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Three different methods were used to compare the feeding patterns of active cyclopoids and cyclopoids in active diapause from different habitats. First, we offered 14C- labeled algal detritus to stage III, stage IV (two different physiological groups), and adult females of Acanthocyclops vernalis from temporary water-bodies of the Volga Delta. Second, we compared the functional responses of active and actively diapausing cyclopoids preying on copepod nauplii. Stage III, stage IV (various physiological groups), stage V, adult males and females of Acanthocyclops viridis, Cyclops kolensis, C. abyssorum sevani from the Volga Delta, Lake Sevan (Armenia), and Mozhaisk Reservoir (Moscow District) were tested. Finally, we examined the activity of digestive enzymes (proteases) of CIV of C. kolensis from Mozhaisk Reservoir at different temperatures and temperature acclimation regimes. All three approaches used have led to similar conclusions. Actively diapausing cyclopoids were capable of feeding on both plant and animal prey; however, their feeding rates and digestive enzyme activity were 2–8 times lower than those of active cyclopoids of similar size. At the initial stage of active diapause the feeding rates were comparable with those of active cyclopoids then declined to a low level during approximately two weeks. Transfer of cyclopoids undergoing winter diapause from ambient temperature (4 °C) to warmer water (20 °C) resulted in dramatic increase of proteases activity only if the acclimation period was relatively long (two weeks).  相似文献   

Different approaches to the study of life cycle strategies of Antarctic copepods are described in an attempt to shed new light on our present knowledge. To date, most studies were carried out on abundance, horizontal and vertical distribution and stage composition during different seasons and in various regions. Hence, the seasonal pictures had to be compiled from different years and sampling regions. The physiological method includes measurements on e.g. egg production, feeding, respiration and excretion rates, C:N and O:N ratios, lipid and protein contents. However, both physiological and biochemical data are still rare. Results of field observations are given in this paper for investigations conducted within the last 15 years in the eastern Weddell Sea, while data of physiological parameters are based on a broader geographical region. In the eastern Weddell Sea, eight copepod species account for about 95% of copepod abundance and for more than 80% of copepod biomass. Within the calanoids, the small species Microcalanus pygmaeus dominates by numbers with 66%, while the large species Calanoides acutus and Calanus propinquus comprise together 52% of the biomass. Species abundance is lowest in winter and highest in summer/autumn, however, seasonal changes in the abundance of M. pygmaeus are small and this species occurs in similar quantities throughout the year. All copepod species show a distinct seasonal vertical distribution pattern and they occur in upper water layers in summer, in contrast to the other seasons. However, the depth layers of maximum concentration differ between species. The ontogenetic vertical migration is most pronounced in C. acutus and relatively weak in C. propinquus. The age structure also shows seasonal differences with the youngest population observed in summer for C. acutus, C. propinquus, Ctenocalanus citer or autumn for Metridia gerlachei, whereas the M. pygmaeus population is oldest during summer. The youngest copepodite stage and the males are not always present in C. acutus and C. propinquus. In contrast, all developmental stages and both sexes occur throughout the year in M. gerlachei, M. pygmaeus and C. citer. Gonad maturation in the dominant calanoid species proceeds well before the onset of phytoplankton production in the eastern Weddell Sea. However, the highest portion of females with ripe gonads and hence highest egg production rates coincide with the productive period in spring and summer. In autumn, ovaries of the three larger species C. acutus, C. propinquus and M. gerlacheiare all spent. In contrast, the percentage of ripe females of the two smaller species, C. citer and M. pygmaeus, stays high in autumn. Egg production rates are highly variable within one region and species. Many copepods accumulate large depots of lipid, mainly wax esters. In contrast, five species (C. propinquus, C. simillimus, Euchirella rostromagna, Stephos longipes and Paralabidocera antarctica) almost exclusively synthesise triacylglycerols and not wax esters. The lipid content exhibits distinct seasonal patterns, and is highest in autumn. A seasonal difference is also obvious in metabolic activities with lowest rates during the dark season. The adaptation to the pronounced seasonality in the Southern Ocean differs greatly between copepod species, and most Antarctic copepods stay active during the dark season. Calanoides acutus seems to be the only true diapause species. Calculations of summer developmental rates and winter mortality rates of the large species C. acutus and C. propinquus suggest that both species have a 1-year life cycle with few females overwintering and probably spawning a second time. In contrast, a 2-year life cycle is more likely in R. gigas. However, life cycle durations of all species studied are still uncertain and regional differences are very probable.  相似文献   

