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Nonquasineutral electron current filaments with the azimuthal magnetic field are considered that arise due to the generation of electron vorticity in the initial (dissipative) stage of evolution of a current-carrying plasma, when the Hall number is small (σB/en e c ? 1) because of the low values of the plasma conductivity and magnetic field strength. Equilibrium filamentary structures with both zero and nonzero net currents are considered. Structures with a zero net current type form on time scales of t < t sk = (r 0ω pe /c)2 t st, where t sk is the skin time, t st is the typical time of electron-ion collisions, and r 0 is the radius of the filament. It is shown that, in nonquasineutral filaments in which the current is carried by electrons drifting in the crossed electric (E r ) and magnetic (B θ) fields, ultrarelativistic electron beams on the typical charge-separation scale r B = B/(4πen e ) (the so-called magnetic Debye radius) can be generated. It is found that, for comparable electron currents, the characteristic electron energy in filaments with a nonzero net current is significantly lower than that in zero-net-current filaments that form on typical time scales of t < t sk. This is because, in the latter type of filaments, the oppositely directed electron currents repel one another; as a result, both the density and velocity of electrons increase near the filament axis, where the velocities of relativistic electrons are maximum. Filaments with a zero net current can emit X rays with photon energies ? ω up to 10 MeV. The electron velocity distributions in filaments, the X-ray emission spectra, and the total X-ray yield per unit filament length are calculated as functions of the current and the electron number density in the filament. Analytical estimates of the characteristic lifetime of a radiating filament and the typical size of the radiating region as functions of the plasma density are obtained. The results of calculations are compared with the available experimental data. 相似文献
A. V. Gordeev 《Plasma Physics Reports》2001,27(3):235-242
A fundamentally new approach is proposed for describing Z-pinches when the pinch current is gov-erned to a large extent by strong charge separation, which gives rise to a radial electric field in the nonquasineutral core of the pinch. In the central pinch region with a characteristic radius of about $r_0 \sim \sqrt {J_0 /en_e c}$ , part of the total pinch current J 0<J, is carried by the drifting electrons and the remaining current is carried by ions moving at the velocity v iz ~c(2eZJ/m i c 3) in the peripheral region with a radial size of c/ωpi. In the nonquasineutral core of a Z-pinch, the radial ion “temperature” is on the order of ZeJ 0/c. The time during which the non-quasineutral region exists is limited by Coulomb collisions between the ions oscillating in the radial direction and the electrons. Since the magnetic field is not frozen in the ions, no sausage instability can occur in the non-quasineutral core of the Z-pinch. In the equilibrium state under discussion, the ratio of the radial charge-separation electric field E 0 to the atomic field E a may be as large as $E_0 /E_a \sim 137^2 (a_0 \omega _{pe} /c)\sqrt {J/J_{Ae} }$ , where a 0 is the Bohr radius. 相似文献
A study is made of the nonlinear dynamics of solitary vortex structures in an inhomogeneous magnetized dissipative plasma.
A nonlinear transport equation for long-wavelength drift wave structures is derived with allowance for the nonuniformity of
the plasma density and temperature equilibria, as well as the magnetic and collisional viscosity of the medium and its friction.
The dynamic equation describes two types of nonlinearity: scalar (due to the temperature inhomogeneity) and vector (due to
the convectively polarized motion of the particles of the medium). The equation is fourth order in the spatial derivatives,
in contrast to the second-order Hasegawa-Mima equations. An analytic steady solution to the nonlinear equation is obtained
that describes a new type of solitary dipole vortex. The nonlinear dynamic equation is integrated numerically. A new algorithm
and a new finite difference scheme for solving the equation are proposed, and it is proved that the solution so obtained is
unique. The equation is used to investigate how the initially steady dipole vortex constructed here behaves unsteadily under
the action of the factors just mentioned. Numerical simulations revealed that the role of the vector nonlinearity is twofold:
it helps the dispersion or the scalar nonlinearity (depending on their magnitude) to ensure the mutual equilibrium and, thereby,
promote self-organization of the vortical structures. It is shown that dispersion breaks the initial dipole vortex into a
set of tightly packed, smaller scale, less intense monopole vortices-alternating cyclones and anticyclones. When the dispersion
of the evolving initial dipole vortex is weak, the scalar nonlinearity symmetrically breaks a cyclone-anticyclone pair into
a cyclone and an anticyclone, which are independent of one another and have essentially the same intensity, shape, and size.
The stronger the dispersion, the more anisotropic the process whereby the structures break: the anticyclone is more intense
and localized, while the cyclone is less intense and has a larger size. In the course of further evolution, the cyclone persists
for a relatively longer time, while the anticyclone breaks into small-scale vortices and dissipation hastens this process.
It is found that the relaxation of the vortex by viscous dissipation differs in character from that by the frictional force.
