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Inelastic neutron scattering, probing the temporal spin–spin correlation at the microscopic scale, is a powerful technique to study the magnetic behaviour of molecular nanomagnets. Experiments at different energy scales and different energy-transfer resolution allow precise determinations of the parameters defining the effective Hamiltonians used to model the diverse physical properties exhibited by this class of materials. The intrinsic disadvantage of the technique (low flux, requiring a sample mass in the gram scale) is over-compensated by the large amount of information that can be straightforwardly extracted. Zero-field splittings and exchange interactions can be determined with a large degree of confidence, shedding light on important issues such as magnetization tunnelling in giant-spin clusters, or the occurrence of quantum coherence phenomena and their consequences on macroscopic observables.  相似文献   

《Biophysical journal》2021,120(16):3341-3354
The flexible conformations of a multidomain protein are responsible for its biological functions. Although MurD, a 47-kDa protein that consists of three domains, sequentially changes its domain conformation from an open form to a closed form through a semiclosed form in its enzymatic reaction, the domain dynamics in each conformation remains unclear. In this study, we verify the conformational dynamics of MurD in the corresponding three states (apo and ATP- and inhibitor-bound states) with a combination of small-angle x-ray and neutron scattering (SAXS and SANS), dynamic light scattering (DLS), neutron backscattering (NBS), neutron spin echo (NSE) spectroscopy, and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. Applying principal component analysis of the MD trajectories, twisting and open-closed domain modes are identified as the major collective coordinates. The deviations of the experimental SAXS profiles from the theoretical calculations based on the known crystal structures become smaller in the ATP-bound state than in the apo state, and a further decrease is evident upon inhibitor binding. These results suggest that domain motions of the protein are suppressed step by step of each ligand binding. The DLS and NBS data yield collective and self-translational diffusion constants, respectively, and we used them to extract collective domain motions in nanometer and nanosecond scales from the NSE data. In the apo state, MurD shows both twisting and open-closed domain modes, whereas an ATP binding suppresses twisting domain motions, and a further reduction of open-closed mode is seen in the inhibitor-binding state. These observations are consistent with the structure modifications measured by the small-angle scattering as well as the MD simulations. Such changes in the domain dynamics associated with the sequential enzymatic reactions should be related to the affinity and reaction efficiency with a ligand that binds specifically to each reaction state.  相似文献   

The temperature dependence of the internal dynamics of an isolated protein, bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor, is examined using normal mode analysis and molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. It is found that the protein exhibits marked anharmonic dynamics at temperatures of approximately 100-120 K, as evidenced by departure of the MD-derived average mean square displacement from that of the harmonic model. This activation of anharmonic dynamics is at lower temperatures than previously detected in proteins and is found in the absence of solvent molecules. The simulation data are also used to investigate neutron scattering properties. The effects are determined of instrumental energy resolution and of approximations commonly used to extract mean square displacement data from elastic scattering experiments. Both the presence of a distribution of mean square displacements in the protein and the use of the Gaussian approximation to the dynamic structure factor lead to quantified underestimation of the mean square displacement obtained.  相似文献   

Small-angle neutron scattering profiles are presented from phosphoglycerate kinase, in the native form and strongly denatured in 4 M guanidinium chloride (GdnHCl) solution. The data are interpreted using a model in which the excess scattering density associated with the protein is represented as a finite freely jointed chain of spheres. The similarity of the model-derived scattering function to experiment increases asymptotically with the number of spheres. The improvement of the fit obtained with more than approximately 200 spheres (i.e., two residues per sphere) is insignificant. The effects of finite size of the scattering units and of scattering length variation along the polypeptide chain are examined. Improved agreement with experiment is obtained when these effects are taken into account. A method for rapid calculation of the scattering profile of a full, all-atom configuration is examined. It is found that a representation of the chain containing two scattering units per residue, placed at the backbone and side-chain scattering length centroids, reproduces the full, all-atom profile to within 2%.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics is used to probe the atomic motions of the carboxy-myoglobin protein as a function of temperature. Simulations of 150 picoseconds in length are carried out on the protein at 20, 60, 100, 180, 220, 240, 260, 280, 300, 320 and 340 K. The simulations attempt to mimic neutron scattering experiments very closely by including a partial hydration shell around the protein. Theoretical elastic, quasielastic and inelastic neutron scattering data are derived from the trajectories and directly compared with experiment. Compared to experiment, the simulation-derived elastic scattering curves show a decrease in intensity as a function of the scattering wavevector, q2. The inelastic and quasielastic spectra show that the inelastic peak is shifted to lower frequency than the experimental value, while quasielastic behavior is in good agreement with experiment. This suggests that the theoretical model is too flexible in the harmonic limit (low temperature), but accurately reproduces high-temperature behavior. Time correlation functions of the intermediate scattering function are determined. At low temperature there is one fast decay process, and at high temperatures there is an additional slow relaxation process that is due to quasielastic scattering. The average atomic fluctuations show that the protein behaves harmonically at low temperatures. At approximately 210 K, a glass-like transition in atomic fluctuations is seen. Above the transition temperature, the atomic fluctuations exhibit both harmonic and anharmonic behavior. Comparison of protein mobility behavior with experiment indicate the fluctuations derived from simulations are larger in the harmonic region. However, the anharmonic region agrees very well with experiment. The anharmonicity is large at all temperatures, with a gradual monotonic increase from 0.5 at 20 K to greater than 0.7 at 340 K without a noticeable change at the glass transition temperature. Heavy-atom dihedral transitions are monitored as a function of temperature. Trends in the type of dihedral transitions that occur with temperature are clearly visible. Dihedral transitions involving backbone atoms occur only above the glass transition temperature. The overall protein behavior results suggest that at low temperatures there is purely vibrational motion with one fast decay process, and above the glass transition temperature there is more anharmonic motion with a fast and a slower relaxation process occurring simultaneously.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

