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Biological degradation of explosives and chemical agents   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Hazardous energetic organo-nitro compounds are found as contaminants in many environments. A series of nitro aromatics, nitrate esters and nitro amines, all characteristic of this class, has been studied for their susceptibility to biological transformation. Biotransformation pathways for each of these compounds have been identified and are summarized. Implications for these findings in light of current contamination issues is discussed. The detoxification of organophosphate chemical agents focuses on the investigation of organophosphate degrading enzymes from bacteria. Certain of these enzymes, active both in solution and when immobilized onto a solid surface, are very successful in hydrolyzing and detoxifying various organophosphate chemical agents. The relationship of this research to the critical concerns of the agricultural industry regarding detoxification of organophosphorous pesticides is discussed.  相似文献   

三种重要木质素降解酶研究进展   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
就三种重要木质素降解酶:LiP、MnP和漆酶在自然界的分布,化学组成、结构特征、降解机制、分子生物学等进行综述,并探讨了其作用协同性。  相似文献   

Microcosm tests simulating bioslurry reactors with 40% soil content, containing high concentrations of TNT and/or RDX, and spiked with either [14C]-TNT or [14C]-RDX were conducted to investigate the fate of explosives and their metabolites in bioslurry treatment processes. RDX is recalcitrant to indigenous microorganisms in soil and activated sludge under aerobic conditions. However, soil indigenous microorganisms alone were able to mineralize 15% of RDX to CO2 under anaerobic condition, and supplementation of municipal anaerobic sludge as an exogenous source of microorganisms significantly enhanced the RDX mineralization to 60%. RDX mineralizing activity of microorganisms in soil and sludge was significantly inhibited by the presence of TNT. TNT mineralization was poor (< 2%) and was not markedly improved by the supplement of aerobic or anaerobic sludge. Partitioning studies of [14C]-TNT in the microcosms revealed that the removal of TNT during the bioslurry process was due mainly to the transformation of TNT and irreversible binding of TNT metabolites onto soil matrix. In the case of RDX under anaerobic conditions, a significant portion (35%) of original radioactivity was also incorporated into the biomass and bound to the soil matrix.  相似文献   

Microbial degradation of explosives: biotransformation versus mineralization   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
The nitroaromatic explosive 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) is a reactive molecule that biotransforms readily under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions to give aminodinitrotoluenes. The resulting amines biotransform to give several other products, including azo, azoxy, acetyl and phenolic derivatives, leaving the aromatic ring intact. Although some Meisenheimer complexes, initiated by hydride ion attack on the ring, can be formed during TNT biodegradation, little or no mineralization is encountered during bacterial treatment. Also, although the ligninolytic physiological phase and manganese peroxidase system of fungi can cause some TNT mineralization in liquid cultures, little to no mineralization is observed in soil. Therefore, despite more than two decades of intensive research to biodegrade TNT, no biomineralization-based technologies have been successful to date. The non-aromatic cyclic nitramine explosives hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX) and octahydro-1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5,7-tetrazocine (HMX) lack the electronic stability enjoyed by TNT or its transformed products. Predictably, a successful enzymatic change on one of the N–NO2 or C–H bonds of the cyclic nitramine would lead to a ring cleavage because the inner C–N bonds in RDX become very weak (<2 kcal/mol). Recently this hypothesis was tested and proved feasible, when RDX produced high amounts of carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide following its treatment with either municipal anaerobic sludge or the fungus Phanaerocheate chrysosporium. Research aimed at the discovery of new microorganisms and enzymes capable of mineralizing energetic chemicals and/or enhancing irreversible binding (immobilization) of their products to soil is presently receiving considerable attention from the scientific community. Received: 14 February 2000 / Received revision: 9 June 2000 / Accepted: 13 June 2000  相似文献   

S-Adenosylmethionine, S-adenosylhomocysteine and related nucleosides have recently attracted great interest as key regulatory compounds in many biological transmethylation systems. Although these nucleosides in the pharmacological and chemotherapeutic fields have great potential, no process for their practical production has been developed yet. One of the problems is in the elucidation of the complex relationships between these nucleosides and the control mechanisms of biological transmethylations. This review shows, however, that some of these useful compounds can now be very easily produced by microbial or enzymatic processes.  相似文献   