The feeding activity and diet of the small dominant Antarctic copepod, Ctenocalanus citer, were studied throughout the seasonal cycle from samples taken during several “Polarstern” cruises to the eastern Weddell Sea. Two indices of feeding activity were used, percentage of copepods with food inside and length of the faecal pellets. C. citer guts contained food throughout the year thus confirming the year-round activity of this species without diapause. Both indices demonstrated a seasonal pattern of foraging, unusual for a predominantly herbivorous copepod: high-feeding activity in autumn–winter and low in spring–summer. Our results suggest that feeding is at least partially decoupled from the phytoplankton bloom. Diet of C. citer was assessed by analyzing the gut contents. The bulk of the recognizable food in the guts of all copepodite stages consisted of small-sized phytoplankton, and no evidence of switching to a more carnivorous diet at low-phytoplankton concentrations was obtained. Usage of ice-associated algae was proposed to explain high winter-feeding activity. This knowledge of seasonal feeding patterns fills in a gap in our understanding of the life-cycle strategy of C. citer.  相似文献   

V. I. Monchenko 《Hydrobiologia》1996,320(1-3):119-122
The seasonal activity and diapause in Cyclopidae was investigated in natural water-bodies in the vicinity of Kiev and in experiments. It was established that in stenothermal species (cold-loving and warmth-loving) the temperature thresholds of passing into an active state are nearer to the temperature optimum of each species than the temperature thresholds of passing into resting state. But temperature seemingly is not the only factor leading to changes in the activity state of populations. It seems probable that in the appearance of a particular adaptation some definite irritating external factor, regularly repeating each year, and permitting adaptation to it, acquires the role of a switch-factor directing the physiological processes of the organism to move in a new way — entering the resting state or leaving it.  相似文献   


Seasonal influx of suspended sediments to lakes is common in many aquatic systems, particularly during periods of high flow. Suspended particles not only affect visibility and net primary productivity, as light penetration is reduced, but may also affect the ability of herbivorous zooplankton to locate and ingest food. In Swan Lake, an oligotrophic lake in northwestern Montana, the dose association between zooplankton population development and seasonal maxima in turbidity levels suggests that the community present during peak turbidity is minimally impacted by suspended sediments. This report presents the results of laboratory investigations into the effect of suspended sediments on feeding by the copepod Diaptomus ashlandii, the dominant zoo‐plankter in Swan Lake. Ingestion rate for copepods feeding on 32P labeled algae was significantly reduced in the presence of suspended particles at all turbidity levels tested (5 to 200 NTU's) compared to ingestion rate in the absence of suspended particles (0 NTU's).  相似文献   

The foraging tactics and prey-selection patterns of omnivorous and carnivorous calanoid copepods are reviewed. Calanoid foraging tactics are envisioned as falling along several closely coupled continua reflecting swimming behavior, feeding behavior, and dietary habit. The consequences of these foraging tactics on prey-selection patterns are explored in the context of a graphical model. It is hypothesized that the prey-selection patterns of calanoid copepods are determined, to a large extent, by calanoid foraging tactics and the size relationships of predator and prey.  相似文献   

Anne-Mette Hansen 《Hydrobiologia》1996,320(1-3):223-227
Populations of the copepod Cyclops vicinus in two Danish lakes differed in their life cycles. In Lake Væng C. vicinus was absent during summer, whereas in Lake Søbygård it continued producing distinct cohorts throughout summer. A comparison between the lakes showed that in the lake where C. vicinus was absent during summer, food limitation generally existed. In contrast, abundance of C. vicinus during summer in Lake Søbygård always coincided with available resources sufficient for the whole life cycle. Thus, summer diapause of C. vicinus is suggested to be a strategy to avoid food limitation. Avoidance of fish predation does not seem substantially to influence life cycles.  相似文献   


