolerance to antimicrobial agents in E. coli. Furthermore, they show that it is important in murine infection during antibiotic treatment and lead to a faster kill of the mutant bacteria.  相似文献   

A dominant (mutD5) and a recessive (dnaQ49) mutator of Escherichia coli   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
The two known strong mutators of Escherichia coli K12, mutD5 (Degnen & Cox, 1974) and dnaQ49 (Horiuchi et al., 1978), are located at almost the same position, at five minutes on the linkage map. To clarify the genetical and functional relationships between these two mutators, we have constructed hybrid plasmids and phages carrying dnaQ+ or mutD5 by using in vivo and in vitro recombination techniques and examined their effect on the phenotype of wild-type or mutant bacteria. The results indicated that the mutD5 mutator is dominant over the wild-type allele whereas dnaQ49 is recessive. Thus, mutD5 plasmid or mutD5 transducing lambda phage can be used to convert a wild-type strain to a highly mutable strain. Both dnaQ+ and mutD5 plasmids carried a 1.5 X 10(3) base DNA fragment derived from the E. coli chromosome and they were indistinguishable from each other by restriction enzyme analysis. Moreover, specific labeling of the plasmid-encoded proteins by the maxicell method revealed that the mutD5 plasmid codes for two proteins, one whose molecular weight is 25,000 and the other whose molecular weight is 21,000, which correspond to the dnaQ protein and RNase H, respectively. Insertion of the gamma delta sequence into the mutD gene of the plasmid resulted in disappearance of the 25,000 Mr protein. These results suggested that the dnaQ49 and mutD5 mutator are mutations that have arisen in a single gene, though they differ in many respects.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli strains carrying the temperature-dependent dnaQ49 allele are strong mutators at 37 degrees C. Since the dnaQ49 gene encodes the epsilon subunit of DNA polymerase III, it is thought that the large number of errors results in part from impaired proofreading activity during DNA replication. We have examined dnaQ49-induced reversion patterns of defined trpA alleles to determine the kinds of errors produced by dnaQ49 at 30 degrees C and 37 degrees C. We found that at 37 degrees C dnaQ49 produced all types of base-pair substitutions in addition to frameshifts with transitions generally occurring more frequently than transversions. This generalized mutator activity is very similar to that displayed in rich medium by mutD5, another mutator allele at the dnaQ locus. However, when dnaQ49 strains were cultured at 30 degrees C, not only were reversion frequencies much lower than at 37 degrees C, but in addition, the spectrum was altered. Transversions became proportionally more prevalent in the reversion spectra at the lower temperature. We suggest the possibility that at 37 degrees C dnaQ49 results in defective proofreading and methyl-directed postreplicative mismatch repair, while at 30 degrees C mismatch repair is fully and proofreading partially restored.  相似文献   

The time necessary to replicate the chromosome (C period) was measured in Escherichia coli B/r (ATCC 12407) and a low-thymine-requiring derivative of that strain. In the Thy- strain, C was measured as a function of growth rate and exogenous thymine concentration either from step-up or chloramphenicol experiments. In the Thy+ parental strain, C was measured only as a function of the growth rate and only by the chloramphenicol method. The C period was found to decrease with growth rate and, in the Thy- strain, the C period also decreased with increasing thymine concentration. It approached a value of approximately 37 min at high growth rates.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli W7 cells were found to release three different muropeptides into the culture medium: tetrapeptide (L-Ala-D-Glu-meso-diaminopimelic acid-D-Ala), tripeptide (L-Ala-D-Glu-meso-diaminopimelic acid), and a previously undescribed dipeptide (meso-diaminopimelic acid-D-Ala). From the rate of release of these three peptides, it was calculated that 6 to 8% of the murein in the sacculus was lost per generation.  相似文献   

Summary The nucleotide sequences of the recessivednaQ49 and the dominantmutD5 mutator were determined. ThednaQ49 mutator has a single base substitution in thednaQ gene, thus causing one amino acid change,96Val (GTG)→ Gly (GGG), in the DnaQ protein (ε subunit of DNA polymerase III holoenzyme). ThemutD5 mutator possesses two base substitutions in the same gene, resulting in two amino acid changes,73Leu (TTG)→Trp (TGG) and164Ala (GCA)→Val (GTA), which were designated themutD52 andmutD51 mutations, respectively. Construction of chimaeric genes carrying one or two of these mutations revealed: (1) eithermutD51 ormutD52 alone causes the dominant mutator phenotype when present in a multi-copy plasmid; (2)mutD51, but notmutD52, exerts the dominant mutator phenotype when present in a low-copy plasmid; (3) the dominantmutD51 mutator activity is suppressed by thednaQ49 mutation when both mutations are present in the same gene. Based on these findings, we devised a model for the action of these mutators.  相似文献   

The ability of stationary-phase cells of Escherichia coli W7 to incorporate radioactive precursors into macromolecular murein has been studied. During the initial 6 h of the stationary phase, resting cells incorporated meso-[3H]diaminopimelic acid at a rate corresponding to the insertion of 1.3 X 10(4) disaccharide units min-1 cell-1. Afterwards, the rate of incorporation dropped drastically (90%) to a low but still detectable level. Incorporation during stationary phase did not result in an increased amount of total murein in the culture, suggesting that it was related to a turnover process. Analysis of the effects of a number of beta-lactam antibiotics indicated that incorporation of murein precursors in stationary-phase cells was mediated by penicillin-binding proteins, suggesting that the activity of penicillin-binding protein 2 was particularly relevant to this process.  相似文献   

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