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Submerged macrophytes are subjected to potential mechanical stresses associated with fluctuating water levels in natural conditions. However, few experimental studies have been conducted to further understand the effects of water level fluctuating amplitude on submerged macrophyte species and their assemblages or communities. We designed a controlled experiment to investigate the responses of three submerged macrophyte species (Hydrilla verticillata, Ceratophyllum demersum and Elodea nuttallii) and their combinations in communities to three amplitudes (static, ± 30 cm, ± 60 cm) of water level fluctuations. Results showed that water level fluctuating amplitude had little effects on the community performance and the three tested species responded differently. H. verticillata exhibited more growth in static water and it was negatively affected by either of the water level fluctuations amplitude, however, growth parameters of H. verticillata in two fluctuating water level treatments (i.e., ± 30 cm, ± 60 cm) were not significantly different. On the other hand, the growth of C. demersum was not significantly correlated with different amplitude treatments. However, it became more abundant when water levels fluctuated. E. nuttallii was inhibited by the two fluctuating water level treatments, and was less in growth parameters compared to the other species especially in water level fluctuating conditions. The inherent differences in the adaptive capabilities of the tested species indicate that C. demersum or other species with similar responses may be dominant species to restore submerged macrophyte communities with great fluctuating water levels. Otherwise, H. verticillata, E. nuttallii or other species with similar responses could be considered for constructing the community in static water conditions.  相似文献   

Previous studies of the effects of growth at elevated CO2 on energy partitioning in the photosynthetic apparatus have produced conflicting results. The hypothesis was developed and tested that elevated CO2 increases photochemical energy use when there is a high demand for assimilates and decreases usage when demand is low. Modulated chlorophyll a fluorescence and leaf gas exchange were measured on needles at the top of a mature, 12-m loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) forest. Trees were exposed to ambient CO2 or ambient plus 20 Pa CO2 using free-air CO2 enrichment. During April and August, periods of shoot growth, light-saturated photosynthesis and linear electron transport were increased by elevated CO2. In November, when growth had ceased but temperatures were still moderate, CO2 treatment had no significant effect on linear electron transport. In February, when low temperatures were likely to inhibit translocation, CO2 treatment caused a significant decrease in linear electron transport. This coincided with a slower recovery of the maximum photosystem II efficiency on transfer of needles to the shade, indicating that growth in elevated CO2 induced a more persistent photoinhibition. Both the summer increase and the winter decrease in linear electron transport in elevated CO2 resulted from a change in photochemical quenching, not in the efficiency of energy transfer within the photosystem II antenna. There was no evidence of any effect of CO2 on photochemical energy sinks other than carbon metabolism. Our results suggest that elevated CO2 may increase the effects of winter stress on evergreen foliage.  相似文献   

This research was to examine if rice (Oryza sativa L.), a monocotyledon of angiosperm, was able to synthesize chlorophyll (Chl) in complete darkness. Five-cm-tall etiolated seedlings of rice were used as starting materials and treated with or without various concentrations of glucose and/or δ-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) in the dark. Leaves harvested at the indicated time were determined for their contents of Chl, protoporphyrin Ⅸ(Proto), Mg-protoporphyrin Ⅸ(Mg-Proto) and protochlorophyllide (Pchlide). The mole percentage of porphyrin was calculated. The Chl content in the etiolated rice seedlings slightly increased from about 2.5 μg/g to 7.5 μg/g within 12 d in the dark, but the total Chl of dark-grown rice increased from 0.36 μg/g to 3.6 μg/g. While the mole percentages of Proto, Mg-Proto and Pchlide in the dark-grown seedlings without any treatment were about 65%, 27.5% and 7.5% at the beginning, respectively, those in the light-grown seedlings were about 42.5%, 35% and 22.5%, respectively. The mole percentage of porphyrin of etiolated seedlings resumed its normal ratio within 2 d after treatment with glucose. While the Chl content of etiolated seedlings grown in culture solution with 3% and 6% glucose increased 2.5 and 4.0 folds, respectively, those with 3% and 6% glucose and 1 mmol/L ALA increased 22 and 24 folds, respectively. It is concluded that angiosperm might be able to synthesize a small amount of Chl in complete darkness, that either glucose or ALA could stimulate dark Chl synthesis in angiosperm, and that a combination of glucose and ALA exhibited an additional effect. It is still unknown and remains to be further explored what is the mechanism of the effect of glucose and ALA on the Chl synthesis of rice in the dark. Key words: angiosperm; rice; dark chlorophyll synthesis; glucose; δ-aminolevulinic acid; protoporphyrin Ⅸ; Mg-protoporphyrin Ⅸ; protochlorophyllide  相似文献   

