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The hydrogen-deuterium exchange data of human immunoglobulin G1 (IgG1) are interpreted by assuming fast fluctuations of the protein conformation, through which the peptide groups become exposed to the solvent. The probability of solvent exposure of peptide hydrogens reflects a rather loose conformation for native IgG in comparison with other globular proteins. The probability of solvent exposure is greater than 10(-3) for half of the peptide groups, which shows that the conformational transitions by which these groups are exposed to the solvent are accompanied by changes in standard free energy less than 17 kJ/mol (4 kcal/mol). In the range of pH 6.2-8.45, at 25 degrees C no gross conformational changes are reflected in the hydrogen-deuterium exchange behaviour of the native, the reduced-nonalkylated-reassociated and the reduced-S-alkylated-reassociated IgG1. No difference could be detected in the conformational stability of the native and reoxidised reassociated IgG1 proteins. The lack of inter-subunit disulphide bridges in S-alkylated-reassociated molecules results in an increased conformational motility. This destabilization of protein conformation affects about 90% of the peptide groups covered by the measurements, and corresponds to changes in standard free energy of 8 kJ/mol on the average.  相似文献   

By electron microscopy, we have observed immunocomplexes with both negative stain and in amorphous ice using monoclonal antibodies directed against one of the 24 subunits of scorpion haemocyanin. A copy of this subunit occurs at each of the corners of the square-shaped haemocyanin molecule. Three distinct orientations of adjacent haemocyanin molecules may be observed in immunocomplex pairs or chains using both the above-mentioned methods. These observations, coupled with low-resolution computer simulations of immunocomplex formation, argue strongly in favour of the existence of a considerable degree of rotational flexibility within the IgG molecule and around the long axis of the Fab arms, as was suggested by previous observations with negative stain. We find that the arms can rotate by up to 180 degrees with respect to the Fc region.  相似文献   

Non-covalent interactions between proteins and polysaccharides   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Foods with novel or improved properties can be created by utilizing non-covalent interactions between proteins and polysaccharides. In solution, either attractive or repulsive interactions between proteins and polysaccharides can be used to create microstructures that give foods novel textural and sensory properties. At interfaces, attractive electrostatic interactions can be used to create food emulsions with improved stability to environmental stresses or with novel encapsulation-release characteristics.  相似文献   

Residue-specific exchange rates of 223 amide protons in free and prodomain-complexed subtilisin were determined in order to understand how the prodomain binding affects the energetics of subtilisin folding. In free subtilisin, amide protons can be categorized according to exchange rate: 74 fast exchangers (rates > or = 1 h(-1)); 52 medium exchangers (rates between 1 h(-1) and 1 day(-1)); 31 slow exchangers (rates between 1 day(-1) and 0.001 day(-1)). The remaining 66 amide proteins did not exchange detectibly over 9 months (k(obs) < year(-1)) and were denoted as core protons. Core residues occur throughout the main structural elements of subtilisin. Prodomain binding results in high protection factors (100-1000) in the central beta-sheet, particularly in the vicinity of beta-strands S5, S6, and S7 and the connecting loops between them. These connecting loops provide the ligands to the cation at metal site B. Overall, prodomain binding seems to facilitate the organization of the entire central beta-sheet and alpha-helix C in the left-handed crossover connection between beta-strands two and three. It also appears to facilitate the isomerization of multiple prolines late in folding, allowing the formation of metal site B. The gain of stability region around site B comes at the cost of stability in regions more distal to prodomain binding: the C-terminal alpha-helix H and the N-terminal alpha-helices A and B. The acceleration of exchange in these regions by prodomain binding reveals an antagonism between the folding intermediate and the full native structure. This antagonism helps to explain why the prodomain is needed to stabilize the folding intermediate as well as why the unfolding of free subtilisin seldom occurs via this intermediate.  相似文献   

The Fab arms of immunoglobulin G (IgG) have long been known to hinge about their joint with the Fc subunit. Using monoclonal antibodies bound to influenza haemagglutinin (HA) as position markers, we now show that these arms can also rotate about their long axis with respect to Fc. We also show that when two IgGs are bound cyclically with two HA molecules, the arms can bend between the variable and constant domains to accommodate bond angle constraint.  相似文献   

The disulphide bridges of the Fc fragment (C-terminal half of the heavy chain) have been studied in several human immunoglobulins, containing heavy chains of different antigenic types (gamma1, gamma2, gamma3 and gamma4), and in heavy-chain-disease proteins. Two intrachain disulphide bridges were found to be present. The sequences appear to be identical in the Fc fragments of two types of chain studied (gamma1 and gamma3), and very similar to corresponding sequences of the Fc fragment in rabbit. These results suggest that the C-terminal half of the heavy chains is covalently folded (in a similar fashion to the light chains) with a C-terminal loop and an N-terminal loop. The similarity is emphasized by comparison of the sequence and location of the disulphide-bridged peptides of the C-terminal loop of heavy and light chains. The N-terminal loop, on the other hand, appears to be very different in Fc fragments and light chains. The C-terminal loop is the only one present in the F'c fragment.  相似文献   