The time scale on which the vortex is damped depends strongly on its typical size: larger scale vortices are longer lived
structures. It is shown that, as the instability develops, the initial vortex is amplified and the lifetime of the dipole
pair components-cyclone and anticyclone-becomes longer. As time elapses, small-scale noise is generated in the system, and
the spatial structure of the perturbation potential becomes irregular. The pattern of interaction of solitary vortex structures
among themselves and with the medium shows that they can take part in strong drift turbulence and anomalous transport of heat
and matter in an inhomogeneous magnetized plasma. 相似文献
A. V. Gordeev 《Plasma Physics Reports》2006,32(11):921-926
A nonquasineutral vortex structure with a zero net current is described that arises as a result of electron drift in crossed magnetic and electric fields, the latter being produced by charge separation on a spatial scale of about the magnetic Debye radius r B = |B|/(4πen e ). In such a structure with a radius of r ~ r B , the magnetic field is maintained by a drift current on the order of the electron Alfvén current J Ae = m e c 3/(2e) and can become as strong as B ? m e c 2/(er). Estimates show that, in a plasma with a density of n e = 1021?1023 cm?3 and with nonzero electron vorticity driven by high-power laser radiation on a time scale on the order of θ pe ?1 , magnetic fields with a strength of B ~ 108?109 G are generated on micron and submicron scales. The system with closed current that is considered in the present paper can also serve as a model of hot spots in the channel of a Z-pinch. 相似文献
J. M. Cushing 《Journal of mathematical biology》1984,20(3):259-276
The existence of positive equilibrium solutions of the McKendrick equations for the dynamics of an age-structured population
is studied as a bifurcation phenomenon using the inherent net reproductive rate n as a bifurcation parameter. The local existence and uniqueness of a branch of positive equilibria which bifurcates from the
trivial (identically zero) solution at the critical value n=1 are proved by implicit function techniques under very mild smoothness conditions on the death and fertility rates as functional
of age and population density. This first requires the development of a suitable linear theory. The lowest order terms in
the Liapunov-Schmidt expansions are also calculated. This local analysis supplements earlier global bifurcation results of
the author.
The stability of both the trivial and the positive branch equilibria is studied by means of the principle of linearized stability.
It is shown that in general the trivial solution losses stability as n increases through one while the stability of the branch solution is stable if and only if the bifurcation is supercritical.
Thus the McKendrick equations exhibit, in the latter case, a standard exchange of stability with regard to equilibrium states
as they depend on the inherent net reproductive rate. The derived lower order terms in the Liapunov-Schmidt expansions yield
formulas which explicitly relate the direction of bifurcation to properties of the age-specific death and fertility rates
as functionals of population density.
Analytical and numerical results for some examples are given which illustrate these results. 相似文献
The conformational probability distribution of a valine residue in the valine dipeptide and of the valine side chain in an alpha-helix, as well as the change in helix stability for replacing alanine with valine, has been calculated by molecular dynamics simulations of explicitly hydrated systems: dipeptide, tetrapeptide and 10-, 14- and 18-residue oligoalanine helices. All computed free-energy differences are means from at least eight separate slow-growth simulations, four in each direction and are reported with their root-mean-square deviations. Different values for the change in free energy of folding (delta delta G degrees) have been calculated with the use of forcefields having an all-atom and a central-atom representation of methyl groups, etc. The value obtained with the all-atom forcefield agrees well with new experimental values (3 kJ/mol = 0.7 kcal/mol). Furthermore, the most stable valine side-chain rotamer in the helix is different for these two representations. The most stable rotamer for the all atom conformation is the same one that predominates for valines in alpha-helices in proteins of known conformation. The lower conformational freedom of the valine side chain in the helix contributes 1 kJ/mol to the difference in stability computed with the all-atom potential; unfavorable interactions of the side chain with helix, even in the most stable conformation, further increase delta delta G degrees. 相似文献
E. A. Andreeshchev D. A. Voĭtenko V. I. Krauz A. I. Markoliya Yu. V. Matveev N. G. Reshetnyak É. Yu. Khautiev 《Plasma Physics Reports》2007,33(3):218-226
The engineering characteristics of the KPF-4 Phoenix megajoule Mather-type plasma focus facility constructed at the Sukhumi Physicotechnical Institute are described. Results from preliminary studies of the plasma dynamics at a capacitive-storage energy of up to 700 kJ are discussed. Future experiments in KPF-4 will be oriented at technological applications and will complement the studies carried out in the 2.8-MJ Filippovtype PF-3 plasma focus facility at the Nuclear Fusion Institute of the Russian Research Centre Kurchatov Institute. 相似文献