Juvenile hormone (JH) and α-naphthyl acetate (α-NA) esterase activity was measured on a daily basis during embryogenesis of the house cricket, Acheta domesticus. In eggs dissected from the lateral oviducts and embryos through blastokinesis, there were elevated levels of nonspecific JH esterase activity. The JH esterase activity could not be resolved from the α-NA esterase activity by gel filtration chromatography and the metabolism of both substrates was inhibited equally by 0,0-diisopropyl phosphorofluoridate (DFP). From blastokinesis through egg hatch, the JH esterase activity was maintained at relatively low levels and was resolved from the α-NA esterase activity by gel filtration. The α-NA esterase activity was inhibited by DFP while the JH esterase activity was relatively unaffected. Low JH titers in eggs must be maintained through blastokinesis for normal development. Elevated JH esterase activity in eggs during this period appears to have a functional role in the metabolism of maternal JH in the egg.  相似文献   

  Misophrioid copepods are reported for the first time from Antarctic waters. A species of each of the genera Misophriopsis and Misophriella is described from hyperbenthic layers of the continental shelf of the eastern Weddell Sea. The genus Misophria is also reported from these waters. Misophriopsis australis sp. nov. is the fifth representative of this widely distributed genus, previously reported from the North Atlantic, the China Sea, and both NW and NE quadrants of the Pacific Ocean. Misophriella schminkei sp. nov. is the second representative of the genus, known to date only from a single female caught in North Atlantic bathyal depths. Traces of subdivisions on antennary exopodal segments of the latter species suggest that the first segment may be a triple segment, while the second and terminal segments may be double segments. In addition, the mandibular exopod of this taxon indicates that a six-segmented ramus with setal formula 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2 may represent the ground pattern in Copepoda. The presence of parts of a cyclopinid copepod in the gut of M. schminkei sp. nov. indicates that this species may be carnivorous. Received: 12 November 1998 / Received in revised form: 26 July 1999 / Accepted: 27 July 1999  相似文献   

Beaumont  K.L.  Plummer  A.J.  Hosie  G.W.  Ritz  D.A. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,(1):55-65
The abundance of small faecal pellets is high in marine waters. Little is known, however, about the processes governing their production and fate in the water column. We investigated faecal pellet production and flux in relation to the phytoplankton and copepod assemblages present in Ellis Fjord, Antarctica. Results show that the phytoplankton community shifted from a dominance of diatoms to that of a cryptomonad species during late January. This coincided with an increase in abundance of the small copepods Paralabidocera antarctica and Oithona similis, although Oncaea curvata was still the dominant species. The mean faecal pellet flux was 9943 pellets m–2 d–1. Only 37% of the faecal pellet flux at 5 m sedimented to 10 m depth, 15% to 20 m, and 12% to 40 m depth. Our results suggest that recycling of faecal pellets by copepods contributes to this decreased flux with increasing depth, which concurs with results from large scale oceanic studies. Additionally, we propose that the summer ice melt changes the physical characteristics of the water column and the phytoplankton species abundance and distribution; both of which potentially impact on the distribution and abundance of copepods, thereby regulating faecal pellet flux.  相似文献   

