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Kidd  P.S.  Díez  J.  Monterroso Martínez  C. 《Plant and Soil》2004,258(1):189-205
The effects of heavy metals on the growth, mineral composition (P, K, Fe and Mn) and metal accumulation of five populations of Cistus ladanifer subsp. ladanifer from NE Portugal were investigated in hydroponic experiments. Plants were exposed to increasing concentrations (0–2000 M) of one of eight heavy metals: Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb or Zn. Populations of C. ladanifer, whose origin was ultramafic soils (S and UB) or soils developed on basic rocks (B), showed a higher tolerance to the metals Cd, Co, Cr, and Mn, and a considerable degree of tolerance to Ni. In contrast, populations originating on acid-rock soils (M and SC) showed higher tolerance to the metals Cu and Zn. Populations showed different patterns of metal accumulation and distribution in the plant parts, suggesting different mechanisms of metal tolerance are used. The more Cd-, Co- and Mn-tolerant populations (S, UB, B and SC (Cd)) showed accumulation of these three metals in the shoots (shoot:root metal concentration ratios (S:R) > 1). Shoot concentrations of up to 309 g Cd g–1, 2667 g Co g–1 and 6214 g Mn g–1 were found in these populations. The populations, UB and M, showed considerable tolerance to Ni and Zn, respectively. These populations accumulated up to 4164 g Ni g–1 and 7695 g Zn g–1 in their shoot tissues, and these metals were efficiently transported from the roots to aerial parts (S:R > 3 (Ni), S:R > 1 (Zn)). In contrast, the S and SC populations maintained higher growth rates in the presence of Ni and Zn, respectively, but showed exclusion mechanisms of metal tolerance: reduced Ni and Zn transport to shoots (S:R < 1). Cistus ladanifer was not able to efficiently transport Cr, Cu or Pb from its roots to its aerial parts (S:R ranged from 0–0.4). The more Cu-tolerant populations, M and SC, showed a greater restriction of Cu transport to the shoots than the ultramafic- or basic-rock populations. Significant changes in the plant mineral composition were found, however, concentrations were generally above mineral deficiency levels. Based on these preliminary results the possible usefulness of this plant for phytoremediation technologies is discussed. However, further investigations are necessary to evaluate its growth and metal accumulation under soil and field conditions.  相似文献   

A study was made in different populations of Cistus ladanifer of the quantitative and qualitative variation of the exudate of the leaves and stems, including the exudate's aglycone flavonoid content. Two groups of populations were established according to different climate conditions, and the results showed the existence of interpopulational variability both quantitatively and qualitatively. The populations subject to the greatest thermal stress and moisture stress (Group I) synthesized more exudate and total flavonoids. The amounts of the different flavonoids synthesized also differed between the two groups of populations: Group I secreted more 3-O-methylkaempferol, 3,4′-di-O-methylkaempferol and 3,7-di-O-methylkaempferol and Group II more 4′-O-methylapigenin. Quantifying the proportion of each apigenin and kaempferol relative to their totals, it was observed that the synthesis of position 7 methylated flavonoids are enhanced in Group I, and position 4′ methylated flavonoids in Group II. The indication is that the climatic conditions to which a population of C. ladanifer is subject may lead to diversification in the flavonoid composition of the leaf and stem exudate, with the implication that flavonoids could have various ecological functions in this species.  相似文献   

Autotoxic species are those which adversely affect their own seeds’ germination and/or seedling development. Cistus ladanifer L (labdanum or jara) has been shown to have a pattern of allelopathic behaviour against the herbs that share its habitat. The present work studied whether an autotoxic effect also exists. The aqueous solution obtained from washing jara leaves was found by itself to inhibit germination and cotyledon emergence of the species’ seeds. When these same trials were carried out in soils, autotoxicity was observed only from leaves and soils collected in winter. This was so both in soils collected away from the influence of the jaral to which was added the greatest concentration of aqueous extract prepared from the leaves, and in soils collected within the jaral, except that in the latter group of soils germination was inhibited with or without the addition of C. ladanifer extracts. This autotoxic behaviour could be involved in the species’ own population control, and would explain the scant self-regeneration within established C. ladanifer stands.  相似文献   

