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An entomological and serological survey was performed in three localities of the Department of Concepción, Province of Corrientes, Argentina in 1998 and 1999, to identify triatomines species involved in domestic and wild transmission of Chagas disease. Triatomines were collected by man/hour capture in 32 houses randomly selected and 44 nearby outdoor ecotopes. Trypanosoma cruzi infection in triatomines was assessed by direct microscopic observation (400x) of feces and polymerase chain reaction. Serological techniques used for people were Indirect Hemagglutination Test and Indirect Fluorescent Test. Triatomines were collected in 28.1% of the houses and 31.8% of the wild biotopes. Triatoma infestans (Klug 1834) was exclusively found indoors and T. cruzi infected 60% of them. Triatoma sordida (St?l 1859) was mainly found in extradomestic ecotopes where trypanosome infection rate reached 12.7%. Serological study of 98 local people showed that 29.6% were seroreactive; most of their houses were closed to wild biotopes colonized by T. sordida. Results indicate that there is an active T. infestans mediated transmission of Chagas disease in this zone that yields important human prevalence and that the populations of T. sordida in wild biotopes not only sustain the wild T. cruzi cycle but also represent an actual risk for people living in the area.  相似文献   

A study was conducted in three villages in western Venezuela between February 1988 and October 1989 to determine the biting and resting activity of anophelines in relation to human habits, rainfall and fenitrothion spraying of houses. Mosquitoes were collected landing on humans inside and outside experimental huts throughout the night. Only three mosquitoes were found resting in the huts in the morning, but 2470 were collected resting on vegetation in the early morning. The collections yielded eleven species of anopheline, the most abundant being Anopheles nuneztovari, comprising over 75% of the total anophelines collected, followed by An.triannulatus, An.albitarsis s.l. and An.oswaldoi. The four most abundant species showed different diel patterns of biting. For An.nuneztovari the peak of activity was close to midnight indoors and outdoors, for An.triannulatus between 19.00 and 20.00 hours outdoors, for An.albitarsis mainly before midnight indoors and outdoors and for An.oswaldoi outdoors at 19.00 hours, with an additional smaller peak indoors at midnight. Most of the human population use bednets, go to bed before 22.00 hours and are therefore most exposed to mosquitoes that bite outdoors early in the night. Fenitrothion house-spraying failed to prevent large mosquito populations developing in the wet season, presumably because of their exophilic resting habits. The possible advantages of impregnation of existing bednets with pyrethroids, and provision of nets for people who do not have them, are discussed.  相似文献   

Airborne viable and total fungal spores were sampled inside and outside 80 houses in the Latrobe Valley, Victoria, Australia as part of a larger indoor environmental study. Each residence was visited six times over a period of 1 year for sample collection, and fungal spore samples were collected from at least three indoor sites and from an outdoor site. Viable spores were sampled using an Andersen sampler, while total spores were assessed using a Burkard spore trap. Identification of fungal colonies to genera level was performed in two seasons; winter and late spring. The most common fungal genera/groups wereCladosporium, Penicillium, and yeasts, both indoors and outdoors in winter and late spring. Outdoor levels were higher than those indoors throughout the year, and a significant seasonal variation in spore levels was seen both indoors and outdoors with overall maxima in summer. Contrary to this trend, the levels ofAspergillus, yeasts,Cephalosporium andGliocladium were higher in winter. Most fungal genera were found in greater concentrations outdoors compared to indoors, butPenicillium was more common indoors. Outdoor spore levels were a significant influence on indoor levels, but seasonal differences suggest that other influences are important.  相似文献   

Peri-urban infestations with triatomine bugs, their sources and their dynamics have rarely been investigated. Here, we corroborated the reported occurrence of Triatoma infestans in a peri-urban area and in neighbouring rural houses in Pampa del Indio, in the Argentine Chaco, and identified its putative sources using spatial analysis and demographic questionnaires. Peri-urban householders reported that 10% of their premises had triatomines, whereas T. infestans was collected by timed manual searches or community-based surveillance in only nine (3%) houses. Trypanosoma cruzi-infected T. infestans and Triatoma sordida were collected indoors only in peri-urban houses and were infected with TcV and TcI, respectively. The triatomines fed on chickens, cats and humans. Peri-urban infestations were most frequent in a squatter settlement and particularly within the recently built mud houses of rural immigrants, with large-sized households, more dogs and cats and more crowding. Several of the observed infestations were most likely associated with passive bug transport from other sources and with active bug dispersal from neighbouring foci. Thus, the households in the squatter settlement were at a greater risk of bug invasion and colonisation. In sum, the incipient process of domestic colonisation and transmission, along with persistent rural-to-urban migratory flows and unplanned urbanisation, indicate the need for active vector surveillance and control actions at the peri-urban interface of the Gran Chaco.  相似文献   