A greenhouse experlment was performed In order to Investigate the effects of dlfferent levels of water stress on leaf water potentlal (ψw), stomatal resistance (rs), protein content and chlorophyll (Chl) content of tomato plants (Lycoperslcon esculentum Mill. cv. Nlkita). Water stress was Induced by addlng polyethylene glycol (PEG 6 000) to the nutrlent solution to reduce the osmotlc potential (ψs). We Investlgated the behavlor of antl-oxldant enzymes, such as catalase (CAT) and superoxide dlsmutase (SOD), durlng the development of water stress. Moderate and severe water stress (i.e. ψs= -0.51 and -1.22 MPa, respectlvely) caused a decrease In ψw for all treated (water-stressed) plants compared with control plants, wlth the reductlon belng more pronounced for severely stressed plants. In addltion, rs was slgnlflcantly affected by the Induced water stress and a decrease in leaf soluble protelns and Chl content was observed. Whereas CAT actlvlty remained constant, SOD actlvlty was increased in water-stressed plants compared wlth unstressed plants. These results Indicate the possible role of SOD as an anti-oxidant protector system for plants under water stress condltlons. Moreover, It suggests the possibllity of using this enzyme as an addltional screening crlterlon for detecting water stress in plants.  相似文献   

Calli were induced from root, hypocotyl, cotyledon and flower bud of Carthamtus tinctorius. All calli had the capability to synthesize α-tocopherol. Among these calli, the hvpocotylcallus was better than others in cell growth rate and α-toeopherol content. Culture conditions could intensively influence the growth rate and α-tocopherol production of callus from Carthamus tinctorius. Sucrose (30g/L) was good for callus growth and glucose (30g/L) was good for α-tocopherol accumulation. High concentration (0.55%) of inositol could obviously stimulate both growth rate and α-tocopherol synthesis of callus. The inoculum quantity for best callus growth was 0.035 to 0.067g dry wt/flask (50ml volume). In addition, α-tocopherol content was effectively increased by culture callus in high CO2 concentration. Studies on optimum cuhure conditions of callus culture showed that the callus growth rate, α-tocopherol content and yield were 1.88, 2.03 and 3.30 times respectively as high as of the control by administration of 0.45%–0.55% inositol, 10% coconut milk, 0.1–0.5% casamino acid, 30g/L sucrose and 10g/L glucose.  相似文献   

The presence of a number of peptide hormones and other biologicallyactive peptides (BAP) in the milk of various species, togetherwith the low proteolytic activity in the gastrointestinal tractof newborns and "permeability" for macromolecules, suggeststheirpotential significance for the neonate I review the presence of hormones and other biologically activepeptides (BAP) in milks of various species. Furthermore, I summarizedata demonstrating the effects of orogastrically administeredBAP with special attention to epidermal growth factor.  相似文献   

Lootens  P.  Van Waes  J.  Carlier  L. 《Photosynthetica》2004,42(2):187-192
The effect of a short cold stress in combination with photoinhibition stress, similar to a low temperature and a high irradiance situation during early morning in the spring time, was examined on four maize cultivars common for Belgium, that differ in early vigour. After 1 h of 2 °C and 500 mol(photon) m–2 s–1, quantum efficiency and maximum photosynthesis rate at saturating irradiance decreased on average by 11 and 8 %, respectively. For one cultivar, Magister, the decrease was the largest: by 23 and 10 %, respectively. For this cultivar it was combined with a decrease of the water vapour conductance after the stress. The decrease of Fv/F0 due to the cold/light stress was dependent on the cold tolerance (early vigour) of the cultivars. Fv/F0 changed with –45.5 and –40.2 % for the cultivars Ardiles and Banguy, respectively (cultivars with a less good early vigour) in comparison to –36.3 and –35.9 % for Fjord and Magister, which have a good early vigour. Also the ratio of total chlorophylls/total carotenoids changed in dependence on cold tolerance of the cultivars. For more cold tolerant cultivars, the relative amount of total carotenoids (x+c) was higher, indicating a higher protective state. Both the parameter Fv/F0 and the ratio of total chlorophylls to total carotenoids can be used to differentiate the cold tolerant cultivars from the cold non-tolerant ones. Fv/F0 has the advantage because its resolving power is larger and the measurement is less expensive than determination of the pigment ratio.  相似文献   


