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Stratiform shells of living discinids are composed of membranous laminae and variously aggregated, protein-coated granules of apatitic francolite supported by proteinaceous and chitinous nets in glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) to form laminae in rhythmic sets. The succession is like that of living lingulids but differs significantly in the structure of the periostracum, the nature of baculate sets and in its organic composition. In particular, discinids have a higher level of amino acids although with relatively lower acidic and higher basic concentrations; and their overall lower organic content is owing to lower levels of hydrophilic components, like GAGs and chitin. The organic constituents are not completely degraded during fossilization; but data are presently too meagre to distinguish between linguloid and discinoid ancestries. Many differences among three of the four described extant genera emanate from transformations with a long geological history. Pelagodiscus is characterized by regular, concentric rheomorphic folding (fila) of the flexible periostracum and the plastic primary layer and by sporadically developed hemispherical imprints of periostracal vesicles. Both features are more strikingly developed in Palaeozoic discinids. In the oldest discinid, the Ordovician Schizotreta, and the younger Orbiculoidea and related genera, vesicles were persistent, hexagonal close-packed arrays fading out over fila. They must have differed in composition, however, as the larger vesicles of Schizotreta were simple (possibly mucinous), whereas the smaller vesicles of Orbiculoidea and younger genera were composites of thickly coated spheroids, possibly of lipoproteins, which survive as disaggregated relicts in Pelagodiscus. Baculate sets within the secondary layer are also less well developed in living discinids, being incipient in Pelagodiscus and restricted to the dorsal valve of Discinisca. The trellised rods (baculi) with proteinaceous cores are composed of pinacoids or prisms of apatite, depending on whether they are supported by chitinous nets or proteinaceous strands in GAGs. This differentiation occurred in Schizotreta but in that stock (and Trematis) the baculate set is symmetrical with baculi subtended between compact laminae, whereas in younger and post-Palaeozoic species the outer bounding lamina(e) of the set is normally membranous and/or stratified. The most striking synapomorphy of living discinids is the intravesicular secretion of organsiliceous tablets with a crystalline habit within the larval outer epithelium and their exocytosis as a close- or open-packed, transient, biomineral cover for larvae. Canals, on the other hand, are homologous with those pervading lingulid shells. Both systems interconnect with chitinous and proteinaceous sets and have probably always served as vertical struts in an organic scaffolding supporting the stratiform successions. A phylogenetic analysis based mainly on shell structure confirms the discinoids as the sister group of the linguloids but, contrary to current taxonomic practice, also supports the inclusion of acrotretoids within a ''discinoid'' clade as a sister group to the discinids.  相似文献   

The organophosphatic shell of siphonotretide brachiopods is stratiform with orthodoxly secreted primary and secondary layers. The dominant apatitic constituents of the secondary layer are prismatic laths and rods arranged in monolayers (occasionally in cross-bladed successions), normally recrystallized as platy laminae. Sporadically distributed, interlaminar, lenticular chambers, containing apatitic meshes of laths and aggregates of plates and spherulites, probably represent degraded, localized exudations of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) with dispersed apatite.
The shells of Helmersenia and Gorchakovia are perforated by canals with external depressions (antechambers) that possibly contained chitinous tubercles in vivo . The immature shell of Siphonotreta and most other siphonotretids is similarly perforated and pitted; but the mature part bears recumbent, rheomorphic, hollow spines that grew forward out of pits. Internally, spines pierce the shell as independent structures to terminate as pillars in GAGs chambers. Spines and pillars were probably secreted by collectives of specialized cells (acanthoblasts) within the mantle.
The shell of the oldest siphonotretide, Schizambon , is imperforate but the ventral valve has a pedicle foramen that lies forward of the posterior margin of the juvenile valve. This relationship characterizes all siphonotretides, suggesting that the pedicle, in vivo , originated within the ventral outer epithelium and not from the posterior body wall as in lingulides.  相似文献   

