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STAM2 is a tyrosine-phosphorylated protein suggested to be involved in cargo selection during endocytic pathway, regulation of exocytosis and intracellular signaling. Gene trap method was used to create via insertional mutagenesis a mutant mouse line with integration of promoterless βgeo (lacZ-neomycin phosphotransferase fusion) gene in the second intron of Stam2 gene, enabling analysis of its in vivo expression and function. The inserted β-galactosidase (lacZ) reporter gene was used to reveal Stam2 expression during development. Stam2 in situ RNA hybridization and immunostaining confirmed the observed β-galactosidase activity reflecting high Stam2 expression. The homozygous mutant mice showed no overt phenotypic alterations. Stam2 expression was detected after E9.5 in the gut, notochord, neural tube and heart. In the nervous system it was located in the floor, roof and basal plates of the developing neural tube, and in the developing cortex, hippocampus and olfactory bulbs. Toward the end of gestation, Stam2 expression appeared in the testis and ovary, lungs, nasal cavity epithelium, kidneys, urogenital sinus, intestine, pancreas, pituitary and adrenal glands, muscles, brown adipose tissue, skin and epithelium of the tongue and oral cavity.  相似文献   

The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans is contained within a multifunctional exoskeleton, the cuticle, that contains a large number of distinct collagens. As the nematode proceeds from the egg through four larval stages to the adult, transition between larval stages is marked by synthesis of a new cuticle and subsequent moulting of the old one. This is a cyclically repeated developmental event, frequently described as the moulting cycle. We have examined the temporal expression of a group of six genes encoding distinct cuticular collagens. As expected, mRNA abundance for each of the six genes tested is found to oscillate, peaking once during each larval stage. Unexpectedly, the periods of abundance for each gene do not coincide, different genes being expressed at different times relative to one another within the moulting cycle. We detect a programme of temporally distinct waves of collagen gene expression, the precise pattern of which is repeated during each of the four larval stages. This multiphasic pattern of oscillating cuticular collagen gene expression indicates an unexpected complexity of temporal control during the nematode moulting cycle and has implications for collagen trimerization and cuticle synthesis.  相似文献   

Analysis of the pattern of QM expression during mouse development   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
QM, a novel gene that was originally identified as a putative tumor suppressor gene, has since been cloned from species encompassing members of the plant, animal, and fungal kingdoms. Sequence comparison indicates that QM has been highly conserved throughout eukaryotic evolution. QM is a member of a multigene family in both mouse and man, is expressed in a broad range of tissues, and is downregulated during adipocyte differentiation. Jif-1, a chicken homolog of QM, has been reported to interact with the protooncogene c-Jun, and to inhibit transactivation of AP-1 regulated promoters in vitro. Furthermore, disruption of the yeast QM homolog is lethal. Although these studies suggest that the QM gene product plays an important role within the normal cell, the precise role of QM has remained elusive. In this study, a thorough analysis of the pattern of QM expression during mouse development was undertaken, using the techniques of whole mount in situ hybridization and whole mount immunohistochemistry, in combination with conventional immunohistochemical analysis of tissue sections. QM is expressed in numerous embryonic tissues, and is differentially expressed throughout the embryo. The cytoplasmic localization of QM is consistent with its reported association with ribosomes, and inconsistent with its previously hypothesized function as a direct modulator of the nuclear protooncogene c-Jun. QM is expressed in the developing epidermis, and is particularly strong within developing limbs. Analysis of embryos of various stages of gestation indicate that QM is downregulated in the surface ectoderm of the embryo as development proceeds. QM protein is not detectable within either nucleated or enucleated red blood cell precursors. QM is strongly expressed within chondrocytes within the transition zone of developing limb cartilage, as well as within differentiated keratinocytes of the suprabasal regions of the epidermis. Furthermore, within both cartilage and skin, there is an inverse relationship between QM expression and proliferative capacity. This pattern of QM expression suggests that this novel gene product may be involved in processes such as posttranslational protein processing which are essential for differentiation of specific tissues during embryogenesis.  相似文献   

In Drosophila, the RNA helicase VASA (VAS) is required for both germ line formation and oocyte differentiation. While the murine VAS homologue is required for spermatogenesis, it is dispensable for germ line formation. The molecular basis for this apparently dual role of VAS in germ line ontogeny is, however, unclear. Recent evidence indicates that fish, like flies, employs VAS both in early and late stages of the germ line development and that there is a sex-linked differential expression of splice variants. We show here that the longer of two splice variants of zebrafish vas is transiently downregulated in the germ line around the time when the germ cells reach the developing gonad. Using transgenic vas::EGFP fish lines, which allow us to distinguish between male and female individuals, we show that the long splice variant reappears in both sexes at around day 25 and is subsequently downregulated during male gonadal development. Our data further suggest that there is a switch from maternal to zygotic expression of the long splice variant of vas as sexual dimorphic development commences.  相似文献   

