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The genotoxicity and mutagenicity of several kinds of quinone pigments from pathogenic fungi were examined by means of the hepatocyte primary culture (HPC)/DNA repair test and of Ames test with TA98 and TA100. Clear genotoxicity of the two quinone chemicals, xanthomegnin and luteosporin were observed in the HPC/DNA repair test, though definite mutagenicity was not detected in the Salmonella microsome test. These two pigments are thus suspected to be genotoxic carcinogens.  相似文献   

Hypericin and pseudohypericin are naturally occurring polycyclic quinones which have recently been shown to inhibit the infectivity of several retroviruses, including human immunodeficiency virus. To better understand the antiviral mechanisms of these compounds, hypericin and a series of analogous quinones were synthesized and tested for anti-retroviral activity against equine infectious anemia virus (EIAV). Treatment of EIAV-infected cells with hypericin reduced the production of infectious virus by 99.99%. None of the analogs were found to inhibit virus replication. These results suggest that the complete ring structure of hypericin is required, but not sufficient, for antiviral activity.  相似文献   

Temporally long-ranging (=long-lived) taxa have been postulated to have unusual properties that aid their prolonged geologic survival. Past studies have examined dispersal capabilities, geographic ranges, and single-character morphological adaptations as factors that may contribute to geologic longevity. Here, I test whether long-lived fossil crinoid taxa are morphologically unusual using a whole suite of morphological characters. I define long-lived taxa in several explicit, comparative ways. I find that long-lived crinoid genera and families are often less distant from mean morphologies of their crinoid orders than their shorter-lived relatives; that is, they are relatively less specialized. I also compare the morphology of crinoid genera relative to basal members of their respective orders; mean morphological distances of long-lived genera from basal morphologies are seldom distinct from those of their shorter-lived relatives. I observe that long-lived crinoid genera are less distant from mean morphologies of their temporal cohorts compared with shorter-lived genera but not in a statistically significant manner. I conclude that long-lived crinoids are relatively unspecialized, in the sense that they are relatively closer to mean morphologies of their taxonomic groups.  相似文献   

Variations in the number of skeletal elements in the proximal portion of the arms (primibrachials) of Metacrinus rotundus Carpenter and Saracrinus nobilis (Carpenter) are compared. Older specimens of Metacrinus rotundus show increased variation in number of elements along with a tendency toward reduction, whereas the number of elements remains nearly constant in Saracrinus nobilis. The variation in Metacrinus rotundus is attributed to inaccurate arm regeneration following autotomy. Separation of Saracrinus from Metacrinus on the basis of number of skeletal elements is therefore possible, but caution must be used in the application of taxonomic characters which might be influenced by regeneration.  相似文献   

Despite their importance for understanding phylogeny, character evolution and classification, well-constrained homology relationships for posterior plating in crinoids have only recently been attempted. Here, we re-evaluate posterior plate homologies in all major crinoid lineages using development, fossil ontogenies and phylogenetic evidence. Based on these lines of evidence, we change terminology for some posterior plates to correct misnomers and make recommendations for updated terminology of others to better reflect homology. Among pentacrinoids (disparids, hybocrinids, eucladids, flexibles and articulates) the relative position of posterior interray plates, not their topology, reflects homology. From proximal to distal, pentacrinoid posterior plates are the radianal, anal X and right sac plate, regardless of the total number of plates in the adult calyx. Camerate posterior plating contrasts with pentacrinoids, but insufficient data are available to resolve homology relationships between these two clades. More examples of early post-larval ontogeny are needed in camerates and other Palaeozoic crinoids.  相似文献   

It is known that early postmortem mineralization is a phenomenon underlying the preservation of organic structures such as bacterial cells, biofilms, soft bodies, cells, vessels, and slightly mineralized integuments of multicellular animals in the fossil state. Bacteria, the activity of which creates conditions for mineralization of organic matter, are a driving force behind this process. The most widely known types of postmortem mineralization that are mediated by bacteria are phosphatization, silicification, pyritization, carbonatization, iron-manganese mineralization, and the formation of clay minerals, which either replace organic structures or cover them with thin films.  相似文献   

