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Two pairs of wire electrodes were used to record single afferent action potentials from ventral roots and single efferent action potentials from dorsal roots of dogs and humans. A human lower sacral ventral root contained about 20 to 30% afferents among fibres with a diameter larger than 5 microns; a comparable ventral root of a dog contained about 1% afferents. Human S3, S4 and S5 dorsal roots contained 3, 18, and 20 to 30% efferent fibres respectively; a comparable dorsal root of the dog contained less than 1% efferent fibres. Primary and secondary muscle spindle afferents, Golgi tendon organ afferents, and afferents from the mechanoreceptors of the urinary bladder and anal canal mucosa were activated in a dog ventral root by pulling bladder and anal catheters. Their peak group conduction velocities were 82, 57, 71 and 18 m/s at 34 degrees C respectively. The dog afferents conducted more than 30% faster than did comparable human nerve fibres. By strongly pulling the bladder catheter, the static human dorsal root gamma 21-motoneurons increased their activity for about 7 s which in turn strongly increased the dorsal root spindle afferent activity for more than 10 min; the human static intrafusal gamma-motoneurons seemed to show cumulative properties.  相似文献   

Electrophysiological investigations in mice, particularly with altered myelination, require reference data of the nerve conduction velocity (CV). CVs of different fibre groups were determined in the hindlimb of anaesthetized adult mice. Differentiation between afferent and efferent fibres was performed by recording at dorsal roots and stimulating at ventral roots, respectively. Correspondingly, recording or stimulation was performed at peripheral hindlimb nerves. Stimulation was performed with graded strength to differentiate between fibre groups. CVs of the same fibre groups were different in different nerves of the hindlimb. CVs for motor fibres were for the tibial nerve (Tib) 38.5±4.0 m/s (Agamma: 16.7±3.0 m/s), the sural nerve (Sur) 39.3±3.1 m/s (12.0±0.8 m/s) and the common peroneal nerve (Per) 46.7±4.7 m/s (22.2±4.4 m/s). CVs for group I afferents were 47.4±3.1 m/s (Tib), 43.8±3.8 m/s (Sur), 55.2±6.1 m/s (Per) and 42.9±4.3 m/s for the posterior biceps (PB). CVs of higher threshold afferents, presumably muscle and cutaneous, cover a broad range and do not really exhibit nerve specific differences. Ranges are for group II 22-38 m/s, for group III 9-19 m/s, and for group IV 0.8-0.9 m/s. Incontrovertible evidence was found for the presence of motor fibres in the sural nerve. The results are useful as references for further electrophysiological investigations particularly in genetically modified mice with myelination changes.  相似文献   

Summary The characteristics of fibers of a cutaneous nerve supplying the wing skin of the pigeon have been investigated with electrophysiological and electron microscopic techniques.Recordings of the compound action potential showed four distinct peaks with conduction velocities of about 30 m/s, 12 m/s, 4 m/s and 0.5 m/s.From electron micrographs both fiber diameters and thickness of myelin sheath were assessed and used as criteria for segregating various fiber populations. Altogether four groups could be discerned: large thickly myelinated fibers, small thickly myelinated fibers, small thinly myelinated fibers, and unmyelinated or C-fibers. The subdivision of the thickly myelinated fibers into two populations is evidenced mainly by corresponding peaks in the compound action potential. The thinly myelinated fibers with a mean diameter of 2 m contributed about 90% of all myelinated fibers in this nerve.When comparing fiber dimensions and conduction velocities of this avian nerve with those of mammalian cutaneous nerves, the lower CV's of avian nerve fibers can be explained by smaller diameters and thinner myelin sheaths.The results of this investigation are a prerequisite for latency considerations in central somatosensory pathways in birds.Abbreviations CAP compound action potential - CV conduction velocity - D fiber diameter - d axon diameter - g ratio d/D - m thickness of myelin sheath  相似文献   

Although insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) can act as a neurotrophic factor for peripheral neurons in vitro and in vivo following injury, the role IGF-I plays during normal development and functioning of the peripheral nervous system is unclear. Here, we report that transgenic mice with reduced levels (two genotypes: heterozygous Igf1+/- or homozygous insertional mutant Igf1m/m) or totally lacking IGF-I (homozygous Igf1-/-) show a decrease in motor and sensory nerve conduction velocities in vivo. In addition, A-fiber responses in isolated peroneal nerves from Igf1+/- and Igf1-/- mice are impaired. The nerve function impairment is most profound in Igf1-/- mice. Histopathology of the peroneal nerves in Igf1-/- mice demonstrates a shift to smaller axonal diameters but maintains the same total number of myelinated fibers as Igf1+/+ mice. Comparisons of myelin thickness with axonal diameter indicate that there is no significant reduction in peripheral nerve myelination in IGF-I-deficient mice. In addition, in Igf1m/m mice with very low serum levels of IGF-I, replacement therapy with exogenous recombinant hIGF-I restores both motor and sensory nerve conduction velocities. These findings demonstrate not only that IGF-I serves an important role in the growth and development of the peripheral nervous system, but also that systemic IGF-I treatment can enhance nerve function in IGF-I-deficient adult mice.  相似文献   

