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Adult squash bugs, Anasa tristis (De Geer), were confined on seedling watermelon plants at densities of zero, one, two, and four per plant. Squash bugs were allowed to feed on the plants until plants died or reached 30 cm in height. Number of leaves and length of plant vine were recorded at 2- or 3-d intervals. Seedling foliage, stems, and roots were harvested and dried after plants reached 30 cm in height. Growth of seedlings was regressed on number of squash bugs and results indicated that an increasing density of squash bugs feeding on seedlings resulted in a significant reduction in plant growth. Additionally, increased density of squash bugs resulted in reduced weight of foliage and root dry biomass. Seedling mortality increased as the density of squash bugs increased.  相似文献   

The squash bug, Anasa tristis (De Geer), is a major indigenous pest of Cucurbita species across the United States and a vector of cucurbit yellow vine disease. The seasonal phenology of the squash bug in central Kentucky and its natural enemies were studied using summer squash planted sequentially throughout the 2005 and 2006 growing seasons. The squash bug was first detected on 5 June 2005 and 3 June 2006. In both years, peak numbers of all squash bug stages occurred in July and August. Our field data, substantiated by published degree-day models for squash bug development, suggest one complete and a partial second generation of squash bugs in 2005 and one complete generation of squash bugs in 2006. The most abundant ground-active predators in squash fields included Araneae, Carabidae, Staphylinidae, and Geocoridae. Coleomegilla maculata (De Geer) and Geocoris punctipes (Say) were the most abundant foliage-inhabiting predators. Direct field observations of predators feeding on squash bugs or their eggs included G. punctipes, Pagasa fusca (Stein), and Nabis sp. The parasitoids Trichopoda pennipes (Fabricius) and Gyron pennsylvanicum (Ashmead) were found also. Squash bug egg masses were monitored to determine predation and parasitism rates in the field. In four studies during 2005 and 2006, predation rates were low (7% or less), and parasitism ranged from 0 to 31%. Overall, squash bug egg mortality increased as the season progressed.  相似文献   

Two watermelon pest management practices, a squash trap crop and a standard recommendation using soil-applied carbofuran, were compared using large-scale field plots to assess trap crop suitability as a replacement for the standard in 2000, 2001, and 2002. In both systems, foliar insecticide applications were used to control squash bugs when populations exceeded threshold levels. During 2001 and 2002, a treatment of untreated watermelon was used. Early season adult insects, from seedling to fruit set, are most critical for watermelon. Significantly fewer early adult bugs were found on watermelon in the trap crop than in the standard recommended practice in 1 of 3 yr. In both years, significantly fewer adult squash bugs were found in watermelon in the trap crop than in untreated fields. The standard recommended practice significantly reduced adult squash bugs in watermelon compared with the untreated in 1 of 2 yr. There was no significant correlation of watermelon yield and squash bug density, indicating that squash bug densities were too low to impact yield. Although squash bugs were reduced significantly by the trap crop, marketable watermelon yields were lower in the squash trap crop than in untreated watermelon, suggesting that pest management treatments may interfere with crop productivity factors other than squash bug colonization. Results suggest that mid-season production squash bug should be managed by monitoring populations and using insecticides as needed rather than using at-plant treatment. Further research is needed to compare treatments during early-season production.  相似文献   

Spatial distribution patterns of adult squash bugs were determined in watermelon, Citrullus lanatus (Thunberg) Matsumura and Nakai, during 2001 and 2002. Results of analysis using Taylor's power law regression model indicated that squash bugs were aggregated in watermelon. Taylor's power law provided a good fit with r2 = 0.94. A fixed precision sequential sampling plan was developed for estimating adult squash bug density at fixed precision levels in watermelon. The plan was tested using a resampling simulation method on nine and 13 independent data sets ranging in density from 0.15 to 2.52 adult squash bugs per plant. Average estimated means obtained in 100 repeated simulation runs were within the 95% CI of the true means for all the data. Average estimated levels of precision were similar to the desired level of precision, particularly when the sampling plan was tested on data having an average mean density of 1.19 adult squash bugs per plant. Also, a sequential sampling for classifying adult squash bug density as below or above economic threshold was developed to assist in the decision-making process. The classification sampling plan is advantageous in that it requires smaller sample sizes to estimate the population status when the population density differs greatly from the action threshold. However, the plan may require excessively large sample sizes when the density is close to the threshold. Therefore, an integrated sequential sampling plan was developed using a combination of a fixed precision and classification sequential sampling plans. The integration of sampling plans can help reduce sampling requirements.  相似文献   