This study analyzes the influence of different types of molecules (tween, lecithin, xanthan gum, and methylcellulose) on the physical properties (flow behavior and particle size) and microstructure of oil-in-water (o/w) emulsions before and during in vitro intestinal digestion. The release of free fatty acids during a simulated intestinal stage has also been examined. The results show that various o/w emulsions present different rates and extents of lipolysis and that these differences are not primarily due to their rheological properties nor to the droplet size/surface area available for the action of lipase. Rather, the observed differences in the kinetics of lipolysis are most likely attributable to the nature and location of each type of molecule in their respective o/w emulsions as well as to their interactions with intestinal components. These results shed light on the mechanisms by which the interfacial layer controls lipid digestion, paving the way for a practical application of some of these emulsions in the production of foods used for regulating dietary lipid digestion in order to prevent and treat obesity and related disorders.


In order to evaluate the effects of exogenous indole butyric acid (IBA) and callus formation on the antioxidant activity, total phenolics, and anthocyanin constituents of Morus nigra L. and M. alba L. cuttings, we investigated the variations before and after the treatment. The results indicate that anti-oxidant ability, total phenolic, and anthocyanin constituents of the callus stems of both Morus species were higher than those of non-callus forming species. There were also increases observed in anti-oxidant ability, total phenolic, and anthocyanin constituents of calli treated with IBA (1 000-3 000 mg/L).  相似文献   

Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry - This paper is divided into two parts. First I argue for the existence of a death-conscious culture in Iran, traceable in religious and literary texts, and...  相似文献   

The decomposition of soil organic carbon (SOC) plays a critical role in regulating atmospheric CO2 concentrations and climate dynamics. However, the mechanisms and factors controlling SOC decomposition are still not fully understood. Here, we conducted a 60 days incubation experiment to test the effects of physical disturbance and nitrogen (N) addition on SOC decomposition. N addition increased the concentration of NO3- by 51% in the soil, but had little effect on the concentration of NH4+. N addition inhibited SOC decomposition, but such an effect differed between disturbed and undisturbed soils. In disturbed and undisturbed soils, application of N decreased SOC decomposition by 37% and 15%, respectively. One possible explanation is that extra N input suppressed microbial N mining and/or increased the stability of soil organic matter by promoting the formation of soil aggregates and incorporating part of the inorganic N into organic matter, and consequently decreased microbial mineralization of soil organic matter. Physical disturbance intensified the inhibition of N on SOC decomposition, likely because physical disturbance allowed the added N to be better exposed to soil microbes and consequently increased the availability of added N. We conclude that physical disturbance and N play important roles in modulating the stability of SOC.  相似文献   

BackgroundEqual access to healthcare facilities and high-level quality of care are important strategies to eliminate the disparity in outcome of care. However, the existing literature regarding how urban or rural dwelling patients with different income level select healthcare providers is insufficient. The purposes of this study were to examine whether differences of healthcare provider selection exist among urban and rural coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG) patients with different income level. If so, we further investigated the associated impact on mortality.MethodsA retrospective, multilevel study design was conducted using claims data from 2007–2011 Taiwan’s Universal Health Insurance Scheme. Healthcare providers’ performance and patients’ travelling distance to hospitals were used to define the patterns of healthcare provider selection. Baron and Kenny’s procedures for mediation effect were conducted.ResultsThere were 10,108 CABG surgeries included in this study. The results showed that urban dwelling and higher income patients were prone to receive care from better-performance providers. The travelling distances of urban dwelling patients was 15 KM shorter, especially when they received better-performance provider’s care. The results also showed that the difference of healthcare provider selection and mortality rate existed between rural and urban dwelling patients with different income levels. After the procedure of mediation effect testing, the results showed that the healthcare provider selection partially mediated the relationships between patients’ residential areas with different income levels and 30-day mortality.ConclusionPreferences of healthcare provider selection vary among rural and urban patients with different income, and such differences partially mediated the outcome of care. Health authorities should pay attention to this issue, and propose appropriate solutions to eliminate the disparity in outcome of CABG care.  相似文献   

