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Using five different monoclonal antibodies to vimentin, we have examined the expression of vimentin in cryostat sections and serum-free cultures of normal human breast tissue. In cryostat sections, myoepithelial cells as well as stromal cells showed immunoreactivity to vimentin, irrespective of the antibody used. In contrast, luminal epithelial cells were negative for vimentin, but positive for keratin K18. In culture, myoepithelial cells showed immunoreactivity to vimentin from their first appearance in monolayer. Moreover, a fraction of luminal epithelial cells expressed vimentin in addition to keratin K18. We found a clear, reversible correlation between proliferation, determined by incorporation of [3H]-TdR, and induction of vimentin in the luminal epithelial cells. Thus, in growth-stimulated cultures on a medium containing cholera toxin (CT), epidermal growth factor (EGF), transferrin (Tf), hydrocortisone (H) and insulin (I), the fraction of vimentin-positive luminal epithelial cells increased, while it decreased within 14 days from approximately 36% to 3% on a medium containing CT and EGF, only. We therefore conclude: (1) vimentin is constantly expressed in myoepithelial cells in situ and in vitro, and (2) expression of vimentin in luminal epithelial cells in vitro is not a result of monolayer cultivation as such, but rather associated with the increased growth rate seen in culture.  相似文献   

Assembly of vimentin in cultured cells varies with cell type   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
To examine how vimentin assembles into the cytoskeletons of cultured cells, we used pulse labeling with [35S]methionine, cell fractionation with Triton X-100, and immunoprecipitation with a monoclonal antibody that binds both nascent and full-length vimentin polypeptides. In embryonic muscle cells, fibroblasts, and erythroid cells, we find two populations of newly synthesized vimentin. One population is found on the cytoskeleton immediately after a 2-min pulse with labeled methionine; the other is delayed in its association with the cytoskeleton and has a measurable rate of disappearance from the extractable pool. This rate varies with cell type, being over 3-fold faster in muscle and fibroblast cells than in erythroid cells. By using [3H]puromycin to specifically label nascent chains, we detect nascent vimentin chains that are bound to the cytoskeleton independently of ribosomes. The fraction of newly synthesized, full-length vimentin that associates with the cytoskeleton immediately correlates in these cell types with the fraction of nascent vimentin chains that are not released from the cytoskeleton by puromycin, RNase, or 0.6 M NaCl. Over one-half of the newly synthesized vimentin associates immediately in muscle and fibroblasts, whereas this value is less than 15% in erythroid cells. These data suggest that the process of vimentin assembly may vary both kinetically and mechanistically in different cell types.  相似文献   

The cell configuration-related control of a cytoskeletal protein (vimentin) expression was examined by varying cell shape between flat and spherical. Cultivation of cells in monolayer or in a spherical configuration on poly-2-hydroxyethylmethacrylate-coated plates revealed a preferential down regulation of vimentin synthesis during suspension culture. The mechanism(s) regulating the decrease in the expression of vimentin in spherical cells appears to be at the level of translation, because mRNAs extracted from monolayer and suspension-cultured cells were equally active in directing vimentin synthesis in the rabbit reticulocyte cell-free system. When after prolonged suspension culture, the cells were allowed to reattach and spread, vimentin synthesis recovered rapidly to the control monolayer rate. The phosphorylation of vimentin was also reduced dramatically during suspension culture. However, unlike the rapid recovery of vimentin biosynthesis upon reattachment (less than 6 h), the recovery in the rate of vimentin phosphorylation was much slower (greater than 20 h) and paralleled the recovery to the monolayer growth rate. Although the control of vimentin biosynthesis in suspension culture is a cell configuration-related process, the decrease in the rate of vimentin phosphorylation in suspension culture appears to be the result of the slower growth rate and may reflect the reported correlation between the rate of vimentin phosphorylation and the accumulation of cells in mitosis.  相似文献   