Tuber spp. are ectomycorrizal fungi that produce edible ascocarps termed truffles. The most valuable species, T. magnatum, is perhaps the most selective among these for soil environment. Since T. magnatum is often found in fluvial plains, the present study focused on the characterization of the soil physical characteristics suitable for this ectomycorrhizal fungus, and the relationship of these characteristics with fluvial landforms. The investigation was carried out in a truffle-producing area which encompassed the most representative landforms of a fluvial landscape characterized by the presence of Populus deltoides symbionts in both productive and unproductive locations. Soil physical characteristics were determined in productive and unproductive transects according to a stratified random design. Truffle-producing locations displayed a coarser texture, smaller aggregates, a less stable aggregation and a larger volume of soil occupied by highly interconnected macropores. The spatial distribution of this combination of characteristics was then investigated by using a geostatistical approach utilizing clay content and a soil structure indicator as markers. Spatial analysis connected T. magnatum habitats with the soil environment present in river levees, where scattered and chaotic redeposition of solid particles creates very porous, highly aerated surface strata.  相似文献   

Identification of apple cultivars using RAPD markers   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
Summary Eleven apple cultivars were differentiated using randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers obtained by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The variability of the technique and of the origin of the DNA extract was analyzed. A set of bands consistent in their presence or absence was chosen to create a differentiating band pattern. A key is proposed by which one can differentiate apple cultivars using commercially available prime.  相似文献   

Allelopathic effect of Cistus ladanifer on seed germination   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. The allelopathic effect of the exudate secreted by Cistus ladanifer leaves was tested on different plant species. Cynodon dactylon and Rumex crispus , species absent from C. ladanifer scrub (jarales), were clearly inhibited by the exudate.
2. Species present in the jarales, Medicago polymorpha and Lolium rigidum , showed no direct inhibition of germination, but the process this was delayed, and cotyledon and root size was diminished. This implies inhibition of seedling growth, and may explain the low abundance of these species inside the jarales.
3. The active constituents in the inhibition of germination are low molecular weight phenolic compounds. The flavonoids appear to exert no direct effect on germination of the species tested, but do provoke a reduction in cotyledon and root size, and could thereby inhibit subsequent seedling development.  相似文献   

Twenty-five accessions of mango were examined for random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) genetic markers with 80 10-mer random primers. Of the 80 primers screened, 33 did not amplify, 19 were monomorphic, and 28 gave reproducible, polymorphic DNA amplification patterns. Eleven primers were selected from the 28 for the study. The number of bands generated was primer- and genotype-dependent, and ranged from 1 to 10. No primer gave unique banding patterns for each of the 25 accessions; however, ten different combinations of 2 primer banding patterns produced unique fingerprints for each accession. A maternal half-sib (MHS) family was included among the 25 accessions to see if genetic relationships could be detected. RAPD data were used to generate simple matching coefficients, which were analyzed phenetically and by means of principal coordinate analysis (PCA). The MHS clustered together in both the phenetic and the PCA while the randomly selected accessions were scattered with no apparent pattern. The uses of RAPD analysis for Mangifera germ plasm classification and clonal identification are discussed.  相似文献   

Rossi  I.  Bartolacci  B.  Potenza  L.  Bertini  L.  Barbieri  E.  Stocchi  V. 《Plant and Soil》2000,219(1-2):127-133
Morphologically very similar species of white truffle were analyzed by the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique. Species-specific RAPD fragments were selected and pairs of primers were designed on their sequences. Sequence-characterized amplified regions were developed and applied to identify these species throughout their entire life cycle: fruit body, mycelium, ectomycorrhiza. This procedure provides an unambiguous and rapid tool for typing species whose morphology is very similar.  相似文献   

P. G. Lanham 《Genetica》1996,98(2):193-197
Heterozygosity in three cultivars of the blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum L.) was estimated. A selfed population of each cultivar was screened for Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA markers (RAPDs) and heterozygous loci were identified by band segregation in contrast with the non-segregation of homozygous loci. On average, 21% of the loci scored in each cultivar were heterozygous. The implications for mapping studies in Ribes nigrum are discussed.  相似文献   