The squash bug, Anasa tristis, is a pest of cucurbits that exerts direct damage on crops and is a vector of plant pathogens. We established cell lines from this insect to serve as tools for basic biology, including virology and immunology, as well as applied studies, such as insecticide development programs. We initiated 15 cell cultures, using nine media or combinations of media. The media yielding the best results were a modification of Kimura’s medium and a combination of two commercially available cell culture media (EX-CELL 420 and L15). We designated the two cell lines as BCIRL-AtE-CLG11 and BCIRL-AtE-CLG15. From the AtE-CLG15 line, we isolated two sub-lines, A and B. Of these, the most consistently replicating line was AtE-CLG15A. We determined the doubling time of this line (190 h) and its mean cell diameter (14.5 ± 0.7 μm). We characterized the AtE-CLG15A line using DAF-PCR. The BCIRL-AtE-CLG15A cell line is now available for researchers world-wide.  相似文献   

Species within the coreid clade (Hemiptera: Coreidae) can often be observed competing in intrasexual competitions over access to mates and territories. Coreids that partake in these competitions typically possess sexually dimorphic hind legs that are used to strike and squeeze their rivals. In addition to their weaponized legs, some coreid species also possess sexually dimorphic abdominal tubercles, which are assumed to be sexually selected weapons. Still, much remains unknown about the morphology of these structures. Here, using the species Mictis longicornis Westwood, we investigate the frequency distribution and static allometry of abdominal thickness, a measure that includes tubercle length. Furthermore, we also investigate the morphological relationship between abdominal tubercles and weaponized hind legs. We find that male abdominal thickness is best explained by a bimodal distribution, thereby describing the first observed male polymorphism in the coreid clade; a phenomenon typically associated with alternative reproductive tactics. Additionally, we find that major males are characterized primarily by having large weaponized legs and abdominal tubercles, which further suggests that abdominal tubercles are used in male–male competition.  相似文献   

Specific biochemical marker-based techniques were tested for their ability to distinguish between seeds of Douglas-fir, Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirbel) Franco, that were filled or unfilled (aborted) at maturity and those that were damaged or emptied by the western conifer seed bug, Leptoglossus occidentalis Heidemann. A polyclonal antibody raised against salivary gland extracts from L. occidentalis successfully identified residual salivary proteins on Western blots containing proteins from Douglas-fir seeds that had sustained various degrees of seed bug feeding damage. In a single blind experiment, the polyclonal antibody correctly identified 100% of undamaged control, 97% of unfilled control (aborted), and 98% of seed bug damaged seeds. Polyclonal antibodies raised against insoluble alfalfa crystalloid storage protein (11S globulin) detected the depletion of 11S globulin and the subsequent appearance of its hydrolyzed fragments in the soluble protein fraction of Douglas-fir seeds that were fed-upon by the seed bug. Feeding by L. occidentalis nymphs caused ca. 98% depletion of insoluble protein, but only ca. 53% reduction in the amount of soluble protein in seeds that appeared empty on radiographs. By comparison, unfilled (aborted) seeds contained significantly less insoluble and soluble protein than empty seeds that were fed-upon by L. occidentalis; moreover, no crystalloid (11S globulin) breakdown products were generated. The biochemical markers described in this study are reliable tools that can be used to identify conifer seeds that have sustained light to severe damage from L. occidentalis feeding.  相似文献   

The current study evaluated whether flowering phenology and yield attributes of different strawberry cultivars affect the abundance and feeding impact of tarnished plant bug, Lygus lineolaris (Palisot de Beauvois), as well as behavioral decisions made by feeding nymphs and ovipositing adults. The distribution of emerged nymphs in cage experiments involving nine different cultivars of June-bearing strawberry cultivars suggests that females lay more eggs on plants with numerous flower receptacles, while cultivar per se did not influence their oviposition behavior. A large number of nymphs emerged from receptacles of strawberry plants, while the distribution of emerged nymphs among receptacles, petioles, leaves, and stems varied for different cultivars. These results suggest that the relative intensity of damage caused by ovipositing females may vary for different cultivars. Foraging nymphs did not exhibit a preference for any strawberry cultivar per se, although the abundance of nymphs increased with the weight of receptacles, especially for late instars. Evaluating the density and feeding impact of L. lineolaris for different cultivars under field conditions revealed that some host plant attributes affect the abundance of plant bugs, such as early flowering season and high productivity. Decreasing number of emerged nymphs per flower per plant with increasing density of receptacles per plant suggests that females lay relatively more eggs per receptacle on plants with few receptacles; this pattern of oviposition may explain, in part, why patches with low density of plants typically have high incidence of damage. Planting a high yielding early season cultivar such as 'Cavendish' may contribute to reduce the incidence of damage by L. lineolaris.  相似文献   