The cytoskeleton of the rat cultured cell line PC12, which is widely used in cell biology as a model system for neuron-like differentiation, displays an unusual combination of intermediate-sized filaments (IFs). As determined by electron microscopy, immunolocalization, and biochemical analyses, these cells contain, in addition to neurofilaments, an extended meshwork of bundles of cytokeratin IFs comprising cytokeratins A and D, equivalent to human cytokeratin polypeptides Nos. 8 and 18, irrespective of whether they are grown in the presence or absence of nerve growth factor. The two IF systems differ in their fibrillar arrays, the neurofilaments being concentrated in perinuclear aggregates similar to those found in certain neuroendocrine tumors of epithelial origin. We conclude that PC12 cells permanently co-express IFs of both the epithelial and the neuronal type and thus present an IF combination different from those of adrenal medulla cells and pheochromocytomas, i.e., the putative cells of origin of the line PC12. The IF cytoskeleton of PC12 cells resembles that of various neuroendocrine tumors derived from epithelial cells. The results show that the development of a number of typical neuronal differentiation features is compatible with the existence of an epithelial type IF cytoskeleton, i.e., cytokeratins. The implications of these findings concerning the validity of the PC12 cell line as a model for neuronal differentiation and possible explanations of the origin of cells with this type of IF co-expression are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Membranous epithelial (M) cells within the follicle-associated epithelium which overlies gut-associated lymphoid tissue in Peyer's patches and of appendix have been shown by immunocytochemical staining, in rabbit, to contain both vimentin- and cytokeratin-type intermediate filaments. The specificity of vimentin immunostaining has been confirmed by blocking with purified vimentin and by immunoblotting. No evidence was obtained for the expression of vimentin in rat, mouse or human M cells. The possible significance of vimentin-expression in these specialized epithelial cells and the potential use of vimentin as a positive marker for M cells are discussed.  相似文献   

The pattern of the intermediate type filament protein synthesis was examined in cultured bovine mammary gland epithelial (BMGE) cells under conditions of varied cell shape and cell-cell contact. In dense monolayer and suspension cultures BMGE cells expressed a new cytokeratin of 45 kD identified as a member of the acidic subfamily of cytokeratins. This polypeptide has a phosphorylated component and is dissociated from the cytokeratins complex in the presence of 6.5 M urea. The mRNA of the new cytokeratin accumulated in dense cell cultures, as revealed by in vitro translation in a cell-free system. In BMGE-H cells that express also vimentin, the synthesis of vimentin decreased dramatically in dense cell cultures, while the synthesis of the 45 kD cytokeratin was maximal under these conditions. The results suggest that the expression of certain cytokeratins and that of vimentin can be coordinately regulated by factors in the cellular environment that effect cell shape and cell surface contacts.  相似文献   

Mouse mammary epithelial cultivated on collagen gels demonstrate active spreading as the cells form monolayers. In this novel system, initiation of cell spreading is preceded by de novo synthesis of type IV collagen. The newly synthesized collagen is partitioned such that after 48 hr, approximately 24% is found in the culture medium, 35% is intracellular, and 41% is deposited in the extracellular matrix of the developing epithelium. Cultures deprived of serum failed to spread and to synthesize collagen. Proline analogues were shown to inhibit cell spreading and to suppress collagen synthesis in a dose-dependent manner. Cytochalasin D inhibition of F-actin elongation was shown to prevent cell spreading but not to suppress total collagen synthesis. During cytochalasin D treatment, inhibition of cell spreading was shown to result from failure to deposit or to maintain deposited collagen in the epithelium extracellular matrix. The data indicate that synthesis and extracellular deposition of a major basal lamina component (viz. type IV collagen) must precede and then accompany epithelial cell spreading in collagen gel culture. It is suggested that the microfilament apparatus, through some hypothetical integral membrane protein, can anchor extracellular type IV collagen, which then provides a necessary condition for cell spreading.  相似文献   