Although insulin‐like growth factor‐I (IGF‐I) can act as a neurotrophic factor for peripheral neurons in vitro and in vivo following injury, the role IGF‐I plays during normal development and functioning of the peripheral nervous system is unclear. Here, we report that transgenic mice with reduced levels (two genotypes: heterozygous Igf1+/− or homozygous insertional mutant Igf1m/m) or totally lacking IGF‐I (homozygous Igf1−/−) show a decrease in motor and sensory nerve conduction velocities in vivo. In addition, A‐fiber responses in isolated peroneal nerves from Igf1+/− and Igf1−/− mice are impaired. The nerve function impairment is most profound in Igf1−/− mice. Histopathology of the peroneal nerves in Igf1−/− mice demonstrates a shift to smaller axonal diameters but maintains the same total number of myelinated fibers as Igf1+/+ mice. Comparisons of myelin thickness with axonal diameter indicate that there is no significant reduction in peripheral nerve myelination in IGF‐I–deficient mice. In addition, in Igf1m/m mice with very low serum levels of IGF‐I, replacement therapy with exogenous recombinant hIGF‐I restores both motor and sensory nerve conduction velocities. These findings demonstrate not only that IGF‐I serves an important role in the growth and development of the peripheral nervous system, but also that systemic IGF‐I treatment can enhance nerve function in IGF‐I–deficient adult mice. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 39: 142–152, 1999  相似文献   

Responses of relay neurons of the dorsal lateral geniculate body to stimulation of area 17 of the visual cortex and the optic chiasma were studied in curarized cats. A high degree of correlation was found between the latent periods of antidromic responses of these neurons to stimulation of the visual cortex and orthodromic responses of the same neurons to stimulation of the optic chiasma (r=0.895; P=0.01). In 9% of cases antidromic unit responses were recorded to stimulation of the optic chiasma, evidence that the optic nerve contains centrifugal fibers. The functional role of the temporal dispersion of the afferent flow in the visual system is discussed.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 10, No. 6, pp. 606–612, November–December, 1978.  相似文献   

Myelinated fibres less than 1 micrometer in diameter are rare in the peripheral nervous system; but fibres down to 0.2 micrometer in diameter exist in the central nervous system. These observations are consistent with Rushton's theory on the effects of fibre size on conduction in myelinated nerve when the different processes of myelination in the peripheral and central nervous systems are taken into account.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To observe the effects of stimulation of the sacral anterior roots on anorectal and low colonic pressures and to programme implanted stimulators to produce defecation. DESIGN--Prospective study of 12 consecutive patients. SETTING--Spinal injuries unit and university gastrointestinal physiology department. PATIENTS--12 Patients with complete supraconal spinal cord lesions. Their injuries had been sustained at least two years before the study. INTERVENTIONS--A Brindley-Finetech intradural sacral anterior root stimulator was implanted in all patients. Three months postoperatively the stimulator settings were adjusted after measurement of simultaneous anorectal and low colonic pressures. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Full defecation. RESULTS--Six patients achieved complete rectal evacuation of faeces using the implant and subsequently did not require manual help for defecation. For all but one of the patients the total time taken to complete defecation was reduced, and all were free from constipation, the most prevalent gastrointestinal symptom in patients with spinal injuries. CONCLUSIONS--Sacral anterior root stimulators can be programmed to achieve complete unassisted defecation and can considerably improve the quality of life of patients with spinal injuries.  相似文献   

Effects of NiCL2 and PCMB (p-chloromercuribenzoate) on the action potential were examined by the method of extra- and intracellular electrodes, using a single nerve fibre of crayfish. The results obtained were as follows : The conduction of the action potential was blocked by treating the nerve fibre with Ni ion or PCMB. The blockade was easily recovered by replacement with cysteine. The process of the blockade and recovery, which could be repeated several times, was fairly characteristic such that the more repetition led the sooner blockade and the harder recovery. No conduction block was observed by treatment with Ni-cysteine mixed solution nor with PCMB-cysteine solution. The critical concentration for blocking was 1.1 x 10(-4)M for NiCL2 and 5.6 x 10(-6) M for PCMB. The action potential was disappeared without any change in the resting potential by treatment with the chemicals, which gave significant effects on the rising and falling phases of the action potential before the blockade.  相似文献   