Cistus ladanifer L. (Cistaceae) is a Mediterranean shrub covering different kinds of soils in the Western Mediterranean area. This species has colonised several metalliferous areas (serpentine outcrops as well as human-polluted sites) throughout its distribution range, and is therefore an interesting species to study the possible effects on genetic diversity and differentiation produced by the colonisation of areas polluted with heavy metals. The genetic structure of 33 natural populations distributed across its entire natural distribution range (Morocco, Portugal and Spain) and growing on either metalliferous or non-metalliferous soils was investigated using chloroplast microsatellites. Population genetic parameters were estimated and genetic groups were identified using Bayesian inference. In addition, we compared the genetic diversity and differentiation among metallicolous and non-metallicolous populations within each Bayesian-defined group. The cpSSR data suggested that metallicolous populations of Cistus ladanifer have arisen through multiple independent evolutionary origins within two different chloroplast lineages. Evidence that the soil type provoked genetic bottlenecks in metallicolous populations or genetic differentiation among metallicolous and non-metallicolous populations was not observed. Historical factors are the main cause of the present genetic structure of C. ladanifer. The nature of tolerance to heavy metals as a species-wide trait in this shrub is discussed.  相似文献   

Variability in seed germination behaviour of Cistus ladanifer L. (rockrose), a Cistaceous species widely distributed in the Mediterranean Basin, was studied in a central Spanish population under controlled conditions. No correlation between seed moisture content and germination was found. Great variability in germination was found among seeds of the population studied, not only between seeds belonging to different mother plants, but also between those collected from different capsules on the same plant. In most cases, seeds preheated at 100 °C for 30 minutes showed a significant increase in germination. This germination behaviour is related to fire regimes as this plant is a typical shrubby element of the mediterranean shrublands. Percent germination did not vary significantly after several months of seed storage at room temperature. In the same way, no difference was found in final germination percentage of seeds stored under room temperature vs. seeds stored under cold conditions.  相似文献   

This study investigated the phylogeographic structure of Cistus ladanifer, in order to locate its Quaternary refugia, reconstruct its recolonisation patterns and assess the role of geographical features (mountain ranges, rivers and the Strait of Gibraltar) as barriers to its seed flow and expansion through the Western Mediterranean. Thirty-eight populations were screened for length variation of polymorphic chloroplast simple sequence repeats (cpSSRs). Statistical analyses included estimation of haplotypic diversity, hierarchical analysis of molecular variation (amova) and fixation indices. Mantel tests, SAMOVA and BARRIER analyses were applied to evaluate the geographical partitioning of genetic diversity across the entire species range. Pollen data from bibliography were used to complement molecular inferences. Chlorotype diversity within populations was similar throughout the natural range of C. ladanifer (mean haplotypic diversity=0.32). High differentiation among populations was estimated (G(ST)=0.60). Our data suggest that the barriers of the Strait of Gibraltar and the Betic ranges may have favoured the divergence during glacial periods of four different lineages of populations inferred with SAMOVA. The main northward colonisation of in the Iberian Peninsula occurred from refugia in southwest Iberia. This process may have been influenced by human activities (forest clearance, livestock grazing and even commerce) in the Iberian Peninsula. In contrast, populations in the Betic area have conserved a specific haplotype.  相似文献   

Plantains and bananas (Musa spp. sect. eumusa) originated from intra- and interspecific hybridization between two wild diploid species, M. acuminata Colla. and M. balbisiana Colla., which contributed the A and B genomes, respectively. Polyploidy and hybridization have given rise to a number of diploid, triploid, and tetraploid clones with different permutations of the A and B genomes. Thus, dessert and highland bananas are classified mainly as AAA, plantains are AAB, and cooking bananas are ABB. Classification of Musa into genomic groups has been based on morphological characteristics. This study aimed to identify RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) markers for the A and B genomes. Eighty 10-mer Operon primers were used to amplify DNA from M. acuminata subsp. burmannicoides clone 'Calcutta 4' (AA genomes) and M. balbisiana clone 'Honduras' (BB genomes). Three primers (A17, A18, and D10) that produced unique genome-specific fragments in the two species were identified. These primers were tested in a sample of 40 genotypes representing various genome combinations. The RAPD markers were able to elucidate the genome composition of all the genotypes. The results showed that RAPD analysis can provide a quick and reliable system for genome identification in Musa that could facilitate genome characterization and manipulations in breeding lines.  相似文献   

