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The Poaceae pollen season has been characterized in Tetouan during a 7-year period, and the effect of weather conditions on daily concentrations was examined. The forecast models were produced using a stepwise multiple regression analyses. Firstly, three models were constructed to predict daily Poaceae pollen concentrations during the main pollen season, as well as the pre-peak and post-peak periods with data from 2008 to 2012 and tested on data from 2013 and 2014. Secondly, the regression models using leave-one-out cross-validation were produced with data obtained during 2008–2014 taking into account meteorological parameters and mean pollen concentrations of the same day in other years. The duration of the season ranged from 70 days in 2009 to 158 days in 2012. The highest amount of Poaceae pollen was detected in spring and the first fortnight of July. The annual sum of airborne Poaceae pollen concentrations varied between 2100 and 6251. The peak of anthesis was recorded in May in six of the other years studied. The regression models accounted for 36.3–85.7% of variance in daily Poaceae pollen concentrations. The models fitted best when the mean pollen concentration of the same day in other years was added to meteorological variables, and explained 78.4–85.7% of variance of the daily pollen changes. When the year 2014 was used for validating the models, the lowest root-mean-square errors values were found between the observed and estimated data (around 13). The reasonable predictor variables were the mean pollen concentration of the same day in other years, mean temperature, precipitations, and maximum relative humidity.  相似文献   

Ascospores are frequently found as airborne fungal spores and recognized in various areas as an important cause of respiratory allergies. The main objective of the study was to determine the relationship between airborne ascospores and meteorological parameters using multivariate canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) and Spearman correlation. The aerobiological monitoring of fungal spores was performed over 5 years (2009–2013) using a Burkard volumetric spore traps. Seven main types of ascospores were identified: Leptosphaeria, Pleospora, Venturia, Diatrype, Chaetomium, Sporormiella and Ascobolus. The CCA results showed that all applied variables accounted for 27.4 % of the total variance in the spore data in the 5 years. The largest contribution to the total variance was explained in this period by the maximum air temperature (10.3 %). The effect of meteorological factors varied among years. The highest values of the total variance in the spore data, explained by the statistically significant variables, were observed in 2012 (28.6 %), with the highest contribution to minimum relative humidity (8.0 %). Most ascospores showed positive and statistically significant correlation with relative humidity and rainfall. In contrast, ascospores of Chaetomium were negatively correlated with precipitation and the relative humidity and positively with temperature. Based on these results, epidemiological and allergological studies must deserve more attention to estimate the allergenic potential of the ascospores.  相似文献   

Total pollen production per inflorescence and per square meter were studied in anemophilous species of the Poaceae family, to determine the relative contribution of each species to the total load of pollen released and to identify the species with the highest potential pollen emission. This was done by calculating the number of pollen grains per flower and per inflorescence and by estimating the density of inflorescences in an area of one square meter. Pollen production per inflorescence varied between 12,000 and 15 million grains, often being higher in the perennial species. Mountainous, grassland, riverside, and littoral areas contributed similarly to the amount of pollen grain production per square meter. Species such as Gaudinia fragilis, Hordeum murinum, Lolium rigidum, and Trisetaria panicea, with high pollen records, were found in all the studied areas. Aerobiological analysis will be undertaken to determine the main pollen season of Poaceae species. The results obtained are of great importance for respiratory health management in this region.  相似文献   