The relative changes in sensory and motor nerve conductions and SNAP and CMAP amplitudes were studied on the sural and tibial posterior nerves in anesthetized male rats, between the 1st and the 23rd month. Neural growth was controlled with the measure of the nerve path length on the skin, between stimulating and recording cathodes for the sural nerve and proximal and distal stimulating cathodes for the tibial posterior nerve. The sural SCV and SNAP amplitude are consistent with a more accurate method than the H-reflex one. Similar changes were observed in both parameters. During the maturation of the peripheral nervous system, between the 1st and the 5th month, parameters rapidly increased. Over 14 months old, parameters decrease: the diminution of SNAP and CMAP amplitudes is characteristic of aging. The results were analyzed through quadratic and linear regression and were similar to those in young and elderly human patients. Parabola curves fitted the best way to represent the evolution of parameters. Moreover, the linear regression permitted to divide the rat life in 3 parts and to distinguish a period between the 6th and 13th months during which studied parameters are considered as constant. SCV, MCV, SNAP and CMAP amplitudes from the 1st to the 5th, from 6th to 13th and over the 14th month, could be used as reference.  相似文献   

The diameters of nerve fibers in the brachium colliculi inferioris and geniculo-cortical tract were measured. The thickness of these fibers ranges from 0.5 to 6.0 µ, and in 82–88% of them it is 1.0–3.0 µ. About 100,000 nerve fibers were found in cross-sections through the brachium colliculi inferioris. The velocity of conduction along centripetal fibers of the geniculo-cortical tract was determined. It varied from 11 to 28.6 m/sec in different fibers, and in 71% of them it was between 15 and 22 m/sec. The composition of the fibers of the geniculo-cortical tract was compared relative to their thickness and conduction velocity.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 4, No. 6, pp. 608–611, November–December, 1972.  相似文献   

The caudal extent of the penetration of primary afferent axons from the T12 and L1 dorsal roots and sural nerve has been investigated in adult decerebrate spinal rats. Microelectrode stimulation at the root entry zone (REZ) and at further caudal points in the spinal cord was used to generate antidromic action potentials in single fibres recorded in dorsal roots or peripheral nerves. A total of 209 units were recorded in T12 and L1 dorsal roots and 27% of these could be antidromically activated 10 mm caudal to the REZ. Fifteen percent of the units could be stimulated at the L4-5 border, 15 mm caudal to the T12 segment whereas 4.5% of the axons could be stimulated 25 mm caudally in the S4 segment, 11 segments caudal to the entry segment. Similar recordings made from units in the sural nerve showed that of all the sural axons that penetrated to the L6 segment 50%, 18% and 2% of these reached the S1, S2 and S4 segments respectively. The conduction velocities of these units were clearly in the A-beta range when recorded in the nerve but decreased on entering the spinal cord and were reduced by 83% at their caudal end point. The results show that substantial numbers of primary afferents have long-ranging caudal branches in areas beyond the regions of known postsynaptic effects. The functions of these caudal projections are unclear but they may represent a potential substrate for the development of functional connections under conditions of disease or denervation.  相似文献   

Exposure to an extremely cold environment without proper protection leading to hypothermia is an emergency, one of the several complications of which is impairment in nerve conduction. Our previous work in the rat model has shown the beneficial effect of vitamin C in modulating the effect of hypothermia on nerve conduction. The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of vitamins C and E, administered alone or in combination, in modulating the effect of mild hypothermia on human ulnar nerve conduction. The study was carried out on 26 volunteers divided into three groups: group I received vitamin C supplementation (2000 mg/day in a single dose and 1,000 mg/day for the next 6 days), group II received vitamins C and E in combination (1,000 mg and 800 mg respectively in a single dose and 500 mg and 400 mg respectively for the next 6 days) and group III received vitamin E (800 mg in a single dose and the same for the next 6 days). The recordings were carried out before and after single and weekly supplementation in each group. There was a fall in ulnar nerve conduction velocity with a reduction in the oral temperature of 2–2.5 °C. Vitamin C administered alone and in combination with vitamin E reduced the fall in ulnar nerve conduction velocity. Prior supplementation with vitamin C and E could help ameliorate the impairment in human ulnar nerve conduction due to hypothermia.  相似文献   

Phrenic nerve stimulation, electrical (ES) or from cervical magnetic stimulation (CMS), allows one to assess the diaphragm contractile properties and the conduction time of the phrenic nerve (PNCT) through recording of an electromyographic response, traditionally by using surface electrodes. Because of the coactivation of extradiaphragmatic muscles, signal contamination can jeopardize the determination of surface PNCTs. To address this, we compared PNCTs with ES and CMS from surface and needle diaphragm electrodes in five subjects (10 phrenic nerves). At a modified recording site, lower and more anterior than usual (lowest accessible intercostal space, costochondral junction) with electrodes 2 cm apart, surface and needle PNCTs were similar (CMS: 6.0 +/- 0.25 ms surface vs. 6.2 +/- 0.13 ms needle, not significant). Electrodes recording the activity of the most likely sources of signal contamination, i.e., the serratus anterior and pectoralis major, showed distinct responses from that of the diaphragm, their earlier occurrence strongly arguing against contamination. With ES and CMS, apparently uncontaminated signals could be consistently recorded from surface electrodes.  相似文献   

