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The Drosophila fat facets gene encodes a deubiquitinating enzyme that regulates a cell communication pathway essential early during eye development to inhibit the determination of excess photoreceptors. Ubiquitin is a small polypeptide that tags proteins for degradation by a multisubunit proteolytic complex called the proteasome. The FAT FACETS protein is thought to be required to remove ubiquitin from a particular protein, thereby rescuing it from proteolysis. In order to identify the genes encoding the substrate of FAT FACETS and other components of the neural inhibition pathway, a mutagenesis screen for dominant enhancers of the fat facets mutant eye phenotype was performed. Several genes were identified, one of which is an excellent candidate for encoding a component of the pathway regulated by FAT FACETS. Three different eye phenotypes were observed when the fat facets mutants were dominantly enhanced by different mutations, suggesting that fat facets has other functions in addition to its critical role early in eye development. Dev. Genet. 21:167–174, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In an effort to identify the role of Rab11, a small GTP binding protein, during Drosophila differentiation, phenotypic manifestations associated with different alleles of Rab11 were studied. The phenotypes ranged from eye-defects, bristle abnormalities and sterility to lethality during various developmental stages. In this paper, our focus is targeted on eye defects caused by Rab11 mutations. A novel P-element insertion in the Rab11 locus, Rab11mo, displayed characteristic retinal anomalies, which could be reverted by P-element excision and expression of Rab11+ transgenes. During larval development, Rab11 is widely synthesized in photoreceptor cells and localizes to the rhabdomeres and lamina neuropil in adult eyes. Photoreceptors and associated bristles failed to be formed in homozygous clones generated in Rab11EP(3)3017 eyes. Decreased levels of Rab11 protein and increased cell death in Rab11mo third-instar larval eye-antennal discs suggest that the retinal defects originate during larval development. Our data indicate a requirement for Rab11 in ommatidial differentiation during Drosophila eye development.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The Drosophila eye is composed of about 800 ommatidia, each of which becomes dorsoventrally polarised in a process requiring signalling through the Notch, JAK/STAT and Wingless pathways. These three pathways are thought to act by setting up a gradient of a signalling molecule (or molecules) often referred to as the 'second signal'. Thus far, no candidate for a second signal has been identified. RESULTS: The four-jointed locus encodes a type II transmembrane protein that is expressed in a dorsoventral gradient in the developing eye disc. We have analysed the function and regulation of four-jointed during eye patterning. Loss-of-function clones or ectopic expression of four-jointed resulted in strong non-autonomous defects in ommatidial polarity on the dorsoventral axis. Ectopic expression experiments indicated that localised four-jointed expression was required at the time during development when ommatidial polarity was being determined. In contrast, complete removal of four-jointed function resulted in only a mild ommatidial polarity defect. Finally, we found that four-jointed expression was regulated by the Notch, JAK/STAT and Wingless pathways, consistent with it mediating their effects on ommatidial polarity. CONCLUSIONS: The clonal phenotypes, time of requirement and regulation of four-jointed are consistent with it acting in ommatidial polarity determination as a second signal downstream of Notch, JAK/STAT and Wingless. Interestingly, it appears to act redundantly with unknown factors in this process, providing an explanation for the previous failure to identify a second signal.  相似文献   

Shi W  Stampas A  Zapata C  Baker NE 《Genetics》2003,165(4):1869-1879
Each ommatidium of the Drosophila eye is constructed by precisely 19 specified precursor cells, generated in part during a second mitotic wave of cell divisions that overlaps early stages of ommatidial cell specification. Homozygotes for the pineapple eye mutation lack sufficient precursor cells due to apoptosis during the period of fate specification. In addition development is delayed by apoptosis during earlier imaginal disc growth. Null alleles are recessive lethal and allelic to l(2)31Ek; heteroallelic combinations can show developmental delay, abnormal eye development, and reduced fertility. Mosaic clones autonomously show extensive cell death. The pineapple eye gene was identified and predicted to encode a novel 582-amino-acid protein. The protein contains a novel, cysteine-rich domain of 270 amino acids also found in predicted proteins of unknown function from other animals.  相似文献   

