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This work summarizes biostratigraphic and paleogeographic data on Paleocene ostracods from the Senegalese-Mauritanian, West African and North African basins. In the Senegalese-Mauritanian basin, late Paleocene ostracods of high diversity suffered a mass extinction in the early Eocene. Comparison between Senegalese faunas and others of the Gulf of Guinea, Sahara and North African basins shows great similarities, with 10 common species identified: Bairdia ilaroensis Reyment and Reyment, Buntonia apatayeriyerii Reyment, Bfortunata Apostolescu, B. tichittensis Apostolescu, Cytherella sylvesterbradleyi Reyment, Dahomeya alata Apostolescu, Isohabrocythere teiskotensis Apostolescu, Phalcocythere vesiculosa (Apostolescu) Quadracythere lagaghiroboensis (Apostolescu) and Trachyleberis teiskotensis (Apostolescu). I. teiskotensis and P. vesiculosa are restricted to the upper Paleocene and are good stratigraphic markers for these basins. Faunal exchanges between West African, trans-Saharan and North African basins are highlighted. The directions of migration of some species are specified. Many West African species migrated to North Africa at the end of the Paleocene-Early Eocene. Migrations are related to climatic and paleobathymetric changes of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) that occurred during the Paleocene-Eocene transition.  相似文献   

《Annales de Paléontologie》2019,105(2):119-122
A new fossil species from the Eocene Baltic amber of the extinct tribe Mimoplatycini Kazantsev, 2013 (Cantharidae Malthininae), is illustrated and described here. Mimoplatycis marchettii sp. nov. is characterized by a transverse but interrupted carina in the middle of pronotum. The tribe is known from Baltic and Rovno amber, and the pronotum with carinae similar to Lycidae could be interpreted as mimicry. The pronotal shape is here indicated as a diagnostic character of the species level.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2019,18(4):417-441
Bat remains are useful for palaeoecological reconstructions, they provide independent information on palaeoenvironment and are good indicators for hypogean microclimates. Nine taxa of Chiroptera divided into three families (Rhinolophidae, Vespertilionidae and Miniopteridae) and four genera (Rhinolophus, Myotis, Plecotus and Miniopterus) were discovered in three fossil assemblages from the Grotta dei Pipistrelli, in Sicily, a key region for an understanding of Quaternary climates and environments. Bat remains were deposited during three distinct timespans: one late Pleistocene, MIS 2, around the Last Glacial Maximum, and two Holocene, both referable to the Atlantic chronozone. The presence of yearlings, adult and old individuals suggests hibernating colonies, but the cave was also utilized as a nursery. The diversity of taxa indicates a composite landscape with prevailing vegetation cover and relatively warm climatic conditions. The percentage variations of the frequencies of the recognized taxa suggest a progressive increase of open spaces in the middle Holocene.  相似文献   

The aim of the present contribution is to describe a new genus and species of Pipoidea from the Huitrera Formation (Eocene) from Patagonia, Argentina. The new genus shows a unique combination of characters indicating that it is a valid taxon different from other pipimorphs, including the coeval Llankibatrachus truebae. The phylogenetic analysis resulted in the nesting of the new taxon within a previously unrecognized endemic clade of South American aglossans. This new clade turns out to be the sister-group of crown-group Pipidae. This phylogenetic proposal reinforces the hypothesis sustaining the dispersal of pipids between Africa and South America through an island chain or a continental bridge across the Atlantic Ocean by Early Tertiary times.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2013,12(5):269-277
The known European record of the Gondwanan group Podocnemididae begins in the Early Eocene. Neochelys underwent a rapid diversification and was an abundant and diverse representative of this group during the Eocene of Europe from the Early Ypresian to at least the Bartonian. However, several of its species are poorly known, and the phylogenetic relationships among them are poorly understood. A complete shell from the Ypresian of Hérault (southern France) is described here. It is assigned to a new species, Neochelys liriae. The availability of characters of N. liriae is tested by comparison with the other European species, which appear to be well differentiated, and particularly with the neighbouring French taxa N. eocaenica and N. laurenti, of which the latter has been little known to this point.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2019,18(6):599-617
Associated penguin remains found in Bartonian levels of the Submeseta Formation (Seymour Island, Antarctica), including cranium and mandible, both partial tarsometatarsi, and some other fragmentary bones, are analyzed here. This specimen preserves the first cranium reliably assigned to the giant form Anthropornis grandis, and constitutes the first opportunity to taxonomically assign a cranial material to any of the Antarctic penguin species. A discussion of the diet preferences and feeding mechanisms of A. grandis is supported here by three-dimensional paleoneurological and cranial-jaw muscular reconstructions. We propose that A. grandis was a penguin with a voluminous musculature strongly attached to the neck and skull, adapted to chase and hunt fish during diving.  相似文献   