Craniofacial development is a complex process involving diverse cell populations. Various transgenic Cre lines have been developed to facilitate studying gene function in specific tissues. In this study, we have characterized the expression pattern of Six2Cre mice at multiple stages during craniofacial development. Our data revealed that Six2Cre lineage cells are predominantly present in frontal bone, mandible, and secondary palate. Using immunostaining method, we found that Six2Cre triggered reporter is co-expressed with Runx2. In summary, our data showed Six2Cre can be used to study gene function during palate development and osteogenesis in mouse models.  相似文献   

Temporal and spatial gene expression and inductive interactions control the establishment of the body plan during embryogenesis in invertebrates and vertebrates. The best-studied vertebrate model system is the amphibian embryo. Seventy-five years after the famous organizer experiment of Hans Spemann and Hilde Mangold in 1924 our knowledge of the molecular mechanisms of the multi-step formation of embryonic axis has substantially improved. Although in the 30s and 40s the interest of many laboratories was focussed on neural induction (determination of the central nervous system), only crude factors from so-called heterogeneous inducers (liver, bone marrow, etc.,) could be isolated by the traditional biochemical techniques available at this time. An important breakthrough was the characterization and purification of a mesoderm inducing factor, the so-called vegetalizing factor (homologous to Activin) in highly purified from chicken embryos. Much later after the introduction of molecular techniques Vgl and Activin (both belonging to the TGF-β family) and FGFs could be identified as important factors for mesoderm formation. It was in the 90s that secreted neuralizing factors (chordin, noggin, follistatin and cerberus) could be detected, which are expressed at the dorsal side of the early embryo including the Spemann organizer. In contrast to the classical view, these proteins act as antagonists to factors like BMP-4 localized on the ventral side. Of special interest was the fact that inDrosophila sog, homologous to chordin, determines the ventral side, whiledpp, homologous toBMP-4, participates in the formation of the dorsal side. These data of evolutionary conserved genes in both invertebrates and vertebrates support the view that they are descendents of common ancestors, the urbilateralia, living around 300 million years ago. The expression of those genes coding for secreted proteins is closely related to inductive interactions between cells and germ layers. Recently it was shown that planar signals are not sufficient to generate a specific anterior/posterior pattern during the primary steps of neural induction, i.e., formation of the central nervous system in amphibians.  相似文献   

探讨p38 MAPK在小鼠着床前胚胎期的表达图式,并对其作用作初步分析。用免疫印迹法分析胚胎全裂解物中的p38蛋白。为考察p38在着床前发育中的作用,在胚胎培养液中添加p38专一性抑制剂SB203580。此外对同位素标记的胚胎作双向电泳分析,示踪ZGA(zygotic gene activation,合子型基因激活)标志物TRC的表达情况。在卵母细胞中能检测到低水平的p38蛋白,而在合子中的检测度更低,表明p38是贮存于卵母细胞内的母型转录物,自减数分裂期随其它母型转录物一起逐步降解。到2细胞中期p38蛋白的表达量开始恢复,在4细胞时达到顶峰,在8细胞时又跌落。D38蛋白在2到4细胞期的表达量上升提示该蛋白在小鼠着床前胚胎发育中可能发挥一定作用。经与p38抑制剂SB203580共培养后的2细胞中期胚胎中仍能清晰检测到TRC,因而以TRC为标志的ZGA对SB203580不敏感。SB203580同样不能阻止胚胎发育到桑椹胚期。  相似文献   

Coenzyme Q (Q) and the genes involved in its biosynthesis are involved in aging and development of Caenorhabditis elegans. Q is synthesized by at least eight highly conserved nuclear coq genes, but this biosynthesis pathway and its regulation is not known. The coq-8 gene sequence has homology to the ABC-1 family kinases and is the only known candidate for a possible regulation of this pathway. To study coq-8 expression pattern, we have developed a C. elegans transgenic strain expressing ubiquinone biosynthesis coq-8 gene promoter and GFP construct. We show here an age-dependent specific pattern from embryo to senescence for COQ-8 protein expression. Expression in embryo was triggered by a defined group of blastomers before morphogenesis. In elderly nematodes expression was only observed in nervous system, whilst expression in larvae was also detected in hypodermis, muscles and coelomocytes. Global expression provide a regulated pattern during life cycle of the nematode.  相似文献   

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