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Fibronectin contains two latent gelatinolytic enzymes, FN-gelatinase and FN-laminase that can be activated in the presence of Ca2+ from the purified cathepsin D-produced 190-kDa fibronectin fragment. The results of this work show that Achromobacter collagenase cleaves fibronectin and generates an active FN-gelatinase. In contrast to the cathepsin D digest, the collagenase digest directly exhibits gelatinolytic activity without additional activation. The gelatinolytic activity of the total collagenase digest can be inhibited by phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride, a serine proteinase inhibitor and by pepstatin A, an aspartic-acid proteinase inhibitor. FN-laminase activity, when assayed with its synthetic substrate GPAGPR and also with laminin was revealed after separation of the collagenase digest of fibronectin on heparin Ultrogel. FN-gelatinase and FN-laminase activities were found in heparin unretained and heparin strongly retained fractions. These results have demonstrated that in contrast to cathepsin D, Achromobacter collagenase activates two matrix-degrading proteinases from fibronectin, FN-Gelatinase und FN-Laminase.  相似文献   

Influence of some anticoagulants (heparin, sodium citrate, their mixture) on blood trypsin-like proteinases activity was examined. The activity was determined using synthetic substrate N-alpha-benzoyl-L-arginine-p-nitroanilide. It was shown that heparin greatly activated blood trypsin-like proteinases (at heparin concentration 5 unit/ml of blood, the enzyme activity in plasma was about 10 times higher than the activity in serum). Heparin added to serum caused the activation effect too, maximum of activation was reached at heparin concentration in serum 800 unit/ml, following increase of heparin concentration did not led to the activity change. Sodium citrate had no significant effect both on the trypsin-like proteinases activity and on the activation effect of heparin. It was found that investigated anticoagulants did not affect blood antitryptic activity.  相似文献   

Cholesterol oleate liquid crystals were prepared in vitro as a model of lipid droplets accumulated in the atheromatous aorta. The hydrolysis of cholesterol oleate crystals by lysosomal acid lipase was examined in the presence and absence of various phospholipids. Phosphatidylserine markedly stimulated the hydrolysis of cholesterol oleate liquid crystals (20 times the basal value); it increased the Vmax value about 15 times and decreased the Km value to 1/20 times the basal value. The polar head group and the acyl chains of phosphatidylserine were required for its stimulation of hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Incubation of human plasma alpha 1-antichymotrypsin with proteinases from various microbial sources resulted in the enzymatic inactivation of the inhibitor as determined by loss of inhibitory activity against alpha-chymotrypsin. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the reaction products indicated that intact alpha 1-antichymotrypsin (Mr 67000) had been converted to an inactive form (63000) by limited proteolysis. No stable proteinase/inhibitor complexes were detected, and no random proteolysis of the inactivated inhibitor occurred even after prolonged incubation with the proteinases. Metallo- and serine proteinases from several microbial sources all readily inactivated alpha 1-antichymotrypsin. Since alpha 1-antichymotrypsin is also an early stage acute phase reactant, its inactivation may be important in disrupting bodily defense mechanisms.  相似文献   

Human plasma fibronectin was found to undergo fragmentation during heat-denaturation, leading to artifacts in SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic analyses. Electrophoretic patterns of heated samples showed a progressive decrease in intact fibronectin chains (225 kDa) which coincided with the appearance of increasing amounts of numerous smaller components having molecular weights ranging from 10 000 to 200 000. The fragmentation was temperature-dependent, being undetectable after 2 h at 60 degrees C, but detectable after 30 min at 70 degrees C or as little as 2 min at 100 degrees C. After 2 h at 100 degrees C, the intact monomer was no longer visible. Neither mercaptoethanol nor SDS was required for fragmentation. Sterile filtration or pretreatment with inhibitors of proteolytic enzymes had no effect. Treatment with amines did not diminish the degradation, indicating that the process differs from heat-fragmentation of alpha 2-macroglobulin and complement proteins, which occurs at a reactive internal thiolester bond. Fibronectin fragmentation was highly pH-dependent, being markedly accelerated under acidic conditions, suggesting that autolytic cleavage of the peptide chain at acid-labile aspartyl bonds was responsible for this phenomenon.  相似文献   

