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The species described asLipomyces anomalus Babjeva & Gorin shows significant genetic and phenotypic divergence from the type speciesLipomyces starkeyi Lodder & Kreger-van Rij in terms of rRNA base sequence substitution and ascosporal and septal ultrastructure. The species is consequently reclassified in the new, unispecific genusBabjevia, asBabjevia anomala.  相似文献   

MaTePHa几oM八月只HaeTo兄以e盆CTaTbHCo6PaHHa只aBToPoMBnoe几y水H几a 60刀b山a月Ko月几eK以H月enHPH中ePH几,C“Hb双sRH KHP. BPaxHono几曰rg,7 ro八y Ha eeBePHoM eK加He xPe6Ta BoPoxoPo npoB“HuHH6仪几”eo6PaH汉xz3丁eMHo一eeP卜Ix丁oHKo3epxlHeT曰x H3BeeTI王只KoB万让1水IJerO116占生物学报7卷RaP6oHa,eo八eP水a以“x由几b比oe Ko几H叨eTBo Pyro3,RoToP曰e 6H几H onPe双e刀eH从T.A.八o6P邸旧6oBo直”H.B.Ka6aKoBHq.Pyro3H nPe八CTaB几eH曰:c侈。inia ex.gr.s夕umo,aGorsky,Ca刀i牡i“…  相似文献   

Several samples of microbial mat obtained from soda lakes of the Kunkurskaya steppe (Chita region) abundantly populated by purple bacteria were screened for the presence of heterotrophic alkaliphiles capable of oxidizing sulfur compounds to sulfate. This capacity was found in only one pigmented strain, ALG 1, isolated on medium with acetate and thiosulfate at pH 10. The strain was found to be a strictly aerobic and obligately heterotrophic alkaliphile. Growth on medium with acetate was possible within a narrow pH range from 8.5 to 10.4. The strain formed a reddish orange carotenoid and bacteriochlorophylla. Pigments were synthesized only at high concentrations of nitrogen-containing organic compounds (peptone or yeast extract). The production of bacteriochlorophylla was maximal under microaerobic conditions in darkness. Strain ALG 1 could oxidize sulfide, thiosulfate, sulfite, and elemental sulfur to sulfate. In heterotrophically growing culture (pH 10), thiosulfate was not oxidized until the late logarithmic phase. The sulfur-oxidizing activity was maximal at the most alkaline pH values. The notable increase in the efficiency of organic carbon utilization observed in the presence of thiosulfate suggested that the bacterium was a sulfur-oxidizing lithoheterotroph. The phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA gene showed strain ALG 1 to be a member of the α-3 subgroup of Proteobacteria and to constitute a distinct branch located between nonsulfur purple bacteriaRhodobacter andRhodovulum. Based on the unique phenotypic properties and the results of phylogenetic analysis, the alkaliphilic isolate ALG 1 was assigned to a new genus and speciesRoseinatronobacter thiooxidans with the type strain DSM-13087  相似文献   