So far, the oldest terrestrial mammal associations in Italy dates to the beginning of the Oligocene, with Anthracotheriidae being the most represented taxon. Sites from northern Italy yielded remains of the genus Anthracotherium that spread from Asia to western Europe after the Grande Coupure. A finding at Grancona, which is Priabonian in age, implies that Anthracotheriidae family reached the Italian Peninsula before the Eocene–Oligocene boundary. Thus, the dispersal of this family in northern Italy is anterior than previously believed. The fossil consists of a poorly preserved right hemi-maxilla with well-preserved P4 and M3. The shape and the size of the teeth are not compatible with the genus Anthracotherium. On the contrary, the closer affinities with the Croatian species Prominatherium dalmatinum suggest a connection between the Balkan area and the Italian peninsula and a possible new way of dispersal for this family.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2019,18(7):747-763
Glyptosaurine lizards (Glyptosaurinae, Anguidae) are an extinct group of heavily armored lizards known from North America, Europe and Asia. Glyptosaurine lizards, taxa that possess fully developed tuberculated dermal armor, appear to have been established in North America by late early Puercan time (To3). “Proxestops,” a taxon distinguished by a combination of vermiculate and tuberculated osteoderm sculpturing, is considered to be a non-glyptosaurine, a sister taxon of the Glyptosaurinae. Known from only fragmentary remains, its wide chronostratigraphic distribution suggests that “Proxestops” is a form genus that, in all probability, represents more than one taxon, that ranges from the middle Paleocene to the early Eocene of North America. Moreover, the taxa Odaxosaurus piger, Parodaxosaurus sanjuanensis and “Proxestops” are best considered “proto-glyptosaurines”. “Melanosaurins” and glyptosaurins were well-established by the early Eocene, especially in North America, and are here documented by their type species and chronostratigraphic levels. Both tribes are present in Europe (MP7), too, but the record is not as estensive as that of North America. The North American taxon Gaultia silvaticus (Wa0) is transitional between a “melanosaurin” and glyptosaurin. Because it lacks the well-defined hexagonal osteoderms that characterize the Glyptosaurini, it is removed from that group and considered to be a “melanosaurin”. The “melanosaurin” taxon “Xestopssavagei (Wa4–Wa6) cannot be referred to Xestops (Br2) based on non-corresponding elements and because superficial similarity does not justify assignment to this taxon. Arpadosaurus sepulchralis (Wa6?), whose holotype is a fragmentary right frontal, is considered a subjective junior synonym of A. gazinorum, based on minor differences in the epidermal scale pattern that probably represent individual variation. “Glyptosaurusagmodon (Wa6?), based on a partial right maxilla, cannot be referred to Glyptosaurus (sensu stricto), and the material upon which this taxon is based bears strong resemblance to material identified as cf. “?Paraglyptosaurusyatkolai (Wa5–Wa6). “Glyptosaurusrhodinos (Wa5) is based on an incomplete parietal, and its reference to Glyptosaurus is considered problematic. Eoglyptosaurus donohoei (Wa7) is probably valid and is re-established here. Glyptosaurus (sensu stricto) is known solely from the middle Eocene (Br2) by G. sylvestris. Dimetoposaurus wyomingensis (Br3) is removed from Xestops vagans because its synonymy was based on superficial similarities. Helodermoides tuberculatus, the largest and last glyptosaurin (Ch3), is restricted to the Chadronian of North America. Only the “melanosaurin” Peltosaurus granulosus (Or2–Or3), which includes the species P. abbotti, seems to have crossed the Eocene-Oligocene boundary, and appears to be largely restricted to the Orellan, but extended into the Arikareean. European glyptosaurines are also represented by both glyptosaurins and “melanosaurins” early in the Eocene (MP7). Placosauriops-like “melanosaurins” are known from Dormaal (MP7), and the glyptosaurin taxon?Placosaurus ragei occurs at the same level. “Placosauriops abderhaldeni” has been identified from the Grube Messel (MP11), but this assignment remains dubious because the species has not been adequately diagnosed, and the holotype species is from the Geiseltal (MP13), which is some 4.5 million years younger. Placosauriops weigelti (MP13) is the only valid species of this genus. Paraxestops stehlini (MP14) is not referable to the North American taxon Xestops, and its relationship to Placosauriops has not been studied. The late Eocene glyptosaurins Placosaurus estesi (MP17) and P. rugosus (MP18) are the last glyptosaurines known from Europe and appear to have gone extinct at the Eocene-Oligocene boundary, casulties perhaps of the “Grande Coupure”. Asian glyptosaurines are known solely from one species, Stenoplacosaurus mongoliensis, from the middle Eocene (Sharamurunian) of China. Glyptosaurines most likely originated in North America, diversified by late Paleocene time, and rapidly spread across the North Atlantic into Europe by the early Eocene. Both “melanosaurins” and glyptosaurins took a foothold in Europe by the early Neustrian, but the glyptosaurins, aside from one occurrence (Dormaal, MP7), were conspicuously absent for most of Neustrian through early Robiacian time. In North America, glyptosaurins diversified during the early and middle Eocene, while in Europe small “melanosaurins” were a prominent part of the paleoherpetofauna, and glyptosaurins are unknown for most of the Neustrian through the Geiseltalian, in both the fossilferous Lagerstätten of Messel and Geiseltal. Stenoplacosaurus is the only known glyptosaurin glyptosaurine from Asia, and its abrupt appearance during the late Eocene suggests the possiblity of a Beringian dispersal from North America into Asia.  相似文献   

