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Iron transport systems in Neisseria meningitidis.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Acquisition of iron and iron complexes has long been recognized as a major determinant in the pathogenesis of Neisseria meningitidis. In this review, high-affinity iron uptake systems, which allow meningococci to utilize the human host proteins transferrin, lactoferrin, hemoglobin, and haptoglobin-hemoglobin as sources of essential iron, are described. Classic features of bacterial iron transport systems, such as regulation by the iron-responsive repressor Fur and TonB-dependent transport activity, are discussed, as well as more specific features of meningococcal iron transport. Our current understanding of how N. meningitidis acquires iron from the human host and the vaccine potentials of various components of these iron transport systems are also reviewed.  相似文献   

In the human body, the concentration of free iron is limiting for bacterial growth, since iron is bound to transport and storage proteins such as transferrin and lactoferrin. When grown under iron starvation, Neisseria meningitidis produces receptors for these proteins in the outer membrane. These receptors are presently being characterized at the molecular level. Here, we summarize our current knowledge of these receptors, with special emphasis on the LbpA and FrpB proteins, which are studied in our laboratories. Furthermore, the genetic and antigenic variability of these proteins and their vaccine potential are discussed.  相似文献   

Iron Transport Systems in Neisseria meningitidis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Acquisition of iron and iron complexes has long been recognized as a major determinant in the pathogenesis of Neisseria meningitidis. In this review, high-affinity iron uptake systems, which allow meningococci to utilize the human host proteins transferrin, lactoferrin, hemoglobin, and haptoglobin-hemoglobin as sources of essential iron, are described. Classic features of bacterial iron transport systems, such as regulation by the iron-responsive repressor Fur and TonB-dependent transport activity, are discussed, as well as more specific features of meningococcal iron transport. Our current understanding of how N. meningitidis acquires iron from the human host and the vaccine potentials of various components of these iron transport systems are also reviewed.  相似文献   

Abstract The transferrin-iron uptake system of six Neisseria meningitidis strains was characterized using 125I-transferrin in receptor assays and 55Fe-loaded transferrin in uptake assays. Receptors for transferrin varied among the strains both in number (from 700 to 4700 receptors per cell) and in their affinity constants for the protein ( K a ranged from 0.7×107 to 4.0×107 1 mol−1). Neither receptor numbers nor affinity constants were significantly different in carrier and invasive strains, although the Ka seem to be somewhat higher in the latter. Iron uptake from transferrin was also variable among the strains, but showed the same lack of correlation with their origin.  相似文献   

Transformation is a complex process that involves several interactions from the binding and uptake of naked DNA to homologous recombination. Some actions affect transformation favourably whereas others act to limit it. Here, meticulous manipulation of a single type of transforming DNA allowed for quantifying the impact of three different mediators of meningococcal transformation: NlaIV restriction, homologous recombination and the DNA Uptake Sequence (DUS). In the wildtype, an inverse relationship between the transformation frequency and the number of NlaIV restriction sites in DNA was observed when the transforming DNA harboured a heterologous region for selection (ermC) but not when the transforming DNA was homologous with only a single nucleotide heterology. The influence of homologous sequence in transforming DNA was further studied using plasmids with a small interruption or larger deletions in the recombinogenic region and these alterations were found to impair transformation frequency. In contrast, a particularly potent positive driver of DNA uptake in Neisseria sp. are short DUS in the transforming DNA. However, the molecular mechanism(s) responsible for DUS specificity remains unknown. Increasing the number of DUS in the transforming DNA was here shown to exert a positive effect on transformation. Furthermore, an influence of variable placement of DUS relative to the homologous region in the donor DNA was documented for the first time. No effect of altering the orientation of DUS was observed. These observations suggest that DUS is important at an early stage in the recognition of DNA, but does not exclude the existence of more than one level of DUS specificity in the sequence of events that constitute transformation. New knowledge on the positive and negative drivers of transformation may in a larger perspective illuminate both the mechanisms and the evolutionary role(s) of one of the most conserved mechanisms in nature: homologous recombination.  相似文献   

The study has revealed regularities in changing nutritional requirements of Neisseria meningitidis with changes in the degree of the oxygen saturation of the culture medium in a fermenter under the conditions of the controlled cultivation of N. meningitidis in a synthetic culture medium in the process of batch, semicontinuous and continuous flow cultivation. As shown in this study, when oxygen supply is limited, the consumption of carbohydrates prevails, while in the presence of surplus oxygen the prevalence of the consumption of amino nitrogen is observed.  相似文献   

The proportion of carrier-isolated Neisseria meningitidis strains sensitive to human serum (37.2%) was found to be significantly higher than that of case-isolated ones (4.1%), although the difference is too low to consider serum-resistance responsible for invasion in this microorganism. Serum-susceptibility was not related to the existence of specific outer membrane proteins, as is the case of N. gonorrhoeae. Iron restriction induced iron-regulated outer membrane proteins in each strain (but not the same proteins in all strains) but without any detectable effect on serum-susceptibility. Iron excess was also unable to induce changes in the susceptibility of N. meningitidis to human serum.  相似文献   