Angiopteris sparsisora Ching, sp. nov. Species nova ab omnibus affinibus adhuc cognitis recedit rhizomate repente, dorsiventrali, habitu minore stipite tenui, levi, paleis brunneis lineari-lanceolatis margine irregulariter fimbriatis peltati-fixis, pinnulis basi cuneatis vel late cuneatis, distincte breviterque petiolulatis, soris longitudine variis, inter se separatis a margine magis remotis, paraphysibus rudimentalibus brevibus sparse praesentibus. Tota planta 1—1.2 m alata, rhizomate repente, carnoso, cylindrico, dorsiventrali, 5—6 cm diametro, radicoso, apice frondes 2—3 emittente, stipite 35—70 cm longo, 4—8 mm crasso, levi viridi, supra medium uni-geniculato (in frondibus pinnatis usque subbipinnatis), paleis brunneis lineari-lanceolatis basi rotunda peltati-fixis margine varie fimbriatis sparse vestito; lamina stipite longiore, bipinnata aut subb ipinnata raro superne simpliciter pinnata; pinnis 2—3(—7)-jugis, ,alternis vel suboppositis, oblongis, 45—55 cm longis, 18—23 cm latis, petiolo 4—16 cm longo suffultis, basi tumidis, pinnatis vel interdum simplicibus vel basi pinnatifidis; pinnulis plerumque 8—12-jugis, alternis vel suboppositis, patentibus, 8—18 cm longis, medio 1.5—3cm latis, lanceolatis, acuminatis, basin versus cuneatis vel late cuneatis, breviter petiolatis, pinnula terminali confomi paulo majore, petiolulata, hasi baud in alas decurrente, margine serrulatis; venis utrinquo distinctis, patentibus, simplicibus vel furcatis, prope marginem curvatis; pagina frondis textura in sicco virescente, chartacea, rachi, costis, costulis venisque subtus sparsim minuteque paleaceis. Soris breviter linearibus, 2—4 mm longis, 10—32-sporangiatis, inter se separatis, a margine 2—3 mm, remotis; paraphysibus sparsis brevibusrudimentalibus. Sporis globulosis, suparficie dense tubuculatis. Yunnan austro-orientalis: Xichou Xian, Fadou, S. K. Wu 4203 (typus, PE), 4198, 8, October, 1962; ibidem, Z. R. Wang 566-1, 566-2, 566-3, 566-4, 566-5, 15, January, 1978; ibidem V. M. Chu 8212, 15, January, 1978. in valley under evergreen broadleaved forests, alt. 1500—1550m. In the tropical rain forest in southeastern Yunnan, China, the members of Angiopteris Hoffm. and Archangiopteris Christ et Gies. are often growing side by side in great abundance. In January 1978 the second writer made a botantical trip there and collected in one locality ample herbarium material of an Angiopteris, which is identical with A. sparsisora Ching (ined.), based upon type specimens gathered by Mr. S. K. Wu from the same locality in 1962. To our great surprise, however, this distinct taxon reveals a number of important morphological characteristics intermediate between Angiopteris and Archangiopteris as diagnosed above. The present species resembles Archangiopteris in small build with creeping dorsiventral rhizome, unigeniculate, thin, smooth stipe in pinnate to bipinnatifid fronds, sparingly clad in linear-lanceolate peltately affixed scales with variously fimbriate margin, lamina 1—2 pinnate or subbipinnate, pinnules distinctly and shortly stipitate, base cuneate or broadly cuneate, sori of different length separated from each other by broad spaces, and rather far away (2—3 mm) from the margin, paraphyses few, rudimentary and short, but, on the other hand, it also similar to Angiopteris in usually bipinnate fronds, the petiole of pinnae with swollen base (blackish upon drying), short (2—4 mm long) linear sori consisting of 5—16 pairs of sporangia and globulax spores with densely tubucular sporoderms. All the above characteristics combined clearly indicate the species is in all likelihood a natural hybrid between Angiopteris and Archangiopteris, pending cytological investigation and the reason for presently placing it in Angiopteris rather than in Archangiopteris is because of the fact that in overall impression the newtaxon appears more like the former than the latter.  相似文献   

An amoeba strain was isolated from marine sediment taken from the beach near a fumarole in Italy. The trophozoites of this new marine species transforms into flagellates with variable numbers of flagella, from 2 to 10. The strain forms round to oval cysts. This thermophilic amoeboflagellate grows at temperatures up to 54 °C. Molecular phylogenetic analysis of the small subunit ribosomal DNA (SSU rDNA) places the amoeboflagellate in the Heterolobosea. The closest relatives are Stachyamoeba sp. ATCC50324, a strain isolated from an ocean sample, and Vrihiamoeba italica, a recent isolate from a rice field. Like some other heterolobosean species, this new isolate has a group I intron in the SSU rDNA. Because of the unique place in the molecular phylogenetic tree, and because there is no species found in the literature with similar morphological and physiological characteristics, this isolate is considered to be a new genus and a new species, Oramoeba fumarolia gen. nov., sp. nov.  相似文献   