The stratiform laminae of Micrina sclerites originally consisted of rheomorphic successions of monolayers of micrometric–sized, apatitic tablets, presumably interleaved with chitin and glycosaminoglycans (GAGs). Paired laminae enclose slot–like chambers swelling into lobes distally that originally contained GAGs and deposits of spherulitic and prismatic apatite. The laminae are pervaded by apatitic tubes, apparently secreted by microvillous setoblasts and containing, at the surface, chitinous setae. Internal markings suggest that the triangular (sellate) sclerite supported a pair of muscles and the planospiral (mitral) sclerite, a medial muscle and gonadal sacs flanked by a pair of crescentic muscle bases. Both sclerites were secreted by a mantle with a circumferential fold. The sellate and mitral sclerites are homologized with the anterior and posterior shells of Halkieria and could have become the dorsal and ventral valves of the ancestral brachiopod by a sequence of transformations. These include: the folding of the halkieriid body axis; accelerated mixoperipheral growth of the anterior (dorsal) shell to enclose, with the posterior (ventral) shell, a mantle cavity lined with modified ciliated epithelium of the foot; reduction of sclerite–secreting epithelium to the locus of the brachiopod pedicle epithelium; and the anterior (dorsal) spread of gonadal lamellae.  相似文献   

Organophosphatic shells of the brachiopod Lingula squarniformis , collected from Scottish Lower Carboniferous shales and mudstones of intertidal to sublittoral provenance, have been studied to ascertain chemico-structural changes resulting from fossilization. Enough original shell has been preserved at ultrastructural and molecular levels to confirm that Carboniferous and Recent integuments are homologous with stratiform successions of apatitic to organic laminae forming rhythmic sets. One of the main organic constituents, the acidic, hydrophilic gel glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), is the dominant component towards the tops of rhythms. During fossilization of the Carboniferous shells, GAGs degraded incrementally without disturbing apatitic ultrastructures, and the spaces so created became partly filled with sheets of recrystal-lized apatite with some kaolinite or with books and plates of kaolinite. The kaolinite in the shells contrasts with the illite of the entombing sediments and suggests that degrading acidic GAGs mediated in clay formation in situ . The sediments also contain framboidal pyrite, which is virtually absent from the shells themselves but is usually even more abundant, with a greater range of trace metals, in the sedimentary fills of complete shells. This imbalance suggests mediation by another gel, the glycocalyx, secreted by the inner epithelium of the brachiopod mantle. The glycocalyx would have lined the shell interior and could have served as a sorption film for dissolved metals precipitated as compounds on decomposition of body tissue.  相似文献   

Chemico-structural evolution of linguloid brachiopod shells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Chemico-structures of shells representing all families presently assigned to the Linguloidea have undergone significant transformations since the Early Cambrian. Superficial hemispherical to hemi-ellipsoidal pits on the larval and/or mature shells are interpreted as casts of deformable, membrane-bound vesicles of mucus or rigid vesicles of glycoproteins or GAGs with thickened coats. Flat-bottomed, sub-circular imprints characterize acrotheloids and many acrotretides, and could be impressions of biconvex tablets of apatite like those exocytosed within the primary layer of the obolid ‘Lingulella’? antiquissima, whilst the rhomboidal imprints of the Paterula shell could have held tablets of proteinaceous silica like those of living discinid larvae. The ancestral fabric of the linguloid secondary layer was probably composed of rubbly and virgose sets, but trellised rods of apatite (baculation) are characteristic of most linguloids and also acrotheloids. This condition was suppressed in shells identified as ‘Lingula’ from at least the Early Carboniferous to the present day. In early Palaeozoic acrotretides and lingulellotretids, columnar and camerate fabrics evolved in place of baculation. Baculation in Discinisca tenuis and Glottidia pyramidata is associated with the amino acids glutamic acid, glycine, alanine, arginine and proline which may be components of an organic polymer axial to baculate accretion.  相似文献   