 We have studied the role of the wingless gene in embryonic brain development of Drosophila. wingless is expressed in a large domain in the anlage of the protocerebrum and also transiently in smaller domains in the anlagen of the deutocerebrum and tritocerebrum. Elimination of the wingless gene in null mutants has dramatic effects on the developing protocerebrum; although initially generated, approximately one half of the protocerebrum is deleted in wingless null mutants by apoptotic cell death at late embryonic stages. Using temperature sensitive mutants, a rescue of the mutant phenotype can be achieved by stage-specific expression of functional wingless protein during embryonic stages 9–10. This time period correlates with that of neuroblast specification but preceeds the generation and subsequent loss of protocerebral neurons. Ectopic wingless over-expression in gain-of-function mutants results in dramatically oversized CNS. We conclude that wingless is required for the development of the anterior protocerebral brain region in Drosophila. We propose that an important role of wingless in this part of the developing brain is the determination of neural cell fate. Received: 7 October 1997 / Accepted: 30 December 1997  相似文献   

The correct targeting of photoreceptor neurons (R-cells) in the developing Drosophila visual system requires multiple guidance systems in the eye-brain complex as well as the precise organization of the target area. Here, we report that the egghead (egh) gene, encoding a glycosyltransferase, is required for a compartment boundary between lamina glia and lobula cortex, which is necessary for appropriate R1-R6 innervation of the lamina. In the absence of egh, R1-R6 axons form a disorganized lamina plexus and some R1-R6 axons project abnormally to the medulla instead of the lamina. Mosaic analysis demonstrates that this is not due to a loss of egh function in the eye or in the neurons and glia of the lamina. Rather, as indicated by clonal analysis and cell-specific genetic rescue experiments, egh is required in cells of the lobula complex primordium which transiently abuts the lamina and medulla in the developing larval brain. In the absence of egh, perturbation of sheath-like glial processes occurs at the boundary region delimiting lamina glia and lobula cortex, and inappropriate invasion of lobula cortex cells across this boundary region disrupts the pattern of lamina glia resulting in inappropriate R1-R6 innervation. This finding underscores the importance of the lamina/lobula compartment boundary in R1-R6 axon targeting.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Centrosomes, the major organizers of the microtubule network in most animal cells, are composed of centrioles embedded in a web of pericentriolar material (PCM). Recruitment and stabilization of PCM on the centrosome is a centriole-dependent function. Compared to the considerable number of PCM proteins known, the molecular characterization of centrioles is still very limited. Only a few centriolar proteins have been identified so far in Drosophila, most related to centriole duplication. RESULTS: We have cloned asterless (asl) and found that it encodes a 120 kD highly coiled-coil protein that is a constitutive pancentriolar and basal body component. Loss of asl function impedes the stabilization/maintenance of PCM at the centrosome. In embryos deficient for Asl, development is arrested right after fertilization. Asl shares significant homology with Cep 152, a protein described as a component of the human centrosome for which no functional data is yet available. CONCLUSIONS: The cloning of asl offers new insight into the molecular composition of Drosophila centrioles and a possible model for the role of its human homolog. In addition, the phenotype of asl-deficient flies reveals that a functional centrosome is required for Drosophila embryo development.  相似文献   

 The Drosophila gene shuttle craft (stc) is expressed zygotically in the embryonic central nervous system (CNS) where it is required to maintain the proper morphology of motoneuronal axon nerve routes following their migration from the ventral cord. Here, we report that a prominent maternal source of STC protein is also present throughout both oogenesis and embryogenesis. To determine whether this maternal component is required in the ovary and/or embryo, we used the Drosophila autosomal dominant female sterile technique to generate germ-line clones that lacked the stc maternal function. Our results demonstrate that a maternally derived source of STC protein is required during embryogenesis but not oogenesis. In contrast to the zygotic phenotype, the primary defect in embryos derived from stc germ-line clones affects segmentation by causing disruptions and deletions in distinct thoracic (T1–T3) and abdominal (A4–A8) segments. These localized defects are responsible for additional phenotypes observed later in development which include gaps in the ventral nerve cord and deletions of denticle belts in the cuticle. An additional phenotype occurring in all other neuromeric segments consists of the misguided migration of motoneuronal axons as they project out of the ventral nerve cord. Thus, the stc zygotic function is required later in development and cannot correct the segmentation and subsequent CNS abnormalities associated with loss of its earlier acting maternally derived activity. Received: 12 March 1998 / Accepted: 9 April 1998  相似文献   

To study the function of selenoproteins in development and growth we have used a lethal mutation (selD(ptuf)) of the Drosophila homologous selenophosphate synthetase (selD) gene. This enzyme is involved in the selenoprotein biosynthesis. The selD(ptuf) loss-of-function mutation causes aberrant cell proliferation and differentiation patterns in the brain and imaginal discs, as deduced from genetic mosaics, patterns of gene expression and analysis of cell cycle markers. In addition to that, selenium metabolism is also necessary for the ras/MAPKinase signal tansduction pathway. Therefore, the use of Drosophila imaginal discs and brain and in particular the selD(ptuf) mutation, provide an excellent model to investigate the role of selenoproteins in the regulation of cell proliferation, growth and differentiation.  相似文献   