Taxonomic assignments of anaerobic dichloromethane (DCM)-degrading bacteria remain poorly constrained but are important for understanding the microbial diversity of organisms contributing to DCM turnover in environmental systems. We describe the taxonomic classification of a novel DCM degrader in consortium RM obtained from pristine Rio Mameyes sediment. Phylogenetic analysis of full-length 16S rRNA gene sequences demonstrated that the DCM degrader was most closely related to members of the genera Dehalobacter and Syntrophobotulus, but sequence similarities did not exceed 94% and 93%, respectively. Genome-aggregate average amino acid identities against Peptococcaceae members did not exceed 66%, suggesting that the DCM degrader does not affiliate with any described genus. Phylogenetic analysis of conserved single-copy functional genes supported that the DCM degrader represents a novel clade. Growth strictly depended on the presence of DCM, which was consumed at a rate of 160 ± 3 μmol L?1 d?1. The DCM degrader attained 5.25 × 107 ± 1.0 × 107 cells per μmol DCM consumed. Fluorescence in situ hybridization revealed rod-shaped cells 4 ± 0.8 μm long and 0.4 ± 0.1 μm wide. Based on the unique phylogenetic, genomic, and physiological characteristics, we propose that the DCM degrader represents a new genus and species, ‘Candidatus Dichloromethanomonas elyunquensis’.  相似文献   

Anaerobic enrichment culture with thiocyanate as electron donor and nitrate as electron acceptor at 2 M NaCl inoculated with a mixture of sediments from hypersaline lakes in Kulunda Steppe (Altai, Russia) resulted in a selection of a binary consortium of moderately halophilic, obligately chemolithoautotrophic sulfur-oxidizing bacteria (SOB) capable of complete denitrification of nitrate with thiosulfate as the electron donor. One consortium member, strain HRhD 3sp, was isolated into pure culture with nitrate and thiosulfate using a density gradient. This strain was responsible for the reduction of nitrate to nitrite in the consortium, while a second strain, HRhD 2, isolated under microoxic conditions with thiosulfate as substrate, was capable of anaerobic growth with nitrite and thiosulfate. Nitrite, either as substrate or as product, was already toxic at very low concentrations for both strains. As a result, optimal growth under anaerobic conditions could only be achieved within the consortium. On the basis of phylogenetic analysis, both organisms were identified as new lineages within the Gammaproteobacteria. As well as thiosulfate, strain HRhD 2 can also use thiocyanate as electron donor, representing a first halophilic SOB capable of growth with thiocyanate at 2–4 M NaCl. Product and enzymatic analysis identified the “carbonyl sulfide (COS) pathway” of primary thiocyanate degradation in this new species. On the basis of phenotypic and genetic analysis, strain HRhD 2 is proposed to be assigned to a new genus and species Thiohalophilus thiocyanoxidans. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The extant Cyprinodontiformes (killifishes) with their two suborders Cyprinodontoidei and Aplocheiloidei represent a diverse and well-studied group of fishes. However, their fossil record is comparatively sparse and has so far yielded members of the Cyprinodontoidei only. Here we report on cyprinodontiform fossils from the upper Miocene Lukeino Formation in the Tugen Hills of the Central Rift Valley of Kenya, which represent the first fossil record of an aplocheiloid killifish. A total of 169 specimens - mostly extraordinarily well preserved - and a sample of ten extant cyprinodontiform species were studied on the basis of morphometrics, meristics and osteology. A phylogenetic analysis using PAUP was also conducted for the fossils. Both the osteological data and the phylogenetic analysis provide strong evidence for the assignment of the fossils to the Aplocheiloidei, and justify the definition of the new family †Kenyaichthyidae, the new genus †Kenyaichthys and the new species †K. kipkechi sp. nov. The phylogenetic analysis unexpectedly places †Kenyaichthys gen. nov. in a sister relationship to the Rivulidae (a purely Neotropical group), a probable explanation might be lack of available synapomorphies for the Rivulidae, Nothobranchiidae and Aplocheilidae. The specimens of †K. kipkechi sp. nov. show several polymorphic characters and large overlap in meristic traits, which justifies their interpretation as a species flock in statu nascendi. Patterns of variation in neural and haemal spine dimensions in the caudal vertebrae of †Kenyaichthys gen. nov. and the extant species studied indicate that some previously suggested synapomorphies of the Cyprinodontoidei and Aplocheiloidei need to be revised.  相似文献   