Characterization and metabolism of heparan sulfate glycosaminoglycans and proteoglycans (HSPGs) synthesized by primary cultures of mouse uterine epithelial cells are reported. HSPGs were detected in both the medium and in the cell-associated fraction, whereas glycosaminoglycans containing little or no protein (free glycosaminoglycans) were found primarily in the cell-associated fraction. The cell-associated HSPGs were relatively large (Kav = 0.1 on Superose 12), had a buoyant density in cesium chloride gradients of 1.45-1.55 g/ml, and contained heparan sulfate chains that fell into two size classes, exhibiting Kav values on Superose 12 of 0.2-0.5 and 0.7-0.8, respectively. The free glycosaminoglycan chains displayed a Kav on Superose 12 of 0.6-0.7. The secreted HSPGs were smaller (median Kav on Superose 12 of 0.28) than the cell-associated HSPGs. More than 90% of the cell-associated HSPGs contained hydrophobic portions, as evidenced by their ability to bind to octyl-Sepharose. In contrast, only 10-15% of the secreted HSPGs bound to octyl-Sepharose. HSPGs were detected at both apical and basal cell surfaces/extracellular matrices by indirect immunofluorescence in vitro and in utero and by accessibility to external proteases in vitro. It was estimated that 60-70% of the total cell-associated HSPGs were exposed at the cell surface. The HSPGs released from the cell surface by proteases were slightly smaller than the intact HSPGs and lacked the hydrophobic properties of the latter. These observations suggested that the cell surface HSPGs contain a small, hydrophobic domain that functions in the attachment of HSPGs to cells. The free glycosaminoglycans appeared to be primarily intracellular and were not secreted. The cell-associated HSPGs turned over rapidly (t1/2 = 1.5 h) and appeared to be the precursors to the free glycosaminoglycans. Metabolic turnover of the free glycosaminoglycan pool was a relatively slow process (t1/2 = 10-12 h).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The behaviour of chick embryo pigmented retina epithelial (PRE) cells has been studied in living and fixed cultures. Isolated PRE cells lacking contacts with other cells were characteristically only poorly spread upon the substrate, blebbed vigorously and lacked leading lamellae. PRE cells incorporated into islands or sheets of cells were extensively spread upon the substrate, lacked blebs and displayed typical leading lamellae if marginally positioned in an island. Observations of living cultures demonstrated that within 3 h of establishing contact with an island of cells a previously isolated PRE cell lost the morphology characteristic of isolated cells and became indistinguishable from its neighbours in the island. Measurements of the area of substrate occupied by single cells and cells in 2-cell islands suggests that similar changes occur as two cells make contact to form a 2-cell island. The evidence suggests that these changes are a direct response to the establishment of a cell-cell contact and I propose that the phenomenon be termed ‘contact-induced spreading’.Contact-induced spreading is not an ‘all or none’ phenomenon since isolated PRE cells can spread extensively and cease blebbing in the absence of cell contact. However a given isolated PRE cell spends only a very small proportion of its time displaying this well spread morphology and therefore at any time the majority of isolated PRE cells display the poorly spread morphology.The possible relationship between contact-induced spreading and other cellular interactions known to be dependent on cell-cell contact is discussed.  相似文献   

Using immunofluorescence microscopy and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, we compared the cytoskeletal proteins expressed by human amnion epithelium in situ, obtained from pregnancies of from 10-wk to birth, with the corresponding proteins from cultured amnion epithelial cells and cultures of cells from the amniotic fluid of 16 week pregnancies. Epithelia of week 16 fetuses already display tissue-specific patterns of cytokeratin polypeptides which are similar, although not identical, to those of the corresponding adult tissues. In the case of the simple amnion epithelium, a complex and characteristic complement of cytokeratin polypeptides of Mr 58,000 (No. 5), 56,000 (No. 6), 54,000 (No. 7), 52,500 (No. 8), 50,000 (No. 14), 46,000 (No. 17), 45,000 (No. 18), and 40,000 (No. 19) is present by week 10 of pregnancy and is essentially maintained until birth, with the addition of cytokeratin No. 4 (Mr 59,000) and the disappearance of No. 7 (Mr 54,000) at week 16 of pregnancy. In full-term placentae, the amnion epithelium displays two morphologically distinct regions, i.e., a simple and a stratified epithelium, both of which express the typical amnion cytokeratin polypeptides. However, in addition the stratified epithelium also synthesizes large amounts of special epidermal cytokeratins such as No. 1 (Mr 68,000), 10 (Mr 56,500), and 11 (Mr 56,000). In culture amnion epithelial cells obtained from either 16-wk pregnancies or full-term placentae will continue to synthesize the amnion-typical cytokeratin pattern, except for a loss of detection of component No. 4. This pattern is considerably different from the cytokeratins synthesized by cultures of cells from amniotic fluids (cytokeratins No. 7, 8, 18, and 19, sometimes with trace amounts of No. 17) and from several so-called "amnion epithelial cell lines." In addition, amnion epithelial cells in situ as well as amnion epithelial cell cultures appear to be heterogeneous in that they possess some cells that co-express cytokeratins and vimentin. These observations lead to several important conclusions: In contrast to the general concept of recent literature, positively charged cytokeratins of the group No. 4-6 can be synthesized in a simple, i.e., one-layered epithelium. The change from simple to stratified amnion epithelium does not require a cessation of synthesis of cytokeratins of the simple epithelium type, but in this case keratins characteristic of the terminally differentiated epidermis (No. 1, 10, and 11) are also synthesized.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