1. Analysis of fossil diatoms and pigments was used to examine the effects of land-management practises on the trophic status of Williams Lake, a eutrophic lake in central British Columbia, Canada. Published weighted-average (WA) models were used to infer changes in total phosphorus concentration (TP) during the past 200 years. 2. Diatom-inferred TP (DI-TP) was compared to 20 years of direct chemical TP measurements to determine the accuracy of diatom-TP models in inferring mean summer TP in Williams Lake. Plant pigments were measured using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) to quantify historical changes in gross algal community composition and abundance and to evaluate further diatom-TP inferences. 3. Palaeolimnological analyses showed that Williams Lake has been productive throughout the last 200 years. Diatoms characteristic of alkaline, eutrophic conditions were continuously present c. 1765–1990 AD. Carotenoids from filamentous cyanobacteria (myxoxanthophyll, aphanizophyll) were regularly present in Williams Lake sediments, although cryptophytes (alloxanthin), diatoms (diatoxanthin), chlorophytes (lutein-zeaxanthin, b-phorbins), and siliceous algae (diatoms, chrysophytes) or dinoflagellates (fucoxanthin) were also important components of past algal communities. Terrestrial disturbance (railway and road constructions, cattle ranching) increased lake production, but resulted in relatively little permanent environmental change. 4. Comparison of DI-TP with measured TP (1972–91) showed that inferences from simple WA models were similar to average summer TP (39.1 vs. 35.2 μg TP l–1). Inferences resulting from data manipulations that down-weighted eutrophic lakes (outlier elimination, bootstrapping) or diatom species (square-root transformation, tolerance-weighting) were weakly and negatively correlated with measured TP, introduced bias into inference models, or underestimated measured TP. These patterns suggest that, when using diatom-TP models developed from sparsely populated regions, accurate palaeoecological inferences for TP in eutrophic lakes should avoid data manipulations which down-weight the most productive sites and taxa. 5. Comparison of DI-TP and fossil-inferred algal abundance during the past 200 years suggested that changes in nutrient inputs accounted for relatively little variation in past algal abundance. Although past changes in total algal biomass (as β-carotene) and DI-TP were broadly similar, the two variables were not significantly correlated (α = 0.05). In contrast, changes in DI-TP were significantly correlated with mean concentrations of diatom-specific carotenoids (diatoxanthin), although the explanatory power was low (r2 = 0.16). These patterns suggest that the DI-TP model reflects more closely environmental conditions in Williams Lake during periods of diatom growth, and not necessarily those when total algal biomass is greatest.  相似文献   