The main aim of this work is to study the aerobiological behaviour of Poaceae pollen in three areas of central Spain (Aranjuez, Madrid and Toledo), all of which are similar from a geographical, climatic and biogeographical point of view, and they are located nearby one another. The samplings were carried out over a period of 4 years (2005–2008) using Hirst-type spore traps. Grass pollen is responsible for most spring allergic reactions in the pollen-sensitive population in central Spain, and they are very abundant in the atmosphere of this part of Iberian Peninsula. The average amount of this pollen type, as a percentage of the annual total pollen amount, is 7.4% in Aranjuez, 9.2% in Madrid and 11.3% in Toledo. Poaceae pollen is present in the atmosphere over a long period of time (February–October), and its maximum concentrations are detected during May and June (weeks 16–25). The city of Toledo has the highest annual concentrations of grass pollen (average 5,797 grains) with a great number of days exceeding the allergy thresholds proposed by the Spanish Aerobiology Network (REA). Madrid and Aranjuez present similar annual concentrations of grass pollen with values of 2,961 grains and 2,751 grains, respectively. The correlation analysis between the daily levels of grass pollen and meteorological variables of temperature and rainfall show a significant correlation, positive with temperature (maximum, mean and minimum) and negative with rainfall.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to determine the length of Poaceae pollen season, intradiurnal, daily and monthly pollen variation, and the effect of some meteorological parameters on atmospheric pollen concentration, at three monitoring sites in inland Croatia during the 2003-2004 period. Seven-day Hirst volumetric pollen and spore traps were used for pollen sampling. At all three monitoring sites considerably higher precipitation and lower average temperature in 2004 led to a marked decrease in the grass pollen concentration in the air at all three monitoring sites. The highest grass pollen concentrations were recorded in Ivani? Grad (typical rural area), considerably lower in Samobor (effect of forest vegetation), and lowest in Zagreb (urban area). The highest atmospheric Poaceae pollen concentrations in inland Croatia were generally recorded in May and June. The highest intradiurnal concentrations were recorded between 8.00 and 12.00 a.m. Results of this aeropalynologic study are expected to help in preventing the symptoms of allergic reaction in individuals with Poaceae pollen hypersensitivity.  相似文献   

Relationships between weather parameters andairborne pollen loads of Pinus inBrisbane, Australia have been investigated overthe five-year period, June 1994–May 1999.Pinus pollen accounts for 4.5% of the annualairborne pollen load in Brisbane where thePinus season is confined to the winter months,July–early September. During the samplingperiod loads of 11–>100 grains m3 wererecorded on 24 days and 1–10 grains m3 on204 days. The onset and peak dates wereconsistent across each season, whereas the enddates varied. The onset of the Pinuspollen season coincided with the coolestaverage monthly temperatures (< 22°C),lowest rainfall (< 7mm), and four weeks afterdaily minimum temperatures fell to 5–9°Cin late autumn. Correlations obtained betweendaily airborne Pinus pollen counts andtemperature/rainfall parameters show thatdensities of airborne Pinus pollen arenegatively correlated with maximum temperature(p < 0.0001), minimum temperature (p < 0.0001)and rainfall (p < 0.05) during the mainpollination period. The mean duration of eachpollen season was 52 days; longer seasons wereshown to be directly related to lower averageseasonal maximum temperatures (r2 = 0.85,p = 0.025). These results signify that maximumand minimum temperatures are the majorparameters that influence the onset andduration of the Pinus pollen season inthe environs of Brisbane. Respiratory allergyis an important health issue in Brisbane,Australia, but it remains unknown whether ornot airborne Pinus pollen is acontributing factor.  相似文献   

We have studied the effects of various meteorologicalparameters and plant distribution on the airborneconcentrations of three different pollen types:Chenopodiaceae-Amaranthaceae, Quercus and Olea, in the city of Cartagena, situated in SouthwestEurope. The aerobiological study has been carried outfrom March 1993 to March 1997, using a Hirst-typeLanzoni 2000 trap, situated on the roof of the citytrain station. Meteorological data were supplied bythe Environmental Service of Cartagena's Town Hall.Daily pollen concentrations were standardised.Correlation analysis showed the importance ofmeteorological data on airborne pollen concentrations.On the other hand, ANOVA analyses depicted theinfluence of vegetation distribution in relation tosampler location and wind directions. Finally,multiple regression analyses allowed us to developcorrelation models for the three different pollentypes considered, accounting for 32%(Chenopodiaceae-Amaranthaceae), 19% (Quercus),and 26% (Olea) of the variation in the airbornepollen concentration.  相似文献   

Summary Gramineae pollination from a pollen monitoring station located in the eastern suburb of Perugia and meteorological correlations are reported. The data refers to the year 1989. Grass pollen peak pollination was from May to July; in this period the influence of relative humidity and of temperature on pollen concentration was very high. Phenological observations, to identify the time of maximum stamen extension in the most common genera in the area, are also reported. During the period of investigation the counts of pollen grains over four-hour periods showed a regular diurnal rhythm with peaks of concentration in the four-hour period 16.00–20.00. Aerosporological data and meteorological data related to four-hour periods were correlated following different criteria.  相似文献   

