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Nodal/activin signaling plays a key role in anterior-posterior (A-P) axis formation by inducing the anterior visceral endoderm (AVE), the extraembryonic signaling center that initiates anterior patterning in the embryo. Here we provide direct evidence that the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) p38 regulates AVE specification through a crosstalk with the Nodal/activin signaling pathway. We show that p38 activation is directly stimulated by Nodal/activin and fails to be maintained upon inhibition of this pathway both in vivo and in vitro. In turn, p38 strengthens the Nodal signaling response by phosphorylating the Smad2 linker region and enhancing the level of Smad2 activation. Furthermore, we demonstrate that this p38 amplification loop is essential for correct specification of the AVE in two ways: first, by showing that inhibiting p38 activity in 5.5 days postcoitum embryo cultures leads to a switch from AVE to an extraembryonic visceral endoderm cell identity, and second, by demonstrating that genetically reducing p38 activity in a Nodal-sensitive background leads to a failure of AVE specification in vivo. Collectively, our results reveal a novel role for p38 in regulating the threshold of Nodal signaling and propose a new mechanism by which A-P axis development can be reinforced during early embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Animal-vegetal axis patterning mechanisms in the early sea urchin embryo   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
During mouse fertilization the spermatozoon induces a series of low-frequency long-lasting Ca(2+) oscillations. It is generally accepted that these oscillations are due to Ca(2+) release through the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP(3)) receptor. However, InsP(3) microinjection does not mimic sperm-induced Ca(2+) oscillations, leading to the suggestion that the spermatozoon causes Ca(2+) release by sensitizing the InsP(3) receptor to basal levels of InsP(3). This contradicts recent evidence that the spermatozoon triggers Ca(2+) oscillations by introducing a phospholipase C or else an activator of phospholipase C. Here we show for the first time that sperm-induced Ca(2+) oscillations may be mimicked by the photolysis of caged InsP(3) in both mouse metaphase II eggs and germinal vesicle stage oocytes. Eggs, and also oocytes that had displayed spontaneous Ca(2+) oscillations, gave long-lasting Ca(2+) oscillations when fertilized or when caged InsP(3) was photolyzed. In contrast, oocytes that had shown no spontaneous Ca(2+) oscillations did not generate many oscillations when fertilized or following photolysis of caged InsP(3). Fertilization in eggs was most closely mimicked when InsP(3) was uncaged at relatively low amounts for extended periods. Here we observed an initial Ca(2+) transient with superimposed spikes, followed by a series of single transients with a low frequency; all characteristics of the Ca(2+) changes at fertilization. We therefore show that InsP(3) can mimic the distinctive pattern of Ca(2+) release in mammalian eggs at fertilization. It is proposed that a sperm Ca(2+)-releasing factor operates by generating a continuous small amount of InsP(3) over an extended period of time, consistent with the evidence for the involvement of a phospholipase C.  相似文献   

Cell-cell interactions are thought to regulate the differential specification of secondary mesenchyme cells (SMCs) and endoderm in the sea urchin embryo. The molecular bases of these interactions, however, are unknown. We have previously shown that the sea urchin homologue of the LIN-12/Notch receptor, LvNotch, displays dynamic patterns of expression within both the presumptive SMCs and endoderm during the blastula stage, the time at which these two cell types are thought to be differentially specified (Sherwood, D. R. and McClay, D. R. (1997) Development 124, 3363-3374). The LIN-12/Notch signaling pathway has been shown to mediate the segregation of numerous cell types in both invertebrate and vertebrate embryos. To directly examine whether LvNotch signaling has a role in the differential specification of SMCs and endoderm, we have overexpressed activated and dominant negative forms of LvNotch during early sea urchin development. We show that activation of LvNotch signaling increases SMC specification, while loss or reduction of LvNotch signaling eliminates or significantly decreases SMC specification. Furthermore, results from a mosaic analysis of LvNotch function as well as endogenous LvNotch expression strongly suggest that LvNotch signaling acts autonomously within the presumptive SMCs to mediate SMC specification. Finally, we demonstrate that the expansion of SMCs seen with activation of LvNotch signaling comes at the expense of presumptive endoderm cells, while loss of SMC specification results in the endoderm expanding into territory where SMCs usually arise. Taken together, these results offer compelling evidence that LvNotch signaling directly specifies the SMC fate, and that this signaling is critical for the differential specification of SMCs and endoderm in the sea urchin embryo.  相似文献   

Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) are a heavily sulfated component of the extracellular matrix (ECM) implicated in a variety of cell signaling events involved in patterning of embryos. Embryos of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus were exposed to several inhibitors that disrupt GAG function during development. Treatment with chlorate, a general inhibitor of sulfation that leads to undersulfated GAGs, reduced sulfation of the urchin blastocoelar ECM. It also prevented correct specification of the oral-aboral axis and mouth formation, resulting in a radialized phenotype characterized by the lack of an oral field, incomplete gastrulation and formation of multiple skeletal spicule rudiments. Oral markers were initially expressed in most of the prospective ectoderm of chlorate-treated early blastulae, but then declined as aboral markers became expressed throughout most of the ectoderm. Nodal expression in the presumptive oral field is necessary and sufficient to specify the oral-aboral axis in urchins. Several lines of evidence suggest a deregulation of Nodal signaling is involved in the radialization caused by chlorate: (1) Radial embryos resemble those in which Nodal expression was knocked down. (2) Chlorate disrupted localized nodal expression in oral ectoderm, even when applied after the oral-aboral axis is specified and expression of other oral markers is resistant to treatment. (3) Inhibition with SB-431542 of ALK-4/5/7 receptors that mediate Nodal signaling causes defects in ectodermal patterning similar to those caused by chlorate. (4) Intriguingly, treatment of embryos with a sub-threshold dose of SB-431542 rescued the radialization caused by low concentrations of chlorate. Our results indicate important roles for sulfated GAGs in Nodal signaling and oral-aboral axial patterning, and in the cellular processes necessary for archenteron extension and mouth formation during gastrulation. We propose that interaction of the Nodal ligand with sulfated GAGs limits its diffusion, and is required to specify an oral field in the urchin embryo and organize the oral-aboral axis.  相似文献   

The activation of sea urchin eggs at fertilization provides an ideal system for studying the molecular events involved in cellular activation. Rho GTPases, which are key signaling enzymes in eukaryotes, are involved in sustaining the activation of sea urchin eggs; however, their downstream effectors have not yet been characterized. In somatic cells, RhoA regulates a serine/threonine kinase known as Rho-kinase (ROCK). The activity of ROCK in early sea urchin development has been inferred, but not tested directly. A ROCK gene was identified in the sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus) genome and the sequence of its cDNA determined. The sea urchin ROCK (SpROCK) sequence predicts a protein of 158 kDa with >72% and 45% identities with different protein orthologues of the kinase catalytic domain and the complete protein sequence, respectively. SpROCK mRNA levels are high in unfertilized eggs and decrease to 35% after 15 min postfertilization and remain low up to the 4 cell stage. Antibodies to the human ROCK-I kinase domain revealed SpROCK to be concentrated in the cortex of eggs and early embryos. Co-immunoprecipitation assays indicate that RhoA and SpROCK are physically associated. This association is destroyed by treatment with the C3 exoenzyme and with the ROCK antagonist H-1152. H-1152 also inhibited DNA synthesis in embryos. We conclude that the Rho-dependent signaling pathway, via SpROCK, is essential for early embryonic development.  相似文献   

MAPK p38 alpha is dispensable for lymphocyte development and proliferation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Signals mediated by the p38alpha MAPK have been implicated in many processes required for the development and effector functions of innate and adaptive immune responses. As mice deficient in p38alpha exhibit embryonic lethality, most analyses of p38alpha function in lymphocytes have relied on the use of pharmacologic inhibitors and dominant-negative or constitutively active transgenes. In this study, we have generated a panel of low passage p38alpha(+/+), p38alpha(+/-), and p38alpha(-/-) embryonic stem (ES) cells through the intercrossing of p38alpha(+/-) mice. These ES cells were used to generate chimeric mice by RAG-deficient blastocyst complementation, with the lymphocytes in these mice being derived entirely from the ES cells. Surprisingly, B and T cell development were indistinguishable when comparing chimeric mice generated with p38alpha(+/+), p38alpha(+/-), and p38alpha(-/-) ES cell lines. Moreover, proliferation of p38alpha(-/-) B and T cells in response to Ag receptor and non-Ag receptor stimuli was intact. Thus, p38alpha is not an essential component of signaling pathways required for robust B and T lymphocyte developmental, nor is p38alpha essential for the proliferation of mature B and T cells.  相似文献   

To elucidate a relationship between early cleavage planes and dorso-ventral (DV)-axis of sea urchin embryos, a fluorescent dye, Lucifer Yellow CH, was iontophoretically introduced into one blastomere at the 2-cell stage, and the location of the progeny cells was determined in the half-labeled prism larvae by examining the embryos from the animal pole. The boundary plane which divides the embryonic tissue into the labeled and nonlabeled parts was (1) coincident with, (2) perpendicular to, or (3) obliquely crossing the larval plane of bilateral symmetry. The oblique boundaries took only two angles mutually symmetrical with regard to the DV-axis of embryos. Combining these labeling patterns, the tissue of prism larvae could be divided into 8 sectors around the animal-vegetal axis. When the 2-cell stage embryos with different diameters of sister blastomeres were labeled with the dye, one end of the boundary plane was again found at one of the 8 boundary points noticed in equally cleaved embryos, while the other was observed to fall in the middle of a sector. These results indicate that the DV-axis of the embryo is established according to the spatial arrangement of blastomeres during the 5-6th cleavage stages when blastomeres align in 8 rows in meridional direction. It was also suggested that intercellular communication takes part in the determination of the fate of individual founder blastomeres during the two subsequent cleavages, i.e., 7-8th cleavage stages.  相似文献   