A novel Gram-negative, aerobic, non-motile and rod-shaped bacterium was isolated from Qurugöl Lake near Tabriz city. The bacterium grew chemoorganolheterotrophically and chemolithoautotrophically. However, photo-organoheterotrophic, photo-lithoautotrophic and fermentative growth could not be demonstrated. The presence of photosynthesis genes pufL and pufM was not shown and photosynthesis pigments were not formed. Strain RCRI19T grew without NaCl and tolerated up to 3 % NaCl. Growth occurred at pH 6–9 (optimum, pH 7) and 15–55 °C (optimum 40–45 °C). Vitamins were not required for growth. The major fatty acids are C18:1 ω7C, 11-methyl C18:1 ω7C, C18:0 3-OH. The predominant respiratory quinone is ubiquinone Q-10. The G+C content of genomic DNA is 65.9 mol%. Analysis of 16S rRNA sequences showed that strain RCRI19T has the highest similarities with uncultured environmental sequences followed by members of the genera Rhodobacter (≤95.75 %), Haematobacter (≤95.53 %), Gemmobacter (≤95.17 %) and Falsirhodobacter (94.60 %) in the family Rhodobacteraceae. DNA–DNA relatedness between strain RCRI19T and the closest phylogenetically related strain, Rhodobacter blasticus LMG 4305T, was 20 %. Based on its phenotypic and chemotaxonomic characteristics and considering that it does not form photosynthetic pigments and is unable to grow phototrophically, it is concluded that strain RCRI19T cannot be included into the genus Rhodobacter and any of the other related genera. Therefore, we propose to place the new bacterium into a new genus and species for which the name Tabrizicola aquatica gen. nov. and sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is RCRI19T (=BCCM/LMG 25773= JCM 17277= KCTC 23724T).  相似文献   

1957年春,地质陈列馆胡承志、牛业华在云南路南老第三系地层中采集了一批哺乳类化石,其中的一部分标本已经研究发表(周,1958)。在这篇报告中,我们又描述了一个完整的雷兽类的头骨,代表一个新的渐新世种。此外,尚有一些未经描述的材料,也将陆续予以描述发表。路南老第三系地层,经过对最近采集的一些哺乳类化石的研究,表明这是到目前为止,代表华南地区最完整的一个老第三系剖面,包括从上始新统至上渐新统间的全套地层,和几个不同时代的脊推动物化石层。进一步的地层调查和化石的系统采集,将对华南老第三系地层的了解和区域对比提供重要的基本研究资料。  相似文献   

A Gram-negative, nonpigmented bacterium designated strain B1 was isolated from a laboratory bioreactor that reduced selenate to elemental red selenium (Se(0)). 16S rRNA gene-sequence alignment identified the isolate as a Rhizobium sp. belonging to the Rhizobium clade, which includes R. daejeonense, R. giardinii, R. undicola, R. larrymoorei, R. radiobacter, R. rubi, and R. vitis. R. radiobacter and R. rubi are its closest relatives as indicated by 16S rRNA gene-sequence alignments, which differ from strain B1 by 2.6% and 2.8%, respectively. Within this group, strains that show variances > 0.8% to 2.2% have been classified as different species. The major cellular fatty acids present in the B1 strain were C16:0 (1.8%), C18:0 (3.38%), 18:0 3-OH (1.6%), 18:1 omega7c (86.8%), 19:0 cycloomega8c (1.5%), and summed features 2 (3.8%) and 3 (1.2%). The large amount of 18:1 omega7c present is constant with members of this group of bacteria, but the small amounts of 16:0, 19:0 cycloomega8c, and summed feature 3 shows variance from R. radiobacter and R. rubi. The strain's phenotypic and biochemical characteristics are consistent with its placement in this genus.  相似文献   