Mediterranean shrub species are described as having phenology, habitus , reproductive biology and anatomical alterations in certain tissues, allowing their survival during the dry season and protecting them from herbivory. Anatomical and chemical analyses were conducted in 1-year-old branches of Cistus ladanifer L. in order to investigate the role played by shoot structure in the adaptive strategies of this species in the Mediterranean environment. Results showed that both xylem and pith underwent lignification. Pith parenchyma cells had thickened walls, higher lignin content than xylem and different monomer composition. Xylem presented features aiding safe water transport. A large accumulation of phenolic substances was found in xylem, pith and cortical parenchyma. Observations reported in this paper suggest the occurrence of adaptive strategies in 1-year-old branches of C. ladanifer whose structural features: (1) allow mechanical reinforcement of tissues to withstand drought without suffering permanent damage; (2) favour safety rather than efficiency in water transport; (3) defend the plants from animal predation and pathogens by accumulating phenolics in various tissues, and (4) protect inner tissues against UV-B radiation through deposition of phenolic compounds in cortical layers.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2007, 155 , 361–371.  相似文献   

Developmental instability is the result of random environmental perturbations during development. Its absence (developmental stability) depends on an organism's ability to buffer environmental disturbances. Both genotype and environment influence the phenotypic expression of developmental instability and it is susceptible to selection pressure. We studied developmental instability (as indicated by increased within-individual asymmetry of repeated traits) in vegetative and reproductive structures of three populations of Cistus ladanifer L. living in different soil substrates (serpentine, siliceous and contact zone) to detect tolerance to serpentine soils. Serpentine soils, characterized by high concentrations of heavy metals (Ni, Cr, and Co), low levels of Ca/Mg ratio and high water deficit, can adversely affect plant performance. In this study we demonstrated that asymmetry and within-plant variance were higher in the contact zone population than either the silica or serpentine populations, proving the adaptation of C. ladanifer to serpentine soils. Within-population estimates of developmental instability were concordant for both vegetative and reproductive traits. There was little or no within-individual correlation among estimates of developmental instability based on different structures, i.e., plants that had highly asymmetric leaves always had high developmental instability in translational symmetry. Radial asymmetry of petals was negatively correlated with petal size, especially in silica soil plants, providing evidence of selection for symmetric and large petals. While leaf size was positively correlated with absolute fluctuating asymmetry, suggesting selection for small or intermediate size leaves. Serpentine soils presented the largest foliar and floral traits, as well as shoot elongation, while silica soil plants had the smallest scores. On the contrary, aboveground plant biomass was larger in silica soil plants, while the contact zone plants had the lowest biomass.  相似文献   

Human activity often causes a decline in the local density of plant populations. Below some critical lower density, populations may suffer a progressive decline in reproductive success because of the difficulties associated with finding suitable mates. Therefore, to conserve endangered plant species it is necessary to understand in greater detail how changes in population density affect different determinants of plant reproductive success. We simultaneously recorded individual plant pollination success, reproductive effort and fruit parasitism in three populations of Cistus ladanifer L. in eastern Portugal. Pollination success declined significantly as distance to the nearest conspecific increased (p<0.001). However, reproductive effort and fruit parasitism showed the opposite pattern (both p<0.001). On average, plants farther than 1 m from their nearest conspecific suffered from three times more fruit parasitism compared to plants closer to a conspecific. Overall, net female reproductive output decreased as nearest neighbor distance rose (p<0.001). Thus, isolated plants were able to compensate only partially for reduced pollination success through increased reproductive effort. We conclude that management plans for plant populations should recognize that reproductive success is the accumulated result of several different processes, which may each respond to plant density in different ways.  相似文献   