This work investigated the link between genetic and developmental controls of fruit size and composition. On two isogenic lines (CF12-C and CF14-L), differing by fruit weight and sugar content quantitative trait loci (QTLs) identified previously, basal and tip fruits were characterized at anthesis and at maturity through their growth, dry matter and sugar content, number and size of cells and nuclei DNA content. The influence of competition was assessed by removing either basal or tip ovaries at anthesis. On an intact inflorescence, CF12-C fruits grew less than CF14-L fruits, with 1.67 fewer cell layers and similar cell size, suggesting that genes controlling cell division may be responsible for this fruit size variation. Truss thinning masked the QTL effect on fruit size, mainly by reducing the difference in cell number between the two lines and by promoting cell expansion in tip fruits, so that fruit growth was similar at both positions and for both lines. Thus, in these lines, cell number exerts a control on final fruit size only when there is competition among fruits. Different responses of basal and tip fruits after flower removal suggested that this treatment induced changes in hormonal relationships within the truss. No fixed relationship between DNA endoreduplication and cell size was found, as while cell size and dry matter and sugar contents differed with tomato lines, fruit position and truss size, endoreduplication patterns were the same. CF12-C fruits had a higher dry matter (+0.3% of fresh weight) and carbohydrates (+8% of dry matter) content than CF14-L fruits. The percentage dry matter was independent of truss size but decreased slightly from basal to tip fruits.  相似文献   