Based on measurements of magnetic fields in current sheets, spatial distributions of the electric current and electrodynamic forces in successive stages of the sheet evolution are determined. Two new effects manifesting themselves mostly in the late stages of the current sheet evolution have been discovered, namely, expansion of the current flow region at the periphery of the sheet and the appearance of a region with inverse currents, which gradually expands from the periphery toward the center of the sheet. Using spectroscopic methods, generation of superthermal plasma flows accelerated along the sheet width from the center toward the periphery has been revealed and investigated. The measured energies of accelerated plasma ions satisfactorily agree with the Ampère forces determined from magnetic measurements. The excitation of inverse currents additionally confirms the motion of high-speed plasma flows from the center of the current sheet toward its side edges. 相似文献
The hawk-dove (HD) game, as defined by Maynard Smith [1982. Evolution and the Theory of Games. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge], allows for a polymorphic fitness equilibrium (PFE) to exist between its two pure strategies; this polymorphism is the attractor of the standard replicator dynamics [Taylor, P.D., Jonker, L., 1978. Evolutionarily stable strategies and game dynamics. Math. Biosci. 40, 145-156; Hofbauer, J., Sigmund, K., 1998. Evolutionary Games and Population Dynamics. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge] operating on an infinite population of pure-strategists. Here, we consider stochastic replicator dynamics, operating on a finite population of pure-strategists playing games similar to HD; in particular, we examine the transient behavior of the system, before it enters an absorbing state due to sampling error. Though stochastic replication prevents the population from fixing onto the PFE, selection always favors the under-represented strategy. Thus, we may naively expect that the mean population state (of the pre-absorption transient) will correspond to the PFE. The empirical results of Fogel et al. [1997. On the instability of evolutionary stable states. BioSystems 44, 135-152] show that the mean population state, in fact, deviates from the PFE with statistical significance. We provide theoretical results that explain their observations. We show that such deviation away from the PFE occurs when the selection pressures that surround the fitness-equilibrium point are asymmetric. Further, we analyze a Markov model to prove that a finite population will generate a distribution over population states that equilibrates selection-pressure asymmetry; the mean of this distribution is generally not the fitness-equilibrium state. 相似文献
Evgeniy Salnikov 《生物化学与生物物理学报:生物膜》2010,1798(2):258-6265
Biological membranes are characterized by a high degree of dynamics. In order to understand the function of membrane proteins and even more of membrane-associated peptides, these motional aspects have to be taken into consideration. Solid-state NMR spectroscopy is a method of choice when characterizing topological equilibria, molecular motions, lateral and rotational diffusion as well as dynamic oligomerization equilibria within fluid phase lipid bilayers. Here we show and review examples where the 15N chemical shift anisotropy, dipolar interactions and the deuterium quadrupolar splittings have been used to analyze motions of peptides such as peptaibols, antimicrobial sequences, Vpu, phospholamban or other channel domains. In particular, simulations of 15N and 2H-solid-state NMR spectra are shown of helical domains in uniaxially oriented membranes when rotation around the membrane normal or the helix long axis occurs. 相似文献
Gus'kova OA Khalatur PG Khokhlov AR Chinarev AA Tsygankova SV Bovin NV 《Bioorganicheskaia khimiia》2010,36(5):622-629
The full-atomic molecular dynamics (MD) simulation of adsorption mode for diantennary oligoglycines [H-Gly4-NH(CH2)5]2 onto graphite and mica surface is described. The resulting structure of adsorption layers is analyzed. The peptide second structure motives have been studied by both STRIDE (structural identification) and DSSP (dictionary of secondary structure of proteins) methods. The obtained results confirm the possibility of polyglycine II (PGII) structure formation in diantennary oligoglycine (DAOG) monolayers deposited onto graphite surface, which was earlier estimated based on atomic-force microscopy measurements. 相似文献
Stationary solutions in the form of small-scale periodic cells in a plane perpendicular to the magnetic field are obtained in the framework of two-fluid magnetohydrodynamics. The solutions are established as a result of the development of thermal instability and represent a superposition of standing temperature waves. In solving the problem, an expression is used for a generalized heat source (including heating and radiative cooling) that forms a temperature transition region between the chromosphere and corona. 相似文献
D.M. van Aalten D.A. Conn B.L. de Groot H.J. Berendsen J.B. Findlay A. Amadei 《Biophysical journal》1997,73(6):2891-2896