Among the triatomines considered as secondary in the epidemiology of Chagas disease, Rhodnius neglectus is frequently captured in artificial ecotopes, especially peridomiciliary ones, rarely producing colonies indoors. Nevertheless, the presence of breeding colonies in houses was unquestionably demonstrated in some areas of the State of Goiás, Brazil. Previous isoenzyme comparisons of this species with morphologically close triatomines, such as R. prolixus, R. robustus or R. nasutus, did not produce definitive conclusions because of doubt about the geographical origin of the R. neglectus. We present here, for the first time, the isoenzyme profile of topotypes of R. neglectus. In addition, wild caught specimens from the type locality, Uberaba (Minas Gerais, Brazil), were compared to wild caught specimens from Jaraguá (Goiás, Brazil), where R. neglectus is more frequently reported invading houses. We used isoenzyme, morphology and morphometry analysis. Neither morphological nor enzymatic differences were found between areas, but metric, size-related divergence was evidenced between them.  相似文献   

The relative efficacy of a mechanical (Prokopack) collection method vs. manual aspiration in the collection of resting mosquitoes was evaluated in northern Tanzania before and after an intervention using indoor residual spraying and longlasting insecticide‐treated nets. In smoke‐free houses mosquitoes were collected from the roof and walls, but in smoky houses mosquitoes were found predominantly on the walls. Anopheles gambiae (Diptera: Culicidae) constituted 97.7% of the 312 An. gambiae complex specimens identified before but only 19.3% of the 183 identified after the intervention. A single sampling with the Prokopack collected a third of the available insects. Anopheles gambiae completed its gonotrophic development indoors, whereas Anopheles arabiensis did so outdoors. In both species gonotrophic development took 2 days. Most unfed resting An. arabiensis collected outdoors were virgins, whereas the majority of engorged insects were parous (with well‐contracted sacs). Daily survival was estimated to be 80.0%. Only 9.4% of the engorged An. arabiensis collected outdoors and 47.1% of those collected indoors had fed on humans. Using the Prokopack sampler is more efficient than manual methods for the collection of resting mosquitoes. Malaria transmission may have been affected by a change in vector composition resulting from a change in feeding, rather than reduced survival. Monitoring the proportions of members of the An. gambiae complex may provide signals of an impending breakdown in control.  相似文献   

Domestic animals may affect human-vector contact and parasite transmission rates. We investigated the relationships between host-feeding choices, site-specific host availability, bug nutritional status, stage and abundance of Triatoma infestans Klug (Heteroptera: Reduviidae) in rural houses of Pampa del Indio during spring. We identified the bloodmeal sources of 865 triatomines collected in 70 sites from four main ecotopes. The main sources in domiciles were human (65.9%), chicken (23.4%) and dog (22.4%); dog (64.4%, 35.3%) and chicken (33.1%, 75.4%) in kitchens and storerooms, respectively; and chicken (94.7%) in chicken coops. Using random-intercept logistic regression clustered by domicile, the fraction of human-fed triatomines strongly decreased with increasing proportions of chicken- and dog-fed bugs, dropping from 96.4% when no chicken or dog slept indoors at night to 59.4% when both did. The fraction of dog-fed bugs significantly decreased with increasing human and chicken blood indices, and marginally increased with an indoor-resting dog. Mixed blood meals occurred 3.62 times more often when a chicken or a dog slept indoors. Host blood source did not affect mean body weight adjusted for body length and bug stage. Indoor-resting chickens and dogs greatly modified human-bug contact rates, and may be targeted with long-lasting systemic insecticides to suppress infestation.  相似文献   

We examined the best location in a house to install MosquiTRAPs, sticky ovitraps that attract and capture Aedes aegypti females and investigated the physiological state of captured female mosquitoes. The study was performed in a twenty-block area in Mirassol, S?o Paulo State, Brazil, in which five blocks were randomly chosen for MosquiTRAP installation. In each block, four houses were selected for the installation of eight traps: four indoors (bedroom, living room, bathroom, and kitchen) and four outdoors in the shade (two at the front of the house and two in the backyard). These houses were visited over an eight-week period. The outdoor MosquiTRAPs captured five times more females than indoor traps and appeared to be the best places to install MosquiTRAPs. There were no significant differences among indoor sites or among outdoor sites with respect to the number of females captured. The capacity of the MosquiTRAP to capture a large number of gravid Ae. aegypti females reinforces its potential as an entomological surveillance tool in dengue control programs.  相似文献   