In response to an increase in the number of cases of invasive meningococcal disease (IMD) in northern regions of Greece, a survey was carried out to determine if there was an increase in carriage of Neisseria meningitidis, particularly in areas where there have been increases in immigrant populations from neighbouring countries. The second objective was to determine if there was an increase in the serogroup C:2a:P1.5,2 a phenotype associated with recent outbreaks or changes in antibiotic sensitivities. As carriage of Neisseria lactamica is associated with development of natural immunity to IMD, the third objective was to determine the carriage rate of N. lactamica in this population. Among 3167 individuals tested, meningococci were isolated from 334 (10.5%). Compared with our previous studies, the proportion of meningococcal carriers was significantly increased among children in secondary education (11.3%) (chi2=9.67, P<0.005) and military recruits (37.4%) (chi2=21.11, P<0.000). Only 5/334 (1.5%) isolates expressed the phenotype associated with the increase in IMD in Greece. N. lactamica was isolated from 146/3167 (4.6%) participants. It was isolated from 71/987 (7.2%) children attending primary or nursery schools; however, the highest proportion of carriers (11.3%) was found in the boarding school for young Albanian men. In the 21-59-year age range, the majority of N. lactamica isolates (22/25, 88%) were from women, probably due to closer or more prolonged contact with children in the primary school age range. Smoking was significantly associated with isolation of meningococci from men but not from women. Penicillin-insensitive strains (25/334, 7.5%) were identified in all four regions examined; the majority (14/25, 56%) were obtained from military personnel. We conclude that there was a higher proportion of carriers in the population of northern Greece; however, the increase in carriage rate was not associated with the influx of immigrants from neighbouring countries, and there was not a higher incidence of the C:2a:P1.5,2 strain responsible for increased disease activity in Greece in either the immigrant or local populations.  相似文献   

New data on the cross-reacting antigen of N. meningitidis, serogroup A, are presented. A complex of antigens has been isolated by treatment with tryptone X-100, ethanol precipitation and the subsequent treatment with trichloroacetic acid. The immunological analysis of the isolated preparation has shown that the proteinaceous part of the biopolymer contains 7 polypeptide fragments; of these, one fragment with a molecular weight of 31000 daltons has been found to constitute 49, 15% of all polypeptide fragments. The evaluation of the serological properties of this preparation in the precipitation test and the passive hemagglutination test has revealed that the preparation contains various cross-reactive antigenic determinants. Polyvalent erythrocyte diagnosticum obtained on the basis of this preparation permits the detection of antibodies to meningococci irrespective of their serogroup.  相似文献   

Eight immunotype lipopolysaccharides (LPSs) of Neisseria meningitidis were prepared by the phenol-water procedure and characterized by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and sugar analyses. By SDS-PAGE and a highly sensitive silver strain. N. meningitidis LPSs from cells grown in tryptic soy broth were shown to contain one or two predominant components and a few minor, somewhat higher-molecular-weight components. The molecular sizes of the two predominant components were approximately the same as those of two E. coli rough-type LPSs, one with a complete core and the other with an incomplete core. The molecular weight of the major LPS component varied somewhat among different immunotypes but was estimated to be in the range of 4,200 to 5,000. By sugar analyses, the eight immunotype LPSs were different in their monosaccharide compositions. All contained glucose, galactose, heptose, glucosamine, and 2-keto-3-deoxyoctonate, but in different molar ratios. The growth of N. meningitidis in tryptic soy broth under different levels of aeration resulted in a change in the two major LPS components seen on the SDS-PAGE gel. High aeration increased the amount of the smaller component, whereas low aeration increased the amount of the larger component. Sugar analyses of LPSs from high and low aeration indicated that the larger LPS component contained more galactose residues per molecule. Use of different media for cell growth may also result in small, but noticeable, variations in the LPS components and in the galactose content of the LPS. The observed heterogeneity of N. meningitidis LPS may explain why many strains of N. meningitidis appear to possess more than one immunotype.  相似文献   

In Neisseria meningitidis, uridine, deoxyuridine, cytosine, cytidine, or deoxycytidine could not be used by uracil-requiring mutants as pyrimidine sources. Consistent with these findings, only 5-fluorouracil of the different fluoropyrimidine bases and nucleosides showed any inhibitory effect on the growth of four prototrophic strains of N. meningitidis. Likewise, only radioactive uracil was readily incorporated into nucleic acids, whereas uptake of radioactive uridine, cytosine, or cytidine could not be demonstrated. Uracil was converted to uridine 5'-monophosphate by uracil phosphoribosyltransferase, whereas enzyme activities for conversion of cytosine or any of the nucleosides were not detectable in meningococcal extracts.  相似文献   