This study deals with the Middle Eocene ostracods from southeast Fayoum area, Egypt. To carry out this investigation, three outcrops are examined, Gebel Elwe El Breig, Gebel Sath El Hadid and Gebel Munqar El-Shinnara. This study is based on the Midawara Formation that consists mainly of fossiliferous limestone, marly limestone and clay. The studied ostracod assemblage includes thirty-one species and subspecies, belonging to twenty-three genera and seventeen families. The ostracod group belonging to Cytheroidea Baird, 1850 represents the most abundant group that reaches 81.99% in Munqar El-Shinnara section, 81.88% in Sath El Hadid section, and 61.12% in Elwe El Breig section. The structure of the investigated assemblages (abundance of ostracods, number of taxa, Fisher's alpha, Shannon index, and equitability) indicates deposition in an environment belonging to the neritic zone. Moreover, this study tries to use the multivariate analyses to distinguish the paleobiogeographic provinces in Tethyan region during the Middle Eocene. These analyses are applied on a matrix consists of some nominated Middle Eocene species from 13 countries. The results point to two distinctive provinces, Southern Tethys Province (Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt and Jordan) and the Northern Tethys Province (England, Germany, Spain, France, Belgium, Ukraine, Hungary and Turkey). The reasonable similarities between these provinces may reflect a possible connection between both sides of the Tethys during the Middle Eocene age.  相似文献   

The theca and the columnals of twenty-two lateCretaceous species of the genus Bourgueticrinus (including two new species), of one species of the genus Democrinus, of four species of the genus Conocrinus (including one new species) and of one species of the genus Paleobathycrinus known from USSR are figured and shortly described. Biometric reconstructions of stems for B. aequalis, B. bellus, B. danicus, B. fischeri and C. tauricus nov. sp. are given. A new index is used to suggest the relative flexibility of stem. Decrease in dimension and flexibility of the arms in several species take place simultaneously with an increase of stem flexibility. This fact seems to be closely related to environmental changes.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2013,12(4):191-202
We describe here “miacid” taxa from the Early Eocene Paris Basin locality of Le Quesnoy (Oise, France). We describe the new species Vassacyon taxidiotis, the first European record of this genus. The other “miacids” identified from Le Quesnoy are Miacis latouri and Gracilocyon solei. The P4 of G. solei is described here for the first time. Its morphology (e.g., wide protocone, short postmetacrista) supports a close relationship with Miacis rundlei from Abbey Wood (MP8 + 9, England). The latter species is therefore classified as Gracilocyon rundlei. Three new tooth positions are known for Miacis latouri: P4, p4 and m2. They support its reference to Miacis. These specimens imply that the European species is more basal than the North American species. The fauna from Le Quesnoy shares with Dormaal the presence of Miacis latouri and Gracilocyon solei, but the “miacid” fauna from Le Quesnoy also contains Vassacyon taxidiotis. The presence in Le Quesnoy of the two former taxa supports a reference to MP7 level of the French locality. The presence of three distinct genera in European localities show that the “Miacidae” were diversified in Europe, as previously observed in North America. The genera Gracilocyon, Miacis, and Vassacyon probably dispersed from Europe to North America during the Palaeocene/Eocene boundary.  相似文献   

