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The nucleotide sequence of the alpha-amylase gene (amyA) from Clostridium thermosulfurogenes EM1 cloned in Escherichia coli was determined. The reading frame of the gene consisted of 2,121 bp. Comparison of the DNA sequence data with the amino acid sequence of the N terminus of the purified secreted protein of C. thermosulfurogenes EM1 suggested that the alpha-amylase is translated from mRNA as a secretory precursor with a signal peptide of 27 amino acid residues. The deduced amino acid sequence of the mature alpha-amylase contained 679 residues, resulting in a protein with a molecular mass of 75,112 Da. In E. coli the enzyme was transported to the periplasmic space and the signal peptide was cleaved at exactly the same site between two alanine residues. Comparison of the amino acid sequence of the C. thermosulfurogenes EM1 alpha-amylase with those from other bacterial and eucaryotic alpha-amylases showed several homologous regions, probably in the enzymatically functioning regions. The tentative Ca(2+)-binding site (consensus region I) of this Ca(2+)-independent enzyme showed only limited homology. The deduced amino acid sequence of a second obviously truncated open reading frame showed significant homology to the malG gene product of E. coli. Comparison of the alpha-amylase gene region of C. thermosulfurogenes EM1 (DSM3896) with the beta-amylase gene region of C. thermosulfurogenes (ATCC 33743) indicated that both genes have been exchanged with each other at identical sites in the chromosomes of these strains.  相似文献   

Clostridium thermosulfurogenes EM1 formed blebs, i.e., protrusions still in contact with the cytoplasmic membrane, that originated from the cytoplasmic membrane during growth in batch culture and continuous culture. They could be observed squeezed between the cell wall and cytoplasmic membrane in cells with seemingly intact wall layers (surface layer and peptidoglycan layer) as well as in cells with wall layers in different states of degradation caused by phosphate limitation or high dilution rates. Blebs were found to turn into membrane vesicles by constriction in cases when the cell wall was heavily degraded. Bleb and vesicle formation was also observed in the absence of substrates that induce alpha-amylase and pullulanase synthesis. No correlations existed between bleb formation and the presence of active enzyme. Similar blebs could also be observed in a number of other gram-positive bacteria not producing these enzymes, but they were not observed in gram-negative bacteria. For immunoelectron-microscopic localization of alpha-amylase and pullulanase in C. thermosulfurogenes EM1, two different antisera were applied. One was raised against the enzymes isolated from the culture fluid; the other was produced against a peptide synthesized, as a defined epitope, in analogy to the N-terminal amino acid sequence (21 amino acids) of the native extracellular alpha-amylase. By using these antisera, alpha-amylase and pullulanase were localized at the cell periphery in samples taken from continuous culture or batch culture. In samples prepared for electron microscopy by freeze substitution followed by ultrathin sectioning, blebs could be seen, and the immunolabel pinpointing alpha-amylase enzyme particles was seen not only randomly distributed in the cell periphery, but also lining the surface of the cytoplasmic membrane and the blebs. Cells exhibiting high or virtually no enzyme activity were labeled similarly with both antisera. This finding strongly suggests that alpha-amylase and pullulanase may occur in both active and inactive forms, depending on growth conditions.  相似文献   

The response to heat stress was examined inThermoanaerobacterium thermosulfurigenes EM1. Upon a temperature shift-up from 50° to 62°C, four heat shock proteins (hsps) were synthesized at an elevated level. Two proteins were found to be immunologically related to theEscherichia coli GroEL protein and theMycobacterium tuberculosis hsp71 (DnaK similar protein), and the correspondinggroE anddnaK homologous sequences were detected in the chromosome ofT. thermosulfurigenes EM1. The heat shock response in this thermophile was transient, with a maximum synthesis of hsps between 10 and 15 min after the shock. The enhanced synthesis of DnaK and GroEL was consistent with increased mRNA levels of the genes, which reached a maximum 15 min after heat treatment.  相似文献   