Fate of explosives and their metabolites in bioslurry treatment processes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Microcosm tests simulating bioslurry reactors with 40% soilcontent, containing high concentrations of TNT and/or RDX,and spiked with either [14C]-TNT or[14C]-RDX were conducted to investigate the fate ofexplosives and their metabolites in bioslurry treatment processes.RDX is recalcitrant to indigenous microorganisms in soil andactivated sludge under aerobic conditions. However, soilindigenous microorganisms alonewere able to mineralize 15% of RDX to CO2 underanaerobic condition, and supplementation of municipal anaerobicsludge as an exogenous source of microorganismssignificantly enhanced the RDX mineralization to 60%. RDXmineralizing activity of microorganisms in soil and sludge wassignificantly inhibited by the presence of TNT. TNTmineralization was poor (< 2%) and was not markedlyimproved by the supplement ofaerobic or anaerobic sludge. Partitioning studies of[14C]-TNT in the microcosmsrevealed that the removal of TNTduring the bioslurry process was due mainly to thetransformation of TNT and irreversiblebinding of TNT metabolites onto soil matrix. In the case ofRDX under anaerobic conditions,a significant portion (35%) of original radioactivity wasalso incorporated into the biomass andbound to the soil matrix.  相似文献   

Plant strategies and vegetation processes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Zeng  Donglin; Lin  D. Y. 《Biometrika》2006,93(3):627-640

The exosome plays an important role in RNA degradation and processing. In archaea, three Rrp41:Rrp42 heterodimers assemble into a barrel like structure that contains a narrow RNA entrance pore and a lumen that contains three active sites. Here, we demonstrate that this quaternary structure of the exosome is important for efficient RNA degradation. We find that the entrance pore of the barrel is required for nM substrate affinity. This strong interaction is crucial for processive substrate degradation and prevents premature release of the RNA from the enzyme. Using methyl TROSY NMR techniques, we establish that the 3′ end of the substrate remains highly flexible inside the lumen. As a result, the RNA jumps between the three active sites that all equally participate in substrate degradation. The RNA jumping rate is, however, much faster than the cleavage rate, indicating that not all active site:substrate encounters result in catalysis. Enzymatic turnover therefore benefits from the confinement of the active sites and substrate in the lumen, which ensures that the RNA is at all times bound to one of the active sites. The evolution of the exosome into a hexameric complex and the optimization of its catalytic efficiency were thus likely co-occurring events.  相似文献   

The exploitation of groundwater resources for human use dates from the earliest civilizations, but massive resource development has been largely restricted to the past 50 years. Although global in scope, the emphasis of this paper is on groundwater-based economies in a developing nation context, where accelerated resource development has brought major social and economic benefits over the past 20 years. This results from groundwater's significant role in urban water supply and in rural livelihoods, including irrigated agriculture. However, little of the economic benefit of resource development has been reinvested in groundwater management, and concerns about aquifer degradation and resource sustainability began to arise. A general review, for a broad-based audience, is given of the mechanisms and significance of three semi-independent facets of aquifer degradation. These are (i) depletion of aquifer storage and its effects on groundwater availability, terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems; (ii) groundwater salinization arising from various different processes of induced hydraulic disturbance and soil fractionation; and (iii) vulnerability of aquifers to pollution from land-use and effluent discharge practices related to both urban development and agricultural intensification. Globally, data with which to assess the status of aquifer degradation are of questionable reliability, inadequate coverage and poor compilation. Recourse has to be made to 'type examples' and assumptions about the extension of similar hydrogeological settings likely to be experiencing similar conditions of groundwater demand and subsurface contaminant load. It is concluded that (i) aquifer degradation is much more than a localized problem because the sustainability of the resource base for much of the rapid socio-economic development of the second half of the twentieth century is threatened on quite a widespread geographical basis; and (ii) major (and long overdue) investments in groundwater resource and quality protection are urgently needed. These investments include appropriate institutional provisions, demand-side management, supply-side enhancement and pollution control.  相似文献   

Oxidation reactions represent an important degradation pathway of nucleic acid-based pharmaceuticals. To evaluate the role of metal contamination and chelating agents in the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) during lyophilization, ROS generation and the stability of lipid/DNA complexes were investigated. Trehalose-containing formulations were lyophilized with different levels of transition metals. ROS generation was examined by adding proxyl fluorescamine to the formulations prior to freeze-drying. Results show that ROS were generated during lyophilization, and both supercoil content and transfection rates decreased as the levels of metal-induced ROS increased. The experiments incorporating chelators demonstrated that some of these agents (e.g., DTPA, desferal) clearly suppress ROS generation, while others (e.g., EDTA) enhance ROS. Surprisingly, there was not a strong correlation of ROS generated in the presence of chelators with the maintenance of supercoil content. In this study, we demonstrated the adverse effects of the presence of metals (especially Fe2+) in nonviral vector formulations. While some chelators attenuate ROS generation and preserve DNA integrity, the effects of these additives on vector stability during lyophilization are difficult to predict. Further study is needed to develop potent formulation strategies that inhibit ROS generation and DNA degradation during lyophilization and storage.  相似文献   