The Eocene epoch in the Indian subcontinent was marked by widespread deposition of lignite and coal. While several of these deposits formed during the Early Eocene, corresponding to Early Eocene hyperthermal events, the lignites of Kutch in western India formed later during the Middle Eocene. An integrated biostratigraphy based on dinoflagellates and foraminifera assigns a Bartonian age to the succession, which likely corresponds to the time of the Middle Eocene warming. The spores, pollen, dinoflagellates and foraminifera suggest a restricted marine, near shore depositional environment adjacent to tropical rainforest. The lignites of Kutch suggest high precipitation during or just preceding the warm climate of the Middle Eocene.  相似文献   

Cryptostemma eocenica sp. nov., the first fossil representative of the family Dipsocoridae (Heteroptera: Dipsocoromorpha), is described from Eocene amber of France on the basis of a single macropterous female. The specimen is very ‘modern’ in appearance, demonstrating the remarkable morphological stability of this family since 53 Ma. Its generic affinities are difficult to estimate because the modern genera are mostly separated by male genitalia or female internal structures.  相似文献   

The Mediterranean area, from southern Balkans to western Maghreb, is inhabited by the Potamon subgenus Euthelphusa, with three currently recognised species. The Maghrebian species P. (E.) algeriense is isolated from other Potamon species by the Mediterranean Sea and the Sahara Desert, and nearly no molecular data are currently available for this taxon. Present study investigated the mtDNA and nuDNA diversity in Potamon algeriense s.l. with the aims of exploring its molecular diversity pattern throughout its known distribution range, and testing the possible presence of cryptic taxa currently lumped under this binomen. The phylogenetic and DNA taxonomy analyses showed the presence of two well-supported clades of species rank within P. algeriense s.l, with an eastern clade including the populations from Tunisia and Numidia, and a western, highly structured clade including the populations from central Algeria and Morocco. In agreement with a typical Maghrebian biogeographic pattern, the distribution of these two species shows a clear east–west divide, with a disjunction zone located in Kabylia, and a strong link between molecular diversity and segregation within different hydrographical basins is evident. The Maghreb thus proved to host an unexpectedly high genetic diversity of, and to constitute a biodiversity hot-spot for, the Potamon subgenus Euthelphusa. In the light of the existence of two well-characterised species currently lumped under P. algeriense s.l., and of their noteworthy molecular structuring, the status of Maghrebian Potamon populations should be re-assessed for both the species present in the area, which are to be considered as independent management units.  相似文献   