The complete pullulanase gene (amyB) from Thermoanaerobacterium thermosulfurigenes EM1 was cloned in Escherichia coli, and the nucleotide sequence was determined. The reading frame of amyB consisted of 5,586 bp encoding an exceptionally large enzyme of 205,991 Da. Sequence analysis revealed a composite structure of the pullulanase consisting of catalytic and noncatalytic domains. The N-terminal half of the protein contained a leader peptide of 35 amino acid residues and the catalytic domain, which included the four consensus regions of amylases. Comparison of the consensus regions of several pullulanases suggested that enzymes like pullulanase type II from T. thermosulfurigenes EM1 which hydrolyze alpha-1,4- and alpha-1,6-glycosidic linkages have specific amino acid sequences in the consensus regions. These are different from those of pullulanases type I which only cleave alpha-1,6 linkages. The C-terminal half, which is not necessary for enzymatic function, consisted of at least two different segments. One segment of about 70 kDa contained two copies of a fibronectin type III-like domain and was followed by a linker region rich in glycine, serine, and threonine residues. At the C terminus, we found three repeats of about 50 amino acids which are also present at the N-termini of surface layer (S-layer) proteins of, e.g., Thermus thermophilus and Acetogenium kivui. Since the pullulanase of T. thermosulfurigenes EM1 is known to be cell bound, our results suggest that this segment serves as an S-layer anchor to keep the pullulanase attached to the cell surface. Thus, a general model for the attachment of extracellular enzymes to the cell surface is proposed which assigns the S-layer a new function and might be widespread among bacteria with S-layers. The triplicated S-layer-like segment is present in several enzymes of different bacteria. Upstream of amyB, another open reading frame, coding for a hypothetical protein of 35.6 kDa, was identified. No significant similarity to other sequences available in DNA and protein data bases was found.  相似文献   

Abstract The complete dnaJ gene of Clostridium acetobutylicum was isolated by chromosome walking using the previously cloned 5' end of the gene as a probe. Nucleotide sequencing of a positively reacting 2.2-kb Hin cII fragment, contained in the recombinant plasmid pKG4, revealed that the reading frame of the dnaJ gene of C. acetobutylicum consists of 1125 bp, encoding a protein of 374 amino acids with a calculated M r of 40376 and an isoelectric points of 9.54. The deduced amino acid sequence showed high similarity to the DnaJ proteins of other bacteria (e.g. Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis ) as well as of an archaeon ( Methanosarcina mazei ) and to the corresponding proteins of eukaryotes ( Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Homo sapiens ). The areas of similarity included a conserved N-terminal domain of about 70 amino acids, a glycine-rich region of about 30 residues, and a central domain containing four repeats of a CXXCXGXG motif, whereas the C-terminal domain was less conserved. Northern (RNA) blot analysis indicated that dnaJ is induced by heat shock and that it is part of the dnaK operon of C. acetobutylicum . The 5' end (901 bp) of another gene ( orfB ), downstream of dnaJ and not heat-inducible, showed no significant similarity to other sequences available in EMBL and GenBank databases.  相似文献   

We present the complete sequence of mouse 18 S rRNA. As indicated by comparison with yeast, Xenopus and rat, the conservation of eukaryotic 18 S rRNA sequences is extensive. However, this conservation is far from being uniform along the molecule: most of the base changes and the size differences between species are concentrated at specific locations. Two distinct classes of divergent traces can be detected which differ markedly in their rates of nucleotide substitution during evolution, and should prove valuable in additional comparative analyses, both for eukaryotic taxonomy and for rRNA higher order organization. Mouse and rat 18 S rRNA sequences differ by only 14 point changes over the 1869 nucleotides of the molecule.  相似文献   

Abstract A genomic library of Clostridium septicum NCTC547 strain was made in Escherichia coli by means of λgt10. The DNA insert of a hemolysin-positive (Hly+) λ-clone was transferred into pUC19. The resulting plasmid, pCS21, confers a Hly+ phenotype on E. coli . Crude lysates of E. coli (pCS21) possessed a strong lytic activity on human erythrocytes and also a lethal effect on mice, characteristic of an α toxin. Nucleotide sequence analysis revealed that the insert DNA (5.2 kb) in pCS21 included at least one open reading frame of 1380 bp. The coding frame for hemolysin was predicted to be 1329 bp in size and to encode a protein of 49.8 kDa. It coincided with the molecular mass (48 kDa) of the α toxin secreted by C. septicum . Taken together, the data indicated that plasmid pCS21 indeed encoded an α toxin gene of C. septicum .  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of a thermophilic, liquefying alpha-amylase gene cloned from B. stearothermophilus was determined. The NH2-terminal amino acid sequence analysis of the B. stearothermophilus alpha-amylase confirmed that the reading frame of the gene consisted of 1,644 base pairs (548 amino acids). The B. stearothermophilus alpha-amylase had a signal sequence of 34 amino acids, which was cleaved at exactly the same site in E. coli. The mature enzyme contained two cysteine residues, which might play an important role in maintenance of a stable protein conformation. Comparison of the amino acid sequence inferred from the B. stearothermophilus alpha-amylase gene with those inferred from other bacterial liquefying alpha-amylase genes and with the amino acid sequences of eukaryotic alpha-amylases showed three homologous sequences in the enzymatically functional regions.  相似文献   