By the use of rabbit antibodies against the heavy chain of human immunoglobulin G (IgG), the gamma-chain and IgG molecules were successfully localized at the ultrastructural level in human peripheral lymphocytes. The rabbit Fab fragment was coupled to horseradish peroxidase by means of glutaraldehyde and the resulting conjugate could penetrate the intact plasma membrane. Discernible reaction product was observed in cisternae of the nuclear envelope, rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus as well as on the surface of the lymphocytes. In normal human individuals under no specific antigenic stimulation, only a few peripheral lymphocytes showed a rare positive intractoplasmic reaction. Reaction product may represent either the whole IgG molecule, the half molecule consisting of one heavy and one light chain or nascent gamma-chain.  相似文献   

The Fc portion of immunoglobulin G (IgG) expresses paired oligosaccharides with microheterogeneities, which are associated with efficiencies of effector functions and with pathological states. A comparison of electrospray ionization mass spectrometry data obtained using a variety of Fc fragments derived from human and mouse IgG that do and do not retain the inter-chain disulfide bridge(s) revealed that (1) the Fc portion can be asymmetric as well as symmetric with respect to glycosylation and (2) the ratios of the individual glycoforms are different from what is expected from the random pairing.  相似文献   

CD3 and immunoglobulin G Fc receptor regulate cerebellar functions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The immune and nervous systems display considerable overlap in their molecular repertoire. Molecules originally shown to be critical for immune responses also serve neuronal functions that include normal brain development, neuronal differentiation, synaptic plasticity, and behavior. We show here that FcgammaRIIB, a low-affinity immunoglobulin G Fc receptor, and CD3 are involved in cerebellar functions. Although membranous CD3 and FcgammaRIIB are crucial regulators on different cells in the immune system, both CD3epsilon and FcgammaRIIB are expressed on Purkinje cells in the cerebellum. Both CD3epsilon-deficient mice and FcgammaRIIB-deficient mice showed an impaired development of Purkinje neurons. In the adult, rotarod performance of these mutant mice was impaired at high speed. In the two knockout mice, enhanced paired-pulse facilitation of parallel fiber-Purkinje cell synapses was shared. These results indicate that diverse immune molecules play critical roles in the functional establishment in the cerebellum.  相似文献   

Protein-A-Fc-fragment complexes were observed in sedimentation-velocity experiments by ultracentrifugation. The interaction was studied by protein-fluorescence-quenching titrations of the Fc fragment with protein A, allowing the dissociation constant to be determined under a variety of conditions. The first component of the complement pathway, C1, is activated by complexes of protein A with rabbit IgG (immunoglobulin G), and the structural basis for this interaction was studied by using n.m.r. (nuclear magnetic resonance). The four Fc-fragment binding sites on protein A were shown to contain aromatic amino acids, and to be connected by mobile hydrophilic regions. Neither n.m.r. nor proton-relaxation-enhancement studies show evidence of a large conformational change of the Fc fragment on binding protein A, and this suggests that the cross-linking of the Fc fragments may be primarily responsible for the activation of component C1. This is supported by the inability of a univalent tryptic fragment of protein A to activate complement fixation by rabbit IgG.  相似文献   

Calreticulin is a chaperone of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) assisting proteins in achieving the correctly folded structure. Details of the binding specificity of calreticulin are still a matter of debate. Calreticulin has been described as an oligosaccharide-binding chaperone but data are also accumulating in support of calreticulin as a polypeptide binding chaperone. In contrast to mammalian immunoglobulin G (IgG), which has complex type N-glycans, chicken immunoglobulin Y (IgY) possesses a monoglucosylated high mannose N-linked glycan, which is a ligand for calreticulin. Here, we have used solid and solution-phase assays to analyze the in vitro binding of calreticulin, purified from human placenta, to human IgG and chicken IgY in order to compare the interactions. In addition, peptides from the respective immunoglobulins were included to further probe the binding specificity of calreticulin. The experiments demonstrate the ability of calreticulin to bind to denatured forms of both IgG and IgY regardless of the glycosylation state of the proteins. Furthermore, calreticulin exhibits binding to peptides (glycosylated and non-glycosylated) derived from trypsin digestion of both immunoglobulins. Additionally, calreticulin peptide binding was examined with synthetic peptides covering the IgG Cγ2 domain demonstrating interaction with approximately half the peptides. Our results show that the dominant binding activity of calreticulin in vitro is toward the polypeptide moieties of IgG and IgY even in the presence of the monoglucosylated high mannose N-linked oligosaccharide on IgY.  相似文献   