We describe two entelodontid upper premolars that were recovered from the late Eocene of the Krabi coal mine in southern Thailand. The size and morphology of the material suggest that it can be referred to Entelodon aff. Egobiensis, a species known from the late Eocene to the early Oligocene of northern Asia and southern China. The Thai material documents for the first time the southernmost occurrence of entelodontids in Asia during the Paleogene and also suggests that Eocene Southeast Asian mammal localities might potentially yield further entelodontid remains mostly associated with selenodont ungulates.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2019,18(5):517-523
Landfowl (order Galliformes) are among the most characteristic birds of the modern avian faunas, but their early evolutionary history is insufficiently known. The diversity of previously described Eocene galliforms implies a great role of Eocene diversification in the early evolution of this group. However, almost nothing is known about the Eocene diversity of galliforms in Asia, even though this large continent with a variety of habitats might have played a significant role in their early evolution. Here we describe a partial coracoid from the Lutetian–Bartonian of Uzbekistan, which is the oldest diagnosable galliform bird in Asia, and is further the first landbird known from this geographical area. The specimen displays a unique morphology with few autapomorphies and an unexpected combination of similarities with the African genus Scopelortyx and Eurasian Paraortyx, and hence is described as a new taxon, Xorazmortyx turkestanensis gen. et sp. nov., within the extinct family Paraortygidae, being the first Asian representative of this clade. Similarities with the African genus Scopelortyx indicate a connection of land bird faunas between northern Africa/Arabia and Asia in the middle Eocene. Better dispersal abilities of the early galliforms Paraortygidae are inferred from the osteology of their pectoral girdle and the humerus, which do not show adaptations to the powerful burst take off (escape flight), characteristic of most modern Phasianidae.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2014,13(4):267-276
A new specimen of early basilosaurid, now identified as Basilotritus sp., comes from the late Middle Eocene of Ukraine. It has basilosaurid-type cheek teeth with cinguli, similar to those of Zygorhiza, and roots resembling those of Georgiacetus vogtlensis and early Neoceti; an unusual feature of these teeth is the presence of accessory denticles of the second order located on the crown denticles. The postcranial anatomy shows a mixture of primitive and advanced basilosaurid traits. The phylogenetic position of the genus Basilotritus is confirmed to be near the base of Basilosauridae, between Supayacetus and Zygorhiza. The ontogeny of the specimen from Nagornoye is characterized by large body size, slow skeletal maturation and intensive pachyosteosclerosis that are interpreted as neotenic development. Rapid tooth wear with strong apical abrasion is the result of specialized diet, possibly feeding on sharks.  相似文献   

By the late 19th and early 20th centuries, authors described several specimens belonging to a very large felid, the size of a lion, from some Late Pleistocene localities at southern Chile and Argentina. These remains were considered as belonging to large and now extinct subspecies of jaguar. In the present contribution based on qualitative and quantitative postcranial and cranial characters, we conclude that that the “Patagonian Panthera” should be considered as representing remains of the American Cave Lion Panthera atrox. Evidence at hand indicates that Panthera atrox was a very large lion-like felid, with reddish skin, that inhabited dry open habitats. Furthermore, in contrast to living jaguars, transported and accumulated its preys in rocky dens. The presence of at least two pantherine lineages (i.e. Ponca and Patrox) in the Pleistocene of South America indicates that the lineage has a long and complex history in the New World, and that the history of the clade in this landmass is still far from being well understood.  相似文献   

Krister Brood 《Geobios》1976,9(4):393-423
Fourteen cyclostomatous Bryozoa from theMajunga Basin, Madagascar, are described. Seven of these (Diastopora madagascarensis, Pustulopora bonamaryi, Filisparsa majungensis, Canalipora cylindrica, Idmidronea bombetokensis, Pseudotervia delicatula, Lichenopora betsibokensis) are new. One new genus, Serpentipora, is described.Eleven cyclostomatous species are found in the Maestrichtian. Four of these occur also in Europe. Eight species are found in the Paleocene. Two of these occur also in Europe. The bryozoan fauna is composed of thin, delicate, erectly growing species, which suggests that the Bryozoa have probably lived in a moderately deep water, approximately 100–200 m deep.  相似文献   

The higher taxonomy of the 20 known genera of Afrotropical freshwater crabs is revised to reflect the evolutionary relationships revealed by the consensus of a series of recent morphological and molecular phylogenetic studies of the group. The Afrotropical freshwater crab genera fall into two monophyletic groups, one from Socotra with two genera (Potamidae) and another that includes the remaining 18 genera. The latter group, which includes the bulk of the region's freshwater crab fauna, forms a well-supported monophyletic clade. We recognize two monophyletic sister groups (subfamilies) within the Potamonautidae, one for seven genera from Africa (the Potamonautinae) and one for 11 genera from Africa, the Seychelles, and Madagascar (the Deckeniinae). The Deckeniinae includes two monophyletic groups (tribes), one with seven genera from Madagascar (the Hydrothelphusini), and one with four genera from Africa and the Seychelles (the Deckeniini). The Deckeniini is further divided here into two subtribes, the Deckeniina and the Globonautina. The Platythelphusidae is not recognized, and the Deckeniidae and Globonautinae are lowered in rank. There is no phylogenetic support for the continued inclusion of any genus from the Afrotropical region in the Gecarcinucidae which is treated here as an exclusively Oriental family. The Afrotropical freshwater crabs (excluding those from Socotra) form a monophyletic assemblage that has no representatives outside of the region. The wider biogeographical implications of the taxonomic revision are discussed.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 93 , 399–413.  相似文献   

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