This work is part of a series of aerobiological researches conducted in the city of Mar del Plata, Argentina. The annual, seasonal and daily features of the pollen cloud were analyzed over 2 years, together with the effects of the meteorological variables. Cupressaceae amounted to 75 and 54% of the annual total in each year, and it was analyzed separately due to its proven overrepresentation. Eighty-five pollen types were registered during the 2 years, bearing a similar annual pattern (more than 50% from August to November, December also being an important month). Arboreal pollen predominated between late winter and spring (61 and 49% of the annual total), while non-arboreal pollen did so from late spring to summer. The observed seasonality was significantly correlated with the monthly mean temperatures and associated with its effect on phenology. No significant differences along the day were detected between years and 50% of the daily total was recorded between 1000 and 1600 hours. The maximum concentration was registered at 1000 hours in spring and summer, but later in autumn and winter. Regarding the hourly scale, the significant correlation of total pollen with temperature and wind speed was positive, albeit negative with relative humidity. These effects are linked to airborne pollen release and transport. The role rainfall plays on airborne pollen is discussed. To interpret the results, it is important to consider the time scale at which the aerobiological phenomenon is analyzed.  相似文献   

This work analyses the behaviour of Poaceae pollen during a 3-year sampling period (1993–1995) in the city of Santiago de Compostela (Spain). This taxon is shown to be one of the most abundant in the atmosphere, with representation percentages greater than or equal to 20% of total pollen registered during the said period. Its main pollination period is centred on the months of June and July, with slight modifications in the beginning and finalization dates of the years 1993 and 1994 and a significantly earlier beginning in the year 1995. Overall results show that its presence may be considered significant from the end of May to the first days of August. The differences in Poaceae pollen representation are related to variations in temperature, precipitation and hours of sunshine.  相似文献   

The Pinus genus has an elevated pollen production and an anemophilous nature. Although considered to be hypoallergenic, numerous cases of allergies caused by Pinus pollen have been cited and different authors believe that its allergenicity should be studied in more depth. In the city of Vigo several patients have tested positive for Pinus pollen extracts in skin tests, some of them being mono-sensitive to such pollens. In order to ascertain the behaviour of Pinus pollen and its correlation to the main meteorological factors, we carried out an aerobiological study in the city of Vigo from 1995 to 1998 by using a Hirst active-impact volumetric sporetrap, model Lanzoni VPPS 2000, placed on the left bank of the Vigo estuary (42°14’15’’N, 8°43’30’’W). Pinus has high quantitative importance in the airborne pollen spectrum of the city. It is one of the best represented taxa constituting 13%–20% of the total annual pollen levels. The quantity of Pinus pollen present in the atmosphere of the city of Vigo throughout a year is 5751 grains (as the average for the sampled years), with a very long pollination period, from the middle of January until May. The maximum concentration was recorded in 1998 with 1105 grains/m3 on 3 March, a much greater value than those for the previous years. At the end of its pollination period there is usually a final increase in Pinus pollen concentrations coinciding with the pollination of Pinus silvestris, which are more abundant in mountainous areas far from the city. Received: 17 March 1999 / Revised: 20 December 1999 / Accepted: 20 December 1999  相似文献   