Listeria monocytogenes is a food-borne pathogen that grows at refrigeration temperatures and increases its content of anteiso-C15:0 fatty acid, which is believed to be a homeoviscous adaptation to ensure membrane fluidity, at these temperatures. As a possible novel approach for control of the growth of the organism, the influences of various fatty acid precursors, including branched-chain amino acids and branched- and straight-chain carboxylic acids, some of which are also well-established food preservatives, on the growth and fatty acid composition of the organism at 37°C and 10°C were studied in order to investigate whether the organism could be made to synthesize fatty acids that would result in impaired growth at low temperatures. The results indicate that the fatty acid composition of L. monocytogenes could be modulated by the feeding of branched-chain amino acid, C4, C5, and C6 branched-chain carboxylic acid, and C3 and C4 straight-chain carboxylic acid fatty acid precursors, but the growth-inhibitory effects of several preservatives were independent of effects on fatty acid composition, which were minor in the case of preservatives metabolized via acetyl coenzyme A. The ability of a precursor to modify fatty acid composition was probably a reflection of the substrate specificities of the first enzyme, FabH, in the condensation of primers of fatty acid biosynthesis with malonyl acyl carrier protein.Listeriosis is a severe and life-threatening human infection encompassing meningoencephalitis, meningitis, focal infections in the immunocompromised, and stillbirths and neonatal sepsis due to infection of pregnant women (2). The disease is caused by the Gram-positive food-borne pathogen Listeria monocytogenes, which is responsible for common-source and sporadic disease involving a variety of different foods (27). Listeriosis has a high fatality rate (24). The U.S. Department of Agriculture has a zero tolerance policy for L. monocytogenes in ready-to-eat products, and high costs are associated with product recalls.L. monocytogenes has a remarkably low minimum growth temperature, e.g., −0.1°C (34), and thus the organism can multiply to dangerous levels when food is kept at refrigeration temperatures. We are interested in the molecular mechanisms of L. monocytogenes psychrotolerance, with a view to applying this knowledge to improve the control of the growth of the organism. Although the adaptations involved in low-temperature tolerance are global in scope, we have focused on changes in fatty acid composition that result in homeoviscous adjustments of membrane fluidity (31, 36). L. monocytogenes has a fatty acid composition that is dominated to an unusual extent (90% or more) by branched-chain fatty acids (BCFAs); the major fatty acids are anteiso-C15:0, anteiso-C17:0, and iso-C15:0. Numerous studies have shown that the major change in fatty acid composition when L. monocytogenes is grown at low temperatures is an increase in the content of anteiso-C15:0 fatty acid to 65% or more of the total (1, 12, 23, 25, 26, 28). Two cold-sensitive mutants with Tn917 insertions in the branched-chain α-keto acid dehydrogenase gene complex (bkd) were deficient in BCFAs, grew poorly at low temperatures, and had decreased membrane fluidity; all of these defects could be restored by growth in the presence of 2-methylbutyrate (2-MB), a precursor of odd-numbered anteiso fatty acids, including anteiso-C15:0 fatty acid (1, 7, 13, 37). We believe that anteiso-C15:0 fatty acid imparts fluidity to the cytoplasmic membrane, as revealed by its low phase transition temperature in model phospholipids (18) and disruption of the close packing of fatty acyl chains (21, 35).The amino acids isoleucine, leucine, and valine are the starting points for the biosynthesis of odd-numbered anteiso, odd-numbered iso, and even-numbered iso fatty acids, respectively (18, 37). The amino acids are converted to their corresponding α-keto acid derivatives through the activity of branched-chain amino acid transaminase. Branched-chain α-keto acid dehydrogenase (Bkd) then converts these α-keto compounds to branched-chain acyl coenzyme A (acyl-CoA) primers of fatty acid biosynthesis (18). These primers are then used to initiate fatty acid biosynthesis through the activity of β-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein synthase III (FabH), which prefers branched-chain acyl-CoAs to acetyl-CoA as substrates (4, 22, 32). β-Keto-acyl carrier protein synthase II (FabF) is responsible for subsequent rounds of elongation until the acyl chain reaches 14 to 17 carbon atoms (36).We wished to ascertain whether we could manipulate the fatty acid composition of L. monocytogenes by feeding precursors that favored the production of fatty acids other than anteiso-C15:0 and thereby inhibit the growth of the organism, especially at low temperatures. Kaneda (15, 16) has grouped Bacillus subtilis fatty acids into four pairs based on the precursors from which they are generated, i.e., anteiso-C15:0 and C17:0 from isoleucine, iso-C15:0 and C17:0 from leucine, iso-C14:0 and C16:0 from valine, and n-C14:0 and n-C16:0 from acetate or butyrate. The proportions of the fatty acids could be modulated by precursor feeding. We have studied the effects of feeding the potential fatty acid precursors branched-chain amino acids, branched-chain α-keto acids, short branched-chain carboxylic acids, short straight-chain carboxylic acids, medium-length straight-chain carboxylic acids, branched-chain C6 carboxylic acids, and sodium diacetate (Fig. (Fig.1)1) on the growth and fatty acid composition of L. monocytogenes. Various short-chain carboxylic acids are used as food preservatives (5, 8, 29), and it was of interest to see whether any of them had an effect on the fatty acid composition of L. monocytogenes. Precursors giving rise to C5 and C6 branched-chain acyl-CoA derivatives, propionate, and butyrate had significant impacts on growth and fatty acid composition. Acetate and precursors that were metabolized to acetyl-CoA had minor effects on fatty acid composition, indicating that their preservative action is not due to effects on fatty acid composition.Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.Structures of potential fatty acid precursors.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Data are presented from 39 species of mosses and 16 liverworts for ratios of chlorophylls and total carotenoids, and light saturation of photosynthetic electron flow or photosynthetic CO2 uptake, in relation to the postulate that bryophyte cells in general show shade-plant characteristics. METHODS: Pigment concentrations were measured by spectrophotometer in 80 % acetone extracts. Light-saturation curves were constructed by (modulated) chlorophyll florescence and for some species by infra-red gas analysis. KEY RESULTS: The pigment measurements were widely variable but broadly in line with the findings of previous authors. Median values (mosses/liverworts) were: total chlorophyll, 1.64/3.76 mg g(-1); chlorophyll a : b, 2.29/1.99; chlorophylls : carotenoids, 4.74/6.75). The PPFD values at 95 % saturation (estimated from fitted curves) also ranged widely, but were almost all <1000 micromol m(-2) s(-1); the median for mosses was 583 and for liverworts 214 micromol m(-2) s(-1). The two highest PPFD95% values were from Polytrichum species with lamella systems forming a ventilated photosynthetic tissue. Total chlorophyll, chlorophyll a : b and chlorophylls : carotenoids all correlated significantly with PPFD95%. CONCLUSIONS: Bryophytes include but are not inherently shade plants. Light-saturation levels for species of open sun-exposed habitats are lower than for vascular sun plants and are probably limited by CO2 diffusion into unistratose leaves; this limit can only be exceeded by bryophytes with ventilated photosynthetic tissues which provide increased area for CO2 uptake.  相似文献   