We have developed a model based on the analyses of modern and Pleistocene eggshells and mammalian bones which can be used to understand the preservation of amino acids and other important biomolecules such as DNA in fossil specimens. The model is based on the following series of diagenetic reactions and processes involving amino acids: the hydrolysis of proteins and the subsequent loss of hydrolysis products from the fossil matrix with increasing geologic age; the racemization of amino acids which produces totally racemized amino acids in 10(5)-10(6) years in most environments on the Earth; the introduction of contaminants into the fossil that lowers the enantiomeric (D:L) ratios produced via racemization; and the condensation reactions between amino acids, as well as other compounds with primary amino groups, and sugars which yield humic acid-like polymers. This model was used to evaluate whether useful amino acid and DNA sequence information is preserved in a variety of human, amber-entombed insect and dinosaur specimens. Most skeletal remains of evolutionary interest with respect to the origin of modern humans are unlikely to preserve useful biomolecular information although those from high latitude sites may be an exception. Amber-entombed insects contain well-preserved unracemized amino acids, apparently because of the anhydrous nature of the amber matrix, and thus may contain DNA fragments which have retained meaningful genetic information. Dinosaur specimens contain mainly exogenous amino acids, although traces of endogenous amino acids may be present in some cases. Future ancient biomolecule research which takes advantage of new methologies involving, for example, humic acid cleaving reagents and microchip-based DNA-protein detection and sequencing, along with investigations of very slow biomolecule diagenetic reactions such as the racemization of isoleucine at the beta-carbon, will lead to further enhancements of our understanding of biomolecule preservation in the fossil record.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2007,6(3):197-209
Dental abnormalities in a tiger shark Galeocerdo cuvier and in Carcharoides totuserratus are presented here again, along with some further ones in shark teeth. Comparisons are made with fossil and modern shark teeth abnormalities. A coalescent set of two Squalicorax pristodontus teeth is described. The gibbous shape of the crown is similar to that in S. kaupi, the preceding species of the same lineage. It therefore suggests that the differentiation of the most derived species S. pristodontus may have resulted from kaupi through size increase and development of jaws, becoming more spacious, with teeth getting broader mesio-distally. An abnormal Carcharocles megalodon tooth is described. We regard it as a left lateral tooth from the mandible, whose crown is much deformed. Its features suggest trauma resulting from a feeding accident, maybe through biting the very compact bones of its more likely common prey, Halianassa sirenians. The last case concerns an abnormal Negaprion tooth. The most remarkable differences apart from the normal teeth concern the crown, which is irregular in shape. It shows some torsion, which also occurs in the root. A well-marked notch occurs in the mesial side. The cusp is somewhat labially bent. Trauma on the tooth-forming tissues seems to be responsible for the abnormalities under study. As far as we could ascertain, no lemon-shark dental abnormalities have previously been described. Our results stress that tooth modifications resulting from injuries to the tooth-producing tissues occurred since long ago in similar ways as in extant sharks. Biting prey's hard skeletal parts seems as always the main cause for injuries.  相似文献   

The isoprenoid quinone content of isolates of Bordetella avium (four strains), Alcaligenes faecalis (one strain), Bordetella bronchiseptica (one strain) and a Bordetella avium-like organism (four strains) was determined by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. All the isolates contained ubiquinones with eight isoprene units as the major component. No menaquinones were detected.  相似文献   

The isoprenoid quinone content of isolates of Bordetella avium (four strains), Alcaligenes faecalis (one strain), Bordetella bronchiseptica (one strain) and a Bordetella avium -like organism (four strains) was determined by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. All the isolates contained ubiquinones with eight isoprene units as the major component. No menaquinones were detected.  相似文献   

In 1930W.E. Schmidt described all known crinoids from the German Early Carboniferous, including the Etroeungt beds of Germany, which are now judged to be latest Devonian (Famennian) in age. On a global basis, Famennian camerate crinoids generally show a closer relationship to succeeding Early Carboniferous faunas than they do to older Frasnian or Middle Devonian crinoids, which also is the case for the Strunian fauna. Holdovers from older Devonian faunas include, among others,Adelocrinus, a descendant of olderArthroacantha, in England and Germany, andPetaloblastus, which is one of the youngest genera of the blastoid family Hyperoblastidae. Precursors of younger Early Carboniferous groups include platycrinoids, primitive actinocrinoids, dichocrinoids, and the blastoid genusDoryblastus, which is one of the oldest members of the family Orbitremitidae. All of these groups, which became important parts of the Early Carboniferous crinoid and blastoid radiation, give Famennian crinoid faunas much more of an Early Carboniferous than a Devonian aspect. Rhipidocrinus schmidti n. sp. is erected for specimens that originally were reported from the Etroeungt asRhodocrinus uniarticulatus. We judge that there are currently four valid species assigned toRhipidocrinus: R. crenatus, R. perloricatus, R. praecursor, and our new species,R. schmidti. Hydriocrinus ratingensis Schmidt is reassigned to ?Sostronocrinus. We note thatSchmidt (1906), notJaekel (1906) as has been reported previously, is the author ofRhipidocrinus perloricatus. Owing to the poor preservation of the Etroeungt material, we regard the namePlatycrinites wunstorfi Schmidt 1930 to be a nomen nudum.  相似文献   