We have determined the nucleotide sequence of the immunoglobulin epsilon gene cloned from newborn mouse DNA. The epsilon gene sequence allows prediction of the amino acid sequence of the constant region of the epsilon chain and comparison of it with sequences of the human epsilon and other mouse immunoglobulin genes. The epsilon gene was shown to be under the weakest selection pressure at the protein level among the immunoglobulin genes although the divergence at the synonymous position is similar. Our results suggest that the epsilon gene may be dispensable, which is in accord with the fact that IgE has only obscure roles in the immune defense system but has an undesirable role as a mediator of hypersensitivity. The sequence data suggest that the human and murine epsilon genes were derived from different ancestors duplicated a long time ago. The amino acid sequence of the epsilon chain is more homologous to those of the gamma chains than the other mouse heavy chains. Two membrane exons, separated by an 80-base intron, were identified 1.7 kb 3' to the CH4 domain of the epsilon gene and shown to conserve a hydrophobic portion similar to those of other heavy chain genes. RNA blot hybridization showed that the epsilon membrane exons are transcribed into two species of mRNA in an IgE hybridoma.  相似文献   

We have determined the complete nucleotides sequence (2168 bases) of the immunoglobulin mu gene cloned from newborn mouse DNA. The cloned 13kb fragment contained the entire constant region gene sequence that is interrupted by three intervening sequences at the junction of domains as previously shown in the gamma 1, gamma 2 b and alpha genes. The amino acid sequence predicted by the nucleotide sequence agrees with that of the mu chain secreted by a myeloma MOPC104E except for 8 residues out of 448 residues. The homologous domains of the mu, gamma 1 and gamma 2b genes are more similar to each other than the different domains of the mu genes are. The result implicates that the class of the immunoglobulin heavy chain genes diverged after the heavy chain genes established the multi-domain structure. The short intervening sequences of the mu and gamma genes are more conserved than the coding sequences except for the COOH-terminal domains. The results implicate that the nucleotide sequence of the intervening sequence is under selective pressure, possibly to maintain a secondary structure of the nuclear RNA to be spliced.  相似文献   

Clostridium thermosulfurogenes EM1 formed blebs, i.e., protrusions still in contact with the cytoplasmic membrane, that originated from the cytoplasmic membrane during growth in batch culture and continuous culture. They could be observed squeezed between the cell wall and cytoplasmic membrane in cells with seemingly intact wall layers (surface layer and peptidoglycan layer) as well as in cells with wall layers in different states of degradation caused by phosphate limitation or high dilution rates. Blebs were found to turn into membrane vesicles by constriction in cases when the cell wall was heavily degraded. Bleb and vesicle formation was also observed in the absence of substrates that induce α-amylase and pullulanase synthesis. No correlations existed between bleb formation and the presence of active enzyme. Similar blebs could also be observed in a number of other gram-positive bacteria not producing these enzymes, but they were not observed in gram-negative bacteria. For immunoelectron-microscopic localization of α-amylase and pullulanase in C. thermosulfurogenes EM1, two different antisera were applied. One was raised against the enzymes isolated from the culture fluid; the other was produced against a peptide synthesized, as a defined epitope, in analogy to the N-terminal amino acid sequence (21 amino acids) of the native extracellular α-amylase. By using these antisera, α-amylase and pullulanase were localized at the cell periphery in samples taken from continuous culture or batch culture. In samples prepared for electron microscopy by freeze substitution followed by ultrathin sectioning, blebs could be seen, and the immunolabel pinpointing α-amylase enzyme particles was seen not only randomly distributed in the cell periphery, but also lining the surface of the cytoplasmic membrane and the blebs. Cells exhibiting high or virtually no enzyme activity were labeled similarly with both antisera. This finding strongly suggests that α-amylase and pullulanase may occur in both active and inactive forms, depending on growth conditions.  相似文献   