F-actin, a helical polymer formed by polymerization of the monomers (G-actin), plays crucial roles in various aspects of cell motility. Flexibility of F-actin has been suggested to be important for such a variety of functions. Understanding the flexibility of F-actin requires characterization of a hierarchy of dynamical properties, from internal dynamics of the actin monomers through domain motions within the monomers and relative motions between the monomers within F-actin to large-scale motions of F-actin as a whole. As a first step toward this ultimate purpose, we carried out elastic incoherent neutron scattering experiments on powders of F-actin and G-actin hydrated with D2O and characterized the internal dynamics of F-actin and G-actin. Well established techniques and analysis enabled the extraction of mean-square displacements and their temperature dependence in F-actin and in G-actin. An effective force constant analysis with a model consisting of three energy states showed that two dynamical transitions occur at ∼150 K and ∼245 K, the former of which corresponds to the onset of anharmonic motions and the latter of which couples with the transition of hydration water. It is shown that behavior of the mean-square displacements is different between G-actin and F-actin, such that G-actin is “softer” than F-actin. The differences in the internal dynamics are detected for the first time between the different structural states (the monomeric state and the polymerized state). The different behavior observed is ascribed to the differences in dynamical heterogeneity between F-actin and G-actin. Based on structural data, the assignment of the differences observed in the two samples to dynamics of specific loop regions involved in the polymerization of G-actin into F-actin is proposed.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulations are performed of bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor in a cryosolution over a range of temperatures from 80 to 300 K and the origins identified of elastic dynamic neutron scattering from the solution. The elastic scattering and mean-square displacement calculated from the molecular dynamics trajectories are in reasonable agreement with experiments on a larger protein in the same solvent. The solvent and protein contributions to the scattering from the simulation model are determined. At lower temperatures (< approximately 200 K) or on shorter timescales ( approximately 10 ps) the scattering contributions are proportional to the isotopic nuclear scattering cross-sections of each component. However, for T > 200 K marked deviations from these cross-sections are seen due to differences in the dynamics of the components of the solution. Rapid activation of solvent diffusion leads to the variation with temperature of the total elastic intensity being determined largely by that of the solvent. At higher temperatures (>240 K) and longer times ( approximately 100 ps) the protein makes the only significant contribution to the scattering, the solvent scattering having moved out of the accessible time-space window. Decomposition of the protein mean-square displacement shows that the observed dynamical transition in the solution at 200-220 K involves activation of both internal motions and external whole-molecule rotational and translational diffusion. The proportion that the external dynamics contributes to the protein mean-square displacement increases to approximately 30 and 60% at 300 K on the 10- and 100-ps timescales, respectively.  相似文献   

Hydration effects on protein dynamics were investigated by comparing the frequency dependence of the calculated neutron scattering spectra between full and minimal hydration states at temperatures between 100 and 300 K. The protein boson peak is observed in the frequency range 1-4 meV at 100 K in both states. The peak frequency in the minimal hydration state shifts to lower than that in the full hydration state. Protein motions with a frequency higher than 4 meV were shown to undergo almost harmonic motion in both states at all temperatures simulated, whereas those with a frequency lower than 1 meV dominate the total fluctuations above 220 K and contribute to the origin of the glass-like transition. At 300 K, the boson peak becomes buried in the quasielastic contributions in the full hydration state but is still observed in the minimal hydration state. The boson peak is observed when protein dynamics are trapped within a local minimum of its energy surface. Protein motions, which contribute to the boson peak, are distributed throughout the whole protein. The fine structure of the dynamics structure factor is expected to be detected by the experiment if a high resolution instrument (<∼20 μeV) is developed in the near future.  相似文献   

