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Y Xiang  C E Cameron  J W Wills    J Leis 《Journal of virology》1996,70(8):5695-5700
The p2 region of the Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) Gag polyprotein contains an assembly domain, which is required late in replication for efficient budding of virus-like particles from cells (J. W. Wills, C. E. Cameron, C. B. Wilson, Y. Xiang, R. P. Bennett, and J. Leis, J. Virol. 68:6605-6618, 1994). This domain, referred to as the L domain, was previously mapped to the 11 amino acids of p2b. Through the analysis of a series of deletion and substitution mutations, the L domain has now been fine mapped to a highly conserved amino acid sequence, PPPPYV of p2b. Sequences flanking PPPPYV motif can be deleted without any effect on budding. Defects caused by L-domain deletions can be rescued by placing a wild-type copy of the sequence at several other positions in RSV Gag. A proline-rich P(S/T)APP motif is found in many retroviral Gag polyproteins; the motif found in the p6 region of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 has been implicated in late functions of the virus. Substitution of the RSV L domain with this motif in a 10-amino-acid sequence derived from visna leukemia virus results in wild-type release of virus particles from cells. In contrast, the slightly different sequences from Gibbon ape leukemia virus, Moloney leukemia virus, PSAPP alone, or a proline-rich SH3 binding sequence do not efficiently rescue RSV L-domain mutations.  相似文献   

S Oertle  P F Spahr 《Journal of virology》1990,64(12):5757-5763
Rous sarcoma virus nucleocapsid protein (NC) has been shown by site-directed mutagenesis to be involved in viral RNA packaging and in the subsequent maturation of genomic RNA in the progeny viral particles. To investigate whether NC exerts these activities as a free protein or as a domain of the polyprotein precursor Pr76gag, we have constructed several mutants unable to process Pr76gag and analyzed their properties in a transient-transfection assay of chicken embryo fibroblasts, the natural host of Rous sarcoma virus. A point mutation in the protease (PR) active site completely prevents Pr76gag processing. The full-length Pr76gag polyprotein is still able to package viral RNA, but cannot mature it. A shorter gag precursor polyprotein lacking the C-terminal PR domain, but retaining that of the NC protein, is however, unable even to package viral RNA. This indicates that the NC protein can participate in packaging viral RNA only as part of a full-length Pr76gag and that the PR domain is, indirectly or directly, also involved in RNA packaging. These results also demonstrate that processing of Pr76gag is necessary for viral RNA dimerization.  相似文献   

M Sakalian  J W Wills    V M Vogt 《Journal of virology》1994,68(9):5969-5981
In all retrovirus systems studied, the leader region of the RNA contains a cis-acting sequence called psi that is required for packaging the viral RNA genome. Since the pol and env genes are dispensable for formation of RNA-containing particles, the gag gene product must have an RNA binding domain(s) capable of recognizing psi. To gain information about which portion(s) of Gag is required for RNA packaging in the avian sarcoma and leukemia virus system, we utilized a series of gag deletion mutants that retain the ability to assemble virus-like particles. COS cells were cotransfected with these mutant DNAs plus a tester DNA containing psi, and incorporation of RNA into particles were measured by RNase protection. The efficiency of packaging was determined by normalization of the amount of psi+ RNA to the amount of Gag protein released in virus-like particles. Specificity of packaging was determined by comparisons of psi+ and psi- RNA in particles and in cells. The results indicate that much of the MA domain, much of the p10 domain, half of the CA domain, and the entire PR domain of Gag are unnecessary for efficient packaging. In addition, none of these deleted regions is needed for specific selection of the psi RNA. Deletions within the NC domain, as expected, reduce or eliminate both the efficiency and the specificity of packaging. Among mutants that retain the ability to package, a deletion within the CA domain (which includes the major homology region) is the least efficient. We also examined particles of the well-known packaging mutant SE21Q1b. The data suggest that the random RNA packaging behavior of this mutant is not due to a specific defect but rather is the result of the cumulative effect of many point mutations throughout the gag gene.  相似文献   