Hourly and daily counts of air-borne ragweed pollen, AMBROSIA SPP, taken with a volumetric sampler during the 1961 season at Ottawa, Canada, were compared with meteorological events. The time of daily peak concentration of pollen coincided with the time of decreasing relative humidity and development of a super-adiabatic lapse rate in the first 200 ft of atmosphere. Daily variations in pollen count were virtually completely dominated by the local ragweed population and microclimate but could be explained to a limited extent by variations in air mass.On occasions, gravity slide counts using a Durham type apparatus varied qualitatively with volumetric counts, but it was not possible to obtain a constant factor to convert gravity to volumetric counts.
Zusammenfassung Die stündliche und tÄgliche Anzahl von Pollen des Jakobskreuzkrauts(AMBROSIA SPP.) in der Luft (mit einem volumeterischen Sammler bestimmt) wÄhrend der Saison 1961 in Ottawa, Kanada, wurde mit meteorologischen Daten korreliert. Die höchste Pollenzahl in der Luft fiel mit dem Abfall der rel. Feuchte zusammen und der Entwicklung eines überadiabatischen Gradienten in den ersten 65 m Höhe der AtmosphÄre. Die tÄglichen Schwankungen der Pollenzahl wurden tatsÄchlich vollstÄndig von der lokalen Verteilung der Ambrosia spp. und dem Mikroklima bestimmt und konnten nur in geringem Masse mit den Schwankungen der Luftmassen in Zusammenhang gebracht werden.Die Zahl der Pollen in durch Schwerkraft gewonnen Proben fiel gelegentlich qualitativ mit den volumetrisch gewonnen Proben zusammen; es war jedoch nicht möglich, einen konstanten Faktor zu berechnen, um gravimetrisch gewonnene Werte in volumetrische umzuwandeln.

Résumé Le nombre par heure et par jour, des grains de pollen de AMBROSIA SPP. dans l'air, mesuré par un collecteur volumétrique pendant la saison 1961 à Ottawa (Canada)a été comparé avec les données météorologiques.Le nombre le plus élevé correspondait à une chute de l'humidité relative et à un gradient superadiabatique s'élevant jusqu'à 65m d'altitude. La cause des variations quotidienne du nombre des grains de pollen correspondait pratiquement à la distribution locale de Ambrosia spp. et au microclimat, et ne correspondait que dans une faible mesure avec les déplacement des masses d'air. Le nombre des grains de pollen obtenus par gravitation au moyen d'un appareil du type Durham coincidait parfois qualitativement aux valeurs obtenues par un collecteur volumétrique, mars il n'a pas été possible d'établir un facteur constant,qui permÎt de transformer les valeurs gravimétriques en valeurs volumétriques.

The pollen spectra in 18 honey samples from the Gharb region (Northwest of Morocco) have been studied. The samples were collected directly from the beekeepers, both professional and amateurs. The results show that nectar was the main honey source in this region, although one forest or mixed honey was detected. Seven samples belonging to the Class I, five to the Class II and six to the Class III were found. In all the samples some honeydew indicator elements were detected, with HDEN/NPGN= 0.005-1.38. By the qualitative results 58 pollen types belonging to 28 families were identified. Some species of Lythrum , Eucalyptus , Trifolium , Citrus , Mentha , Apiaceae and Scrophulariaceae are the main nectar sources,and some of Asteraceae, Quercus sp., Olea europaea , Plantago sp. and Fragaria 2 ananassa are the most important pollen sources. At least 14 unifloral honeys (c. 77%) from Citrus , Eucalyptus , Lythrum , Mentha and Teucrium were detected.  相似文献   

This work aims to investigate the presence of airborne grass pollen and to identify antigenic and allergenic profiles from eight different grass species collected in the Porto region (Portugal). Poaceae airborne pollen, sampled using a Hirst-type volumetric trap during 2003–2007, was the second most abundant type, and high concentrations were found from April to August. Pollen proteins extracted from the eight grass species collected were separated by SDS-PAGE, being the allergenic profile investigated by immunoblotting using sera from atopic patients and maize profilin polyclonal antibody (ZmPRO3). Pollen extract profiles showed several bands ranging from 10 to 97 kDa. In immunoblotting studies, a low molecular weight protein (12–13 kDa) was recognized by profilin antibody. Also, in all pollen extracts except Zea mays, the IgE binding proteins of 12–13 kDa were detected in sera from the 25 patients with different sensitization profiles presenting high IgE values (>80 kU/l). This protein can be considered as a potential causal agent of the allergic respiratory diseases.  相似文献   

With the aim to know the importance of theCastanea pollen in the Galician honey(N. W. Spain), the interannual oscillations withinthe areas of production and the most activephenological period for bees, we have madethe melissopalynological analysis of: 599samples of honey collected during the period1990–1999 in Galicia, the production of 40beehives during three consecutive years(1990, 1991, 1992), the partial production during1990 of two beehives situated at distant pointsin our geography.  相似文献   

