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In C6 cells norepinephrine and dopamine caused transient increases in cyclic GMP and cyclic AMP, as well as an induction of lactate dehydrogenase. All of these responses were blocked by l-propranolol, suggesting mediation by a β-receptor. Phentolamine potentiated the NE-increased cAMP levels by 5-fold when NE was used at suboptimal doses, suggesting the presence of α-adrenergic receptors in C6 cells. Carbamylcholine decreased the levels of both cyclic nucleotides, with hexamethonium partially reversing the effect on cyclic GMP. Dibutyryl-cyclic GMP or carbamylcholine reduced catecholamine-induced cyclic AMP levels. Serotonin increased cyclic GMP levels 60% and decreased cyclic AMP levels 36%. Calcium- and magnesium-free media inhibited the norepinephrine-induced levels of cyclic GMP and cyclic AMP respectively.  相似文献   

Modulation of the Aplysia gill withdrawal reflex by dopamine   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The ability of dopamine to modulate gill contractions was tested in Aplysia. When dopamine was perfused through the gill vasculature, gill contractions caused by siphon stimulation (gill withdrawal reflex) and by depolarization of the gill motor neuron L7 were increased in amplitude, as compared with those evoked during seawater perfusion. Habituation of gill movements, brought about by repetitive stimulation of the siphon or of L7, was prevented by dopamine. Despite the absence of reflex habituation, the number of action potentials in central gill motor neurons, evoked by siphon stimulation, showed normal decrement. Dopamine's effects were blocked when the ctenidial nerve was cut or when L7 hyperpolarized. These data suggest that dopamine acts peripherally to increase the efficacy of L7's synaptic transmission onto gill muscle or elements of the gill neural plexus.  相似文献   

5-Hydroxytrptamine increased the rate of Ca2+ efflux and the concentration of endogenous cyclic AMP in abalone gill in both 10 mM and 50 mM CaCl2 concentrations externally. Dopamine decreased the rate of Ca2+ efflux in 50 mM CaCl2 but slightly increased the efflux rate in 10 mM CaCl2. At both external Ca2+ concentrations, dopamine increased the endogenous cyclic AMP concentration in the gill. 5-Hydroxytryptamine but not dopamine was found to activate adenylate cyclase in broken cell preparations of abalone gill. Cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase activity was also demonstrated in homogenate fractions of abalone gill. It is suggested that both Ca2+ and cyclic AMP act as second messengers in the response of abalone gill to 5-hydroxytryptamine and dopamine.  相似文献   

Aplysia neurons grown in primary cell culture (Dagan and Levitan, 1981) were exposed to the putative neurotransmitters acetylcholine and serotonin by local iontophoretic application, and changes in membrane potential or voltage clamp currents were examined. It was found that 47% of the neurons were sensitive to cholinergic agonists, 14% to serotonin, and 9% responded to both. Responses could be recorded upon application of the transmitters to the cell bodies as well as along the regenerated neurites. An identified group of neurons, the neurosecretory bag cells, exhibited similar responses to cholinergic agonists in culture and in situ. Pleural medial neurons exhibited cholinergic responses in culture similar to those previously reported in situ. Thus neurotransmitter receptor/ion channel complexes characteristic for a specific cell type in the intact ganglion are also present on this cell type in culture.  相似文献   

We have studied the effects of curare on responses resulting from iontophoretic application of several putative neurotransmitters onto Aplysia neurons. These neurons have specific receptors for acetylcholine (ACh), dopamine, octopamine, phenylethanolamine, histamine, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), aspartic acid, and glutamic acid. Each of these substances may on different specific neurons elicit at least three types of response, caused by a fast depolarizing Na+, a fast hyperpolarizing Cl-, or a slow hyperpolarizing K+ conductance increase. All responses resulting from either Na+ or Cl- conductance increases, irrespective of which putative transmitter activated the response, were sensitive to curare. Most were totally blocked by less than or equal to 10-4 M curare. GABA responses were less sensitive and were often only depressed by 10-3 M curare. K+ conductance responses, irrespective of the transmitter, were not curare sensitive. These results are consistent with a model of receptor organization in which one neurotransmitter receptor may be associated with any of at least three ionophores, mediating conductance increase responses to Na+, Cl-, and K+, respectively. In Aplysia nervous tissue, curare appears not to be a specific antagonist for the nicotinic ACh receptor, but rather to be a specific blocking agent for a class of receptor-activated Na+ and Cl- responses.  相似文献   