O Donz  P F Spahr 《The EMBO journal》1992,11(10):3747-3757
The Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) RNA leader sequence carries three open reading frames (uORFs) upstream of the AUG initiator of the gag gene. We studied, in vivo, the role of these uORFs by changing two or three nucleotides of the three AUGs or by deleting the first uORF. Our results show that (i) unlike most previously characterized uORFs, which decrease translation, the first uORF (AUG1) of RSV acts as an enhancer of translation, since absence of the first AUG decreased translation; AUG3 also modulates translation, probably by interfering with scanning ribosomes as described for other upstream ORFs, and mutation of AUG2 had no effect on translation. (ii) Mutation of each of the upstream AUGs lowered the infectivity of progeny virions. (iii) Unexpectedly, mutation of AUG1 and/or AUG3 dramatically reduced RNA packaging by 50-to 100-fold, unlike mutation of AUG2 which did not alter RNA packaging efficiency. Additional mutants in the vicinity of uORF1 and uORF3 were constructed in order to elucidate the mechanism by which uORFs affect RNA packaging: a translation model requiring uORFs 1 and 3, and involving ribosome pausing at AUG 3 is discussed.  相似文献   

Site-directed mutagenesis has shown that the nucleocapsid (NC) protein of Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) is required for packaging and dimerization of viral RNA. However, it has not been possible to demonstrate, in vivo or in vitro, specific binding of viral RNA sequences by NC. To determine whether specific packaging of viral RNA is mediated by NC in vivo, we have constructed RSV mutants carrying sequences of Moloney murine leukemia virus (MoMuLV). Either the NC coding region alone, the psi RNA packaging sequence, or both the NC and psi sequences of MoMuLV were substituted for the corresponding regions of a full-length RSV clone to yield chimeric plasmid pAPrcMNC, pAPrc psi M, or pAPrcM psi M, respectively. In addition, a mutant of RSV in which the NC is completely deleted was tested as a control. Upon transfection, each of the chimeric mutants produced viral particles containing processed core proteins but were noninfectious. Thus, MoMuLV NC can replace RSV NC functionally in the assembly and release of mature virions but not in infectivity. Surprisingly, the full-deletion mutant showed a strong block in virus release, suggesting that NC is involved in virus assembly. Mutant PrcMNC packaged 50- to 100-fold less RSV RNA than did the wild type; in cotransfection experiments, MoMuLV RNA was preferentially packaged. This result suggests that the specific recognition of viral RNA during virus assembly involves, at least in part, the NC protein.  相似文献   

SE21Q1b, a Rous sarcoma virus mutant which packages cellular rather than viral RNA, is competent for infection of quail cells and can transmit defective transforming retrovirus genes. Stably transformed recipient clones have been obtained by using this mutant.  相似文献   

We isolated 28 recombinants of Rous sarcoma virus at early (24 h) and late (7 days) times after infection. These recombinants were selected for wild type in the pol and src genes and analyzed for their env and gag phenotypes. We were unable to show strong linkage between any two markers, including two markers within a single gene (gag).  相似文献   

Inhibition of Rous sarcoma virus replication by antisense RNA.   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
Previous results have indicated that Rous sarcoma virus env gene expression is specifically inhibited by antisense RNA (L.-J. Chang and C. M. Stoltzfus, Mol. Cell. Biol. 5:2341-2348, 1985). In this study, we compare the extents of inhibition by antisense RNA derived from different parts of the Rous sarcoma virus genome, and we show that antisense constructs containing the 3'-end noncoding region inhibit env expression to a similar extent as those containing the 5'-end noncoding region or coding region. Furthermore, we show that antisense RNA inhibits virus replication at other levels in addition to translation.  相似文献   