A gene coding for thermophilic beta-amylase of Clostridium thermosulfurogenes was cloned into Bacillus subtilis, and its nucleotide sequence was determined. The nucleotide sequence suggested that the thermophilic beta-amylase is translated from monocistronic mRNA as a secretory precursor with a signal peptide of 32 amino acid residues. The deduced amino acid sequence of the mature beta-amylase contained 519 residues with a molecular weight of 57,167. The amino acid sequence of the C. thermosulfurogenes beta-amylase showed 54, 32, and 32% homology with those of the Bacillus polymyxa, soybean, and barley beta-amylases, respectively. Twelve well-conserved regions were found among the amino acid sequences of the four beta-amylases. To elucidate the mechanism rendering the C. thermosulfurogenes beta-amylase thermophilic, its amino acid sequence was compared with that of the B. polymyxa beta-amylase. The C. thermosulfurogenes beta-amyulase contained more Cys residues and fewer hydrophilic amino acid residues than the B. polymyxa beta-amylase did. Several regions were found in the amino acid sequence of the C. thermosulfurogenes beta-amylase, where the hydrophobicity was remarkably high as compared with that of the corresponding regions of the B. polymyxa beta-amylase.  相似文献   

A gene library for Clostridium acetobutylicum NCIB 2951 was constructed in the broad-host-range cosmid pLAFR1, and cosmids containing the beta-galactosidase gene were isolated by direct selection for enzyme activity on X-Gal (5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-beta-D-galactoside) plates after conjugal transfer of the library to a lac deletion derivative of Escherichia coli. Analysis of various pSUP202 subclones of the lac cosmids on X-Gal plates localized the beta-galactosidase gene to a 5.1-kb EcoRI fragment. Expression of the Clostridium beta-galactosidase gene in E. coli was not subject to glucose repression. By using transposon Tn5 mutagenesis, two gene loci, cbgA (locus I) and cbgR (locus II), were identified as necessary for beta-galactosidase expression in E. coli. DNA sequence analysis of the entire 5.1-kb fragment identified open reading frames of 2,691 and 303 bp, corresponding to locus I and locus II, respectively, and in addition a third truncated open reading frame of 825 bp. The predicted gene product of locus I, CbgA (molecular size, 105 kDa), showed extensive amino acid sequence homology with E. coli LacZ, E. coli EbgA, and Klebsiella pneumoniae LacZ and was in agreement with the size of a polypeptide synthesized in maxicells containing the cloned 5.1-kb fragment. The predicted gene product of locus II, CbgR (molecular size, 11 kDa) shares no significant homology with any other sequence in the current DNA and protein sequence data bases, but Tn5 insertions in this gene prevent the synthesis of CbgA. Complementation experiments indicate that the gene product of cbgR is required in cis with cbgA for expression of beta-galactosidase in E. coli.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage SPO1 gene 27: location and nucleotide sequence.   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  

A 26-mer oligonucleotide probe was synthesized (based on the determined amino acid sequence of the N-terminus of the Clostridium botulinum type A neurotoxin, BoNT/A) and used in Southern blot analysis to construct a restriction map of the region of the clostridial genome encompassing BoNT/A. The detailed information obtained enabled the cloning of the structural gene as three distinct fragments, none of which were capable of directing the expression of a toxic molecule. The central portion was cloned as a 2-kb PvuII-TaqI fragment and the remaining regions of the light chain and heavy chain as a 2.4-kb ScaI-TaqI fragment and a 3.4-kb HpaI-PvuII fragment, respectively. The nucleotide sequence of all three fragments was determined and an open reading frame identified, composed of 1296 codons corresponding to a polypeptide of 149 502 Da. The deduced amino acid sequence exhibited 33% similarity to tetanus toxin, with the most highly conserved regions occurring between the N-termini of the respective heavy chains. Conservation of Cys residues flanking the position at which the toxins are cleaved to yield the heavy chain and light chain allowed the tentative identification of those residues which probably form the disulphide bridges linking the two toxin subfragments.  相似文献   

Boticin B is a heat-stable bacteriocin produced by Clostridium botulinum strain 213B that has inhibitory activity against various strains of C. botulinum and related clostridia. The gene encoding the bacteriocin was localized to a 3.0-kb HindIII fragment of an 18. 8-kb plasmid, cloned, and sequenced. DNA sequencing revealed the boticin B structural gene, btcB, to be an open reading frame encoding 50 amino acids. A C. botulinum strain 62A transconjugant containing the HindIII fragment inserted into a clostridial shuttle vector expressed boticin B, although at much lower levels than those observed in C. botulinum 213B. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration and characterization of a bacteriocin from toxigenic group I C. botulinum.  相似文献   

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