When cultivated on substrates that prevent cell adhesion (the polymer polyhydroxyethylmethacrylate, bovine serum albumin, and Teflon), human endothelial cells (EC) rapidly lost viability with a half-life of approximately 10 h. Dying EC showed the morphological and biochemical characteristics of apoptosis. The apoptotic process of suspended EC was delayed by the protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide. To obtain information as to the mechanism involved in the apoptosis of suspended EC, we investigated whether adhesion to matrix proteins or integrin occupancy in EC retaining a round shape may affect EC suicide. EC bound to low coating concentration of either fibronectin or vitronectin, retaining a round shape and failing to organize actin microfilaments, underwent to rapid cell death; by contrast, cells on high substrate concentrations became flattened, showed actin microfilament organization, and retained viability. Addition of saturating amounts of soluble vitronectin to suspended round-shaped EC did not reduce the process of apoptosis. Finally, when suspended EC bound Gly-Arg-Gly-Asp- Ser-coated microbeads (approximately 10 microbeads/cell), yet retaining a round shape, the apoptotic process was not affected. Oncogene- transformed EC in suspension were less susceptible to cell death and apoptosis than normal EC. Overall, these data indicate that cell attachment to matrix or integrin binding per se is not sufficient for maintaining cell viability, and that cells need to undergo some minimal degree of shape change to survive. Modulation of interaction with the extracellular matrix can, therefore, be an important target for the control of angiogenesis.  相似文献   

The distribution of cytokeratins, desmosomal-plaque proteins (desmoplakins), and vimentin in nephroblastoma tissue was studied by immunofluorescence microscopy using specific antibodies. In undifferentiated blastema cells, desmosomes, as revealed by antibodies to desmoplakins, preceded the advent of significant amounts of cytokeratins, indicating that desmosomes are early and sensitive markers of epithelial differentiation. Cytokeratin-positive tumor cells were seen in the following distribution patterns: groups of loosely arranged and scattered cells containing only scant cytokeratin fibrils surrounded by negative stroma cells; focal accumulation of cytokeratin-positive cells with cytokeratin-specific cytoplasmic fibril meshwork staining; rosettes of cytokeratin-positive cells without formation of distinct lumina, showing concentration of cytokeratin staining in the center; tubules with distinct lumina made up of cytokeratin-positive cells, with cytokeratin staining concentrated in the subapical cell portions. In cytokeratin-positive cells, the numbers of desmoplakin-positive dots were generally increased; in well-formed tubules, enrichment of desmoplakin-positive spots, corresponding to the subapical skeletal disks, was most conspicuous. Vimentin was demonstrated in stromal areas, but also in blastema cells showing coexpression of desmosomes and vimentin filaments. Moreover, in certain blastema cells, an overlap of cytokeratin and vimentin immunostaining was observed. Epithelial cells of nephroblastoma tubules did not react with vimentin antibodies. Our results show that the appearance of desmosomal plaques, as demonstrated by antibodies to desmoplakins, may be a very early feature of epithelial differentiation, and they also emphasize the value of antibodies to desmoplakins in tumor cell typing and diagnosis.  相似文献   

Summary Intermediate filaments of epithelial cells generally consist of specific combinations of keratins. However, cultured epithelial cells from certain tissues and some epithelial tumors have been shown also to express vimentin. In the present study, the expression of vimentin by epithelial cells in healing corneal wounds (partial thickness penetrating wounds) and in tissue culture was analyzed. Both immunohistochemical and immunotransblot analyses indicated that although vimentin was not detected in the normal rabbit corneal epithelium in vivo, cultured rabbit corneal epithelial cells co-express keratins and vimentin. At 1 day post-wounding, vimentin was not detectable in the epithelial cells that had covered the denuded stroma. However, at 2 days post-wounding, the epithelium at the base of the epithelial plug immunoreacted with both anti-vimentin and antikeratin monoclonal antibodies. Immunotransblot analyses of the extracts of the epithelial plugs confirmed the presence of vimentin (Mr=58k). The 58k band was not detected in the extract of normal rabbit corneal epithelium. At day/5, vimentin was no longer detectable in the epithelium. This study demonstrated that corneal epithelial cells transiently co-express vimentin and keratins in vivo during wound healing and in tissue culture. The time-course of the transient expression of vimentin suggests that the vimentin expression in the epithelial cells during healing is not linked to cell proliferation or to the centripetal migration of the epithelium during early stages (first 24 h) of healing, but may be linked to cell-matrix interactions or the migration of basal cells in the upward direction at the following stage of healing.  相似文献   