The dynamics of lysozyme in the picosecond timescale has been studied when it is in dry and hydrated powder form and when it is embedded in glycerol, glycerol–water, glucose and glucose–water matrices. The investigation has been undertaken through elastic neutron scattering technique on the backscattering spectrometer IN13. The dynamics of dry powder and embedded-in-glucose lysozyme can be considered purely vibrational up to 100 K, where the onset of an anharmonic contribution takes place. This contribution can be attributed to the activation of methyl group reorientations and is described with an Arrhenius trend. An additional source of anharmonic dynamics appears at higher temperatures for lysozyme in hydrated powders and embedded in glycerol, glycerol–water and glucose–water matrices. This second process, also represented with an Arrhenius trend, corresponds to the so-called protein dynamical transition. Both the temperature where such a transition takes place and the magnitude of the protein mean square displacements depend on the environment. The dynamical response of the protein to temperature is put in relationship with its thermal stability.  相似文献   

Experimental results obtained by neutron scattering of dilute solutions of myoglobin are compared with those obtained by X-ray scattering. X-ray scattering remains the more powerful technique at wider angles above 0.3 Å−1, where neutron experiments are less accurate because of low coherent scattering probability and high incoherent background. Neutron scattering is preferable at momentum transfers below 0.2 Å−1; the conditions for applying the contrast variation method for the evaluation of the three basic scattering functions, which are due to shape and internal structure, equation (3), are ideally fulfilled in this region. Furthermore, neutrons allow observation of the hydrogen-deuterium exchange within the protein.  相似文献   

Thielges MC  Chung JK  Axup JY  Fayer MD 《Biochemistry》2011,50(25):5799-5805
Polyhistidine affinity tags are routinely employed as a convenient means of purifying recombinantly expressed proteins. A tacit assumption is commonly made that His tags have little influence on protein structure and function. Attachment of a His tag to the N-terminus of the robust globular protein myoglobin leads to only minor changes to the electrostatic environment of the heme pocket, as evinced by the nearly unchanged Fourier transform infrared spectrum of CO bound to the heme of His-tagged myoglobin. Experiments employing two-dimensional infrared vibrational echo spectroscopy of the heme-bound CO, however, find that significant changes occur to the short time scale (picoseconds) dynamics of myoglobin as a result of His tag incorporation. The His tag mainly reduces the dynamics on the 1.4 ps time scale and also alters protein motions of myoglobin on the slower, >100 ps time scale, as demonstrated by the His tag's influence on the fluctuations of the CO vibrational frequency, which reports on protein structural dynamics. The results suggest that affinity tags may have effects on protein function and indicate that investigators of affinity-tagged proteins should take this into consideration when investigating the dynamics and other properties of such proteins.  相似文献   

There has been considerable progress made over the past year in linking experimental and theoretical approaches to protein folding. Recent results from several independent lines of investigation suggest that protein folding mechanisms and landscapes are largely determined by the topology of the native state and are relatively insensitive to details of the interatomic interactions. This dependence on low-resolution structural features, rather than high-resolution detail, suggests that it should be possible to describe the fundamental physics of the folding process using relatively low-resolution models. Recent experiments have set benchmarks for testing new models and progress has been made in developing theoretical models for interpreting and predicting experimental results.  相似文献   

Wang SC  Mirarefi P  Faraone A  Lee CT 《Biochemistry》2011,50(38):8150-8162
A photoresponsive surfactant has been used as a means to control protein structure and dynamics with light illumination. This cationic azobenzene surfactant, azoTAB, which undergoes a reversible photoisomerization upon exposure to the appropriate wavelength of light, adopts a relatively hydrophobic, trans structure under visible light illumination and a relatively hydrophilic cis structure under UV light illumination. Small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) and neutron spin echo (NSE) spectroscopy were used to measure the tertiary structure and internal dynamics of lysozyme in the presence of the photosurfactant, respectively. The SANS-based in vitro structures indicate that under visible light the photosurfactant induces partial unfolding that principally occurs away from the active site near the hinge region connecting the α and β domains. Upon UV exposure, however, the protein refolds to a nativelike structure. At the same time, enhanced internal dynamics of lysozyme were detected with the surfactant in the trans form through NSE measurements of the Q-dependent effective diffusion coefficient (D(eff)) of the protein. In contrast, the D(eff) values of lysozyme in the presence of cis azoTAB largely agree with the rigid-body calculation as well as those measured for pure lysozyme, suggesting that the native protein is dormant on the nanosecond time and nanometer length scales. Lysozyme internal motions were modeled by assuming a protein of two (α and β domains) or three (α and β domains and the hinge region) domains connects by either soft linkers or rigid, freely rotating bonds. Protein dynamics were also tracked with Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy through hydrogen-deuterium exchange kinetics, which further demonstrated enhanced protein flexibility induced by the trans form of the surfactant relative to the native protein. Ensemble-averaged intramolecular fluorescent resonance energy transfer measurements similarly demonstrated the enhanced dynamics of lysozyme with the trans form of the photosurfactant. Previous results have shown a significant increase in protein activity in the presence of azoTAB in the trans conformation. Combined, these results provide insight into a unique light-based method of controlling protein structure, dynamics, and function and strongly support the relevance of large domain motions for the activity of proteins.  相似文献   

