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Mismatches between pre- and post-natal environments have implications for disease in adulthood. However, less is known about how this mismatch can affect physiological systems more generally, especially at younger ages. We hypothesised that mismatches between pre- and post-natal environments, as measured by the measures of birthweight and adult leg length, would be associated with poorer biomarker levels across five key physiological systems in young adults.


Data were collected from 923, 36 year-old respondents from the West of Scotland Twenty-07 Study. The biomarkers were: systolic blood pressure (sBP); forced expiratory volume (FEV1); glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c); glomerular filtration rate (eGFR); and gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT). These biomarkers were regressed against pre-natal conditions (birthweight), post-natal conditions (leg length) and the interaction between pre- and post-natal measures. Sex, childhood socioeconomic position and adult lifestyle characteristics were adjusted for as potential effect modifiers and confounders, respectively.


There were no associations between birthweight and leg length and sBP, FEV1, HbA1c, or GGT. Higher birthweight and longer leg length were associated with better kidney function (eGFR). However, there was no evidence for mismatches between birthweight and leg length to be associated with worse sBP, FEV1, HbA1c, eGFR or GGT levels (P>0.05).


Our hypothesis that early signs of physiological damage would be present in young adults given mismatches in childhood environments, as measured by growth markers, was not proven. This lack of association could be because age 36 is too young to identify significant trends for future health, or the associations simply not being present.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Acer saccharum and Fagus grandifolia are among the most dominant late-successional tree species in North America. The influence of sapling growth responses to canopy gaps on the co-dominance of the two species in an old-growth forest in southern Quebec, Canada was examined. Two predictions were evaluated: (a) F. grandifolia is more shade tolerant than A. saccharum due to greater sapling leaf area and net production per sapling in closed-canopy conditions; and (b) the height growth rate of A. saccharum in canopy gaps is greater than that of F. grandifolia due to increased net production per sapling. METHODS: Sapling crown allometry, net production and height growth rates were compared between and within the two species in closed canopy vs. canopy gaps. Standardized major axis regression was used to analyse differences in crown allometry. KEY RESULTS: F. grandifolia had greater crown projection, sapling leaf area and net production rate per sapling than A. saccharum in closed-canopy conditions. In response to canopy gaps, net production per sapling increased to the same degree in both species. The net production per sapling of F. grandifolia thus was much greater than that of A. saccharum in both canopy gap and closed-canopy conditions. The height growth rate of both species increased in canopy gaps, but the degree of increase was greater in F. grandifolia than in A. saccharum. CONCLUSIONS: F. grandifolia regenerated more successfully than A. saccharum in both closed-canopy conditions and canopy gaps, which indicates that the co-dominance of the two species cannot be maintained simply by interspecific differences in shade tolerance and growth in gaps. Previous research showed that although Fagus and Acer shared dominance at this site, their relative dominance shifted with edaphic conditions. This suggests that the widespread co-dominance of the two species in eastern North American forests is maintained by the joint influence of canopy disturbance and species-specific responses to the heterogeneity of moisture and fertility regimes within forested landscapes.  相似文献   

The urgency of climate change mitigation calls for a profound shift in personal behavior. This paper investigates psycho-social correlates of extra mitigation behavior in response to climate change, while also testing for potential (unobserved) heterogeneity in European citizens'' decision-making. A person''s extra mitigation behavior in response to climate change is conceptualized—and differentiated from common mitigation behavior—as some people''s broader and greater levels of behavioral engagement (compared to others) across specific self-reported mitigation actions and behavioral domains. Regression analyses highlight the importance of environmental psychographics (i.e., attitudes, motivations, and knowledge about climate change) and socio-demographics (especially country-level variables) in understanding extra mitigation behavior. By looking at the data through the lens of segmentation, significant heterogeneity is uncovered in the associations of attitudes and knowledge about climate change—but not in motivational or socio-demographic links—with extra mitigation behavior in response to climate change, across two groups of environmentally active respondents. The study has implications for promoting more ambitious behavioral responses to climate change, both at the individual level and across countries.  相似文献   