Fossil skeletal apatites vary in their composition and can yield mixed biochemical, environmental and diagenetic information. Thus, it is important to evaluate the diagenesis spatially inside the skeleton. We study the cross sections of shells of the Furongian lingulate brachiopod Ungula ingrica from Estonia using the Attenuated Total Reflectance – Fourier Transform Infrared (ATR‐FTIR) microspectroscopic and energy dispersive spectroscopic (EDS) mapping and show for the first time that different structural laminae of the shell have different chemical compositions. Compact laminae are rich in PO43?, Na, Mg and poor in F and Ca. Porous (baculate) laminae are rich in carbonate anions, Ca and F, but contain less Na and Mg. The ATR‐FTIR spectra show further differences in the ν2 carbonate region, where the IR band at 872 cm?1 in compact laminae is replaced by a strong band at 864 cm?1 in baculate laminae. The changes in shell apatite suggest different origins of the apatite phases. Compact laminae are likely chemically less altered and could potentially carry more reliable palaeoenvironmental or geochemical information than the apatite in baculate laminae, which is mostly authigenic in its origin.  相似文献   

The juvenile shell of living discinid brachiopods is composed of valvular mosaics of rhombic, micrometric–sized siliceous tablets. The tablets are shed in adult growth stages leaving shallow imprints on the primary layer of the organophosphatic mature shell, which occur on an upper Silurian discinoid. Imprints also indent the first–formed shells of over 100 lingulate genera, including all acrotretides and Paterula . No micrometric bodies that could have made these imprints are known, but their structure and composition can be inferred from imprint morphology. Diagnostic features of imprints as casts include constancy of shape and size, and rigidity of the indenting bodies relative to the rheology of the polymerizing primary layer of chitin, glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) and apatite, in which they were embedded. Three kinds of discrete structures are distinguishable. Nanometric–sized, basinal pits that may be compound or deformed, are assumed to be casts of mucinous vesicles. Larger, flat–based and hemispherical imprints were almost certainly made by biomineralized discoids and spheroids. Additional evidence that discoids and spheroids were more soluble than apatite suggests that they were calcitic. Mineralized mosaics could have protected pelagic juveniles from solar radiation in the early Palaeozoic when the ozone layer was more rarified than today.  相似文献   

The constitutive criterion for the evolutionary successful clade of ecdysozoans is a protective exoskeleton. In insects the exoskeleton, the so-called cuticle consists of three functional layers, the waterproof envelope, the proteinaceous epicuticle and the chitinous procuticle that are produced as an extracellular matrix by the underlying epidermal cells. Here, we present our electron-microscopic study of cuticle differentiation during embryogenesis in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. We conclude that cuticle differentiation in the Drosophila embryo occurs in three phases. In the first phase, the layers are established. Interestingly, we find that establishment of the layers occurs partially simultaneously rather than in a strict sequential manner as previously proposed. In the second phase the cuticle thickens. Finally, in the third phase, when secretion of cuticle material has ceased, the chitin laminae acquire their typical orientation, and the epicuticle of the denticles and the head skeleton darken. Our work will help to understand the phenotypes of embryos mutant for genes encoding essential cuticle factors, in turn revealing mechanisms of cuticle differentiation.  相似文献   