Statistical conformation of human plasma fibronectin   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Pelta J  Berry H  Fadda GC  Pauthe E  Lairez D 《Biochemistry》2000,39(17):5146-5154
Fibronectin is a multifunctional glycoprotein (molecular mass, M = 530 kg/mol) of the extra cellular matrix (ECM) having a major role in cell adhesion. In physiological conditions, the conformation of this protein still remains debated and controversial. Here, we present a set of results obtained by scattering experiments. In "native" conditions, the radius of gyration (R(g) = 15.3 +/- 0.3 nm) was determined by static light scattering as well as small-angle neutron scattering. The hydrodynamic radius (R(H) = 11.5 +/- 0.1 nm) was deduced from quasi-elastic light scattering measurements. These results imply a low internal concentration compared to that of usual globular proteins. This is also confirmed by the ratio R(H)/R(g) = 0. 75 +/- 0.02 consistent with a Gaussian chain, whereas R(H)/R(g) = 1. 3 for spherical shaped molecules. However, adding a denaturing agent (urea 8 M) increases R(g) by a factor 2. This means that fibronectin "native" chain is not either completely unfolded. The average shape of fibronectin conformation was also probed by small-angle neutron scattering performed for reverse scattering vector q(-)(1) smaller than R(g) (0.2 < q(-)(1) < 15 nm). The measured form factor is in complete agreement with the form factor of a random string of 56 beads of 5 nm diameter. It rules out the possibility of unfolded chain as well as globular structures. These results have structural and biological implications as far as ECM organization is concerned.  相似文献   

Peptides containing fewer than 50 amino acids show little ordered structure under physiological conditions. In this paper it is shown that in the receptor environment, secondary structure could be induced in small peptides that involves 87% of all the amino acid residues. The statistical methods of Chou and Fasman are used to predict the conformation of 41 peptide hormones or neuromodulators in the proteinaceous environment of the receptor, and four distinct conformational groupings are elucidated. beta-bend, beta-structure and alpha-helical conformation are possible for distinct groups of linear peptides, and disulfide bridge containing peptides show a common beta-bend beta-structure conformation at the receptor. In the predicted receptor conformation, the peptides show hydrophobic and hydrophilic domains that must reflect the distribution of corresponding regions in the ligand-binding site of the receptor. The predicted ligand conformation should allow a more rational approach to interpreting existing structure activity studies and the design of new analogs of pharmacological interest.  相似文献   

Intramolecularly quenched fluorogenic peptide substrates with the general sequence: DABCYL-Lys-Phe-Gly-Gly-Xxx-Ala-EDANS have been utilized to explore the effect of the hydrophobicity of amino acid side chains in the P2' position on the steady-state kinetic constants for papain catalyzed hydrolysis. The results demonstrate that subsite interactions between the enzyme and the peptide substrate modulate the enzyme specificity by slowing the release of the C-terminal product. This series of substrates can be used to characterize substrate specificity studies of other cysteine proteinases.  相似文献   

Human plasma alpha1-antitrypsin inhibits human pancreatic trypsin, chymotrypsin and elastase, which are massively released into the blood stream during acute pancreatitis. To examine whether the plasma proteins of individuals with genetic deficiency of alpha1-antitrypsin are protected against the deleterious action of these enzymes by other inhibitors, we have tested their inhibition by alpha2-antiplasmin and antithrombin. We have determined the inhibition rate constants kass and calculated d(t), the in vivo inhibition time. Surprisingly, trypsin is inhibited faster by alpha2-antiplasmin [kass=2.5 x 10(6) M(-1)S(-1), d(t)=2.3 s] and antithrombin [kass=1.7 x 10(5) M(-1)s(-1), d(t)=5.8 s] than by alpha1-antitrypsin [d(t)=17 s or 116 s in alpha1-antitrypsin-sufficient or alpha1-antitrypsin-deficient individuals, respectively]. Low molecular weight heparin accelerates the inhibition of trypsin by antithrombin by a factor of 16 [d(t)=0.36 s]. Antithrombin and alpha2-antiplasmin are not physiological inhibitors of chymotrypsin and elastase. These enzymes are, however, physiologically inhibited by alpha1-antitrypsin and alpha1-antichymotrypsin even in alpha1-antitrypsin-deficient individuals. We conclude that (i) low molecular weight heparin may be helpful in the management of acute pancreatitis, and (ii) genetically determined alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency probably does not lead to a significantly increased risk of plasma protein degradation during this disease.  相似文献   