Although several epidemiological and intervention studies suggest that polyphenols (PPs) and PP-rich foods may improve memory and cognition in animals and humans, PPs' mode of action is only poorly understood. To help distinguish between the different modes of action that have been proposed for PPs, it is obviously important to know how much PPs can accumulate in the brain, if any at all. However, reliable data on PP uptake into the brain of animals are limited as many studies failed to report important control procedures during data acquisition. In this paper, we summarize published data on the penetration of PPs into animal brain and review some hypotheses to explain the biological basis of potentially health-beneficial effects of PPs to the brain. Finally, we highlight promising new approaches, especially those of a hormetic dose-response and gut microbiota-brain interaction, which may allow a better understanding of PPs' mode of action in animals and humans.  相似文献   


The effect of irrigation intervals was studied on physiological, morphological, and antioxidant traits of two marigold (Calendula officinalis L.) cultivars in Karaj, Iran, in a split-plot experiment based on a randomized complete block design with three replications. The experimental treatments included irrigation at three levels of I1 (irrigation interval of 3 days), I2 (irrigation interval of 5 days), and I3 (irrigation interval of 7 days) as the main plot and cultivar at two levels of V1 (cv. ‘sparse petal’) and V2 (cv. ‘compact petal’) as the sub-plot. The results based on the comparison of the means showed that the increase in irrigation interval from 3 to 7 days decreased the leaf area index, crop growth rate, relative growth rate, and net assimilation rate by 73.53, 85.76, 93.47, and 94.81%, respectively. It also decreased the flower yield, plant height, flower number, and leaf number by 71.92, 41.84, 99.31, and 58.67%, respectively. The interaction between irrigation and cultivar revealed that I3V1 had the highest total phenol content (3013.59 g gallic acid 100 g?1 tissue) and antioxidant capacity (60.8%). It can be inferred that the treatment of I1 and cv. ‘compact petal’ give the best results for flower yield and physiological and morphological traits, and the treatment of I3 and both cultivars provide the best results for antioxidant traits in the climatic conditions of the Karaj region.




Distance running performance is a viable model of human locomotion.

Methodology/Principal Findings

To evaluate the physiologic strain during competitions ranging from 5–100 km, we evaluated heart rate (HR) records of competitive runners (n = 211). We found evidence that: 1) physiologic strain (% of maximum HR (%HRmax)) increased in proportional manner relative to distance completed, and was regulated by variations in running pace; 2) the %HRmax achieved decreased with relative distance; 3) slower runners had similar %HRmax response within a racing distance compared to faster runners, and despite differences in pace, the profile of %HRmax during a race was very similar in runners of differing ability; and 4) in cases where there was a discontinuity in the running performance, there was evidence that physiologic effort was maintained for some time even after the pace had decreased.


The overall results suggest that athletes are actively regulating their relative physiologic strain during competition, although there is evidence of poor regulation in the case of competitive failures.  相似文献   

A screening of 133 cyanobacterial strains in logarithmic growth phase was done to study their effects on rice germination and growth. In unialgal, non axenic culture 30% of the strains had no effect, while 70% of the strains had a negative effect on germination. In contrast, growth of rice was stimulated by 21% of the isolates and inhibited by 12%. Although 57% of the unicellular strains had a positive effect and many Nostoc strains had a negative one, it was not possible to correlate specific effects with taxonomic groups. Among the eight strains showing a stimulatory effect on growth only Anabaena 77S19 remained effective in axenic culture. Partitioning Anabaena 77S19 exudates into three fractions revealed that the organic fraction was more inhibitory. From this work it is concluded that presoaking rice seeds in a cyanobacterial culture should be done with caution or avoided altogether.  相似文献   

