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Presence of the atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) in human ascitic fluid   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Presence of atrial natriuretic factor (ANF)-like material was demonstrated by radioimmunoassay in ascitic fluid of 14 patients with cirrhosis of the liver. Immunoreactive ANF concentrations (M +/- SEM) were 2.4 +/- 0.5 fmol/ml in ascites, significantly lower (p less than 0.001) than the corresponding plasma concentrations of 15.5 +/- 2.6 fmol/ml. High performance gel permeation chromatography and reverse phase high performance chromatography of the ascitic ANF immunoreactivity showed correspondence to the alpha human ANF (99-126). ANF levels in ascites were significantly (p less than 0.01) correlated to levels in plasma (r = 0.66).  相似文献   

We present filaria-nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR), which is based on amplification of first internal transcribed spacer rDNA to distinguish three parasitic filarial species (Onchocerca volvulus, Mansonella ozzardi and Mansonella perstans) that can be found in the Amazon Region. Nested PCR-based identifications yielded the same results as those utilizing morphological characters. Nested PCR is highly sensitive and specific and it detects low-level infections in both humans and vectors. No cross-amplifications were observed with various other blood parasites and no false-positive results were obtained with the nested PCR. The method works efficiently with whole-blood, blood-spot and skin biopsy samples. Our method may thus be suitable for assessing the efficacy of filaria control programmes in Amazonia by recording parasite infections in both the human host and the vector. By specifically differentiating the major sympatric species of filaria, this technique could also enhance epidemiological research in the region.  相似文献   

Onchocerca volvulus and Mansonella ozzardi are two human filarial parasites present in South and Central America. In the Brazilian Amazonia they are found in sympatry, and the lack of clear morphological diagnostic characters in the microfilariae hinders their identification. The major sperm protein (MSP) gene of both species has been sequenced and characterised to determine its potential as a molecular diagnostic character. The length of the MSP gene is different in each species, and this could be used to detect and differentiate them by running the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) product in an agarose gel. Two major gene groups were identified in O. volvulus with a genetic distance of 6% between them. In M. ozzardi only one major group of genes was observed. The high similarity between the protein amino acid sequence of both filarial species confirms that the MSP has been highly conserved through nematode evolution.  相似文献   

A survey conducted among the Makuxi Indians from 15 settlements in the northeastern part of the Territory of Roraima, Brazil, revealed the occurrence of Mansonella ozzardi in 3,2% (21/652) of the persons examined. The absence of demonstrable infection--with one exception--in persons under 15 years of age, and the low microfilaria density in adults suggest that mansonelliasis has been acquired by the Makuxi Indians outside their villages. As many Indians from the region pan gold on the Upper Maú (Ireng) river--where black flies occur in great quantity--the mining camps are probably the sites of transmission. Experimental infection with M. ozzardi of Simulium oyapockense s.l. (or Simulium roraimense) showed that this species, at the least in the Surumu river area, is capable of supporting the full development of the microfilariae. Although S. oyapockense has a wide distribution in the extreme north of Brazil, it does not appear to be an efficient vector, since only 20,6% (19/92) of the specimens collected after a blood meal on a naturally infected Indian contained larval stages of M. ozzardi (with an average of 1-2 larvae per fly). The high prevalence rate of infection found, in a previous survey, among the Sanumá and Mayongong, two Indian groups living at the Auaris river area, on the other side of the Territory of Roraima, indicates that a more competent intermediate host should exist in that region.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial dysfunction induced by pancreatitis-associated ascitic fluid   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis (AHP) involves multiple organ failure probably caused by the toxic factor(s) released in pancreatitis-associated ascitic fluid (PAAF). We found that PAAF interferes with hepatic mitochondrial respiration resulting in severe disturbances in respiratory control (RCR) and ADP/O ratios. Pancreatitis was induced in dogs by retrograde pancreatic duct infusion and the resultant PAAF was centrifuged, filtered, and frozen until used. Two human PAAFs collected from AHP patients were treated in a similar manner. Rat liver mitochondrial oxygen uptake was measured at 30 degrees C before and after addition of ADP and PAAF. Paired control runs were made using pooled heat-inactivated dog serum. Tests with nine canine PAAFs showed a mean increase of 120% in state 4 respiration (P less than 0.0001). After exposure to PAAF, addition of ADP to previously coupled mitochondria did not induce state 3 respiration. The human PAAFs both showed significant increases in state 4 respiration (P less than 0.01) and a marked decrease in RCR. Dose-response tests with human and canine PAAFs showed a positive correlation between percentage increase in state 4 respiration and the concentration of PAAF used. These results confirm the presence in PAAF of mitotoxic substance(s) which cause irreversible mitochondrial damage. Inhibition of coupled mitochondrial respiration by PAAF with the resultant fall in ATP may be the causative agent for the tissue and organ damage observed in AHP.  相似文献   



Malignant ascites (MA) is a major cause of morbidity that occurs in 37% of ovarian cancer patients. The accumulation of MA in the peritoneal cavity due to cancer results in debilitating symptoms and extremely poor quality of life. There is an urgent unmet need to expand the understanding of MA to design effective treatment strategies, and to improve MA diagnosis.


Our purpose here is to contribute to a better characterization of MA metabolic composition in ovarian cancer.


We determined the metabolic composition of ascitic fluids resulting from orthotopic growth of two ovarian cancer cell lines, the mouse ID8- vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-Defb29 cell line and the human OVCAR3 cell line using high-resolution 1H MRS. ID8-VEGF-Defb29 tumors induce large volumes of ascites, while OVCAR3 tumors induce ascites less frequently and at smaller volumes. To better understand the factors driving the metabolic composition of the fluid, we characterized the metabolism of these ovarian cancer cells in culture by analyzing cell lysates and conditioned culture media with 1H NMR.


Distinct metabolite patterns were detected in ascitic fluid collected from OVCAR3 and ID8-VEGF-Defb29 tumor bearing mice that were not reflected in the corresponding cell culture or conditioned medium.


High-resolution 1H NMR metabolic markers of MA can be used to improve characterization and diagnosis of MA. Metabolic characterization of MA can provide new insights into how MA fluid supports cancer cell growth and resistance to treatment, and has the potential to identify metabolic targeting strategies to reduce or eliminate the formation of MA.

Summary Polyclonal antibodies to endoglucanase of the brown-rot fungus Postia placenta were produced in murine ascitic fluid. The mice produced a mean volume of 17.7 mL ascites and a mean reciprocal antibody titer of 419 by ELISA. Anti-endoglucanase antibody inhibited 100 percent of the endoglucanase activity extracted from P. placenta-decayed wood.  相似文献   

A new method of sampling ascitic fluid from rats over a period of at least 8 h in a reliable and easy way is described. The objective was to determine drug concentrations in ascitic fluid after intraperitoneal chemotherapy. Two silicon tubes were implanted into the abdominal cavity, one for drug administration and regulation of pressure, the other enabled ascitic fluid to be withdrawn.  相似文献   

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