Ougandatherium napakense nov. gen. nov. sp., the earliest Rhinocerotidae Iranotheriinae from Africa. The Uganda Palaeontology Expedition discovered an exceptionally rich fossiliferous channel deposit at Napak I, Karamoja, in 1999, which yielded two partial skeletons of a new genus and species of early Miocene Rhinocerotidae, together with various other mammals and gastropods typical of Faunal Set I of East Africa. The age of the deposits on the basis of both faunal correlation (biochronology) and radio-isotopic dating is ca 19–20 Ma. The new genus and species is a hornless rhinoceros about the size of a small horse, with long slender limb bones and metapodials and hypsodont upper cheek teeth whose enamel is undulate, and fossettes cement-filled. Upper premolars possess an inner wall; this is clearly an iranotheriine morphology. As such it is the earliest known African member of this subfamily, close to the oldest member of the subfamily recently discovered at Bugti in Pakistan, a site whose age is about the same.  相似文献   

Isolates AH11T and AH13T were isolated from flowers of lantana and candle bush respectively collected in Thailand. In phylogenetic trees based on 16S rRNA gene sequences, the two isolates formed an independent cluster, which was then connected to the type strain of Saccharibacter floricola. The calculated pair-wise 16S rRNA gene sequence similarities of isolate AH11T were 95.7–92.3% to the type strains of the type species of the 12 genera of acetic acid bacteria. The DNA base composition was from 51.2 to 56.8 mol % G+C, with a range of 5.6 mol %. When isolate AH11T was labeled, DNA-DNA similarities were 100, 12, 4, 5, and 4% respectively to isolates AH11T and AH13T and the type strains of Saccharibacter floricola, Gluconobacter oxydans, and Acetobacter aceti. The two isolates were non-motile and did not oxidize either acetate or lactate. No growth was found in the presence of 0.35% acetic acid w/v. The two isolates were not osmophilic but osmotolerant, produced 2,5-diketo-D-gluconate from D-glucose, and did not oxidize lactate, thus differing from strains of Saccharibacter floricola, which showed weak lactate oxidation. The two isolates contained unsaturated C18:1ω7c fatty acid as the major fatty acid, and were unique in the presence of a considerable amount of straight-chain C18:12OH fatty acid. Q-10 was present as the major isoprenoid quinone. Neokomagataea gen. nov. was proposed with the two species, Neokomagataea thailandica sp. nov. for isolate AH11T (=BCC 25710 T =NBRC 106555T), which has 56.8 mol % G+C, and Neokomagataea tanensis sp. nov. for isolate AH13T (=BCC 25711T=NBRC 106556T), which has 51.2 mol % G+C.  相似文献   

A new coelomycetous fungus Exosporodiella phoenixesa gen. et spec, nov., has been described and illustrated from the leaves of Phoenix from India.  相似文献   

Two novel Gram-positive, spore-forming, thermophilic actinomycetes, designated as strain YIM 77501T and YIM 77570, were isolated from a sandy soil sample collected at Tengchong National Volcanic Geological Park, Yunnan province, south–west China. Phylogenetic analysis based on the 16S rRNA gene sequences suggested that the two isolates fell within the family Streptosporangiaceae. The strains formed extensively branched substrate and aerial mycelia which carried masses of long, straight or irregular spore chains composed of warty ornamented spores. Cell walls of the two strains contained meso-diaminopimelic acid and glucose, galactose, mannose and ribose were detected as whole-cell sugars. The predominant menaquinones were MK-9(H4) and MK-9(H6). The major polar lipids were diphosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylethanolamine, N-acetylglucosamine-containing phospholipids and phosphatidylinositol, phosphatidylinositolmannosides. The major cellular fatty acids were iso-C16:0 and 10-methyl C17:0. The DNA G+C content was 74–76 mol%. On the basis of the morphological and chemotaxonomic characteristics as well as the phylogenetic analysis, these strains represents a novel species of a new genus within the family Streptosporangiaceae, for which the name Thermoactinospora rubra gen. nov., sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain of T. rubra is YIM 77501T (=DSM 45614T = CCTCC AA 2011014T).  相似文献   