R P Bennett  T D Nelle    J W Wills 《Journal of virology》1993,67(11):6487-6498
The Gag protein encoded by Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) is the only viral product required for the process of budding whereby virus particles are formed at the plasma membrane. Deletion analysis of this Gag molecule has revealed several regions (assembly domains) that are important for budding. One of these domains is located at the amino terminus and is needed for membrane binding. Another is located within the carboxy-terminal third of the protein. Though there is little sequence homology among the Gag proteins of unrelated retroviruses, it seemed possible that their assembly domains might be functionally conserved, and to explore this idea, numerous Gag chimeras were made. The results indicate that the first 10 amino acids of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) Gag protein can suppress the block to budding caused by deletions in the RSV MA sequence, much as described previously for the first 10 residues from the Src oncoprotein (J.W. Wills, R.C. Craven, R. A. Weldon, Jr., T. D. Nelle, and C.R. Erdie, J. Virol. 65:3804-3812, 1991). In addition, the carboxy-terminal half of the HIV Gag protein was fused to a truncated RSV Gag molecule, mutant Bg-Bs, which is unable to direct core assembly. This chimera was able to produce particles at a rate identical to that of RSV and of a density similar to that of authentic virions. Deletion analysis of the carboxy-terminal chimera revealed two small regions within the HIV NC protein that were sufficient for endowing mutant Bg-Bs with these properties. Chimeras lacking both regions produced particles of a low density, suggesting that these sequences may be involved in the tight packing of Gag molecules during assembly. In a related set of experiments, replacement of the RSV protease with that of HIV resulted in premature processing within the RSV sequence and a block to budding. Particle assembly was restored when the HIV PR activity was inactivated by mutagenesis. Collectively, the data presented here illustrate the functional similarities of Gag proteins from unrelated retroviruses.  相似文献   

S Oertle  N Bowles    P F Spahr 《Journal of virology》1992,66(6):3873-3878
Avian retroviruses (with the notable exception of spleen necrosis virus) express their protease (PR) both in their gag and their gag-pol polyprotein precursors, in contrast to other retroviruses, notably, the mammalian retroviruses, in which PR is encoded in the gag-pol polyprotein or in a separate reading frame as a gag-pro product. The consequence is that the avian PR is expressed in stoichiometric rather than catalytic amounts. To investigate the significance of the particular genome organization of the avian retrovirus prototype Rous sarcoma virus, we developed an assay that measures complementation between the gag and the gag-pol polyproteins by expressing them from two different plasmids in transfected cells. By using this assay, we showed that the protease PR from the gag-pol polyprotein is capable of autocatalytic self-cleavage and -activation when coexpressed with a protease-deficient gag protein and that the PR domain has a role in viral particle assembly. Furthermore, this complementation assay can be used to investigate the role of the gag domain in the gag-pol polyprotein by determining whether it can rescue a defect in the gag polyprotein. We report here the results of such an experiment, which studied a mutation in the N terminus of the gag gene.  相似文献   

Structure-function relationship of Rous sarcoma virus leader RNA.   总被引:20,自引:4,他引:20       下载免费PDF全文
J L Darlix  M Zuker    P F Spahr 《Nucleic acids research》1982,10(17):5183-5196
Cells infected by RSV synthesize viral 35S RNA as well as subgenomic 28S and 22S RNAs coding for the Env and Src genes respectively. In addition, at least the 5' 101 nucleotides of the leader are also conserved and we have shown previously that this sequence contains a strong ribosome binding site (J.-L. Darlix et al., J. Virol. 29, 597). We now report the RNA sequence of Rous Sarcoma virus (RSV) leader RNA and propose a folding of this 5' untranslated region which brings the Cap, the initiation codon for Gag and the strong ribosome binding site close to each other. We also show that ribosomes protect a sequence just upstream from initiator Aug of Gag in vitro, and believed to interact with part of the strong ribosome binding site according to the folding proposed for the leader RNA.  相似文献   

Regulation of Rous sarcoma virus RNA splicing and stability.   总被引:40,自引:10,他引:30       下载免费PDF全文

Three short open reading frames (ORFs) reside in the 5' leader of Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) and are conserved in all avian sarcoma-leukosis retroviruses. Both extensions of the lengths of the ORFs and alterations in their initiation codons affect viral replication and gene expression. To determine whether the effects on viral replication were due to translational regulation mediated by the ORFs, we examined translation following mutation of the initiation and termination codons of each of the three ORFs. We found that the ORFs marginally enhanced downstream gene expression. Moreover, repression of downstream gene translation was proportional to the lengths of the elongated ORFs and depended on the initiation contexts of the AUG codons. Although the ORFs play a major role in viral activities, their effects on translation were relatively minor. Rather, the ORFs may affect the fate of unspliced avian retroviral RNA in chronically infected cells by participating in the sorting of viral RNA for either translation or encapsidation into virions.  相似文献   