The bug Andrallus spinidens (F.) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) is a polyphagous predator of insect larvae, which is distributed in tropical and warm temperate zones worldwide. Seasonal occurrence and diapause induction of this bug were studied in a population in Miyazaki, southern Kyushu, Japan. The field research showed that A. spinidens produces three or four generations a year and is most abundant from mid‐summer to autumn. Reproductive activity of field‐collected adults decreased from late summer to autumn, indicating that this bug enters adult diapause in autumn. Only adults were found in early spring and these were reproductive. Laboratory experiments showed that, irrespective of photoperiod, adult diapause is induced at lower temperatures (≤22.5°C), whereas it is avoided at higher temperatures (≥25°C). Ambient temperature falls across the critical range from late summer to autumn. Thus, the bug clearly overwinters in adult diapause induced by low temperatures and this diapause is terminated during the course of winter.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Eggs laid by adult female Dianemobius nigrofasciatus , reared under long-day (LD 16 : 8 h, 25 °C) or short-day (LD 12 : 12 h, 25 °C) conditions from the nymphal stage, are kept at several constant temperatures. At 22.5–30.0 °C, eggs laid by long-day adults show lower incidences of diapause than those laid by short-day adults. In both eggs laid by adults under long-day conditions and those under short-day conditions, the higher the temperature at which the eggs are kept, the lower the incidence of diapause. When eggs of long-day adults are exposed to a low-temperature pulse (10 °C, 24 h) on the day of deposition (day 0), the incidence of diapause increases. The low-temperature pulse on day 1 does not increase the incidence of diapause. By contrast, when the eggs of short-day adults are exposed to a high-temperature pulse (35 °C, 24 h) on day 0 or day 1, the incidence of diapause decreases. The temperature pulses on day 0 are more effective at diapause prevention. Staining of diapause eggs by the Feulgen–Rossenbeck method shows that the eggs enter diapause at the blastoderm stage, which is on day 1 or day 2 at 25 °C. The exposure of adults to long days and higher temperatures prevents the eggs from entering diapause. In D. nigrofasciatus , embryonic diapause is controlled by maternal effects, adult photoperiod and temperature, and egg temperature before or at diapause.  相似文献   

Two distinctly different patterns of gut enzyme activity were noted in relation to diapause in pharate first instar larvae of the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar. Trypsin, chymotrypsin, elastase, aminopeptidase and esterase activities were low at the initiation of diapause and through the period of chilling needed to terminate diapause. At the completion of a 150 day chilling period, activity of each of these enzymes quickly increased when the pharate larvae were transferred to 25°C. By contrast, activity of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) increased rapidly at the onset of diapause, remained elevated throughout diapause, increased again during postdiapause, and then dropped at the time of hatching. In addition, zymogram patterns of ALP activity differed qualitatively in relation to diapause: several bands were detectable during the pre- and postdiapause periods, but only one band, a band of high mobility, was visible during diapause. The ALP isozyme present in diapausing pharate larvae had a pH optimum of 10.6. Diapause in the gypsy moth can be averted by application of an imidazole derivative, KK-42, and pharate larvae treated with KK-42 showed elevated protease and esterase activity, low ALP activity, and expressed ALP isozymes with low mobility. Thus the overall patterns of gut enzyme activity and the ALP zymogram in KK-42 treated individuals were similar to those observed in untreated individuals at the termination of diapause. Our results suggest a unique pattern of enzyme activity in the gut that is regulated by the diapause program. Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 37:197–205, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Feeding, reproductive and locomotor activities of fourDrosophila species were studied under short and long daylengths at 15°C. A short daylength induced firm reproductive diapause in experimental strains ofD. subauraria andD. triauraria from northern Japan, but very shallow diapause in those ofD. lutescens andD. rufa from southern Japan. A subtropical strain ofD. triauraria had no diapause. The influence of diapause on feeding activity was detected only in aged (> 12 day old) females; that is, the feeding activity was lower in diapausing females than in non-diapausing ones. Females that do not produce eggs would not require so much energy. On the other hand, young adults of the study species exhibited a high feeding activity and rapidly increased bodyweight irrespective of sex and the diapause state. They would need nutrition to build up their adult body. In males, the feeding activity decreased with age irrespective of the diapause state. Males would not require so much energy for reproductive activity. Diapausing males became heavier than non-diapausing males, perhaps because they accumulated triacylglycerols in fat bodies. However, female bodyweight did not differ by the diapause state, perhaps because diapausing females accumulated triacylglycerols and reproducing females had eggs in their ovaries. InD. triauraria, diapausing individuals exhibited somewhat lower locomotor activity than non-diapausing ones.  相似文献   