Pariana, a primitive bamboo, is the only genus in the Gramineae (Poaceae) to have pollen grains without an annulus as part of its single aperture (porate) system. In contrast, the markedly thickened exine layer underlying the pore margin is similar to counterparts in all grass genera. Components of the future annulus in Gramineae pollen develop toward the cytoplasm (proximally) and begin to be pressed outward by an increase in the cytoplasm during the microspore vacuolate stage, culminating in an annulus by maturity. However, in some species of Pariana these components are either not sufficiently developed or the cytoplasmic expansion is not sufficient to press the components into an annular ring around the pore. The structural relationship of exine layering in this type of pollen grain in Gramineae and other families with similar apertures has not hitherto been extensively studied. A critical examination of the apertures in bambusoid grasses may clarify their systematic position within the Gramineae.  相似文献   

The present work refers to the pollen analysis of 35 Moroccan honey samples from the Mamora forest region. The samples were directly provided by the beekeepers, all professionals. The quantitative analysis showed that nectar is the main honey source in the samples studied, and that most honeys have a medium-low presence of botanical elements (BEN). The qualitative analysis of the samples showed the presence of 54 taxa belonging to 29 families, and 31 of the samples were unifloral: 24 of eucalyptus, 3 of orange, 2 of Loeflingia, 1 of mint and 1 of Ridolfia segetum. The eucalyptus honeys of the studied region are characterized by their high content in pollen grains (NGP; x¯=180000) and their low honeydew indicator elements content (HDE; x¯=4000); Plantago f. (present in 70% of the samples), Quercus f. and Brassicaceae (50%) and Ceratonia siliqua (30%) could be mentioned among the characteristic accompanying species of this honey type.  相似文献   

The occurrence of pollen grains in the atmosphere markedly relates to meteorological factors. In the study we have evaluated a correlation between the concentration of pollen grains in the atmosphere of Bratislava and temperature, relative humidity and rainfall during the vegetation period of 1995 and 1997. For our analysis we have selected one representative of each phytoallergen group (trees, grasses, weeds). We have chosen the Betula genus of trees, the whole Poaceae family of grasses and ragweed Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. to represent weeds. The taxons mentioned represent the most significant allergens in Slovakia. The concentration of pollen grains has been monitored by a Lanzoni volumetric pollen trap. The data obtained, the average daily concentration in 1 m(3), have been included in the statistical analysis together with values for the average daily temperature, relative humidity and total rainfall in 24 h. The correlation between the concentration of pollen grains in the atmosphere and selected meteorological variables from daily monitoring has been studied with the help of linear regression and correlation coefficients. We have found the average daily temperature and relative humidity (less than temperature) to be significant factors influencing the occurrence of pollen grains in the atmosphere of Bratislava. The total daily rainfall does not seem to be significant from the statistical point of view.  相似文献   

To describe the season of airborne pollen ofbirch and grass in the city of Nuuk, Greenland,pollen concentrations were measured dailythroughout the pollen seasons in 1997 to 1999.The study was part of a large epidemiologicalcross-sectional study of allergy and riskfactors for allergy in Greenlander Inuit livingin Greenland and Denmark.For the three years the mean birch pollenseason started around 8 June, lasted in average16 days and the mean annual total pollen countwas 46. The highest daily concentration of 23birch pollen pr. m3 was measured in 1999.The mean grass pollen season began around 22July, it lasted 53 days and the mean annualtotal pollen count was 81. The highest grasspollen number registered for one day reached 12in 1998. Several other types of pollen werealso measured, generally in smallconcentrations, but for Cyperaceae and Alderthe mean annual total pollen count were 43 and19 respectively. Though the measuredconcentrations are small, it is concluded thatairborne pollen occur in the arctic climate ofNuuk in potentially clinically relevantamounts.For the three years large variations wereobserved for the start, duration and amountsfor both birch and grass. Models forestimation of the starting date based onGrowing Degree Hours (GDHs) predicted the startof the birch and grass pollen with greataccuracy – within one day. Analysis of themeteorological conditions show that themeasured pollen in general originated from thearea around Nuuk, but there are indicationsthat pollen might have been long-transportedfrom Canada.  相似文献   

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