Human plasma fibronectin contains a latent proteinase that after activation cleaves gelatin and fibronectin. The autoactivation propensity of the two purified cathepsin D-produced fragments of fibronectin (190 and 120 kDa) was compared. Both polypeptides were spontaneously activated in the presence of Ca2+. This activation was inhibited by EDTA. The active gelatinase was isolated from the autodigest of the 190-kDa fragment. Among various protein substrates, including laminin and native type I and IV collagens, the purified enzyme degraded only gelatin and fibronectin. We have named this proteinase FN-gelatinase. FN-gelatinase is inhibited by phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride and also by pepstatin A like retroviral aspartic proteinases. The amino-acid composition of the purified enzyme (35 kDa) was compared with the entire fibronectin sequence using the computer programme FIT. The optimal fit indicated that the 35-kDa fragment corresponds to the stretch # 1043-1404. This sequence contains a 93-residue segment (# 1140-1233) analogous to retroviral aspartic proteinases, comprising the sequence DTG of their putative active site.  相似文献   

K Aoki  J F Foster 《Biochemistry》1975,14(16):3566-3572
Proteinase contaminants in some plasma albumin samples have previously been shown to produce cleavage of the albumin molecule at acid pH. The F conformer, existing at pH 3.8, is cleaved near erisidue number 400 to yield a large N-terminal fragment of approximately 46,000 daltons. No cleavage was found at pH above approximately 4.4. It is shown in this paper that the proteinase contaminants are active over a broad pH range from 2.5 to 11.4 provided conditions are such as to induce some breakdown of the native conformation of the albumin molecule. Addition of Tris-borate buffer (0.1 M) at pH 7.5-9 is sufficient to permit cleavage. At pH near 9 this occurs predominantly 42,000 and 27,000 daltons. Near neutral pH substantial cleavage occurs in 4-8 M urea solution or in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate (AD110 complex). Under these conditions there are two large fragments (42,000 and 47,000 daltons) and essentially two small ones (20,000-27,000 daltons). Under conditions where there is no cleavage at 38-40 degrees, substantial cleavage results at 50-65 degrees but enzyme inactivation also occurs toward the top of this range. The alkaline activity is inhibited by soybean trypsin inhibitor but not by pepstatin; the reverse is true of the low pH activity. Cleavage at neutral or alkaline pH under the various conditions occurs primarily at X-Leu bonds while the low pH activity was already shown to occur at X-Phe. These facts suggest the presence of at least two enzymes. There is surprisingly little pH dependence over the range 7.5-9 in any of the media examined, even though albumin is known to undergo a significant conformational change in this range, the N leads to B transition. This transition is thought to be essentially a tertiary change with little loss of helix content. It is suggested that loss of native secondary structure, especially uncoiling of helical regions, is crucial to permit attack by these enzymes.  相似文献   

Subunit interactions in human plasma fibronectin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The fibronectin molecule was split chemically into its two constituent chains (mol. wt. 220,000) by mild reduction with dithiothreitol. However, physical properties (molecular weight and diffusion coefficient from light scattering, and elution in gel exclusion chromatography) remained those of intact fibronectin, except (reversibly) in the presence of denaturants which also change the conformation of non-reduced fibronectin to a more open form. Similarly, during digestion of fibronectin by plasmin to fragments of molecular weight less than 200,000, the light scattering intensity drops to roughly half in 30% glycerol but not in the absence of glycerol. These results suggest that the compact conformation of native fibronectin is stabilized by specific noncovalent contacts between constituent chains.  相似文献   

Purified human plasma fibronectin at concentrations of about 30 microgram/ml was found to agglutinate trypsin-treated erythrocytes from certain species. The hemagglutination reaction was inhibited by specific antibodies to fibronectin, by relatively low concentrations of polyamines and by higher concentrations of basic amino acids and nonacetylated amino sugars. The divalent cations Ca2+ and Mg2+ and the chelating agent ethylenediaminetetraacetate did not affect the reaction. None of the neutral amino acids, neutral sugars or polyanions tested was inhibitory. The results imply that plasma fibronectin is capable of interacting with cell surfaces and support the idea of a similarity between cellular and plasma fibronectins.  相似文献   