Managing terminal lake elevation and salinity are emerging problems worldwide. We contribute to terminal lake management research by quantitatively assessing water and salt flow for Utah’s Great Salt Lake. In 1959, Union Pacific Railroad constructed a rock-filled causeway across the Great Salt Lake, separating the lake into a north and south arm. Flow between the two arms was limited to two 4.6 meter wide rectangular culverts installed during construction, an 88 meter opening (referred to locally as a breach) installed in 1984, and the semi porous material of the causeway. A salinity gradient developed between the two arms of the lake over time because the south arm receives approximately 95% of the incoming streamflow entering Great Salt Lake. The north arm is often at, or near, salinity saturation, averaging 317 g/L since 1966, while the south is considerably less saline, averaging 142 g/L since 1966. Ecological and industrial uses of the lake are dependent on long-term salinity remaining within physiological and economic thresholds, although optimal salinity varies for the ecosystem and between diverse stakeholders. In 2013, Union Pacific Railroad closed causeway culverts amid structural safety concerns and proposed to replace them with a bridge, offering four different bridge designs. As of summer 2015, no bridge design has been decided upon. We investigated the effect that each of the proposed bridge designs would have on north and south arm Great Salt Lake elevation and salinity by updating and applying US Geological Survey’s Great Salt Lake Fortran Model. Overall, we found that salinity is sensitive to bridge size and depth, with larger designs increasing salinity in the south arm and decreasing salinity in the north arm. This research illustrates that flow modifications within terminal lakes cannot be separated from lake salinity, ecology, management, and economic uses.  相似文献   

In the Indian subcontinent, Leishmania donovani, the parasite causing visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is transmitted by the sand fly vector Phlebotomus argentipes. Long lasting insecticide treated nets (LN) have been postulated as alternative or complement to Indoor Residual Spraying but there are few field studies evaluating the entomological efficacy of different nets against this vector. We conducted two crossover trials in a VL endemic area in Nepal to compare the barrier effect of (1) LN with different mesh sizes (156 holes/inch2 vs 625 holes/inch2) and (2) alpha-cypermethrin treated LN and untreated nets having the same mesh size (156 holes/inch2). Each crossover trial had two arms consisting of a sequence of two different nets for 8 nights. We used 10 cattle sheds per trial. A cow placed under the net was used as bait. CDC light traps placed inside the nets were used to evaluate the number of P. argentipes crossing the net barrier. Negative binomial generalized estimating equation (GEE) population-averaged models adjusted by night and sequence were used to estimate the barrier effect of the different nets. The crossover trials conducted in a rural village in Morang district (South-eastern Nepal) demonstrated that reducing the size of the holes in treated nets (625 holes/inch2) increased the barrier effect of LN by 77% (95% confidence interval (CI): 56%–88%) compared with treated nets with larger holes (156 holes/inch2). Treating nets with alpha-cypermethrin reduced the number of P. argentipes captured inside the nets by 77% (95% CI: 27%–93%) compared with untreated nets. The effectiveness and acceptability of finer mesh pyrethroid treated LN should be tested for VL prevention in a randomized controlled trial.  相似文献   

Bock  Alina  Steinhäuser  Ulrike  Drusch  Stephan 《Food biophysics》2021,16(2):191-202
Food Biophysics - Proteins are able to stabilize dispersed food systems due to their amphiphilic nature, acting as emulsifiers. Their interfacial properties can be influenced by different methods,...  相似文献   

We studied the effects of salicylic acid (SA) on the plasmodesmal permeability as evaluated by the tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) spreading in tobacco Nicotiana glutinosaleaves, where TMV induces necrotic lesions. When leaves were treated with SA simultaneously with their viral inoculation, SA retarded the development of necrotic lesions and reduced their number. When inoculated leaves were kept on the SA solution at an elevated temperature (31°C) for a short period of time, the size of the necrotic lesions, which developed after leaf transfer to room temperature, was decreased. SA stimulated the formation of rapid callose involved in the control of the plasmodesmal permeability, which was assessed from fluorescence after tissue staining with Aniline Blue. On the basis of these data, we suggest that SA suppressed TMV spreading in the inoculated tobacco leaves by reducing the plasmodesmal permeability.  相似文献   

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