Jak kinases are critical signaling components in hematopoiesis. While a large number of studies have been conducted on the roles of Jak kinases in the hematopoietic cells, much less is known about the requirements for these tyrosine kinases in other tissues. We have used loss of function mutations in the Drosophila Jak kinase Hopscotch (Hop) to determine the role of Hop in eye development. We find that Hop is required for cell proliferation/survival in the eye imaginal disc, for the differentiation of photoreceptor cells, and for the establishment of the equator and of ommatidial polarity. These results indicate that hop activity is required for multiple developmental processes in the eye, both cell-autonomously and nonautonomously.  相似文献   

Heat shock proteins are induced under stress conditions and they act as molecular chaperones to refold denatured polypeptides. Stress resistances including thermotolerance generally are correlated with levels of the heat shock proteins. We investigated a fruit fly gene encoding a small heat shock protein, Hsp27, to determine if it functions in stress response of Drosophila melanogaster. A knockout Hsp27 allele was generated. Flies homozygous for this allele were viable, without obvious defects, and fertile, indicating Hsp27 is not essential for development. In stress-response tests, loss of the Hsp27 gene caused no defects in resistance to heat shock or oxidative treatments. However, a significant reduction in starvation resistance was associated with the genotype without a functional Hsp27 gene. The data suggest that the Drosophila HSP27 protein acts as a chaperone to provide cellular stress resistance, although its function may be limited to a subset of the stress response such as the starvation resistance.  相似文献   

The Drosophila EGF receptor ligand Spitz is cleaved by Rhomboid to generate an active secreted molecule. Surprisingly, when a cleaved variant of Spitz (cSpi) was expressed, it accumulated in the ER, both in embryos and in cell culture. A cell-based RNAi screen for loss-of-function phenotypes that alleviate ER accumulation of cSpi identified several genes, including the small wing (sl) gene encoding a PLCgamma. sl mutants compromised ER accumulation of cSpi in embryos, yet they exhibit EGFR hyperactivation phenotypes predominantly in the eye. Spi processing in the eye is carried out primarily by Rhomboid-3/Roughoid, which cleaves Spi in the ER, en route to the Golgi. The sl mutant phenotype is consistent with decreased cSpi retention in the R8 cells. Retention of cSpi in the ER provides a novel mechanism for restricting active ligand levels and hence the range of EGFR activation in the developing eye.  相似文献   

Localization of mRNAs is one of many aspects of cellular organization that requires the cytoskeleton. In Drosophila, microtubules are known to be required for correct localization of developmentally important mRNAs and proteins during oogenesis; however, the role of the actin cytoskeleton in localization is less clear. Furthermore, it is not known whether either of these cytoskeletal systems are necessary for maintenance of RNA localization in the early embryo. We have examined the contribution of the actin and microtubule cytoskeletons to maintenance of RNA and protein localization in the early Drosophila embryo. We have found that while microtubules are not necessary, the actin cytoskeleton is needed for stable association of nanos, oskar, germ cell-less and cyclin B mRNAs and Oskar and Vasa proteins at the posterior pole in the early embryo. In contrast, bicoid RNA, which is located at the anterior pole, does not require either cytoskeletal system to remain at the anterior.  相似文献   

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small regulatory RNAs that are between 21 and 25 nucleotides in length and repress gene function through interactions with target mRNAs. The genomes of metazoans encode on the order of several hundred miRNAs, but the processes they regulate have been defined for only two in C. elegans. We searched for new inhibitors of apoptotic cell death by testing existing collections of P element insertion lines for their ability to enhance a small-eye phenotype associated with eye-specific expression of the Drosophila cell death activator Reaper. Here we report the identification of the Drosophila miRNA mir-14 as a cell death suppressor. Loss of mir-14 enhances Reaper-dependent cell death, whereas ectopic expression suppresses cell death induced by multiple stimuli. Animals lacking mir-14 are viable. However, they are stress sensitive and have a reduced lifespan. Mir-14 mutants have elevated levels of the apoptotic effector caspase Drice, suggesting one potential site of action. Mir-14 also regulates fat metabolism. Deletion of mir-14 results in animals with increased levels of triacylglycerol and diacylglycerol, whereas increases in mir-14 copy number have the converse effect. We discuss possible relationships between these phenotypes.  相似文献   

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