On the southwest Pacific Coast of Colombia, a field study was initiated to determine the human-vector association between Anopheles (Kerteszia) neivai and fishermen, including their nearby houses. Mosquitoes were collected over 24-h periods from mangrove swamps, marshlands and fishing vessels in three locations, as well as in and around the houses of fishermen. A total of 6,382 mosquitoes were collected. An. neivai was most abundant in mangroves and fishing canoes (90.8%), while Anopheles albimanus was found indoors (82%) and outdoors (73%). One An. neivai and one An. albimanus collected during fishing activities in canoes were positive for Plasmodium vivax , whereas one female An. neivai collected in a mangrove was positive for P. vivax . In the mangroves and fishing canoes, An. neivai demonstrated biting activity throughout the day, peaking between 06:00 pm-07:00 pm and there were two minor peaks at dusk and dawn. These peaks coincided with fishing activities in the marshlands and mangroves, a situation that places the fishermen at risk of contracting malaria when they are performing their daily activities. It is recommended that protective measures be implemented to reduce the risk that fishermen will contract malaria.  相似文献   

In a study on vectors of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Mesquita, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, eleven species of sandflies were found: Lutzomyia longipalpis, L. fischeri, L. quinquefer, L. intermedia, L. whitmani, L. shannoni, L. cortelezzii, L. edwardsi, L. migonei, L. lanei and L. firmatoi. Lutzomyia intermedia was the predominant species. It was collected indoors but in much higher numbers outdoors, in the close vicinity of houses. In comparative captures it was found to feed more frequently on equines, and less frequently on man and dogs. Studies, using man and animals as baits, showed that blood-feeding started in the evening, and remained stable during the night, until early morning. June, August and October were the months of highest density.  相似文献   

In Brazil, the colonization of human dwellings by triatomines occurs in areas with native vegetation of the caatinga or cerrado types. In areas of Atlantic forest such as in the Brazilian state of Espírito Santo, there are no species adapted to live in human habitations. The few autochthonous cases of Chagas disease encountered in Espírito Santo have been attributed to adult specimens of Triatoma vitticeps that invade houses from forest remnants. In recent years, the entomology unit of the Espírito Santo State Health Secretariat has recorded nymphs infected with flagellates similar to Trypanosoma cruzi in rural localities. Entomological surveys were carried out in the residences and outbuildings in which the insects were found, and serological examinations for Chagas disease performed on the inhabitants. Four colonies were found, all associated with nests of opossums (Didelphis aurita), 111 specimens of T. vitticeps, and 159 eggs being collected. All the triatomines presented flagellates in their frass. Mice inoculated with the faeces presented trypomastigotes in the circulating blood and groups of amastigotes in the cardiac muscle fibres. Serological tests performed on the inhabitants were negative for T. cruzi. Even with the intense devastation of the forest in Espírito Santo, there are no indications of change in the sylvatic habits of T. vitticeps. Colonies of this insect associated with opossum nests would indicate an expansion of the sylvatic environment into the peridomicile.  相似文献   

The Health Administration Agencies of many municipalities in Greater Buenos Aires (GBA) receive frequent reports on triatomines in houses. The aim of this work was to identify and describe the dispersal foci of Triatoma infestans in an urban neighborhood of GBA, and contribute to the knowledge of the epidemiological situation in the region. In June 1998, potentially infested places were entomologically evaluated. T. infestans was only detected in a hen building for egg production, which housed approximately 6,000 birds. A total of 2,930 insects were collected. Density was about 9 triatomines/m(2). The proportions of fifth instar nymphs and adults were significantly higher than those of the other stages (p<0.001). The number of triatomines collected largely exceeded the highest domestic infestation found in one house from rural endemic areas of Argentina. Though triatomines were negative for Trypanosoma cruzi, they could acquire the parasite by coming in contact with infected people living in GBA. Besides, the numerous and widely distributed places housing hens and chickens, would favor the settlement of the vector. Together, both facts may constitute a risk of parasitic vectorial transmission. It is recommended to intensify systematic activities of vector search and case detection in GBA.  相似文献   