The oral-aboral (OA) axis in the sea urchin is specified by the TGFβ family members Nodal and BMP2/4. Nodal promotes oral specification, whereas BMP2/4, despite being expressed in the oral territory, is required for aboral specification. This study explores the role of Chordin (Chd) during sea urchin embryogenesis. Chd is a secreted BMP inhibitor that plays an important role in axial and neural specification and patterning in Drosophila and vertebrate embryos. In Lytechinus variegatus embryos, Chd and BMP2/4 are functionally antagonistic. Both are expressed in overlapping domains in the oral territory prior to and during gastrulation. Perturbation shows that, surprisingly, Chd is not involved in OA axis specification. Instead, Chd is required both for normal patterning of the ciliary band at the OA boundary and for development of synaptotagmin B-positive (synB) neurons in a manner that is reciprocal with BMP2/4. Chd expression and synB-positive neural development are both downstream from p38 MAPK and Nodal, but not Goosecoid. These data are summarized in a model for synB neural development.  相似文献   

In sea urchin embryos, four types of non-skeletogenic mesodermal cells are derived from secondary mesenchyme cells (SMCs). Although determining the complete lineage of SMCs is currently a high-priority goal, specific markers for each type of SMC-derived cell in Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus are unavailable. To identify genes preferentially expressed in the various types of SMC-derived cells, we constructed a cDNA library of the archenteron isolated from late gastrulae. Both the 5' and 3' ends of 1,050 cDNAs randomly selected from 7,500 picked clones were sequenced. Based on the sequence at the 3' end, the cDNAs were grouped into 671 independent clusters. Among these, 605 clusters were analysed by whole-mount in situ hybridisation; 28% (170 clusters) exhibited differential expression patterns, while 24% were ubiquitously expressed and 48% did not show any staining. Of 170 clusters showing differential expression patterns, 33 clusters were differentially expressed in SMC-derived cells. From these clusters, several genes were obtained that were specifically or predominantly expressed in each type of SMCs, including coelomic pouch cells in which specific expression patterns have not been reported previously, and hence will be useful for lineage studies. Furthermore, in situ hybridisation revealed the existence of a new type or subpopulation of SMCs distributed sparsely in the blastocoel.  相似文献   

Pl-nectin is a glycoprotein first discovered in the extracellular matrix (ECM) of Paracentrotus lividus sea urchin embryo, apically located on ectoderm and endoderm cells. The molecule has been described as functioning as an adhesive substrate for embryonic cells and its contact to ectoderm cells is essential for correct skeletogenesis. The present study was undertaken to elucidate the biochemical characteristics of Pl-nectin and to extend knowledge on its in vivo biological function. Here it is shown that the binding of mesenchyme blastula cells to Pl-nectin-coated substrates was calcium dependent, and reached its optimum at 10 mM Ca2+. Perturbation studies using monoclonal antibody (McAb) to Pl-nectin, which prevent ectoderm cell-Pl-nectin contact, show that dorsoventral axis formation and ectoderm differentiation were retarded. At later stages, embryos recovered and, even if growth and patterning of the skeleton was greatly affected, the establishment of dorsoventral asymmetry was reached. Similarly, the expression of specific ectoderm and endoderm territorial markers was achieved, although occurring with some delay. Endoderm differentiation and patterning was not obviously affected. These results suggest that both endoderm and ectoderm cells have regulative capacities and differentiation of territories is restored after a lag period. On the contrary, failure of inductive differentiation of the skeleton cannot be rescued, even though the ectoderm has recovered.  相似文献   

In the sea urchin embryo, primary mesenchyme cells (PMCs) are committed early in development to direct skeletogenesis, provided that a permissive signal is conveyed from adjacent ectoderm cells. We showed that inhibition of extracellular matrix (ECM)-ectoderm cells interaction, by monoclonal antibodies (mAb) to Pl-nectin, causes an impairment of skeletogenesis and reduced expression of Pl-SM30, a spicule-specific matrix protein. When PMCs are experimentally removed, some secondary mesenchyme cells (SMCs) switch to skeletogenic fate. Here, for the first time we studied SMC transfating in PMC-less embryos of Paracentrotus lividus. We observed the appearance of skeletogenic cells within 10 h of PMCs removal, as shown by binding of wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) to cell surface molecules unique to PMCs. Interestingly, the number of WGA-positive cells, expressing also msp130, another PMC-specific marker, doubled with respect to that of PMCs present in normal embryos, though the number of SM30-expressing cells remained constant. In addition, we investigated the ability of SMCs to direct skeletogenesis in embryos exposed to mAbs to Pl-nectin after removal of PMCs. We found that, although phenotypic SMC transfating occurred, spicule development, as well as Pl-SM30-expression was strongly inhibited. These results demonstrate that ectoderm inductive signals are necessary for transfated SMCs to express genes needed for skeletogenesis.  相似文献   

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