Abstract  The fruit spotting bug, Amblypelta lutescens lutescens, is one of the principal insect pests of cashews in Australia. Its population dynamics were studied using field observations and long-term monitoring to find suitable management methods. Observations of bugs reared in netting bags showed a sequence of change in bug-damage symptoms after 12 h and up to 3 d. Field observations revealed that adults preferred to feed and rest on the shady side of the tree. The number of bugs observed accounted for only 17–35% of the total variability in the number of damaged shoots, suggesting that the number of flushing shoots (leaf, flower or young nuts) with fresh damage symptoms was a more reliable parameter for determining the presence and level of activity of bugs than was a direct estimate of the number of bugs. The green tree ant, Oecophylla smaragdina (F), was the most important factor regulating bug populations. When predation was excluded as a factor, the number of flushing shoots and maximum temperature accounted for 80% of the total variability in the bug damage. Green tree ants should be considered as an important biological control agent for fruit spotting bug, and monitoring should be commenced when cashew trees start to flush (using damaged shoots as indicator).  相似文献   

The invasive kudzu bug, Megacopta cribraria, was first reported in North America in 2009 and has subsequently spread through most of the southeastern United States, causing yield loss in soybean. Since detection in the USA, research has focused mainly on managing this newly established pest, but many important characteristics of the pest's mouthpart morphology and feeding behavior are unknown. Qualitative and quantitative comparisons of nymph and adult mouthparts and sensilla were made through scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy, and feeding behavior was examined using electropenetrography (EPG) and paraffin histology. Morphologies observed were similar to what has previously been reported for other piercing–sucking hemipterans. The relationship between rostrum length and body size (pronotum width and dorsal length) exhibited negative allometry. Rostrum length exhibited an isometric relationship with interocular width. Adult females (n=9) probed soybean stems 1.3±0.8 times in 9 h, with an average probe time of 2.3±1.3 h. EPG waveforms were characterized and correlated with behavior. Salivary sheaths were shown to terminate in the vascular tissue; four of five sheaths terminated in the phloem. This is the first time that the feeding behavior of a member of the Plataspidae has been recorded using EPG. Results add to our current limited knowledge of plataspid mouthpart morphology and provide a baseline for further research on the feeding behaviors of M. cribraria and other soybean‐feeding hemipterans.  相似文献   

喙副黛缘蝽初步研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
副黛缘蝽Paradasynus longirostris Hsiao隶半翅目缘蝽科,是莆田龙眼一种重要害虫。该虫50-60年代经调查已见发生危害.但迄未对其进行研究。本是首欢报道。喙副黛缘蝽成虫、若虫刺吸危害龙眼果穗、幼果及叶片。一年发生2代.以成虫越冬;翌年4月下旬出蛰,产卵于叶片上;每雌产卵约60粒,1-2卵块;卵期6-10天。若虫5龄.若虫期20-40天。  相似文献   

Abstract The Neotropical genus Nyttum, belonging to the wholly New World tribe Acanthocephalini of the plant-feeding heteropterous family Coreidae, is redescribed. Its distribution is shown to extend from Mexico to Uruguay. Nyttum limbatum Spinola, from Brazil, and N.punctatum (Dallas), widespread in South and Central America, are redescribed; Anasa perfusa Distant is synonymized with N.punctatum. Seven new species are described: Nyttum amaralae, from Uruguay; N.beckeri, from Brazil and 'West Indies' N.nigrum, from Venezuela; N.pallens, from Mexico; N.pulchrum, from Peru; N.rubrum, from Brazil; and N.spinolai from Brazil and Guyana. A key to the species is included. Placoscelis is regarded as the genus most closely related to Nyttum and it is shown that the same two types of paramere and the same two types of aedaegus occur in both genera.  


. Se redescribe el género neotropical Nyttum, perteneciente a la tribu Acanthocephalini que se encuentra exclusivamente en el Nuevo Mundo, dentro de la familia Coreidae (Hemiptera-Heteroptera) que se alimenta exclusivamente de vegetales. Se indica que la distribución de este género se extiende desde Mexico al Uruguay. Se redescriben Nyttum limbatum Spinola del Brasil y N.punctatum (Dallas), de amplia distribución en América del Sur y Central. Anasa perfusa Distant es sinonimizada con N.punctatum. Se describen siete neuvas especies: Nyttum amaralae, del Uruguay; N.beckeri, del Brasil e 'Indias Occindentales' N.nigrum, de Venezuela; N.pallens, de Mexico; N.pulchrum, de Perú; N.rubrum, de Brasil; y N.spinolai, de Brasil y Guyana. Se incluye una clava para la separation de las especies. Se considera que Placoscelis es el género mas cercano a Nyttum, y se indica que los mismos dos tipos de parameros y los mismos dos tipos de aedeagus se encuentran en ambos.  相似文献   