Gerhard Maier 《Hydrobiologia》1989,184(1-2):79-88
The duration times of eggs, combined naupliar instars and of the different copepodite stages of five species of cyclopoid copepods — Acanthocyclops robustus, Cyclops vicinus, Diacyclops bicuspidatus, Mesocyclops leuckarti, and Thermocyclops crassus — were investigated at five different temperatures. The five species can be divided in two groups: two species, C. vicinus and D. bicuspidatus, adapted to cold water conditions and three species, A. robustus, M. leuckarti and T. crassus adapted to warm water conditions. The cold water species showed a faster egg development than M. leuckarti and T. crassus at 5–15 °C. The eggs and instars of the warm water species M. leuckarti tend to develop faster than those of the former two species at higher temperatures. A. robustus showed the shortest egg and instar development at 10–25 °C. The warm water species T. crassus produced no eggs at 10 °C and temperatures below. At higher temperatures (20, 25 °C) the egg and instar duration times were similar or longer than those of the other species. When cultured in total darkness a great part of the CIV respectively CV copepodites of the summer forms entered arrest and the percentage of copepodites that showed an arrest of development was highest at lowest temperatures. The present results are compared with data from literature and differences are discussed.  相似文献   

Some aspects of the biology and ecology (life cycle, feeding and production) of a population of Isoptena serricornis in the Rudava River (Slovakia) are studied, reported and discussed. The life cycle is annual, with slow growth in autumn‐winter and fast growth in late summer and spring. The growth decreased two weeks before the Fall Equinox and increased two weeks after the Spring Equinox. The flight period spans from the end of May to the beginning of July. The presence of large sand particles in the gut of all studied nymphs is of note, and indicates that I. serricornis acts as a deposit‐collector species. Nymphal food is principally composed of detritus, unicellular organisms and, in nymphs of intermediate or large size, Chironomidae larvae. Adult food is composed fundamentally of different types of pollen grains. Males usually have lower food content than females. Annual production of this species (∼694–750 mg · m−2) is very high in relation to other previously studied Chloroperlidae. This is probably largely responsible for I. serricornis being one of the most abundant components of the macroinvertebrate community in its habitat in the Rudava River. A negative correlation between production and temperature was observed.  相似文献   

1. This study investigates the basis and ecological significance of the extremely high propensity for mixis (sexual reproduction) observed in laboratory populations of Brachionus calyciflorus from a temporary pond in Patagonia. 2. Experiments with stem females hatched from resting eggs showed that these females were exclusively amictic but produced mictic daughters even at very low population densities. In six experiments, newly hatched stem females were cultured individually in different volumes (1.5, 12, 40 and 150 mL). The percentage of mictic daughters (mixis ratio) was high in the smaller volumes (e.g. 44–83% in 1.5 mL) and lower in the largest volume (6–21% in 150 mL). A regression analysis combining the data from these experiments showed a highly significant decrease in mixis ratio with volume and indicated that the lowest population density at which mixis still occurs (mixis threshold) would be 3.4 females L?1 (95% CL 2.9–4.0 females L?1). This value is considerably lower than mixis thresholds for other rotifers (25–250 females L?1 for many species and 9000–477 000 females L?1 for some Spanish Brachionus plicatilis). 3. In three additional experiments, stem females and their amictic daughters were cultured individually in 150 mL. The percentage of mictic daughters produced by these two generations of females was not significantly different, showing that the mixis response to crowding is not inhibited in the stem‐female generation. 4. Laboratory experiments showed that two common predators of the Patagonian B. calyciflorus (the calanoid copepod Parabroteas sarsi and the backswimmer Notonecta vereertbruggheni) each ate 60–70 B. calyciflorus predator?1 per day and cleared all rotifers from c. 250 mL per day. Thus, a very low mixis threshold and high maximal mixis ratio may ensure production of some resting eggs soon after colonisation of the pond and before complete removal from the plankton. 5. Two laboratory experiments showed that resting eggs of the Patagonian B. calyciflorus hatched at variable rates (28 and 81%) after a brief diapause when kept in the conditions under which they were produced and oviposited (20–21 °C; L: D 16: 8). Early hatching of resting eggs from pond sediment may allow multiple periods of colonisation and resting egg production in a season. This may offset the fitness cost of limited population growth through female parthenogenesis in the face of unpredictable and abrupt risk of extinction because of predators.  相似文献   