Cistus ladanifer L. (CL) is a perennial shrub abundant in dry woods and dry land of Mediterranean zone, with high level of tannins. Tannins bind to protein, preventing its degradation in the digestive compartments. This tannin/protein complex may be advantageous when partially protecting good-quality feed protein from excessive rumen protein degradation. The objective of this trial was to use a CL phenol crude extract to prevent excessive rumen degradation of soya-bean meal protein. The phenolic compounds were extracted using an acetone/water solution (70:30, v/v). Soya-bean meal was then treated with this crude CL extract, containing 640 g of total phenols (TP) per kg of dry matter (DM), in order to obtain mixtures with 0, 12.5, 25, 50, 100 and 150 g of TP per kg DM. Three rumen-cannulated rams were used to assess in sacco rumen degradability of DM and nitrogen (N). The three-step in vitro procedure was used to determine intestinal digestibility. Increasing extract concentrations quadratically decreased the N-soluble fraction a (R2 = 0.96, P = 0.0001) and increased the non-soluble degradable fraction b (R2 = 0.92, P = 0.005). The rate of degradation c linearly decreased with CL extract doses (R2 = 0.44, P = 0.0065). For the effective rumen degradability of N, a linear reduction (R2 = 0.94, P < 0.0001) was observed. The in vitro intestinal digestibility of protein (ivID) quadratically decreased (R2 = 0.99, P < 0.0001) with TP inclusion and the rumen undegradable protein (RUP) showed a quadratic increase (R2 = 0.94, P = 0.0417). Total intestinal protein availability, computed from the RUP and ivID, linearly decreased with TP inclusion level (R2 = 0.45, P = 0.0033).  相似文献   

Field ectomycorrhizae sampled under Boletus edulis and Cistus ladanifer have been characterized and described in detail based on standard morphological and anatomical characters. The described ectomycorrhiza has traits typical of Boletales: whitish with three differentiated plectenchymatous layers in the mantle in plan view forming ring-like structures and rhizomorphs with highly differentiated hyphae. The inflated, smooth cystidia-like clavate end cells on the surface of the rhizomorphs and their slightly twisted external hyphae are additional characterizing features. The Hartig net occupies 1 1/2 rows of cortical cells, partly reaching the endodermis. Not all hyphae have clamps. The identification of the fungal symbiont as B. edulis was confirmed by ITS rDNA sequence comparison between mycorrhizas and sporocarps. The singularity of this symbiotic association, as well as its ecological and practical implications, are discussed.  相似文献   

Y Bai  T E Michaels  K P Pauls 《Génome》1997,40(4):544-551
Seven hundred and fifty-six random primers were screened with bulks of genomic DNA from common bacterial blight (CBB) resistant and susceptible bean plants. The plants were from a breeding population derived from an interspecific cross between Phaseolus acutifolius and Phaseolus vulgaris. Four RAPD markers, named R7313, RE416, RE49, and R4865, were found to be significantly associated with CBB resistance in this population. Forty-nine molecular markers segregating in the population were clustered into 8 linkage groups by a MAPMAKER linkage analysis. The largest linkage group was 140 cM long and contained 25 marker loci, including marker R4865. Markers R7313, RE416, and RE49 were clustered on another linkage group. A regression analysis indicated that the markers in these two groups together accounted for 81% of the variation in CBB resistance in the population. The addition of another marker, M56810, which was not individually associated with CBB resistance, increased the total contribution to the trait to 87%.  相似文献   

Identification of RAPD markers for percent hull in oat.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Percent hull is an important physical parameter of oat grain quality, but it is affected by environment. Multiple time-consuming evaluations are required to obtain a correct determination of phenotype. The application of marker-assisted selection for the genes involved would greatly simplify the identification of desirable oat genotypes. Bulked segregant analysis, with selected progeny lines derived from a cross between Cascade and AC Marie (30 and 23% hull, respectively), was used to identify randomly amplified polymorphic DNA markers linked to genetic factors controlling primary kernel hull percentage in oat. Twelve polymorphisms, identified between bulks, were tested for linkage to genetic factors controlling hull percentage by genotyping 80 randomly selected F2-derived F8 lines from the progeny population. Three markers showed significant test statistics for quantitative trait locus effects, when tested with primary kernel percent hull data from two environments. Together, the unlinked marker loci OPC13800, OPD20600, and OPK71300 explained approximately 41% of the genetic variance in primary kernel percent hull, after accounting for the main effect of environment.  相似文献   

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