In 30 experiments in order to specify the blood supply and conducting system in the dog heart, coronal arteries were injected with a contrasting mass that was followed by roentgenography and preparation of the coronal arteries. The topography and blood supply of the atrioventricular conducting system with application of prevital blood supply, and the left coronal artery is the main source of blood supply for all the parts of the cardiac atrioventricular conducting system.  相似文献   

A new method for estimating the distribution of conduction velocities (DCV) of peripheral nerve fibers has been developed. It also enables estimation of single nerve fiber action potential (SFAP), which agrees with the physiological knowledge. Two compound nerve action potentials (CAPs) elicited by electrical stimulation of a nerve bundle were recorded at different conduction distances. The distances between the stimulation and recording electrodes were measured on the skin surface along the nerve bundle. Starting with an arbitrary SFAP, the first estimated DCV was calculated from a CAP by the regularized non-negative least squares method. The next SFAP was then calculated by deconvolution of the other CAP and the estimated DCV. A lowpass filter with an appropriate cutoff frequency was used to obtain better conversion. The process was iterated until the CAP error defined as /CAP(calculated)-CAP/(2) was small enough. The conduction distances contained errors in measurement, especially in the distal segment, that distorted the estimated results. The Fibonacci search, therefore, was adopted to optimize the distance according to the CAP error. The accuracy of this method was demonstrated by a simulation study performed with two CAPs calculated from an arbitrary bimodal DCV and a biphasic SFAP to which a Gaussian white noise was added. The reliability of this method was checked in normal subjects by recording a pair of CAPs elicited by stimulation of the median nerve at the wrist and the elbow.  相似文献   

Squid optic nerve sodium channels were characterized in planar bilayers in the presence of batrachotoxin (BTX). The channel exhibits a conductance of 20 pS in symmetrical 200 mM NaCl and behaves as a sodium electrode. The single-channel conductance saturates with increasing the concentration of sodium and the channel conductance vs. sodium concentration relation is well described by a simple rectangular hyperbola. The apparent dissociation constant of the channel for sodium is 11 mM and the maximal conductance is 23 pS. The selectivity determined from reversal potentials obtained in mixed ionic conditions is Na+ approximately Li+ greater than K+ greater than Rb+ greater than Cs+. Calcium blocks the channel in a voltage-dependent manner. Analysis of single-channel membranes showed that the probability of being open (Po) vs. voltage relation is sigmoidal with a value of 0.5 between -90 and -100 mV. The fitting of Po requires at least two closed and one open state. The apparent gating charge required to move through the whole transmembrane voltage during the closed-open transition is four to five electronic charges per channel. Distribution of open and closed times are well described by single exponentials in most of the voltage range tested and mean open and mean closed times are voltage dependent. The number of charges associated with channel closing is 1.6 electronic charges per channel. Tetrodotoxin blocked the BTX-modified channel being the blockade favored by negative voltages. The apparent dissociation constant at zero potential is 16 nM. We concluded that sodium channels from the squid optic nerve are similar to other BTX-modified channels reconstituted in bilayers and to the BTX-modified sodium channel detected in the squid giant axon.  相似文献   

Internal axial light conduction in the stems and roots of herbaceous plants   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In order to reveal any roles played by stems and roots of herbaceous plants in responding to the surrounding light environment, the optical properties of the stem and root tissues of 18 herbaceous species were investigated. It was found that light was able to penetrate through to the interior of the stem and was then conducted towards the roots. Light conduction was carried out within the internodes and across the nodes of the stem, and then in the roots from the tap root to lateral roots. Light conduction in both the stem and root occurred in the vascular tissue, usually with fibres and vessels serving as the most efficient axial light conductors. The pith and cortex in many cases were also involved in axial light conduction. Investigation of the spectral properties of the conducted light made it clear that only the spectral region between 710 nm and 940 nm (i.e. far-red and near infra-red light) was the most efficiently conducted in both the stem and the root. It was also found that there were light gradients in the axial direction of the stem or root, and the light intensity generally exhibited a linear attenuation in accord with the distance of conduction. These results revealed that tissues of the stem and root are bathed in an internal light environment enriched in far-red light, which may be involved in phytochrome-mediated metabolic activities. Thus, it appears that light signals from above-ground directly contribute to the regulation of the growth and development of underground roots via an internal light-conducting system from the stem to the roots.  相似文献   

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