Current understanding of carbon cycling in terrestrial ecosystem views “quantity” of litter input as a parameter determining the size of soil C pools and soil respired CO2: quantity of litter input is not considered a driving factor affecting the patterns of terrestrial ecosystem processes. Emma J. Sayer and collaborators demonstrated that this may not be the case! With a neat and elegant, for its simplicity, manipulation experiment, Sayer et al. (this issue) showed how increasing input of leaf litter affects the patterns of root distribution along the soil profile, in a relatively nutrient rich tropical soil. In their study, roots responded rapidly to changes in fresh leaf litter input and appeared to closely follow the patterns of litter decomposition. Until this study, root exploitation of standing litter was seen solely as an adaptation to nutrient shortage in the mineral soil. Feedback processes between leaf litterfall, decomposition and root dynamics are envisaged. With global climate change likely to alter plant productivity and litterfall, similar feedbacks, if confirmed, will need to be included in terrestrial ecosystem C modelling.  相似文献   

Plant senescence processes and free radicals   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Free radicals acting at sensitive subcellular sites, appear to play a pivotal role in both the deleterious and beneficial effects of maturation and senescence of various plant organs--leaves, flowers, and fruit. As evidenced by ESR spectrometry, spin trapping, specific membrane phase transition studies and enzyme kinetics, an important factor in the above processes appears to be lipoxygenase activity producing polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) hydroperoxides and subsequently several free radical species and senescence-promoting compounds such as ethylene, malondialdehyde and jasmonic acid. The most intensely investigated are the oxy-free radical species including O2-., .OH, RO., ROO., PUFA and semiquinone free radicals. Higher plants are equipped with ways and means to combat free radicals and these may be classified under two general headings; (a) direct scavengers including SOD, ascorbic acid, and alpha-tocopherol acting in concert (b) incipient preventative mechanisms against radical formation, these include xanthine oxidase inhibitors, strategies based on endogenous H2O2 disposal in the form of peroxidative enzymes and glutathione turnover, and Ca2+ channel blockers. The antisenescence phytohormone cytokinin appears to possess a dual effect and may act in both capacities. The special case of delayed free radical formation in comparatively dry biological systems such as seeds is detailed, and specific free radical-generating photosensitizer compounds are also discussed.  相似文献   

Oxidation reactions represent an important degradation pathway of nucleic acid-based pharmaceuticals. To evaluate the role of metal contamination and chelating agents in the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) during lyophilization, ROS generation and the stability of lipid/DNA complexes were investigated. Trehalose-containing formulations were lyophilized with different levels of transition metals. ROS generation was examined by adding proxyl fluorescamine to the formulations prior to freeze-drying. Results show that ROS were generated during lyophilization, and both supercoil content and transfection rates decreased as the levels of metal-induced ROS increased. The experiments incorporating chelators demonstrated that some of these agents (e.g., DTPA, desferal) clearly suppress ROS generation, while others (e.g., EDTA) enhance ROS. Surprisingly, there was not a strong correlation of ROS generated in the presence of chelators with the maintenance of supercoil content. In this study, we demonstrated the adverse effects of the presence of metals (especially Fe(2+)) in nonviral vector formulations. While some chelators attenuate ROS generation and preserve DNA integrity, the effects of these additives on vector stability during lyophilization are difficult to predict. Further study is needed to develop potent formulation strategies that inhibit ROS generation and DNA degradation during lyophilization and storage.  相似文献   

Summary  Widespread contaimination of the environment by explosives resulting from the manufacture, disposal and testing of munitions is becoming a matter of increasing concern. Most explosives are considered to be a major hazard to biological systems due to their toxic and mutagenic effects. Interest on the bioremediation of land contaminated with explosives has recently been focused on phytoremediation. Unfortunately., whilst plants have many advantages for the remediation of contaminated land and water, they lack the catabolic versatility which enables microorganisms to mineralize such a wide diversity of xenobiotic compounds. This raised the interesting question as to whether the impressive biodegradative capabilities of soil bacteria could be combined with the high biomass and stability of plants to yield an optimal system for in situ bioremediation of explosive residues in soil. Our investigation into the degradation of explosive residues by soil bacteria resulted in the isolation of Enterobacter cloacae PB2, which is capable of utilizing nitrate ester explosives such as pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN) and nitroglycerin as the sole source of nitrogen for growth. We have successfully introduced PETN reductase, the enzyme initiating explosive degradation in this organism, into plants to create transgenic plants that degrade explosives. Since the bacterial degradative pathways for many classes of organic pollutant have been elucidated, this may be a generally applicable method of achieving bioremediation of contaminated soil in the environment.  相似文献   

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