The cement gland of Rhodnius prolixus is an epidermally derived tubular gland consisting of a distal synthetic region and a proximal muscular duct region. The synthetic region consists of numerous secretory units joined to a central chitinous duct via cuticular ductules. Proteinaceous secretion, synthesized by the goblet-shaped secretory cell, passes through the delicate cuticular lattice of a ductule-end apparatus and out through fine ductules to the central duct. Secretory cells are rich in rough endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria. Light microscopy, SEM and TEM reveal the delicate lattice-like end apparatus structure, its formation and relationship to the secretory cell. The secretory cell associates via septate junctions with a tubular ductule cell that encloses a cuticle-lined ductule by forming an elaborate septate junction with itself. The ductules are continuous with the cuticle lining of the large central duct that conveys secretion to the proximal area. The proximal muscular duct has a corrugated cuticular lining, a thin epithelium rich in microtubules and thick longitudinal, striated muscles which contract during oviposition, forcing the secretion out. Histochemistry and electrophoresis reveal the secretion as proteinaceous.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The settling tomite stage of the apostome Hyalophysa chattoni secretes a phoretic cyst wall composed of chitin, mucopolysaccharides, and protein. Within 1 1/2 h after settling, an electron-dense proteinaceous cyst layer (the outer layer) is formed from secretions originating at the base of the kineties and from the thick pellicular layer between the kineties. The inner cyst layer, composed primarily of chitin (acidic and neutral polysaccharides are also present), is secreted across the entire cell surface. Cyst wall formation is completed within 6 h. The fine structure of endocyst secretion resembles stages in the secretion of chitin by fungi, yeasts, and arthropods. A proteinaceous attachment peduncle is secreted to anchor the cell to a shrimp host and is formed by the release of electron-dense secretory bodies from the cell's ventral surface.  相似文献   

Although the peritrophic membrane (PM) is a common extracellular construction in many invertebrate groups, evidence of the location of its secretion has never been reported. In this study a specific marker for chitin has been developed, enabling a separate examination of secretion of the chitinous and proteinaceous components of the PM in the millipede, Glomeris marginata. Chitin appears first at the base of the microvilli (MV), synchronized in adjacent cells along the entire length of the midgut. Evidence showing that it originates at the plasma membrane is discussed. Proteinaceous components appear to be added from the MV to the chitinous sheet as it moves along the MV toward the lumen. Precedence for such a dynamic role for MV in formation of extracellular structures is reviewed. The completed PM extends around individual items in the gut contents as well as forming a multilayered envelope; this may enhance both its digestive and protective functions.  相似文献   

The eggshell in most nematodes consists of an outer vitelline layer, a middle chitinous and an inner lipid layer. Earlier work with eggs of Heterodera glycines suggests the presence of two chitinous layers but the vitelline layer was not observed. From our observation the outer chitin layer described in past literature is actually a vitelline layer. Histochemical analysis has demonstrated that chitin is absent from the outer envelope. Electron microscope observations of the eggshell show a waxy appearance and osmium staining consistent with that of the proteinaceous vitelline layer found in other nematodes. Lectin localization also shows that the eggshell continues to develop past fertilization with the delivery and integration of eggshell precursors. Contrary to previous reports, we propose that the ultrastructure of the eggshell H. glycines follows the common three-layer structure observed in other nematodes.  相似文献   

The seminal receptacle or spermatheca of Portunus sanguinolentus consists of two parts--an anterior glandular and a posterior chitinous part. The chitinous part continues as the oviduct, which opens on the sternite of the sixth thoracic segment. Significant morphological and histological differences were observed between the spermatheca, as well as the oviduct, of mated and unmated crabs. In mated crabs the spermatheca is much more bulging, owing to receipt of a copious supply of seminal products, and its cells are hyperactive. Further stages of ovarian development were observed as indicators of sequential changes in the spermatheca. The secretory cells gradually disintegrate by way of holocrine secretion; this results in cellular stratification and the formation of distinct furrows in the chitinous posterior part.  相似文献   

Septal plugs, resembling those found in red algae, occur in the transverse wall between all cells in a newly discovered marine green alga, Pilinia earleae Gallagher & Humm.3 No plasmodesmata traverse the cross-wall, and the septal plug blocks cytoplasmic continuity between cells. The septal plug consists of an electron-translucent core bordered at each end by two electron-opaque caps. Cytochemical procedures demonstrate that the plug consists of protein and polysaccharide, but lacks peroxidase. The outer cap is highly proteinaceous while the inner cap is composed primarily of polysaccharide. The plug core is not routinely stained by Coomassie Blue but it is pronase sensitive and probably proteinaceous. Historically, septal plugs have been considered unique to the red algae and the fungi, but ultrastructural and biochemical data provide no support for derivation of the septal plug in this green alga from a symbiotic relationship. The discovery of septal plugs in a green alga makes the hypothesis of an independent origin of this structure in a number of plant groups more likely.  相似文献   