The packing and dynamics of lipid bilayers at the phosphocholine headgroup region within the temperature range of -40 to -110 degrees C have been investigated by solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) measurements of selectively deuterium-labeled H2O/dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) bilayers. Two coexisting signals with 2H NMR quadrupolar, splittings of 36.1 and 9.3 (or smaller) kHz were detected from the -CD3 of choline methyl group. These two signals have been assigned to two coexisting gel-state headgroup structures with fast rotational motion of -CD3 and -N(CD3)3 group, respectively, with a threefold symmetry. The largest quadrupolar splitting of the NMR signal detected from the -CD2 of C alpha and C beta methylene segment was found to be 115.2 kHz, which is 10% lower than its static value of 128.2 kHz. Thus, there are extensive motions of the entire choline group of gel-state phosphatidylcholine bilayers even at a subzero temperature of -110 degrees C. These results strongly support the previous suggestion (E. J. Dufourc, C. Mayer, J. Stohrer, G. Althoff, and G. Kothe, 1992, Biophys. J. 61:42-57) that 31P chemical shift tensor elements of DMPC determined under similar conditions are not the rigid static values. The free energy difference between the two gel-state headgroup structures was determined to be 26.3 +/- 0.9 kJ/mol for fully hydrated bilayers. Furthermore, two structures with similar free energy difference were also detected for "frozen" phosphorylcholine chloride solution in a control experiment, leading to the conclusion that the two structures may be governed solely by the energetics of fully hydrated phosphocholine headgroup.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS) 相似文献
S. S. Anan’ev Yu. L. Bakshaev P. I. Blinov V. A. Bryzgunov S. A. Dan’ko A. A. Zelenin E. D. Kazakov Yu. G. Kalinin A. S. Kingsep V. D. Korolev V. I. Mizhiritskiy S. A. Pikuz V. P. Smirnov M. M. Sokolov S. I. Tkachenko G. I. Ustroev A. S. Chernenko T. A. Shelkovenko 《Plasma Physics Reports》2009,35(6):459-470
Results are presented from experimental studies of the dynamics and parameters of the plasma generated by megampere (up to 2.3 MA) currents flowing through X-pinches formed from crossed wires made of various materials. The experiments were performed with different numbers of wires and different wire diameters. The X-ray yield in neon-like molybdenum lines (in the 2.5- to 3-keV photon energy range) from a <20 μm hot spot was larger than 10 J, and the soft X-ray power emitted from this spot reached 120 GW. The hot-spot lifetime estimated by comparing the measured and calculated emission intensities and line profiles of helium-like Fe and Cr ions was ~10 ps. Hard X-ray emission in the photon energy range ≥800 keV was also detected. 相似文献
Although observational data and experiments suggest that carbon flux and storage in peatlands are controlled by hydrology and/or nutrient availability, we lack a rigorous theory to account for the roles that different plant species or life-forms, particularly mosses, play in carbon and nutrient flux and storage and how they interact with different hydrologic sources of nutrients. We construct and analyze a model of peatlands that sheds some light on this problem. The model is a set of six coupled differential equations that define the flow of nutrients from moss and vascular plants to their litters, then to peat, and finally to an inorganic nutrient resource pool. We first analyze a simple version of this model (model 1) in which all nutrient input is from precipitation and enters the moss compartment directly, mimicking the dynamics of ombrotrophic bogs. There is a transcritical bifurcation that results in a switch of stability between two equilibrium bog communities: a moss monoculture and a community where mosses and vascular plants coexist. The bifurcation depends on the magnitudes of the input/output budget of the peatland and the life-history traits of the plants. We generalize model 1 to model 2 by dividing nutrient inputs between precipitation and groundwater, thus also allowing the development of minerotrophic fens that receive nutrient subsidies from both groundwater and precipitation and adding intraspecific competition (self-limitation) terms for both moss and vascular plants. Partitioning precipitation inputs between moss and the nutrient pool resulted in the greatest changes in model behavior, including the appearance of a lake and a vascular plant monoculture as well as the moss monoculture and coexistence equilibrium. As with model 1, these solutions are separated by transcritical bifurcations depending on critical combinations of parameters determining the input-output budget of the peatland as well as the life-history characteristics of the plant species. Model 2 also allowed for an early transient spike in vascular plant dominance followed by approach to near moss monoculture and then eventual approach to coexistence equilibrium. This generalized model mimics the broad features of successional development of peatlands from fens to bogs often found in the paleorecords of peat cores. 相似文献
The study is devoted to ion dynamics in bifurcated current sheets with a two-peak current-density distribution observed in the Earth’s magnetotail and solar wind. The ion motion is described by a Hamiltonian system with two degrees of freedom. The presence of a small parameter κ characterizing the ratio between the amplitudes of the normal and tangential magnetic field components allows one to separate variables into fast and slow ones and introduce the quasi-adiabatic invariant of motion I z . Conservation of this invariant makes it possible to analytically describe the dynamics of charged particles. Deviations of the particle dynamics from the quasi-adiabatic one, which are caused by the nonconservation of the quasi-adiabatic invariant, are investigated. The jump of the invariant ΔI z is shown to depend on the small parameter according to the power-law ΔI z ~ κ h , where the exponent h varies between unity and 3/4, depending on the level of current sheet bifurcation. The obtained dependence of ΔI z on κ coincides with analytic expressions in the limiting cases of nonbifurcated and completely bifurcated current sheets. 相似文献