缘蝽科四种昆虫同工酶鉴别(半翅目:缘蝽科)   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本研究运用聚丙烯酰胺垂直板电泳技术对缘蝽科4个种的酯酶同工酶进行了检测,酯酶酶谱可分为4个区,酯酶酶谱在属间表现明显差异,在属内具有某些共性,聚类分析显示4个种的分类地位,并说明性别差异大于个体差异但小于种间差异。  相似文献   

In many species, males invest both in weapons used in competitions for access to mates and testes size to increase competitive chances for fertilizations. The expression of weapons and testes can be sensitive to environmental factors experienced during development. However, relatively few studies have examined the effects of discrete, natural developmental environments on the expression of these traits in wild populations. In the present study, we examined the development of these primary and secondary sexual traits for the Heliconia bug, Leptoscelis tricolor (Hemiptera: Coreidae) across two different natural host plants, Heliconia mariae and Heliconia platystachys. Development on H. platystachys resulted in increased investment in weapons and reduced investment in testes, whereas development on H. mariae resulted in the opposite pattern. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, ●● , ●●–●●.  相似文献   

The sorghum plant bug, Stenotus rubrovittatus (Matsumura) (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae), is a pest that infests rice in many regions of Japan. Three sex attractant pheromone components—hexyl butyrate, (E)-2-hexenyl butyrate, and (E)-4-oxo-2-hexenal—were identified in S. rubrovittatus. Because the longevity of a synthetic rubber septum dispenser is not sufficient for it to be an effective S. rubrovittatus pheromone lure, the performances of an alternative pheromone dispenser—a polyethylene tube—was examined. Hexyl butyrate and (E)-2-hexenyl butyrate are essential components of S. rubrovittatus male attraction, and the application of (E)-4-oxo-2-hexenal strongly enhanced the attractiveness of such “tube-type” lures. A 5:1:10 blend of hexyl butyrate, (E)-2-hexenyl butyrate, and (E)-4-oxo-2-hexenal was found to be the best blend ratio for male attraction in the tube-type lures. Tube-type lures attracted more males than rubber lures. Furthermore, the attractiveness of the tube-type lures was maintained for more than 28 days in the field. These results suggest that tube-type lures made of polyethylene plastic are suitable for monitoring S. rubrovittatus in fields.  相似文献   

The invasive alien leaf‐footed bug Leptoglossus gonagra (Fabricius 1775), native to the Americas, is herein recorded from South Korea for the first time. Forty nymphs and adults were collected on 22 September 2016 from arable lands of two separate sites. These individuals were identified based on the analysis of morphological characters and cytochrome oxidase c subunit 1 sequences. A neighbor‐joining tree indicated the existence of two clades: Group A from Brazil, and Group B from Asia and Oceania. Mean genetic distance between clades was 8.11%, range 7.60–8.57%. Within clades, mean genetic distance was 0.42% (0.17–0.83%) in Group A and, 0.45% (0.00–0.83%) in Group B. Colonies of 2nd‐final instar nymphs and adults were found, on top of leaves, flowers, fruits, and between the stems of pumpkins (Cucurbita moschata). Nymphs and adults damaged host plants by sucking their leaves, stems, fruits, and buds. After the first discovery in 2016, we were unable to find the bugs again (in 2017–2019). Therefore, the invasion of this species seems to have occurred only temporarily, during the warm season. We suggest that the species may have failed to overwinter as it is normally distributed in regions warmer than Korea. Nevertheless, possible appearances of this species must be continuously monitored as it is a potential pest of various plants cultivated in South Korea.  相似文献   

The effect of Leptocorisa oratorius (F.) on the yield, grain quality, and seed viability of four rice, Oryza sativa L., lines was studied. Three of the lines, C2, IR64, and PSBRc20, are grown in the Philippines. The fourth, IR72164-201-1 is an unreleased experimental line of an O. sativa japonica x O. sativa indica cross. Each line was exposed to four infestation densities for 21 d. L. oratorius feeding produced unfilled and partially filled grains, resulting in a negative correlation of yield to rice bug density. When filled grains were sown, germination rates were negatively correlated with rice bug densities. The percentage of discolored grains was positively correlated with L. oratorius density on all rice lines. At the same infestation rates, PSBRc20 and IR64 had higher yields, less damaged grain, and higher germination rates than IR72164-201-1 and C2, suggesting host plant tolerance to rice bug feeding. The economic injury levels (EILs) currently used for rice bug management are based solely on yield loss estimates. The results of this study suggest that EIL for rice bugs should be revised to take into account reductions in grain quality and seed germination rates in addition to yield loss.  相似文献   

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