Neisseria meningitidis infection still remains a major life-threatening bacterial disease worldwide. The availability of bacterial genomic sequences generated a paradigm shift in microbiological and vaccines sciences, and post-genomics (comparative genomics, functional genomics, proteomics and a combination/evolution of these techniques) played important roles in elucidating bacterial biological complexity and pathogenic traits, at the same time accelerating the development of therapeutic drugs and vaccines. This article summarizes the most recent technological and scientific advances in meningococcal biology and pathogenesis aimed at the development and characterization of vaccines against the pathogenic meningococci.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional electrophoresis (isoelectric focusing/SDS-PAGE) and Western-blotting techniques were used to analyze and compare common and/or specific outer-membrane proteins and antigens from Neisseria meningitidis and Neisseria lactamica. Bioinformatic image analyses of proteome and immunoproteome maps indicated the presence of numerous proteins and several antigens shared by N. meningitidis and N. lactamica, although the inter-strain variation in the maps was of similar magnitude to the inter-species variation, and digital comparison of the maps did not reveal proteins found to be identical by MALDI-TOF fingerprinting analysis. PorA and RmpM, two relevant outer-membrane antigens, manifested as various spots at several different positions. While some of these were common to all the strains analyzed, others were exclusive to N. meningitidis and their electrophoretic mobilities were different than expected. One such spot, with a molecular mass of 19 kDa, may be the C-terminal fragment of RmpM (RmpM-Cter). The results demonstrate that computer-driven analysis based exclusively on spot positions in the proteome or immunoproteome maps is not a reliable approach to predict the identity of proteins or antigens; rather, other identification techniques are necessary to obtain accurate comparisons.  相似文献   

Various methods of isolating allergen fractions from N. meningitidis, N. gonorrhoeae and N. perflava were tested. The biological activity of the preparation was found to depend on the method of its production, which determined its chemical composition. When gonococcal and meningococcal allergens and N. perflava allergen were used in skin tests, cross reactions were observed. Nevertheless, as the intensity and size of skin reaction was much greater when a homologous preparation was administered, it was possible to differentiate the presence of sensitization to a definite microbial species. Electrophoresis in acrylamide gel revealed the heterogeneity of allergen preparations. The ability of the preparation to induce skin reaction was not connected with its serological properties.  相似文献   

I. E. Salit  C. E. Frasch 《CMAJ》1982,126(1):38-41
Neisseria meningitidis has been isolated with increasing frequency from specimens obtained from patients attending venereal disease clinics and is an occasional cause of genital infection. Among 383 homosexual men attending either a venereal disease clinic or a community screening clinic meningococci were cultured from specimens obtained from 35.0% of all the subjects, and with similar frequency in the two groups. Of the positive specimens 93.5% were from the throat, 5.8% from the rectum and 0.72% from the urethra. The serogroups and serotypes of the isolates were characteristic of those commonly found in nasopharyngeal specimens from other asymptomatic carriers. Gonococci were isolated from 8.6% of all the subjects and were 1.4 times more common in those who also harboured meningococci. Of the cultures positive for gonococci, 14.7% were from the throat and 85.3% from the rectum. The two bacteria were rarely isolated from the same site in the same individual. Gonococci, but not meningococci, were significantly more common (P less than 0.05) in the group attending the venereal disease, clinic than in the group attending the screening clinic, the rates being 17.1% and 7.0%.  相似文献   

Proper periplasmic disulfide bond formation is important for folding and stability of many secreted and membrane proteins, and is catalysed by three DsbA oxidoreductases in Neisseria meningitidis. DsbD provides reducing power to DsbC that shuffles incorrect disulfide bond in misfolded proteins as well as to the periplasmic enzymes that reduce apo-cytochrome c (CcsX) or repair oxidative protein damages (MrsAB). The expression of dsbD, but not other dsb genes, is positively regulated by the MisR/S two-component system. Quantitative real-time PCR analyses showed significantly reduced dsbD expression in all misR/S mutants, which was rescued by genetic complementation. The direct and specific interaction of MisR with the upstream region of the dsbD promoter was demonstrated by electrophoretic mobility shift assay, and the MisR binding sequences were mapped. Further, the expression of dsbD was found to be induced by dithiothrietol (DTT), through the MisR/S regulatory system. Surprisingly, we revealed that inactivation of dsbD can only be achieved in a strain carrying an ectopically located dsbD, in the dsbA1A2 double mutant or in the dsbA1A2A3 triple mutant, thus DsbD is indispensable for DsbA-catalysed oxidative protein folding in N. meningitidis. The defects of the meningococcal dsbA1A2 mutant in transformation and resistance to oxidative stress were more severe in the absence of dsbD.  相似文献   

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