Thermal denaturation profiles for human plasma fibronectin under a variety of conditions have been determined. Although a single melting curve for this protein, with a thermal transition midpoint of 58.4 +/- 1.0 degree C and a calorimetric enthalpy change (delta Hc) of 1040 +/- 100 kcal/mol, is obtained in dilute neutral salt solutions, it is estimated that a total of seven to eight independent two-state thermal transitions are present in this endotherm. These values are not significantly altered by the presence of Ca2+, up to levels of at least 20 mM. Upon variation of the pH, no distinct thermal transitions are noted at values below pH 5.0 and above pH 10.0. Between pH 7.0 and 10.0, virtually no alterations in the thermotropic properties of fibronectin are observed, indicating that the individual domains of this protein, which contribute to the thermogram, are preserved in this pH range. Upon alteration of the ionic strength of the buffer, from 0.05 to 0.4 M KCl, small changes are observed in the thermal transition profiles of fibronectin, indicative of conformational changes in the protein resulting in a larger number of cooperative units undergoing the temperature-induced unfolding reaction.  相似文献   

Octacalcium phosphate (OCP) hydrolysis into hydroxyapatite (HA) has been investigated in aqueous solutions at different concentrations of sodium polyacrylate (NaPA). In the absence of the polyelectrolyte, OCP undergoes a complete transformation into HA in 48 h. The hydrolysis is inhibited by the polymer, which is significantly adsorbed on the crystals, up to about 22 wt.%. A polymer concentration of 10(-2) mM is sufficient to cause a partial inhibition of OCP to HA transformation, which is completely hindered at higher concentrations. The small platelet-like crystals in the TEM images of partially converted OCP can display electron diffraction patterns characteristic either of OCP single crystals or of polycrystalline HA, whereas the much bigger plate-like crystals exhibit diffraction patterns characteristic of OCP single crystals. The polyelectrolyte adsorption on OCP crystals is accompanied by an increase of their mean length and by a significant reduction of the coherence length of the perfect crystalline domains along the c-axis direction. It is suggested that the carboxylate-rich polyelectrolyte is adsorbed on the hydrated layer of the OCP (100) face, thus inhibiting its in situ hydrolysis into HA.  相似文献   

Immunochemical characterization of human plasma fibronectin.   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Human plasma fibronectin has been purified by a non-denaturing affinity chromatography procedure [Vuento & Vaheri, (1979) Biochem.J. 183, 331--337], and antisera have been raised by immunizing rabbits with the native protein. The antisera reacted strongly with native fibronectin, but only weakly with reduced and alkylated fibronectin or with heat-denaturated fibronectin. Denaturation also affected the haemagglutinating and gelatin-binding activities of fibronectin and increased its susceptibility to proteolytic degradation. The antisera reacted with fragments of fibronectin obtained by proteolysis with plasmin. Large fragments (mol.wt. 180000--200000), lacking the region harbouring the interchain disulphide bridges but containing the sites responsible for gelatin-binding and haemagglutinating activity, showed as intense a reaction with the antisera as intact fibronectin. Smaller peptides showed a weaker reaction. All fragments tested showed sensitivity to denaturation in their reaction with the antisera. The results were interpreted as showing that: (1) native fibronectin has an ordered conformation that is easily perturbed by denaturation; (2) most of the antigenic determinants of the protein are dependent on conformation; (3) the region of the fibronectin molecule containing the interchain disulphide bridges has only few antigenic determinants; and (4) covalent interaction of the two subunits does not contribute to the antigenic structure recognized by rabbit antisera. The observed correlation between the antigenic activity and a structural and functional intactness of fibronectin suggests that the antibodies to native fibronectin could be used as a conformational probe in studies on this protein.  相似文献   

G A Rocha  S D Pena 《Human heredity》1984,34(5):334-336
Plasma fibronectin from 500 blood donors was studied by immunoelectrophoresis. No variants were found. Plasma fibronectin does not appear to be electrophoretically polymorphic in humans.  相似文献   

In this work the human plasma fibronectin was purified by affinity chromatography using a tandem column system. The first affinity column was filled with gelatin-Trisacryl whereas the second one contained heparin-Trisacryl. This double affinity chromatography demonstrated its high efficiency in term of purity and yield. Several analytical methods (electrophoresis, immunoelectrophoresis, F.P.L.C. and adhesion assay on cultured eucaryotic cells) evidenced in fact the high purity of the preparation as well as its biological behaviour in term of cell adhesion and spreading. The performances of the sorbents used facilitate the scaling up when large quantities of FNP are needed.  相似文献   

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