Using molecular modeling techniques we have built the full atomic structure and performed molecular dynamics simulations for the complexes formed by Escherichia coli RecX protein with a single-stranded oligonucleotide and with RecA presynaptic filament. Based on the modeling and SANS experimental data a sandwich-like filament structure formed two chains of RecX monomers bound to the opposite sides of the single stranded DNA is proposed for RecX::ssDNA complex. The model for RecX::RecA::ssDNA include RecX binding into the grove of RecA::ssDNA filament that occurs mainly via Coulomb interactions between RecX and ssDNA. Formation of RecX::RecA::ssDNA filaments in solution was confirmed by SANS measurements which were in agreement with the spectra computed from the molecular dynamics simulations.  相似文献   

Protein dynamics in hydrated and vacuum-dried photosystem II (PS II) membrane fragments from spinach has been investigated by quasielastic neutron scattering (QENS) in the temperature range between 5 and 300 K. Three distinct temperature ranges can be clearly distinguished by active type(s) of protein dynamics: (A) At low temperatures (T < 120 K), the protein dynamics of both dry and hydrated PS II is characterized by harmonic vibrational motions. (B) In the intermediate temperature range (120 < T < 240 K), the total mean square displacement total slightly deviates from the predicted linear behavior. The QENS data indicate that this deviation, which is virtually independent of the extent of hydration, is due to a partial onset of diffusive protein motions. (C) At temperatures above 240 K, the protein flexibility drastically changes because of the onset of diffusive (large-amplitude) protein motions. This dynamical transition is clearly hydration-dependent since it is strongly suppressed in dry PS II. The thermally activated onset of protein flexibility as monitored by QENS is found to be strictly correlated with the temperature-dependent increase of the electron transport efficiency from Q(A)(-) to QB (Garbers et al. (1998) Biochemistry 37, 11399-11404). Analogously, the freezing of protein mobility by dehydration in dry PS II appears to be responsible for the blockage of Q(A)(-) reoxidation by Q(B) at hydration values lower than 45% r.h. (Kaminskaya et al. (2003) Biochemistry 42, 8119-8132). Similar effects were observed for reactions of the water-oxidizing complex as outlined in the Discussion section.  相似文献   

In this work we investigate the dynamic properties of hemoglobin in glycerolD(8)/D(2)O solution using incoherent elastic (ENS) and quasi-elastic (QENS) neutron scattering. Taking advantage of complementary energy resolutions of backscattering spectrometers at ILL (Grenoble), we explore motions in a large space-time window, up to 1 ns and 14 A; moreover, in order to cover the harmonic and anharmonic protein dynamics regimes, the elastic experiments have been performed over the wide temperature interval of 20-300 K. To study the dependence of the measured dynamics upon the protein quaternary structure, both deoxyhemoglobin (in T quaternary conformation) and carbonmonoxyhemoglobin (in R quaternary conformation) have been investigated. From the ENS data the mean square displacements of the non-exchangeable hydrogen atoms of the protein and their temperature dependence are obtained. In agreement with previous results on hydrated powders, a dynamical transition at about 220 K is detected. The results show interesting differences between the two hemoglobin quaternary conformations, the T-state protein appearing more rigid and performing faster motions than the R-state one; however, these differences involve motions occurring in the nanosecond time scale and are not detected when only faster atomic motions in the time scale up to 100 ps are investigated. The QENS results put in evidence a relevant Lorentzian quasi-elastic contribution. Analysis of the dependence of the Elastic Incoherent Structure Factor (EISF) and of the Lorentzian halfwidth upon the momentum transfer suggests that the above quasi-elastic contribution arises from the diffusion inside a confined space, values of confinement radius and local diffusion coefficient being compatible with motions of hydrogen atoms of the amino acid side chains. When averaged over the whole range of momentum transfer the QENS data put in evidence differences between deoxy and carbonmonoxy hemoglobin and confirm the quaternary structure dependence of the protein dynamics in the nanosecond time scale.  相似文献   

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