The species richness of grasslands generally cannot be fully restored after changes in management. Some species with small statures and basal leaf rosettes can be lost forever. The same species, however, seem to possess the traits necessary for successful re-colonization – they produce small, easily dispersable seeds, numerous seedlings and have lasting seed banks. We tested the hypothesis that plants in species-rich grasslands can be characterized by a negative correlation between their competitive ability and potential for generative regeneration, i.e. by a competition-colonization trade-off. An analysis of the traits of 95 grassland species supported this hypothesis. We then conducted a manipulative experiment in three different meadow communities in the Bílé Karpaty Mts. The experiment involved characterizing species traits during periods of different grassland management regimes in the years 1997–2000 and comparing these with the original management regime, which was restored between 2000 and 2003. We found out that the hypothesis only holds true for the pooled dataset for all three communities. When the individual meadow communities were analyzed separately, plant traits other than those responsible for the competition-colonization trade-off appear to be characteristic of responsive species, e.g. shoot lifespan or phenology. Our results imply that despite the general trade-offs found in large comparative studies, the plant response in a specific community is constrained by the local species pool.  相似文献   

Decompression sickness (DCS; 'the bends') is a disease associated with gas uptake at pressure. The basic pathology and cause are relatively well known to human divers. Breath-hold diving marine mammals were thought to be relatively immune to DCS owing to multiple anatomical, physiological and behavioural adaptations that reduce nitrogen gas (N(2)) loading during dives. However, recent observations have shown that gas bubbles may form and tissue injury may occur in marine mammals under certain circumstances. Gas kinetic models based on measured time-depth profiles further suggest the potential occurrence of high blood and tissue N(2) tensions. We review evidence for gas-bubble incidence in marine mammal tissues and discuss the theory behind gas loading and bubble formation. We suggest that diving mammals vary their physiological responses according to multiple stressors, and that the perspective on marine mammal diving physiology should change from simply minimizing N(2) loading to management of the N(2) load. This suggests several avenues for further study, ranging from the effects of gas bubbles at molecular, cellular and organ function levels, to comparative studies relating the presence/absence of gas bubbles to diving behaviour. Technological advances in imaging and remote instrumentation are likely to advance this field in coming years.  相似文献   

The Yale Cognitive Science department hosted the conference “From Habits to Self-Regulation: How Do We Change?” on November 4 and 5, 2011, to showcase current research on self-control in cognitive science, psychology, and neuroscience. The conference included a panel discussion by four philosophers who gave context for the scope and limitations of research on self-control. The common theme concerning the best method to attain lasting change included becoming aware of what one wants to change, increasing commitment to the goal of change, and imagining all of the potential problems and solutions to those problems.  相似文献   

How Do Real Roots Work? (Some New Views of Root Structure)   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文

Hepatic gluconeogenic stimulation by 9αfluorocortisol was associated with saturation of GR1 and GR3 entities of the glucocorticoid specific receptor (GR), even in presence of spironolactone; renal glycogen levels were not altered. Binding to MR1 and MR2 components of the mineralocorticoid specific receptor (MR) in the kidney persisted even in presence of 100 fold excess of nonradioactive corticosterone although this was totally abolished by cold equimolar spironolactone. These data suggest that this fluorinated derivative may be particularly appropriate in studying organ specific responses.  相似文献   

Although roost choice in bats has been studied previously, little is known about how opposing roost colours affect the expression of torpor quantitatively. We quantified roost selection and thermoregulation in a captive Australian insectivorous bat, Nyctophilus gouldi (n=12) in winter when roosting in black and white coloured boxes using temperature-telemetry. We quantified how roost choice influences torpor expression when food was provided ad libitum or restricted in bats housed together in an outdoor aviary exposed to natural fluctuations of ambient temperature. Black box temperatures averaged 5.1 °C (maximum 7.5 °C) warmer than white boxes at their maximum daytime temperature. Bats fed ad libitum chose black boxes on most nights (92.9%) and on 100% of nights when food-restricted. All bats used torpor on all study days. However, bats fed ad libitum and roosting in black boxes used shorter torpor and spent more time normothermic/active at night than food-restricted bats and bats roosting in white boxes. Bats roosting in black boxes also rewarmed passively more often and to a higher skin temperature than those in white boxes. Our study suggests that N. gouldi fed ad libitum select warmer roosts in order to passively rewarm to a higher skin temperature and thus save energy required for active midday rewarming as well as to maintain a normothermic body temperature for longer periods at night. This study shows that colour should be considered when deploying bat boxes; black boxes are preferable for those bats that use passive rewarming, even in winter when food availability is reduced.  相似文献   