Changing patterns of cytokeratins and vimentin in the early chick embryo   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The distribution of cytokeratins and vimentin intermediate filaments in the first 48 h of chick development has been determined using immunofluorescent labelling. During formation of the germ layers, cytokeratin expression is associated with the appearance of an integral epithelium (ectoderm), whereas vimentin expression is associated with cells that detach and migrate from this epithelium to form endoderm and mesoderm. Subsequently, vimentin persists in the endoderm and mesoderm and the tissues derived therefrom, such as the somites and developing heart, throughout the period of study. The appearance of cytokeratins at later stages of development occurs in some epithelia such as the ectoderm, endoderm, lateral plate and epimyocardium but not others including the neural plate, neural tube and somites. Expression of cytokeratins in endoderm and mesenchymal tissues occurs in tandem with vimentin. In conclusion, vimentin expression is related to its distribution in the epiblast before germ layer formation. Its initial appearance may be related to the motile behaviour of cells about to ingress through the primitive streak. The appearance of cytokeratin filaments, however, does not reflect germ layer derivation but rather the need for an epithelial sheet.  相似文献   

Specialized areas within broad, close, cell-substratum contacts seen with reflection interference contrast microscopy in cultures of Xenopus embryonic muscle cells were studied. These areas usually contained a distinct pattern of light and dark spots suggesting that the closeness of apposition between the membrane and the substratum was irregular. They coincided with areas containing acetylcholine receptor clusters identified by fluorescence labeled alpha-bungarotoxin. Freeze-fracture of the cells confirmed these observations. The membrane in these areas was highly convoluted and contained aggregates of large P-face intramembrane particles (probably representing acetylcholine receptors). If cells were fixed and then treated with the sterol- specific antibiotic filipin before fracturing, the pattern of filipin- sterol complex distribution closely followed the pattern of cell- substratum contact. Filipin-sterol complexes were in low density in the regions where the membrane contained clustered intramembrane particles. These membrane regions were away from the substratum (bright white areas in reflection interference contrast; depressions of the P-face in freeze-fracture). Filipin-sterol complexes were also in reduced density where the membrane was very close to the substratum (dark areas in reflection interference contrast; bulges of the P-face in freeze- fracture). These areas were not associated with clustered acetylcholine receptors (aggregated particles). This result suggests that filipin treatment causes little or no artefact in either acetylcholine receptor distribution or membrane topography of fixed cells and that the distribution of filipin-sterol complexes may closely parallel the microheterogeneity of membranes that exist in living cells.  相似文献   

Summary The pattern of proteins synthesized and secreted in response to progesterone by guinea-pig endometrial epithelial cell cultured with estradiol-17 was investigated. Glandular epithelial cells were maintained in culture for 3 days on growth medium, then washed three times with a steroid-free medium. After this period, 2 × 10-8 M estradiol-17 or 2 × 10-8 M estradiol-17 plus 5 × 10-7 M progesterone were added to the medium for 48 h. To study biochemical changes, the proteins were labeled by a 6 h pulse of 35S-methionine. The proteins in medium and in cells were analyzed by one- and two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, followed by fluorography. The addition of progesterone to estradiol-17 in the culture medium caused a change in the patterns of cellular and secreted proteins: one-dimensional gel electrophoresis showed that variation of 8 cellular proteins and 12 secreted proteins was caused by progesterone. Induction of individual proteins by progesterone treatment was observed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis: one cellular protein (Mr 49000; pI 5.90) and one secreted protein (Mr 14300; pI 4.80) were specifically induced and might serve as markers of progesterone action.  相似文献   

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