Chagas disease represents a significant public health problem in Mexico. In the state of Hidalgo, studies on the presence of triatomines are scarce and restricted to a few locations. To determine the risk of transmission in the state of Hidalgo and stratify the vector potential, the distribution of Triatominae was surveyed from 2015 to 2016 in collaboration with primary health care services and local communities. A total of 570 specimens was collected in 278 houses in 25 municipalities. The species of Triatominae detected were T. dimidiata with 391 samples, T. mexicana with 159 samples, T. gerstaeckeri with 17 samples, and T. barberi with three samples. The samples were collected in domestic and peridomestic areas. The general index of natural infection was 9.8%. Indices of colonization and crowding were determined for species and municipality and results were variable.  相似文献   

Airborne yeasts were collected with 6‐stage Andersen samplers indoors and outdoors in rural and urban areas in southern Finland in 1982–1983, usually twice a month (but once a month only during the period of snow cover). The predominant yeast genus was Sporobolomyces followed by Rhodotorula and Cryptococcus. The most frequently isolated species were Sporobolomyces roseus, Sp. holsaticus, Rhodotorula minuta, Rh. glutinis, Rh. rubra, Cryptococcus albidus and Cr. laurentii. Ascomycetous yeasts were caught infrequently; for example Candidas occurred in samples only occasionally. Numbers of yeasts indoors were significantly correlated with those out of doors in the country but not in town although numbers outdoors in town and country were correlated. Species found indoors were similar to those found out of doors. Numbers of yeast cells in the air were always small, never exceeding 50 CFU m‐3 and clearly below estimated threshold values for airborne fungi causing allergic reactions.  相似文献   

After the decrease of the relative importance of Triatoma infestans, a number of studies reported the occurrence of sylvatic triatomines dispersing actively to domestic environments in the dry western Chaco Region of Argentina. Anthropic modification of the landscape is mentioned as one of the main causes of the increase in domicile invasion. The aim of this study was to describe the occurrence and frequency of sylvatic triatomines invading rural houses, and to evaluate the effect of habitat fragmentation and other ecological factors on the invasion of rural houses in central Argentina. We hypothesized that the decrease in food sources and the loss of wild ecotopes, as a consequence of habitat fragmentation, increase the chances of invasion by triatomines. The entomological data was collected by community-based vector surveillance during fieldwork carried out between 2017–2020, over 131 houses located in fourteen rural communities in the northwest of Córdoba Province (central Argentina). We used generalized linear models to evaluate the effect of (i) the environmental anthropic disturbance in the study area, (ii) the composition and configuration of the landscape surrounding the house, (iii) the spatial arrangement of houses, (iv) and the availability of artificial refuges and domestic animals in the peridomicile, on house invasion by triatomines. We report the occurrence of seven species of triatomines invading rural houses in the study area -T. infestans, T. guasayana, T. garciabesi, T. platensis, T. delpontei, T. breyeri and P. guentheri-. Study data suggest that invasion by triatomines occurs with higher frequency in disturbed landscapes, with houses spatially isolated and in proximity to subdivided fragments of forest. The availability of domestic refuges in the peridomestic structures as well as the presence of a higher number of domestic animals increase the chances of invasion by triatomines.  相似文献   



The demographic transition of populations from rural areas to large urban centers often results in a disordered occupation of forest remnants and increased economic pressure to develop high-income buildings in these areas. Ecological and socioeconomic factors associated with these urban transitions create conditions for the potential transmission of infectious diseases, which was demonstrated for Chagas disease.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We analyzed 930 triatomines, mainly Triatoma tibiamaculata, collected in artificial and sylvatic environments (forests near houses) of a suburban area of the city of Salvador, Bahia State, Brazil between 2007 and 2011. Most triatomines were captured at peridomiciles. Adult bugs predominated in all studied environments, and nymphs were scarce inside houses. Molecular analyses of a randomly selected sub-sample (n=212) of triatomines showed Trypanosoma cruzi infection rates of 65%, 50% and 56% in intradomestic, peridomestic and sylvatic environments, respectively. We detected the T. cruzi lineages I and II and mixed infections. We also showed that T. tibiamaculata fed on blood from birds (50%), marsupials (38%), ruminants (7%) and rodents (5%). The probability of T. cruzi infection was higher in triatomines that fed on marsupial blood (odds ratio (OR) = 1.95, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.22-3.11). Moreover, we observed a protective effect against infection in bugs that fed on bird blood (OR = 0.43, 95% CI = 0.30-0.73).