A Haugh, Bruce N. 1978 04 IS: Biodynamic and phyletic paradigms for sensory organs in camerate crinoids
Functional analysis of thecal pores and associated fixed pinnules of camerate crinoids reveals that they may have been organized into an integrated current-sensing biologic system. Paleobiologic, biodynamic, and geometric evidence reveals a potential for sensing the direction and intensity of horizontal water currents. An ahistoric paradigm predicts that the inferred sensory organs could have elicited several alternative feeding postures and a survival posture in response to current intensity. Possession of long anal tubes is judged to be related to the sensory function. By virtue of these adaptations certain camerates may have been discriminatory rheophilic feeders in complex fdter feeding communities. An historically founded phyletic paradigm suggests that a functional change in thecal pores and pinnules occurred in the Early Mississippian as an evolutionary concourse in several independent lineages. This specialized sensory innovation may have signifcantly contributed to the 'flowering' of camerates in rheic carbonate environments as well as their demise in terrigenous clastic environments. Phyletic paradigms illustrate the advantage of functional analysis of fossil structures at several points in time and especially at the acme of development when structure and function are commonly most clearly delimited.  相似文献   

After reaching a diversity peak in the Caradocian, North American Ordovician crinoids underwent a gradual decline to a nadir in the early Ashgillian (Maysvillian). This interval, recording extinction of the Cleiocrinidae, Merocrinidae, Ottawacrinidae, Hybocystitidae, and several lineages of camerate crinoids, was apparently caused by major environmental shifts in seas of eastern North America resulting from a westward-prograding wedge of terrigenous clastics derived from the Taconic Highlands, possibly coupled with a marine transgression in the Maysvillian that allowed colder water slope biofacies to invade the craton. Crinoids suffered a major episode of extinction in the late Ashgillian (late Richmondian/Rawtheyan). This event, preceding the end of the Ordovician by at least one stage or 2 to 4 million years, resulted in extinction of 12 families of crinoids including the Xenocrinidae, Tanaocrinidae, Reteocrinidae, Archaeocrinidae, Anthracocrinidae, Cincinnaticrinidae, Iocrinidae, Anomalocrinidae, Carabocrinidae, Cupulocrinidae, Porocrinidae, and Hybocrinidae. Glacio-eustatic lowering of sea level may have triggered this crisis by partially draining the North American craton, resulting in changes in oceanic circulation, salinity, and temperature. Latest Ordovician (Hirnantian) carbonates of the North American mid-continent region contain pelmatozoan assemblages from which Silurian crinoids radiated. These taxa were largely unaffected by a minor extinction event at the Ordovician/Silurian boundary.  相似文献   

The fossil record indicates that crinoids have exhibited remarkable regenerative abilities since their origin in the Ordovician, abilities that they likely inherited from stem-group echinoderms. Regeneration in extant and fossil crinoids is recognized by abrupt differences in the size of abutting plates, aberrant branching patterns, and discontinuities in carbon isotopes. While recovery is common, not all lost body parts can be regenerated; filling plates and overgrowths are evidence of non-regenerative healing. Considering them as a whole, Paleozoic crinoids exhibit the same range of regenerative and non-regenerative healing as Recent crinoids. For example, Paleozoic and extant crinoids show evidence of crown regeneration and stalk regrowth, which can occur only if the entoneural nerve center (chambered organ) remains intact. One group of Paleozoic crinoids, the camerates, may be an exception in that they probably could not regenerate their complex calyx-plating arrangements, including arm facets, but their calyxes could be healed with reparative plates. With that exception, and despite evidence for increases in predation pressure, there is no compelling evidence that crinoids have changed though time in their ability to recover from wounds. Finally, although crinoid appendages may be lost as a consequence of severe abiotic stress and through ontogenetic development, spatiotemporal changes in the intensity and frequency of biotic interactions, especially direct attacks, are the most likely explanation for observed patterns of regeneration and autotomy in crinoids.  相似文献   

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