Protein aggregation diseases are characterized by intracellular or extracellular deposition of misfolded and aggregated proteins. These aggregated deposits contain multiple proteinaceous and non-protein components that are thought to play critical roles in the etiology and pathogenesis of protein aggregation diseases in vivo. One of these components, the sulfated glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), includes heparan sulfate, chondroitin sulfate, and keratan sulfate. The sulfated GAGs are negatively charged heteropolysaccharides expressed in all mammalian tissues. Enzymatically generated structural patterns and the degree of sulfation in GAGs determine GAGs’ specific interactions with their protein ligands. Here, we review the potential roles of the sulfated GAGs in the pathogenesis and progression of protein aggregation diseases from a perspective of their sulfation modification. We also discuss the possibility of sulfated GAGs as therapeutic targets for protein aggregation diseases.  相似文献   

The juvenile shell of the brachiopod Discinisca consists of a mosaic of micrometer-sized siliceous tablets embedded in a chitinous substrate. The first-formed tablets are secreted on glycocalyx by a newly differentiated collective of outer epithelial cells. They are mainly rhombic but may also be ellipsoidal, discoidal, or deformed and sporadically overlap one another. On the surrounding juvenile shell, secreted by an incipient outer mantle lobe, the tablets are nearly all perfect rhombic plates in rhombic arrays. Their constant size, arrangement, and centripetal crystallization suggest intracellular assembly. The tablets, which are normally bilamellar, consist of discrete aggregates of crystalline spherules of silica in rhombic arrays within an organic matrix of fibrous protein and, presumably, a soluble polysaccharide(s). Mosaic secretion ceases at about the time when juveniles settle on the sea bed, which more or less coincides with the secretion of a ring of lamellae around the mosaic, induced by rapid advances and retractions of the outer mantle lobe prior to deposition of the organophosphatic mature shell. Energy dispersion X-ray analyses of pelagic and newly settled juveniles show that phosphatic secretion, even in the site of the first-formed outer epithelial collective, does not begin until all siliceous secretion has ceased.  相似文献   

Summary Acidophilic cells occur in the epidermis of several species of salmonid fish, although their abundance fluctuates considerably between individuals within the same population and at different times during the life cycle. The histology, histochemistry and ultrastructure of an acidophilic, granular celltype in the epidermis of the brown trout, Salmo trutta L., is described. At the light microscope level this cell type is easily distinguished from the large, mucus-secreting, epidermal goblet cells by its acidophilic, proteinaceous secretion. At the ultrastructural level this secretion consists of membrane-bound granules formed by the very active Golgi region. It is argued that the acidophilic, granular cell is not a transformed blood cell but constitutes a normal epidermal component of the brown trout. Possible roles of this cell in the function(s) of the epidermis are discussed.  相似文献   



Chitin self-assembly provides a dynamic extracellular biomineralization interface. The insoluble matrix of larval shells of the marine bivalve mollusc Mytilus galloprovincialis consists of chitinous material that is distributed and structured in relation to characteristic shell features. Mollusc shell chitin is synthesized via a complex transmembrane chitin synthase with an intracellular myosin motor domain.  相似文献   

Wharton D. A. 1979. The structure of the egg-shell of Porrocaecum enslcaudatum (Nematoda: Ascaridida). International Journal for Parasltology9: 127–131. The egg-shell of Porrocaecum ensicaudatum is oval with an opercular plug at either end. The shell consists of three layers: an inner lipid layer, a middle chitinous layer and an outer vitelline layer. The vitelline layer has strands of particulate material attached to its outer surface. The chitinous layer consists of 8.5 nrn fibrils which are made up of a chitin microfibril core surrounded by a protein coat. The fibrils are oriented randomly or in parallel, there being no indication of helicoidal architecture.The chitinous layer varies in thickness to form a pattern of interconnecting ridges on the surface of the egg. This pattern presumably increases the shell's structural strength.  相似文献   

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