The frequent invasion of houses by infected triatomines indicates a potential risk of T. cruzi transmission to inhabitants in this area. Our results reinforce that continuous epidemiological surveillance should be performed in areas where domestic transmission is controlled but enzootic transmission persists.  相似文献   

In México, the role of mammals in the transmission cycle of Trypanosoma cruzi is poorly known. In the State of Yucatán, an endemic area of Chagas disease, both Didelphis virginiana and D. marsupialis occur sympatrically. However, until now, only the former species had been found infected with T. cruzi. To evaluate the role of D. virginiana in a peridomestic transmission, nine periods of capture-recapture were performed around the village of Dzidzilché, Yucatán. The sex, age, reproductive status, location, and presence of infection with T. cruzi were recorded for each opossum. The chromosome morphology was used to identify the opossum species. T. cruzi was identified by the presence of pseudocysts of amastigotes in cardiac muscle fibers of Balb/c mice inoculated with strains isolated from opossums. However, xenodiagnosis was the best diagnostic method. Triatoma dimidiata, the vector, were collected in and around the opossums' nests, and human dwellings; and were checked for T. cruzi. From 102 blood samples of D. virginiana examined 55 (53.9%) were positive to T. cruzi, the only two D. marsupialis captured were negative. Significant differences were found between infection, and both sex and reproductive condition. Eight out of 14 triatomines collected in peridomestic nests (57.1%), and 32 of 197 captured inside houses (16.3%) were found infected, suggesting a peridomestic transmission. The statistically high abundance of infected opossums and triatomines during the dry season (March to May) suggested the existence of a seasonality in the peridomestic transmission of T. cruzi in Dzidzilché.  相似文献   

Several palms species provide an important habitat for triatomines and associate vertebrates in tropical America. The objective of this work is to identify the triatomine species living in the palms of rural areas in the Province of Corrientes, and to estimate the potential epidemiological risk they represent for the residents of nearby houses. The survey was carried out in a palm community in Colonia Laurel, Department San Roque, Province of Corrientes, Argentina. Samplings were performed in October, November and December 1998; January, February and March 1999; May and June 1999. Thirty palms: 27 (90%) Butia yatay (Mart.) Becc. and 3 Acrocomia aculeata (Jacq.) Lodd ex Mart. were dissected. Triatoma sordida St?l 1859 was found in 96.2% of B. yatay and in all the A. aculeata palms. A total of 272 live T. sordida was collected; 36 of them (13.2%) were found in bird nests in the frond and the remainder in other locations of the tree. The mean number of triatomines per palm was 9.6 (range 1-60, mode 2). T. sordida was collected during all the sampling months and all stages were present at all seasons. The highest population density was reached in spring and the lowest in autumn. Trypanosoma cruzi was detected in 38.5% in feces of 174 examined insects and identified as such, both by microscopical examination and PCR. This is the first finding of T. sordida populations in B. yatay, an endemic palm of South America distributed in southern Brazil, Uruguay and northeastern Argentina. The high infection prevalence found in this work suggests that T. sordida plays an essential role in the maintenance of the wild T. cruzi transmission cycle in northeastern Argentina.  相似文献   

Triatoma dimidiata is one of the primary vectors of Chagas disease. We previously documented the spatio-temporal infestation of houses by this species in the Yucatan peninsula, Mexico, and found that non-domiciliated triatomines were specifically attracted to houses. However, the factors mediating this attraction remained unclear. Artificial light has been known for a long time to attract many insect species, and therefore may contribute to the spread of different vector-borne diseases. Also, based on the collection of different species of triatomines with light traps, several authors have suggested that light might attract triatomines to houses, but the role of artificial light in house infestation has never been clearly demonstrated and quantified. Here we performed a spatial analysis of house infestation pattern by T. dimidiata in relation to the distribution of artificial light sources in three different villages from the Yucatan peninsula, Mexico. In all three villages, infested houses were significantly closer to public street light sources than non-infested houses (18.0 ± 0.6 vs 22.6 ± 0.4 m), and street lights rather than domestic lights were associated with house infestation. Accordingly, houses closer to a public street lights were 1.64 times more likely to be infested than houses further away (OR, CI95% 1.23-2.18). Behavioral experiments using a dual-choice chamber further confirmed that adult male and females were attracted to white light during their nocturnal activity. Attraction was also dependent on light color and decreased with increasing wavelength. While public lighting is usually associated with increased development, these data clearly show that it also directly contributes to house infestation by non-domiciliated T. dimidiata.  相似文献   

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