The paper explores the degree to which exposure to natural disasters and poor governance (quality of governance) is associated with absolute child poverty in sixty-seven middle- and low-income countries. The data is representative for about 2.8 billion of the world´s population. Institutionalist tend to argue that many of society’s ills, including poverty, derive from fragile or inefficient institutions. However, our findings show that although increasing quality of government tends to be associated with less poverty, the negative effects of natural disasters on child poverty are independent of a country´s institutional efficiency. Increasing disaster victims (killed and affected) is associated with higher rates of child poverty. A child´s estimated odds ratio to be in a state of absolute poverty increases by about a factor of 5.7 [95% CI: 1.7 to 18.7] when the average yearly toll of disasters in the child´s country increases by one on a log-10 scale. Better governance correlates with less child poverty, but it does not modify the correlation between child poverty and natural disasters. The results are based on hierarchical regression models that partition the variance into three parts: child, household, and country. The models were cross-sectional and based on observational data from the Demographic Health Survey and the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, which were collected at the beginning of the twenty-first millennium. The Sustainable Development Goals are a principle declaration to halt climate change, but they lack a clear plan on how the burden of this change should be shared by the global community. Based on our results, we suggest that the development agencies should take this into account and to articulate more equitable global policies to protect the most vulnerable, specifically children.  相似文献   

Goldstein LS 《Neuron》2003,40(2):415-425
Neurons require long-distance microtubule-based transport systems to ferry vital cellular cargoes and signals between cell bodies and axonal or dendritic terminals. Considerable progress has been made on developing a molecular understanding of these processes and how they are integrated into normal neuronal functions. Recent work also suggests that these transport systems may fail early in the pathogenesis of a number of neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

Different components of global change can have interacting effects on biodiversity and this may influence our ability to detect the specific consequences of climate change through biodiversity indicators. Here, we analyze whether climate change indicators can be affected by land use dynamics that are not directly determined by climate change. To this aim, we analyzed three community-level indicators of climate change impacts that are based on the optimal thermal environment and average latitude of the distribution of bird species present at local communities. We used multiple regression models to relate the variation in climate change indicators to: i) environmental temperature; and ii) three landscape gradients reflecting important current land use change processes (land abandonment, fire impacts and urbanization), all of them having forest areas at their positive extremes. We found that, with few exceptions, landscape gradients determined the figures of climate change indicators as strongly as temperature. Bird communities in forest habitats had colder-dwelling bird species with more northern distributions than farmland, burnt or urban areas. Our results show that land use changes can reverse, hide or exacerbate our perception of climate change impacts when measured through community-level climate change indicators. We stress the need of an explicit incorporation of the interactions between climate change and land use dynamics to understand what are current climate change indicators indicating and be able to isolate real climate change impacts.  相似文献   

European vipers (genus Vipera) are venomous and often have a distinctive dorsal zigzag pattern. The zigzag pattern of vipers has been suggested to be an example of disruptive colouration which reduces the detectability of a snake. However, recent studies suggest that the patterns have an aposematic function, although those experiments did not exclude the possibility of disruptive colouration. We used plasticine replicas of snakes to examine whether the zigzag pattern of European vipers provides protection from avian predator attacks via disruptive or aposematic function, or if the zigzag pattern might simultaneously serve both antipredatory functions. Experiments were conducted in the Coto Doñana National Park southern Spain. In the experiment, predation pressure caused by birds was compared between zigzag pattern (patterns were painted with and without disruptive effect i.e. breaking body outline or not), classical disruptive colouration (non-randomly placed patterns that breaks body outline) and control markings (replicas with length wise stripes and models without painted pattern) on natural and controlled backgrounds. We found that zigzag patterned snake replicas suffered less predation than striped ones regardless of the background, providing further evidence that the zigzag pattern of European vipers functions as a warning signal against predators. However, we did not find evidence that the zigzag pattern involves a disruptive effect.  相似文献   

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