Cyclic 3′, 5′-adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) has been identified in the ciliated gill epithelium of the marine mussel Mytilusedulis. In concentrations which stimulate the rate of particle transport by frontal gill cilia, DA and 5HT stimulate levels of cAMP within the gill. The stimulation occurs in as early as 15 sec and is graded from 10?6M to 10?4M. DA plus 5HT is not additive at maximal effective concentrations of both amines. ACH does not mimic the DA or 5HT stimulation of cAMP. Theophylline alone has a weak effect on cAMP levels; however, the effect of theophylline is potentiated in the presence of DA or 5HT. Dibutyryl cAMP produces a gradual stimulation in the rate of particle transport. It is suggested that the dopaminergic and serotonergic excitatory control of particle transport by frontal gill cilia of Mytilusedulis is mediated through a cAMP second messenger system.  相似文献   

Regulation of acetylcholine receptor by cyclic AMP   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
In primary cultures of chick 11-day embryonic tissue a number of phosphodiesterase inhibitors were found to elevate acetylcholine receptor levels. Of these agents, Ro20-1724 was the most effective, elevating surface receptor content by 2-fold after 48 h of treatment. 8-Br-cAMP and cholera toxin, a natural activator of adenylate cyclase, mimicked the effect of Ro20-1724, while 8-Br-cGMP and dibutyryl cGMP had no effect. Cholera toxin, 8-Br-cAMP, and Ro20-1724 all increased the insertion rate of new receptor into the surface membrane without altering degradation. The enhanced insertion appears related to an actual increase in synthesis since total acetylcholine receptor was elevated by exposure to cholera toxin. In contrast, no change in creatine phosphokinase activity, myosin heavy chain content, or [35S] methionine incorporation into total cellular protein was observed during cholera toxin treatment. These results suggest that cAMP plays a role in the regulation of acetylcholine receptor.  相似文献   

Regulation of hydrogen utilisation in Rhizobium japonicum by cyclic AMP.   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Utilisation (uptake) of hydrogen gas by whole cells of Rhizobium japonicum was found to be influenced by the carbon source(s) present in the growth medium, with activity being highest in a medium containing sugars. Tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates, such as malate, significantly reduced H2 utilisation. No reduction in the hydrogenase activity is observed when the enzyme is assayed directly by the tritium exchange method, indicating that the decrease in hydrogen uptake activity is not due to repression of hydrogenase biosynthesis. Cyclic AMP was found to alleviate the inhibition of H2 uptake by malate, and this requires new protein synthesis. Addition of chloramphenicol or rifampicin simultaneously with cyclic AMP eliminated the stimulation of H2 uptake in the malate medium. These results show that in R. japonicum cyclic AMP plays a major role in the regulation of H2 metabolism.  相似文献   

We have studied the effects of curare on responses resulting from iontophoretic application of several putative neurotransmitters onto Aplysia neurons. These neurons have specific receptors for acetylcholine (ACh), dopamine, octopamine, phenylethanolamine, histamine, γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), aspartic acid, and glutamic acid. Each of these substances may on different specific neurons elicit at least three types of response, caused by a fast depolarizing Na+, a fast hyperpolarizing Cl?, or a slow hyperpolarizing K+ conductance increase. All responses resulting from either Na+ or Cl? conductance increases, irrespective of which putative transmitter activated the response, were sensitive to curare. Most were totally blocked by ≤ 10?4 M curare. GABA responses were less sensitive and were often only depressed by 10?3 M curare. K+ conductance responses, irrespective of the transmitter, were not curare sensitive. These results are consistent with a model of receptor organization in which one neurotransmitter receptor may be associated with any of at least three ionophores, mediating conductance increase responses to Na+, Cl?, and K+, respectively. In Aplysia nervous tissue, curare appears not to be a specific antagonist for the nicotinic ACh receptor, but rather to be a specific blocking agent for a class of receptor-activated Na+ and Cl? responses.  相似文献   

Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5HT) is the neurotransmitter that mediates dishabituation in Aplysia. Serotonin mediates this behavioral change through the reversal of synaptic depression in sensory neurons (SNs). However, the 5HT receptors present in SNs and in particular, the receptor important for activation of protein kinase C (PKC) have not been fully identified. Using a recent genome assembly of Aplysia, we identified new receptors from the 5HT(2) , 5HT(4) , and 5HT(7) families. Using RT-PCR from isolated SNs, we found that three 5HT receptors, 5HT(1Apl(a)) , 5HT(2Apl) , and 5HT(7Apl) were expressed in SNs. These receptors were cloned and expressed in a heterologous system. In this system, 5HT(2Apl) could significantly translocate PKC Apl II in response to 5HT and this was blocked by pirenperone, a 5HT(2) receptor antagonist. Surprisingly, pirenperone did not block 5HT-mediated translocation of PKC Apl II in SNs, nor 5HT-mediated reversal of depression. Expression of 5HT(1Apl(a)) in SNs or genistein, an inhibitor of tyrosine kinases inhibited both PKC translocation and reversal of depression. These results suggest a non-canonical mechanism for the translocation of PKC Apl II in SNs.  相似文献   

Platelet aggregation. I. Regulation by cyclic AMP and prostaglandin E1   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Platelet aggregation plays a major role in thrombogenesis. This study was undertaken to examine the inhibition of platelet aggregation induced by adenosine diphosphate. It is known that cyclic AMP (adenosine monophosphate) and its dibutyryl derivative inhibit platelet aggregation. This study showed that prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) also inhibits platelet aggregation and stimulates cyclic AMP synthesis by stimulation of adenyl cyclose. Caffeine, on the other hand, inhibits platelet phosphodiesterase, and increases cyclic AMP levels. PGA1 and PGF1 alpha can also inhibit platelet aggregation but only at very high concentrations.  相似文献   

The effect of cyclic AMP on the beat frequency of the lateral cilia on the gill of Mytilus edulis was investigated. Dibutyryl cyclic AMP (0.1 mM) weakly stimulated the cilia to beat. The activation was augmented by 1 mM theophylline. The cilia were hardly activated by cyclic AMP (0.1 mM) but a strong activation was observed when it was applied with saponin (0.0025-0.01% w/v) and theophylline (1 mM). The results suggest that cyclic AMP is involved in the mechanism of ciliary activation by 5-hydroxytryptamine.  相似文献   

The effect of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) on the intracellular concentration of cyclic nucleotides was studied in cultures of neurons from embryonic chick cerebral hemispheres. Incubation of neurons with ACTH(1-24) in the presence of phosphodiesterase inhibitor isobutylmethylxanthine resulted in a sustained increase in cyclic AMP while rise in cyclic GMP level was transient. The values obtained for half-maximal stimulation were 0.5 microM and 0.03 nM for cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP respectively. Concomitantly, ACTH(1-24) stimulated guanylate cyclase activity (half-maximal stimulation at 0.02 nM). These results suggest the existence of two distinct populations of ACTH receptors in neurons and provide the first evidence that cyclic GMP does mediate the action of ACTH in neurons.  相似文献   

Trout gill AMP deaminase is inhibited by liposomes made of synthetic phosphatidylcholines containing higher saturated fatty acids. A preincubation of 1 hr, at 4 degrees C, was necessary to obtain the maximal effect. At 4 or 25 degrees C, these phospholipids modified essentially the substrate affinity of the enzyme by increasing the Michaelis constant proportionally to the length of the fatty acid chain. At 13 degrees C, the liposomes decreased the Hill coefficient also, thus inducing a negative cooperativity. Natural phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylserine were without significant effect on gill AMP deaminase while natural sphingomyelin exhibited a similar effect to that shown in the presence of synthetic phosphatidylcholines. These results are discussed in relation to a possible effect of sphingomyelins in vivo.  相似文献   

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