Isolates AH11(T) and AH13(T) were isolated from flowers of lantana and candle bush respectively collected in Thailand. In phylogenetic trees based on 16S rRNA gene sequences, the two isolates formed an independent cluster, which was then connected to the type strain of Saccharibacter floricola. The calculated pair-wise 16S rRNA gene sequence similarities of isolate AH11(T) were 95.7-92.3% to the type strains of the type species of the 12 genera of acetic acid bacteria. The DNA base composition was from 51.2 to 56.8 mol % G+C, with a range of 5.6 mol %. When isolate AH11(T) was labeled, DNA-DNA similarities were 100, 12, 4, 5, and 4% respectively to isolates AH11(T) and AH13(T) and the type strains of Saccharibacter floricola, Gluconobacter oxydans, and Acetobacter aceti. The two isolates were non-motile and did not oxidize either acetate or lactate. No growth was found in the presence of 0.35% acetic acid w/v. The two isolates were not osmophilic but osmotolerant, produced 2,5-diketo-D-gluconate from D-glucose, and did not oxidize lactate, thus differing from strains of Saccharibacter floricola, which showed weak lactate oxidation. The two isolates contained unsaturated C(18:1)ω7c fatty acid as the major fatty acid, and were unique in the presence of a considerable amount of straight-chain C(18:1)2OH fatty acid. Q-10 was present as the major isoprenoid quinone. Neokomagataea gen. nov. was proposed with the two species, Neokomagataea thailandica sp. nov. for isolate AH11(T) (=BCC 25710(T)=NBRC 106555(T)), which has 56.8 mol % G+C, and Neokomagataea tanensis sp. nov. for isolate AH13(T) (=BCC 25711(T)=NBRC 106556(T)), which has 51.2 mol % G+C.  相似文献   

A taxonomic study was conducted on 16 bacterial strains isolated from wild Adélie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) from Seymour (Marambio) Island and James Ross Island. An initial screening by repetitive sequence-based PCR fingerprinting divided the strains studied into four coherent groups. Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequences assigned all groups to the genus Corynebacterium and showed that Corynebacterium glyciniphilum and Corynebacterium terpenotabidum were the closest species with 16S rRNA gene sequence similarities between 95.4 % and 96.5 %. Further examination of the strains studied with ribotyping, MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry, comprehensive biotyping and calculation of average nucleotide identity and digital DNA–DNA hybridisation values confirmed the separation of the four groups from each other and from the other Corynebacterium species. Chemotaxonomically, the four strains P5828T, P5850T, P6136T, P7210T representing the studied groups were characterised by C16:0 and C18:1 ω9c as the major fatty acids, by the presence of meso-diaminopimelic acid in the peptidoglycan, the presence of corynemycolic acids and a quinone system with the predominant menaquinone MK-9(H2). The results of this study show that the strains studied represent four new species of the genus Corynebacterium, for which the names Corynebacterium antarcticum sp. nov. (type strain P5850T = CCM 8835T = LMG 30620T), Corynebacterium marambiense sp. nov. (type strain P5828T = CCM 8864T = LMG 31626T), Corynebacterium meridianum sp. nov. (type strain P6136T = CCM 8863T = LMG 31628T) and Corynebacterium pygosceleis sp. nov. (type strain P7210T = CCM 8836T = LMG 30621T) are proposed.  相似文献   

Strains of the phototrophic bacteria previously referred to as the rhodocyclus gelatinosus-like (RGL) group were taxonomically studied in comparison with Rhodocyclus species. Cells of the RGL strains were curved rods and motile by means of polar flagella. They contained bacteriochlorophyll a and carotenoids of the spheroidene series. The intracytoplasmic membrane system was absent. Photoorganotropho with various organic compounds as carbon sources was the preferred mode of growth. Aerobic growth at full atmospheric oxygen tension and fermentative growth under anaerobic-dark conditions were also possible. The major cellular fatty acids were palmitoleic acid and palmitic acid, and 3-hydroxylated fatty acids with octanoic acid predominating were also found. Both ubiquinone-8 and rhodoquinone-8 occurred as major quinones. The mol% guanine plus cytosine of the DNAs varied between 59.8 and 60.3. DNA-DNA hybridization studies showed that the RGL strains were highly related to each other but exhibited low levels of the homology to Rhodocyclus species. These data allow the establishment of the RGL group as a new taxon of the purple nonsulfur bacteria, for which the name Rhodoferax fermentans gen. nov., sp. nov. is proposed.  相似文献   

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