Seasonal adaptations and the role of lipids in oceanic zooplankton   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hagen W  Auel H 《Zoology (Jena, Germany)》2001,104(3-4):313-326
Oceanic zooplankton species exhibit quite diverse life history traits. A major driving force determining their life strategies is the seasonal variability in food supply, which is most pronounced in polar oceans where fluctuations in primary production are extreme. Seasonal adaptations are closely related to the trophic level of zooplankters, with strongest pressures occurring on herbivorous organisms. The dominant grazers, calanoid copepods and krill (Euphausiacea), have developed fascinating solutions for successful overwintering at higher latitudes. They usually exhibit a very efficient storage and utilization of energy reserves to reduce the effect of a highly seasonal primary production. The predominant larger Calanus species from the Arctic and Calanoides acutus from the Antarctic biosynthesize large amounts of high-energy wax esters with long-chain monounsaturated fatty acids and alcohols (20:1 and 22:1 isomers) as major components. They survive the dark season at depth in a stage of dormancy called diapause. In contrast, the Antarctic Calanus propinquus, a winter-active species, synthesizes primarily triacylglycerols, which are dominated by long-chain monounsaturated fatty acids with 22 carbon atoms (2 isomers) and yield even higher calorific contents. The omnivorous and carnivorous species, which are less subjected to seasonal food shortage, usually do not exhibit such an elaborate lipid biosynthesis. Herbivores usually do not utilize much of their enormous lipid reserves for overwintering, but channel this energy towards reproductive processes in late winter/early spring. Timing of reproduction is critical especially at high latitudes due to the short production period, and lipid reserves ensure early spawning independent of external resources. These energetic adaptations (dormancy, lipid storage) are supplemented by other life strategies such as extensive vertical migrations, change in the mode of life, and trophic flexibility.  相似文献   

Food has an influence on many life history traits related to dormancy in insects. In our previous study with the rice bug Leptocorisa chinensis (Dallas) (Hemiptera: Alydidae), diapausing females transferred to conditions physically favorable for promoting the gonad development required food intake to resume gonad development, whereas males did not. These differences in response to food between males and females lead to two questions: (1) Was diapause in the starved females completed? (2) Were the starved males that resumed gonad development at the same physiological status as fed males? We tested these questions with two physiological indicators: gonad status and respiratory rate. Results indicate that starved females are able to complete diapause, but show depressed respiration relative to well-fed insects in diapause. Similar to females, starved males that resumed postdiapause gonad development also had depressed respiratory rate, and hence physiological status is presumed to be different between starved and fed individuals. In this study, it was also found that the photoperiodic signal is storable, whereas the food signal acts directly. The adaptive significance of regulation of gonad development and respiratory metabolism in relation to phenology of suitable host plant and reproductive strategy is discussed in both sexes.  相似文献   

Deep Lake in Antarctica is a cold, hypersaline system where four types of haloarchaea representing distinct genera comprise >70% of the lake community: strain tADL ∼44%, strain DL31 ∼18%, Halorubrum lacusprofundi ∼10% and strain DL1 ∼0.3%. By performing comparative genomics, growth substrate assays, and analyses of distribution by lake depth, size partitioning and lake nutrient composition, we were able to infer important metabolic traits and ecophysiological characteristics of the four Antarctic haloarchaea that contribute to their hierarchical persistence and coexistence in Deep Lake. tADL is characterized by a capacity for motility via flagella (archaella) and gas vesicles, a highly saccharolytic metabolism, a preference for glycerol, and photoheterotrophic growth. In contrast, DL31 has a metabolism specialized in processing proteins and peptides, and appears to prefer an association with particulate organic matter, while lacking the genomic potential for motility. H. lacusprofundi is the least specialized, displaying a genomic potential for the utilization of diverse organic substrates. The least abundant species, DL1, is characterized by a preference for catabolism of amino acids, and is the only one species that lacks genes needed for glycerol degradation. Despite the four haloarchaea being distributed throughout the water column, our analyses describe a range of distinctive features, including preferences for substrates that are indicative of ecological niche partitioning. The individual characteristics could be responsible for shaping the composition of the haloarchaeal community throughout the lake by enabling selection of ecotypes and maintaining sympatric speciation.  相似文献   

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