We constructed conjugates of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and the Fc fragment of human immunoglobulin G. The lysyl residues of bovine erythrocyte Cu,Zn-SOD were covalently linked with cysteine residues of the Fc fragment using N-succinimidyl 4-(N-maleimido)-butylate as a crosslinking agent. Analysis by gel filtration and SDS-PAGE revealed that the conjugates were composed of one molecule of SOD linked with one molecule of Fc [SOD-(Fc)1] and one SOD molecule linked with several Fc molecule [SOD-(Fc)n]. The resulting SOD-Fc conjugates retained more than 90% of the enzyme activity of SOD. When those conjugates were administered intravenously to mice, the half-lives of SOD activity in the circulation were 29 and 42 h for SOD-(Fc)1 and SOD-(Fc)n, respectively, while free SOD had a half-life of 5 min. Intravenous administration of the conjugates to mice markedly repressed the increase in serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase (GOT) activity induced by paraquat. These results suggest that SOD-Fc conjugates, which have long half-lives, effectively perform dismutation of superoxide radicals and may be useful for preventing tissue injury caused by hazardous oxygen metabolites.  相似文献   

The effect of differences in the degree of hydrophobicity of protein patches/fragments on the adsorption behaviour of the protein is investigated. The adsorption isotherm of a monoclonal mouse anti-human immunoglobulin G (isotype 2b) onto hydrophobic Teflon particles is measured using a depletion method. The adsorption-induced denaturation of the immunoglobulin as a function of the adsorbed amount is studied by differential scanning calorimetry, and the corresponding rearrangements in the secondary structure of the whole IgG molecule and its Fab and Fc fragments are determined by circular dichroism spectroscopy. The effects of adsorption on the Fab and Fc fragments in the intact IgG molecule occur independently. Adsorption of the whole IgG molecule leads to denaturation of the Fab fragments, whereas the Fc fragment remains unperturbed; adsorption of the isolated fragments results in structural changes in both Fab and Fc. The surface hydrophobicity of the isolated fragments was studied by HPLC. These experiments support the hypothesis that differences in the degree of denaturation between Fab and Fc are due to the higher degree of hydrophobicity of the Fab fragment. The adsorption-induced changes in the secondary structure are more prominent for the isolated fragments as compared to intact IgG. This is ascribed to the higher flexibility of the isolated fragment, as compared to the fragment in the whole molecule.  相似文献   

The proton magnetic resonance spectrum of bovine alpha-lactalbumin has been observed, and three peaks assignable to the position-2 CH protons of the three histidine rpsidues (His 32, 68, and 107) of this protein have been subjected to detailed examination. The assignments of these peaks to His 32, 68, and 107 were made on the basis of the difference in their reactivities with iodoacetic acid. The rate constants of the hydrogen-deuterium exchange reactions were found to be 8.0 X 10(-5), 2.6 X 10(-4), and 8.0 X 10(-5) min-1, respectively, at pH 8.5 and at 35 degrees, while at 62 degrees all three were found to be 0.84 approximately 1.1 X 10(-2) min-1. On the basis of these data, it has been shown that, in the native form of this protein, His 68 is the most exposed to the solvent while His 32 and His 107 are buried slightly deeper in the surface of the molecule. The fluctuation amplitudes gamma, or the effective chances of His 32, 68, and 107 to be fully exposed to the solvent, were found to be 0.4, 1.3, and 0.4, respectively.  相似文献   

Protein A-Sepharose CL-4B (PAS) was used to isolate rabbit immunoglobulin G from crude anti-herpes simplex virus-1 serum. Papain treatment of the PAS-bound immunoglobulin G released Fab fragments from the solid support, while Fc-containing fragments remained bound to PAS. PAS-immobilized immunoglobulin G was fluoresceinated by reaction with fluorescein isothiocyanate followed by papain cleavage to yield fluorescein-conjugated Fab fragments in solution. These fragments retained activity toward herpes simplex virus-1 infected Vero cells as evaluated by immunofluorescence. This novel procedure represents the fastest and simplest method for preparing Fab or fluoresceinated Fab fragments directly from any volume of immune serum.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus type I (HSV-1) virions and HSV-1-infected cells bind to human immunoglobulin G (hIgG) via its Fc region. A complex of two surface glycoproteins encoded by HSV-1, gE and gI, is responsible for Fc binding. We have co-expressed soluble truncated forms of gE and gI in Chinese hamster ovary cells. Soluble gE-gI complexes can be purified from transfected cell supernatants using a purification scheme that is based upon the Fc receptor function of gE-gI. Using gel filtration and analytical ultracentrifugation, we determined that soluble gE-gI is a heterodimer composed of one molecule of gE and one molecule of gI and that gE-gI heterodimers bind hIgG with a 1:1 stoichiometry. Biosensor-based studies of the binding of wild type or mutant IgG proteins to soluble gE-gI indicate that histidine 435 at the CH2-CH3 domain interface of IgG is a critical residue for IgG binding to gE-gI. We observe many similarities between the characteristics of IgG binding by gE-gI and by rheumatoid factors and bacterial Fc receptors such as Staphylococcus aureus protein A. These observations support a model for the origin of some rheumatoid factors, in which they represent anti-idiotypic antibodies directed against antibodies to bacterial and viral Fc receptors.  相似文献   

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