The 5'-untranslated region (5'-UTR) of retroviral genomes contains elements required for genome packaging during virus assembly. For many retroviruses, the packaging elements reside in non-contiguous segments that span most or all of the 5'-UTR. The Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) is an exception, in that its genome can be packaged efficiently by a relatively short, 82 nt segment of the 5'-UTR called muPsi. The RSV 5'-UTR also contains three translational start codons (AUG-1, AUG-2 and AUG-3) that have been controvertibly implicated in translation initiation and genome packaging, one of which (AUG-3) resides within the muPsi sequence. We demonstrated recently that muPsi is capable of binding to the cognate RSV nucleocapsid protein (NC) with high affinity (dissociation constant K(d) approximately 2 nM), and that residues of AUG-3 are essential for tight binding. We now report the solution structure of the NC:muPsi complex, determined using NMR data obtained for samples containing ((13)C,(15)N)-labeled NC and (2)H-enriched, nucleotide-specifically protonated RNAs. Upon NC binding, muPsi adopts a stable secondary structure that consists of three stem loops (SL-A, SL-B and SL-C) and an 8 bp stem (O3). Binding is mediated by the two zinc knuckle domains of NC. The N-terminal knuckle interacts with a conserved U(217)GCG tetraloop (a member of the UNCG family; N=A,U,G or C), and the C-terminal zinc knuckle binds to residues that flank SL-A, including residues of AUG-3. Mutations of critical nucleotides in these sequences compromise or abolish viral infectivity. Our studies reveal novel structural features important for NC:RNA binding, and support the hypothesis that AUG-3 is conserved for genome packaging rather than translational control.  相似文献   

The genomes of all retroviruses contain sequences near their 5' ends that interact with the nucleocapsid domains (NC) of assembling Gag proteins and direct their packaging into virus particles. Retroviral packaging signals often occur in non-contiguous segments spanning several hundred nucleotides of the RNA genome, confounding structural and mechanistic studies of genome packaging. Recently, a relatively short, 82 nucleotide region of the Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) genome, called muPsi, was shown to be sufficient to direct efficient packaging of heterologous RNAs into RSV-like particles. We have developed a method for the preparation and purification of large quantities of recombinant RSV NC protein, and have studied its interactions with native and mutant forms of the muPsi encapsidation element. NC does not bind with significant affinity to truncated forms of muPsi, consistent with earlier packaging and mutagenesis studies. Surprisingly, NC binds to the native muPsi RNA with affinity that is approximately 100 times greater than that observed for other previously characterized retroviral NC-RNA complexes (extrapolated dissociation constant K(d)=1.9 nM). Tight binding with 1:1 NC-muPsi stoichiometry is dependent on a conserved UGCG tetraloop in one of three predicted stem loops, and an AUG initiation codon controvertibly implicated in genome packaging and translational control. Loop nucleotides of other stem loops do not contribute to NC binding. Our findings indicate that the structural determinants of RSV genome recognition and NC-RNA binding differ considerably from those observed for other retroviruses.  相似文献   

The 372-nucleotide leader sequence of Rous sarcoma virus RNA contains three conserved short open reading frames and other sequences responsible for a variety of life cycle functions. We have investigated several aspects of the leader RNA which may influence the translation of the major coding regions to which the leader is juxtaposed. We found that small perturbations of the leader length do not affect the binding and scanning of ribosomal subunits by more than about 10%, that the length and/or structure of the RSV RNA leader is near optimal for translation of the major coding regions of the viral RNA, that inclusion or deletion of open reading frames influences downstream initiation in a manner that is not strictly additive, and that reinitiation of translation at the gag gene is very efficient.  相似文献   

Nondefective and transformation-defective virion subunit RNAs from two strains of Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) were translated in cell-free systems derived from Krebs IIA ascites cells, wheat germ, and L-cells. In each case the predominant viral-specific product was a polypeptide of molecular weight 76,000 that is related to the internal viral group-specific antigens, as judged by immunoprecipitation with monospecific antisera and tryptic peptide fingerprinting. No difference could be detected between the translation products of 35S RNA from nondefective and transformation-defective RSV virions, nor of 35S RNA from different strains of RSV. The 76,000-molecular-weight polypeptide synthesized in response to 35S RNA in vitro was labeled with formyl-methionine from initiator tRNA. Models for viral protein synthesis are discussed in the light of these results, and arguments positioning the group-specific antigen gene at the 5' end of the 35S RNA are presented.  相似文献   

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